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Clinton New Era, 1893-08-11, Page 5
a rral Tag....;CLINTON. NEW SHA° nmmrnmmmm MittliMMtMt We, have just received another lot of those beautiful 8:, .': 'th QlkttfrON etched op the crawl, also. gold lined,41404 we will sell at $1,46 each, old price $1;l5O These 81)00n9 are ,Sulu( Sterling Silver. ' B. . R 4aJ M JAL 1 Jeweler and Bell Telephone Exchange. Summer I3uy Cheap While youca WE HAVE SEVERAL LINES OF DINIVR, GOODS TO CLEAR OUT; AND THE PRICES ALREADY LOW, WILL BE MADE LOWER TO DO IT TRADE has been very good with us this season, and we appreciate the confidence and goodwill of our custo- mers who have helped us to make the Cash system the success that it has been. Batter and Eggs taken as Cash. 1 ArLoR&SoNs HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. On Albert St.; one lot and 1}, suitable for build- ing purpoees. Smelt house on place in good re- pair.Apply to MBS. THOS. COOPER. Clinton. SECONDHAND. BINDERS Four secondhand_Binderealmost -new uaran, • teed to work satisfactory or no sate—will be sold cheap. (rive us a call. BROWN 6a MENZIES 9eaforth. ---- A Wheel For pleaaure. Yon want health, strength, appetite, good nerves, and there's no other form of amusement that gives you so much pleasure as wheeling fresh air, healthful exercise, exhilerat- ing excitement. Those who wheel once wheel always. Of course you should not be satisfied with anything but the best --then ride a COMET. They cost a little more than other wheels, but the best is the cheapest. Sold by G.F. EMERSON, Clinton Telegraphjyour Manitoba friends over the C P TELEGRAPH 1 THAT YOU ARE GOING ON THE $28 EXCURSION 151h, 22114, or Sopt. 5th, AND THEN BUY YOUR TICKET FROM t T 'COOPED, Mgt, CLINTON BIN DER. TWINE TiMade fromianadian Flax. hCIIPIT ad BEST IN THE MARKET MADE BY FREE LABOR May be had at Swallnw'sGrocery Store D.A! V ili.I.uESTE' i>t' WESTERN : FAIR :: LONDON :- SEPTEMBER 14 to 23, 1893 6ANADA'S - FAVORITE - EXHIBITION - . ESTABLISHEn_1 ._. _ _..- _ THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION LIVE STOCK.. EXHIBITS Entries Close Sept. 7th. The best and largest Sts.bling,and space allotted on receipt of entries. Better Special Attractions than ever before. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS For Prize Lists'and Information apply to Capt.A.W.Porter, T.A.Browne President. Secretary FOR SALE OR TO RENT. That handsome house d and lot, No 66 King et., at present occupied by Mr Thos. Jackson, jr, sit- uated on the main styeet, pelf way between the railway station and post office. A two story brick house of 10 rooms and bath room and clothes rooms. Basement the full size of house, with preserve room and wash room, hot air furnace and eoft wdter tank. The house is nearly new and is fitted up with all modern improvements in city style, and will be sold very reasonable, or rented to a suitable -tenant. Possession given let of October. Apply to P. STRAITH, next door. •4i HOUSES and LOTS FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale the new pot- tage on Hing 9t., containing 5 rooms, pantry and woodshed; has every modern convenience; tho lot contains two-fifths of an acre and has a num- ber of fruit trees thereon. Also the cottage on Fulton St„ which has five rooms, good hard and soft water, and has all convepiences• the lot con- tains two-fifths of an acro, on whioti there are a number of fruit trees. The above places will be sold on reasonable terms. S. COPP. Wanted Any quantity of good Cher- ries, pinked with the stems on, Red Currants & Gooseberries for which the highest market price will be paid. N. ROBSON, Grocer, Clinton MUCH LIKE A WORLD'S FAIR —WILL BE -- CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO SEPT, 4 to 16, 1893, EXCELLING ALL OTHERS HAVE you been at this store lately? If not, you are allowing others to get ahead .Qat • you in the bargain way. The shelves must be cleared of everything summer like. No lagging here. A noticeable decline of light goods every week. It's too bad to see what little profits we have melt away under the hamper of low *rices on all Summer Stuff, :yet they must go and shall yet go, so be wise in your day and visit this store. Fresh attractions ,m cuts for the next six days.. We say come. NEW FALL GOODS Already coming to hand. A large shipment of fine new things in flTess Stuffs opened. Every lady should see these as they are part of a la'ge parcel which we are bringing out from the old country, and are the very latest in weave, shade and texture. New Stables, New Cattle Sheds And many other improvements. SPECIAL ATT RACT10 S GREATER AM') BETTER THAN Ek -ER The People's Great Annilal Outing. Cheap Excursions on all Railways. J. f. WITHHOW, QW, H 3. 1114, Preiid nf, Mgt'.,'Tot S nto: LL ( 11 21 t? h' J Opened this week the first lot of our New Fall Mantles, Cape§ and Wraps, imported djrect from Germany. Perfect gems of fashion Now is the time to get first choice GIY.ROY do WISEIVIAN CLINTON OLINTON MARKETS ..Corrected exerY.Thuraday..Rtternoon.- •... Thursday, Aug. 11,1893. Wheat fall 0 59 a 0 62 Wheat spring 0 57 a 0 60 Oats 034 a 037 Barley 0 35 a 0 45 Peas 0 55 a 0 57 Flour per hal •a 4 30 Butter 0 15 aa 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 9 a 0 10 Potatoes per bushel 0 60 a 0 75 Potatoes, new 1 50 a 1 50 Pork 7 50 a 7 50 Say, Newland Old 5 00 a 700 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 Hidea,rongh 2 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins • 0 40 a 1 00 Apples, per bag 0 50 'a 0 75 Wool 018a022 THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET John Swan & Sons, Edinburg,'in their week- ly report of July 28, says:—There have been fairly large supplies of fat cattle on offer this wook. For the best descriptions an active de- mand was experienced at quite last week's prices, but anything short of finest made rather less money. There have been 780 Canadian cattle shown at Shieldhall this week, which met the best trade of the season. There has been a fair supply of sheep. Anything of good quality sold quite as well, while ewes made rather more money. The supply of lambs was largo, but many of indifferent quality, and prices generally from is to 2s lower. Fat calves met with a trade similar to the previous wook. Pigs quite as dear. Store cattle and sheep of a -good class mot a better demand at fully previous prices. Small stocks are, how- ever, difficult • to sell at moderate 'prices. Best beef, 0; to 8dari,lb s 9d per stone. Best mu MONTREAL LIVE STOCK, XARKET There were about 500 head of butchers' cat- tle, 100 calves and 600 sheep and lambs offered at the East End Abattoir. Tho butchers were rather scarce around the markt as they had laid in liberal supplies in the latter part of last week, and trade was dull, with prices about the same as on Thursday, but lower than on last Monday. The best butchers' cattle sold at about 410 per Ib, and a few shipping steers were bought at410 por lb; pretty .good stock sold at from 310 to 4c• common dry cows and half -fatted steers at from WO 31c; the leaner beasts and hard looking bulls at about 210 per lb. it is probable that a good many cattle will be held over for another market. Calves were in fair demand and prices ranged from $2.50 to $8. Mutton critters have been declining in price lately; sheep sell at "from $2.75 to $4.75 each, or about 3e per Ib; lambs soli at from $225 declin- ing price and s©ll etc froma6o tO 610 per lb. During the week ending August 5 there.were 3,743 cattle exported from Montreal. FALL FAIRS. Huron Central—Clinton, Sept. 26-27. South Huron—Exeter, Sept. 25.261. Heneall—Honsall, Sept. 7'8. Industrial—Toronto Sept.p4 to 16. Central-Guoleh nSept.t19.21. Northwestetn—doderich, Sept.20-22. Turnborry—Sept. 26.27. Mitchell—Sept, 26-27. North Perth --Stratford Sept. 29-29. East Huron—Brussels, Perth—Stratford, 26.27. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION The Goderich Horticultural Society have com- pleted arrangements to mice an exhibition from the County of Huron of plume, pears and apples at the World's Columbian Ex coition. All ex- hibits packed and oxproased direct v Chiang° from here. Parties will resolve lull credit for any exhibit theymay make. • All express or oth- ehargeo for sedingirem any part of the oolin- ty here will he paid at this ond. Corrdspondeiiee regttvling ntttni er of speeireens,t me for sending &o., eheorfuily answered by the u oralgned. W. LANE, J. T. Din 3 N • Seeretarp. Ptasidont. Oodoriell, July 26, 1893. HAY WANTED WM: CUDMOIIN will pay the highest 'cash price for NO. 1 OLD TIMOTHY BARN HAY. Apply to W. J. SLOMAN, Pike's Motel, Clinton BORN HOARE.—In Hullett, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr C. Hoare, of a son. KILTY.—At Summerhill, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr G. M. Kilty, of a son. PEARSON.—In Stanley, 2nd con., on the 9th inst.. the wife of Mr Robt. Pearson, of a daugh- ter. LOWERY.—In Hullett, on July28th, the wife of Mr Wm. Lowery, jr., of a son. DOYLE.—In Goderich, -on the 5th inst., the wife of Jas. L Doyle, railway mail clerk, of a daughter. MARRIED. FOSTER Foi- 3 Months ` FROM THIS DATE. THE VERY BEST' Cabinet Photos ANY STYLE FOR S3per doz., at FOSTERS GADEN—MoDONALD.—On the 3rd inst., at the residence of the bride's grandmother, Cale- donia Terrace, by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson B.A., Charles W. Gaden, of St. Thomas, to Christy Ann McDonald, of Goderioh, DIED, ..SEALE.—In Clinton, on the 4th inst., James D., son of Mr James' Seale, aged 3 years and 8 months. UPSHALL.—In Clinton, on the 7th inst., Mrs N1TEWA. Frances Upshall aged 15 years, 3 months and 17 day, daughter of the late W. Rattonbury. ORR"—In Wingham, on. July 27th, Annie, relict of the late Robert Qrr, sr aged 80 years, 3 months and 26 days. on p HOew —In Easte91 years and 1 month. 29th, Andrew Hogg, g DAY.—In Exeter, on the 2nd inst., Elizabeth Ann, wife of Lewis Day. aged 30 years. URQUHART.—In Ashland, Wis„ on July 30 Clarence, infant son of Mr R. Urquhart, and grandson of Mr R. Smith, Clinton. A three-year-old daughter of W.F. Jones, Belleville, set tire to her dress . while play- ing with matches, and was burned so se- verely that she died a few hours later. .Reports from all over Manitoba indicate there will be exceptionally good orops, very mach larger than was raised last year. In Manitoba and North Dakota the crop of wheat is about three-fourths fair average. The farmers in the lower end of Hunt- ingdon county, Pa., are in despair over the great loss they have sustained by an in- vasion ofraseho pore. They hay ruined hundreds of tons of hay and the entire crop of timothy seed. Now the pests have at. tacked what few growing vegetables have survived the drought. CANADA'S GREAT FAIR. —TORONTO— Through not a World's Fair, Canada's Great Industrial Fair, to be held at To- ronto from the 4th to the 16th September, will be very much the same in every re- spect, except as to extent, and will be equally as important to the people of Can. ada. This year's Fair will, it is predicted, epicel all former ones, both in point of ex- hibits and in the attendance of visitors. The space in all the buildings has already been applied for. New stables and new cattle sheds have been erected at a cost of over 910,000, and visitors can pass through ail the buildings and view the animals under cover at allhours of the day. The grounds have also been drained, new roads con- structed and many other improvements made. The special attractions ale promie. ed to be greater and better than ever and will embrace many now features. A 'Vett Small Proportion of the Canadian p1ople;, are going to the World's Fair at ChitsagO, the m((t eeee being intent on taking in the Toronto Fair, of which they all feel justly proud. White Granite Tea Setts, 44 pieces $2 Printed Tea Sets, 44 pieces $2.50 Decorated Tea Sets, 44 pieces $4 to $6 Fine French China9Sets,Gilt & Decorated 5 to $10 White Granite Dinner Sets, 97 pieces . $7 Printed Dinner Sets, 97 pieces $7i50 White Granite Toilet Sets, 10 Pieces $2 Printed Toilet Sets 10 pieces $2.50 Decorated Toilet Sets, 10 to 14 Pieces, 4 to $$ Water Setts, Jug, 4 Tumblers and Tray in Crystal, Amber, Ruby and Blue, 90c to $2.50 Glass Tea Sets --Berl► Dishes, Jam Dishes, Jugs and Salvers 25 to 50 cents each If you want any of the above, we would like. you to see what we have to offer, as the goods are attractivQand the prices are right. L. O.METiE,,.' .91 +iC7ASII DtAI.EIt, LANDE$BORO