HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-04, Page 7SIO r.kom ' 4 ittatelline eleaue 9.010 : ' U9414 WO ',Wale e4ettlitIte; . , Saxony oriea elVetrio gdlattleS', . . 000*‘0 ylplae Ole 17est peotle, ,' Iceland baa otdy tw,o:lawyets, ,, 4.1...P ' . • elaSsi bricks are. in the Market. ,r-. are now glving a. Dinount. or Te.n...Perell c. t New York has 2,3.81 ne‘wspapers, ..oinpospegoilleominiuls....... — 0 .1.0..... —.10111. ,Lsir . London has a 970.karat diamond. to all Cash buyers otloots and Shoes at our store Columbus policeNew York has n streo railways. men use bicycles. France has an electric locomotive. .A.lurainium bicycles are announced. Uncle Sam has 400,000 Bohemians. Saloons employ 24,000 Chicagoans. London telephenes cost 650 a year. Texas has a feminine negro dentist. New Yorkhas an 8 -foot -3 barfender. Portugal's crown is worth $0,500,000. Agriculture employs 280,000,000 men. England makes 130,000 bicycles a year. Saltpetre is extracted from cotton- seed. Glasgow 'busses have pneumatic tires. French raill oads employ 24,000 wo- men. The Bank of Venice was open in 1157. There is in Japan no kissing, not even in the nursery. All the glaciers in the Alps would not equal one of the largest in the territory of ,Alaska. The oldest flute in the world is made of the thigh bone of a sheep and was found in a tomb on the Nile. A million dollars in gold coin will weigh 3,685.8 pounds, and a million dollars in silver coin will weigh 58,920.9 pounds. There are two words in the English language which contain the vowels in their regular order—viz. "abstemious" and "facetious." JN O. JACKSON, Clinton B A.J., 0TABLES 250:3Oo and 45c .....•••• We have now I:, fine line of Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30e. and'415 cents. Whenever you have any time to spare we would like yon to take a look through our warerooms whether you wish to buy or not W.j. CIIIDLEY, Funeral Director and Embalmer—Night male answered at his residence, King St., opposite the foundry. JOSEPH CHIDLEY FOE FURNITURE FA_NCIER, CLINTON • Silver Star COAL OIL • 4 Imperial OALLONS About equivalent to 5 American Gallons for 40 GI.N siJgoft. Thss story is about a pity' of twiho. The nurse was giving them LI hath, Later sb.e Iteard the ChildrOt laughing in he4• be aid,. "What are you chiia- ren laughing about? "Oh, nothing," said Edna,-ttl'only you have given:Edith two1301AO haven't given me Doctor—You must let the baby have rine cow's. milk to drink every day. Young Mother—Very well, if you Pay so, doctor, birtg reiijly dotesee how she is going to bold it all, Water White American Oil 25c. a Gallon These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged or delivered 21c per gallon extra. Johnson's Kalsomin3 and Pure Mixed'Paints. Churches Alabastine, John AlrUces Field and Garden Seeds Teacher in, Kindergarton—You've omitted something, Mabel, iii making your letter "I's." -What is it? Mabeil —1 guess—I guess I forgot to put eye- brows over 'em. "Has man a perfect organ of speech?" "Yes." "Has woman, also?" "No. hers is made without stops." "Be is flippant. He can't be serious if he tries." Yes, he can. He is very serious when he tries to be funny." Mistress—Well, Bridget, and how is your husband? Washerwoman.—Shure, an' he's all used up, raura. Mistress— Why, what ails him? Washerwoman— Indade, thin, mum, last night he bad sigh bad drames that he couldn't slape a wink all night, mum. AVIS & ROWLA:ND, HardWare, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton SUCILIIS • I was cured of a severe cold by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. - • Oxford, N.B. R. F. HEwsoe I was cured of a terrible sprain by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, Yarmouth, N.S. FRED COULSON, Y.A.A.C. I was cured of Black erysipelas by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. , Inglesville. J. W. RUGGLES. A wonderful new combination is R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nicnto take; perfectly harmless. Mr Willie, Chief of Police, Woodstock, says: "A sure cure every time." Ald. Far- mer, Barrister, Hamilton, says: "I exper- ienced almost immediate relief from their use, for sick headaches." Mr Mercer, Ham- ilton, says: "I consider them a very vain. able remedy, and far surpassing many others I have tried." Mrs Gaston, Hamil- ton, says; "I have derived great benefit from them, having been a long time a suff- erer from headache, biliousness and .neur- algia " Mrs Crist, Hamilton, says: "No medicine or doctors did my daughter any good until we used Stark's Headache, Neur- algia and Liver Powders; they have effect ed a complete cure." Mrs Keats, Hamil- ton, says: 'Your powders have been the greatest bl easing to me." Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty BUTTER AND EGe-S WANTED STANDARD 3 PLY FLAX • BLUE RI The old, reliable, and tested brandy Evenly Spun, Full standard kngth per pound. Best value in the mairket: Call and see samples and get reduced prices W. Phippen, aged 20, of Parkhill, was drowned in Lake Huron at Grand Bend Park, while bathing. Ayer's Pills promptly remove the cause of sick and nervous headaches. These pills speedily correct irregularities of the stem - ache, liver and bowels, and are the mild- est and most reliable cathartic in use. No one should be without thent. When Sir Oliver Mowat declared in the legislature that there existed a doubt as to the power of a Provincial legislature to pro- hibit the sale of intoxicated liquors the cry was raised that the Premier wished to shirk the issue. It is now understood that Sir Oliver will take the initiative in having a case submitted to th'e Dominion Supreme Court in September to have the powers of the province defined. It is understood that Sir Oliver is merely waiting the return of Sir John Thompson and that he would have had the preliminaries ready some time ago but for absence of the Dominion Premier. ..1•11•MO•11...••••••••••••• 91d Stan New Store' HackayBleckHAP AND BROS N Brick Block g, Rebecca Wilkinson, osrownsvalley, ind. says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia end Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been dootoring constantly with no relief. I nought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than 00 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. Some very interesting figuresconnect- ed with the apple export trade have been prepared by the well known dealers, Messrs Thos. Todd & Son. From them it is' seen that the total export from Canada and the United States in 1892.3, was 1,203,338 bar- rel& Canada supplying 795,695 barrels and the States 407,843. The shipments from Canadian pelts were 545,968 barrels, while thoee of Canadian apples from American ports were 249,727 barrels. The shipments for the last season were looked upon as very heayy , but they were exceeded in 1890-1, when 1,328,806 barrels were ehipped from Canada and the States. 1888-9, when 1,407,409 were shipped, and 1891-2, when 1,450,336 were shipped. The difference in former years, though the ship- ments were larger, lay in the fact that those from Canada were very much less, in proportion to the whole, than last year. NERVE DISPLAYED AT NIAGARA. A Niagara Falls telegram says: --7D. S. McDonnell, who claims to hail from Owen Sound, and who has been here the last few days, made arran6ements to lease the inch cable and enclosures from Calverley's man in charge and announced his intention to cross Niagara gorge this afternoon at 2 o'clock. At that time a heavy downpOrtr of rain took place, but at 3 o'clock, although a stiff breeze was blowing, the. yonng man, ,witlijkale in hand and sailor snit over his tights, started out on the cable, picking his way carefully. Upon reaching the centre of the wire he sat down, pulled off the sailor jacket and pantaloons, tied them to the wire, stripped a white linen shirt over his head, dropping it into the river, then arose and continued his journey to the American side. Upon reaching the Am- erigan side he turned around and retraced bis steps to the Canadian end. Upon reaching his sailor snit that he left tied, be donned the jacket, placed the penis around his shor'ders and continued on his journey. Then 100 feet from the Canadian end he hung with one hand and swung around the wire full length, holding on with his hand; laid down full length on his back, hung with his lege, then Mood up fall length on the wire, just merely touching his pole that was hanging on the wire per- pendicnlarly. Afteward he wiggled his body around his pole and then came to the end of the wire. Returing with a bundle of bedclothing on his back he made a bed on the slender wire, laying down full length plaoing a counterpane on top of himself, folding his arms underneath it. The attendance was slim and he realized about $10 for his undertaking. J.W. Irwin, Grocer MACKA.Y BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. • HARVEST : 15 : COMING YOU WILL WANT t Snaths, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, Oil, Oil Cans, Mitts & Handles We can supply you with the very beet quality. Try us SPECIAL—An "EXTRA" HAY FORK ROPE. ri:lili17; ur vwi nt fl wantand'i ;SUGAR AND VINEGAR i We can supply you with the beet. You should try us. Full line of Groceries and General Goods: Highest Price •--for Produce. Old accounts must be paid at once to save costs Boys' GirFs Ladies. Guaranteed Stainless Black Cotton Hose PLAIN and RIBBED ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO REMOVING m• me I ---0— ROW HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT" PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soapwrappers wrap- per bearing the word e "Why,Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER Boos., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will, receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. Thie is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappere, if you leave the ends open. Write your addreee carefully. SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, ETC. Before removing to our new pretnisea, we will offer some wonderfullEargaina in all lines carried by us, remember that our prices are always lower than others.• The Best, Biggest, Bargains, ever offered in our line will pe made during thie sale. We have about 2000 pairs of Boots and Shoes too many which will be elaughtered,if not at half then at whatever they will bring. See our wonderful 50 cent Shoe counter. 1000 pain Boots at 50 o, 250 pre. boots at 75, 250 prs. Boots Si, 250 pre. Boots $1.25, 500 cane Salmon, 10o; 100 lbs Japan Tea, 5 o; 250 lbs 25o Japan Tea, 6 lbs $1; 100 lbe fancy Biscuits, 10o lb; 200 lbs Singer Snaps, 4 lbs 28o; 250 lbe mixed Candy, 100: • 100 doz Orange, 250; 800 Jem jars, 5o and G for 250; 1000 Ilia Oatmeal, 9 lbs for 25o; 100 Wall Pockets, 10e; 150 Bozo Blotches, 10e. Hams, Bacon, Spice, Rolle and • other Bleate at right prices. A few linen in Dry Goods for half cost prioo. N. B.— These goods can only, be obtained at the store for Spot Caeh, Sessop 'aL McIlroY, Blyth • .• , •I lir.' MORE OR LESS HUMOROUS. Full Range Black Silk Parasols, all Prices. 5 per cent off for Cash. Robt. Coats 4k Son, Clinton. - PaysSamitice Salo Das TRUE PHILANTROPHY. To the Editor of the New Era. Please inform your readers that I will mail free to all sufferers the means by which I was restored to health and manly vigor after years of suffering from Nervone Weakness. I was robbed and swindled until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thanks to heaven, am now web, vigorous and strong. I have nothing to sell and no aeheme to extort money from anyone whomsoever, but be- ing desirous to make this certain cure known to all, I will send free and confiden- tial to anyone full particulars of just how I was cured. Address with stamps; Mn. EDWARD MARTIN, (Teacher), P. 0. Box 143 Detroit Mich The hen may be justly called a lay member of society. Do not pitch the tune too high when sing your own praises. Teacher—Define "gentleman," Boy— A gentleman is a grown up boy wot used to mind his mother. "You say their marriage was the re- sult of a long attachrnent?" They court- ed by telephone." "Mrs Hashem," said the boarder at the end of the table, passing back his tea, "this is entirely too weak for a big, strong man like me to tackle." "There, 1 knew something was in the wind," said the Western farmer sadly to himself as, through a crack in the cellar wall, he saw his new barn sailing along on the crest of a cyclone, A women will face a fr owning world, and cling to the man she loves through the most hitter adversity '• but she wouldn't wear a bonnet that was out cf fashion to save the Government. She had been censured by her mother for some small mischief which she had been engaged in. She sat thinking it over for time and finally said in a utterly discouraged tone : "Every- thing I do is laid to me." B ' OF-- OKS, Stationery WALL PAPER, &c 0 In order to clear out the entire Stook of W. H. SIMPSON, it has beengdecidei to offer the same:at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such 'figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT • PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. All the hotelkeepere of Lobo township have been summoned before a magistrate at Komoka for violation of the local option law passed last January. They will refuse to pay lines, and will appear to a higher court, claiming that the by-law was car- ried illegally. ' Mr Geo. Johnson, Dominion Statistician, has just prepared an interesting statement from the census returns, which shows that ohurehgoers of the Dominion have 10,480 church edificies throughout the land. Nearly 32 per cent of these belong to Meth- odists, 17 per cent to the Preebyteriane, 17 per cent to the Roman Catholics, 16 per cent to the church of England, 12 per cent to the Baptist and 6 per cent to all other denominations. During ten years the Baptist have increased their number of churches by 324, the "Catholics by 299, the church of England by 415, the Methodists by 332 and the Presbyterians by 411, Dur- ing the past ten yeara the church of Eng- land appears to have been the most active in providing places of worship for the p00 - pie.: The Presbyterians come next, the Baptists third, the Methodists fourth and the Catholics • , Pitcher's Victoria, Children Cry for YSPEPTOS apirs YSPEPSIA VIEW/ DOSE EFFECTIVE And if persevered in WIliPosfilvely aura thsWorst Cases Por Sale b3- all Druggists Aed Witelesale» by » LONDON MOO, CO London, Ont. • • RUMBALUSCIBIllin FACTORY lint -on Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be ofifir$t—claes material and workmanship. 1 you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. i. laITIV113.4.31L4L, — CLICINTOTV TA6Whiteman Pea Harvester THE BEST IN THE WORLD For the following reasons: -1st it is built of the best maleable wrought iron and teel. 2nd—It requires no holes to be drilled in critter bar. 3rd—The onteide divider can be raised or lowered at back or front independent of lifters. 4th—It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cause choking. 5th—there is no eprings to break or get out of order. 6th—lt has movable clips and can be set in line with tongue if mower bar drags back. 7th—Eaoh lifter has a guard etay, and breaking mower guard is impossible. 8th—Eaoh lifter is independent of the other, and elm be raised or lowered at the back so se to line in frontothotild mower guards be out of lint. 6th' The number of machines sold daring the past season enables a large number of OM leading farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. Every machine is warrant, ed and given on test. Sample machine oan be sden at J. FLNN'S Blaskamith Shop, Clinton, also at different shops through the county. Arno iiVlaitiMan, paten- - tee and Manufacturer, Arettlree, THOS BROWN, General Agent, SEAFORTH • C •