HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-04, Page 6O S teh�Qr mop OROfirrit `.E»l'ron,ovskorl„.e4IIT0?( $+he u ihbovta teileeottOriel*b 00k, lesre sttelhetp Wlcen 1ran4l the very gholeeat ideate. ilevinit no ex• 1Sepse ostaade of liiw ie,14lie aitt a i-oeltioa to sell *Vine, ory cipaestpXigea, HQ wall at aU bines be prepared to 1'sy the higheatmarketprioePV 04..#!ort Cottle. ,y4sise RQG8 elf it10 *anted Pr eicport.. give hint" call, QST.'.( zsp111 11ROH $T. BRTCRER SHOP • We desire,mosticorhially to thank ailthose who have tavored us with theirepatronage shite we. cgnlsienced In bu8laee•1, and.to aesure them and in better shape Dian eves ge ateery that we are ed titan ever to epteei'to Weir -wants, having sad an improvedrefriseratorand other conveniences c our shOP• R WSEATLEX & FINCH Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS : CHANGE. The iradereigued desires ,to intimate that he hag boughtoatt the interest of Mr Couch, in the putollerling business lately carried on under the ,SAO at thFORD o d etaud,COUCH, d ttrrustsll continue the by giving the °limieste,?ird moat denial attention to the bust - r ese straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and re9efve,a-,fair share of public patronage. All e orders earetully and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop Oubaoriberdeaires to thank the public general• ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to alt the details of the _business customers can rely on their order) /being promptly and satisfactorily filled. EEis,notto is "good meat at roaeonable prices." ,Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., /' in season. Gash paid for, Hides, Skins, too. JOHN SCRUTON, Clinton.• ert St., N Flour and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having purchased the busi- mate thaof t he will keep on handytheesires M inti - very beet /NI FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds* Which will bo sold at close margins • for cash. 1 ALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice twill find to be excell excellent value. con - J. W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. CooK's FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE We have in stook a choice assortment of ' Seeds, auoh ail - CLOVER, TIMOTHY; MILLET, CORN And all seeds regaireBfo d;r Farm or Garden use. Flour and Feed of all kinds D. COOK, CLINTON. BA.NKS • The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parilament,185b. • CAPITAL, 7- $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 frEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 3. H. R. MOLSON Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes s1,3sounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on depoalte. E`A.RMFORS . Money or amore eed to ndorsers eOwith No mortgage required as acurity. H. O.BREWER, Manager v GEO, b. bleTAG611Ter, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON.. A. general t ansking Business eteNOTES DISCOUNTED Draftelissued. Interest allowed on deposits. FA.RRAN & TISDALL BA -1' KERS, •.OLIN TO r+7„ C T & O Om sQfO i' ofFORIMmUFFIRRIMMIRMINMIMMR And- ea li of 1, or N SOAP o�/0"'"rj� Re o o 1 !.�+' : t/ .11116 Hou aro equal411"1116 for purity, nor for cleaning and ewwatening, nor pfifeserving the ;clothes_ and hand$ frOrn Jury, RP! for 1R1�-i^f�ulnd general use. REFUSE CHEAP IMITATION$ Advances made to farmers on their owb notes at low rates of interest. • A general tanking Business transacted Ince-set allowed on deposits. tie Nbtes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage NERVE corto '.isle stelae INt Pelf sow moi» �'o rideca s t. o'` SOld is Jaw. Oi, °Gabe OTPOLCN' 0 OTTOLEN 0 • • 01,1ODreLaN OTTOL1N OTTOLLN OUTO THE E - o U rw • Has come not a little knowledge as to cook - E ery—what to do,- as well u $ as what notto do. Thus we have learned to use Yr tl the most pure and per - feet and popular cook- ingm terial for all frying 4 4 and shortening purposes. cla FRYING PAN GOTTOLENE, EE 1C21. 00 1C21. O 11 l: 0 1a O O 0 writ PROGRESSIVE COOKING is the natural outcome of the age, and it teaches tisa us not to use lard, but rath- er the new shortening, GO 11 U OLEEi E9 which is far cleaner, aid o more digestible than any lard can be. The success of Cotto- lene has called out woith- less . ifnitatio.ns d u n e r similar names. Look out for these! Ask- your Gt roccr for COiti'ItoLENE, and beSure that you get it. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK sit 00., W.IIington,.d.n d Ann Sts., M ONYNEAL. ertOL.N ZY>d BEANS area new dl.. crytbst aur) the worst coeds of owl DOW% Lost Vigor and` eon;. - restore, the bhnaiad seared, When we assert that ®O,r.s Kidney Pills Cure Backache•, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles; we are backed by the testimony of all who -have used them. Tl4EY CURE TO STAY CURED - By a!1 drurgi=ls or mail on receipt of price, so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith Sr Co., Toronto. AFB CERTIF1%i Not only a relief but a oure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Hornless: Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure yen get STARE'S. WRQ` SfiE tl1�J' 1� lrib1# i' +Will you bay a in -0)0114M, Orr C# Militantalnpbel stopped abort Ut the gtii<ok walk and looked in the face of dile poor woman y ho addressed kiln, She was Finall and thin, with a dreary expresylon of pain on her faded featuroe. She seemed to have stopped pampbell iu a motnent of desperation, as gentlemen are not often interested in pincushions and needlebooks, and site went on hurriedly in a low, broken voice, which was interrupted. every little while with a deep consumptive cough :' "I. ata sorry to trouble yea, air, lint I thought you looked kind, and.I haven't . pepuy to pay the rent of my tonin. I must pay to -morrow or be turned oat, and one of my children is lying is it very wok." "Howmuch is this one ?' asked i:amp • bell, hoding up the largest in the basket. "Two dollars," she answered. He tools a roll of .bills from his pocket and put the amount in her hand, at the sumo timetransferring the bright silken purchase to the pocket of his overcoat. "Why don't you go to a more orowdetl street ?" he asked. "You might do bottei there than in a private one like this." She shook her head sadly. "So I do, air, but 1 was doing some plain sewing for Mies Steele and I came today hoping she would be able to pay me for it." "Does Miss Steele live here ?" asked Campbell, looking at the house they were standing before. "No, sir, she lives two or three doors -down, but I had no breakfast this morning and I was obliged to sit down and rest on those steps." g "Where do you live?" was the next ques- tion. "I wilt ask my mother to look up some sewing for you." The poor woman looked after him with a blessing ou her lips and. tears in the dim eyes, then she turned homeward, her. thin• clothes fluttering in the wintry air. Meanwhile Campbell passed two of the houses iii the row, ran up the steps of the third and rang tie bell. He was shown into a very handsomely furnished room, and while he waited for the lady he had called to see his quick eye took in the cost of the things around him. The open piano was costly, the music ex- pensive, and beside him on the sofa lay an afghan half completed, the bright wools composing it flashing out from the dark background. Could it be possible that the poor needle -mimeo's words were true and that the owner of all this comfort had refus- ed to pay her a few dollars. In the midst of his reflections Mies Steele entered. Her handsome morniug dress fitted to perfection, the round, beau- tiful figure and the little soft hand she held out to Mr. Campbell glittered with rings. Mr. William Campbell had called at 10 o'clock that cold November morning to in- vite Miss Steele to go to the opera with him that evening. She accepted the. invitation with pleasure, but remarked that a cousin of hers from Boston was spending the week with her. Now, this cousin of Mies Steele's, when she came into the room, quite astonished Mr. Campbell. She was neither hand• some nor ugly—nine looking expressed it all. She was knitting a stocking, something he had never before seen a young lady doing. He discovered that she possessed uo small talk, but let her cousin rattle on, half • amused, half astonished. Her manner, however, lett a pleasant impression on his mind and he suddenly found himself wish- ing for a sister like her. William Campbell bad been called an old bachelor by hia"frietada for some years. He was 30 year* of age and they oousidered him ppass+t hope. Not so tau mothers with ,I daughters out is ,00logy. To them he was a prize worth looking after. Re liked Miss Steele s voice, it was gnat -feotedly soft and.sweet.Be liked -het eyes, they -were innocent and confiding in their expression: The more he saw of her the more . he liked her. He had just had his faith in her shaken, and he wondered at himself for worrying so much about it. It was possible that she was dearer to him than he had imagined her to be. All that day he would find himself again and again going over the poor woman.s words. If they were true could she have come to him so smiling and happy, just af- ter refusing a poor, hungry fellow -being the payment she had justly earned? Then he would find some plausible excuse for her, and put the thing out of hie mind for an- other short time. The girls were ready, sitting under the bright chandelier. The opera house was riot far away and the girls both proposed e.i :ing, it being' a fine night—bright, and not too chilly. There were but a tew more steps to go, when Miss Steele suddenly let go his arm, and turning round looked up the street. "I have lost my handkerchief," she ex- claimed, in a distressed tone of voice. "Do let us go back for it." They went back, but the handkerchief was gone. "Oh, how careless, how stupid of me 1" she kept saying. "What will I do?" I only bought it to -day," she continued, looking up to Mr. Campbell's face. "There's $10 worth gone in a few minutes." A chill went through William Campbell's heart. Miss Steele was thinking of the lace; he was thinking of something far more im- portant. At last he found voice to ask : "Did you say you only bought it to- day ?" Yes; after you left I put on my things and went down town. I nm sure, if I had foreseen its fate, I would have left it in the window to attract some one else." Sne laughingly commenced another topic, and they reached the opera house. Her usually high spirits were in full play. At last the play was over, and the cousins were at home. No sooner had they reached their room than Ellen Steele com- menced : "Lizzie, what could have possessed you to throw away so much money on a useleee re, e says, if he only eat, get , hrlurlrhrnent he• will he strong yet, Mr. (x01131: l took bare that little John, pie gots the nouriihnientead that his mother didn't want for work. Aar. Campbell l still trying to Th &� •411 ideate, anti Itizzie wonders very much what made h►li► drop off in 'iris attentions atter that. unieelty night when she lost her pretty lace. She gas not as yet discovered why she lost PgUJ.;reesive •,Joy.. Ile—Aren't you pleaeed.with the way my •noostllcho ie growing She•.' -Yes, indeed 1 I'm mors tickled with aver time you oral. +'You wi.t� .ale to be your wile t Why, I've known you only fifteen minutes 1" "That ie true, madam; but I wished to give e lady the opportunity of saying nn la with Y PP Y y B n 'This is so sudden Y truth T i Mr.Pepper—I don't believe there was s ,fry eye in the haulm whin the curtain went down on the third act. Mrs. Pepper—No; but there seemed to be the usual number of dry throats. Shadbolt (in the crowded car)—McStub, this is the first time I ever saw you rise and give your seat to a woman. MoStab (of the suburbs, in an awe-stricken whisper,— Sh 1 That's our hired girl 1 Drill sergeant (gallant Umptynintb)-- idow, thin, Cassidy, what is th' fi-r-et movement i, 'boat face?" Recruit—When th command `is given yez advance the roi ht fut three inches ter the rear. Little Sallie had very much enjoyed the celebration of her birthday anniversary. "I'm awfully sorry for you," she said to her elder—very much elder—sister. "Why ?" "Because you never have birth- days any more." "And this," said the lady, as she showed her visitor through the conservatory, "this is, a cigar plant." "Cigar plant !" ex- claimed the visitor ; "I did ooc .,new the Agar was a plant—I thought it was . need." Down With High Prices For Electric Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 i former prices $5, $7 $10. Qualty remains the same -16 dif- ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts —mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company and more home testimonials than all the rest to- gether. Full list free. Mention this paper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Ont. Mr David Porter, M. P. P. for North Bruce, is lying at the point of death at his home in Amabel. His ailment is disease of the lungs. Minards Liniment for Rheumatism. Mrs Palmer, President of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Fair, is a wealthy woman and can afford it, still her action in devoting her salary of $7,000 to enable as many poor children as possible to see the fair is an evidence of kindheart- edness that does her honor: Even in this heartless age and in money-worehipping Chicago there is a leaven of goodness in mankind. piece of finery, and that poor M Sk lby, I do believe, almost, starving ?" Lizzie opened her eyes wide with aston- ishment. "Why, what a question 1 Of course I must have such things, and I'm sure Mrs. Skglby can wait 1" Mr. Campbell sat at his window, smok- ing, and thinking. His thoughts were on the old subject, hie fears were realized. The chain was broken, the illusion van. ishod. The next day Mr. Campbell found Mrs. Skolby's room after considerable search, for it was in a rear building, accessible' only thrdngh a narrow -alleyway. The room waw clean and. neat, as was the PREPARED BY R. STARK. 111.0. C. P., CHEMIST sick child, a boy of 8 years. He: lay partly FROM GLASGOW UN vsRem, soo,LANO, dressed on the bed, looking at a sorapbook composed of good woodoute of newspapers. R. STARK MEDICINE CO. Iha the window, sewing. FOR THE R mother was at "'lien Baby was sick, we gaveher Canteen. • n sho was a Child, she cried tor Castoria. eri she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. .vixen ehehad cbildrea, she gavottem Castor's. Wednesday morning a solid train of 25 loads of harvest machinery passed through Winnipeg on the C.P.R. destined for Sid- ney and Melbourne, Australia. It was shipped by a Chicago house. Mivard's Liniment is the Best. W. C. Reid, of Fergus, who was charged with trying to purchase counterfeit money from American green goods men, was fined $500 and costs by Judge Chadwick at Guelph. She started up, with pleseure,boaming 10 a box. Sold by all HVUISUte the wan face when she recognized her vis - 25 l2ENTS rntlrelr new compoausd itor. "Oh, err," she exclaimed, "but for you 1 don't know what I should bare done; if we hid been turned oat this day I believe it Would have killed the child; he never could favettood the knooking about. This morn- ing, too, he is muek better, and the doctor ) VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness Nerv- ouadaeas, Debility. and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, develop- ment and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossi- ble. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N,Y. O R WILLIAMS' PINKE ILLS fOR PLE Are n BLOOD alt U I I. DER and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed Sorra a1.T. the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a certain and speedy cure for all diseases ari Bing from impoverished blood, and shattered nerves, such as par- alysis, spinal dis• eases, rheumatism, ciatioa,loseofinem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of the heart, sorofula,chloroaisor green sidewise, that tire. feelln tbAt after so many, eta. They both mon and women, restoring lost vigor. em of WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should ost energies, both physical and Mentall Yoatoro SUFFERING WOMEN sex, ouch es anppree wsaion of th periods, r beahringg down pains woak back ulcerations, etc., will find these pills an unfailing pure. PALE 'AND SALLOW GIRLS Should take these Pills, They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks an oor- reet &tirregulexiuea. Bayou! tie iK TA'rioN6. Those Pills are sold by all deiders only in boxes bearing our trademark or will be sent by mail, twat pale, on,lreoelPtofWoe-40 cents box or 6 tor '154. ?IiE o r 8 Oa AfdtristowCfQN Ys To the many redd.rs On►iiera of "Self. Hur" it will iceleasing intelligence to ler that * new storyy troth the en of it* atithor,. nal Tie;' W -&ae wif°sooz; be,lsa i!d frA press gf' Means O'arper di ld 's. d 1 fiAt e ngilln.t�4o• I iR it and the 'Meth ist. ,'Book' Map ubi h d'" od At � .ship House in Canada. . This new story is, oo titled, "The Prince of India; or, why, Con. etantinople Fell," and, like Genera l Wei, lace's preceding works, it is an historical romance. The story 'begins in 1895;its. ooutfurtoua movement, howevert is' m a period frorp 1445 to 1468, the date of the conquest of the old, Byzantine Oepital by Mahoouioied U. The assault and Beek of the eity,0 and Mahommed's entry into Sancta Sophia (the final degradation of Christianity in the East), forms the eatae. trophe of the book. Speaking generally, the book is it tale of love, war and religion. The arenatural, incidentsi i Stara ,.rap 21 in agoltr+ renoe, astonishingly varied, and from first to last subservient to the catastrophe. While Minister to Turkey, General Wal- lace was afforded exceptional opportunities for the collectiontion of these materials which he NO woven into romance, and in "The Prince of India" the result appears in the realism of a style which gave to "Ben Hue' a popularity that indicates for the new book an immediate and large demand. Already 50,000 orders await the issne of the book. FOR SALE OR TO LET. FOR SALE. A young standard bred mare with excellent colt at her aide, for sale at a bargain as owner has no time to drive her, Apel at NEW ERA OFFICE. BRICK HOUSE TO RENTS The undersigned offers the west -half of the nne andconvenientdouble brick bowie on Rattenbury St. to rent at very reasonable terms. The house is almost new and has every convenience. MISS A. FOXTON. GOOD HOUSE TO RENT A large commodious and comfortable house, on Townsend street, containing accommodation for ordinary family, with all conveniences, is of- fered to rent on reasonable terms. Good garden attached. House- is in excellent repair. Apply to either C. WILSON or JAMES HOWE. GOOD FARM FOR SALE For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, &c., Clinton PROPERTY FOR SALE. For sale, two excellent lots, being Nos. 506 on the corner cf Rattenbury and'North Streets, and 507. on the corner of North and Princess Sts. They are both adapted for building purposes and are both offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to T. M. CABLING. BENIIIILLER NUltSEliI FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, rem LATT5R OF NV MOH Wa ?ARS A BPIOIAI,)T LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The aboye ornamental trees and shrubbery mil be sold at very low prices, and those wanting way thing in this connection will save 01000 purchasing here, Orders by Mail will be promptly attende lo. Address, JOHN STEWART, — Bonmfller. THE RIGHT The new model o ockford Watch, when placed in a screw bagei seas, will fill a Ion feit want among farmers, as it is not dna proof only, but very strong. The piste which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars aa.in. the ordinary WATCH ECLELLat LO'RBOI � 1 11. 4Pxir416R iOtt, ffPe11ai1et on the " *E, XV**, NOSt A TiIkte** Graduate et tits Naw ';fork Bye OSA Par { 1689. Post graduate course at lhe New ?.iii Pest Graduate llfedioal $ohgol and 13os Eye ylar Nese sad Throat 1092, Eyes sui>i atos{c o rtifloial s es etaaIes as .fd ;n �w sere ;Wally be at F>e, IZ.rattenUlury HOW! CI4).TOR The First FRIDAY in Elko!? Month, Fifth Visit AUGFp'13T 4th neat., goers 10 a. m. to 4p.m. Charges Moderato. Bub" bythe bottom plate being turned oat of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the toy piste to rest omit also being pendant or fever set. with snnk-belanee to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a;good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE Roue Pain I's4 and Paper Hanging The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING PAPER-HANGINeI, &o. He is a practical man of long experience :end guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while pricee will be exceedingly moderate. Orders re- spectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton CLAIN I'ON Planing •Mill —AND— HURON AND "union • Col Loan (' Investment Coy . This Oonsitatfy ga..40aninp Moneeyy, orr-, '4riti Security at Lowest Rata of interest. tI4 QE OTAf3 - - P R 1� ••pp U OH ♦♦ sin • SAVINGS BATIK B1•ANOH, 3, 4.and 5 ,per Cent. Interest elbowed o„ Deposita, according toaniount and time:sit, OFFICE—Corner of Market Square and Nerti St tIORAOE 1101190N, Lit 1885 YAilAea DRY KILN! r HE SUBSORIBERHAVINOJUST COVPLET P RD sod furnished Ills new Planing Mill with machinery of the latest improved patterns la now prepared to attend to all orders In his line in th most prompt and satisfactory manner and at res bonabte rates. Ile would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they were burn gd out and now being in a bettor position to exe uto ordersexpeditlousiy and tools confident he can ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY—Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Clinton rllOMAs MattENZIE J. C. srEvENsoN, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— E1YIBALDIER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPI' in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidueed Splendid Hearse. A L ;s ERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL DO YOU WANT A Firet-class Step or Long Ladder? A Bandy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of ll nature? Then call onIW.•SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St., or E. DinsIsy Will be atDindley's cornereverySatnrda afternoon ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Nina still Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the vrFisi1sR PAT RNT AUTOMATie BOILaa OtxANEa. STEAM FITTING., furnished and app ed on short notice. Boilers. Engines, and all .rinds of 51aehtnary repaired expeditiously and in a satisfactory .manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilns fitted up on application Charges moderate. , S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to ei enable rates. A. trial soltotted. Royal Electric Co; Areas Ta an.e.,.etZlectrlc Ltghttn teetif.'lielen CONTRAUTORS 81111AERR IF EtECTRlati&ITT AND mum STATIONS Ttiriujjhont tili'rlodandaa, 84 tg,401WeUl gt St. PE EI r$ ROACH MOD NOT A >41Was POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATERHUBS. lindens 1Pnot kEpt t>;pem�.fhugQlsf. wewtllgtae "wryDOLLADS.whavlt ha. proved .fame It properly nppliat EWINO;,HERROiiI ACO., spite lierttsnts, SoloMflra,S70 & I81 St. Pant Street, MONTEE&L BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike yon that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, just completed, forms part of the shortest line from Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are ebsolntely the finest in the World; not ball the advantaged ofthis Railway own be outlined here, any R. R. tibkei agent will tell you the rest, write or ewll at our new.o too, N. E. (lo. Zing & Yong* eireei Toronto. 3„..B. Bioharcliea- OwcladiMitt Fdssitgor'rtgent. Bola this trapde mar aro-pure. fit P. BRIE bnrgand of goods. All gooddsubear- FOOT Lion Bran, Alicante. wHQ •F, FORT, lace nWr, t A" $01115• W 1 N E 4P 1'nld0. SIL800, tan Bran P►LLdo. anEanY,,LlST Lion Manzanillo CLARET, Lion S P 1 R 1 T Brand, "A." WHISKEY, Lion Brand, Ltonnye,BRANDYJ.ion MERCHANT. Brand, Lion au do Vie. Agent for John Robertson & Sona Scotch whiskery Jame[ Ferguson &Sona, Glasgow ; Roollot d. Delon oin,Jarna.- Cognao,Franoe. CRAria,AONt,VindoPrtnaoa ,Vlnd'Et4 416 St. Paul Street. Montreal. Montreal. ig ATRADEpy 0 Wall :R COLIN 4 m g Pi a McARTHUR'> 1.1 Paper �,� &p co. Factory- R4oe•V CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Pat. 1816. P. 011086, Prop. Appliances for all kinds of hy' stcalllcformities. Gross.«' improved Pat. Artificial Limbs —Send for — Boforc PRICE LIST and CIRCULARS limes 712 Craig street, Montreal Afton Using MUCiLAGE dl, LIQUID GLUE MANFR. E. AULD Prices Right. 759 Craig OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR. W.SNOW, Feathers Squired, 1913 Notre Dame SAFE MANUFACTURER B. S.ITILttBALL,Bataferi'Yategakerbdty.Galoratir THE EQUAL OF BY'S PA iS N RAIN RENEVAR Cannot bo found, for restoring grey hair to Its natural color and beauty ; it keeps the head clean and cool, and tree from dandruff, it stops the Bair front falling out, promotes the growth, and glees the hair the gloss, beauty and strength of youth ; when used as dlreeted it was never known to fail. Sold for half the price of any other preparation, and Is much better than any known hair toilet.