HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-07-28, Page 7CLINTON • fY for the.troafvle peaaiiator tIle ;female pyex. Ella #:4,ta a tew, correcting irregulMrities,,tuppressi!r,e' �..- and all forma of (smote weaksieses baiild(4'gt NTTERESTING 13TOItY yOF A anew the blood and restoring the glob. of WELL KNO IT health to pale, ayud sallow• oheelss. in the. carri of men they+ effect �a ra►dioal anis in all: Pr TUE OUT", eases arising from zuout.al Worry, overwork or exoessea of any nitti re, 'These pi115 are Alias Two Y tssra or Sor'wuNo Snz Hai r Fo v Raooax ri Uzit iTrm&wra, awn tIzus iilaut 'ironTizs Mar OTnxsy Zia Bx+le. 1x11,1110 -Talc ' Tssmiozis . or & T,,iupt ie DauoolBT, Thom The Halifax. Critic. earpille,Flammerion, the great >+'renoh , astronomer, lm' his new story "Omega; or The: Last Days of the World," which is now beinglpublished iu the Cosmopolitan, Mag .-i ;wife, gives thepress of the future q verthard bit. Whether'or not the,great astronomer' may be right in his view o, the,ppress of the, 24th century; one thing Moextalin, the World: of today is more largely indebted to the press forcefferta th promote„ the highest civilization; than any other hninaia' agency., Great discoveries in all bragehes of,solentr fio researoh are chr'oniclkd,;diitb.a:#altl#ful neer that enables the multitudes -to enjoy to the ,greatest extent ,the`¢ijeneflte... aobrhingg therefrom, The newspapers of Aur ,laud have forsmany. , months ;,past c{antarned accounts of miraculous ouree effected through the agenoy sof. that marvellous medicine known to the world se Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. A large number of these stories have"been publish- ed in the oolpms of -The Oritio, and have no doubt been read by the majority of our readers with full assurance of the truth - nese thereof, and yet we imagine there have been a few who have not been so much interested in the experiences of people miles away from Nova Scotia as in those of th�er own province. Now, however, The Cz'itiocan give an account of a perfeot cures the facts of which we can guarantee as being true in every particular. One day some time ago, some members' of the Critic's staff were discussing in the editorial sanctum the merits of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, of which so mnoh is be- ing heard nowaday, when one • of the com- pany said, "By the way, did you ever hear of a cure anyway approaching the mira- culous being effected by Pink Pills in Hall- fiat?" "No," oonfessed the others, "we never did. Of course there have been many cases in which the medicine has undoubted- ly been very beneficial, bat hardly miraou- lous.' "Well," said the first speaker, "yon know Robert Ainslie of this city, do you not 7 His wife was one of the sickest women in Halifax at one time, and is now. hale and hearty and gives all the credit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills'. Keeping this conversation in mind, one of our reporters having a little leisure time one afternoon last week, palled upon Mrs Robert Ainslie at her home $6 Blowers street, and after making known his errand, was invited in- to the comfortable sitting room and was cordially welcomed by Mrs Ainslie, who said she was only too happy to make known to others the wonderful properties of the medicine which had done her so much good. "How long were you ill, Mrs Ainslie?" ask the reporter. "I was taken with a severe attack of pneumonia, some two years ago," said the lady," which lasted for about three months, and left me a wreak of my former self. Just seventeen weeks from the time I was first prostrated until I could put my feet on the floor, and even after I was able to walk ;beat I was but a shadow of the woman I had been. "Death of the nerves," was the name the doctors gave the disease from which I was then suffering, and indeed it seemed at one time that I would not be long for this world. Pale, thin, weak and emaciated, I wasbut an object of pity to all who saw me, -and a source of much anxiety to my family and friends. anile in this.condition I travelled throughont•the province, hoping .thereby to regain my health:. I visited the Spa Springs at Mid- ____ Orton, drank the nitineral water and took the batbe, bat "all to no eff eat. Nasally I` was advised by a friend, who herself bad been greatly benefitted by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, to try this wonderful remedy. Although I confess I had little faith in this or any other medicine, I purchased a box of the celebrated Pink Pills and began taking them according to directions, and took box after box, until I had taken eight, when I ound I was becoming fat, and as I was . then in excellent health I took no more, and have since then been well and strong." Mrs Ainslie'e story, althbnghgiven in her own words, conveys but a faint idea of the faith she has in Dr. Williams' Pink Pile, to which she foie, she owes her pre- sent excellent health. Mrs Ainslie inform- ed The Critic representative that she had recommended Pink Pills to some twenty- five or • thirty of her friends throughout the, Province; (in which she has an extensive u- quaintance), and in some cases bad pur- chased several boxes of the pills in Halifax, for people living in country places. "1 nnderetand, Mrs Ainslie, that yon yourself manufacture a medicine which is highly spoken of?" "Yes," said the lady, "I do. My dys- pepsia cordial is well known in Nova Sco- tia, and even further away." This struck us as a case in whiohr "physician heal thy- self," might have been applied, but it goes to prove that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a power to strike to the root of disease that other medicines, be they ever so good in their place, have not. After thanking Mrs Ainslie for her kindness in giving ne the above hearty recommendation of the medi- cine, we proceeded to interview Mr Hamil- ton, of Messrs Brown Bros. & Co., drug- gists, of this city, from whom Mrs Ainslie had purchased the Pink Pills. This course was taken not that we in the least doubted the statements made by Mrs Ainslie, but simply to satisfy any sceptical ones among the readers of The Critic, who, not being acquainted with the lady, might fee) that they would like assurance made doubly sure. Mr Hamilton said he remembered Mre Ainslie when she purchased the first box of -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She was then much debilitated and had .been very ill. He also remembered her coming to him when she had taken a half dozen boxes and testifying both by her words and ap- pearance to the good they bad accomplished in her ease. Mr Hamilton stated that there was more of Dr. Williams'• famous Pink Pills sold by his firm than any other medicine, and that they- were" very ire. gnently hearing from their customers of the treatment. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are manpfactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., ISrookvilie, Ont.. and Sche- nectady, 1`7. Y., a firm of unquestioned reliability. Pink Pills are not looked on as a patent medicinebut rather as a prescrip- tion. An analysis of their properties show that these pills are an unfailing specific from all diseases aronncl arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system, such as loss of appetite, depression of spirits, anaemia, ohlororoeis or green sick. nese. dizziness loss of memory, locomotor ataxia, paralysis, sciatica, rheumatism, St. Vitas' dance, the after effects of la grippe, all diseases depending tipon a vitiated con- dition ofthe blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, eto. They 'are also a specific nota pargative Ofldloine. , They contain Daly li#et{wing proportios,ittd noting that,' could injure he most delicate system. They act directly on the blood, supplying its life -diving qualities, by esaleting it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all organic life. In tbia wsyy, the blood be, coming "built'np,"and being supplied itd laoking constituents, b000nteprieh an red, nourishes,the 'various organs, • etimu. lating,thorn to sotivity in Ihe,perterreance, o! ;tljelr tunctiona andt, thus eliminates diseases from the system, . Dr. Willtainal.jPink,,P,Ile`are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's lira,e. mark and 'wrappers, (printed in red ink Bear,; le mind that Dr,Williams' Pin Pills ,are 'never sold in -bulk, or by the ;the dozen. or -hundred, and any dealer who offers sub, stitutes in ..thio form is trying to defraud: yon.„acid should be avoided. The; pubiio are also Cautioned against all othereo-called blood builders ,ander've tonice,,put tip in similar form intende4o deceive. They are all imitatations, whoge.makershope to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse . all imitation's and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may behad of all druggists, or direct- by mail from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. from either ad. reel at 50cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 The price at, which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively ineepensive as compared with other reme- cal or medical treatment. A QUEER STEER. In the slang parlance of some of our great cities a buuco-steerer is a man whose occupation consists in luring unsuspecting countrymen into games of chance and defrauding them of their money. Billy Bunco, however, is not a man, but a Texas steer, and is probably the greatest archtraitor in the land. Fs• six years he has been employed in succi a wholesale betrayal of his comrades, that the burden of his sins, expressed numerically, is simply astounding.— Billy is owned by Armour & Co., the great Chicago beef house, and his vo- cation consisted in leading cattle to slaughter. The cattle on arriving at the stock -yards are much alarmed at the smell of blood, ly difficult to dri to have a premo It is exceeding - "4` • seem on • • theirimpend- ing doom, but « • re one of their num- ber leads they follow blindly. So when the pen is opened, Billy is at hand to lead his trusting companions to their death. An employe opens the gate of the pen and calls out. "All right, Billy,” and Billy places himself at the head of the frightened herd, and unhesitatingly marches to the door of the slaughter- house, where he quickly steps aside, while his deluded followers are driven to meet their fate. He then makes his way back to the yard, and waits for the next pen to be opened, and at the signal, "All right, Billy," he conducts fresh victims to the house of death. It is impossible to have very much respect for this wholesale and profes- sional betrayer, Billy; but perhaps he is not so much to be blamed, as he probably knows that if he should fail to perform the unpleasant duties con- nected with his office, he should forfeit his head, and disappear in the house whither he has seen so many of his kind enter, never to reappear except in the form of steaks, roasts, and canned beef - - It is probable that he purchases his life at the expense of his happiness, for this betrayal of nearly a million lives a year is telling on him, and he wears a sad and shame -faced expression; so, possibly, some day, he will mix with the herd as they go to their death, and sacrifice his life to atone for his mis- deeds.—Harper's Young People. A TRAVELLER'S TALE. OTTAWA, July 17. W.F. Sparham, of 95 Nepean, St., a traveller for the well known house of Russel, Gardiner & Russel, te'ls an interesting story about the cure of a kidney trouble that has afflicted him for the past nine months. Ever since attaok- ed, Mr Sparham tried physicians' presorip- tione and other medicines, but none had any effect. He constantly. suffered pain, which finally became so intense that he could not sleep. Death seemed the only possible deliverance from his suffering. He got a box of Dodd's kidney pills from Hen- ry Watters, a druggist here, and that one box effected a perfect cure. Mr Sparham is to•iay the happiest man in the Ottawa valley, and he has many friends who re- joice with him. Hay was selling in London, Eng., two weeks ago at £S 10s. a ton, and yearlings were selling for £2 10s, in the same market whete a year ago they were bought as calves at $3 per head. Hay has gone up because of the food famine, which is the result of the ex- traordinary spell of . dry weather. It eclipsed all previous records in Great Britain, having lasted for over 100 days, being nearly twocfnonths longer than any droughtln the past 80 years. The tourist has rejoiced in the unusual "spell of glorious weather," but it brought great disaster to the agriculur- ists, who have been compelled to sacri- fice many animals because of lack of food. taInold times it seemed to be thought that a medicine must be nauseating to be ef- fective. Now all this is changed. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one of the most powerful alteratives, is agreeable to most palates, the flavor being by no means medicinal. Mrs F.H. McIntosh, the young wife of a professional man of Bloomington, has for nearly one week been at the point of death. Last week she had a sinking spell and apparently deserted this life. Her husband, parents, child- ren and friends were gathered weeping about her bed, when suddenly the ap- parently - parently dead "woman comeback to life, and in a few minutes spoke in clear and distinct tones. She said she had been in heaven and talked with Christ, and that the Saviour had said to her that she could return to earth for a time. She added that she knew that she would now live. She has continued to improve and her friends now believe that she will be restored to health. Piso's Remedy ibr Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Ilse, and cheapest; C. .Ti'\R Pt f -i :srl4 i, ulligglste or nett Ittir t, see. ilea;ettine, ` 7tti:en: Via, • We are now evil, a Discount 61' Ten or cent to all Cash buyers ofBoots and'Sho� • �' s at Our store. JN O. JACKSON, Clinton MI.O�-TA-i:LES 25c, f30c and 45c e0 .,om.rrs. We have now a fine line of Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30o. and 45 cents. Whenever you. have any time to spare we would like yon to take a look through our wareroon s whether you wish to buy or not a. W. OHIDLEY, Funeral Director and Embalmer—Night calls answered at bis residence, Zing St.,`oppoaite the foundry. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON Silver Star COAL OIL 4 Imporial CB,LLONS About equivalent to 5 American Gallons for 40 CENTS Water White American Oil 25c. a Gallon These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged or delivered 21c per gallon extra. Johnson's Kalsomin3 and Pure Mixed Paints. Churches Alabastine, John A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds DAVIs_ & ROWLAND Hardware. Stoves and Tinware, Clinton SUGAR "first oar now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. J. W. Irwin, Groper MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. HARVEST : IS COMING YOU WILL WANT Snaths, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, Oil, Oil Cans, Mitts & Handles We can supply you with the very best quality. Try us SPECIAL— A n "EXTRA" 'HAY FORK ROPE. Forpreserving and We can supply yon with the Pickling you will want 5 SUGAR' AND VINEGAR beat. Yon should try as. Full line of Groceries and General Goods: Highest Price for Produce. Old accounts must be paid at once to save costs ADAMS' ,EM ?ORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO THE BATTLE of the BOYNE Will, be celebrated here in glorious style on the 12th. Remember we are ready to fill your every want. Three stands in full blast; 20 willing hands to wait os you and make your visit plk asant. ;SOP & McI LROY, BLYTH The old, reliable; and tested -brands' 1 Evenly Spun. Full standard length per pound, Best value in the market: Call and see samples and get reduced prices New StoreQld Stand l�IackayBlock O AP,„,� N BROS.' Brick Block Boys' GirPs Ladies. Guaranteed Stainless Black Cotton Hose PLAIN and RIBBED Full Range Black Silk 'Parasols, all Prices. . 5 per cent off for Cash. Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton. SagritioeSalt-6ars--- -OF BOOKS, Stationery WALL PAPER, &c In order to clear out the entire stock of W. H. SIMPSON, it has beenZdeeided to offer the same;at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at snoh {figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. RUMBALL' 5 cpILIg FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be ofifirst-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor bne, call and see us. F. RUMBALL, -- CLAINPON Tho Whiteman Pea Harvester THE BEST IN THE WORLD For the following reasons; -1st it is built of the best maleable wrought iron and steel. 2nd—It requires no holes to be drilled in cotter bar. 8rd—The outside divider can be raised or lowered at back or front independent of liftera. 4th—It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cense choking. 5th—there is no springs to break or get out of order. 6th—ft has movable clips and Can be set in line with tongue if mower bar drags bank. 7th—Each lifter has a guard stay, and breaking mower guard is impossible. 6th—Eabh.lifter is independent of the other, and can be raieed or lowered at the back so as to line in front should mower guards be out of line. Oth The number of machines sold during the past season enables a large number of the leading farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. Every machine is warrant- ed and given on test. Sample machine can be seen at J. FLYNN'S Blaokbmith Shop, Clinton, also at different shops through the county. James Whiteman, paten tee and manufacturer, Amulree. THOS BROWN; General Agent, SEAFORTR is rid