HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-07-28, Page 6xliw w�.. 'rr ' it 4•> 4 , , , r i - 'ei•/i�2'��oi,q''!!1!�.`M•'.M *+_+j tyyt��rr'' CM�j�u7 : _ .., ... r - �.: .11 11 ��,l�•�1.I,FXT "SIF' N ,.XW A + I I ' f -.. ._ .r #Ilram e11 t' I klnfi r ail 4d resideht11 -^�"I'l- ^-�,,- _ ,--.��- -r: ,.. _ - , . a Rei e' " t , ,a,a 1.t4?u,.' int, c l a AST 1G (7 F ,• , . w ,1�r . • .., , ...;K v�'hic :he W ward ---mom ,-.'. k'IR..''f?ir;1Ii TC Irk:'+ i " , a 1 in I n � . „ .. aS ,►ig, lice), ' aslrlll.. ,i . . �t �.. was e a wreck near Rosavilte,1 In 'l+ » Qld sienna oA QP the t 8vi?li ellst Mood hoof, s ed . i r e sour . os 1n.d, ltbia �t a Qnt o s at r ct11 4i��k. 1 ' I., . 'lessign of'th kiln i t t.. h I, t�idax dirattct3 Iva feittures n# lxlldvva ; I?laleanc a . _ e pix laeatre,at�hiea-1 NOJIW40 to a ViU49u iatl Times,-stax etr y e -� �. , ; ;4 r .: c, for fiv vv s d` ,� ange r►cid04t was noticed the of a "�?` 49r �+Mllapt.f3t« S safglla a t e, eek . azo heti o rens, It, re sitar. lr . A young stand F j q: , : . g cit s;d bred are: v tlr �exeoliaiit # , �( or ni htl os el xmeetin P p.. `we vvare.,on : the way to, :day, A,, native of AW6141a had erlt x a . at her Aide o e , " �it s jtopxt - „y.,.s l Ohi�ca a, and werf� 'ruic�ely avvaker}ed a . t e s e n� ti o , f r 4al ata srgain.aa owagi•ii %X s ti, N0 nl d h re to nratst, ants Wee mated. at fug t drive bar, A l at A r r, H11tI dl's t - (>��I' P F'901,100FIC TOhi Mrs 9 tchell, of Sts �Httnter fitreet osis talars daylight h a grand crash, gne.o#, he z� _ f� A, sk a Qlr y t tables, Ile was ,tall arid; E0 , pF�x( 0, adlYaGe v; idle W'ow Fork lls'eaud RarEi . • �- -,, �, east, Hamilton, bid $54 in the sleeve i. a found our cPaah banging over'. A. Well formed; , Post ,, duet Ao r 'Thi, gnda>Ral¢ned xtaysu o ened:.out ,fai tb:e 'of e > , • t:Chtte170. form d b re ,. hie hair fell In. ringlets ]Pest.far u a n qe aG the Ngw h• r daughters night areas while the e A b r e ak, in the N '. , Irpon hl sha 1 r BRIO$ iBOUS� ad ate A'ledioal $4hoo1" and Boa er {' sa�itl#laax, de4�irell to eta6a(tbpathe w}lf k(6p::;ir} u de s, h8 was sous} silos RET'. ego, Iter as and h • hand th v r • oli e fatnilp was attetydiA ., a.., io tc4,- 4, A diefgrr� diver, , A e . glrle,.:ton ed and h fides g , 1 N e , T rcpt Is92. z4 ea; �M a A vvy, of ,,oat u ,ata, gttving nw ez. g a a rAe, but black as night, Pte Ttta cn,der!itga offer the Full lot. ,,�r of Artiaetal E es, a i:s.41 T, 0"' OotiW46•0114hopelf"hat? r aFpsitivt}xoa9+a thief stole thQ money. ballpa 4 c r all file trucks Of aur CSC ee�tl a axi a a . wext-hplffrtthefltl4 pso , R!q(IIi4�, g y pretty Itttle Yienneee maid d pnyanient40 ble brickbouse on #iettenburs Wii 3p 9d CI at theverlt,gtoeeatp:lona. cl �, tat. Go.#ailte6r were . own sty the river. The ends of tripped 'u to where he sat, leached b a o a'easanablg farm", xhphouat R , . Iia will at',W :tilaes Its pre ared .to. pave the T p = owe cAach rested an either side of the dqW,. p m st ttew lace f„t. sass attegViIlr txulse C ,1 , . ltts11004i 1x1<atPr;cglor ' 40,or . Mil a,. , RUE . U1bAN A0pH , xa ed a 111 the held e. e n anil gave lulu a reusing kiss, A. ,(,,, ok,.: a" omy type, 311 . � � t '; x' Df'I�Q� I ?Co tba di(or o! tba..New., i' Eg B F g , . A ole kllig. There was great lac hter all arc d a. 'Ila . Vi , , L „s f ore.. flet there at ,avis h poiled l;s au g urs. ,-., ;^all IDA3 in Fir►9k� Axpatl1. 4 ,: &foals# walitgd,xoit oxpprt,, A( e; I!lease n q to soar r9adete kit ,d Clio handsome -,dark .Ian had t o that I will'ma i o t ant'nf our pz'ediGa, pint, and stttirt. d yy g, , o s $C)U.�JZr+ : RE . . i fr9....q .all; sufferers the , el to #or be enjoyed the oke (till . ee erre ,NT Fifth , • v� fiJST 4tli: naso ,,; clear. Then there was fun; • ,:1:. y It s ,ms , 10 a. T r1. !! RO a ` 7t�S Q 1$ means by which I w* s restored to health „ that the waiting meld. had been - The Sao an. RrsGtenbqr gl5 4', -fe#r, • Obar Ago .er is . . J, "Atphoto ra her o chef b gatreetnowoopuptea ' I d- ..., and manly vigor after years of suffering p e got there with the leng9d by a part of American visitors y Mrs Thrower, is oifered to ,rg t It costa ns, • . ' first rays k & slt0rs large dining roam parlor, badro era an t ! i freru ATervons Weakness.. I was robbed'. Y$ .o the mgrri n stein, :and re- . to. rss the sewer p ata p a j. i.ohgt _ A R i seed t0 take t .Y stranger; $Yle ac- downataire, with gftxee bgdroomq: upetalxs, c"aoa " �. and swindled until I nearly lost p r p d' t g 1 e IINi' ' B# , ,91 A101 P ictuses or some us• ce to he Cnalletl a and won two dol- fw lar. and 4 mirinta'a walk front tj�o busine,n UIR'�-W e %) . I �+' Niel Ii+1a! Al faith in roankincl, put1. : thanks to heaven, f t -ruled Iournal. a got his InatruzxieAt fur$ til@rally, portten of r e town sPpl at NEW 1t ,mea " - '� �'i '„' ” ,.-- -1 r '1 Am now .yvell, vigorous .and.. zrong. I have set up, focussed and all teadY, and was No.woma h ' y n� about to let er o n w o had lived ituy' length Zip&T!' it J,A esti lout "' 0'' ,,, " 4fle,t►aalTemo9tlQOYAallyrethqulteli.Gboeewh0 nothing to sell and no sohemo Go extort o g , ahei? the £oxeman ()P time In ,this country, wgUld have GOOD --- tiavo •favored us with tbeir patronage, since we money from anyone whomsoever, but bo- f the wrecking crew deliberately held done that thin the i O H�1QSII O PENT This A . sae is 11 commenced izZ bgaineaa,and,to,asaur$ them and in desirous to ma a shovol before the lens and oiled the g4 @ u'ennese girl#...: I! Loanang kfgney on Ferret ate public generally that we are in tretter shape g make this Certain cure P seemed to have no suspicion of any in. A large commodious and bomtokable' hone �eC+�tY at I.otye#t Rate# of "tef•e#t c g g known to all, I wit send free and confiders- exposure. The fihotogra her, an old y an Townsend street, containing ace _ " 11 xtian over to Cate r to th it wants having added p delicac in the set, and the fact that ' • Air;IgipYovedrefrlgeratorind other conveniences tial to anyone full part,iotilars of just how hand, fully acquainted with the policy the victim, to. her leasantr for ordinary fomuy, with all gocveu,eucea, is of- ]�OR'p(} .. - P y was a faced to rant ore reaaonab AGES . PiT12CHApEL t nonrslivl'• I was Cured. Address with stamps; of ratliaad companies to prevent, if nogro gave the adventure, in her ,gin- a;:zlohed. House in inesv ieuGB'r.'riia°trlggX.en ,-�-„ . , , Mn, EDWARD MARTIN, (Teacher), possible, the photographing of wrecks, ion, all the more spice. to either 9, WILSON orJAMES KVI"E. SAVINGS B� �T$ $�A�C�. tried it a sin. He of back a trifle on No one who ons to Europe from this * QEATLEY $ FINCHP. O. Bos 143 Detroit Miah g g J, ¢, and S per Gent. Interest dllotged on i g higher ground, but when all vvas ready country can fail to be startled b the GOOD k ARM FOR, , SALR Depoa;ts; according to amount and time lalj. agaur he found it line of men holding seemingly special favor in which the Y ` v cI all limn RENT, Market � AIi•Pa >�l�T, .. p g or particulars 1 to 'OF11101,—CorneroiMarkets •li is>�aQlaxe To rubber coats on poles, obscurity the, negro Is held •,abroad, We do not 'F particu p y quare ar,n North1 11 '," . >iclaa MAMOTT view of the wreck. His third attempt wonder thatliegrolikeslifein En land, MANNINCI SCOTT+ aoRa0E noR7oN, i3oA8 wuaMMS TIM QMMIX met with a movement of the railroad- Germany And France; we are all sur. Barristers, &c., .Clinton t MaltAos *1 •r� �•'���•'�i ers to smash his camera, and he bastil prised to read in the dispatches at this B VS►�At,.#�S . cH,AGE. /��" * (` * *«►w * feneeated with it to a neighboring ver very time that negro jockeys are offer- >�R R SALE. i a lose - °` ing eir services, free, rovided Eng- For saleOP�ERT1YnF0ts' being Noe, 5os Thegndersigned desires to intimate that he +� p txT All this time a middle-aged, deter- land turfman will pay their trans or- on the Corner cf Rattenburf and North Streets, 1 "r has bought out the intereaG of I,Ir Couch, in the ,1 y d p and 507, on the corner of North and Prcnoess star ', 11 1 butcherin business lately Carried on under the rained -looking farmer leaned over his tation to En fh yan and board them They aro both adapted for building pur ores and -...�. ''; - miaaitheo a e and Cd trustsnti continue , he I ou fence, within fifty yards of the broken while there. n Europe the negro is are both offered for sale on reasonable terms. .r �j y giving Because SUNLIGHT bridge, an interested spectator of the petted. He en o s rivileges hardly Apply to T. Da. DARLING. V t 11 ,, $OAI''f/' perfectly para, roceedin s To him the hoto ra her accorded to Ciicasian visitors. And C. RV l�N'�]! 01'4eost and most Careful attention to the buss- I U� pass atraightlorward and ognrteous treatment and Couta,ns no, nn��strN p g� I t A . q to all, and hanahng. only oboice meat, to merit ash aqs ghemicals to ininre went and asked the privilege of taking womankind there simply 1 dotes u on DYEING fit Clothes CLEANING either your Clothes or the picture from his land, promising to him. and receive a falx s are of public patronage. All P Y p orderscaretullyandPromlptly filled our hands Greatest `-- f —THE l,EADI:RTG— � �,, - -- _ _ Caro is °aetofeCd.,tp 1tf give him a copy of the ppicture made. Parties havingClothes of any kind which they f . That was agreeable to lila farmer, and ,,sire to have cleaned or dyed, should leave11 JAMES A. FORD . maqufaoture and -lea g Down With EUgh Paces For them with the undersigned, who is agent for "` qua Ityissoapprecfsted the camera was soon in position again, g our by the pabuo "that tt ha. but again the rubber coats went u and Fleetest Belts. BARR's DYE WORKS. Uj• DERT��R, the Largest Bale of any stopped the business. , Then the arm• $1.55 $2.65 $3.70 • former rices $5 $7 ° w tCap in tete World, pp r , r p , All work entrusted to him will be promptly at- �..21 Central Butcher Shop erdetermined to have a picture i£ it $10. Qualty remains the same -16 diff tended to and guaranteed satisfactory, Prices-_AITD� costa farm. Sending his man to -the ferent styles; dry battery andacid belts moaer°ter JAMES HpwgpN Albert St. ciiutou. '' Subscriber thepatro ages to bestk theowed. public general- Lin®n t0 j A O` �' barn lie directed him to hitch u a we .mild or strop current. Less than half - r � �1 �g$L R• Iy, for thQ patironaga.bestowed. upon him ; and j `/�/ D g g - at the same time to ,ia that he is now in a bet gon, and, after fastening a high step the rice of an other company andmore (� ((�� i T7 i ter odtionthan ever•to supply the wants of all. ladder into it he drovegdowngto the home testimonials than all the, rest to. NewPHO r0 UA.JLLER -L As be gives personal attention to all he details be 121te Can you toot this u fence corner, took thephotographer g ��'' kms_, of the business ouetomere Can rel on their yon ave never tried + ether. Full list free. Mention this 1 ; ry orders being promptly and satiafaotorily filled. t3UNLI HIT 80AP, reit aboard, and in a few minutes the latter paper. W. T. ]3AEIi 11y Cp. �Tindsorr Out. Subscriber desires to intimate to the people of A FULL LINE OF v ,` iiia motto ia' good meat at reasonable prices.' fey think of 16, th,n at had secured several good exposures U Ulinton and vicinity, that be has o enel up a w try the entire wreck. Th Photo Geller i premises near i i r r, s , ! 1tfoY yo self. Tho re- a COata CO UId nbt, purpose, y n the y opposite ry` ��p� i� STOCK �, a ; Choice Sausage, Poultry, - a$C., as Snow avill. Xpgel'tae yon, and g gh that time, but Experienced fruit rowers state that Fair's Mill, which have been fitted up expressly ' GOODS , . ault be raised hi h enou g ..F 3n season. you r a othea will be the whole wreckingg crew made for the if the peach crop in Niagara township for the here be his111 nePrepared to d,)) i Gush paid for Hides, Skins, &e. ' ..shod iu far less time, waggon determined to wreck the cam- results as present indications point and with Less, Labour rices are the some as las CABINET PHOTOS, �~ is JOHN SCRUTON, Greater Comfort, and era. But the farmer,with a flew words, t, over $200,- ,PANELS, A `r '. Albert st:, Clinton, will be whiterthau t007 athered a dozen or so of s out farm �� in hard cash will be handed over to SUNBEAMS Or TINTYPES ThebestEmbalming Fluidused SUnfight have ever been before, ands about him, and, armed with the farmers of that township. r: , when you used ordinary y Got aboard the waggon, Waken in the latest styles and at lowest prices t soap. clubs, the Flour and Feed Stores surrounded the photographer and cam- on cloudy as wen as fine days, bl new process r,t.11 era, and, standingoff the wrecking --- fSplelltlll� Reim Pie. i i crew, drove off the field safe and in J. W. COOS, : CLINTON __ tri um h Baby wee sick, we gsve her Castoria. ` ° Flour, Feed & deed More dap Tt t p nabswasaChild,ehecriedPorCaetoria 1tE:YlYtiLL]�EI 1VIJ�CSEy{g T �3EaivTST.,CLINTc�:� . , �,j�pi. �,'�i 1 1"j a Rebecca Wilkinson, of rrownsvalley, ind. �• c,, obe became Miss, she alum co Castorie ` .......,... ease: "1 had been in a distressed Condition g Residence over store. �F,�'`" z The undersigned having purchased the net- i; cnahehsdCl d�n,ehOgayeihemCostorla, FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREL'S +i t nese o1 Messrs Walker & g pu ased s t inti• for three years from Nervousness, Weakness r+, y, not the be way 'tole• NORWAY SPRUCE, 3(;OTCl3 1, C,FPCSITE TOWN HALL r 7 mate he keep on hand the very be tjrlg will do tido the matter? First of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion AND ASTRACHAN PINE, by enquiring what the until my health was gone. I had been , . FLOUR and FEED �� ezperience is of those doctoring constantly with no relief. I TUN LATTaR OF WHICH WE MARe A SPaOIALTY "0, I . who already use it. �� Ofpl] kinds, also the choicest variety of a Becon,]y, b�y a fair trial oonght one bottle of south American Ner- A story comes from Alaskinon a LARGE STOCK ON HAND, yonreelf. Yon are not vine, which done me more good than $50 g ' t{" i Clover, Timothy c� Small Seeds, f lt• Committed in any way worth of'Flootorin I ever did in m fife. that a farmer named $ashen, when --- �' �. W r: �� to nee the so$p ;all we g Y mowing hay, accidentally cut to pieces The aboye ornamental trees and shrubbery will ba DO YOU WANT' 1.p I would advise ev r kl Which will be sold at close margins for cash. D ALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a Choice variety of all kinds of TEAS, which con- sumers1wilt find to be excellent value. J: W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. r4{ COGIK' .F.LIffR.�„FEED & SEED STORE We have in stock a --choice assortment of Seeds, such as CLOVER, TICORN' MOTHY, MILLET, .And all seeds required for Farm or Garden use. Flour and Reed of alt-kllaos D. 0'00`K; CLI A"- N. The M4lsons Sank. incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1856. OAPITAL, -- $2,000,000.' REST FUND, - $1,000i000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J: H. R. MOLSON............ Pros. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Dotes ,✓=xwunted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- ASInge bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on deposits. Er A. ELM1ERS. Koneyadvanced to farmers on their own note with no or more endorsers. No mortgage required as eourity. H. C.BREWER,Manager V — _ GEO. D.XCAGIAR'.li; BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. �... A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTF.t3 DISCOUNTED IDraftajissued. Interest allowed on deposits. Fa.BRAN & TISBALL $Ari BERG, CLINrON. 01Vrr kdvanaes made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. kgeneral tanking Business traneactea ' Inte- at allowed on deposits, tie Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage UPER,"C E NMVH BEANS are a new, Qin. �11':._, 1 dura wonttcases sof �* b��� tLs lY rr of `sir: ._a by. �tl•-ur tft b, ' Rbhtei{y atY tytiliit11 dra t5a snort. a ,ill ar la�t�7iflMitri[ haiata►letegiL, dmf f0 liNI 11 11�p" et"p.b1c (tr ofprlos,br sgTaB`Q'sMEs I< ask Is: Don't Clay, try Q y wee y person to use ]lis young child. The infant was I to sold at very tow prices, and those wanting any _'/iG tics nail waahin days this valuable and lovely remedy. Atrial Y g thing In this connection will save mono A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? g asleep in the meadow, and the father purchasing here. A Handy wheelbarrow? fa bottle will convince you. Warranted by did not notice him until the teeth of • • • • • • • Watts & Co. Druggist, mowing machine had done their dead- 'Jrdere by Dfail will be promptly attends A Splendid Churn, or anything of u Western United States railroad of- ly work, to. Address, U natures Then Deli on�W. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E, Dinal.y ` ficials say that this year's corn crop JOHN srEW�Rr -- Benmidbr. Will beatDinsley'scornereverySaturds Will be 30),000,000 Igashels largger than ' . afternoon gt NEURq��, "' last year's, and the oat crop 000 G' - ,9 larger; that the wheat cron will be only 'r'o .Preserve ' + - __ _I(1000 _ bushels smaLer, and that THE RIGHT . the hog trot will be _q C00 G_0 larger The new m `' �� • ' + Tho richness, color, and beauty of the model o ockford Watch, when Y ItZ,and that al. roads will have vastly placed in a screw biatil aaeo, will fill a fan felt. I• more to haul than in 1892-3. hair, the greatest care is necessary, want among farmers, sa it ie not dna - only, but vs, a proof (�IcIOIT1.Y +�:,�<_ - xA_�olt_xlaiY akin •ia iha resellf �,�ttyre much harm being done by the use of ry trong, The plate which the .: C wheels work between, not being separated by M { resiI (, blood and healthy liveryto secure which, worthles's dressings. To be -sura -of- - pillars, as In the ordinary iii��� be G Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the Superior Medi- having. afirst-class article, ask your a"" ' t'-6 ! eine:-. Ladies: who rely upon cosmetics to druggist or perfumer for Ayer's Hair WATC H 4 - beautify their complexions, should make But by the bottom plate being turned out of a-�,F$A, note of this, bearing an . n2ind that they vigor. It is absolutely superior to any solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the �0 No sy ,.. asn't ins rove• a mature. - other r ration of the kind, It to late to rest on; it also being pendant or lever l ,,}, 1 P p t p as, with Bank balance to prevent breaki Royal EleCtris. Co. !by . A restores the original color and fullness Ing in a21 a Cod ion watch' mak. Areae !' tip If.tlie Tot ltntoniamis'cvho. are oppox- g sg g y,d, - 'Q ing Sunday cars aresincere and adhere to hair which has become thin, faded, wr.," , i nor For a Farmer CON71A I,6,el„ , ,, to the; determination not to patronize or gray. It keeps the scat cool moist Ham• , `L�ffit S A S Y• P P , OP El. 1jI them f ey may,. Have some infl(ience and free from dandruff. It heals itchin ESR 8TA efts ' �'f "`�t�AFUL G: witEl the.rompany If they could.con- g �0�• BIDDLECOM]3E MZ"11 fiyi, l miopi W p r vincle the Street Railway men that: it humors, prevents baldness, and imparts ifl ss to 7o Rr et >imdfdtaeapta '9�9 Not only a ittllef but a our+t for all kinds of .did° not paq�run cure o Sunday to iL�usU PU1!! �nd Pair H„„�tll, i the woulrT ma k their strongest point ti tilt! It Q(� �■t M A NEAO PAtN3,` 31irK' 13TOMACH The shortest way to reach these tor- TH �. HAIR r---- PETER �, �F4 F • AND BILIOUSNESS poratione is,through the pock t. ” The andereigned ie prepared to promptly aae- Di tabes from pints in umber- a silken texture and"lasting fragrance. Cele all orders for PAINTING, SALSObZININGi POISON xOT a11 Ii wonder. contain n . $Id l o take e! land county and Eastern New'Brun;w No toilet can be considered complete PAPER -HANGING, Jct. He is s practical man of wonderful tleanponnd. T11ee to talc•, wick show that the hailstorm of Ju[ lot, p FATAL 70 CDCKRUilC. I AND WATER DUBS. sure"desalt to y¢in, Y without this most popular and elegant g eapnner t .dad ghees satisfactory, toto all work Writ.wusot gewaigisestrrr Be sure you get STABg'8 10th was, wide-reachil7g ,and very de- . of all hair -dressings. in a manner that shalt be eatisfaotorp, while noy,rnawp..Vby, yro,ea. dRnuprey.rirwvyw structive, Over a foot of hail fell atyd. .r prices will be exceedingly moderate. Orders roc PupAimn ey R. STARK, M.O.C. P., Cum of colossal 'size compared to any pre My hair began turning gray and spectfully solicited. EWINQ; KERION A' COy fthe Iffe—ts, I viousl seen in those localities. In. falling out when I was about Zg years of i , . 'AOI °ua°a' (iwnrMerr' $Ods n' some villages hardly a house remiritted age. I have later been using Ayer's GEO. POTTS, Kirk Sty Clinton �� •;4 P�(ftr'tlt.t'atast t,3foNTB,SAL • FOR TRS R STARS M®KINE CO with window glass in it. Great Ioss Hair Vigor, and it is causing a new R. . owth of hair of the natural color."— Sol. Proprietor °fibs troy r ��i� was sustained by the cutting down of brandofal)*, Allewd.bo.n a QLINTON Wstnd.mak,r., are. a hoz. Sold by all taraaartate fields of growing crops. J• Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. a a 25 CENTS ORT Lion owl, Entire v new Compound ''Over a year ago I had a severe 22! L'l.0 UmdxdAA,r Row- Wm .EBALZi Frank Hayden, aged 13 Tears, son of Y g Mill sHRRRT °Lim nr.nd, as. -W 400 Wm. Hayden, painter, died at Poria, fever, and when I recovered, my hair Planing Ma��J- CLAnni,RL` iron W ItOnt., recently from the effects of being began to fall out, and what little remain- Hrona, -,►.^ wnrsaw:, ceo„ � FR -1 '� hit on the head with a stone. Iia ed•turnedgray.. Itriedvariousremedies, En=n'ito4 asM'INnxrdoa p- but without success, till at last I be an I d'°° "a via ' M I�IIANT.ii pears that about two or three• weeks g ago he was playing with a boy named to Rattan, when they quarrelled, Rattan R ticking up a stone and threw it at Hayden, striking him on the head just Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is What fills the housewife with da h above the temple, .inflicting a small fiZ t. growin rapidly and is restored to its wound, which induced brain fever, And mak" her biscuit arisp and light, origins color."—Mrs. Annie Collins, Her bread to tempt the appetite? A Kansas rain maker has come to Dighton, Mass. gf1of ><n a peculiar way. His name is ++I have used A er's Hair Vi or for COTTOLBN9 A; ?'+ anlives B. Montaomer d he liat y g y five years, and my hair is moist, Goodland, which in this case appears glossy, abd in an excellent state of to be a bad land for him. About two preservation. 'I am forty years old, and What is it makes her pastry anch weeks ago his county was visited by a have r•iddeh the plains for twenty-five - A treat, her husband eats so much, most damafring storm, warning o£ years."-Wri4. Henry Ott, alis "Mus. Though pies he aever nsed'to touch? which was given- neither by the local tang gill," Newcastle, Wyo. —AND— dgentfor Joba $obertwn & eons scotch whiskery I Jwsm crgnzaFrattocw,Qea unaPiadeePr�yvia us DRY Ri L Nt Sts St. Pour Street: Mantr'eal. /(\HE S UBSCRIBERHAVINO J US7 0031PLET JL sty and furnished his now Planing Mill with-M�tr� TgADF 1'A maohlne2i Of the latest improved patterns is now " �y o prepare to attend to all orders in his lino in IIx a*s � � ,`0 �f /A S � most prompt and satisfactory manner and at It V■{■( g ya�,1N p m eonablerates. He would also return thanks to a! 'fb who patronized the old will botoco they wero burn neW McABTHUB cli > ill No out and now boingg Ina better position to sae P$per Ig �� y oto orlersexpedltlonsly and feels confident he can I (� V AOs O voFACTORYisfaction -Near the Grand Trunh 1'aCtQ c e y Railway, Clinton. ry�Z . 4HOMAr VaKENZIE ..M COTTOLENE barometers nor by the signal service. CANADA TRU88 fACIoRY Montgomery at once began to boast ROBERT DOWNS,�,sce F. BSABS,Prop. that he caused this big disturbance. A Ak-e, r S A%liaacesforal,kindsofPhy farmer named James Butler. who suf- .CLINTON Seat I)g0tities. Cross' What is it ahor:e2ca cake so nice, Hair' V o r Improved Pat. Artificial Limps 14 fared severely because of the storm,��) —send fbr-- I Better than lard, while less in price, has taken the rain maker at his word, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the beet Swo Befo Ppd� r And does the cookie 'tn a trice 7 and has brought suit against him for prepared ,y lir.L C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas., Mitt nog• In use. A ent for the safe and appll- v g g U % cation of tho t3'FfensR PdTENT AQTOYATIe BOfLlla� s• Qom COTITOLICHE dame es. The outcome of the case sold by ruuqu s Bverywhora g riLEANaa. STEAM onshotFITTINGS notice. and app MUCILAQE A LIVID QLUF MAANFL will be watched with some interest, • ea an short notion. because, if it is pressed to an. issue be- I ,,,, y nooses. Engines, and all Ztindr, o/ E. AULD Prices Ri,OAL 759 Oraig What is it that fries oysters, fish fore a populist fury, there may be a OSTRICH FATHER MANFR y ' ' curious precedent established. Machin 6117 ropair o ezpeditlonely Croquettes, or eggs, or such like dish, p I cI r ,; and to a aatigtaotory manner , I W -SNOW per, i` „ As nice and quickly as you'd wish? Albert E. Wilson, accused of mor- I`, Farm implements manufactured and repaired ' Feattisrf ifs 1913 Notre Datne daring Mary o Marshall, of 11 cont k, . . ,i Steam and water pumps furnished and pat in COi'TOLENE four years ago, has made a full confer- positlpn. Dry Silua fitted up on application SAFE MANUFACTURER sion of his own free will. • He acknow- S. a.lilbllld.LL Chargee moaorate, ,Pad1 t+i+!,reta9prdaltr.meraig ledges his identity, and that he killed S'°bTHINb►'' 'CUI6'ANBINdlr What is it saves the time and care Miss Marshall. He committed the HtALINCL _ And patience of our women fair, deed with the English bulldogrevolver Mstant Relief, Permanent �j i. j�j TH�'.EQUAL OF tura, FailureJm Impossible, Se w• Ius�jw x • • , And helps them make their cake so rare? which ,the police brought from the Many so-called mposdiseasib are ► 9 Wiggins farm, near Saginaw, in wit sim ly even toms of Catarrh, GENERAL DEMI iM TINWARE 1. y C01'TI] LEIY C p pp ,i. sons valise. A cartridge from the box snob as boo, ache, losingsoneo' HURON STREET, CLINTON c �} found at the same time inflicted the of small, foul breatb, hawking , Repairing of all kinds prompt%y attond to ca l°' fatal wound, .he'll"' ttsked 'what im. sed spitting, general feeling onshle rates. A trial sollotted,. Who is it earns the gratitude, of debility eta. It you etre e elled him�to commif the Gleed, ho re- troubles with an of Thou or r u x` . L % '�,4'. NOf every lo.cr of pure food pplied that something had come over &Snared symptoms, on have �' BANNER ROUTE. PARISIAN 11AIR RENEWER By m",ille "COTTOLCN E $I slo ood? him, and he could riot resist the temp- Catarrh, and should lose no Cannot be loan, for restoring a hair to Ile i limo procuring a bottle of Does it ever strike you that the now gg p tation. There is no doubt that he was NASAL BALM. Be warnod, to Wabash lir- 1.1t n Detroit sed Chicago, natural color and beauty; it koope the hoed _ in love with the girl and consumed by time nbgleoted cold iu head f, i'Gdi completed, forms partof the shortest attars and cool, and true from dandruff, it Made oa b Jealousy. He age ally ,eva9iy0 reill - bq 4onaiiinm tIda - alid wth ' - s ;ins tram. Ci~nada to tYto World Fair City stops the halt from falling out, promotes tho Y y when tt ked whether he Bought the r� gold by diL drug�iste, on seat' ; Ira tl }A :goat ,i osk. Tlig new tr9ina on growth, and gives the hair the gloss, beauty N. $. gtl i 1It & Col• volver to kill the girt, but said that hp ost.paidroa posit) Df B106 , rx ,the,, :t o heaf nest. T the finest in the and strength of youth; when used as directed lrel isigtoix tib >gWito; , bad suffered more that death the four, � �entr d' / bxili°" Ing,: ' Airs¢ Wortd . M ,heti - the, a Vantages of tills it war nbvor known to fail. hold tar bait the years since. ULf4R y' 4 �rl1 , butt' , c MON'r`Iil1:Al+w + IN i, -s R�4lwgq 6,ab b6.0 ttltiiod note, any' 11. R , `price of any other proparatfon, Land M much �'` �1 i 11. os, ft V 1" for ` tr litiraYtr users offi i N. 1 S1. Co. yy ng & aj ttory am heti toilet, ; , .- ,1,t. ,., • I I��ili�l'i$ V� t�%�rle _,. r ro 1,. Yorl s,3 street Toronto.tickoliAgent win tell JhBYelliot rdsort p �kna ..: . I i - SQici.lyy �aM. $. Cts b 1 O Claltaditlm ]ItpMetlger sent, ,,.+t...,.r,.,�,,,�,erl► At 11t50; a Bbtltltl. I i'Oiet(r1YyOtlt. rltetbrtsaropitp4 f,eldtLL+' 1 ' ^• .., :., a•• _ - _ <. ,,,. - . ..1 e r re .- 2s, ,."..j'-"