HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-07-28, Page 5OLIN" 'ONNrinir. .. UVENi]3I1. Wl have just received another lot of those beautiful Specs, with CLINTON etched on .the howl, also gold- lined, oldlined,which we will sell at $1,26 each, old price $1..50 ' hese 81,looa5 are Solid Sterling ,Silver. J . I • U M BAJul L, Jeweler and Bell Telephone Exchange. WE HAVE SEVERAL LINES OF TJMMER GOODS TO CLEAR OUT, AND THE PRICES ALREADY LOW, WILL BE MADE LOWER TO DO IT TRADE has been very good with us this season, and we appreciate the confidence and goodwill of our custo- mers who have helped us to make the Cash system the success that it has been. Butter and Eggm,., keit as Cash. ,'TAYiOR&SONS An Lntfre1yNew Systems OF TREATMENT Yee are first held securely and IN COMFORT during the hardest work or severest strain, under ail reasonable eircametanees, even horse -back riding, THEN A CURE FOLLOWS. This, my last ani greatest invention in Hernial Appliances, is the result of over 26 years continuous professional practical experience. REMEMBER, I Kaye been in business in Toronto over twenty years. This rngpwment responds to every motion of the body, in coughing, sneezing or lifting, and neer alipe . from its position on. the bcdy, either np or down, ae all othere do, bat —STAYS WHERE YOU PUT IT-- ( 'IILDREN CURED IN SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS, Adults OF p Rfourteen ON or length of. time r pturedhe makea severity of difference. o EVERY CASE A SUCCESS Ws is positive. as I hive convincing testimony from physicians, parents and those declared by ao-oalled surgical ,mimam ,machinists to be hopeless ses. See small bills for the ieetimony of physicians, parents, and serious Been hanging up in are An Post Mlle ownr come other ublic place. or cards may be In the failure of others lies my Success. That is the evidence that tells the story GAN , HERNIA SPECIALIST. Y - 266 W. Queen 8t., Toronto. SPECIALIST will be at the Queens Hotel, Seaforth TUESDAY, JULY 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29, AL o say Yet we claim td hold the coolest for just Such weather. Look at this lis • Wanted, Any quantity of good Cher- ries, picked with the stems on, Red Currants & Gooseberries for which the highest market price will .be paid. N. ROBSON, Grocer, Clinton BINDER TWINE Made from Canadian Flax. Rho CBOT and BEST It THE MARKET MADE BY FREE LABOR May bo had at Swallow's(irocery Store D. A, FORRESTER BUGGY p FOR gSALE. Ap iy atverNEiW BRA OFFIOEfor sale cheap. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. On Albert 8t., one lot and suitable for build- ing purposes. Small house on place in good re- pair. Apply to MRS. THOS. COOPER, Clinton. S ECONDHAND BINDERS Four secondhand Binders almost nen guaran• teed to work satisfactory or 110 sale—will be sold cheap. Give us a call. BROWN & MENZIES Seaforth. , TENDERS WANTED Tenders for Haleomining the walls and ceil- ing of the Ontario St Methodist Church, will be received up to noon on the 26th inst. The lowest or any tender not necesearily accepted. f1. WILTBE, Secretary of Trustee Board HAY WANTED WM: CUDMORE will pay the highoat leash price for NO. 1 OLD TIMOTHY BARN HAY. Apply to W. J. SLOMAN, Pike's Hotel, Clinton Plain and spotted Lawns Cream and White India Linens, Black Grenadines Cream and BiscuitWool Crepons, Black Stripe and Check Lawns, Cream Delains . Black Wool Grena- dines, Cream and Black Nun's Veiling White and Colored Perkales Colored and White Pongees,PineA,pple Tissue Sea Side Flannels lovely Flannelettes fast -colored Ginghams, Bengalines every color,Cluna Silks all shades Fancy Bedford Cords,fast-colored. fine French Sateens, Printed Lawns. These are all cor- rect stuffs for hot weather. ' GILLROY etic WISE1VIA& CLINTON • CLINTON - MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, July 27,1893. Wheat Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 63 Oats 0 35 a 0 37 Barley 0 85 a 0 40 Peas 0 55 a 0 57 Flour per bel a 4 30 Batter 0 15 a 0 16 /Iggeper doz Potatoes per bushel Potatoes, new Pork Say, Newland Old Hides, No. 1 trimmed Hides, rough Sheep Skins Apples, per bag Wool BORN HARPER.—In Clinton, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr N. Harper, of a daughter. EtLIOT•r..-in ffoduricle—PO istrt1y�ton thn- 15th inst., the wife of Mr W. H.n1lett, of a daughter. IRWIN.—In Morris, on the 14th inst., the wife of Samuel Irwin, of a daughter. ROSS. In Brussels, on the35thinet., the wife of Hr Roderick Ross, of a son. 0 9 a 0 10 I MARRIED. 0 60 a 0 75 j1 LEACH—JACKSON.—In Sealorth ea the 1 50 a 1 50 19th Just., by the Rev. A. D. McDonald D. D., 7 50 a 7 50 Mary Ann Jackeon oft Westfielldsboro, �o Mies b00a700 3 00 a 4 00 AI.LANSON—EWING.—In Clinton, 05 the a 3 50 25th inst., byRev. J. H. Fairlie, Mr Joe. Allan - 2 60 0 40 a 100 son, to Mrs rah Ewing, all of Clinton. 0 60 a 0 75 GRANT—CORNISH.--In Clinton on theG.2 tkk Inst. by the Roy. J. H. Fairlie, Mr 0 18 a 0 22 to Sirs Lynda A. Cornish, all of Clinton. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET HOUSES and LOTS FOR SALE • The undersigned offers for sale the new cot- tage on fainly St., containing 6 rooms, pantry and woodshed; has every modern convenience; the lot contains two-fifths of an acre and has a num- ber of fruit trees thereon. Also the cottage on Fulton 8t., wbieb has five rooms, good hard and soft water, and has all convenience:4 thIllot con- tains two-fifths of an acre, on which there are a number of fruit trees. The above places will bo sold on reasonable terms. 8. COPP. NOTICdr'T " A. Court for hearing the appeals trot* the Court of Revision of the Town of Clinton, will be held e.t the Commit Chamber, Clinton, before his hooter IbaLo P'. Tolne,Judie of the County Mart, oa FRIDAY, July 28, a 9 o'clock, a, W2, All patties baying business at the said court will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. OGATS, ONeke There wore about 350 head of butchers' cattle 160 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered at the East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers wore present in large numbers and there was a brisk demand for nearly all kind of meat critters and prices had an upward tendency all round, especially was title the case with good lambs, which brought nearly fifty cents per head more than similar lambs were sold for last week. There were no really choice beeves on the market to -day and the best offered brought from 41e to 51c per lb, with pretty good stook at from 4c to 4$o do.; half fatted steers, fair conditions, young stock and common dry cows sold at from 31e to 31e and the leaner beasts at from 21e to 3c per lb. THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET Messrs. John Swan & Sons report as follows— Supplies of fat cattle have leeen generally smaller this week, In the open markets trade has been fairly good and an easy clearance made but as is usual at this season, the demand from England is limited. Irish grace -fed cattle, which are likely to be of good quality, are now beginning to coma. There were about 600 States cattle at Yorkhill, the best of which aro reported to have made 6s 9d to 7s per stone. Ic Glasgow, supplies were large and trade slow at prices' in favor of buyers. Calves in smaller numbers and they mot a better trade, while pigs also met a good enquiry. For the best description of store stock a slightly bettortrade is experienced, but aro very difficult to sell and part of this plass, especially of cattle, were left unsold. Milk caws not so numerousatnd met a worse trade. Best beef, 8s 3d to 88 9 ; secondary 7s 9d psrstone. Bost mutton 7$d; secondary 71d; owe do, 516 to 61d per Ib. DIED. INNER.—In Stanley} on tho 23r46 inst., Mr John Inness, father of Mr A. Innes, aged 89 years and 2 months. MAUNDERS.—In Legburn England, on June 13th, Mr Robert Maunders, brother to Thos. Maunders, o1 Morris township, aged 53 years. WILIOX.—In Goderioh township, on the 20th inst., James Wi11ox, aged 83 years. BURGESS.—In Bruseels, on the 18th inst., Jane, wife of Henry Burgess, aged 49 years. CAMERON.—In Morris, on the lith inst., Alexander Cameron, aged 36 years and ton months. MoKANNA.—In Brussels, on the 15tk inat., Patrick MoKanna, aged 55 years. The heat was so intense at Huron, South Dakota, on Saturday, that work in the bar- ley and rye harvest fields was abandoned. The thermometer has ranged from 96 to 106 during the last few days. There is an old saying that it is good to make hay while the sun shines. But in Britain, New Brunswick and in some parte of Canada, they are unable to make hay because the sun has been Wattling too much. The London Quarterly expresses, the opinion that the Home Rule Bill will pass the Lords after it is sent to them a second time. If it Domes to a question of Lords or Bill, the Lords will as gracefully as possible crawl ander the barn. • The returns of the Dominion exports and imports for the past fiscal year just com- pleted by the Cnatome Department,show a docreaee of S6,000,000 in the imports and an increase of over 91,800,000 in the exports, as compared with the previous year's fig- ures. John iiitewart, who died at Paisley on l ettratly; wail buried on Monday with im- posing oe9CdtO Y. Debeaeed• orae s pro- nlinent lioutoomo,of William Lyon Mac. Kenzie in the upris'ibg, of 1837, and was oondamlied to impprisonui`ed.t for .iiia for the part be took in the fasurreotion, The fon- oral woo ootsdubYed No the Liberal Asada:,, lotion. A Wheel For pleasure. Yon want health, strength, appetite, good nerves, and there'd no other form of amusement that gives you so much pleasure as wheeling fresh air, healthful exercise, exhilerat- ing excitement. Those who wheel once wheel always.' Of course yon should not be satisfied with anything but the best—then ride a COMET. They coat a little more than other wheels, but the best is the cheapest. Sold by G.F. EMERSON, Clinton Telegraph your Manitoba friends over the C P TELEGRAPH TEAT Y01/ ARE GOING ON TUE *28 EXCURSION Ant. 15th, 221d, ' or Sept. 5th, Alto Tuns lit? Toon Tsrasl'r Food 1 T !C04pBB, Agelt, CLINTON FOSTER For 3 1V[cnthS DATE THE VERY BEST Cabinet Photos ANY STYLE FOR S3per doz., at FOSTERS SEASONABLE GOODS .. • • PLACED IN STOCK THIS WEEK. • 10 Cases Fruit Jars Imperial Pints. Wine and Imperial Quarts. Wine and Imperial Half Gallons 15Bbl ��gNIILgEDA SUGAR WE ARE CLEARING 10 Pieces Dress Goods About 500 yards at 10 Cents a Yard These goods were sold at 15, 20 and 25 cents a yard, but we do not want to show a piece of goods in the autumn that was bought for spring, so offer the choice of them at 10 cents. W. L. OUI1WTTZIy CASH DEALER, ALER, LO D SBORO