HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-23, Page 7Star `ru SNI D RYGtN Et SOME Rill -Ea FOR alikitITIFY..NO,'rNS'. et Ps leseetesee ter One TO festlie We Olio. 7eraPleert ate aConottaire sts a Seeress of 3>1 keettes-80rese 'Ver The *Yee. MPOrial Abont equivalent to 0 itmer1ca1 t Ono for s�I C* aler 'mite ,American Uta 25c. a Gallon These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged or delivered 21c per gallon extra. 3ohnson's Kalsomin3 and Pure Mixed Paints, Churches Alabastino, John A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds AVIS & ROWLAND, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton SUGAR THS Cates Mr tete clieleirsePeeeseaba a general wit m y b $list Fbo ane can make her owayn,, complaloon. This Asn do by the closet$ eetessidee Vials obser twee., of the laws of hygienic i'elai$ _� By this s,'e mean, first, be temperate iiu alt, thiiil;s. E c - ;Osseo profoundly imprem tt?#a nervous eye - tem and .throughit all the mares of nutse. tion of the humannseoha4ase are reelected. The akin on the face is hit a email part of ..b entire akin surface. -The akin is large and by no meccas relight time. It weighs teal perinea. Secondly—Take caro et the skin /Mole A very larpfe proportion df the breakdown, waste and muapunties of the- body are car- ried off by the skin through the iued.tum of the sweat. Fortunetely tow Caintortes se*, the perspiration rarely flocs like a stream. It is a pity it does not ram like a brooklet from thaw- too careless to keep the skin clean. Frequent bathing it necessary to re- move this mass of eonstese .y accumulating efi'ete products. Thirdly—Se watchful of the bowels and kidneys ; they, too, are mars of wants and decay. To Ware We deafly removal of waste, a daily bowel movement le neces- sary, an4 the free action of the kidneys. The kidneys, Iike sausage pipea, need flushing, in order to inseam Gherr perfect no- tion If nature hats given Dao a dark, thick akin she cannot rnaeft fib. and thin. If she have moles, blotchoa, pernplea, scare or running sores upon her she should go to a specialist upon akin flneases to be ad- vised, and have a apeor a treatment pre. scribed for her partiouler condition. The address of a good specialise can be gotten at the ones, of any ,neeia I college or hos- pital. Possibly the moat convenient way would be to write . and salt "the dean" of any a of our colleges to furnish the ad- If one cannot go to a &specialist let her try --what she can acenwpLish by . taking care of herself. This fiorbealFing rules must be followed for several months at least before much improsemsrit will be notice ed. I The Nervous System. --moo not do any- thing to excess. Secure...4 ht or ten hours of sleep every 24 hoe. Cultivate the habit of napping- -het peps' do much to ward beautifying Talo some physical exercise each day which +ball bring -a many of the muscles inter play es posaihle. Kneading bread brings the muscles of the upper part of the body.tato nim activity. Dancing is an edrahatee ateover exercise. Walking--briak waleSae—re extremely ay, wet orgot oods s airmen" he stent iast one boar ones nthe open air. 2. Bashi ng -,Scrub t all over the body with warm wet* and soap once a `may > rising, e. off he hob cold water, anh dry quickly with a mash towel. If one cannot best the cold weesas--if she shill or, feel weak after the sgeseiterg omit Ite and apo with bot wet* "mipdn sang to bed instead. 3. The Bowels and leidneys.-Buy some rhubarb root—it comas .wit in &square or rectangular bite, and betel cheap, finless aaovement le L of eoo having!� root thebowel matae of a daimts p-�a piece of andpee da ore 'Baas moer at bedtlaou me. This given a �� ipnvement without any p or the 11{fidneya especially, drink wesat meek m mistime. Every- one needs water a mal lubricating pnrposee and as a helped- fertes in remov- ing waste from the albnentary canal. adult pson gppsttd drink two qEveryuarts of waterer daring l.1*' 1 bonus. First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices 'a Specialty BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED J. 'ViT. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. MEN'S BOYS' and GIRL'S TRAW HAT NEWS O The total :paid, adttiiisiiln:l to the World's Ear June 1I were, $ 4,4tir', Total. aid adxstiasionq, tueluclang 41tt1p >$2,ar71$er 11441#0i 'Iufnirn e#it benebeleOeSs; e„ irteed. Mr 74. 8. Ityekmau, eev on of B. Dr Ryckman, of ccaticoolte, Montreal. ethodist Canferrenee, has been, noini- ated.ter the Legislature by goat York' Botiser, rvativ• J. obangeae .and Scratches o f ~ every kind -enhuman o> axttpiols, oared in .309124Petee by Woelford'a ;Sanitary Lotion; Thia never felt$, Sold by Watt's 4 Co. Druggist. A . singular 'wedding -has recently taken 'palace in Christ Ghurgh, New Zealand, a Wolman withoutarts being married to a hue, stalwart young man. brid the e's ringtoeswas, bpetweain wlaced onhich onshe e ofgrasthep- ed a pen and signed the marriage re. gister. If yon desire a beautiful .complexion, absolutely free from pim¢lea and biotebes, purify your blood by the nee of Ayer's Sareeperille. Remove the oauae of .these (Refigurewe sts and the akin will take care of itself. Be sure you get Ayer's Bar- saparilla. Some three years ago, lays the Argus, while Mr John Brown, of St, Mary's 'was working on the farm of Mrs A. Beattie, Blanchard, he lost a silver watch which he was wearing at the time. As Mr Brenton, the present ten- ant of the farm, was plowing the other day, the watch was turned up quite uninjured, and was returned to its owner. Qq !lave jut}$. received one,Ql and an 141P:ipso^ ne j9irepared. �s ¶Qos0�, Virind ovfr Mid o► S4OULtD, —See our 15 cent— GIRLS SAILOR MATS —AND OUR - 1O Cent BOYS HATS Cnosswsra., Mioh., May 10, 1892. Iaaao Williams Company, London: Deus Bin.—As per agreement, I write to let you know that I still inhabit this mun- dane sphere. I am still taking Royal Crown Remedy, with good results --for they all tell me I am looking and walking better, and what everybody says must be true. Yes; I certainly think I am feeling better, and hope the remedy will do its work. I shall continue taking it as long as I continue to improve. I think I will go down to.Coldwater within a couple of weeks and I will keep you posted as to my con- dition. Very respaotfully yours, H. Tncvna. P. S.—I met a gentleman on the train on my way' home, who lives in the north part of the State. He is troubled in some respects just as I am, namely kidney and liver troubles. I recommended your remedy and gave him some circulars, and he said he would send for some. Men's Straws at 15c, 17c, 2OO1 25c M No better in the trade. 5 per cent off for Cash. oats & Son, Clinton. Special Notice! As an extra indnoement to CASE purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead- ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters, all framed and finished in drat-clase style, and suitable for the best class of resi- dence. Eaoh'onetomer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures . tree when is to supply my customerswithgases ood aggregate Thirty Goode at Bottom Prit Dee.otto in business TSE Usta op Bowes arca 18rwe.---►n The Record for Decameter 8 was printed an engravee's experience is thea use el for the relief of effeetraas of the eye in from strain. He held found re string a solation made kora a teaspoonful of powered borax in a teashleeful of wakes., wetting the eye with tlhaste ger tips. Two oorresprfndeoin 'Write desiring further fnimrmatdaie. The setrin ent qualities of borax Luigi* make it beneficial to the Daae stated, beelea siikwline qualities, as well as this astrhieni property, make ite administration da oras, for such a delicate organ as the eye. it is best not to experiments. what is one man's ipeat is another's poison oorreepondents had better consult cep omaliet, and if they try the borax try &for a condition of the eye for which he will airy it is needful. The correct ppwnounciatitln of "boracic" fa borane, with the sooeat. un. the middle syl- lable. CoiasTri:ATIOA a fions.'a er DrSEAsit.-- When, writes& a medical authority in the Phrenological Journal, ft Is properly under- stood that sluggish oA constipated bowels, by retaining for a long Arne the residua of digestion, may become the source of the most dangerous disease, through the absorp- tion of their poieouo products into the blood, the imppgrtan-e of keeping 'the intes- tines clean and in norttaloondition is mani- fest. The number of deaths that are due to retained feces in the bowels cannot be computed, and it fs fait to claim that the majority of those who lose their life in early or middle age from intestinal ob- rtrection or the eap$ic censequences of waste accumulation he the loculi slid flex- ures could be eared Joe further service in the world by a prompt' nee Af` the syringe.•:: In those malignant frame of disorder that are due to the rapid development of pto- maines or pernieiosti germs in the tissues and blood, and espeeialiy 'those whose leading characteri$lo is intestinal inflam- mation or gastric beeekdown, no agent known to medical acsenoe is superior in remedial virtue to wateremand, b en cool or the warm, as the case nay y mouth or rectum. lt- Ne r Light • Law The rumor that Messrs McIntyre and Froget, of Montreal, backed by George Gould, of New York, are trying to get a controlling interest in the• Grand Trunk Railway,� is interesting, to say the least. Mr Mclntryre, in the early days of the Canadian Pacific, was a director of that road, and it is said that he would aim for the Presidency of the Grand Trunk, if he could manage the little deal upon which he is now re- ported to be engaged. SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per oent. we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on allow at our store. TEAS—Our stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Grown Blend, the finest in the market. 0/ELINAWAIM—Ettaraine the quality and prices of onr Combination Dinner and Tea •Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with ns is every business day throughout the year. N. ROBSON, -- Clinton SPRING *No SUMMER' 1893 We invite pour inepootion" of our new and extensive Stook of They are a great improvement on the al style mower --run >z!>y;Qh,. easier and do better work. They are not expensive. $ee theta. New Iaokay$lStoreoek'HARLAND BBrick Minard's Liniment is the Best Sam. A. Walker, a constable, and brother of M. A. Walker, a member of the Tennessee Legislature, was arrest- ed • last week, charged- with murder. Mrs Louise Cummings, who was ar- rested last Friday. charged with the murder of her 10 year old step -son, confessed that she and Walker had been discovered by the boy in a com- p kromising phosition, and that they had English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lampe and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. Michigan is about to try a curious experiment. A new law provides that any one convicted of drunkenness may take his choice between a term of im- prisonment and a course of tieatment at some Keeley institute. 11 the pri- soner elects to be cured of the appetite forstrong drink, the county shall spend at least $70 for that purpose. The scheme will be watched with interest. It is an acknowledgment that drun- kenness is a cureable disease, and an admission that penal practices should be taken into account the welfare of offenders as well as the protection of society. filled the c ild to shield themselves. no —WANTED AT THE ---- Beaver .• Woolen e• Mills .• Stor Next Door to Harland Bros Store,Brick Bloch CLINTON, ONT The highest market price in Cash, and more in trade for Wool. Electric Carding Machine in Connection. First Class Rolls Guaranteed. Wool and Carding sent by rail will be carted to and from station free of charge. We keep a large and well assorted stock oft, Fine, Medium and Coarse Flannels, Tweeds, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Horse Blankets, Yarns, Single, Double and,Treble Ply, All -Wool • Socks and Hose, Knitted Goods of all kinds. Suits Made to Order and fit guaranteed_or no sale. Custom Spinning, Weaving, Falling and Finishing taken in and sent to the mills at Union, and retarned at short notice, at lowest possible prices. Ourgoods took two diplomas and gold medal from several different factories three successive years. We do business on the square. Call and see ns. BEAVER MILLS WOOLEN CO., E. C. WILLSON, Proprietor. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, &c. Believing that we are now in a better position to handle your trade than ever before, -it is atone unturned to gain custom. 'W.e take it for. granted tat evt intention a tp leave no for Good abode, and a decided leaning`towdrds przoee. In view everybody has sere glad of. those fac$s we dee gle►d b throet attention to our large aeeortmetit and the bargains we Th -'extent of our mock is, ttnnsnally large, and the variety offered in styles gand r. offer. sofail to sizes everyis so ep r that We think will be !Mind complete. Nothing havin0ibegen neglected stock ar lien aur d0 This � locality. In !y this loo i offered in ever aft ed y l a asortment ate in our efforts 4h make it any quantity most Dom s and good Butter, We also pay (lash for both season we oda handle ally, uaniitq of complete of times articles. Cdsh win be paid for Eggs by the waggon which ie now on the road. Your attention is s000iellp directed toour Gents Gaiitterrs a01. 5. pecial anile tes o on. Japan d Shoes at 50o. Ladies' Attttorted S 1)1.%. e Nide IOW Raisins 4 0., s eons Corn, Peas oe Tomatoes 250., 8 bare (1 bo y Oil2fio ata , atelope$• �p i,,o„ 8 lire: Ginger Snaps for $5b., 2 vans Bed Salmon for -SSD. Thank- ing ing yoti for your past favors and soliciting a oantinnance of the game. Mrs. titadatone ant Werman ynfrraglats. The repbrt that with the blessing and cep. proaal of Mrs. Gladstone some seoedel's from Lire Wornsn's Ifersrt Federation had farmed a new assoaiati nHa does .not convey by any moans all the isrf enation available on this eubjeet. The numbers of the new organization, whish la to be called the Woman's National Wooed Association, have -eased to concern themselves with the advocacy of the woman% suffrage principle, and their onjoot eine* simply the promo - lien of the official L balral prn 'ramie, in which women's suifrafga.ispi+►ced very much. in the background, if it have a plant; they at all. It was in of somcthins e r infilo W om n n lin:.. a revolt t like re l k o� 'Mrs. f31ad aWno Liberal sod-rhapzan' iY�M� decided to wit draw ltfim-tbe presidency off that body., The fiaderi�➢�#ipn have not, how- ever, -eased to suppothfre Liberal party. they only refuge teads114 that the women e suffrage'prineiplo may-p,opsrly be reloggated' to a anbbrdi... Vette" iii the liberal 31$80 1, & . mczu OZ Cash Merchants, nhil' ?rags..... AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief and speedy cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. • The best- known cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. It soothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, and induces repose. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral gys Sacrifice Sale taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Ayer's .Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my family for many years, I can confidently recommend it for all setho • complaints it is claimed to cure, Its sale is increasing yearly with me, and my customers think this prep— a- e ration has no equal as a co h Ctir. S. W. Parent, Queensbury, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Pr r sl by Dr. r. C Ayer 8t Cd.. Lasa!$ Mattis. 5eld by 511 Drs gisttr. Price $k; acx bott�e5, $s. Prompt to act .tato to CUrp 3 ave BOOKS, Stationery; WALL PAPER, &c Q,In order to clear out the entire stock of W. H. SIMPSON, it has beenldecided to offer the sametat prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at each figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. RUMBALL' S CLIMLIZ FACTORY, Huron Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be oftifirst-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. F. 'R1TI/I B A.LL, .- CY.IN TC)N ho Whiternan Pea Harvester THE BEST IN THE WO1%LH For the following reasons: --1st it is built of the beet maleable wrought iton and steel. 2nd—lt requires no holes to be drilled in cutter bar. 3rd—The outside divider eat be raised or lowered at book or front independent of lifters. 4th—It has no red At the baok to hold ob'steactiens and cause (Shelling. 5th -there is no springs to break or get out of order. $th—it bat movable clips and can be Stet in line with tangos if mower bar drags beak. 7th -•Each lifter has a guard stay,: and breaking , mower earl raised then and o isi do n dent oftheo , 'iter u �. ahh th Eo pe .h $ acrd ie si ask lo, h i el. � of lisle. e Mit g ab a ward or lowered at the back WWI �o !tela lit front shortie mower q The nuimbarF of machines -ted during the peat season trashier it large number of tbo leading faxtstorg of the Province to, teetify to its' ni±a. aEvery. k' f machine 1 is warrant- ed ars tt- ed aild given on-t'8st. Sample )haphinb can s Shop, Clinton, also at different shops throe h the nonuty, Jarrles Whiteman, pa tan. tee And manuA facturer, mulree. TILOS BIWWN, General' Agent, SEAP011