HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-23, Page 5filb WV' In ' 4., !N' CLINTON NXW. 'ERA. 'Tile flips to buy yoni Watehee wit ., ae We ere giving epeoifl'good vsiu4 in Ladies' l.0 &14 H. Watches Waiob wa defy .gonnpetition.ia. ,&Iso ape Diel value' In GglITS W,A.' X HES,' 001 and tee ae 4nd 79.g. Ili* be tati4Sed, • Is not more desirable in hot weather. than,' Coo Feet RUSSET SHOES Are more comfortable to wear because the leather contains less oil and does not hold the heat as do shoes of black leather. Besides, light-colored shoes for summer wear are in style A Good Russet Shoe at any price. If you don't want a Tan Shoe we have All Styles in Black Everybody knows that we carry an excellent assortment, from the lowest grades to the highest qualities Selling forCash only we sell at the lowest possible margin Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. 1 AYLOR & SONS f B AMBQO TABLAS 25c, 30c and 45c 000—• We have now a fine line of Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30c. and 45 cents. Whenever you have any time to spare we would like yon to take a look through our warerooms whether you wish to buy or not J. W.-CRIDLEY, Funeral Director and Embalmer—Night calla answered at hi' residence, Hing St., opposite the foundry. JOSEPH CH I D LEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON S SHO We are nck vine a Discount of Ten per cent to all Cash buys ofBoots and Shoes at our store J NO. JACI<SON, Clinton. ENGINEER WANTED. Steady employmont. Apppp1y to �— —' W. DOEERTY & CO., Clinton PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the proporty en the 15th Don., Goderioh Township, being the east end of part of lot 33. The proporty con- tains two acres of land, and has a good house and barn thereon. All is in a first-class state of cultivation. 11 not sold by July let, will be offered by Public Auction, Apply to JAB, HOWSON, Anat., or to the proprietor, JAB, COTTLE, on the premises. BICYCLES New - car - Secondhand TERMS CASH or one-third cash bal-- ance monthly on approved notes bear- ing interest. We will- alsorent. wheels by the hour or daay.'. Lyall or write fera• catalogue of good 'COOPEE' CO, Clingy ¢ .I ROOMS TO RENT reasonable eed rms. Applytie oMI85 BEID,MarySt NOTICE. Owsaus OF Ceb1RTiRY LOTS.—you are request- ed to assist the Cemetery Committee in putting Vour lots in order. Many have planted in the past trees,'ebrube and creeping plants, destroy- ing their own dote and also the adjoining lots. Mr Wheatley, the superintendent, will be at the cemetery this week. Parties requiring their lots put in order should do so at once. It will be cheaper to do it now than to hire a person to go there. °A number of tomb stones are loose in the base and some have fallen over; fences and tomb stones are lying on the ground; it is expect- ed that more parties will take an interest in the resting plaoe of their friends, and not let itl look like a wilderness. Yours, W. C. SCARLR, Chairman Cemetery Com WOOL! —SEASON OF 1893 --- As usual I shall be prepared to take any quantity ofWOOL in exchange for GOODS or CASH at the highest mar- ket price. I beg to announce that my retook of Tweeds, B!aukets, Stocgiegs, Yarns And goods !Or .genoralFarmer's :wear is complete, warranted of pure wool from native fleeces, and 'I guarantee to give bat. ideation as heretofore. '.'Gledb rnniller YoU know.ive.have nor and have hidall along, the Dress Goods stoop of Clinton. J '¢ol mina • .., u ups stook of .all. y fashion, and: counter;room enough to afford everyo pn1 t that fashl<on calls for your .. .. pp r tin>�ty to'�ooh, to handle,t exAmine, justtile spot one .ii�ls tike taking tlm , . o e,hr ,..tubing can be more enchanting than the long line. of Wash Goods temptingly arrayed for easy.seeing and quick comparisons. } . P ; Not one or two sorts but substa,nti;) l ., aP `ces that temptingly please, The ample s . ace of the Wash floods see- y- score offorts are -on sale at 'prices tion has never . been more serviceable than during these hot days,• when the ,lp htne - strength and fineness of texture brought these goods to one's notice ,,. ss, beauty of ,coloring, 36inch GrINGHA:d1S122c, � 27 in Ginghans, beautiful for hot weather wrappers and dresses•# in every color --only 10 Cents. Cream and old blue FRENCH SATIN, Satin Finish, fast cola worth easily - 30c., only 20 cents. PRINTED LAWNS particularly suitable for Fais only 15 cents.. Fine Cotton fast colored CHALLIES for 8c; a betterblouse line 32 in wide 'only r12ac 30in GINGHAMS 1Oc,Lovely Bedford cord CHALLIES 36in wide, fast colors . only I Shades, in plain SATEENS• Newest thing in Black Satin Check LAWNS 2iic. White • ute �t ; ' � tter and spotted MUSLIMS 15c, 20c and -25c. Fine Brocaded CHAMBRAY in pinks and blu Boiling GIIITGHA,MS only 5c• Fast colored PRINTS Sc. Double fold Blackes onl. ,•�. GRENADENE only From the finest Chambrays down to the commonest Prints we can suit your fancy andour pocket, assortment of any other store by the side of what you see here and the contrast will be our best advertiisseut the ment ool Coats and Vests; just in a lot of `l ithin thngs for days; all y patterns and prices, t Y( GIY.ROY do �N'�gEM, CLINTON 1\IARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 22,1893. Wheat fall Wheat spring Oats Barley Peas Flour per bal Butter Lgge per doz Potatoes per bushel Pork Hay, Hides, No. 1 trimmed Hides,rongh Sheep Skins Apples, per bag Wool 060 a 064 o 60 a 0 64 032 a 033 o35a045 065a 056 a 430 013 a 014 0 9 a 0 10 050 a 050 750 a 750 6 03 a 7 00 300a400 250 a- 350 040 a 100 050 a 075 o18a022 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were about 350 head of butchers cattle, 150 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered 'at the East Find Abattoir to -day. Trade was fairly good and rather higher prices were paid for the best cattle, but there were• no really choice beeves on the market to -day. The highest:price paid to- day was 490 per lb. with pretty good stook at about 4ic do, and roughhalf fatted beasts at ficin 3c .to 3o per lb. There were a number of Quebec oxen on this market to -day, they were in fair condition and sold at abont4o per lb.. Cattle shippers were a thoroughly Flie- gzsted lot of men Monday, -and everycbble received only added to their disgust. The Liverpool and Lon don markets were s'mply mincing, and all salesmen advised the greatest caption. In London finest American cattle sold at 5,} to 51d, and sale of superior Canadian cattle,were reported at stain Liverpool. Old Shippers say they never remember such a endden and pro- nounced drop, and that they never experi- enced such a bad market at this season of the year, BO1tN WILLIAMS.—In Ooderioh township, on the lGth inst., the wife of Mr Chas. J. Williams, of a son. JACKSON.—In Seaforth on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr Jackson, of tile. 8r1rt' of Mullet & Jackson, of a daughter. MARRIED. STEVENSON — MoLINCHBY.—On the 21i inst., at the Parsonage, by the Rev. W. Smyth, pastor of Ontario St.churc5,'ryirJohn Stovensoul t) Miss Mary McLinchey, both of Stanley. 'Mims onMthe 21st inst., by the Rev. J. H,Simp-- son, Mr Franklin J. Whitmore, to Miss Bella, J., daughter of Mr-lvtobert Reid, all of Stanley. MILLER—POLLARD.—At the rosidonco of the bride's parents, McKillop. on the 14th inst., by the Rev. W. Ottowell Mr Alfred E Miller, of London to Miss Lou. daughter of Mr Rich - and Pollard. DIED. MoARTHUR.— In Turnborry, on the 11th inst., Mary McArthur, aged 62 years, 4 months, 24 days. y Elizabeth Ann, wife of Malcolm Lamont, aged 35 years, 3 months and 26 days. TORPY.—In Seaforth, on the 14th inst., Mar- garet Torpy, relict of the late John Torpy, of Hibbert; aged 62 years, 3 months. VOSPER.—In Exeter, on the 11th Inst, Humphrey VO4per, aged 43 years, 0 months and 25s. RISLOP.—In ITbwick, on the 14th inst., Mr Adam Hislbp, aged 77 years. l,aed7astMr orgeTwanloyyg3'c, g menhe. Thou* E. Cr'osb , aged 14, wee drowned, at Penh while. bathing,; Children Cry ior� Pitcher's Castoriam CLINTON A Whee1 For pleasure. -Yon want health, strength, appetite, good nerves, and there's no other form of amusement that gives you so much pleasure as wheeling fresh air, healthful exercise, exhilerat- ing excitement. Those who wheel once wheel always. Of course you should not be satisfied with anything but the best—then ride a COMET. They cost a little more than other wheels, .but the best is the cheapest. Sold by For 3 Montl FROM THIS DA -TE THE VERY BEST Cabinet Photos • ANY STYLE FOR $3per FOSTER FOSTER G.F. EMERSON, Clinton 13 Civil W. FARNCOMR, MEMBER OF ABS'N OFBoots and1 Engines,PLondnalOnt�O>$oe aticiaoJ watt's Grocery Store, Clinton. Shoes - •I The damage by the Minnesota and Wis- consin fires has been very serious, and 3,- 500 people are for the present dependent on oharity. The Toronto mare, Lady Watson, by Sim Watson, won the three-minute rape at Aylmer, Tuesday, trotting one heat in 2.24, the fastest on record in Canada in a three•minnte olaes race. Mr Allan Wilmot, of Newcastle, one .of the oldest residents of Derham county,. is dead, aged 89. We have this week added to our stock a good range of Ladies' & Children's Blk. and Col. Oxford,Shoes .' Including the new THEO and BLUCHER -patterns. Men's Oxfords i&Blk. and Colors Ten cents off the .$ for Cash, This means cheap Booi s & Shoes, Baby Carriages Expres Wagons Also a full line of I TRUNKS, FLY NETS, VALISES, DUSTERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, HARNESS, ETC' Three cars .of'i'ine and Z°"e ar BEtnict ,ES expected At once Glass and Croekery.. WATER SETTS.: --White, Amber, Blue and Ruby, Jug, Tumblers and Tray. 90c. to $2 50 --special. TOILET SETTS --White, Printed and Decorated, 4 to 14 pieces. Price $1,75- to. $8 We lead in low prices --Why? Because we buy and sell for, spot Cash. We solicit your trade. S" DN