HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-23, Page 2• ..n • . •
Ve 1$98,
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denoted by 034 slate 413 the address label,
Arsvairrninio Rams -Tranpient •advertise,
Monta,1.0 *sate per NonParoil lip aria inser-
ONO OttntAfter Hualeneaeb IlUbsesPient insertion
'0ortritaer Eart•ti..r.The following table ehowit
ow rates for the insertion of advertieeinents for
!pet Periods:-
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spillibae hlictill forbid and charged atioar4log•
• 1'y: Trantqrtlear advertiatimente must be Paid 313
• 1101030. ' ‘ .
• Leon Nor/one-At the hSad of local oolumn
• ' 10 00,0 Pet line or POrtiot tbereof,each insertion
krbaleit lest or tonna, girls wanted, dro., pot
exesedirig, tlaree lines, 25 cents each insertion.
nye lines 50 cents ope insertion, and 25 cents for
emit subsequent insertion. Rouses to let or or
• ale,farnis to rent or for sale, stray, (tattle and all
• ;ginger advertisements not erceetbOg eight line°
• itifor one.,-,niont.b and 50 cents for each Bubo°.
'44ent hahOtb-
Chaliges for oontract advertisements must be
n the otioe lee poon en 'Wedneedaya.
The court was opened on `Tuesday
-last by His Honor Judge Toms, the
only quasi -criminal case being Green -
Wade vs. Berry, an appeal from the
decision of William Buchanan, J, P.,
of Hensall, imposing a fine of $1 on are
• pellent for an assault on Berry. The
• case:vvas given to a jury who found
• that there was no assault committed,
and recommended that each party pay
his own costs in the appeal, His Hon-
or therefore quashes the conviction
• without costs, smilingly suggesting
that when each had paid from $40 to
1$50 costs it should be a sufficent lesson
• to prevent any further quarrelling
between them.
' The Grand, Jury had under consider-
ation through the Clerk of the Peace
the matter of the mobbing of the
house • occupied by the Clarey gang
• some weeks ago, but after a host of
supposed witnesses had been examined,
the jury returned "no bill" against the
parties charged as taking part in the
The civil cases were disposed of as
• Browning vs. Browning. -An action
brought by a daughter against her
father for the detention of her person-
al effects. The trial was postponed till
theDeeembersitting, on account oflthe
illness of a material witness.
McLean ve. Cox. -An action to re-
cover an account against debt. Coun-
sel consenting judgment was entered
for the pltf. for $267.17 and costs.
McQuade vs. Adams. -An action to
recover the value of a quantity of tim-
ber. Counsel consenting judgment
was entered for $200.
Corbin vs. Neagle.-Counsel consent-.
• ing-trial adjourned till next week.
McDonald. vs. McPli-drson.--Abtion-
on promissary note. Judgment for pltf.
for $325. -
The following composed the Grand
Juror, who made the presentment
given -below:
' i. B. Edwards, D. C. Strachan, John
B. Green, Goderich; A. Elcoat, Tucker-
smith;f. Robt. Fitzsimons, Clinton; John
• Frayne, John Hannah, Phineas Hun-
)ter, Usborne; John J. Griffin, Ashfield;
Gidley, Exeter; Wm. Gibson,
Howiek; lingh Grieve, Seaforth; Chas.
• llawkini0Volborne; James W. Jack-
man, J6hiilQuinn, John Williams, Ga- •
vin Wi1n, Wawanosh; Philip Lane,
John Mitchel, Chester Prouty, Stephen,
Alex.$ Macpherson, Turnberry; Wm.
Stoneman, Hay.
The jurors for our Lady the Queen
resent that in compliance with your
honor'S instructions. they have exam-
ined the jail and found six persons, one
criminal and five vagrants; that the
• jail was in a proper state of cleanliness
an/ everything as it should be, but re-
gret very much that so many poor are
• r -confined in jail. and are of the opinion
k that a house of industry would be a
better method of caring for the poor.
• In the matter brought before the
• grand jury of house breaking and mis-
demeanor, the jury are of the opinion
•that if the proper authorites had been
' a little stricter the complaint against
sud4ry parties for disturbing the pub-
. lic peace would not have occui red.
Goderich, June 14th 1893. Foreman.
' .....;......e )1,‘
„ t
The prisoners Walsh and Bernique
who approiated Nixon Sturdy's clothes
two weeks ago, were before his honor
• on Saturday last, when Walsh was
sentenced to nine months and Bernie
Yue to six in the Central Prison.
Mary Gibson, a girl of 16 years, be-
longing to Brnssels, who was sent
down on a charge made by her father
that she had obtained money under
false pretences, pleaded guilty. She will
probably get a term in the reforma-
Chris. Raynard delivered 8 pigs six
months old to Messrs Brisker & Van -
stone, of Brussels, last Monday, for
(• Which he received $102.50.
/ • Mr Laurier, the Liberal leader,speak-
ing at L'Assomption strongly advised
• thePrench-Cariadians to learn the Eng-
• lish language. He expressed the opin-
• lOti, that English was not taught in
French-Canadian Colleges as it should
Cattle men in Glasgow and Liver -
;pool now say that they have no hope of
retnelval of fhe restrictions regard=
ing the inipertation of Canadian cattle
flue eetisori. The veterinary examina-
tion lately Made, It is said, have showed
that the removal of the embargo would
be risky, ,
ft ia vett important in this age of vast
Material program! that a remedy be pleasing
• to •the take and to the eye, easily taken,
acceptable to the atomadh and healthy in
its nature ana offects, Possessing these
qn1iU8 yrripof '1a ie the one perfect
lixitt Vs and Most gentle dietetic knoWn.
, .•
• s . .
rs? ao editor NOP rrct • • APOT.414100/1 004 Me• Ta01,146
Arau film -Your cotoMporary Mannfaor, •silgT4o1i.
tnre0 a grievance over the difiroisiat by 00
Contity ,COuricil, of Mr. Job* Iteid, for,ra,!Peed} at St. Thomas( • on
number Of ,Yeara caretaker of the Coort Thttradqlbight Mr Dalton McCarthy
to partisanship. Now, :Ur, Editor if Abe 10403 Pe' Wit2 mrsmy ill;itl=11,1119LAtll
House aud alleges that it WaS ane hjit p„ihriente to the Empire,
N9w1-Retierd kneW ill tile VirtiCUlarll, it establishing, and assured lais beareral
W1111 =Wise to Say allytlaillitabOut the mt. that he was Pf Pe Par tY+ •HP WTieit.,
ter; if it didint know the particulars, i, er flesh, fish or fowl, or good re1 her.:
ihould have, thund them out, Mr. Reid : ring, IjecQul.4 hardly' be called a Grit,.
wee remelted beeautie of hie age and alleged and Was not in alliance 'With his old.
i•PeifialaaeY's• 0030010 having been, made, friends. °He did non desire to form a
I believe, loy,ter of the jtulgeS who prgaided third_partylie, did not desire to see
`At a recent amuse court.' Aud if tr. Reid the Reformers cross 'the floor of thP
intended to resign at the end of the year, HORSO. He made it clear tkiat the oh -
be adieu no injostice, because be gets paid • ject wa..s` to indude the Government tQ
for the ensuing BiX months, and is not re. reform the N. P. tariff, whieh, wae
quires to do the work. Tbe Ovisecord, instrumental in foistmg On the Country
which is ao.roucla opposed to 'partizanship, and which he new sees Must, be swept
Wiaen the interests of it own friends are away if the Conservatives world keep
concerned, forgets that tire services of a office. •Wbatever may be Bald as to
certain county treasurer .were atimialltrily •the motives prompting hip to the at,
dispensed with 'Avulse he tam ofa.different• tack upon the N the points be
political faith to the majority in the council, makes againat it Ire well taicen and
and be was not allowed, though desiring it, are doubly intere
ting that ? they
time to oloreup the entries ot his hooka. show that the protectionists_are ,
Xlaure. lit:moms. selves convinced that the Liberalob-
, jections to the policy of high thltattion
• • MB:PHILANTHROPY. are well takenbot that -rather than
To the ditor: •
lose office they would abandon the
Please 'inform your readers principal of the N. P., fiwallo* the ar-
that I will mail free to all sufferers the guments of the past fifteen years, and
means by which I was restored to health adopt the policy for the advocacy of
and manly vigor after years of suffering which they have so unsparingly- con -
from Nervous Weakness. I was robbed demned the Liberal party. The fol.
and swindled until I nearly lost lo-ing are a few of the points of Mr
faith in mankind, but thanks to heaven, I McCarthy's St. Thomas speech: -
am now well, vigorous and 'strong. I have Protection increases the cost of liv-
nothing to sell and 130 scheme to extort ,ing to all for the benefit of only those
money from anyone whomsoever, but be- protected.
ing desirous to make this certain cure We are told that, notwithstanding
known to all, I will send free and confiden. protection, we can buy articles as good
tial to anyone fall particulars of just how
I was cured. Address with stamps: in the world. If that be so, the mann-
Ma. EDWARD MARTIN, (Teacher),
P. 0. Box 143 /Detroit Mich
and v-
as cheap as in any other country
facturers do not need to be protected.
It is not so that goods in any protect-
ed country are- as good and cheap as
those made in any other country.
Manufacturers ought now to hold
their own or ought to cease to exist.
The consumers, and we are all con-
sumers, have got to pay twenty mil-
lions of dollars a year,' levied in cus-
toms, for the benefit of the manufac-
turers, and to this twenty millions
must be added the wholesalers' and re-
tailers' profits, which all come out of
the people's pockets. So the twenty
millions, before the people pay it, costs
another four or five millions.
If we examine the statistics it will be
seen that nearly twice as much as the
twenty millions we are paying into the
revenue of the country we are paying
into the pockets of the nianufacturers.
A manufacturing industry, accord-
ing to the census requirements, was all
those who make and manufacture any $
article and change its form. The good
wife who changes pork into a ham cre-
ates a manufacturing industry.
The farmer pays 30 per cent rnore be-
cause of protection for his raw materi-
al, his implements, what he wears
and consumes. What good is a pro-
tective tariff to a farmer? Protection
doesn't rise the price of the home mar-
ket. It is theretore merely a delusion
to tell the farmer that he is protected.
No policy can raise thelprice of wheat
or any article of that kind. The farm-
er must therefore compete with the
world, while the manufacturer has
around the Dominion a 25 per cent
wall over which the farmer must jump
or else buy what he needs at home.
The price is what is regulated by the
law of supply and demand.
The manufacturers, like the farmers,
should -be made_ to take their chances
in the open market.
Bar iron sells in Liverpool at $27.67
per long ton. The duty is $14.56 per
long ton, which with freights, brings
the price of Liverpool iron in Canada
to $45 per ton, although it is only
527.67 in Liverpool. We have two
protected rolling mills in Canada. Do
they sell bar iron at the cost of manu-
facture, $27.67 per ton?, They sell it for
$46. The difference between $27.67
and $46 is what they call their legiti.
mate profit on account of the National
We have reached a time when great
changes are about to take place. The
National Policy has lived its life and is
about to die.
To the Editor o/ the Clinton New Era.
Sia. -A few words from here might be of
interest, Mr Editor, to your readers, As
to name we are quite respectable, and for
position, we =apt one of those beautiful
and sequestered links in the now noted
chain of Muekoka lakes. We took the
steamer at Gravenhurst, and after a sail of
sixteen miles reached Bracebridge. The
sail up the Muskoka river is very beautiful.
Another sixteen miles Rail brings ns to Port
Carling, passing two handsome summer
resorts, Beaumarie and Point Kaye, on our
way; we ran the Indian river, entering
Port Carling and going through the locks
there, out into Minnehalla Bay and lake
Rossea,u. Five miles up we arrive at Win-
dermere in direct route of Rossean, having
had a pleasant sail of three hours, and ar-
riving just in time for tea.
The appearance of the place is discourag-
ing at first sight; after passing Beaumaris
and Port Carling nothing is seen but the
magnificent Windermerehouse and another
hotel of smaller size, a couple of cottages
to the right, with shore, or beach, or rock,
or whatever yon wish to call it, seemingly
by far too inadequate to accommodate a
crowd. But I was mistaken here there
are three pretty bays with cottages nicely
secluded, boat houses, swimming beaches,
(tc. Why ia this so popular? simply be.
cause of its absolute quietness, "We don't
want a town, we don't want to see civili-
zation," say they. And then there is not
such a thin. g as liquor sold in the townsiiip,
this place is noted for temperance and piety.
By theWay, I was at the Methodist church
last Sabbath evening and remained -to the
lifter meeting; where- -I - was perfectly de-
lighted to hear the young men, especially,
testifying for Christ.
The Windermere House, with Mr Thos.'
Aitken, a Shetlander, as proprietor, is in
excellent condition, with post and telegraph
offices attached, croquet and lawn tennis
lawns in proper shape. Messrs Eaton and
Anderson, of Toronto, and Senator San-
ford, of Hamilton, have the best cottages
in the vicinity, but there are many very
comfortable ones.
The Presbyterians have a church at Dee
Bank, two miles eastward, with another at
Raymond, eight miles farther on. Dnring
the tourist season they hold service in the
hall of the Mechanics' Institute, which one
might be surprised to find here.
The land here is very well adapted to
agriculture; there is riot so much flat rook
as in the townships of McLean, Ridont
and Large Bluffs, and snug patches of good Wm Welsh and John McGee, tailors,•
land between them make np the country. fought a duel with shears the other day.
The people are getting along fairly well, Both men were fearfully hacked by the
and when harvest comes I expect to hear time they bad exhausted themselves, and
the reaper and mower as in old Huron. • both may die. Honors were about even.
On making my journey last Saturday up
to Raymond I had the experience, whether
pleasant or not to an unarmed man, of
coming on a big black bear in the woods.
He mnst have been drinking in a stream
over which I was just to cross, ten yards
off; away np the opposite hill he dashed a
full target to the marksman. I was like
the small boy, who kept his "mouf" abut,
until I reached the clearing. Farmers are
very much annoyed with them, two dozen
sheep have been taken around here this
spring, and they have no time to hunt
them down. Who of Clinton's crack shote
mould like to load for bear? There is a
chance of running half a dozen down in
this neighborhood.
Well 1 have exceeded the intended space,
and may write more anon. Yours, A.L.B.
Windermere, June 9th, 1893.
When the system is run dawn, a person
becomes an easy prey to Consumption or
Scrofula; Many valuable lives are saved by
using Scott's Emulsion as soon as a deoline
in health is observed.
Kingston hay dealers intend shipping a
largo quantity of hay to England this fall.
Minard's Linimentfor homes and cattle.
Charles Harrison was crushed to death
near Ingersoll by a gravel pit caving in on
The salary list at the World's Fair for
May totals 340,000, and 8,000 men are to
be discharged this week.
The nip of a poisonous s oke is but a
slight remove from being mo engerons
than the poison of Scrofula he blood.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies t e 'tat fluid,
expels. all poisonous aubstandes, d sup-
pliee the eletnents of life, healt'k, and
J. G. Richardson, of New Haven, Conn.,
has started a mit for 136,000.000 damages
and profits, for infringement of patents,
The action is against nearly all the reaper
and harvester manufacturers of the United
States, inoluding the combine.
When Dab, gm Mt, we garb bet Oastotta.
When 'showed a Child, she cried &cos/aorta.
When ahe betianie MIM, she ehingto Oaateria.
'When Oho hadoiltit*?,ialegovotilon Quarts.
Miner& Linament te used by physicians
An earthen jug, ornamented with mytho-
logical relief figures and malacia, formerly
the property of Shakespeare, and by him
bequeathed to hie sister Joan, was sold at
auction lest week in London, for £182.
Consumption come& A slight cold,'
with your system in the scrofulous
condition that's „caused by impure
blood; is enough to fasten it upon
you. That is the time when neglect
and delay are full of danger.
eorumimption is Lung- Scrofula.
Yen can prevent it, and you can
cure it, if you haven't waited too
long, with Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-
ical Disoovery. That is the most
potent blood - cleanser, strength - re-
storer, and flesh -builder that's known
to medical science. For every dis-
ease that has to be reached through
the blood., like Consumption; for
Scrofula m all its forms, Weak
Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all
• severe, lingering Clough, it is the
only guarani/0d remedy. If it
doesn't benefit air cove, you haw)
your money back.
The preprietore of Dr; Sage's Oho
tarrh Remedy liosoto that their medi-
cine perfectl and' Permanently OHMS
Catarrh. prove it to you, they
niir this offer If they can't ewe
your Catarrh no matter what your
case ts, they' pay pti $500 in
• 1:1,0WR OATHS.
akItrateitlettatife rap?1..• taat i* Dainty mad
woe "[Joker bititieltrher:ditered feribioneble
*•• ee. •
by Leatharic, the great, Parisiati perfumer!,
are at the same time, • oo int' end
ihlkt tiler isleetrre. **la) nen, •
iley x•oki•re4.in t-'40 fasewina.
woor : Three handfela ef 4e0,vioyittgow,
iioked F. boiling. wator far ',4a0biTr,
when cold cr tepid Yiater 4ttltled lalAd the
bath is ready. Tba WO* 41441.4!2; -PAO.*
440604 PC;rftiraerl alttgenielY %min-
1.Pa nerve, by virtue -of the little)
fraigtkut 131.02aoth34 A,,,,brotA atitrae
is 9459 pexueuiarly aeopiTiot .t,O- Were;
• -
nerves. It worthy, °note tb*
.oreleeed nerveo aufk•liptnts. gone by, wet regaideth ma
a• divjfavorito rrdr auemielledd;bleW/41594', 4651*a:421°1110ft' awl-
toll= at blood heat, Spinach, glyceride
and roaewater, oatmeal' and 'orause flower
water are variously rePiYanngtaea as eaaaV
lees skin bathe. Vie most luxui:ons on re.
000dlieeta's to have been: Mute. Tallienia'•
favorite bath, Winch was prepared, 40 the
goeaipa of her, time report, of twenty Peooda
of strawberries and to raspberriea,
=shed .atid. thrown 'into the bath; from
which die bather emerged with skin freakily
.clumed,.tiatai4oft aeutivealveoft, opune,aud tringisediwiuthio.oa
expensive a proceeding to suit ladies of
moderate gleamy and can be ranged with
the bath prepared of freshly gathered rio•
Leta, rose petals and orange biossorna,to
Which the still so beautiful Countess de
Pourtalee ascribes the wonderful fashion in
which she has for the last thirty years pre-
served her marvellous bloom. A very
cheep and excellent bath, however is
easily procured by filling a muslin bag with
two quarte of ordinary bran, OM pound of
powdered starch and a quarter pound of
arria-roat powder. This bag is soaked
thoroughly in hot water and left in the tub
.1nring the process of -bathing. It renders
Me water zneeeth., milky and ants, aud
is excellent for the akra.
1 bathe are a verY Old Worldredriedeor
WESIBDOOR, ONT., Jnne 121b. of
the most popular ladies of this district and
who has been for years as strong a worker
in the churCh as her health would allow,
has recently after six years of terrible suff-
ering from kidney troubles, been oared by
Dodd's kidney pills. Her case was one of
the most pathetic in our knowledge; she
had tried all remedies, had interviewed .
many specalists, and bak -id treatmehc
at Kingston Hospital, only to be discharg-
ed as incurable. She was quite hopeless,
and resigned herself to a few more years
of horrible suffering, when by chance, with-
out mncb confidence in a cure, she tried
Dodd's Kidney pills. She has taken in all
six boxes and is now entirely cured and
able to devote herself to her duties with
youthful energy. No one could be more
thankf al and generous in praise than she.
She has told every one for miles around of
her release from a bondage of pain, and has
said to your correspondent that the pro-
prietors of the remedy do not advertise
half enough. "I am positively convinced
that it is a certain cure for all forms of
kidney disease. No one can thank its dia.
coverer more than I."
Rev John Wood, pastor of the *Con-
gregational Church, Ottawa, was ask-
ed to resign by his congregation by a
vote of 42 to 27. The movers in the -
matter stated that while they respect-
ed Mr Wood as a man and a pastor,
they felt that he was getting too old
to "draw" a congregation and as a re-
sult, the church was going behind in
finances. They believed a change of
pastor was needed. MrWood has been
pastor of the church for 16 years at a
salary. latterly of 51,000, of which'he
has been in the habit of contributing
$200 a year or so to the church funds.
He is (one of the most respected and
earnest Christian and temperance
workers in the city and hut 58 years
of age.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of aro nsvalley, Ind.
says: "I had been in a distressed condition
for three years from Nervonsmess, Weakness
of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion
until my health was gone. I had been
doctoring constantly with no relief. I
nought one bottle of South American Ner-
vine, which done me more good than $50
worth of doctoring I ever did in my life.
1 would advise every weakly person to use
this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial
bottle will convince yon. Warranted by
Watts & Co. Draggiat.
Prof. Gustin
Is at Union Hotel, Clinton
The World is my Country, and to do
Good my Religion.
Glad Tiding.s of Great Joy to
Suffering Humanity.
Reads the internal cot (Mien ortbe Diseases of
patientS, Whether present or at a distance.
Catarrh Cured ,for $5.
Paralytiirie and Other hiVadiae beyond the reach
of ordinate aro all benefItted, arid serfie oT
• theta niarVellonsly Mired by, this treatment.
NO tnedleihef Help or 'ail. The west
coP_ co <co Vineed. No cage ope ass. 6
1411:Ntrfhp• VS See, the deaf to. hear, the
, ergs, very Moderate. Conga{ -•
' free.
. ,
11).ATO' 44:1
' oth Oa° method and ie'S;t1t; whoa:
Syrup of Figs 'Stair° • it is pleasant'
• and refreshing to the , and acts
gently yet promptI7oll °Kidneys,
Liver ai2d-Bowel2i cleanses the sys,
tem effectually, dispels wide, head-
aches and fevers anclourekhabitual
. constipation. !Syrup of Figi; is the
only reinedy of Its kind/ever o-
• dueed, peaiug to e twits) an ac-
ceptable to the e It, rompt in
'its action and trul' beiefieia1 in its
effects, prepaxed only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, it
manzexcellentqualitiescommend it
to and have made it the most
poplar remedy 'known.
botties by all leading druggists.
.Any reliable druggist who may not
'have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
of Figs is for sale in 75c
Lands . . ,
a - 100,000 acres of choice lands in
Chippewa County, Michigan, for sale
on liberal terms of payraent.
These lands are easily cleared, are
almost entirely free from stumps and
rocks, so that machinery can be
used on them as well as 011 farms
that have been cultivated for twenty
The most of them lie within one to
six miles of a railroad. They are as
good as any lands in Michigan, and
are the cheapest good lands in the
()winto the nearness of the lum-
ber w • s and mines, the market for
produce is as good as any on the lakes
A large -part of the Jamie Jie near
Rudyard, 23 miles from Saurt
Marie, on the M. St. P. & S. St. M.
R. R., and between Rudyard and
AnExcursio n party will leave some
point in Huron Co., Ontario, by boat
to Sault Ste Marie. Mich., and by
rail from there to Rudyard, early in
Jnne, to visit these lands. Those de-
siring to go on this excursion are re-
quested to give notice so that provi-
sion may be made for them. Price
of tickets and date of excuraion will
be given in due season. Address
Sault Ste Marie, Mich.
• •
; -
rotestiottiti• '444 sailtr 100
MANNING •& titdonv
• cosvaYoositsL Act•
Comniffiefonere for Ontario iind Monitor)"
• 9111filitAXXT 4,09a Te sw PO, ,icilot os „
T. t.s‘Ucl:)Q;191T011 .
Agent • -
Ddeneitejf.oan, en Farm find Town 'rroper0 in: •
• ;Argit 9atinalkaares at the Jewett- curre.nt rrteSa '
DAHLIAS -Named, Mixed Varieties.
GLADIOLUS -Fine Collection. all Colors.
CALADIUM/I-Fancy Leaf or Plain.
TUBEROSE BEGONIAS- Single and Double,
very fine collection; have taken prizes wher-
ever shown.
FLORAL DESIGNS of all kinds, for weddings,
parties or f unerals, got up on short notice.
BEEDING PLANTS -A beantiful collection, and
parties desiring such should give ne a call.
CREEPING VINES -Several varieties, imitable
either for indoors or out.
Parties desiring Rose Bushes, Shrubs or Trees
oan be promptly supplied. Prices Reasonable.
T. COTTLE, Joseph St., Clinton
Naha is hereby given puranant to R. S. 0.,
Chap. 110, Seo, that all creditors and others
having claims and demands against the estate
of the above named Anne Knox, deceased, who
died on or about the nineteenth day of August,
1821, at the Town of Clinton. in the said Province
of Ontario, aro hereby required, on or before the
first day of July, 1893, to deliver or send by post
(prepaid) to Manning & Scott, of Clinton, in the
Province of Ontario, solicitors for Arthur Knox,
administrator fof the property of the said Anne
Knox, deceased, a statement in writing contain-
ing their tun names, addresses and ooctipation,
and full particulars of their claims and accounts
and of the Securities (if any) hold by them, all
verified by etatutory declaration. And notice is
further given that after the said let day of July,
1898, the said administrator will proceed to die.
tribute the, assets of the said estate among the
parties who shall appear to bo entitled thereto,
regard being had only to claims of which notice
shall havo been received as above required, and
the said administrator will not be hauls for the
assete so distribtited, or any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whOse claims or demands
he shall not have notice at the -time of such dis-
Solicitors for the above tamed adm:nia'rator
Dated, Clinton, Juno 7th, 2803.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that Alio ?partnership
heretofore exieting between the undersigned
ender the firm name of tho Clititen Organ Com-
pany, has been dissolved by trnitual consent.
W. S. swArrInnio,
Scott, 'Natoli*:-
Dated id Glinten this 2501 day Of May1890.
The bu eines Wilt h Wined
title, vizi "The Oliii
Blatchford at Mita
oFFIcE,400QREA's aLoca, outgo*
DR ' APPY4TO/S,-- OPPIo4 -- ex- nest.
DZNOE on Ontario13treet, CIju"'
t op. -
poette Envoi Church. 4AtraAcebId '
gate' • '
n iNT S ,
1:14- W51, GUNN, t FFIA/0 /3 T,
a few doors East of Albert Street.
nR . 13 L D , T OliTts
J. L TURN UL , 51. . OR -
A.,Univereit al Lo ( 3L, Viatoris Univereity
11.0,1' dt 8., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical
office Rattenbury St: Clinton, Night lien
answered arthe same place.
Acconishour, etc., office in the Palace 1310,ell
Rattenbury St;formerly occupied by Dr, Reelit
• Clinton Ont.
, .
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the, Hoepitals and
Dispensaries. New- Yorx, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
. Coate' Block, Albert St., over Taylors' shoe
store, Specialty Preservation of the natural
teeth. Painless Extraction by the use of the
most approved load Anesthetic. N. B. Wilt
visit Blyth professionally every Monday at Ma-
son's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and Ith Thurs-
day, during the sumtner.
U • HonoraryGradnate of the OntarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and
male on the most modern and scientific princil
plee. Office- immediately south of the New Era
°dice. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Calls
night orday attended to promptly.
-1-YABought. Private Funds. 0 RIDOUT
Offlee over J Jackson's Store, Clinton.
-al Small sums on good mortgage security
moderaterate of in tenet. H HALE. Clinton.
Auctioneer ,till in the field, able and will.
ing to conduct any sales entrueted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for paet favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
DICKINSON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
Wo can make a tew good loans from private
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
, Terms made to snit borrowers.
31 NNING & SCOTT, - Clinton
Plano, Organ and Technicon,or•Musel developer
for nee of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Cook
Albert Street, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra unto 0
Toronto School of Dentistr
Nitrous Oxide rias administere
extraction ct teeth,
Office in Smith's Block lov
Shol Clinton.
---•ATNightbell answered
• . A.
• rig,
. 1
This establis
orders filled
tery and
or any
set 5i pa
aro of t
n °tie()
able • a .i,
e of paying t
al, at any time,
apply to
Fire Insurance Co.
D. , Ross, Prosident, Clinton; M. Murdie, Vloe
Pres. Seaforth', W. J. Shannon, Seep -Trees;
Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlock; Joseph Evan°.
Beechwood; Thoe. Carbet, Clinton ; Alex. Gar-
diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Seaforth.
Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea.
forth; 13 Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan
nd Geo. Murdie, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above -officers
ddressed to their respecitve offices.
Barkwell's Sure Corn Curo, will cure Corns, Warts
Bunsions, Moles.
Tested Remedies.
For =pure, Weak and Impoverished,
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa.
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis,.
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid.
nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female Irregularities and General Debilit
Prop. and Manures
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
In great variety 64 designs.f5abinete
per doz., $1.25 half doz. Carte
01.25 doz, 75o half doz. Sunhea
doz. 500 half doz.
I have a large Mock of fin
• '