HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-16, Page 7ti Taz CLThr O ,2. - .� ._rn.F.nrr�;.f�.•+rA�F-�k 1/A"nciria•Wi"�R"Rrer....�r49.ew....,�,. tikfAita sae VI 0 °a suid`t o Mt Henry oyrne !kir.,•3aeres lend, being part''°oft jr., ter- ve, ;on the eon'l gild f town L.. ea genes br Levi., 0,fe acting foster -mother to a coupler oils k,rwhicb eem_n - y 'tax cher ae comfortably as co been visiting her daughter f ,,hies atun'al mother, t •• •• weeks. 'Master Kirk uouston has been )ll. of congestion of the lungs, but i r t' Gareo,} Sw hely was calf iconvalesce'nt. Mr FredCook.has rent pfa�yr la ,.week ti4 a nd the 'fun,- ed the cottage owned by Mrs Dods of his brother,.,,wbo died a Wood, ' worth, Isaac street.' Mr W. Dohert hapr Pert!, r, county, . f from; .kiidne < extiects" to take a trip to the World trltot}ble, Deceased had. been -efi age ; Fair Shortly, and will proceed on to i the milling baa ness, ,and: w ,;,held Manitoba. Miss Anna Holmes ha its•Very high esteem le y the community, gore on a visit to relatives at St. Oath being:one of the officials.of the Metho arises The Globe. of Saturday iglu dist church at that place, skates the town of Moosejaw, N.W.T. ' 4' among the cuts given are represents: onA,r a --The - Seafot'th F,Tposi tions of the dwelling houses of Messrs `oak says -Mr datnes:;Ross, of Clinton, Hugh Gilmour and J. 6..Beeeley, both e veteran tra 'e riig clock- epairer of we 1 known as fernier residents of this uron,iwas,in: town this week Ire • sec ion •RRev W. H. Butt, son of Mr caned and set running two cloeks for _ J,. Butt, df the base line, will be sta- lidly* In °Harpurhe r, and , while sic 1 tioned at Centralia for next year. W. horning •the tnnepieces, remarkesd,tbat . Begg and wife, of Collingwood, travel - all his experience.in Canada '11.0:-bad loom, rf"ever, seen sail}• skilfulnie anism• or excellence of posterial , dis ay conn clock -work. IIoRSE ' N0TEy9.-4IV T "Tiplingg,, of Y .: Detroit;, was; here :;last •week looking after. horses ,Mr.George Cox shipped eleven. horses to Detroit, on Monday, "^t1, uesda lk4r 010i,s. Ma$oni ship�t'd a on central Fall sir are in course of rzloed o£ carriageliorses`from llruce entr gild to the : old country. Mr ,R 'Mc -preparation;' and will shortly be in the ecretary s hands for distribution; in- regot, of , hOrS geld, states. oreb ,isle tending exhibitors will thus be able to emend for, horses l �g li price ore a no secure' them,early and make -all their ;hitherto, though prices are noy preparations in good time for:the fair. flra • x cel o are tile a best heavy Mrs W. Riim'ball dnd Mrs J. Shannon,' of London, who have been visiting @ OntAilt Lo vs. District; No. 15, I. O. here for some days, went home on of Oddfellows held its regular meeting Saturday. At the meeting of the 4rthe Oddfellows hall,:Clinton, last Temperance Lodge last Friday even- "uesdaq evening;, every. lodge •: in. the. ing, Mr H.:;B. Chant gave an address @ttict Was"; represented and several on "Electricity and its nature," accom- ie�stions relating" to the order were panied' by' experiments and illustra- ussed It being the meeting for the tions; Mr Chant has given consider- ectinnof iofficers,J3ro Pobblestone, of able study ;:,to this branch of science, xeter,was recommendedto the;Grand and hos the advantage Of being a prac- odgefor D DG.M., andBro Fuke, cf tical electrician of`" no mean order. xeter, WAS' `electe Secyi •t the visiting ,Reeve McMurcbie is suffering from a el€gates 'were• 'entertained at the 'slight infirmity in his eyes. Mr Farn- lty -restaurant. by -the Clinton m F London; Provincial - Land members, before leavvng for home. Surveyor,,, intends to open an office ° here, and has been appointed surveyor l\TEw HORsu SROEs.—W a were for five of the townships in this vicinr- shown the other•da ' a horse shoe of or- tq' , Mr Jas. Scott, barrister, states, ary size and thickness but which on, .th rt he has had more in?nuiries for real lyweighed3 ounces,�:orabout10.ounces estate this year•than allthepre- less.:t'han a s ce made of iron. It was vious, years of his practice in this made of. aluminum, a metal that has re- town:. Mayor McTaggart, accompan- cently come into use. They are: inani- ied by his wife and child, returned factur�ed frorix cold metal, and. if. . they from Morrisburg on Friday. Mrs will stand.the same wear • that the brut Whaley Rleaves.'- here to -morrow for Binary shoe does, will prove especially* Detroit, where she expects to reside; °•serviceable for trotters. The material Miss Alice Forton will follow in a few zs to ,oexpensive to permit of itlbeing days. Mrs R. J. Dunsmore, of New used. genet ly,, as a set of shoes are York, is, visiting her friends here. orth: $4. Mr Oliver Johnston was The Patrons of Industry of West Hur he, maker' of, this particular- one. on are arranging for an excursion to PEOPLE W$e TRAVEL.—Mr W. J. the Model Farm, on the 27th, to in- � leg ns and. w.j fe,:sail from Montreal STOL . err.— The, other doy alilla a au hton of Statley, , 'was c+� 'on some friends in town'she', left hMr ket.book in " a hand bag: on the seat the bugy. . ben she rerr turned the pocket -book was nowhelre tobe found.' It •contained gwlte a tum of money.:• Rra"trCLE Thi1r,--T14e. first cod of , the new .b cycle, and reereatiou track.. was. turned• on Mondayf, norning,and t work.is Oar progressing faltl wef, cltizens who have: been MAO to contribute to the fund, have clone' nob1 , and the promoters ot the sebeme ,are obiigedto them for their, We. rent, but etc, t to more than repay thenal py• had . 'Pl au ex.Cellesrt track ,Some o1.7the , fanners,' who pron4used, days, work, have net yet appeared on the scene of activity, but itis hoped they: 'lwlli A ; i?„5.11-119,t,49 durinf this ar pext week,` r +u>rae�t tr` Lal Carer, formerly with,(111 ro , Wisennan, has recently regio ni a protracted illness rn Apia , that was uncomfortably incur is at termination,Mrs Grant, /^� end Po h ne Will Falls, her sons a ree' . g l c_ .o - 24 e r l ho ci eye is .>s th. .. t " Th a ii ar . , e 1}. � .1 Those , �d • Meetingo#the i•ToMOViroletakes 1404 os ve e hallies:; We advertised last week are going out next Tuesday evening.. r .S ednee with' .a rush, they are good colors, the' patterns are b and,family,left here on•�[7 neat, tasty, new,. and the'value a good deal more than day for -Detroit, eberehe purposes res: .t siying4 41rs ,A•'• otten returned on the ,14 •c;; per yard we ask for them. Friday from., Toront o, where she had or Pol paid the flLl has cadre. re ro' BIPARASOLS We've got the Parasol stock. Dozens of kinds for you to s choose from; every one of thema good one. Plain or Fancy Handles with -good wearable tops that will not fade; all marked at prices that would not or could not be so low if it were'not far cash buying and cash selling ling passenger agent of the Great Northern Transit Company. is visiting here; Mrs Bigg is a sister of Miss Mc- Eachren, of the palace. Mr John ,Sny.yder•-has gone on a few weeks' visit to friends at Preston; accompanied by his wife. Miss C. McAllister is visit- ing her sister in the. neighborhood of ,Lucknow. The die lists fctr the Hur- elude all points' between Goderich and Stratford. Mr Taylor, GLOVES. You know how annoying it is to wear Gloves that after being worn a few times the finger ends would be all out, and the Glove all torn and broken at the wrist. If you would like a Glove that will not do either, get our UNThARABLE Silk • Glove, with double tipped fingers. You can't tear them if you try, and as the finger tips are double, your fingers take twice as long as usual to get through- Fawns, Greys, Tans, Blacks. People who know tell us the all -silk Lace Mitt we sell at 25c is worth more money. • The store is bristling with good values in every department, and the result is that trade is good. We have the variety for youtto choose from and prices that are right. Cash selling nreans lowest all round prices, it can't be oth- erwise. If you have tried us you know we sell roliable goods cheap. If yon have not tried us you ought to. You're doing yourself an injury by not doing so. • Estate J. Nodgens e want' to" clear out Our, very lat'ge,:stock. of Sq t�ha�t ou� $tock,, may have ' none of this year's pat rns let when• the new patterns come out," In order: to do;;this, wo .shall give Special Ba�rg� in all, 'apers and Borders during the remai der of this month,, ]From 3c a roll.up IN BAH' ' C4'RR +GES 8; EXPR ' S Ri A GO S We have special values, a compparison of prces'wUl convince you that here is •the place"to .bu . , y IR.,(Diaimq a E31e.08 . .7 Book Store and News Depot, Mackay Block, ; Clinton. ATTENTION NOW We shall talk this week about. BOOTS and SEiOES Because we have purchased a stock of Boots and Shoes,. made by well-known and reliable makers, such as King, Hamilton, Slater, Cooper & Smith and others. Goods that are'new and will give satisfaction to the buyer. We. are prepared to give the best value in Boots and Shoes ever offered in Clinton. We bought this stock at 60c, on the $ and •to clear out the stook we sell at less than wholesale prices. $3,000 worth. to select from. Come and see the goods and get prices be- fore buying. Remember this'is no old stock, but new and reliable goods. Plumateel-& gibbia�s, 61ig#An IIC PURCHASE BEESLEY &CO ' Opened out this week exceptional offerings and attractive values in Rob,.lor'sof To- ,CI. o Ej LATEST ion ba 0183_,pebsteamshi Mongolian, ionto, formerly of Taylor'scorners- .L:.I and C *ripper the badge for � Goderich township, who . as been• vis- a• 4fe months visit` to ngland. , Mr iting friends in this viy for some' Jo ,mith'went to Ottawa, on Mon- time; went home on nday. Mr day as , `repcesentathre. to the High Forrester's new house, on the Huron Court of Foresters. Miss Archibald road, will shortly be completed and Loft for Toronto this week, from where ready for occupation; Mr Thos, Me - Phe will p ,oceed to Cornwall to spend Kenzie if; building it. Miss Nello Me. some time. Mr Peter Campbell and Hardy, of this town, was in a collision wife, and C. Andrews left on the Mani- on the C.P.R. recently, in the Northdd - noba excursion, the former goes to west; she was shaken up, but uninjur- MMeosejaw, and- the latter. to Calgary. ed. Mr Richard Smith who recently W Messrs m. Joones, A. R. Brown, J• left for Wisconsin, is not "dead struck' fi�rr. Irwin and W.Young, are off to the on the States as a place of residence. Woild's F,li ir, all being ticketedthrough Mrs Cole, of Goderich, (formerly of by ; W. Jackson, of the G.. T. R. Clinton) mother of Mr Ab, Petty, was T�-I .'ROMOTION EXAMINATION.—Thefol- - se dangerously ill on Sunday that her lowing pupils arepromoted.to Livisiun life was despaired of, but she is now 5 •~They will take 'their places in that out of danger. Dr. Gibson and sister poem after vacation. Total marks 150: leave this week for Uhaplean. Mrs G. Jennie" Robertson 183, Annie Hay 132,. Beesley, of Ontario, Cal., and her Lizzie McConnell 120, Minnie Kerr 113, brother, Mr James Castle, are expect - Percy Johnston 111, John Moffatt 106, • ed here in a few days. On Tuesday, 'tattle Foster 105, Laura- Long 104, • while Mr. John Middleton was ship- ; Nettie McCuaigg 104, W. Cook 99,ping cattle, one of them fell into an ertha"Witt" lis unused well near the station, and was ,-ing, m 90. The � remain- • n. arithmetic, As ,the last with difficulty extricated; there is an of term will be taken up with unused well near the skating rink ice examination and three of which is in a dangerous condition. will be occupied, visitors will The Seaforth Stan says:—"Messrs Jack- ed at iiny time convenient to son Bros., the well known clothiers and furnishers of this town, have re- ceived an order from the managers of the Beatty line steamships for uni- forms for the officers of the United Empire." Entrance Examinations take place on the 29th, and schools in town close on the 30th. Mr and Mrs Aikenhead, of London, were here on their wedding tour last week; the bride was formerly Miss Lizzie Dagg, neice of Mrs Walsh. Last. Wednesday week Mr Lu Stevens, of Brampton, (former- lyof Clinton was married to Miss Anna Baker, of Stratford. Mr Cowan, of Eton • Grove, Iowa, is visiting his Old friends here. Mr Lu Trouse, who recently Left here for Detroit..has been given the standing of a local preacher in connection with one of the Mello - dist churches in that city,' and every Sunday engages inmission work a the jail and ,'Other places. The vain teers have been ordered into camp a • the 19th, instead -of the 20th, as first announced. Mr. Ed. Scruton has been carrying his arm in a. sling,, the result of a block of ice falling on it, Misses Ag se and Mary Mactnurchieare visit- ing -1n Woodstock, Mr.John Ransford returned .Friday, from the old country. Mr "Wilbur Mannin' and wife are ex- pected back from their wedding tour this `week, ' •Mr Wilson, of theqvolien ed to,thelrnes* /Wine in Tuekersnrith. mills to'rre, informs us that he MS al. • Dania rumor steaks that in a few days r?ddy' ken in a larger amount of wool aacouple more of (llnton's •estimable, than a anticipated, and calculates on young; ladies, will become the life, rot- elate "ding ancI enlarlritig the business oft ner;s of gentleman` outsidea'wn, here Mr- m aBeattie, of Bayfield, has +hi�e a certain young num is likely to ') rehused,; from'Geo. F. Fmer$on a bring In a partner' front a clay net far r tidsoine enbinet.grand piano for ltrs r wit G. d of hteu'1Glaggie. • • ilea! three day the entrra: the robin� be welco thpm'durng the remainder of theterm. Atteiadalhce for Mays --boys enrolled ,.249, giols`235total 484. Average atten- dance1380, an increase on April of 37.— ";Gip. • Loue EDDL GS.:— According to an- ion ncement last week, the residence of Mr A. 3. Holloway was, on Tuesday, ,the'scene of a quiet wedding, when ;Missliattie Lane was married to Dr, Mc - Nall , of Tara, the'services of a brides - 13011% and`groomsman being dispensed With. After the ceremony, which was performed by, Rev. L. W. Deihl, they left'•by ;the afternoon train, for their home, aiccom anied by the Pod wishes Of the Amity friends of the.bride: 'On Wednesday afternoon the residence of� Mr's Shipley, on the ,Huron road, was alto the scene of one of these Pleasing edents, when her daughterMiss Emma, 'WO 'wattled by' the Rev. Mr Smyth. to Mr ,Getir 'e Turner} pf Tucker'sniith, - Miss Mary Shipley, sister of` the bride, ,sited as bridsm ea d, ,.while Rev Geo McKinnon, performed the duties Of 'groomsman, Both the contracting arties are Well known in this fielith.bethood, having resided here • since in- fancy .°and it 3s entirely unnecessary'to say that they are universally# esteemed and respected. They at once proeeed- THING HE TECK " Regular Price 75c: Sale Price 25 Our W. Jackson while in the city -last week made a big purchase of Ladies' - & Misses HATS Called the "Teck." They are a square crown, straight brim and in four colors:. As long as they last the price will be 25c. Nothing has ever been offered to equal them for value. We ill mail them to any address on receipt .of 35c. Look at our windows and see the range. ACKSON BROTHERS, I Clothiers, Furnishers ad gattere. (3iiNT(5N' and -SE E'b1tTH. Ladies' & Children's Vests, Gloves & Hosiery xos= E Fr,Y Our Plain and Ribbed BLACK HOSE in Cotton, Lisle awl Silk, guaranteed stainless, dyed by Hermsdorf—his name is stamped on every pair. We think are good, there are no bet- ter. Our line of Plain at 20cts and our Boys' Ribbed with double knees, large sizes at 30c, are the best to be had for the mone y. a GLOVES in Lisle, Taffetta & Silk: Our Black Stainless Taffetta and Silk Glove at 20 cents is- a great seller. We have received more this week. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SUER VESTS•' We have them in Cotton,BaTrin;an an a Silk, with long and. short sleeves or without, and start thele in price at 3 for 25o. MILL I� !- Ladies' . Misses and Children's Untrimmed Hats -•latest- Shapes, Colors and Brades. Just' think, we start them in price at 20, 80, 350 40, 50, 60 and 75 cents up to $2; Larg- est and richest stock to choose from BUTTER AND +`GGS TAk N AS CASE. 1 The Ladles Foworlto Estabilshmeat BEAVRIt BXioolt,. �.. . OLIr TON ..