HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-16, Page 4CLINTON ZlA.
the. place to, boy your Watohea is at
i .
L fl4 LL SP I .
Wo are givingspeoial good yeti) in,
Ladies' 10 & 14 R. Wate'hes
Which we defy competition in.; AIao epee:
Cali and see ns and yon win be'satiefied.
Ready Cash is King
This is an old story,' with a new version. Cash tells where
we buy. We sell for cash only, and at one price, this
gives us a big advantage in the race, for trade. WE
HAVE NO BAD DEBTS, why?, because we contract no
debts of any kind. Buyers get the full benefit of small
profits because everybody pays cash here, and prices
are figured out on that basis.
Carefully selected to suit the season—are bought and sold strictly for Cash.
That's the reason we are able to sell them so cheap, That's the
reason our business is increasing. People know that if we gave
credit we could not sell at such low prices.
If you want anything in any kind of BOOTS and SHOES,.
( for the hot weather, you can get it here.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
inder Twine
We have just received one car of Binder Twine
and an immense new stock of
iPrepared Paints, Glass, Harvest
Tools, Scyths, maths, Rakes,
Window and Door Screens.
NewLight Lawn Mowers
They aro a great improvement on the old style mower—run much
0 easier and do better work. They are not expensive. See them.
New Store
MARLAND BROS,OldStancMaekayBlockBrick Blo
We are now giving a Discount of Ten per cent
to all Cash buyers ofBoots and Shoes at our store
J N O►. JACKSON, Clinton
T he pleasantly situated brick pottage on Isaac
Street, at j Bent 000upied by subscriber. It
oontaine3 bedrooms, perlor,dinin room, closets
good cellar, hard and soft water uarter•aore lot
fruit trees of all kinds, Kite en and wood..
shed. Will be sold on .reasonable terms. Parti-
-0ulars on application to HUGH ROBS. 41
--SEASON OF. 1898 --
Aa natal I shall be prepared to tate
any quantity .of WOOL in exchange. for
GOODS or CASE( at the highest Mar-
ket price, E beg to announce that niy
stook of
And goods for general Farnler'a wear 'lr
abttplete, warranted 'of pure weal front
fictive fleeces, and i gparantee to give tat-
tefactioa Ste heretofore. - •
ie Glee BenmWer'
Steady employment. Apply to
W. DOHERTY dt CO„ Clinton
Tho undersigned offers for sale the property
on the 15th con., Goderiob Township, being the
oast and of part of lot 33. The property con-
tains two Stores of land, and has a good house.
and barn thereon. Allis in a first oleos state of
cultivation. If not sold by July let, will be
offered by Public Auction, Apply to JAS,
HOWSON, Anat., or to the proprietor, JAS,
COTTLE, on the premises, 4N'
Owivane or Ceeitraav Lore.—Yon are request•
ed to assist the Cerabtery Committee in . putting
vvonr lots in order. Many havtte planted' in the
Ing their Odes, tote andpalso . tlie-tC�aoiningtloots.
c rWhefltleytehweek® Piartiesnregnlring tthe
OeTrietery tthh
lots pat is order ehonld do iso at ogee. It will be
cheaper to do it now than to Wrest' person to go
there, . A number of tort stones, vre loose n
the base and sonehave .fallen over;, renew and
tomb ttonea are lying On the round; it it ez ot-
ed that knore parties will take au Interest is the
renting place of th.ir triende, and not let 44100k
Ilkii'a. 0 Bi ur i, Oblitr 144afI C.inet t Qjom.
ilea of �auitable Stuff for.
New Waeh.ing` Challies only 8e.
New White Lawn Flouses from 75c to $2
New Black Silk Grenadines 60e., were 75 ce
New White Spotted Lawns and. Muslins.
New Colored and Black Bengalenes.
New Black Wool Grenadines, only 25 cents.
New Black Wool Grenadines 50c., 75c. and 85 neer
New Victoria Lawns 8,10,12, 15, 20 and 25 cents
New Black Satin Stripe and Cheek Muslins
New Cotton Blouse Pongees, Fast Colors
New Blouse Perkales, warranted Fast
In fact all seasonable stuff is to be found here.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, June 15,1893.
Wheat fall 0 62 a 0 65
Wheat spring 0 GO a 0 63
Oats 0 32 a 0 33
Barley 0 35 a 0 45
Peas 0.55 a 0 57
Floor per bat a 4 30
Batter 0 13 a 0 14
&geper doz 0 9 a 0 10
Potatoes per bushel 0 50 a 0 50
Pork 7 50 a 7 50
Hay, 6 00 a 7 00
Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00
Hides, rough 2 50 a 3 50
Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00
Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75
Wool 0 18 a 0 22
There were about 300 head of butchers' cattle
500 calves, 350 sheep and young pi offered Bred at
the East End abattoir today. There was a
good demand for nearly all sorts of cattle, sheep
and hogs and prices have an upward tendency,
the best beeves sellingat from 44c to 43c per lb.,
with two or three oice animals at a little
more. Pretty good stook sold at 40 to Ole; large
fat cows about 40. and rough, half -fatted beasts
at about 3a}e per ib. -Shippers bought a few
good large cattle• at about43c per ib.
The following special cable appears in this
morning's 'Globo,' dated London, Juno 12:—At
Deptford to -day trade was firmer. Four hun-
dred and fifty-two Canadian animals of the
primest quality soldat four shillings ten pence.
Thirteen hundred Canadian cattle at Glasgow
included some very first-class cattle, but, while
trade has been no worse,•shippers are losing, it
- is reported, no end of money.
John Swan & Sons, Edinburgh. in their week-
ly report of June 2, says :—The number of horde
cattle on offer this week has been rather emal-
lar. With' a large attendance of buyers trade
has been good and prices the turn higher, except
for heavy -weighted cattle, which made no more
money. About 1,200 Canadian cattle have been
shown at Sheldhall, and they meet a slightly
better trade at an Advance of 103 a head. Beet
beef, 7s 9d to 8s ; secondary, 8s per stone.
McNALLEY—LANE.—In Clinton on the
13th inst, by Rev, Mr Diehl, Dr. McNalley, of
Tara, to bliss Hattie Lane, of Clinton.
Hullett, on the 14th inst.,by the Rev. W.
Smyth, at the 'residence othe bride's mother,
Mr Geo. Turner, of Tuekorsmith,to Miss Emma,
second daughter of tho late John Shipley.
HUDIE—SNOWDEN.—At the residence Of
the bride's mother, Sauble Line, Stanley, on the
7th inst„ by the Rov. M. Korvin Mr John
Hudie, of Godorioh township, to Mary, eldest
daughter of Mrs Snowden.
NICHOL—JOHNSTON.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, by Rev, L. G. Wood, on the
7th inst„ John Nichol to Charlotte, eldest
daughter of Wm. Johnston, allfof Tnrnberry.
HAYS—SPROAT.—At the residence of the
bride's father, Tuckorsmith on May3lst, by the
Rev. Neil Shaw,Mr John H. Hays, of MoSillop,
to Mies Annie proat.
CURRIE-SPARKS,--On the6th inst, by the
Rev. W. F. Wilson, Captain J. A. Currin, 68th
Highlanders, to Miss Helen Sparks, Bayfield.
KYLE—JOIINSTON.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 7th inst, by Rev. S Ache•
•eon, Mr Albert Kilo of Cairo 'Miohi an, to Mies
'Jennie, daughter of Mr William Johnston, of
inst., at 95 Ossln ton avenao#Tgoronto by Rov.
Toronto, anct f�ortnerl oof Chhsolhurs Huron
cent �t� y, to ,Miss Janet Bartleman, daughter of
Mrs P, Barticfnan, Wiarton,
of Mr John Morrison, Killop on the6thfact. °
bye Rov. W. Ottowoll Mr AIeX. jr. MOTavish of
Gad's Hill, Ont., to Mite Edith Morrison, of f c•.
. SH0LDICE-.-\AT80N.---In Grey, On t3�e 7th,
Inst„ at tev'esidenco of the brldo's parerfte, by+,
Rev. D. Ferretti Of Walton, Mian Ma3y, only
dau�,tel' of Mr Peter Watson, to Mr ernes
t llholdiee,,of 14lOrcts',
MANSER.—In Morris, on the 6th inst., the
wife of Chas. Manser,of a son.
JOYNER.—In Clinton, on the lith inst., the
wife of Mr Henry Joyner jr., of a eon.
,"BRAITHWAITE.—In Hallett, on the 11th
inst., the wile o1 Mr Marshall Braithwaite, of a
RILEY.—In McKlllop, on the 4th inst., Sarah
Jane Riley, aged 24 years and 1 month.
The British commons has passed the
third clause of the home rule bill.
During last week 3,422 cattle were
exported for Great Britain from Mon-
John Tnrnball, of London, G. T. R. con-
ductor, was run over and killed at Wind.
sor Wednesday morning.
Hugh J. Wilson, aged eleven years,
was drowned in the Grand river at
Galt while in bathing.
J. W. 'Smalley cables thatopinion is
gaining ground that the home rule bill
will never get through committee.
The Government has decided that it has
+ not power to postpone the celebration of
Dominion day from Saturday to Monday.
Mr and Mrs Nelson Whitemore, of
Pembroke, were drowned in an arm of
the Ottawa river twelve miles from
that town on Monday. Their boat
Michael A. Redmond, the first white
man born in London township, has
just died at the place of his birth, hav-
ing lived there the whole 73 years of
his life.
The general assembly of the Presbyterian
church of Canada met Wednesday at Brant-
ford. Rev. Dr. Caven, retiring moderator,
preached a powerful sermon on the inspir-
ation of the Scriptures, and Rev. Dr.
Selgewick was elected moderator.
Ten cents off the $ for Cash,
This means cheap
Bool s & Shoes,
Baby Carriages
Expres Wagons
Also a fall line of
Three cord of Pine and c6att' sinakzungs
expected at once
Jas1 T
For 3 Months
Cabinet Photo
\ •
S3per doz., at
You did not think of it before, but you might find
it pay you to buy one of our
Light Tweed Sumrri
Suits at $6 or $6
They fit well, look well, and wear well, and are''`,
more comfortable for the hot weather than yourfine
black suit. - We sell -
Boys• and Youths Suits
At prides ranging from $1,50 to $5,
Will find our . stock of Light Prints,
Delainettes, Verona Cords, Muslins and
Daponica Stripes worthy of their
We are paying the highest Price in Cash for • ' 4
Butter and Eggs. We are anxious for your
trade, and as we buy and sell for spot cash, you will
always get,better prices when buying from ns.