HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-16, Page 3Moot* • 41.4713.111roe' , AVY, JUNE 16, , to of the' roor *ode, von some fQ9c1, 19r .04rioue roitotiop An tAtio:140t4afj op, to. date no less than II*7004#41AxaMig0 Axed eti the eOuotY, this •$*ft,fit 'At" 0,11 annuat; .expense of ,sahont 390 Pech.ss Ontsi'bUsvortla gig( • also, to :the' 400OntY VouOuil has dee dad,' tbgib 'next: '4400ntr$t'A, v90 on the cinkAten will gain be but th'iag'timo 4p, all *0•1;•1101,04PieP, • • Mr onilorne etUtned from ' the ..Nertbwest'rece and jt 'au inter-': '44dts e '-roniark that "under reetrieted r iprocitylise WhOlO• inside 41714rArifirrer7eit, Qtr N 04,0,4,111.40,4,01,0,,,19.1011.04411,14,,I.' Mitchel an Old 011otonlan, is Capt. of, $0.44fortlt, eyoa *spot otiOng the ;treats, but • the Sarmia Club. M&' A. E. Sunder. '. - iroor )301...wileobepeop1e ofSea. for Yeerail , and do not _,11$9 hs,ek Stars of Sa,rnial was bets this week 111 the , forth advertise aberserace many other trere4ektr.0144$ the 140144 00f- "01 t'Q.Ps ;. interests Of the Meets * . ' , Vert, .they[,s.re_bo_und to carry it 0.rot ' xours, ' 4: Loraa or raossosi Tarter**1.-Soine farmers will Coin- .and evro the Peui4e, 80910140 for ' •-- .. "nee healtall by aheutthtSt Of Ouir. their 'Wooer hil Saturday a tertMoll • Ni0 OlgitikoZIPE49**, The eidewal from' Ontario street to. ,' las a numberwoottronicontonto See* . . . , . War4s the'Pelleglate Xustitute„ Is ,dun, I too bail . Match ,hetweerk,' the Berlin '#filegr' 2V410:04.4 ' " 301:004,, ilereral plariks Whig lapse; the Rangersand the grone •of 8,ealotth,, ' : fiza;-',Thetell in volition hero is very no. " 'other evening! a joy narrowly. cgoapea 1 but w,„era c9;01.49PAPIr ate&PPOliated . tioeoble, The entiollated'oontest 40 Injury br me of the.plaulte tintlVor, '1,PgIrSCot them to find ilielead Of : rellto moratben likely Off for *hie yeitr, Several porsone from tow4:&a,,A.patihtiOdi3. : 'the :liAngers a team from the, Qatar+) 4, the result Jo ,too great a risk to he einem,: •Alra W. .14 ,,,,of• bete' half there was very little good playing rather 0:keep:the Pomptrollership. OPP,. rickeithec as petit orst, Agriealtural. college; during the ,,flyst: by the government, and lima goo WOtAlir ,14eVr'e OP; 41i!s,'Meedier,, thateatOtAPPateetbr'did-MANairre. ; Ung ,hefore, Mr, White, and the French, pa, leitoesal ve tbe:•Werlg,itoci showed leek O tiger ',1)irente for. the than MOO the mp heo, ocgarleo.:alon•i3 the ,64,14; and enthusiasm and long kiekOseeensedS. Ointment 494. Site .4hanOon90,04411.7041:' feont et, the..,0eiiietery • and gatig, to he the order the hail repeatedly go. s To tido sweet there geedtaaa0n to ou.0 .ing from end ,to end of the' Mrd ' -anise 0.0 Mr, White's' •nbance•ni ,eneeses 'when. half , time Wita:" 041104„ neither, will 00 Y.9.1 11.0301t: ' W144014 OsirPriSe them had scored; in ,tno. last' halt the to, many 11 the Wench SiOnsarit Ivoust itoh. helhe teeth had • a light !wind in their force beer on the gOVerattient 40. will ins War. and. they then got down to play, _ Far the aPPeinthleat of One of their Mende the Inciters swaths played defence, but - the, vactuicy. Should this happen there Nere not in it with the Huron cont." Would bo Imbiber shaking up fatille Mink, hinatien4 tne seemed to roll all kAers end their &floaters, *high w.onld Makeit vory , SuelapPalr"atSainStalh900:111:174.• al Mgr' -a V The stood ',taken by litr.lgognithy onthe .gunetio,no. le gaining strength IA 411 00(0. time', and is ,olelming.the serious attention Of the electorate, and tbe signs are hece.M.i •ing. more &paean* day .by day, that We 'great oountrs!.ef ours hi *eking up to the feet that a radical change is &Whitely ne. °emery in our fiscal poliey, and that a de• termined stand must taken to maintain 11 na,en, under directioo of Mr Searle. cpairMe4h Of. the Cemetery Committee, 'hav,911Seo. for several days busily era Plaaa in Clearing up. Many of the •tislaliSatOiseslthitt Wereleaning orentke: down, have been straightened, . and • much of the rank•grert; It Of 'AreefiiiA 'cleared out. More is still Much to he done before the "silent city, of the dead." y1Il present that neat and at- fjifttnit *will be. jetted. OW On • er band mahi,i' of We' PeoPle hi at eounta"Y State ' that freer trade relations are, its only salvation, and -*hey are 'nom, likely to be good judges of What ls Wanted tlian Mell like -31r Vaal/erne. " The _la00_,R16 know their ownWettts-Mr. Vaulderne evidently ,does not. - - Addltl nal Lepel News. Church Notes. rairite and 34r. J. Ransford eease . next week. to attend Synod, at Ondo.n. he Vole fiattenbury St., Sun - Se *RV be heid at Goderich, •'the-33th of ethodist ministers, who are remov- )0:hew charges, Preach their fare- ritione on the 25th inst. S. 5. Cooper will deliver an ad - meat the needing of the Ontario St. ,o14ns People next • Monday evening. Sunday evening • next the mem- O the Independent Order of Good plars will attend Ontario street elf in a 'body, when Rev. W. Ah will preach a temperance ser - fl large baptisms took place at Willis etch on Sunday morning, when Rev. "'Stewart read a pastoral letter on 'fisily worship," and made use of the 'im'en to give sOme plain talk to any ho had been neglectiag this duty. 1sStewart leaves this week to tteiL t &Meeting og the General As- S'esernislY0S'Itev.W.Smyth will therefore ,s0Ccupy the pulpit of Willis church, on Sunday morning, and Mr J. Houston ;the +evening. 31r W. R. Lough will apply Mr Smyth's pulpit in the "amorning. It is something to have the .-principals of two important schools like the Model and Collegiate, capable of maeeeptaby filling church pulpits, when aired. • At =informal meeting of the offici- beard of Rattenbury street church, • last Friday, a rescilution was unanim- ' seemly passed pledging the support of graembers to the incomingpastor, Rev. • J,. W. 'Holmes, and assuring him that 4e_vorything...won1d fie.done_to help and ncourage him in his labors. A copy %vas sent to Mr. Holmes. and has been acknowledged by him.. It is altozether Jikelr,that a farewell to Mr. STailton and reception to Mr. Holmes, will take place about the 28th. The Nenaimo Free Press thus refers itoa fernier Clintonian:-"The congre- gatian of Wallace St. Methodist church turner/ Out in full force last evening, to attend the farewell social and td bid rood -bye to their pastor, Rev.' W. W. r,. and his wife, who are leaving Ramo for their new field of labor an' ▪ aireouver. An address was read and Well-filled purse handed to Mr. Baer, as a token of the affectionate esteem in wbich he and Mrs. Baer are held ;ay the embers of the church." , the address given in Willis church, lash Tuesday evening, by Mrs Fletcher, °Mateo road, was attended With 'Igttentfais-s, high degree of success so far ea the address is concernedistor Meg Jo/etcher is admitted to be one. of the hest speakers, if not the best, in the western division of the W.F.MA., and those who were there might carry away with them food for thought for =any a day. Dealing with the "com- anonplace" of life, she spoke earnestly , land with enthusiasm, impressing on as the fact that we are, most of us, very ordinary people, living very or- elinatarlives, but that it is in the ful- frinsent of these very commonplace duties Which we are called upon to per- forrn day after day, that we can best ▪ y-Gesi and ennoble life. It is by the faithful performarice of each duty. eas;lt tames that we are to advance in aife, and more work is done for the Creator in this way than by some one grand achievement. Many a one who •Joes some one great thing fails utterly in the commonplaces. And she would (Urge that this spirit of earnestness be /tarried into the mission work. That each cam get into the habit of attend- ang these meetings and take their own rehare in the work, and success is as- aured. She also threw out some good setiggestions as to the conducting of these meetings. The attendance was very good; it is .to be regretted that. .only too many people get into the •-4"itahlt" of staying away. The meet- ing- was °petted with devetional exer- ,eiges., MrsTair leading in prayer, and Sat the chafe the president of the Band banked Mrs Fletcher in a few -well holien Words for her address. tatakellitne-1 Macpherson & Hovey 40o., Clinton, are busy filling an order Irom Manitoba, for more then a dozen .Of their celebrated Premier Threshers, 0,11114-romplete outfit. .C.OfirrXisrinta to HOLD A. GoOD PLA.CE• - .,-4,1tr appears, by the honor class lists of Toronto University that lilies Nettie epombe has distinguished herself by her 'nigh standing. She ranks second tt thefiesttlatis in ELIO& and French, tthird itt German and sixth In Italian. WttiVittinirAtt'a Mer. -The lith an- nual ut the, Canadian Wheel- ,:40e0ciationi .10111 be held ab ath, orchile•100 nfOulyi,andlirofillees to,10e ,ah" iMportant ' event, as: all:th fasi'men are.likely to be on hand. 1 Addltidn • to Atlots from alt ovor t Province.' . We, no WO the 3fr Pre trolitYatirigilgiePt7:41.t rt‘t1;:t;i•100164neacirificrX4101411)7:0:tean4 Needs ',flourigh,.'"without 'let Or hind, 'rance. I owers. of Jets wenitilOci-op,• !nate witb. the lOpiincild improvements could be made at trifling outlay. around thera and found its W11,7 past the goal stepper, 6 or 7 times, before time was called; the game 'this:MO.044 was plaYed, with the utmost goo, feel. iog and the visitors took their defeat as though they had looked for it. ftrobnia,-The Seaforth, Bicycle Oleth have rented the Lapsile half mile track, and have inaugurated weekly meets; on Wednesday night last the , CATTI.E.-During the pad week a had a big parade headed by the 33r lot of good cattle have been ehipped Batailion band to the track,where that' our provill. rights. It m usidess_for the frOm here. The following are "the weights of some of thenn:-Ii. Ricks, a bait mile 2 in 3 was won by W. Mc - had three well contested rbacee2sn,dthaeblism uonservativ press to say that Mr. MoCar. thy's policy 18 0110 tending to produce racial O r religious dissension. It is non,* thing. Goderich township, 1, 1245; O. Hicks, Lean' in L26 and 1.8. Th mile dash for the Town c ampiOnship The French Canadians evil Roman Caths,- Goderich township, 4, 5130; Jas, Me- was won by J. Livingston, 1st time lice of this Dominion are not so bigoted. as Farlane, Stanley, 1, 1400; T. Cole, Hui- 1.22, A. Winters,2nd time 1.22 24. s The to suppose thot they amnia have what the lett, 2, 2490; Jas. Graham, Goderich 3rd. a five mile handicap, was won by red of the people do not want, and in fact township, 1, 1500; W. Robinson, Gode- the scratchmen, J. Livingston, lst what many of them acknowledge to be in. rich townshi 0, 5, 6215; H. Redford, time 1515, A. Winters, 2nd tirne 1=100 tothe country. Itia natural enough Hallett, 3, ' ! !t; John Middleton, Gude- 15.25 1-5, G. Baldwin, 3rd time 15.25'2-5. ' for those who think it to their advantage to rich towns. ip, 19, 25815; I. Rapson, An invitation has been sent to the have separate eohools and a dual language, Mullett, 5, 6160; J. Hiles, Mullett, 5, Clinton Club for a 5 mile teens race on in Manitoba and the northwest, to contend. 6240; I. Lawrence, sliallett, 2, 2980; T. the Seaforth truck, on the evening of for them; at the same time they have too Cole, Goderich township, 1, 1580; Wthe21st . much intelligence and justice to corisider it . Sterling, Goderich township, 3, 4195; a °Hine on the part of the majority to put G. Miller, Goderich township, 9, 11610; Houma all on an equal footing. L. Trick, Goderich township. 2, 2840; The great National Convention to be held NOTES. -Revs. Fair, - Irvine and T. Knox, Mullett, 4, 5185;3. Wheatley, at Ottawa in e few days, will be one of the McKinley, and Messrs Stoneman and Hallett, 4, 5030; W. II. Ball, Hallett, 3, most important gatherings ever held in the Eyre returned from Owen Sound on 3705; C. Lovett, Goderich townsnip, .2, Dominion. Representative men will be 2890; T.. O'Brien, Tuckersmith, 4, 4900; Wednesday, where they had been at - there from every part of the country, as is tending the meeting of the Guelph' C. Elseley, Mullett, 3, 3890; G. Cantelon, fully assured by the spirit. and enthusiasm Conference of the Methodist Church. Goderich township; 2, 2550; E. Turner, of the local naeetings. It truly will be a All the Methodist ministers residing in Tuckersmitb. 4, MO; E. Ginn, 5, 6710; national event, and will refleot the views of Hensall have been changed; Revs. J. Mair, Hallett, 3, 3510; W . Hicks, a large majority of the people of the Do- Goderich township, 4, 4830; J. Sunder- Swann, Walker and Treleaven tak in/ minion, and the deliberations of such a body the plades of Revs Fair Irvine an cock, Mullett, 1, 350; J. Troop, Flui- may safely be taken as a guide for future McKinley. ' respectiv ly; hil t Rev. Fair goes to Londeiboro, Re0V IrviWne to8Goderiob lett, 1; 1120; Jos. Proctor, Goderich action, This convention will be in a better township, 2, 2740; A. Couch. 6, 8770; (victoria Street and McKinley to Preston. position to freely, calmly and impartially .Jas. Ford, 2,'2310; J. McGregor, Hul- - Revs, Henderson, of Henson, and Fear. of Nilo; discuss the wants of the country, than any lett, 11 15025; Messrs Ransforcl, 55, exchanged pulpits Goderich weekthe on Sunday last. Mr Wm. parliament, as they will not be tramelled The 77580. The heaviest pair in Mr Rens- Stoneman- wam this , on grand jury. case Greenslade vs. Berry was with the olamors of the proteoted manufao- ford's lot went 3190, while the average decided in favor of plaintiff. Mr George Pdo- tarere, combines, syndicates, ringsters, and for the whole was 1414. Ewan is in Ottawa attending the meeting of the other evils which influence a govern. the Grand LodgeC. ,O.F., and will remain for Cariarmas. • SERIOUS SHOOTING CASE. - Wm. the Great Liberal Convention. Mrs J. c. ment. Ractrry, employed in the Stratford Stoneman and family returned from an extend- • tetceleerisreiptutoeitehde pytail) roof, on Thursday last, TT 0 - furniture factory, son of Mr Thomas Rattrap, of Clinton, was shot with a way to Seafoigh. zi.s. liz.1, Agra= letre unroll County Council. revolver in Duperow's bush, on the St. been very sick with inflammation oli the lungs, ; Marys road, near Stratford on Tues- is, we are pleased to say, convalesent. This is (Concluded from last week) day. Fred Ubelacker, of H. Ubelacker gotheertoasGoondfeorricpbasnics; Carmel Sunday School , to visit the county town, next A petition from the township of Mullett, & Son . was going through the fields to Tuesday, 20th. been viMrs Softly, of London South, asking the County to assume 0 a part of David' Kennedy's place for a calf,when who of has siting her son, Rev. Mr Softly, he noticed the boy fall and begin to st. Paurs Church, returned home on the cost of bridges, was deferred until a Wednesday. Mr Geo. J. Petcy,of Sarnia, was decision is reached in the case of Huron wave his hand. He went over and in town last week. Messrs Harold, Carlyl vs. Morris. An account of Henry Cook, of found the ',boy had been shot. He was ' Plaint and Dr. lacderci attendeI the Is ay.emee ng innton, las Goderich township, for an old claim of $42, picked up and removed to Mr Ken.- wee , f loua, Is visiting friends was referred to the finance Committee, nedy's house. The wound was inflict eu in town. Mr L. Harold has put down a cement which refused to entertain it. with a 22 calibre seven -shooter revol- walk in front of his residence, whioh is attract- It was decided to ask the County Solioit- ver, the ban entering. between the sixth ing a good deal of attention. The travelling or his on the following .questions: -Can and seventh ribs, about anSinch below Dairy was here, on Tuesday. this council pass a by-law fixing $25, or and an inch external to the apex of the CRICKET.— firsh cricket the the season. or ra thee rise he ir of Hen- any other sum to be paid to the Municipal 'heart. After the wound was dressed an, Nigs pia n l'• in grounds on Counoils, or other persons, for the support the injured boy was taken to the hos- ;Wednesday afternoon, befareetx the Seaforth of insane persons, irrespective of the cost pital and his father telegraphed for. alid Exeter teams, which resultedin a tie; when The ball was probed for but could not :re acIcAnzseir 1.. thi0..lierall eteam has just bean r of the necessary maintenance of such per. found. The wound is not eecessari- b 507 ., alicl tigiP:luli 1'4. igift.Mdultrit a tial support mean." The answer of the eons. Also, what does the "whole or par. be fatal and the doctor holds out hone. cl rema gably good showing considering 4 Exeter C.ounty Solicitor, in brief, is, that if the Proinifhetil oPiiin* 1W -ht EVI&P"P*'-g994-113-g-M- -seetrare441-d-hitatrge with local clunk'. • polities that,they would provide shelter for Confederation Life. • their indigent insane, and relieve the coun- tyof that part of their duty under the Statutes; a grant of 825, or some other The annual report of the Confederation specific sum to be paid per head, to the Life association teethe past year furnishes , . local municipality, would be legal. On the abundant evidences •of the continued pos. Brussels. parity of the association, and Should afford other hand, in the absence of any definite place being provided for snob persons, a eatidaotion to its policyholders and share- MARISIED. - An interesting event grant of $25 or some such sum, saying holders. The new insurance written clur- took place on Tuesday evening_ of this nothing about a place of shelter in tho week, at the residence of Mr A. J. ing the year amounted to the very consid- county, would not be compliance with the Lowe.ry, Turnberry St., it being the erable sum of 48,670,000 being the largest marriage of Miss Rachel Sharpe, sec- volume of business which has been writMn Statutes. The application of J. W. Scott, of during any year of the. company's history, I ond daughter of Mr Jas. Sharpe, of Goderich Township, for a grant of 8100 the net increase in the business in force Morris, to Mr Isaac W. Kingswood, instead of $75, towards tbe maintenance Merchant, of St. Thomas. The cere- being close upon $2,000,000. The payments of W. Collins, was allowed. Mr John to policyholders for death claims, matured mony took .place at 6 p. m. and per- Reid, for 24 years caretaker of the county endowments and dividends amounthig to formed by Rev. G. F. Salton, in the buildings, resigned, and was allowed a re - presence of a number of relatives and $280,000, while the aseets show an increase tiring allowance of $200; Mr McCreath was over the preceding year of about 0440,000, friends. The bride looked charming in a. suit of cream and wore a hand - the total insurance in force at the close of appointed in his place, at a salary of $400 a year, to commence his duties on the the year being over $22,60o,000, and the some boquet of flowers. She was at- Ist of July. A motion to the effect that cash assets over 04,000,000. The manage - tended by her sister, Minnie, while mem of the aseociation report an increased Mr Wm. Lowery performed similar measure of prosperity during the present duties for the groom. The happy year, the volume of new insurance written couple left by the evening train for St. being very considerably in excess of that of Thomas, where they will in future reside. any former year for the sameperiod of time. with corresponding inmate in all the other NOTES. -Mr W. B. laallan_tyne has departments of the companye business. • returned from London. Mr W.R. Me- The agent for the Confederation Life, in °reckon is in Chicago; he will be away Clinton, is Mr Israel Taylor, and although about a week. Mr Jos. Clegg ihipped connected with the company but a short a car load of fat cattle from this sta- time comparatively, he has taken quite a in,the equalized assessment of Mullett, of an acre, this was adopted, and the re - tion on Wednesday. Capt.R.S. Hays, number of good risks. The Company is °I port passe& of Seaforth, was m town last Friday, recognized commercially as one of the most - It was moved that that art of the Fin - arranging for No. 5 company to go to smog t orwar an upright, and policy- awe Report relatine to Co. wards be amend- • camp at London, June 20th. The an- holders have every assurance of honorable • ed, so that municipalities having county nuar meeting .of the Knox church Miss treatment. wards be paid. 25 per cent. for shelter sionary Association VMS held on Thurs- day evening; :Miss Webb, a returned and 25 per cent. for maintenance, making R BOX. a total missionary from China, was present, OUR LETTER of 50 per cent. off what they are and gave a very interesting account of • We wish it distinctly iindenaood that we now receiving. This was lost; RBi her work in that country. Miss R. do not hold ourselves responsible for any- The oad and ridge commttee present - Brien, of Seaforth is visiting in town this week. Miss Lizzie Roddick is vis- iting in Walkerton this week. Link. Hemblyr was in Walkerton for a few days this week, of his Web -Very initerfs set in, although at the present time he is:in a critical. condition. He was get- ting over a fence, with the revolver in his hand, when it accidentally went off, with the result stated. the clerk should advertise in the Toronto papers for plane of a House of Refuge to accommodate 60 to 75 inmates, was lost. On reading the report of the Equaliza- tion Committee, it was moved that the re- port beamended by rednoingthe asseesment of Usborne and Twakeremith $1 per acre; this was lost; a eimiliar motion concerning the township of Goderich was lost. The Committee had recommended a reduction be .rect.ij It a .eett "0066 fates& • -ibtaletter bo• .00roploted• by stet Au the other by Sept. 1st. The brid ertSvillo end. Dayfield Suffered by tb. sprng froohotir,-an.diutrahOori.. raparecl but: genet. 'yet.oafe'„foralta3t losde,"... v.ore initlioner suaSsts4 that artIes.teking loads - • 'if Merftibisli a t011; ever t °eel:midge; oliettid 40,:e0 01.404 OWIS- . "•, • • •'. •• ' • " 'The Pennell vetoed a inOtlen. That 'nal ••000a.oheuldhoPhieed: On ,HolMeeville end ayneid tirklgOotWO,rat•ag'th•artalltoAettq. 01"11W.M.0201.1ant.)....0.no.toni lkt . titnann fs,•••••.PW414,,,• W.11',••11,,,P•S•11 these bridge., rn referenoe 10 the request fitoto the ' townships .of Ashfield, Stephen, • ani Grey, for ft contribution tas PttiTilAftS• A-LITHOIZgX) Verde' the erection of hrideee .ef lee feet. °mous why' Shrew ressmoliers irsfursand will coi. thine t41.14 the, pgiar.- imit PRESS PATTEHNS and ovor, it wa Teoornmenled'that the matter be iaId over tiU'zest Clotinoll,' to await result of the *eel of ROM vs. klorAis- " iiticomou eiStriaiSrinea aeroaS, =ttreait44nrldon :itaPlierrd1eii limy, t°bez41:iof the township oleiloact, et 4Pe? Deughte, Blake, be *pointed 0,03 in Pon - junction with jedge: _Tome sod t blE4(14 lett, gest and westWawanosh, for appoint - tor. In response, t(1 the petitions frons guts meet et arbitrators, to deal with a proposed change 111 sehbot sections (Hullett' OrniaSil dedining to appoint a.maii). the boininittee leopiMpended the appointment' of jebn Britton, Hallett; &Am Bowers, 'West Wa. wanords, and Findlay Anderson, East Wa, wanosh, to deal with the matter. P0011 nous& A motion that a House of Refuge be erected in the Qounty, was -referred to the Executive Committee, but being unable to agree on it, they referred the matter baok to the Council. The rnotion was lost on the following votes --s. Yess,-Brookenshire, Chambers, Cruick- shank, Gibson, Holt, Kerr, Kennedy, Mc- Blurohie. Malloy McLean, IdoKay, Mo - Pherson, Proudfoot,Rollins, Saunders, Speakman.. Sheppara; Spariog, Woods, Watson,. Yoeng, A., Young, .H. 22. Is.-f3eacore, Bennewis, Cox, Cook, Dames;Evans; grratt, Eilber; Fergusors Gavin'Geiger; Graham, Rowe, lis,y,Kydd, Milne, 2.1oE wan , McDonald, Mooney,011 ver, Rats, Scott, Sherritt, Shier, Stewart, Turnball, Torrance, Taylor. S8. JAILER'S REPORT Mr Dickson reported that there are at present in the jail eight persons, one of whom, an insane female, 88 years of age, is awaiting transfer to the asylum; two of the others prisoners are aged 70 and 74, and totally unable to work. REPORT 01' THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Concerning the applications of East, West and South Huron Farmers' Institutes, for a grant of $25, the committee recom- mend that no grant be made. This re- port was adopted, but emended at the last minute, and the grant made as usual. Conoerning the request of the 83rd Battal- ion for a grant of 25o. per day to all the mesabers, while performing the annual drill, the committee recommend that no srant be made, as it considers the Domin- ion Government the proper party to make the grant. In council an attempt was m ide to carry a straight grant of $400 to the volunteers, this failed, as did also an attempt to carry a grant of 100 a day. Goderich Horticultural Society made ap- plication for a grant of IMO to assist in making an exhibition of fruit at the Col- ambian exhibition. The sum of $100 was granted, with the understanding that the fruit be taken from as many sections of the county as possible, and labelled to how where it comes from. THE FINANCE COMMITTEE recommended payment of a number of accoun . In reference to the claim ofDon. a1d-lW6Innfs, of Usborne, referred to this comnlittee, the fsum of $100 was granted him. t seems that in some way his horse tumbled over Exeter bridge and was killed, hence the olaim. COUNTY WARDS. On application -by the -reeves -of aauninf- palities interested, the following persons were made county wards, at the figures speoified:-Sarah Williams, Brussels, at $100 per year; Margaret McGuire, Ama- belle McLean and Johanna McKay, Gode- rich; at $72 each; Susannah Ransom and Joseph Samson, of Stephen, $100 each; William, Margaret and Robt. Currie, Ash- field, at $60 each; James Barnes, West Wa. wanosh, $100; Wesley H. Sutton, Exeter, $72. This makes 21 wards the coanoil has put on thie year, at an average cost of $90 each. Crops in Ontario. A bulletin has been just issued by the Ontario Bureau of Industries giv- ing some interesting information re- garding craps and live stock in Ontar- io. A table showing the average tem- perature and precipitation, the latter including rain and snow as well, dis- closes the fact that both April and May were colder on the average in 1893 than in the previous year. Daring every month, except March, the aver- age temperature has been lower. With respect to fall wheat the re- turns for the province may be sum- marized thus: acreage reduced by at least one-quarter; growth backward; general condition variable; prospects on June lst net quite up to the aver- age The rye crop seems to have stood the winter and spring better than fall wheat, and to be in a promiaing con- dition. The total amount of grain for the province will be small. The eontinued raids of the late spring delayed the sowingalf spring vehe it in most coun- ties. The acerage will probablybe about the same as last year. Sowing barley was in progress .Tune lst. In comparison with former years the acre- age will likely be still further reduced. 10jaon well drained and high lands oats were put in early and such had a vig- orous apearance at the beginning of the month. As far as it was possible to report the returns' were' very favor- able, in fact this crop was reported as the most promising of the grain crops on June 1st. If favorable weather should continue the hay cut will be one of the best in recent years. The promise for apples is not as great as usual, more particular in the west- ern half of the province, as the blos- soming has been comparatively light, especially among the winter sorts. Prums appear 'to have Buttered more than any other fruit; a larg5 nuinber of treeshave died in the counties of Grey and Simcoe during the winter. Raspberries, *here not„laid. down, were somewhat injured by the heavy end*, yet taken altogether the reports re- garding small fruits are encouraging. Reports concerning bees are far from satisfactory. The mortality is greater than usual, ranging. from lab 1.00 per Cent., And averaging ,ever per tent Swarming was only beginning AS cor- respondents wrote. With regard to la- bor there appears, to bo,s;anttlelencY Of labor of a' certain flat, but 'men df ekili are educe. Wage of the work. ott• 'moo, range from $ 4 to $20 with beard; the • average ;Wog $11.17, or 38 cents titiOre than'fitab,yertri thing which appears under this heading. ed a thsupplementary report recommending at bys.aw No. a, 1874 (assuming county bridges) be repealed, on condition that THE CEMETERY TREES. municipalities Midi* heretofore not feceiv- ed equal assistance in the way of bridges To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. should receive a fair reratmeration so as to put them on a par with municipalitiee that have heretofore had bridges built, and that bridges which are in existence now to be taken into consideration at their par vela& This report was amended as follows: -Mo - don of Messrs Mohlarohie and Mika be re- ferred to the Road and Bridge °emulates to report at next meeting of council, and that in the meantime the engineer prepare a statement of the number and value of the bridges costing municipalities, for the use of such committee. On motion it wae deoidea that the ems. oil of each munioipality take a vote of the electors of their reepective munioipality, at the game time that the vote on the gees - Hon of prohibition is to be taken, as to whether or not a house of refuge should be erected in thief county. There will be no meeting of the Council in December. Soinam. -A very enjoyable time was spent at a social at the residenee of Mrs D. Sinclair Queen St., on Thurs- day. evening of 'last week, under the auspices of the Melville church Chris- t,ain Endeavor Society. It was of a literary character,and all present, with a few exceptions. wore a badge to re- present some anther or some work. Most of the time was spent in trying to guess ,what each one represented; some splendid representatives were presented. There was also a short musical program. Westfield. • (Too late for last week.) Sza,.-Thank you, Mr. Editor, for the ad- vice to Hallett Council as regards the shade trees planted. Gangs of rowdies have at different times broken them down, as they pees along. On Sunday evening a number ofpersons passed along the gravel road, using profane language and acting disorder- ly; if such conduct occurs again I shall give the names. Yours, Omen& KEEP THEM BEAUTIFUL To the Editor of the New Era Sza,-If the Record account of the laat Council meeting is correct, Mr. Searle is reported as having moved that the sum of $60 be placed to the credit of the Street No're.-Mr Wm. Rodgers and Jasper Committee for shade tree actount, but / Cook are gaining a wide reputat on do not see thet it carried. I do not under - as crack mechanics; they having com- stand the vfty bur down do business.- pleted some fine contracts this spring. Two Months ago Mr. Seafle asked the conn. Miss M. Tunnie will leave in a few dogs oil to give the sum of ten ot fifteen dollare for Manitoba, where she expects to e to eet the treeisie tt. Gamete ward pot ht married to Mr Oole, formerly of this orXer; he was told that it was unjust for county, when they will settle down to one ward to get it. Now they retinae to give the stern realities of married life on h to en the wards, nay whet yoktvin the prairie; we wish them all the hap- i- amuut Mr nice trees on tbe streets; there irides that such& life will afford. Mrsare many of them thet coidel be improved. itchell had a fine Mare nearruined Some of them are to0 6104te together, others a kick freed a stallion 911 juosda-. are eo loW _that you Canna drivo 0, buggy r WM. Andersen atia Wife are home Ando them, Mr..seArie is right,you rout Africa; they both look its if thiI sseet sae *irk.; kostity0 look at WeliitVell lotted, while itt that far tee of thou tiAtiookilpioaty rOor le dma.grow Said SOW; 'and do AO Anil YOU, 14STIBIA.T118, The Faience Committee made a total of estimated expenclittite Of 662,689, leaa esti- mated receipts of $4,5280 recitiiring e rate Of 1 4-6 Milli On the drillar on the equit4sel eseessed Vane alb° comity.' This Welt • thre miventicths ef e mill higher than fiat • . year. • tioAnti Mrs. ininlekt-'"" Mr Aittaley reported 001011OWeittitalit:: 4 iniiiittecilenta the eatilleli he had eieleotiecl Site for the Bayfield bridge, the nenntrent'. toitliag Is:66mi let t6,..,ur ,R. , t Vardwich, St 4145. Halrahrfilge.fg*.0 a.. .,ATg14. NTS., lit 0,17- aWbs'ou' gitegrsnys. , ' 4i0P-t? They' 41'o' titto004' itvio I.:0(1,40kjind 44 • th9rQughly *et ...0410104: :garMentc.'frOin. 0001b - lOre beitig'offer4 tor':,134.1e ° 2nd'.bey are'Sraded.in 411 the „ di.trorpot noccosary pios- '47'4400304s • own cinly to ottreelves, and render. ttyLly.V1plerlsotrolval:IlerpoarTeu0age41: een" 3rd—The priuted label attached to the patterns give exact instructions regarding the qualities of materials, trumning• 860.,, required explicit in- structions for cutting and making, and pictures of gartnents when fin • ished. 4th—Ip parts where liabilities to misfits occur, allowances are made for . alterations that may be found nem- sary. Cb—The patterns are notched and perforated in such u manner that any- one, even if unaccustomed to dress- making cannot err in making up gar- ments by them, so long as the dire°. tions are followed. • 6th—They are always the latest exemplars of elegance, style, utility and economy in clothing. By their use the housewife can clothe herself and family more cheaply and stylish- ly than by any other method.s of pat- terns. lth—They include the entire range of practical Fashions, whether cur- rent or standard in character. 'Rh—They are issued regularly, and are illustrated in the DELINE- ATOR, the cheapest and most practi- cal of all fashion magazines, in which publication their descriptions are am- pliged by pithy and Imola suggestions A $500 stock is carried by us and New patterns are being added every month. Cooper • & Go. CLINTON. SALE REGISTER. Frame buildings on Huron St., Clinton, on Saturday, June 17th. T. M, Carling, acct. Household furniture, etc., on the Marke Square, on Saturday, June 24th. J. Howson Auct. *or Adtrevtbnintuts: FI:C9trTMBrlSOr . IrvloiaLadSurveyoraud Civil Engineer, London, Ont.-00lee at Geo. J Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. ManitobaEXCURSIONS —FARES— Manitoba Points $28 Regina - - - - $30 Moosejam - - $30 Calgary - - - - $35 Edmonton - - - $40 TIME LIMITS.—Tickets will be good for return as follows:— Sold on June 20th, good until July 30 " June 27th, " " Aug. 6 " July Ilth, " " Aug 20 Through Coupon Tickets issued to destination. Baggage ohecked through. For reliable infor- mation apply to W. JACKSON, TOWN AGENT G. T. R., CLINTON A Wheel For pleasure. You want health, strength, appetite, good nerves, and there's no other form of amusement that gives you so much pleasure as wheeling, fresh air, healthful exeraise, exhilarat- ing excitement. Those who wheel once wheel always. Of course you should not be eatiefied_with anything but the best -then ride a COMET. They cost a little more than other wheels, but the best is the cheapest. Sold by G.F. EMERSON, Clinton Manitoba Excursions.' 0 June 13, Good to return up July flrd. June 20 Good ,pairyetlorati.up to tyinie 27 Good to return up to August 6th. July 27, Good Aftrgusfonthu. I) to 1//)8 $80 tor Round Trip. Through oars from LONDON, DRUMS° or WINGHAM aro beitigrun throtigh to Winnipeg Without change. Burr your deltas frcim the O. P. R. Agents, its oil they dan grant you this fir Remember Clare IS 041y Otte Ant of the 0. P B. in Canton, A. T. COOPEli, Ticket and Telegraph Agott Otinton " ROOM ir6 * iloadcatiOrdfartableAgrat to` rent,dfl tato:tote-tents 'AlTriralaufle 'Sist4if) Vert et, •.