HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-09, Page 9Oar Itien
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Aiirtijit-ror,,,..00,: Tuesday liniCWbge:; ' ""' ' •-•,'• ..",:;',%•...,,!:''',::'' :.-.:104(10.t0t,)"0-4'11#/'11 - ;a : ' • •"while ' - en
.. order ;:14i..;: .,:tilr Fred Gibbs,. of. 't.he, 13th g9lIkir4 .•. Itlif! . ,, '. 2_• ,:•'were'otioovonom:whic the.00nand te tday,In;:stininiers.,, „IraMer, a
-14.r':'•,.41,17)44k Woi*ing CM the ' re ne nle.t .,W,Itn4 2:.aii,a•o4he • f;atliet;, da'I'Mr. 4.,OS•',- :rnaghhtnv.Were fOatndWakt'eMal'ha. •heatiO*411-10t r(liptopIliftrta:
- • ' y aetY aenident .10:Atel4ra'411. 4.ttrow of •lhir3 pla00,-ItOOk:"- nadOZen'-- 40,-16, ,-,tai.ortitt*,4.w,.,,i;14,i.gefrlw r'el7or! #0.-k-00A.6d t2v.!
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... '4,",,L,_. -;,-,,,' , - ,,.... - .iitei'tr,,Ititiltrw.h. :ieoroTlie.) .t joleatmof0.,: to.. ho: .000, here; ; N6m, .
ricNip„,,,ate anouo, picnic .i.a.k,,t !.boo'iitto.,Ixo:3-, D. lktorrAW nakpfieSe ,:- and this week, ,- ter, preaching-, ;,..„, : - a. -ilict crow 04 evoryfirke
No, 4. (Lowery win be held in Mra ,,. ,:iiioAtiatiork.o..'eueossfullik4Ohtt ' tipeltnew,:.eli-04001.fr. ''*..: ,r;Vir ''' '' , t;t1.;.iio,o' .034t —If you are a
Wallace's grave' °11 r rt"Y' '''''°'''*i4A •ikill'haYelkn'initAeb •11'•''''Ai-41'' ' 'cek. ' :Wii,ealne.19.00.0,0,•::::.1Monday.!.......5 be, "3,AEgii • ' .,14''. • 14 r - 'i, ho in'o, ;w-
hist, In .edditimi to the usual:Wipes*, :Insji,-0,40,13-0*; he is at Torontoi.Speova .,aa i-,)nth:Oce.Ostens,-.....-aeor ,.1i,,.v0, 7/''"a, Canadian,Ve, wan 'yen„ to cefebxa.
races, 4c., a choice, Progrup W.Iik,Itt4 .r.,ki;ige*aay Among his Oildign*VeT0itY, , yerv • • favorably , reeetvq. • ' ' 416 :tlii.: '7414 /*AO 4sta °]!•4113 loll' if you are a
, presented, consisting otrfu inIctre,4- ', ,,n7cnnt,n,•ntanny,. altar ,which.:be. is .1Oing' ' t - , helm- ',Me , e ria -1 mg- Aim; Of MOIninron aY) r
i i ACEUI.1.003.00 W' 1 it 'g dr. did: et Britisherfr in the three Isles, don't
forget the has . et. .
:•14..iL,.: lif:YOU.sliOid lIave-kohOge tP,r trying ,church,! • - , •,., 1',., try., andYour flag., In this age when
aToTos,—Mr Matt Oarbertt, is rsa 4,433. ;,tata.-nable , Art 'ef, Ogling Jona, :Keen. 1:•,,..... - • ..4 p'leto• 4'n• te event took we hear so much .cry of anriexation,
a, near baro op, the old, Beilby f,I.I..r.ii": 0100.,,oc-00tor0 as they_are .not. or • ,irt.4nnfisTO, 4
It is rumored that a, certain cote 12141: .0,10i,461.30toittioe. ..,ii,' NvAtian: Box, place on the saabia lin -Iti,:t wee ; Vfteta a, er liblishtd itn irur pidst
weeds - or • 'Rhin the toligA0 of the:. waggen hstoo;,., herreegge,tileaVeriS.0 p is. tast,,beoming popular ,..owbt eyery pick-
thelinee, When the lickeeefie oulzene; lietWeek misTnienee and enjoyment for holiday
Are economical and com-
fortable., They save your
better putt and keep you
cool this weather.
Cash and One Brice
es, ke‘, in which sever& rot% his '..pheie,te„voti I? pected to fill his VI P
are to take art. COme, an th a d OOP e, h e viclteln Trinity I o shoiroyour loyalty to your coun-
, , polo n. eProvinceri rfelve, t ere was s r
. ' ' i exit in ha haetulicit Arno gs a oya peo-
t te-
hundred; he says he goes•dot carry his °nee c't rs SO lf, • her eldest MIAS, it Is high time the young Cana -
for a new house; S. . Cooper has the.
Rogerson, who bought the Warwick . 6.•we,weee John udi;.7th con., Goderich town. ihe• betrayers of their country. The
out for the celebration
of Clinton, is doing , the work. My. io:the, village again,' Mr farm. raising his barn. Mr Michrie1 .ha's bee4 bltar'"Pail#IniPils blIggY; we 64i'P' Both of the contracting.' parties hills are now
Brown is doing quite a businesa ,in" think he must intend gyring the twins are well knoWn and highly* esteemed here; and theprize lists will be publish -
ib dri•ve: it will relieve tin, Harrison for in this seetinn, and it ii; with best ednhortly. Every effort is being put
. ite with their forth,by an energetic committee 'to
tlavnorwmore inalrYng the excavatio#24' luaerliiiinh;!;QtriMittile busyW;VBellbtyinthae Ifibansctt,14Tved 3ag. ex
tet the red:, pie to ; publish its treasonable 9 a
ill shortly et married, r ,
contract. Mr Noble Adams, of the,',4110:: brainkiUtigit feet' Did you hear
° '91e daughter, -Miss mug, ,wonnjtel•hy .4ians, or wale:ad_ aroused themeelveos_
latest arrival- boy, No? "Bi , Gabbs- is marrige, on Vitednesday last, to Mr to -prove their zeal, even in the ; face f
is erecting a new house; Mr McKetizie;
homust be tired terribly With wiSheathat the Ea.& un s
'cleaning clocks.
. . , Srla AND 9asi CON. NUMB. —Mr John the!care of both, Mr Jas. Armstrong - mealy friends in extending its tongratu- have thiea monster success and a, pile
Cartwright's new house is being Iamb, -g_'" ate the. village Citizens quite a treat, lations. The ceremony was perform- alum ,
I a 1ed forward, and is going to be a dandy; Monday he was taking an elegant ed hY Bev. Mr Xerrin,' -of Trinity PERSONAL. -24(r Jas. Ferguson has
;the boy.s are likel to get a housewarm? tati4, to one Of his cuSWmers a little church, after which the bride and returned home from Cleveland, 'Where
• f
,CL1NTON ing atone foundation put under his and heir Master Harry was inside beat-. moon.
ing this all. MI; Geo. Hesk is ham' distanee•Out of the village and his son groom left fctr the east on ahoney, he has been engaged for some time.
Mr H. Adams is building a new barn, justlike a drum, i tell YOU it was ire.- time we have been 'watching the lively ay with a sore hand• Among the 75c si 25
, Mr Israereeoffrey, who has been ern -
barn; Mr Bone is doing the work. ing itwith a vengeance and it sounded OceiE To THE SCRAT011.--For some NloYecl Goderich returned on, Fri-
. _
: ; SOLD FOR : :
Mr Hohlbein's, exTriences.—The brandishing of words between1hvs who came down from
the raising will be on Saturday, for iriense. Jim said all it needed was a
Which Matt Manis is during the wood- flag. .miee. Edith Hall has given up zealous corresipondent of Porter's Hill, Goderich on Sunday were Messrs Herb
4., young German named nombein. We are sorry to hear that Mr John ,cOmparnoti to the Rev Mr McDonald's
Carter is not improving in health. „ lady, who enjoys but very ill health. how ably some of his friends can take Newcombe. Mr John -Eason has re-
in the News Record, and Ba,yfieldi in Calliday, Andrew and Frank GeoffreY,
the Signal. Each has been telling Wm. Baker, Jack Gallagher and John
to 'd t f Of pi work and Hiram Hill the masonry. tailoring in perference to becoming a
lobe, of Monday, has "t e- following in
, reference a resi en o , is. ace;—
stayjng-Whilo in the' city at the Red 10Tn AND 11TH Cox. NOTES 1r W. Muster Sandy MacKenzie thinks him- the end of a cross -cut saw, till; now turned from Nairikand will spend the
wnerame from Dashwood, Ont., and
Lion hotel on King, street called at Martin is enlarging his barn .and yr-
. self a vete sly, man; as indeed he is, they are challenging ea;ch other with summer here. Mrs McAllister, of
11 d 't; Hi id but, we've fund him Oot this timer. his extrave.gant porses. For the informer Chicage, nee Tilly Callidazi is home
Si •
, .
detectnra, department and told a tins a stone W&UL er wife has lately presented him we a tion of both parties we. refer them .W on avisit at present. Miss ertie
peCrdiar, 'tory to the officers. He said doing the stone work and Matt' a,nis
- • d ht • e wish him much joy and th i• t g th D • • D gat has returned from Woodstoc ,
and $1 50
LLIC :that on SatiirdaY night, after coming the rest. Frank Woods' new barn. is
sincerely hope 'that the. we. lassie will celebration here Now is the thne to *here ehe ' has been for some time. .
oe en, w, e prize is or e onumon ay
Ciothiers, Furnishers &Furriers
street , and.ettinto company with What ton, doinVtie stonework and W. R . , settle the matter', so arrange, boys, for Mrs J. Reid, 'who has been visiting her
.00 ortueleNsee„he NimnEpd up Yonge nearly conapleted; T. Walker, of que-- .
, , . „ , _ dey rive a grea essing an com or , o
1,manston. John He a trotter is dotng- SALTATION -ARSili.=0Wing =to-dif. ---Llanagra Brrs..,,Thethilor hops and _... Alolmesville.
Ynnge street together-, and went on a ittie s new ouse. young. fellow
street the name of which he did not got his hand smashed at Woods' Ohl; ,iimiteuienseelY,,i6L..eat Saailaday _ave_nanl. a, ferent Circumstances there Watt nct•ser- the,drefezrodaina establishments are, - - - ,,,,..•.. •
valuable ana, belongin tO Mr S. of.' 'vice in the churches on Sabbath eVeii-'hieinga great run now; guess all the S0cIAI--ann-7-entinlin urldei• •
the aulices If the W.M.a, to be held
. know, and whieh he was unable to ingthe other day.. • . fat, 'met with a very b Accident; she ing, this brought a much larger crowd people are aiming at being either dudes
at H. Iford s, Tuesday, June 20th,
identify again. • They stopped at a Cotarcit.—The council met on the had been rubbing her bead against the than usual to the Army, their barracks or calithumpians on the 1st' When
prcimises to, be a grand success; eirery-
'-htrildingand entered What a side door. 13th, minutes of former meeting read fence and run quite a large sliver in- being crammed full. Several officers Councillor Fowlie stayed away from
*They went into a room Which appear- and coofirtned. Contracts for gravel- to it; Mr Moffat is up late and early at- from Seaforth were present and added the hall, on Monday night, people body welcome; admission 15c.
ed VS be, that of a professional typwrit- ling two sectiens of „Gravel road'be- tending to her: we hope it will not greatly to. the interest of the meeting said he was afraid of meeting a depu - , ExcuRSioN.—Those who took advan-
er, as, there ;Was, one there, and the tiveen Clinton and Myth . were let by their sweet music. Brownlee, who tion of broorolsticks re the goose by- tage of the cheap exeursion to Galt*
table was littered with Copy -paper. In • amounting to $175, and arrangements
• prove fatal.
is well known here, gave an earnest law. If the owners of cows Would on Wednesday, were Mr and Mrs W.
one corner Of the Irwin .was a bed,.the made for letting other jobs next Tues- Stanley exhortation. We understand that the look upon the matter in the right Patten, John -Pickard and Miss Jenny
' ed cleaning. Theyeinig woman, after a big 3ob of grading and gravelling Mr John McGregor have re -shingled field this year, and for. that purpose • have More -pasture, now Since oat: thehospital for medical treatment.
REpAnts.—Mr Duncan McEwen and Army will hold camp meetings in Bay- light, they would see that their cows Phipps; Miss Phipps intends entering
- clothes on which looked as if they need- day by Lashem and Brigham, such as
getting -a 'JIM, heigeh to ha; and in on S.R. 15x16, eont 11 and on S.R. 20x half their barn roofs. the high winds will piteh their tents in a couple of siders have been frightened from driv- TENPILMS.—The council met Mon -
doing so took.off her hat and. jacket, 23., also the repairmg of bridge on S.R. ing their herds in here. Perhaps those day with an unusually large attend -
And the visitor fond himself in corn, 3Jx31, con. 14.. The Teeve: and Clerk this spring have made a stir in the weeks.
shin le trade. ImPROVEkENTs. — Nature has done who advocated the change of the mail ance, the last program for F. Elford'a
deal of physical strength - and vigor. specifications prepared for the build- „„„wd, rood wood • __..
$Ttoz.;--Good stock 's always in de- everything for Hayfield except keep in route from Clinton to Seaforth, are side was given, and in two weeks Wm.
panYWith'a men aPpatently of a good were authorized to have plans and
Thee.henge was So . sudden and start, ing of the Harlock bridge, and to ad- ""'"breeders find ready repair what man has done, and we are not biting their nails when they have ,McRobert's side will wind u pthe con -
n thatthe young german became ve
rY vertise for tenders for the said bridge -- -
sale for their a 'Male. Lately Mr Jas. glad to see that this last few years to wait till a quer
McFarlane, so well own as a raiser man is realizing he has a art to
animale known
y . .
aY• mail. A number of the . youth from ' • - • -g •
ter to ten for their
the District Council to be eld in Exvi
test Delegates were an ointed for
of good stork, has sold four shearling
ewes to Mr John V. Diehl, and a shear
ling ram to Mr J. Thomson, of Blake.
seemed to na to be. a handsome and the wood ork. Mr S. S. Cooper has In• Mr JO% Wanleze le Inakinglne• Hayfield on.the 1st. 'mother, Mrs Ferguson, returned to
- binning ,yonng, -woman, --They -left commenced.the erection. of. Mr Tarot...inn" for
isirite root of his Goderich last week.
frightened, and begged thr. be allowed building. One or two accounts for
to get out. This was refused, his be- drain tire:were passed, and several or-
guiler tellinf him he wanted to do bus- ders given ,for work already done on
mess with him. Drawing emit of bills the road. Council adjourned to meet
frorna desk, he showed them to Rohl- when called by the Reeve.
and:aiiked" him if he knew- what
they Were. Alohlbein Aid he did—
. that they were green. goods. "Quite
East Wawanosh
right," Was the approving reply. ‘‘They Do Risart-:-THEDI.FEAR. NOT.—Quite
are good Workmanship,. too. and as a breeze occurred at the meeting of
you see, they are Dommiosi bills. I the last township in
over an item
will sell you theta for 25 ceffts on the which appeared in the Now ERA a
dollar; how much will, you haver few weeks ago, re the treasureship,
Hehlbein said, oachig gestic silver from _When the person who .holds that office,
his pocket, that that,waikall thelmoney. and the Reeve, who was described in
he had. At this the green goods man recent issueof this paper as a loud talker
became very indignant, and, cathhing threatened to have a reply to said item
Hohlbein hY,thearM, heldrew him to inserted in last week's issue, but none
the door* opened it, and. administering appeared. Perhaps Tom, on serious
a parting kick throw out. Hold- ropsideration, thought best to leave
• biensaidte wandered the street the Tatter alone. As a Matter of fact
' for over half-nri hour before he got d there has been no bondsmen or securi-
cross- street. He was very serious; and ty for the treasurer of this township
the Police believe there seniething in since 1890, and our well fixed Reeve
it. • and council have given till the 15th
inst. for treasurer to produce security
for his properly fulfilling the duties of
, treasurer. Is it not humiliating to
have our township affairs carried on
like this? There are other matters
which would be the better for ventila-
tion, but at .present will not mention
there and give the council a chance to
tareelgraort:,naost ssoommeu presentromblme
We are selling Men's Navy 1:kee
•SnitS 1)eantif011y made and iv EL—The framers are 'busy, at
inflamed at $6, fio So $7.50, Sehn Qoultes Thomas Armstrong's
' ang are doing the work. Mrs Hanul-
$9, equal tooy ordered work, fon., nee Miss attih J.. Rath 18100W on
thimble,. mi. and, John:“ Isetinareii
itt .etyle . in many •tl, visit her Pait rents trOni Co-
titSeS alierfOr;" . at let30:. thini: left bet week kir the World's Fair.
bait' you pay for ordered 'along -to therecent rains, followed by
warm sunshine, grass and other crops
11,11S, * ath growing very =plait, and 'present'
; .appetstanee. indicate a 'hat -
:.'Vest+ Ditribaris theta/eking
,these..illoauo-oielotAigliteolilgi Itrgolvecer'eVP°4'anee some
sizes after a tOtiple of weekti Sicknese. Mrs
told swot; 4 $6,$oist.560$8i5-6, plitigitItettrnttlittied hatire eit
Wiwi:firm—A quiet event took
place, on the Bauble line, last Wednes-
day, when Miss Mary Snowden, eldest
daughter of Mrs Snowden. was mar-
ried to Mr John Hudie, of Goderich
township. That the bride was exceed-
ingly popular, was shown by the large
number of beautiful presents received.
The groom is an industrious young
farmer of the 7th con,- of Goderich
township, and the very best wishes of
a large circle of acquaintances go out
to them at this particular time. Miss
Emily Snowden acted the part of
bridesmaid, while air 'George Rothe
officiated as groomsman, the ceremony
being performedby the Rev. M. Herrin.
A beautiful and costly present which
Mrs !ludic; received from her brothers
Robert and Thomas, was an upright
Bell piano, purchased from Mr T. C.
Doherty, of Clinton.
Vogrriare3.—Mr herling returned
last week after visiting friends in
Dungannon, Tuekerinnith, Pah3ley,
Glamniis, and other places. He states
that the fall wheat generally looks
well, While pear: ere eaceptionally good.
NoTas.—Miss Oakeithas again made
her appearance in this vicinity and is
always looked for by lovers of music.
Mr Harry Sweet, the Well known well
digger, has been employed in this sec-
tion for the pastWeek. A union picnic
is being talked by:the-4th con., Hay-
field line and N�. ;should. they
agree to have One It certainly will be a
success.., Mrs Wm, DaWi Of Exeter, is
viditite 'at the luiPie ki her %parents.
Mite mirtirPotter SOUP last Weid.r.
visiting at r fli4ep Road Work is
now the Order of the troy and the nigh,
Way *Moe rtiltteeia Will not PreSent a
The improvements whic have been this section intend leaving 1 ier, June 20th.
and are going on about town, will net volunteer camp at London on the 19th.
only ma kd the place more attractive Owing to some little inconvenience to Cows.—Those people who let their
of Bay- cows run on the road, don't seem to,
to outsiders, but also more cheerful to parties concerned, the people
our own citizens. Mr Jas. Pollock, field will wait till half the summer is understand that there isa law forbid -
the enterprising and obliging proprie- over before the town hall is painted,, ding it, and if some of them were run
tor of the River Hotel, has been mak- and then not be able to see whether it into pound, as they ought, there
ing his house more attractive. T. 3. is painted at all for ffies in the paint— -would be some pretty tall kicking..
Marks has had a new ceiling put in his but they'll pay the taxes all the same, Our sidewalk is not so large that we
NOTES.—Mrs Phippen, Woodstock,
is visiting at Thos. Bone's this week.
Thos. Warwick raised his barn last
week, and will have a stone foundation
placed beneath it. Jas. Martin, 4th
con., is now very busy preparing to
move his barn to its new site. Mr
Martin intends to build the stone wall
PERSONAL.—Wm. Gray., of Maple -
ten Monona Co., Iowa, is renewing
old acquaintances on the 3rd line. ' Mr
Mr Pray left the 3rd some nine years
ago for that state, and, comparatively
speaking, a poor man. He at first Pur-
chased 8r, acres, but he soon found that
too small for his growing family of four
boys. So about four .years ago he sold
it, and putchased the Maple 'Valley
Stock Perin containing 245 acres for
the good sum of 1,11,500. Last year he
had MOO bush. of corn, and this year he
has 140 acres in corn. His stock at
present consists of 19horse, 75 he:to of
cattle and about 100 hogs. Mr Gray
gives glowing accounts of the pror. perity
in that state, but says he does not want
his friends to think that every one has
met with the. same good luck that he
has. He would not advise any person
who is doing well here to leave for
that state with the hopes of tnitichig a
fortune in a short time.
POISONED.—Last Wednesday it horse
belonging to R. Cullis got into an old
house belonging to P. Quigley, and ate
a slice of bread. that had been set for
tato and died fron the effects*. The
1 house Wee set On fire Saturday night
lflo '131ack Waited tit ..;101',1' 4.0ies°Ined "4,11141-snitle 11101itan?* t;31‘fylifSIttfikileIcir.iniThEi'L arid destroyed. • •
tO $20:ar ere Vor peeVinit the aprearatite iiihieheitse iss 1130h , eft or Mumtat tor e 2 410g the a t 130, with Stiindve.
consegurIce. R. COrlog ittputting a vicinity. Mrs Jemts otn, is undet. 1../OTEsso—itliss N. Webb has gone to
t to Ottilea, On MOnday its NO'rrui.—Mr Wellington MeTrillgarti nAhre,scri'mZkillnegi, 1311her aeellltd4r,ttiogettArir„, °Jill:IA:ton. Bri)ethulren°n Wila iltenelin' .ivargogloladmsrocialesitowthtmt ploravatighlitIoleic";',
' -gieing t a 004 Of paint. WP Wigh -
, ' a, .gizep , !L'._._ Behrron 000rt of,o, 0. . .. 0 oron , as ta, en h msei burn has perched a riery, tante at the attendance. 4: ... ...„..., • , . A ,
. oes coion•• 44 Iles anA r.this ouortimrs Ti, Vighttoori ton a bridei in th; tie, ..stson , of akWiafrton froh of hie lot, master Harry *Iamb, IdteonrAta.,•-•Tho e mettorlid iferviee ,•' P tr',..101)611
' S)A 504' 41 .4,,500 54i ° Prick3acircuit financial reporta ere te b is, ig• ter, kr gra inc/3,it . Rev, lith cha .41atter clause of18 Ur lith 11/4t ,i, 1 b ' Ito b's a ,
can afford a good share of it for a
public cow yard, as it evidently' ap-
Zurich. peered last Sunday, morning. Please
NOTES.—Mr John McDonald, of take your cows off the streets or get
Hensall, was in the village Monday them a camping; ground outside the.
last. Alex. Denomy, of Drysdale, was village.
in the village on his cycle Monday NOTES.—Miss Jacksonof Blyth, le
evening. Ed. Bossenberry. has erect- visiting at Chas. Jervis'. Miss Lizzie
ed a handsome verandah in front of Acheson has been visiting friends in
his residence. A. O. Bobier, of Exeter, this vicinity. Mr Thos. Andrews and
WAS in the village the latter part of last bride, of Pickering, spent several days •
week. David Gottschalk has erected a at his sister's, Mrs A. J. Courtice. Mr
stable on the rear of his premises. R. Hilton Holmes, of Montreal, called on
Agnew! dentist of Clinton, visited us his grandmother, Mrs John Holmes,
professionally, for the first time last the other day. Mr Reibt. Stanley,
Thursday, we understand he intends travelling agent for the Excelsior Life
to do so thesecond Thursday in each Insurance Co..spent Sunday with his
month. Charles Bossenberry, of uncle, Mr Wm. Stanley. Mr Sohn,
Hensall, spent Sunday with friends in Snyder Ond wife, of Clinton, spent
the village. Mt Michell Zeller left last Sunday with W. Mulholland.. Mr A.
Saturday, for Detroit; he intends to go Scott and wife left last Thursday for
from there to Chicago. J. E. T3Illo Michigan where they intend spend -
Public School inspector, visited our ing three or four weeks with friends.
Public sebocd on Tuesday butt and ex-
pressed lihnself as highly pleased with Benmiller .
the work of the various departments.
Mr EL L. Niue has had the Commercial NOTEs.—itev. A. Thibadeau was able
Hotel stables re -shingled. The Travel- to take his own work last Sabbath,not-
ling dairy, of Guelph, visited our village withstanding his accident. The Mende
last Tuesday; there was a fair turnout of the Methodist church intend giving
at both meetings. Mr T. T. Phippin an entertainment in the shape of a gala
left town on Monday last. Our side. den party, on the evening of the Wird
walks are getting a good repairing this inst.,to be held on the parsonage laws,
week Which is 310 more than what they it is intended t,o be a circuit reunion.
the proceeds of which, will g� to the
necded. superannuation and parsonage hinds.
Considerable wool islreing brought to ,
NotEs.—Mr W. H. Moon has been the factor)" here.
appointed secretary of the Methodist
enureh, plate a Mr James Width,
waite; this is a good and SatIsfaetOry NOTES.— Statute labor is all the
appOintroent, . Mrs Hiles, g0 noair and of courseeverybody dratve
Chicago, left on a visit to the old ev-. Mr Yoe ,preached *very interest-,
Lonclesboro, and Dr. Baritwell.lateo of wood higleads and lots of them. The
6 Mitre on 'Wednesdav • Rev. S. lasb
• 1810 i00 . 1$ neWron hOsiSei 41, nar. going ittretittnotit; dr tenCer Dettoit; where,she intends spendiriga tocelit iriL of ofootoo e-aoh, 014 zuqi, sermonhero
and us two niore d k rfann on his har.rh: Rath Is genth'an100/ friends and relatives. th stE th Methodist SitildaY; We Understand that he ie to We
S, 0 0 AanitanPanY lcung ax131 ev' *1311ettoo per, (Anil' itigton ace(dentallrfelljhuitSiinday mid Of the late lifre ifrrett,was conducted Norse itev, A Ittexibben atia
iyattepig fro_ot $10 0_0, 0,0, 2,604 ed the. reteltioni,," „we WhAllthqiultig broke hio arkbc ISTk Stalker,- Of r 13.-utlay h•Va. Itg,i7 Wife are.Visititalet the hOme rif Mr IL •
„sun" itioe • -couple a icing Ana nappy hre. nen ',mortis is svesera, the vest of het s.tti of N1080144,0, inghis text Arom, elite thie ee are xtomb ,
, • 'W 'PAX 'a meta:, a collection taken up pair fOrt OM. s too J. toot! left ble sermon therefrom, therefrain, the large and, ••
oth g : at store re .111,13, tiose4, .0., t sabbath fte , duitribu e • ex nada 1110,, intek. nid 3416kie prev.,164
1.. a long. -41h stethodht hutch bete • ' • t d t S • • ' 11" °•: 'c' 84' -1 • C. .'Ve -re hatit 3". his and 4101,6!„ rerria tat borne. er On
Is000 totiotiowfleld John Perry
18 at this kioitti to be Out to . tone*, b*Inte to teiS411'§• inealle''9%146he The crop. prospects never oOk0 ',bet* L$;41,tulday - or Ottawa, wtere itnttehledi letit'e. being deePit :intere6tOtt •theeirrg,k4tr-- Gert7nileael:ittnia4'tde 'te!rreihnthie Wg o Seetotickl
, , • . foundation beneath • the church, 'tho. ter than !IOW., Win• IthISMEtti. is busy the. Foresters'lUentPa' g.•,* "rq," 1'0.00 tAa, ' r• 0014r5. law necessary' '4/j6‘.°'
plastering /Mile& Oft kid Ate Wed„,: tke drawing Itinber;•frOrn neurpu,shWoOd: tivefot the order at Londesnor0-Mr . tOrert.r,righliet6,+, .
, inside papered end, reinteu. for -4 treffharik;Parh• • ET .1' '1 forft.th t I • 116tit WIC
'trent:OW.0dd. Parkeeei • rthASOrtle rnv,,:tit,44, to, tipow 'tot, preasentoattendingtbe, 'ob. Dv
bte/h., tmvo, EttAiler nets, sibeerib4,-• .
1'0 .141345)
igaglittbattno:trt %tog ggttgoleg aieb: will ay tor the ies:ITagtturio: age Eittrrl: mettkaet ZIA ,gtll be hOvt IT b. —11-61—* 1) for th
everybOdy,Weldotne, ers, till the end of the yftt.
n the, 4na, of the leo ding o non In Wen Sound. to , ars nrhlitti hut t 0