HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-06-09, Page 211, Rel a ,statiitettaIsts arr. i,4444i]l4 fyrOM, "the Augt10 !•: V 1fi a e t as rte (l. o � Qct the t`# , oa a1 st • I'eeewithtlieepir1t'eelght,: a. THE, ' CLINTON O• w SI ,p,, tom' 4 .c, , •"....4•e,Yil.ms�1.4,1t r,Y�,lt4i4elal gww!.•r,i7,PfX,II MW1.4�:!"'WI.,*K,(i Ircl r„v�.wR'!'q,yw'i..W wdF:M101l7. a smar 7' T1:111, .14171INT '.iS: COI I:(M. .144004'4 - V.411 4.0, a11 t4,/ W .' T:o TW1lidoni, Two a0sairt4tz7 ?�ra .o ` V'A ESS' ATTENTION TZW, • ',"' cnotiGl.�ie'a$pz�; 'tQ Tttiliv God'la ' e- fop. Tile:nbuz 044'ttt Miser trate Ic.: 43(10,00G to loan OP, Terni op? FR � Pet tdieoQal,tIllifeeternal {44300400ie.;.hiltwas The Tor011toTelegOt ani 'Toro*? , rso,oa a o too itch Kt the 14)214m tent straithtloanaocomm ssfan 'Sacrifice f� wr u i1n�et"ei'dolsudame>>osssssel of know. $ewr0 a e �qns tvative papent plcgpart Satuday. Poling Ont of Meeitheonea, teem and InluratleaAgt,' work their ; l suited to h sd iii t i nca,-reaka gn asloo><, alroast, UlitGpa w . 4 ct , pr, s .n. . u}t?at► , , t2N . woe e itl not necessaril a lose than. with: #meependcnt leanings, thgra Ie. borne, xetieeing theft elethi ..aa reoarit oda y N1i y ,. Plet,'ifice IP itself is not 'Pieaeant 11l1t � Cowper nicely expresses the dietinc, AO YAW '' Ooze' fal;qulci not be just - for tieppaid beard bille, Nevis% therm vrith i grIeVoua, ,yet talo .away all lyase i>l 1 as friends * to 11¢t Meredith. a to 1i crit saMoisnt apparel o protect thein from n ttra4 s w f f>s 'Vhe o>t rietxce .and b istor 'of tau :rthe cold.. or severalA g , 1 they slept ip, %a u. Vie. ' 1p pe , . i.. Atowat, l;l P:tlten expl'e000an of opinion the , parks and, suffered greatly. One of ' elenowiedge and eviedom, se, rattl boinq,''Aue, �aa.rQot; iu aeaod Qf K�� y y concern rn i 'o •i h c 1 ,them wrote'e. letter to h r Oster in .. Stat* . , �,�e, and o,a'."iake awe � all that Is one _ � xho np o,•.t>f ;PAM t �a.. a a � . • ' Have pfetimee ee pe}mection, Knowledge Vat evt) la �,ilt){I that has sone stray p ford, finally telling her 1st ,be wap tired Aatd bonowle Oulu 1 dneae b dwells 'hie h Ana the world,.ia tinware ender the swap V Of a olian teleseea* of kitidneai. '�, , Thefee tteo` eq ere4ratruthpan make A t sheittt�ipig ata d eet veicO hgat ae -ad Oh isi'4n1y thg Bout'a.mistake In rs4i4dieeethei its forret . And IQYe the ,teleost of all fair. things That everto mea descended. = F4OkeR ; illspirIpg, We Ate ineliPal to eOletiect is our tllbuglits the ceree ,itionle>t'fI''tiittri$i iai''iis#eringu' with the" Mosaic. eysteme but a very superilei(tl • - study ,reveals the fact that such- offers ings existed Ion before the law wee delivered through Moses. Notable ins• stances appear frequently in the earlier douse le'by no wlaaipa ttfarai.,let Atte 'of ilio and Tntendcd•.to jump into the river Ta heads replete with thoughts of other men' Telegram says*. end . drown herself, She aid goodbye 1 '#Rt1" in l 1it4drd±attentivo tq their ow�t. �, _ and ho ed . theyw t in'He v Knowledge, a vastus roars leenase, True, the .appoisitloti itt the Liegiat». 1? would.. zee® wen. s , p. A "1'hi$ letter the olice -found in ber The mere materialwail which wisdom builds, latrine has ,be('n lucre. v4gorouB all ashen arrested, PTitd circa will take payee t Till smoothed nd n and fitted to its usual 'this season, but the province ll a aq,ared cannot accept vigor unsupported of .theyoungwQimezll, for a;stn days, and place, either btry to get thstn em to int aR, Aces but Wernher whom it seem to enrich. yy conspicuous wisdom• or eters l y Knowledge ie Arend that tie has learned so lin ability, as proof of fitness for the gg yy much, duties of Government, In the Public Windom hi humble that be knows no more,' Accounts Committee, too, Mr Clancy and Mr Marten did good work, in the The quotation given, however, Merely debates the Opposition as a whole refers to etrrthly wisdom, and there is talked a deplorable lot of nonsense. The Conservatives gave the province all the difference in the world between reason to entertain a mean opiniois' of such wisdom and that of heaven. The their capabilities, when they applauded wm of this world is an excellent. one of their leading lightning calcula- ind P tors who argued that timber in a for - possession, but lacking relationship est was a more valuable asset than answer with the Levine, its existence' is merely tt000such ney lan the co contThe ention is that a temporary, and "will not stand in the „bush fire can convert in twenty-four day of judgment." Matthew Arnold hours millions of such assets into ashes. says that many men who are wise in The session has been the best in the recent history of the Opposition. The the sight of their fellow creatures, be- unprejudiced observer has now seen it fore God are the greatest of fools: at its best, and seen it at its worst. while, on the contrary,of those Putting aside sentiment, fair judg- �.�.�y� y many ment upon the capacity of the Opposr- C��•�t ++ O'V considered by us foolish are spiritually tion renders only one verdict possible. toth the method and results when wise. Be careful, then, how you judge. The Opposition is a victim to a consti- tutional weakness of head and body. Syrup of Figs is teen; itis pleasant The Apostle Paul, before his convey- It is captained by an admirable gentle- and refreshing to the taste,,, and acts sion, was learned, but what a different man, who might be a leader if he had gently yet rO111J�t1yonthe Kidri0ys, wisdom he possessed when the scales followers to strengthen him where he Iver andBoweejlgg, cleanses the 8 s• is weak, and who might have followers Y had been removed from his eyes. Fur- if he were a leader able to obscure tem effectually, dispels colds, head- ther, with what sneering• contempt the Miracl se hapenbochasi Wally in poli- Ganses tipatand i fevers Syrup ofoigaaistual thH then world viewed the Carpenter and tics, but it will take a miracle to trans - his little band of fishermen, as they fer the reins of Government to the con- only remedy Oils kind ever WO. his of the Opposition with its present . duce1, Pleasing.to the taste andaC- went about doing good and diligently leadership, its present membership, ceptable to the s-ataoQh,prompt in engaging themselves in a work which and its present politics, or either it has its action and truly beneficial in ite was destined tq rev„hitionize the world; no policy or it has several. effects, prepared only from the most and yet how wise they were.The News says:— healthyandagreeableaubstances, its The Opposition has made more bead- manny_excellent qualities commendit Breathing means living. A breath- way this cession than at any previous to all and have made it the most sitting of the Legislature since the last u]ar named known ing man means a living man; a breath- general election. Still all the progress p y ing soul is a living soul. To cease to possible has not been made. There sYmp Figs is for sale in no breathe is to cease to live, a statement has been a noticahle lack of discipline bottles by ell leading druggists. and attacks, vigorously made in the Any reliable druggist who may not as true in the spiritual as in the natur- first instance, have not been followed have it on hand will procure it al world. Physical life requites the up as they should have been. The rom tl for anyone who wishes weakness of the opposition is, we P p y of used onlybythe ingredients found in air, while the soul's believe, due to doubts which still exist. A try It. Pan native atmosphere is love. In the pro- as to the question of leadership and CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CQ., cess of breathing we inhale in order that the total lack of a definite, clear-cut policy. BAN FRANCISCO, tORL• we may assimilate, we emit in order that we may draw h fresh supply. WeRV. IMP YOB 8 A wonderful new combination is Ie' cannot live a lifetime upon a single Stark's Heacache, Neuralgia and Liver draught of air, for the essential quali- Powders, nice to take and perfectly barm- ties soon cease to exist, and it immeli- lees. Mr. Ales. Ramsey, Imperial Bank, Welland, says: "They are excellent; I have ately becomes impure. One inhalation no hesitation in recommending them to all of heavenly love should alone suffice for who suffer from headaches." ell: Flock. G. T. R., Hamilton, writes: '•Por three a Christian until the opportunity is years I was troubled with most set -re head - afforded haw of breathing it out. From schen. Since I have used Starke 1 i eadacbe. out is as Neuralgia land Liver Powders 1 nave been this it 1s clear that breathing entirely free from them." Mr L'wcefield, impor tont as breathing in; ridding our-. librarian of the public library, Hamilton, selves of that which has exhausted ease: "They animism valuable, and gine almost instantaneous relief; I always keep a box in my house." Mr Maynard, Wood= stock;' says:"They are wonderful." Mr Hall, Brantford, says: "I have tried many remedies but without effect, ,until I took Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; I can recommend them most highly." Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. Canada's exhorts for April amounted to 59,989,562, an increase of 9'171,261 over the same month last year. t#rpws rtl14AVitb hl xle ea "and pQis onona things, • sacred history, as well as from other Uslees it Is watched anis tended. sources. Their origin and institution. There cohiduot be anythingtaetter than this cannot be given. Finding evidence of Old world in the way it began, their prevalence in all ancient history, .And though some matters have zone amiss what a striking proof is afforded of the nip eweVn the ark the skies it plan; consciousness of an offended God upon And however dark the skies may appear, Atirlhowever souls may blander, the par t of conscience-stricken offeud- t'tel-yori all will work out clear, • , 'ot good; titin ovgr and under. (Selected.] 1 ': Qill,. MISSION WORK. c' ,. 'Miss LizriaAcheson. Of the various offerings, the subject of The great advancement that woman this paper had the pre-eminence during has made in social and public life dur- the pre -Mosaic times, in fact we read in ing the past few years has led to the the Bible of no other, save that of Cain, remark that/ this is woman's century. which was rejected. Whilst she has stepped into all manner In the adoption, adaptation and ex - of professions, trades and occupations planation of the various offerings in In life, that of missions has not been the Mosaic ritual, the burnt offering passed by, and to -day missions and had an important place, dominating . the Women's Missionary Society are all the others, and was significant of 1.household words: important truths connected with the In the constitution of the Woman's redeeming work of Christ. It was a Missionary Society, we learn that the personal offering, that is, one in which object ° of Mission Bands is two fold: the people as well as the priest took an 1st, To develop a raaissionn.ry spirit; active part, and the law concerning it 2nd, To raise funds to send the gospel had an individual, as well as an official to the heathen. and national application. The place of A young lady at one of the recent offering was upon the great brazen branch Meetings voiced the experience altars, which stood in the Court before of many when she salt " We never the door of the Holy Place. To the used to think of anything but how to Jew this altar was in a special sense raise money, but now we want to the meeting place between God and ers, attesting the justice of God, and the need of atonement and ascension; but above all, how clearly they reveal the early apprehension of the mercy and love of God toward a fallen race. know who and what we are raising man. As has been said, it was the money for." foundation of all the tabernacle wore How very true it is that, to have in- ship. No office of priest or worship of terest and enthusiasm in any line of People could be performed without its work, it is necessary to have know- intervention. Upon it were the horns, divinestrength, and the se- cede, ledge. The many missionary periodi- denoting g cels, S. S. papers, letters, leaflets. be- cred fire kindled by the priests, and sides a very large space in the daily kept burning continuously. The ma - secular paper, places this knowledge terial for the offering was an animal, within the reach of everyone who de- a male without blemish, or, in the case sires it. of poor people, a turtle dove or two We are getting nearer to the true young pigeons. The incidents were in spirit of missionary effort as we obtain most respects similar to those of the a more intelligent understanding of other animal offerings, there were the the needs of this great work, and as Presentation of the victim, the imposi- ,., "-we�irca$"aind"]'earn"""we" are impressed•• tion-g(the hands upon the head of the itself, in order that we may obtain with the grandeur and extent of the victim, ' and its slaughter;—here—the" that which islife=giving.' "Tt is further work being carried on by women, and functions 6f the offerer ceased, and certain that we shall only be able to yet, in this nineteenth century, not those of the Priest intervened in the breathe out that which we have taken half the world has heard of a Saviour. sprinkling of the blood upon the altar, in. The soul cannot breathe out cruel - It is estimated that about one in everyand, lastly, in the laying of the body ty if it has inhaled kindness, nor can it two hundred women has heard "the of the victim'whole upon the altar, to exhale love if it has taken in threaten - sweet story of Jesus and His love." A be consumed by fire. This last act begs. We lose nothing by emitting, very little reading of history reveals constituted the distinctive feature of while, on the contrary, it is possible to to us the debasement of heathen wo- the burnt offering, implying self•sur• produce lasting results in the shaping men, and, as we prize and recognize render and consecration. We have in of the characters of those around us. our own exalted position, may we also this the shadow pointing to "the body We throw out to the world that which remember that great responsibilities. which is of Christ." "Then, said, I, Lo, they ofthemselves cannot form, and are born of great privileges. I come (in the volume of the book it is it may happen that the love which the Not all can give of either; time or written of me) to do my will, 0 God." humble Christian worker is breathing money, but everyone can give sym- Christ, as our great High Priest, offer- forth daily, shall be the means of pathy and prayer. For some God has ed up the atoning sacrifice on Calvary, arousing conviction in some soul which, work in the foreign field, but not for but, preceding that, he fulfilled the nee to all appearances,. lies dormant. By all. It may be some one who reads cessary priestly office of sanctifying simply breathing out love, fruit shall this will be set apart to catry the glad the offering of a perfect obedience to be rendered, some thirty fold, some tidings to those who sit in darkness— the Father's will. and he has entered sixty fold, some an hundred fold. who knows ? For each one of us there within the veil, with the completed s some work to do, and though our atonement of a perfect righteousness, It has heen well said that the man efforts often appear small, yet, if hon- and a perfect expiation for sin. The who never makes mistakes misses a antis made, can be exalted to the same burnt offering, as set forth in the law, good many chances of learning some - plane as the laborer who goes forth to being typical, we have to ask if Christ thing. To find out we are wrong opens distant lands. and his work present a complete anti- up a way towards correction. • When The Women's Missionary Society type. Looking at all its features, we a sinner comes to himself, and recog- find that the type is not exhausted in nizes that he "is dead in trespasses and was organized eleven years ago; every year it has steadily increased, both as Christ; we must not lose sight of the sin," it is then only that there is a fact that this offering was personal, chance and hope of regeneration tak- to numbers and finances. The Society and that all men under the law were ing place in his heart. As long as one last year raised over 535,000. It has enjointd to present their offerings to thinks himself right, there is no likeli- under its care 26 lady missionaries, 16 God. If we find the antitype in Christ hood of his humbling himself before in Japan, eight in British .Columbia of that which belonged to the priest, God, and for that same length of time and two in China. Besides these the we find for ourselves that which be- his errors are becoming as mountains Society has a large interest in the longed to the people and the individual. in his way. Man only feels his need of French work of Quebec; the McDougall The teaching of Paul appears to be Christ when he sees in Christ his only Orphanage of the Northwest and an clear, that the type is exhausted in the hope of salvation. From many char - orphanage in Newfoundland. presenting of ourselves --a living sacri- acters pictured in Scripture as grand This work of evangelizing the world flee. But, whilst it is. ours to present mistakes, it is possible for us to cull is surely going on. Shall we have a ourselves, we are like the victim to lie thoughts most valuable. In Pilate we share in it? looking forward to the upon God's altar, now the Cross of see that instability so characteristic of time when a glorious spiritual kingdom Christ, and it is Christ's, in his priestly this world; in Judas we see that terrible shall be established in every nation of office, to sprinkle the blood of atone- remorse consequent upon wrong choice. the earth. when none shall say to his meat, to make the offering ,acceptable, In Herod there is that useless desire neighbor, "know ye the Lord?" for it is Christ's to "kindle the flame of for revenge, which, when it has ob- theysball all know him, from the least sacred love," so that by the constrain- tained its purpose, is not even- then risco the greatest.• ing love of Christ we may ascend into satisfied; in Agrippa we perceive that the Hill of God. Let the words of the hesitancy and doubt which is bound to God, in working, always starts from send many another man to hell. But, a high ideal. In his own image he cih•e- poet be ours: how different the character of Peter, 1811:11)1: eek thea for rho Hail strength, he denied and cursed, but aftertvards aced man, and makes him a little lower And a mind to blend wen o'tw . life, repented; Patti saw a great and shining than the angels, not a slight degree tvhilo tee in at thy side, light, he yielded to the voice of God, higher than the brute. How exalted a Goa tehOtO the g 0. tttd epaeo' and became a "new man in Christ Jesus." We must remember, however, position is this, but it cannot be main- In a service, which thylove appoints, that ignorance of error does not render tained by ]Merely standing still. Furher oei thoandrtisor ; "the truth" us gmltless in the sight of God, and Through every act of life we are draw- That makes the children "free," that the sooner we cease making such And a lite of self -renouncing love mistakes, the clearer shall be our re- ing nearer to God the Highest, or low- Is a life of liberty. cord in the great book of life. ening ourselves to a position far be - heath even that of the beast. "He PROGRESS. that hatetbreproof is brutish." Yea. It is very important in this ago of vast the • beasts of the field far surpass that material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the tante anti to the eye, easily taken, bias rtiht i by .simply drifting every acceptable eie ,the stomach and healthy in day, shapes for' himself a future, the its natute and effeete. Possessing these terriblehest.ef which eallfiet be de -' ?Malities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect de.? iteribed, 1 Eikative arid most gentle diuretic known,. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6. EVJIL]) tat. When the system is rim down, s Verson becamee an easy prey to Consumption or Scrofula. Manyvaluable lives are saved by tieing Seethe; Emulsion as soon as it de - elite in health is obtained. _ B The Earl of Aberdeen says he will prob- ably come to Canada in Anglin to assume the duties of Governor General• Minard's Liniment ie the Beet An Athens cable announces that exca- vators at Delphi have anearthered a col- loesal marble statue of Apollo. French exhibitors at the World's Fair are complaining of their treatment by the managers of the exposition. Minard'o Liniment lumberman's friend The new government of Nicaragua went into operation Thnsrday. Peace has been restored. The World's Fair was opened to the pub- lic Sunday, and then again it wasn't. A hundred and twenty-five thousand people were inside the enclosure, but they did not see everything. The British departments were all closed. PUT TO FLIGHT --all the peculiar troubles that beset a woman. The only .'uamnteed remedy for them is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription. For women suffer- ing from any chronic „ female complaint " or weakness ; for women who are run-down and overworked ; for women ex- pecting to become mothers, and for • mothers who • are nursing and exhausted ; at the change from girlhood to wo- manhood; and later, at the critical change of life "-- it is a medicine that safely and certainly builds up, strength- ens, regulates, and cures. If it doesn't, if it even fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. What you are sure of, if you use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, is either a perfect and permanent dire for your Catarrh, ne matter how bad Tour ease may be, or 000 in cash. the proprietors of the medicine promise to pay you the money, if I they can't cure you. _• .__....w.. Michigan Lands... 100,000 acres of choice lands in Chippewa County, Michigau, for sale on liberal terms of paymem. Theee lands -are easily, cleared, are almost entirely free from stamps and rocks, so Quit machinery can be used on them as well as on farms that have beeo-cultivated for twenty years The most of them lie within one to tis miles of . railroad. They are as good as any leads in Miohigsa, and are the cheapest good lands in the State. sotto iloa41 auD attl x 40100 MANNING & lyteatT, i3a rrtst CQI#`' arAx sus, itq. Oommleefonere for Ontario a#1d.;IRsst#A1Ua;:: OPeleft Nl6x'r:DOOR TO Nkw 1a4, VLOTollt., gt4;:*41?-91N ReeRcEotato r anarit, lr1N+'slraldce •A giDitlltr FIRE arid 'WIPE INSI A CE,� Money toi tfoan on Farm and `Town Property is _ large or small sums et the lowest curr(snt rrteek OFFICE--CO0PEB I400E, Ctrsroit DR, wits. GUxN, CFFIOE ONTARIO ST. a few doors ¥istof Albert Street. MONEY TO LOAN. biORTElatata Boaght. Private Funds. C HIDOUT Once over J Sackson'e store, Clinton. 'tItONEY TO' LEND IN LARGE OR .15L Small sums on good mortgage security, moderaterete of interest. K HALE, Clinton. D$APPLETON — OFFICE — AT 11E81Diction on Ontario street, (111141 rp potato Englteli Church. Entrance by side gate, D R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucheur, etc„ <filee in the PHYSICIAN, block' Rattenbnry St. ,foimer1) occupied by Dr. Becve Clinton Ont, DR. R. MOOSE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Abcoucbeur. Office, the late Dr. Worthing. ton's office. Huron atroet. Residence, corner of Erie and Mary Sta. D R STA1II*URY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yyor,, Coroner for he County of Huron. Bayfield, Ont. sr C. BRUCE L. D. 8. SURGEON DENTIST, • Coate' Block Albert St., over Taylors' el ,.e store. Specialty Block, of the natural teeth. Painless Extraction by the use of the moot approved local Anaethetic, N. B R'iil visit Blyth profeeaionally every Monday at Ma- son's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and 411a Thurs.. day, during the summer. 4.6 E. BLACKALL VETERINARY SUP3EON • Honorary&raduate of theOnterloVeterii,si 31 - College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and male on the most modern and scientific priocil Mos. Office- immediately south of the New bra Office. Residence — Albert St.,Cllnton.QiCatle night or day attended to promptly. DJ. L. TURNBULL, 11. D., TORONTO Univereity, 11! A, C,M,, Victoria Univeralty M.,0. Y & 8., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinbnr "late of London, Eng.,and Edinburgh Hospitals Office,—Dr IDowsel) •s old office Rattenbury 8t. Clinton. night bell answered at the same place. D DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABL I Auctioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sates entrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past tavore. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents oollacted. Charges moderate. D Dscsn son,Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street. Clinton. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY 1 We can make a rew'goodiasns from private funds at ow rates and modate expanseer. Terms made tosalt borrowers. Id NNI1SO & SCOTT, - - t;linton, 11111118. WHITT, M. C. M• 8 TEACHER OF MUMS. Piano, Organ and Tecbnieon,or.Mueel developer for nee of pupils. Hoorne at Mr. A. CDok Albert -Street:- Clinton. R. AGNEW, iioeottaie of Dental Surgery, Honor Gsedaato of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous pride Gpe administered tor the paining auraotton of teeth , Office in Smith's Blooinlover (Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. SarNtgbt bell an.we.ed ;y A. O. U. W. The ClintowLodge No. 144, meet to Biddle. eombeHall on the 1st and Brd Fridays in each montb. Visitors cordially invited. B. STONERAM, M. W. J. BEAN,Becorder, Owing to the nearness of the tum- CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. ber woods and mines, the market for COOPER'S- OLD STAND, produoe is as good as any on the lakes Next to Commercial Hotel. A large part of the lands lie near Rudyard, 23 miles from Sault Ste Marie, on the M. St. P. 9t S. St. M. R. R., and between Rudyard and Pickford. AnExcursion party will leave some point in Huron Co., Ontario, by boat to Sault Ste Marie, Mich., and by rail from there to Rudyard, early in June, to visit these lands. Those de- siring to go on this excursion are re- quested to give notice so that provi- sion may be made for them. Price of tickets and date of excursion will be given in due season. Address E. C. DAVIDSON, Sault Ste Marie, Mich. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Fw, tr are, Weak and Impoverlsbed Blood, Uyapepeia, rt, 'eaenese, Polus• tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lova of Memory, Bronohitin, _Conauwption, _Gall Stones. Jauadioe, Yfd- ney and Urinary I)ioesaes, 8*. Vitus' baoae, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, OODENION, ONT. J. M. ]fcLEOD, Prop. and Yannfaotures Sold by J. U. Cronin, Clinton In great variety of designs. Cabinets, 84:95 per doz., 91,25 half dos. Cet•te de visite 31.26 doz, '15o half dos. Sttabas,ma tis a dos.' §06 half dos'. 1 have alas* Brook offlne fhlt4i11ting. • ,A Icor bedrling: .'`targe bt grog. 444nta (lir nominal pride tie bloom MIY++atttki>�Y1et. ' �yit: MHOARE ar 'r • OUNTV f. «,.t This eetablisnment le in toll operation nd al orders diled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme. Wry and granite work a specialty. Prices as reasonable as those of any establieho.ent SEALE, 1100VER dt SEALE, Clinton. lm MONEY TO LOAN Interest H3 per cent, payable yearly, The bor- rower to have the privilege of paying the whole or any part of the prineipa1, at any time, withou giving notice. For particulars apply to C..A 8RABTT, McKay Block, Clinton. MaKltlop Mutual Fira insurance Co. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OPPIcuts. D., Roes,Preeident, Clinton; M. Mu -die, Vies Pres. Seafortb • W. J. Shannon, army-Treas.Seafortb ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seefortb, DInEOTOas. Jas. Broadtoot, Seatorth • Gabriel Elliott, lo Clinton; Geo, Watt, Barcis; Joseph Rvano, Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton' Mex. Gar. diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdle, Seafortll- Thos. Neilana, Oarlock; Robt. HoMillan, Sea• forth; 8 Comedian, Seato tit; John 0 Sullivan ad Geo. Murillo, auditors. Parses desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended, to on application to any of the above odleeri ddreesei to their refspecitvv offices. Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Warta Buneions, Holes. •.1•v Notice to Next of Kin, IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, • COMMON PLEAS DIVISION. In the matter of the Estate of - James Staveley. Adtorney General es. Brunsden Pursuant to the Judgment heroin bearing '•\ date the 13th day of March, A. D. 1883, tbo per- sons elaireing to be tiers of kin, agcarding to . the Statutes of the Provin00 of Ontario, of Jssaoe Stovetop, late of the Town Of Clinton, in:, the County of anon, and Provleoo of Qn rkar- Gentlemen, living at the time of his • atlt h, on the tth day of Novohiber, 1202, or t,o bo t o logay , personal rdpreeea*atl$-oa of mob Of"the said next of kin as arenow deitd aro by their. Solicitors on or before the thirtieth day of - Juno A. ii,18II3, at 11 o'clock, a. m., to come in, andprovo their claimslat the Chantbota et the, Master of the Supreme Court at Goderioh, irk the said County of Huron, or in default thereof. • they will bo pereuipthkily cXoludod from the ,bohefite of the saidJudg,nent, Dated thin ath dsyof lay, A.D. f80s. , SIDTH 1tLaND lIALCDMSoN, Motel; at tiihderloh. Tl<