Clinton New Era, 1893-05-26, Page 6V 26. e, 4.9,t0'ii_-7n"!)51! .0,e.4.4,0My-P'T)T1" T7r' SooPS 1 i tutelterShop . $ . 1 ITB B QL, OPI'OSITHTint„ d'0'il�,' •PS/30114 CLINTON The undetotgnal bating opetted Ott' • tri the Smith Block, desires Se state that he will keep en Wand the very choicest bleats, Having no ex- pense ortaide of himself, ho is in a petition to sell Atha very *meet prices.. He will at all, times be prepared to lay toe highest market price or export Cattle. LIVE HOC#$ always wanted for, sts2ort.. Give Bite a all IQOT. FITZSIMONS. U�lA �1�,t1 HURON ST.hw � TCH IInP. . ... V('e Aesirq, getloordially to thank all Came who - neve > fmevered s With their patronage Binge we eomm i ed le. nn� lleaa, and to •aecntethezrl ,aud 111eIPa 1 e geegex ly that we etre in better shape than ever ;'to.Weer to their wants, having added_ an Improvedret igerator and other . . ; . _ g oar-ylxip, sV II1EA,TLEL • &: *ticsoH Clinton, Z tau MEAT- Market. BUSINESS ' CH ANGE. The undersigned, desires to,intimate that he ,bas bought oat the interest of Mr Oonoh. in the Autohering business lately carried. on wider the yie'of FOORD• & OOUGH. He wiltroontinue the amo at the old standand trusts by givingg the. close -t and most careful attention to the busi- ness,straightforward-and courteous, treatment to al, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive afair share' of public pat, A I orders.Oaretuily and promptly • J4MES A, FORD - Central Butcher !lop M1•M, , Efebaerr1bordesires to thank the lieeneral- ly, for the patronage bestowed u lttu; and at the same time to say that h s now 1n a bet tor position -than over to supply he wants o1 all, As ho gives personal attentiort�to all the details of the .business customers n rely on their orders being promptly and a tisfaotorilyy filled, His motto is "good moat at reasonable prioee Choice Sausages Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for, Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. rl Flour and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having purchased the busi- ness of Messrs Walker & Hanley, desires to inti- mate that he will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and F EED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds, Which will be sold at close margins for cash. ALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a ',chase variety of all kinds of TEAS, which oon- sdmersiwill find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. Cook's FLOURJEED-1- SEED STORE We have in stock a 'phoioe assortment of Seeds, such as CLOVER, TICORN MOTHY, MILLET, ,And all seeds required for Farm or Garden use. Flour and Feed of all kinds I). COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1866. i CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. rf REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON Pree. 1. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Rotes r''a•ounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- - c4xnge bought and sold at lowest current rates. interest allowed on deposits. FARlvi[CRiS. Noneyadvanoed to farmers on their own noto with no or more endorsers. No mortgage required as comity. H C.BREWER, Manager of v GEO, D. Mcg 'AG6IRT, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED l)rafts]issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & '.1' DALL BA1' KERS, CLiNrol2. (um Ad+lances made to farmers on their own nzteg at low rates of interest. H general tanking Business transaotoo Inte"C et allowed on deposits. tie Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage- . NE-, R'v' i, "ootid' t3EA1Jd area Geri dia. Mona Debility the V16 r sila BEANS, ', Fawns tianhoall reetoree the weakness of bods or mind reused bi+over-perk or the errors Oqren \ oe//eeof yoauh. ',two Remees'ebi, foto meet obiNatie cow wlon all the T211 r i 1ta1f Ma iffent0 rA]1M1 • " tipnn Or Of' porrits for Cures•owiallaption� 1Jppg10,10iroa o. Throat. Sold by 'litho to on a Ou tab: For a bats IN* Pack or :Mi nhUob'tr>Pamok fluter 4 . Mta TII �. .$ , .$ `I/ TALI Lill. ���+I�ai twld.,1, P'or, itaVeyou e'rx h3 TrgtfiIt "WM i4Rernedp. Ittrut' positively t�q "and (lute yAq. I'rloe t{r ate: Thing or lt! 54roUs 1;'trea4gi9a►t#II surnishedtree,: ileraerribes sWloh'aliemedielt- sro sold 0114 cuarnntee to alto MtiairpDtyion. "The great World's Fair cannot\be seen in l$ day. The statistioa ?how that Jackson ark, in which the o ex ositin is frontageP . held,ithad a on Lske� hIiohli(an, of 1� miles, And 'opntaine 538 sores, 77 of which are water. The Midway Plaidanee„ fs,.a tnile Iong and 600 feet wide, and'oontaine 80 acres more. There aye 80 exposition buildings` proper, with floor apace of. 159 sores. Adding the : `galleries, there are 199.7. Groupe i a . and these are 41 state and ter- ritorial b, dings and 18 buildings erected by forei : governments. The visitor who would ,. erely take a passing Iook at this vast , ray of exhibits tnuat prepare to walk 124 . ile e of aisles. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites is both a food and a remedy. It is useful as~ a fat producer and at the same time gives vital force to the body. It is beneficial in CONSUMPTION - because it makes fat and gives strength. It is beneficial for SICKLY CHILDREN because they can assimilate it when they cannot ordinary food. It is beneficial for COUGHS AND COLDS because it heals the irritation of the throat and builds up the body and overcomes the difficulty. ' •.CAIITIiON:'—Beware ofanbstitutes. Genuine prepared Pr Scott & Bonne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 60e. and $1.00. "She Looketh Well to the ways of her household." `Yes, Solomon is right; that's what the good ho;uSekeeper everywhere does, but particularly in Can- ada. . , But her ways are not always old W's. In fact she has dis- carded many unsatisfactory old ways. For instance, to -day she is using the New Shortening, instead cf lard. And this is in itself a rea- son why -"she lodketh well in another sense, ., for -she eats no lard to cause poor digestion and a wore complexion. • , CO.T'1'OL'l;N2 is much better than lard for all cooking pur- poses, as every one who has tried it declares. Have you tried it? For sale everywhere. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Sta., MONTREAL. RWILLIpMS' NK LLS ALLi IR EOPLE Are aBLOOD BUILDER and NERVE TONIC. They enppl pd form ALL ArL tho desupb- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a oortain and speedy dsaasaiigq from impoverished blood, and shattered nerves, such as par- alysie, spinal dis- eases, rheumatism, sciatica,lossotmom- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of thohoart, sorofula,chlorosisor green Sickhess, that' tir.. feelingg that video = so many, oto. They have a speciflo action Ort-tho sexual system of both men and women, rostering lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should take these Pmts. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING: WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sox, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains weak back! ulcerations, etc., will find those pills an unfailing curd. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take those Pills. They enrich tho blood, restore health's rages to tho cheeks and.cor- reot all irregularities. BEWAir s or Iutmet'roNs. Those Pills aro gold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will bo sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price -60 cents a box or a for 92.50. TME DB. WILLIAMS M D. CO., Brodkvi le, Ont., or Morristown, N.!, • THE CLINTON SEW ERA. 'niM'!',�MM1.,k+WeX4.!w�rx.r.waw,a'tr?RMS,r•+5,rrw�w65wM'�rlP+fi'e,w,.�:�.u�?�+.ire„i,�r y,:4��i+ir.w:. w wSlr,Wr:;�{,N. wont, S wAIR WONDERS, I 01118? AND 0U4L,, N0Tea. ISQal Xns ,COOA IVO OQr.:tsc,Tio#t or 0x8 snit. At the World'fi. Fair many Englial;inaeh Will realize, for the first time, the variety ilnd eXtent of the prolinots, ananufaoturere and resburoea of their own (oulitry. For the.>obmpleteneas of the, British exhibit Zpglishmen are indebted chiefly, to: the 'energy and oapabiiitieli of sir genry W.eod, We secretary of the British Commissioners AO. the World's k'air, and to Mr Dredge,. #loyal Commissioner, The apace allotted to the exhibits of England and her poaseloly Bions is 60,000 equate; :!sett of;•this . Eng, land a ppropriates'815,Q00 square feet. The best wont of England's greatest artiste, past and present, drawn iro'(ii -ppb• lie galaries and private collections, will occupy a prominent place,. Manufacturers of every blase, the worksrof the everyday toiler and the skilled sPecialist, will. be seen, beside the innumerable 'works 4!' private individuals. The Victoria building, "wherein these treasures are gathered, is' essertially of , English arebitedtd " it3d' is One of the flood" buildings in Jackson Park, from an artistic point of view. It is an excellent example of an old English house adapted to modern requirements. The art building ptoper'"of the Fair cost 0570,00. The largest building, etending on the lake shore, is that of the Manufao- turere and Liberals Arts., Some idea of its magnitude may be gathered from the fact that 17,00,000feet of timber and 12,000,000 ponnde of steel have been used in the building. It covers thirty and a half acres. Ten "thousand electric lights illumine the building. In the Machinery Hall is the largest engine in the world, generating 22,000 horse -power, x18,000 of which are used for eleotrical purposes. The boilers are fed with oil. In the Exhibition Gronnde are five miles of elevat- ed railroad. The restaurant capacity of the Fair grounds is 30,000 persona an hour. The " Illinois exhibit is the largest. Oa lifornia follows, in a building copied from the old Church of San Diego. The Massachusetts exhibit ie embodied in a re- production of John Hancock's residence, Beacon Hill, Boston. A reproduction of Independence Hall contains the exhibits of Pennsylvania. ' The Washington exhibit displays the timber resources of that state. Idaho has a small bat pretty building. New York an Italian villa. New Hamp- shire a .;Swiss cottage, while Nebraska shines in Corinthian architecture. Among the Government exhibits is a raised map of the United States in plaster, 400 feet square. A notable feature is the gift of the Ja- panese Government to Chicago -a Japan- ese temple. Two thousand Japanese stu- dents will be sent to study the results achieved by modern civilization. The attention given to horticulture is everywhere evident. The whole island is beautiful with trees, plants and flowers. The rose garden contains 50,000 rose trees. The borders of the lake are lined with water lillies. The World's Fair is a grand harmony of the world's greatness. Never in the history of the world has wo- man's work been made so manifest as in the World's Fair. In design, pictures, sculpture, arohiteotnre, science and art, woman competes worthily with the sterner sex. The Woman's Building, designed by a woman, is a thing of beauty and utility within and without. A vast array of wo- man's inventions and artistic skill fills the interior. The Chicago World's Fair is an epitome of human progress up to date. The true riches of the known world are condensed within its precincts. And here are a few facts and figures: The peanut monopolist paid 8120,000 -for - his rig at. The Krupp gun weighs 122 tons. There are 400 epeoimens of American trees. Lady Aberdeen's Irish Village contains an exact representation of Blarney Castle. The Ferris wheel is 150 feet in diameter, 800 feet in circumference and is mounted on towers 136 feet high ; it weighs 2,000 tons. The orchids exhibited are valued at 9500,. 000. There is an elm 75 ft. high, 2 ft in dia- meter and weighing 10 tone. The tanks of the fisheries are 570 feet long, There is a model of Hatfield Hall, the residence of Lord Saliebury. The century plant can be seen growing. AN ENGLISH OPINION. Every man that can look beyond his nose must recognize that the greatest problem of English statesmanship is to preserve the good -will of the Gov- ernment of the United States, so that these two mighty powers may go hand in -hand, and not oppose each other; for all thinking men tiirealize that the United States will greatly influence the destiny of England. GUARDING THE QUEEN. Persons who think about the matter at all suppose itis an easy enough mat- ter to guard the person of Queen Vic- toria. As a matter of fact the:Queen and royal family are a greater sburce of care to the police than is generally e- iieved by the public, which doubt ss imagines that with justa few "bobbies" here and there in • uniform and plain clothes, whenever the sovereign an djthe heir apparent take their walks abread, the whole trick ie done. It is a far more difficult and expensive job than . this to guard the Queen and Prince. Every time the Queen leaves one of her residences, :even for an afternoon drive, the event is notified some hours beforehandto the police by the equerry on duty, who announces what itinerary her Majesty will probably take. At certain points all along the route po- licemen have to be stationed, and de- tectives are placed at all the spots where the royal carriages are likely to stop. AboutBalmoral andOsborne the roads can be watched without difficul- ty, but not so around Windsor and Buckingham Palace. It will be seen from this that the of- fice of court detective is by no means a sinecure and we might galso add that it is of all posts that in which faithful, zealous, efficient service obtains the least honor and reward. Not that roy- al persons are ungrateful to those who guard them properly, but because the mon who guard best are naturally those who make the;least fuss. It is the duty of a court detective not Only tel shield the Queen and Princes from danger, but to conceal front them, so far as pos- sible, that they have been in :danger. Thus a man whose sagacity and dili- gence may over and over again have saved the Queen or Princes from ate ioyances or hurt, will often be less itpl' preefated than the snore demonstrative servants Who, perhaps, once in, his life has:had. the,good luck to arrest the arm of 'an aesasrsin• after, not [before, the i14o1 WAS fitted. Two-thirds "of the total number in til children under 10 years of age United Kingdom aro income in 0 orm. 9r ai'ngther, Minarda Liniment IN Peed .hg pkylgoiang Ram den, Conn„ has offered a bou r of $1 for each mad dog killed. The highest railroad in the Unit Thiel Toronto Public Sckaool Board 1 -. of ! 000 Tres yterian hymn books for the t 1 . Thursday nightdeelded to purchase 7 DR I'cLELLM{ LONDON ORT B ;;purpose of teaching :the tauic gaol -fa it# Talbot 8t„ 0pratalt/t on the nit .system of music, The item raised air States is the Denver and- Rio Gran at Marshall Pose, 10,855 feet above t sea., A Russian immigrant arrived offer day clad in a long coat made fr !hest' slides of more than. 1,000 'Rµssi il,2inard's Ltfttuent is the Beet: Dr Uppel, the great German geogr , pher eaya(that l ZOO,000,QbO square mi sof earth are still uninhabited or awn. less, The amount of tiir that a man w inhale in twenty-four hours will fill hogsheads and weigh 53 pounds, English Spa *a Liniment removes a hard, soft or osllonpd..Lumpr and Ble from honest Blood. Spavip, ,Curb Splints, Ring Ione, , Sweeney, Stift Sprains, Sore end Swollen Throat, sough eta. Save 050 by nee of one bottle.. W ranted the most 'wonderful Blemish O ever known. MA by Watt's ca Oo. Drn gist. • .etbrisk diSeuesion on the` grounEl tilg0 WE* EA,R, NO$E T0RUAT na'tionaliem. • I Oraduatetof the New York Iiye and Mar?pal n- a XOr pf fiel101ni 1886... root t titaduate Cou t Ne '� • k r°48Ar, TO ET POeb c3sadpate Neatest scboolaand Hotwihlo r B Q Eye » r ,Noes amd Thrpat 1996. � ee �eeted, ed . BRI1K gov$L, , ,�, • 9'ulf sty olr p,f I,rtlficfal E eb% B taelee.4uii len O T d Wiliv be at the. s. e' " +iia ears e Th stet d stied Offerathe Weat-haif tribe fine Rattgi rots Rano% C IDNTO rt ". a»d oonvenletttdou4le brisk ilonea on Rattepto' SQ, to ent at ver reaponabie terms: The hoe e ae every oanvauienoe. ASIpB - ours the is West;t new= b / The first FRIDAY to Eaol; Ilionth,. ohm A• FOSTON Third Visit JUNE 2nd nett H ROUSE TO RENT 10. a, tn, tg 4 p.m. Charges Moderate,, " The bone on Ratt.nbur street now ecenpiod b ra Th M ro y p y wear, is oSerod to tont,. it ocntaine, ��al►Q 'A�D. �R�(�i�, lax a linin r ra- les g g oom,parlor bedrOgm and kitoben do nstaira with'thtee behroomr n fairs. !iota Loana .T +' t V er cellar.' Qnyy *nilnu/e'e1 walklromthe baeine8e . �xTF�R"m,��s+ -�J� portion 01 the tow}!, Apply !NEST HRA Office Zoanis ll , ,..... , . ..., ,. 'his Qofwpa>aY is .,Coarsing Mone on PM" 'yeti! at J.otoest Rate. of Iptere44.• MORTGAGES * • • r � d 73 COTTAIr F�t.TO RENT The• oottage and promisee of Mrd A. Dodsworth 11, en Ieaao Street, Minton, eonaleting of a eomlor em. table cottage With kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft 'water, } acre of land with quantity of 9' fruit trees, currant. bueheeigrape vines, deo.= els ,Terme easy. Apply'to -MANNING & SOOTT, e, .0Snton. Cur TO ' OR FOR SALE. g - A, woman car tionarian lives alone on a mountain new Harriman, Tenn, She refuses to accept ilny assistance from her children. T l�r esb i The et!e of co ever tak- en pe to en out of the Michigan upper peninsula was brought to the surface from the Quincy mine. It weighed about nine tons. Bessie H. Bedloe, Burlington, Vt., had a diseaee of the scalp, causing her hair to be- come very herah and dry, and io fall so freely that she acaroeIy dared to comb it. Ayer's Hair Vigor gave her a healthy scald, removed the dandruff, and made the hair thick and glossy. The largest 'cut stones in the world are in the temple of the Sun at Baal- bec. Many are more than 60 feet long, 20 feet broad and of unknown depths. According to all Rabbinic writersithe whole human race before the flood were giants. Henrion tells us Adam was 123 feet 9 inches in height, Eve 118 feet 9 inches and 9 lines and Noah 27 feet even. How do you do when you buy shoes or clothing? Don't you go to the place (if you can find it) where they tell yon that you may wear the articles out, and then, if you're not satisfied, they'll refund the money? Why not do the same when you buy medicine? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is sold on that plan. It's the only blood - purifier so certain and effective that it can be guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every ease, or you have your money back. It's not like the ordinary spring medi- cines or sarsaparillas. All the year around, it cleanses, builds upand invigorates the system. If you're bilious, run-down, or dyspeptic, or have any blood -taint, nothing can equal it as a remedy. A newspaper has just been started in London which is printed on a postal card. The first number has four illus- trations, a comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzles and some advertisements. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A capital of $52,000,000 is invested in the nursery interest in 172,000 acres of band-- .In.alLhortiou1tural:pursuits the entire capital is estimated at over $1,- 000,000,000 by the census of the Agricul- tural Department. RIHEUMATISM OvlsED IN A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma. tism and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re- m arkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediate - y disappears. The first dose greatly been. fit 75 cents. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. The vicissitudes of life have been painfully illustrated in the cafe of1A1- fred Lister, son -of the late President Lister of the Lieter Chemical works, Newark, N. J., who has applied for ad- mission to tae Almshouse. Father and son both possessed large wealth, but the latter spent his money recklessly, and at the age of 35 he finds himself a pauper. Ayer'sPills Are better, known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the use of the pills is attended with only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various derange- ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestionsluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, Ayer's Po l is are the best, and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all climates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. " I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and'always - found them to be a mild and excel- lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It is th best" pill used." --Prank Spillman,• Sul- her K . ' Pfcpared by 1)f. t C, Ayer & Co,, LosvoU 1Vlaaa: J Sold by au Druggists everywhere. very Dose Effect1. e Those Convenient premises 'next door SOLeslie's Carriage Works, suitable for a bandy man to start a second-hand furniture ware room or business of w similar nature. Dwelling -house attached; Apply to 11188 Y0t1N7.YlABTLE. GOOD HOUSE TO RENT - A large oommodioua andcomfortable house, on Townsend street, containing accommodation for ordinary.tamily, with all conveniences, is of- fered to rent on reasonable terms. Good garden attached. House le in excellent repair. Apply to either 0. WILSON or JAMES HOWE. 000D FARM POR SALE For particulars apply to MANNING -8z scow, Barristers, doe., Clinton • PROPERTY FOR SALT, For sale, two excellent lobe being Nos. 606 on the oorner of Battenbnry and North 'Streets, and 609, on thei,orner of North and Princess Ste. They are both adapted for building purposes and are both offered for sale on reasonable terms. • Apply to T. M. CABLING. FOR SALE. Lots 7 !and 8, Dinsley Terrace, oontatning 3i scree of land, dwelling House, tlarn and Orchard. The property adjoins the oorporation of Clinton. Alae a two story brick building suitable for store and dwelling house, sellar 56324, about 1 1-6 acres, corner lot, opposite Queen's Hotel, Viotoria 8t., Clinton. Also village loth 4, 8 and 9 in Blyth. The abov property will be sold at a bargain to settle up estates Apply to W. J. BIGGINS Clin- ton, pro Executors,or to MANNING & SCOTT, Soli& or T. M..CALING, 011nton. DYEING &+ Clothes CLEANING Parties havtngOlothee of any kind which they desire to have cleaned for dyed, should leave them with the undersigned, wbo is agent for BARR'S DYE WORKS. All work entrasted to him will be promptly at- tended le and, guaranteed satisfactory. Prices moderate. JAMES HOW SON, Albert Sty. Clinton. CLIl�T QN \ Planing • Mill —AND— DRY KILN! "PRE SUBSCRIBER HAVIN°JUST COh1PLET 1 ED and furnished hie new Planing Mill will machinery of the latest improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in th most prompt -and -satisfactory manner and:At_rea. bonable ratee. He would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they were burn gd out and now being In a better position to exe uta orders expeditiously and feolaconfident he cap ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY --Near the Grand Trun4 Railway, Clinton . THOMAS 11a10ENZIE ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Propprlotor for the beat slue trill Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the agleam' arm? AUTO eAAie Baum Cuisine. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on abort notice. Boilers. Engines, and all kinds o1 Machinery repaired expeditiously and in a satisfactory ;manner Farm implements manufactured: and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilns fitted up on application Charges moderate. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to ea enable rates. A trial eolictied. THE RIGHT The new model o ookford Watch, when placed in a screw bbl ease, will fill a don fait want among farmers, as it is not due proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid place of metal, with the edger. lef t of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a.good rong watoh For a Farmer SOS BIDDLECOMBE Hoose Paine and Paper Hanging �� e undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING,' IIALSOSIINING, PAPER -HANGING, &o. Ho is a practical man of long experience„end guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly Imoderate.;:Ordors re- epeotfnlly solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton DO YOU WANT A First-class Stop or Longt♦Laddor ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of 11 nature? Then call on1W. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 k'roderlck 8t„ or 11 Dingley Will be at,Dineley's corner every Saturda alteration-, - - 1 ST ?`REND IN CAWA& SAVINGS BANIC R. ANq$. 5, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest dl;owe1 pit Deposits, according toamount and time left. •)F1l'I011-OornerofMarketeq a and North, St, MANaea 4ORA E HORTON, et 1884 J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING -- UNDERTAKER �M—AND-- EffiBATMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL BE N H t< LIAR NUKSERY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, - SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, THB LATTHR OP WHICH WE MARE A SPECIALTY LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this corinectlon will save mone purchasing here. ?niers by hfasl4vill be .promptdy,,atten,de,_ to: .9.ddress, JOHN STEWART. — Benmiller. incorporated 1887, Willi Cash Capital oi$50,000 IVAE OWCAI -► 1' J1l- AND APPLIANCE 00. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, is now recognized as tho greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles, and will effect cures in seemingly hopeless oases where every other known means has failed. It is natures remedy, and by its steady, soothing 'current that is readily bolt, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism. Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility. Imppotencyy, Lumbago, Kidne Diseases, Nervous Diseases. Liver Uomplaint, Dyspepsia. Vrl0000le. UrinaBack. rryDiseases. • RHEUMATISM It 1s a well known fact that medical science has utterly felled to afford relief in rheumatic cases. We venture the assertion that although Electricity has only boon in use as a remedial dgent for a few years, it has cured mole oases of Rheumatism than all other moans com- bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog- nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, weals Back, eta., that the old modes of treatment fail to euro There is u loss of nerve force orower that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous form of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Eleotrieity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It 1s tho only known remedial agent that will supply what is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric, Bolts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country. They are electric in name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any pprleo. Wo Challenge tho World to show an Elootrlo Belt whore tho current 15 under con- trolof the patient as coin Toto as this t P l p ly our Trtulo Nark 1s the portrait sof Dr. Owon etnbossed in geld upon every Bolt and appltanoo man faoturod by us. Bead for Catalogue -Mailed (Soaded) Prop. lIIE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO,O e 49 Mho St. W Toronto. c� Cbl thb papef, It,