Clinton New Era, 1893-05-26, Page 4bl�Rt.
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Fl 11?AY,.If
roe, 1893
No 1 icu a ager
The following, from the Toralito
Tele tam,(ui line with What the NE W
Ens has been; sayingfor years. There,
is no.earthly excuse' for retaining a
system that has', not a ood:feature
about :'it, but is a drain of $200,000 an-
". xi,ually on the people. The superan.
cation systere should be wiped out of
existence. The Telegram says:-
Canada speii�ds thousands of dollars
e every year in, pensions.tosu erannuated
eivji servants; who Have been retired
After . having drawn good salaries for
years:? The improvident departmental
employe can pbinge into debt as much
, ars itis ;creditors Will allow in. He
sate spend every cent of his salary every
inontn ,knowing that• if he keep, his
'Position • hie pension will come with
superannuation. While the Liberals
Wee On the still hunt for abuses to wipe.
Out they might take up the question of
.abolishing the pension: system. Every -
`thing can be said against it, nothing in
bite favor. Civil servants are the best
paid wage earners in this country, and,
'perhaps/ On the principle that to him
Who • hath shall be given, they are
about the only ones who receive any
elisions, , Why, the employes of the
antinion should be made a privileged
e.nees ne man shall say. It is' easily
seen -why any Government would hese.
tate before with drawing their privilege,
te Civil Service vote is an import-
ant one. Let it be hoped that some
,''day; Canada will have a Government
'wise enough to abolish the system
which makes Canada -most of whom
have enough to do to pay their own
way -pay for the keep of men who
have for years been in receipt of salaries
which are largely above the average of
those given in banks or commercial
East Huron Reformers.
s. Convention of the Reformers of the
past Riding' of Huron, will be held in the
Town Hall, Srnssels, on Friday, -June 2nd,
at 1.30 o'clock, for the purpose of a general
,_.,.,.-... sifgor.$eion of political topics and the elec-
tion of delegates to the Liberal Convention
to be held at Ottawa on June 20th. A large
° re resentationisaskedfromeachmunicipal-
unici al-ity in the Riding.
The West Huron Convention meets
at-GofferrcTi; on the 30tH inet. -
Her gracious majesty Queen Victor-
ia, passed her 74th milestone on Wed-
nesday. May she pass many more.
A license commissioner is charged
with having granted alicense to a house
owned by himself at Lions Head. If the
charge be true -and it should be inves-
tigated -the Commissioner should be
removed, and be dealt with as the law
A proposition to send the Lieut -Gov-
ernor and his staff, to the World's
Fair, at the expense of the province, to
improperly represent Ontario," was
thrown out of the Local House, on the
very good ground that the same
` amount of money could be spent to
much better advantage in some other
way. The Province certainly has no
money to spend in pleasure •jaunts that
have no substantial object in view.
So successful have the British Liber-
als been in keeping their party in line
in the House of Commons during' the
Home Roll bill discussion, that their
opponents are thoroughly discouraged,
and it is expected that when the bill is
taken up after the Whitesuntide ad-
journment, it will be pushed through
the committed stage briskly. The op-
ponents of the measure cannot keep
their friends in attendance and the
government had a majority of sixty in
the last division taken.
Some of the Conservative papers are
13/aced in rather an awkward predica-
ment just now. Mr McCarthy having
made a clean break from his party,
they declare that "the jumping about
,if a political adventurer" (meaning Mr
McCarthy) is of no consequence, and
not worth noticing. Then some paper
gets a fling at them by asserting that
both Sir John Thompson and G. E.
Poster were once Liberals -therefore
,..political ' adventurers," and they
,should be in the same class as Mc-
The Wingham Advance thinks we
should change our views on the en-
forcement of the License Law, because
4lf certain "statements" made by oppo-
. clition speakers in the Local House.
Not at all. Not one of the statements
made has yet been proven -in fact
some of them have been disproven ---
,and it will be time enough to accept
theca whenthey are established. If -
;the .Advance can, show conclusively
• :that,ainywt<ingdwa iste theadteinis-
l _ ' ixoil
i�let it doSo
�tlri►tiotl. a the .ill r ,
Wil help in denouncing that:
Arid �'� r"
but it is • ecidedly unfair to base nepert
nprov`ed statements,
Additional toxo; News
sTOCX 14.u1/.4 --the regurem manthly
.1tock fair will be bold here Ore Wednee-
ay, June 1th. Alt a number of fluy�ere
are likely to be present', fat•kners wrio
have horses to dtapose of Should; retake
use of this'opptyrtnnity.
B,1'Sl1,LTIGD F4,T4LLY, :. Windsor . the
cine -year-old aQt of the Rev.I, ]lig
street Dodds chur'ah the
formerly of GlOderfchi died Tuesday
froin lockjaw. The boy, fell off his
fatl}er's horse a few days ago. and. the
e, iiw L stepped ttpon And orkxshed one
of. hifilflngers•,. which resulted in his
a fAll }�
,TRi?tl'.t,*--.Che street sprinkler start-
gd it's 'rounds on Monday.. There will
-114 ;'4 'ree4sof,renud:thouldered people
in Canada ' soon, if : cyclists. ' don't
straighten -up when they are riding.:
'Sonne people have been complainfing
that *weather has been too cool, but
Monday was warm enough for all pure
poses. County council will meet on she
Oth of June,
.O4TTL'E,: A. fine lot of export Cattle
were shipped from here on Monday.
The buyers were Messrs S.lnith, Hearn,
Greif' and Jolles. Mi'. Jas. Fair: der
livered 65 head, which weighed a total
of 91750 bs, ' 'an average; of 1411 ,lbs.
Robe. Peacoc , of Tuckersmith,. deliv-
ered 19 Bead, weighing 26430; L. Task
er, Hullett, 10, 12030; A, Couch 4 5540•
L. Bailey, 2, 2150; C. McGregor,..Hul-
lett, 5, 6080; W. Gibbinggs, Hullett, 4,
5200; R. Hanley, Goderich township. 3,
3630: J. Murdock, Tuckersmith, 7,
BICYCLE RACING+. -There is already'
considerable bicycle racing enthusiasm
worked up this season. Mr Neil Yel-
lowlees is down to hard training for
the Bowfnan. Road race, in Hamilton,
on the 27th, and if successful there, will
take in the Martin tlournament, at Buf-
falo, on the 30th. A road race was
worked up for his benefit, on Monday
evening, which created a good deal of
excitement. The race was to Bruce -
field and return; W. Young got six
minutes' start, E. Hovey, W. Doherty,
jr., A. T. Cooper and A. May, - three.
minutes, N. Yellowlees, scratch, and
they finished in the following order
and time: -N. Yellowlees, 46.32; W.
Doherty, jr., 51.18i; A. T. Cooper, 51.36;
E. Hovey, 52.05; W. Young, 56.81; A.
May did not finish. Dr. Shaw acted as
starter and time keeper. There was a
strong head wind going out,which told
Against the time. There will be an-
other race, on the driving park, on
Wednesday, 31st, at 7 p.m., when the
following have entered :-Malcolm Mc-
Taggart, scratch; Lack Kennedy and
Norman Fair, two seconds' start; H.
Stanbury, three sec., Roxy Walker
and Joe niter; 10 sec.
NEW ERA. -It will doubtless interest
the good folks in Clinton to learn that
one of her boys was honored one day
recently in Chicago, ley being selected
for a public position of !honor and
trust. The Clintonian referred to is
George Irving, who was nominated •by
the mayor, and unanimously Confirm-
ed by the city council to the position
of chief clerk in the water office. This
post may not strike the people of Clin-
ton as being particularly desirable,
and it would not be so regarded if
the position was lin Clinton, but when
we consider that Chicago is a city of
1,530,000 inhabitants, swelled this sum-
mer by -the influx of visitors to nearly
2,0.00,000,,and that the city proper cov-
ers an area of nen rlr180-ec liana miles;
or a square of 14 miles each way, and
that there were many applicants for
this position, it will be perceived that
this bright, young Canadian has good
cause for congratulation. Mr George
Irving's parents are old and highly re-
spected residents'of Clinton. George,
as well as his bro'her William are .old
apprentices of the NEW ERA office.
The latter is now one of the thorough-
ly trained printers, who is always sure
of a good job. George is quite active
in politics, being chairman of the De-
mocratic committee of the ward in
which he resides, and also superinten-
dent of the Methodist Sunday School,
at Gross Park, where I had the plea•
sure of seeing him officiate on a recent
Sunday. Wishing the old NEW ERA
every success, and with the warmest
good wishes to all iny, old friends in
Clinton, I am, yours .fraternally, R.
MATHESON, ex -editor. NEW ERA.
Church Notes .
Revs. J.W.Shilton and A.Stewart exchanged
pulpits Sunday evening.
Rev. J. E. Howell, of Goderioh, and Rov. J.
Galloway, of Seaforth, exchanged pulpits on
Sunday. •
The Guelph Conference of the Methodist
church has been invited to meet in Goderioh
next year.
The young people of Ontario St. church have
purchased a piano for use in connection with
their services.
The meeting of the Rattenbury street Young
People, on Monday evenings, will commence at
8.15 sharp, for the summer months.
Rev.W.Ayers leaves for Fleshertonthis week,
whore he will visit his daughter, proceeding
from there on to Conference at Owen Sound.
Rev. Joseph Philp, pastor of the Centennial
Methodist church, London, and well-known in
Huron, arrived home from his trip to the Holy
Land last week.
Rev. A. H. Drumm (who le Stationed nen •
Mitchell) is glving a course of sermons on the
Lord's Prayer. He has •delivered four, which
were very interesting. •
Mr. A. L. Budge was Iti town yesterday on
his way to his home at Belgium. He has coon
stationed at Windermere, in' Mrtslroka, for the
summer, and gods thereto next week.
The Sons of England lodges from Clinton and
Londesboro joined Liverpool Lodge S. 0. E. of
Goderioh, last Sunday ° in attending divine
service in St, George's church, when the rooter,
Rov. Mr Turnbull, preached a special sermon.
The wife of 'the Rov. S. Salton. of Ruthven
circuit, is very ill, and thorn are but slight
hopes of her recovery. She has boon a great
sufferer during the paetfour months. This gen.
Modica is a brother of Rov. G. F. Salton, of
The official board of tho Courtland mission
has requested tho removal of the Rov. A. Truax,
on the ground of objectioris to his teachings.
Mr Truax is well known in Huger:, he having
attended Goderich High School, and he was
considered particularly orthodox when hero.
Quito an interesting event took place at Eg-
mondvillo on Tuesday being the induction of
Rov. Mr 8 haw, late o Tilbury Centro to the
pastorate of tho Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr ;
Musgrave, preached and the Rdv. 7. h, Me-
Me-Don ld addressed the minister Mid the people.
Young P opledof nRattobbury 84. huiroh,fore toh
Monday evening, on "Look tip, lift. np." .It
was an exoollontone, inspiring, 01oeoiont+boaut-
iful in diction slightly poetic, Mid ono of the
very best of the many good ranee given at these
_��/I ' t 1
�+•+1 �M•-j 4r t'�17"i,1' I "- ,Li1rtF IF,+i,=Ax11t.,
�r y. q hQY� t�i4IVeale extended fit lovit* fon to ys,►, v
ov. Sl', J? r bariop, ot5arueael'i, for vert yawl: 7!f °loess b lino. 'W, W,) wain,
'Nlppndad by Rev. Ate E', BJ* of W oi5eter,
irher araneet thew 1r T, U, 'tb'it this Diairigt Meetlee reoomlaenij; bin
Itat the itanleer rs W. % narlatl4 an' 'rooeotoq,° •
T ur C y, }1'Arie 18G, A�t4 p, 1Ri. Wine lteaaleis. C111t'iac�r
lir Ja nes 8tevena g ve a very 'actl 1 - 4 geX)cral dlaacnsrloa ws.a 'oagiige4 J
dreg' on hMouday eveaii)g to the oungcP e ret live tot tbe. apiritpal wor1x et t,lie� 1)m.
of.Ontarlobt, a urolt, entlticd''Wlia> s al 4 .a tril e►nd lite bet nipeinit Of advoing ie.
Hary tool Ile. showed. what must be Ore- 1n the ,evening
sgalt o �ert�to gou.reea of agtion, and. dxp wined pia�llly 'messing' wan
[allyy, atidl olearlye last '"!lo Who $oowo<1 t(l tae hey, 11 �(hleb very' inIoreatiug addresses
flesh she ld o1 to 1leph reap oorrnptlon . white, were given by .ltev. (1, !..Sefton, Of:Bxils�
he who'sowed to thesniritwould reaniih ever• sole oli Engined' ileo Dr Campbell o
, w o .' Blyth. on Ireland, Reese , J. A. MoUtol1lani
ttlo dog. eau eao•ae coneldeabe antroyTees},wr 0 FF atd , n Bouin d nd v. JanA.Wan as r n ,f t a a ie e n T+'t to i t hpe d: . he No r
3G, gburah, Goderioh, un .9unday. ' A. terrier Livingston; oi Listowel, on. Canada, There
- which: had made its way bite the building. sot, • wai3li't a poor speaker .iu the four, "Vocal
tip a terriflo howl ae soon ail the ovgau started,, lteleotione boar,'in on, the nationalities re-
two, protnir{on1 ofgolale,' ard to re- presented were also iven nod a6 le.
- move it, bu>; it was too 1,71:11404147 them, and > . g in .... y
ledanced runater a fewseeonde, but Dame to ,he'prodeods were applied to the Bpperan-
g by bolting between the legs. of one of the noted Ministers} Rand.
oiiioials, Who to tautly sat dowu on it. Friday Morning, ata o'glook, the fellow•
The pro ram. in connection with an open ing laymen 2ouied the ministerial brethren.
meetin r tbo.11. L. of O:' $, of Ra ttenbury -Dr. ,1 wler Win ba • W . i A. Ort
St- M0 hodist Churoh on Monday evening o R , �r
next, is to bo'eonlewbat'different to airy of rho r Teeewater; Bout, • ntterid,en, 'Wroxeter;
termer meetings: A eentgat in bringingg out • VQ'. H. Kerr, Btaeeels;, RFm, Pollard, ,Wales
the good points of five or e1x'Bible ohataotors is ton;: Win, Stevens .Leiedeel;oro' 1Q, R.
to be taken by five, or, six'num:there and each your Bl th; J. Brewin tib rrn•
ono will, as far as pox ib1e, - make ae. manly lv.r y r F , e5 u , Wen.,
poiotical points as possible• and thus snake. it Bengougb, Bei rave; W. H. Stewart, jre
both pleasant and prddtable to all who may at. Blaevale. e
.t 114. 4; abort musical. urogram will cam" The various o tbrougb erne,
Siete the listg* attractions. . - dales were carefully gone threngh, 'From
Ana nrned oe in of the' -them the following partionlare ere gleaned:
die t. t 6 i uarterla Board -We bee of ohurola members ,in Diodes,
of tho Ontario St. Methedist Church, was held
on "Monday evening, ter the purse of reooiv- 2,190, an increase of 164- over the former
ini3 the reports for the year:. (lpbe followin yar- :'There were 119 infant be tisine and'
le. the report of the rfeesie ship: h, 37; ey 81 adult• ma i e 89 deethe'
during rhoyear 9n rofessioa-of-faith, 37; by;A, ' r 60, egPieii.
letter 18, Total 55. Ee noyod, 17; drop od, 7; Of Gruardian, 70; 'looel preaohere, 21; ex'
died 3, Total, -27, Present ragmharshipp 830. horters, 9; representatives, 79; class leaders,
net increase for year, 28, The financial returns 77; stewards, 68; Sunday Soltool superin-
the eatew ry fund, and on moot ononso itt was resolved. tendents, :'19; Epworth-. Leagues, 6. For
to donate this to the pastor, as• a recognition on Missionaryurpoees:$1',731.68 were oontri-
the•partof the .Board for his .earnest, faithful bated as follows;-' ingbam, $280.70 arta
and succes fiful labors during the year, - ' from the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Neu Notes Around the County W.F.M.S.,
S $62,8. Teeswater, ii 8 60; and
11 t w.F.M.B., $28.27; Wroxeter, $88,60; Brim
eels, $92.110, and W.F.M.S., 089; Walton,
9,dam f3lonsher. has rented the Canada 856.00; Londesboro, $180.87; Blyth, $260.61;
Company swamp, near Blyth, which was Auburn, $827.65, and, W.F.li2.B... $14; Bel -
formerly worked by Mr Aaron Lindsay. grave, $74.46; Btaevale, 8110.45.
Mr Hugh Hanna, of the Oth line, -of Convection- Circuit Pur
Morris, lost a brood mare last week by Wingham, al F84 0s' poses.
indigestion, caused by a change oY` Teesw:lter 246 1059
food. BrWroxeter 168 451
Mr Wm. Lith ow, who has held the posi- Walton 224 1830
g Walton 116 ,,..., 210
tion of librarian of the Mechanics' Ineti- Londesboro 267 616
tute, Wingham, for a number of years, has Auburn 4530 1024261
tendered his resignation, which has been
aooepted. Bluevale - 1177 009
Mr C. E. Mason, . of Tnokeremith, re= The odd Dents have been omitted in eaoh
turned home from the old country on Sat- instance for the sake of brevity
nrday. He brought with him a very fine The following resolution was moved by
thoro-bred hunting stallion. He is 'a fine Rev. R. Paul, seconded by Rev. W. Otte -
animal, and we hope his owner will find wel and carried nnanimonely: "That
him a lanky bit. whereas the terrible evil, the liquor trafno,
Mr John Horan, sr., of near Beechwood, continues its work of destruction in onr
has purchased a very nice eighteen months
old ball from Mr H. Crich, of Tuckersmith.
This ball is from Mr Biggins' stook bull,
and the strain is noted as being excellent
for both beef and milk.
Mr H. J. Crawford, M. A., and Mr J.
Livingston, of Seaforth, have been
selected to play in the foot -ball team,
{which goes from Ontario to Chicago
to play against the American team in
the World's Fair City, on Decoration
Day, May 30th.
Bowie vs Hullett.-As will be remember-
ed, was an action tried before Judge Doyle
at the last sitting of the Division Court in
Seaforth. The Plaintiff, Mr W. H. Bowie
sued the township of Hullett for damages
to the amount of 860, plaimed to have been
sustained by him thi'ongh the death of a
horse, the loss of the sale of cedar posts,
and lose occasioned by being unable to get
fall wheat sown upon some land he had
rented, all on account of a defective road•
way leading to his property. The hearing
of the case occupied the greater part of the
day and the Judge reserved hie decision.
The Judge has now given his verdict order-
ing a non -snit, with costs on the plain-
-tial`—. _.
The West Wawanosh Mutual Fire
Insurance Company is an excellent
company. It is carefully and economi-
cally managed, and as a result losses
are small and not numerous, and as-
sessments light. Thus far this year
9100 will cover all the losses that may
occur. We hope the company will
have a continuance of this good luck
of the past year. Last year the losses
amounted to only $2,508, one loss,that
of Mr Duncan McRae, Huron town-
ship. amounted to $1,200. There were
in all for the year seventeen losses, and
of these 14 were caused by lightning.
Mr Finlay Anderson, ex -Deputy Reeve
of East Wawanosh, is the director for
Belgrave district.
The Expositor says: -Mr George McCart-
ney is an old and highly respected resident
of Goderioh township. He has been a
member of the MoKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company for many years.
But, one year he left the company and was
persuaded to insure his property in the
London Mutual, as he was Ied to believe be
would get a lower rata in that company.
He took a three years' policy in the Lon-
don Company, but long before that time
was up he discovered that distant fields
are not so green or fertile as they some-
times look. He found that be could do
better in his old local company, and when
his time expired in the London Company
Mr Horace Fester wili preach in the ohnrohes
of Holmesville circuit, oh Sunday next. Al.
though kin hue not of late done very much work
Al -
Of this nature, owing to the pressure .01,. other
duties, he is One of the most acooptablo5 naker9
in the oennty. Mr R. Relines gone to Belgriive
>er'Sundit'.. v a'
:Rev. i', 'W lTolmos, of t'h4 &titraf•Methodlet
Churoh, Stratford, has intima that bo will
salt conterebou for dnbthor. etatio this'
i in 'nsid tati Y
Tile oi91c 111 00 8 his real
Tl bohrri f
Aild:fatthfulrietsy ,ranted lilm1160
land and homes, leaving ram and death in
its path, and whereas the important mat-
ter of Total Prohibition is now before the
country; and the Ontario Government hav-
ing made provision for the Province to vote
on the question in January 1894, be it re-
solved, that we, ae a District Meeting, pledge
ourselves to do onr best by voice and vote to
carry prohibition, and urge all our officials,
members and people to do the same."
Lay representatives to conference at
Owen Sound will be:-Wingham, Geo.
Thompson and R. Molndoo; Teeswater, W.
E. R. Orr; Wroxeter, R. Crittenden; Brus-
sels, B. Gerry and J. T. Pepper; Walton,
Wm. Pollard; Londesboro', M. Braithwaite;
Blyth, Jno. Wilford and Geo. Jackson; An -
burn, J. P. Brown; Belgrave, Wm. Wray;
Bluevale, W. H. Stewart, jr.
Rev. F. Swann was elected to the Sta-
tioning Committee; Rev. J. H. Dyke and
W. H. Stewart to the Sunday school Com-
mittee; Rev. F. Balton and Jno. Wilford to
the Epworth League Committee.
The Fall District meeting will be held at
The election petition against Mr J. J.
Tarte, M. P. for L'Islet, has been dismiss-
Rain is badly needed in Northern Michi-
gan. The woods are on fire in every direc-
A severe storm of wind and rain oaused•a
great deal of damage in many parts of On-
tario Tuesday.
Bayees at Belleville are paying as high
as $200 each for stylish horses, suitable for
the United States market.
Crossley and Hunter, the evangelists, are
pausing a tremendous stir at Napanee, hav-
ing secured about 400 converts.
A petition has been entered against the
return of Mr Harwood, Liberal, lately elect-
ed M. P. for Vaadrenil, Quebec.
Thomas Johnston, sentenced to Kingston
penitentiary from Shatham for 14 years,
has been set free. He will soon die of con-
The demage„h the freshet in the neigh-
borhood of Loo N. Y., is estimated at
$10,000. Farmers have given up plowing
until June.
Seeding reports received at Winnipeg
from all points in Manitoba and the North.
west, state that in most planes the orops
are above ground.
Rev. David Ryan, of the London Metho-
diet conference, has been suspended pending
investigation, interning that he made pur-
chases in doing bbusineos while not having
means to pay.
he @ant for Mr Thomas Neilans, the agent The Qnebee Telegraph is authority for
the statement that Sir Adolphe Caron will
for the 117ogillop Company, and again
joined that company, and took out a policy not return to Canada' as a Cabinet Minister,
on all his insurable property. and will be asked to exchange places with
Mr Chaplean.
On Thursday morning, Mr Geo. ging, of Robert Pearsall, a farmer, who lives in
Blyth, while returning from visiting friends Prince Edward, near Comecon, has been
in the vicinity of Jamestown, Morris, met convicted of using a cancelled 3 -cent stamp
with a painful accident. About two miles in forwarding a letter. He paid $10 fine
north of Blyth, the horse took fright at a and $3 costs.,•
passing waggon in which some pigs had
been delivered at Blyth, that day. The Rev. David Savage, the well-known Meth -
animal became unmanagable and Mr King odist minister and evangelist, died at Til -
was thrown from the rig under the wheels, sonburg Taesdayy, of pneumonia, after a two
and beooming tangled in the gear of the weeks illnese. He was 63 years of age and
vehicle, was dragged for a considerable dis- t had been in the ministry upwards of 40
tanoe before he could extricate himself. years.
His daughter Mand, who was with him, '' On the morning of May 20 Darius Mis-
ner, farmer, living three miles south of
Lyndon, hung himself by fastening a chain
to a pole projecting from the top of a hay-
stack. When found life was extinct. It is
supposed insanity was the cause. Age, 72.
Rev. James McKay, pastor of the Meth-
odist Episcopal church, while delivering
his Sunday morning sermon, fell dead in
the pulpit at Lampasas, Texas. The burst-
ing of a blood vessel in his head was the
cause. His daughter was in the congrega-
managed to get hold of the lines and pinok-
ly held on, keepingltne horse on the road,
and after about a mile's swift ride, man-
aged to get the animal stopped. Mr King
sustained some bad bruises and one or two
ugly oats.
Wingham District Meeting
The annual District meeting of the
Methodist ohnroh was held in Wingham,
on Thursday and Friday of last week, the
chairman, Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., preaid- Charles Dion was working in a pnlp mill
ing. Rev. F. Swann, of Auburn, was at River Du Loup, Quebec, when hie hand
chosen Secretary and Rev. 3. W. Pring, of was caught between two rollers and his
Bluevale, assistant. Alt the resident min- whole body was drawn between, two sets of
istere of the District were in attendance. them before the machine could be stopped.
Rev. W. W. Leeole of Londesboro, asked Astonishing to relate, he was not crushed to
the speoial consideration of the Stationing death and may recover.
Committee, owing to poor health last year, Judge Maodou all aontenbe John Andor-
and desiree either station work or auperan- g g
nation relation. Mr Leech has been in son, of Toronto, an old man, wlio removed
the work for over 30 years. Rev. William renovated postage stamps and gold them
Mills, who resides in Toronto, was ream- again (and who, while living in filth and
mended to bo continued for anotherear rage in a garret, boasted of a handsome
on. the Superannuated list, his claim on bank account), to two ears in lingoton
} the fund to be commuted next year. A penitentiary and a fine of 9601
resolution, breathing kindly sentiment, Adolph Girardot,a young dente' student,
was passed in reference to Bet,. J. L. •Herr, replaced Mise OlManner, who wan - i 1 for a
of Brussels, who 'was not present. W. A. day or two in the ,fourth ward a, orate
Smith was recommended as a eandidgte to school, Windsor, Finding Due Or *Wee)*
the Methodist Ministry on motion of Revs. the children sufferingfrom teethe he, he
Madre Salton aril - eeoh. Ret. fl W. Ibegan .ettreeting' teeth, and iii" e' day
goboos. of Town " Conference, a fabler pulled 1215, ; Ther is mach exol went
et his'+fail. CA130ian 604 adrrll8iion•' l citielpll, pow, ,lafnong the ohildren'a parents.
tl Y
001 t
B Tilt. -,.ire in u, the Mrdfnaltthe• fa
41' r Janaleal' a1r� r:, �a ilaugditAr.' r
W4LSO ,Hill Bottineeu Nertli_;11enote.
,Apra 24th, b ife,of" r li, W. W n, (nee,.
tattle ld'artr,,of glrntoh) off a daughter+
8%X19ItLOCK.-�. to Wlnuipae,'onthe iotb ni.a .,
the wire of Mr t{. { 5�11eeleele V.PAn desnatcce
9r, (nen Miea lheoneldf a eon, 0
.A.NN i(i� 7A Cl1ptzin, an 'the 32nd wee,
the • Wife of Mr W:altar ;S, Manning, .of a
� ��blot`
LLIOT1,':..-In Goderioh, o th..14th inch, the
wife of qtr 400. 1ir71igtt, o�a' non, '
;ARCUIBAI,D.--In geaforth : on the 17th inst,
thO wife of Mr;amen Argbibajd,•of a authUghter.
the WLIO Q P: -,7n MolQllo�pi, oq the 1 t 1nsL,
_e if f flit Wm. Elliott, of twig wnq.
MoOLELLANew Tnoket�smitb on the ,17th
inane the wife 0f Mr • Jobe: m0040llau, of "a
. ug4ter,
• •$AARIEiT,
• 8AVILLE -WEBST ,P'Reeott the reeldenpe of
the. brldiefefather,:Bullett, on the 24th strafe' by
th Rev. J. A. Hamiltem, Mr.E. J. Ravine, of
• atop, to. Mise Kiabeth, daughter' of Mr J.
Webster, . , ;,
NOTT*�-COX 4,,t'the le)rem o•$t. Methodist
Parson CUn on - May 23rd, by Rev. W;
empyttb, r,' Albert Nettt,, of Pu kereniitp, to
Barbara: Ella Co adopted daughter oR Mr,,
Thee,. Kearns, l ondolo Road Stanley,
Mo1;ENDY-,-lOEAG.-In Detroit, ell the 8th
inst, . by -the ,Rev. J;: Swing.gton, Jafnea Me-;
Reny, of Detraip to Mary E. Keag. roundest
daughter of Tames Keefe, uoderkoh. •
ROWE--pEREINS. In Exeter, mi the 17th
Inst„ at the residence of ,the bride's ants, by
Rev, A, L. Russell, B, D„ Mr SaraARowe, of
Stephen to Mise Cattle, third daughter of Mr
Charles Vo?kina. -
PEAROE-,-BRIMAACO11d819.-At the Main
Street Methodist Parsonage on the 17th inti
by the Rev. W. McDonagh iThomas Pearce, of
Stratford to Miss Minnie Brimaoombe, of
MoDQNA.LD.-In Goderioh; on the 16th met„
Bella McDonald, relict of the late John Mc-
DPeteronaldCar, aged
t69aged years73 ,years. 2 months,
CARTY.y; ,In Seafortb, on the 2nd int., Mrs
YOUNG}. --In Colborne, May 17, John Young,
aged 89 years. ,
KINGarON, May I5. Mr L. Yott, of Wolfe
Island, opposite We oity, has been cared
by Dodds kidney pills. It is a well known
tact that Mr Yet* has been a sufferer for
years from backache requiting from disor
Bred kidneys, so much so that if in a sten
ing position he should turn around sudd n -
F ly, the pain would take his breath away.
In speaking of his case to Mr Henry Wade,
the druggist of this city, from whom he
purchased the pills, he said: I have been a
sufferer for years from pains in the bank
and.kidneytdiaease. Have tried liniments,
plasters, ointments and other remedies
from dootore and druggists, bat none of
these remedies helped the in the least
Hearing Dodd's kidney pills so much talk-
ed of, gaveyhem a trial, and as a result two
boxes cured me. This cure is probably
not as marvelous as many that has recent-
ly been made by Dodd's kidney pills, but it
is creating talk and comment among his
friends and acquaintances here.
Lew akatteetfoeuzento.
MARGARET L. SHEPHERD. — Read her life.
Her marvellous career and wonderful experien-
ces. Full details . of the Arnes Court convent,
Bristol, England. Three portraits, ono in full
convent dress, ;and other illustrationslcan be
had at the opera house after her lecture.
Steady employment. A! ply to
w. Do13ERTY & CO., Clinton
The undersigned desires to thank the firemen
and others who assisted in removieg her furni-
ture from the fire on Saturday evening last. MBS
The Connell of the corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the Court House, Gode-
rioh, on 11UESDAY, JUNE 6211, at 3 o'clbok p.
m. Accounts against the County must° be pre-
sented on or before the first day of meeting. W.
LANE, Clerk.
Dated May 26th,1808.
The pleasantly situated brick cottage 011 Isaac
Street, at present occupied by subscriber. It
contains3 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, closets,
good cellar, bard and eoft water. Quarter-acrelotwith fruit trees of all kinds. Will bo sold on
reasonab4le terms. Partionlar onHUap ROggon to
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the rpartnership
heretofore existing between the, undersigned
ander the firm name o1 the Clinton Organ Com-
pany, bas been dissolved by mutualG. consent.
James Scott, Witness:
Dated at Clinton this 25th day of May, 189%
The business will be continued tinder the same
title, viz: "The Clinton Organ Company." Mr
Blatehford as manager. D. GRAHAM. .•
Subscriber desires to intimate to the people of
Clinton and vicinity, that belies opened up a
Photo Gallery in the premises nearly opposite
Fair's Mill, 'which have been fitted np expressly
for the purpose, where ho will be prepared to do
any work in hie line,
Taken in the latest styles and at lowest prides,
on cloudy es well as fine days, by new process.
MAY 26 and 26, 1893.
Tho first opportunity to bear the ElOgnont
and Brilliant Ex•Romanlat.
Margaret L. Shepherd,
For Throe Years an Inmate of Arilos Court
Bristol, England. will give a series of Natures
in the Town Hall beginning Thureday evening.
Thursday Evg.,Mayy 25.-Toboth
Ladies and Gentlemen-ljubjoot: "How
Seorot Confessional to the Priest degrade,
Canadian homes and aline many liv08."
Friday Afternoon at 3 pp.In.--
Ladies only--Subjeot: "The Confeselonal
Unveiled, and reason why Frieda should
Friday EVela1 u .--To 11001 Ladies
- and Oentlomeu,—BAWeott "Three years
personal oxperienoe in the Nnnery.
011AtheNa31.-•-Mxo Shepherd invitee any
!Boman Oatholto1 relate or Vrleat to attend
her lectures and deny, if tboy oan, the
statements rho makes*.
Come rad hear 4b1 mala 4x1)411 from one not
dfreid to speak,
tGtn•rtvl aaltniSelbn, itl oetltir. iteitr'7ed 6,i to
o nente, hooka span Mt7; open re *t.:o per, at
a 0 clock afternoon deOrl open t t; �r++bNoq
•,,IAlY..!J1 ,�, '' ,M, 1.}: ;,141
We will sell you a nice
quet,Best Balls, service.
able le Nets Poles, Nets, . C et Kaf'lg:
er or, anything needed
Y 8e
game, e x..<@rills cow.,.
e '
pfete setor any ' part' se.
Comes much cheaper of
course, and in three sizes,
four, six and eight Ball
As to quality and /nice, we
will guarantee to give as
good as can be given.
Rev. H. J. Ware, Baptist pastor at Lind
say, was found drowned at Sturgeon Point,
on Thursday..
Mr Geo. Malloch, solicitor, of Paisley,
died on Saturday. He had been a resident
of the plane for over 35 years.
A few boarders can be aoommodated by MRS•
General servant girl wanted. Apply to Mrs
J. W. Inwnr, Bing Street, Clinton. Good Wages.
Auction Sale of
The undersigned will sell by Publfo Auction
o'clock, p. m., on
SATURDAY,. May 27th, 1893,
That property on Rattenbnrryy Street, lately oc-
cupied by Mr D. Molloy, and consisting of one
quarter of an acre of land, with frame house
thereon. A number of fruit trees on the place
and an excellent well. Terme will be made.
reasonable. Alt particulars maybo procured on,
application to T. M. CARLIG, Anot,
The Liberals of the West Riding of Huron (aa
constituted for Dominion purposes) will meet 'in,
oonvention iri the
Temperance Hall, Goderich,.
—ON --
TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 1893,
Gommenoing at 1 o'clock, p.m. sharp.
Business-Annrwl election of officers; appoint-
ment of delegates to the Dominion Convention at
Ottawa, and other important business.
Eaoh polling subdivision is entitled to send
three delegates. Chairmen are requested to calla
meeting in their respective polling subdivisions
at once and appoint delegates.
WM. COATS, Secy. A. H. MANNING, Pres
Valuable Town Property
Under and by virtue of tho power of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage which will be pro-
duced at the time asale, There will be Bold by
Publio Auction, at the
—ON ---
A. D.,1893, at S o'clock in the afternoon, the*
following property, viz: -Lot 202, on the south
side of itattonbury Street. Tho West half of Lot
43 on Mary Street', and a strip of land cif the roar
part of tbo West alf Of Lot 18 on Huren Street,
eft x 18118 inches in Clinton, Ont. The proper-
ties will bo sold separately. There is a' good
house on the first mentioned lot, rented at 35
per month. Tho othor parcel has also a small
house erected thereon.
Timms or SAL,—Ton por cent, cash. Balance
in 90 days,
For further artienlars apply to G. D. Mo-
ESQ„ Banker, Clinton; or to
LOFTU�S E.DANOEY, Vendor's Solicitor,
Dated May 16th, 1893. Goderioh, Ont,
T`l1b Grand Trunk Railway will
issue Tickets at S1fNGLE'PARE
on May 23rd gond to return
until 11a. 25
y thx
for reliable information apply to -
b &SENT G; x, t,y t LIXTO .