Clinton New Era, 1893-05-19, Page 7,IvirrrI Star 14+*MnIINP4 Abqut` equivalent, to r Anlerdcan Gallons for. Tater` tellAmerioanl Oil 26c. a Gallon• These prices are Spot Cash at .our store. Charged 21cper gallon extra; ordelivered � Johnson's Kalsornin3 andiPu,re Mixed:Paints. Churches ,�labastine, John A Braces Field and Garden Seeds DAVISYs & ROWLAND, Hardware, Stoves and. Tinware, Clinton SUGAR First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty BUTTER AND EGGS' WANTED J. vi► W. Irwin, Groper MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. R.COAT � &SOl%I SPECIAL VALUES IN L.� 4141:fl, cLINTON 1)112nr gRA. FABM4llS AND TEO 417014.4141% A. Wood ville Miracle. aiml .CTO farmers la the cental t le •the neaio'o.kl ..----.•-f•..----.•-f•1601%7 ge wed cone°, TO i B A R: If[M C,1.4 -8a' o$'' A na party rnlTolr like ail too. sere �►vt` . ' Xe t '�. EX .ECl',i C "A Ii it AiG F:.ways to grumble ;okge; .,....,. ";he spring's too boo •f1~+dfirrnet spew ,QP -><a Tnxisa.''sans izltxn;s. ars iutane'' fgr'ar wry one -o, Drs^,�ai3n .or Six le 4,,4SOTorti'rle• ' 'We ll 194w Pbquii It anyho +i �xtsl ..revs oaf C ilia Wince Sara Iden ,13.ralosT Fran �vy r onT'11TinpW NY 1, .4aenr?g-Il., ,4Qag The thaw'n net la .toq auddent, er the heat polo#mer rA 'reetiV ee, W.' '' Snisza ; );toyed in the ;oil $4P1� To gtass 1'enz axe, 'ag long t4 • give the Wheat 0 ghogoe, and 'r eodvi la Iudepetidai►t, ~ . aropa ie boa td to spoil ' -, The. Independent • has published rom : - The wOaLber'e` either mob tar mild llq, Oa time to time the'partionlars oi' Bowe very' eatrageou8 rough, reraaFl able agree following the use el P ; Tho weather's tqo numb flat or not battWilliams' Pink Pills' for Pole People, _ rain enough. i These oases have been so fully verified as tq ° )Awls no doubt that this now wsiversally Now, what I'd lilts and Wheat Yenta like is favorite remedy is one of the greatest reda plain, enough to seer cal aebievemienta of an age that has been Ie jest to have old. Provfdenoe drop roc'nd remaeaable-for the wonderful diaooverres,of . on you and ins ecieeee. Possibly some of our reedere may --0- :=---. And est ua what oat yiews ie fust, xegerdin' l shine and rain, n b e egg d, he In order to clear out the entire Stook of W $ And peat,'ene when to shot icer, off et let her many among them who can testify to its ._. • on again, viLtces, and nqw. The X dei dent is to offer the asme�at prices away below coed k7 And yit I'd rather, after ail—eons:de-dn' other chores, . . I got on hand, a. ttendin' both to my au airs and yours -a- f'd rntleer miss the blame I'd git a rutin' things up there, And spent my .extra time in praise t, ad gratitude and prayer. Tab-leLinens, Towelings Table Covers, Prints, Sheeting -sl Flannelettes LACE CURTAINS at all prices Ask to see our Sc SHEETING Anything advertised in this space is worth your attention 5 per cent off for Cash Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton, Special Notice! „re.,-.•,e+w.�Wi�e•iF�?1'.�YFjiiM'I�c+�:.:+�r91F9i 'ave thought that the virtues of this meth- , - ora have eau spate lent theme 'e : sIMRSON, it has beenldecided ver thin •` n en i i . y g Will bo 130d at cuob, ablea to - give the partioolare of a cure co. Spree that will make it of interest for purghaaera,to come here, curing in oar village quite as remarkable' - ae any that bas hitherto .been published, �1MTT�tm and which may be so easily verified by any THE STOCK MUST.BE SOLD OUT Of ot,r�.eadera that ske�tiosem znnstbe silent. PRICES ARE MADE AC We had heard that 1i tie Geoege Veale hadACCORDINGLY GL been awed through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as all ear people knewttbat little boy had been ill for a long time This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired and his recovery was thought to be hopeless. The report of hie cure therefore created iia to clear the whole out in 30 days.. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT" much astonishment that we resolved'to ae- PICi Cil i taiu the facts, and tv coraingly we called • Send 25"Sunlight" Soapwrappers wrap- noonMrVeale to get the particulars. Mr. per bearing the words "WhyDoes a Wom- C eor a Veale has been a resident of Ibis g village for years, is a vvppa gbn-maker by an Look Old Sooner Thema Man")to LEVE,i ` {:rade, and is well l,nown,iq Il.•o r citizens, Bites., Ltd., 43 Scott Ste Toronto, and as well as to moat of,thepee l@ of thizeu you will receive by post a pretty picture, rounding civinti : 9 .has s family of��L111� free from advertising and well worth filum- st , young,•vnildren Who ttqfortlnit'6&Y-lp ing. This is an easy way to decorate yaree cued mother . some six ,apps •ago. One ol? home. The soap Is the best in the market tre r not leen, named C•earbe, is -about sev and it will only twat to postage to send in en years of age, and some time yeara; ago the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, was taken ill and has since been practically. Write your address carefully. helpless, and esa result -much sympathy'° waw felt forthe family owing to the child LOOK AT YOUR HAND. being motherless. The case toil the little fellow 'was considered hopeless and no t,ne ever e_peotsd to bee him able to rise from bio bed again. On asking Mr Veale about tee report we had heard of the boy's recov- ery, he said it was quite true, and expressed bis willingness to give ue the particulars, declaring that he had eo hesitation in say - that it was owing to the use of Dr.Williams' Pink Pills that the lad Ras now better, He esid that some two and a half years ago lit- tle George wasltaken ill with inflammation- Round nflammationRound nails belong to obstinate, of the bowels, and received good medical generally stupid people. teeetmec . After" being ill for some time - the trouble seemed to take a new form and settled in his bones, which became diseased Dv' ing the summer he got a little better net when the winter set in he was taken doers, and tne rlieeasebecame averse. Swell-. iog a.ese over the body, and several small pieces of bone came out. He could take hitt very, little sustenance, and for over several =tithe could not stead on his feet. Heeled to remain in bed or ',e carried about in bis sister's arun, All the reedioine he got did him no good and his case was given up as nopeless, and it was thought that he would not long earvive. Mr Veale had read of tbe wonderfal cures effected by the nee of Plitt Pills and decided that all things else baying failed be would try -tart tuey would do for tie boy. Aocori!i•igly he purchased some at Feed's drug sLore,.and began giving teem to bio sou: After two weeks be found that there wagan1m.provement in his con- dition, which wa' ranted the fartber use of the Pine Pills, and a000rdiegiy'ae purohae- ed anott'ee supply •_-"And.,, see ' said las. 'saber, "Glee little fellow is running ab sit as lively and as misahevious as ever." "There is no doabt about the matter," said Me Veale, "Pink Pills cored ray bovwben all other remedieshact felled, and 1 am glad to gite this informatioa so teat it may oe of benefi t to others." As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead- ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters, all tramed and finished in first-class style, and suitable for the beet class of resi- dence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. OAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures, Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our store. AB—Our stock is replete and well eeleotee. We offer excellent values in fine Teas including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. INAWARE—Examine the quality and prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with us is every business day throughout the year. ROBSON, Clinton E FE ;ALE COMPLAINTS INCURABLE are incurable, but others and a great number are Durable, and we ntee to cure every complaint of poor quality, high prices, inattention tamers that troubles any woman in this district. I7ne trial will re- oth of any doubt upon the question as to our ability to do all we say. Ou a tired feeling after paying two prices and padded profits? Are of being roped in by ealculating cheap Johns? Are you weary of e old styles everlastingly turned up? The same old excuses and ex- ne to account for lank of etylos and stock. If you are thoroughly f all this you out be cured by coming to fair and square dealers,, McItl4 'a Cash erchants, BL Broad nails belo.rg to gentle, ne - ti_ou baslif ul people. A changed ha.ud line indicates want of finny of thought-. A long liver line shows an ea repent natural constitution. Poe had the ide'1ly psychic hand, with very small thtrna. Vigor of constitution is indicated by a clear life line. Soft hands indicate a character lack- ing energy and fozce. Oblique nails are an indication of de- ceit and cowardice. A heart line pale and broad shows a heartless debauchee. Crosses al•e vel v uniavoi able no mat- ter where they'oecur. - The Chinese band is small, slim and wi eh square p'ialauges. A head line very long and slender shows utter," .aichlessness. ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. The flneet, completest and latest line of Elec. trlcal apelianceein the world. They have never failed to cure. We are so positive of It that we , _willbackotu.beliefand.send-youmy_. Electrical Appliance now in the market and you can try tt for Three Months. Largest list of testimonials on earth. Send for book and Icurnal Free. WT. Baer do Co., Windsor, Ont. P11 LUNATICS DO NOT SHED TEARS. One of the most curious facts connected with madness is the . atter absence of there amid the insane. Whatever the feria of madness, tears are conspiouous by their an. Bence, as much in the depressioa of wee anoholy or e. citement of mania ae in ti.e otter apathy of dementia. If a pati.+ut in a lunatic asylum be diet+overed in Lento It will be found that it is one begiu.tiug to re- cover or an emotional outbreak in ea epileptic who is scarcely truly insane; wh.le actual insane persons appear to have ices the power of weeping, it is only retoruing reason which can once more unloose the fountains of their tears. Even when a lunatic is telling one in fervid language how she hoe been deprived of her children,• or the outrages that have been perpetrated on herself, her eye is never even moist. The ready gush of tears which accompanies the plaint of the sane woman contrasts strangely with the dry-eyed appeal of the talkative lunatic. It would indeed seem that tearsgive relief to feelings which, when pent up, lead to madness. It is one of the privileges of reason to be able to weep. Amid all the misery of the insane they find no relief in tears. ti'hen Baby was sick, we gave her Castor's Wilma the was a Child, she cried for Castoria. when ,the became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When tihe had Children, she gave them Castoria. We called upon Mr Fead tae d:uggiet, and asked him his opi.i'ou of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He saiu that the demand foe them was so great as to oe ast,nishing, and that thosewho onoe use ahem ase them again thusproving their value. MrFead said be sold mine Pink Pills than any other temedy. auu the demand is still increas`.ngand be .honght no better evidence could be given of their valve as a medicine than iUs. The Dr. Williams' Pink P'ils for Pale People are manufactured by the Dr. Wil- La,ns' Medicine Co., of Brochv,l'-e, Ont., and Scheneotary, N. Y., a firm of unques- tioned reliability. Pink Pills are not look- ed upon as a patent medici ie, bot rather as a prescription. An analysis of their prop - perms shown that these pills are an un- failing specie for sll diseases arising from an i.mproverished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous ayetem, such as loss of -appetite, depression of spire its, anaemia, muscular weakness, dizziness, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, nervous headache, locomotor ataxia, pary- sis, sciatica, rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance the after effects of la grippe, all diseases depending upon a vitiated condition of blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, eto. They are also a specific for the trou- bles peculiar to tbe female system, oorreot- ing irregularities, suppressions and . all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks.1 n the case of men they effect a radical cure in al, casee arising from mental worry, over -work, or excesses of any nature. These pills are not a purgative medicine. They contain only Life -given properties and nothing that could injure the most delicate system. They oat • directly on the blood, supplying its life - given qualities, by assisting it to absorb The oldest statute in the world is of the oxygen, that great supporter of all organic sheik of an Egyptian village. It is believe life. In this way the blood, becoming ed to be not less than 6,000 years old. "built up" and being supplied with its lack - 'Ing constituents, becomes rich and red, nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to activity in the perfo'•mance of the& functions and thus eliminate disease from be system. Dr. Villiams' Pink Pills :are sold only in boxes b ring the firm's trade mark and The canyon of Colorado is 800 miles wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear in long, and the cliffs on either aide are from mind tha Dr. Williams' Rink Pills are 5,000 to 6,000 feet above the water. never sold 'n bulk,. or by the dozen or The man who called sarsaparilla a frond, hundred, an any dealer who offers sub - had good reason; for he gothold of a worth-. et.tutes in t i form is trying to defraud less mixture at "reduced rates." He you and ohou ' be avoided. The public ehanged his opinion, however, when he be- are also cautioPeel against all other so. gan to take Ayer'sSarsaparilla. It pays to called p in a aimilbri1denr ind nerve e ved tonics, o i s, pout be careful, when buying medicine. Tney are all irnitationsl who makers bop. A cow in Andrian, Mo., has been giving to reap a pecuniary ad$'tntago from the eleven gallons of milk daily for the past wonderful reputation aohilved by Dr. Wil - two years. Hams' Pink Pits. Ask youth dealer for Dr. The highest inhabited place in the world Williams' Pink Pine for Paps people and is the custom house of Ascomarca, in. Peru refuse.all imitatione and aubst'tutes. 10,000 feet above the sea. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ma , be had In all the wars in which Britain has all 1ruggists or aireot by mai from taken part she won 82 per cent of the Wil lama Medicine Company tr battles. a3drese, at 50c a box, or six befit The price at which these pill makes a course of treatment coli MANY A YOUNG MAN. inexpensive as compared with q When from over -work, possibly assisted diol or medial treatment. . by an inherited weakness, the health fails and rest or medical treatment must bo re. sorted te, then to medicine can bo employ- ed with theeitxio benflaial results as Scott's j ��Ch Emulsion. - q. The ladies will be interested in learning that of the sixteen members of the Legisla- ture who voted in favor of Mr Waters' Bill to give women the same rights as men to vote at Provincial elections, twelve were Liberals and only four Conservatives. ousel A Barin or A Fence? If so call and get our prices for NAILS, HINGES, 'PAINTS, . OILS, GLASS, BARBED WIRE and B1 TIDED WIRE. Furnaces & Plumbing 'a Specialty ROCK OIL BOcAsatyner C New Store iVlackayBlockDOld Sia ARL�ND CROS, Brick Bloc RUMBALVEIIRILiFFACTOR' Baron Street, Clinton We have on handdan assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. I yon want a good articleat the price of a poor one, call and see use F. RUMB.�LI., -- CLINTON NOVELTY Restaurant and Bakery The subscribers having bought out. the Restaurant business of J ANDERSON, and the Bakery business of R. McLENNAN, desire to timate that they will continue the same, and will devote their persona tention to the various branches. The Restaurant will be as attracti possible, and those favoring us with their patronage will receive court careful and prompt attention. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON together with a choice stook of Candies and -Refreshments. The services of MR. MOLENNAN, who is known- as a thoroughly compe tent and upright Baker, hate been retained. ALL ORDERS FOR BREAD, CAFES OR PASTRY OF ANY HINDS will be promptly filled. Bread or Cakes can be procured at the Novelty Restaurant, Albert Street, or will be .delivered to any part of the Town. Orders respectfully solicited. WILSON' & HOWF11 CompleleManhood, AND HOW TO ATTAIN iT. A Medical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes the Effects, Points the Remedy. Seiehtificall tb most beauti ta pa valuable, artistically the:: book ever published; r, ttg ahalf.tonc illustration: Impotencq, Development, Irusbaad, :; afriage, etc, t the Grad Truths, sand New r )saw. pplied to Married ' past follies an 1'; write' for this Fl OK. WIIile the edition'," i'; ,'Buffalo,lLY' 0XUittiNA11i66tth�: hUdref t°'g astori When we assert that bodd's wwwwwv Kidney Pills V�MMArVO Cure Backache, Dropsyy, Lumbago, Bright's Us,. ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backec by the testimony of at who have used them. 7'HZY cunt TO STAY 0U1i1ED, 13;, all dru ,g'ifits or triad Oh rsceeipt ol'pride, soca ts, lir. L A S`;• ith p.., "'dronto. tI .,' i