HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-05-19, Page 618
$. T S BLO,OK,,
<AKTll� PA�gF�Xo�,.01ON
'�'h4qttekaxftiglaAd hewing (paned out in the
lalwith Blet * ,Ot4. state tnat kle-will14aep on
baled the very e OLOass Meats. HAviLgno, ex•
peussou> of hiwpelf,,1),e.ia 'ilia a poeitien to sell
ihikEAO Y017 letleat prieoa
t+7fto sent at MIX state be prepared" to 4eY the
highestinir'1ie9 Price for Union Qa)tle+
TaV1)1 llOpS always welted for Olsen• aloe
ltefgalie. n
40+VIir4t3 O*
"WO:Peeiro meaffeerdially tq thank ell.thoso WbQ.
have favored ne with ,their patronage since we.
rom}yeneed in.busluese. and to eseiire them and
thelpubile generally that we are in better shape,
fihlyr' ever tit°steer to their wants, having added
' on imprttvadxofOgeratotand other eonvepieneee
0 Vg,ghop,
gEATI4g3r & FINCH.
a .ton. 11EAT Market
sYr'rb'a' a
+d de_
tit ine °
e �' Mr Couch
in the
nter t f ,
gfatten s
ugh i In
i�ggg business lately. parried on under the
aft _AB &OOugn. He°wi.il continue the
to t)t 410. !teed, and trust) by giving the
,closest ands mtlft carefel attention to the busi
s etraigh;ldorward and 'courteous treatment
all, and naudling only'ehofoe Meat; to merit
end receive a fair share 9f public patronage. All
orders oai'etully, and promptly ailed
neutral Butcher Shop
Qultdaribordeslrestothank the publle general-
)", for • the patterchge bestowed upon hien ; and
at th9 same titn to sag that he 16 now in a bet
ltytnoeitionthar final attentiion to allwthe details.
ea fl,,giyea per q
the' buQiue ' epstomers. can rely or their
affi ben.: ompt1y and satisfactorily filled
motto, good meat at reasonable prices."
Chou? `an age,'' Poultry, &c..
O $eaSof.
:or' Bides, Skins, &o.
Albert St., Clinton.
Ind Feed Stores
, Feed. & Seed Store
-designed havinHpurchased the busi-
esorm` Walker & anley, desires to inti-
ite.Will .keep on hand the very best
OUR i 111.../FEED
,fc . Inds, also the Soicest variety of
+Qer,‘Tiniothy & Small -Seeds,
,cich will be sold at close margins for cash.
Alli also kept on hand. He will also keep n
¢hotce:variety of all kinds of TEAS, which ton-
aumers will find to be excellent value.
+;'Lave in'stock a choice assortment o
Seedsi.enoh as
'red for Farm or Garen,
o sons Bank.
o. 'rested by Act of Parliament, 1855.
'CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000.
REST '.FUND, • $1,000,000
3. II: E. MOL8ON .Pres.
rr seounted, Collections made, Draft
tied,, .sterling and American ex -
an ' • boaughtand sold at lowest
'curren.. atea.
Etta 10.11S.
,mere on their own nota with
s. No mortgage required as
H. 0.BREWER, Manager
T $T, -.,_ CLINTON.
'Banking Business
' Interest allowed on
. rf SDAL/L
J.,J.Q T av. ONT
tion 14Thralla:
Qf� ,
Cure. �►
a +ly7fl'uEpMt,
1301 ° _rn
r• oa si w+r+w
�l, ae,
t, 8014 la oh i Porn
lt'or•,` a Bill. �aeksrtCtiilei4lril W
;'llutt•rwIlleY� t•• lafletlear, X4!40!
1 •
1. �
aw flan
re. kine, _
ate $
A i dapllY�
*oonkkMltahtt • t . efrtcdy ey
used, Forp LlvorQX 7
Floe S c
a e the ftarmera on their own'
a' wow 'rates of interest.
oral ,tanithig, aStisiness transaotea
Inter= et allowed on deposits.
tie Notes bought
3'. P. TTSDALL, Manage
Ntlit iditt&live • new des^
err tWrorstwises et
tk bop, Vigor in`
0 Oro* or kri
ik found cad ed
all ner
A° 4'0
1147090u tarrlt? Trsothieltetnedy,;twill
ppoelitivelgelleve and Cure you. Price 60 eta
T141s Injector for its eueceeeful treatment it
urnishedfree. Remember,ShilohleRemediee
are sold am a guarantee to gtve Batiataotlon.
During lestmonth 1,260 immig:'ants
arrived at wfaal,Peg.
Rev. rDi . Cochrane has been pastor of
Zion reshywetian church, Erana,ot•d,
foe Si yea' s.
There is a po'xt$o famine in Deii,;s0
Coliefntra. end '9L' p iies' s e selling
wholesale at $15 re: boo. Sever '1 Cars
acre on the way; oat Manitoba.
The cold spring and late rains in
Egypt have compelled the cotton
planters to sow the;r cotton over again.
The crop will be a.knonth late.
The Wealth
of Health
Is in Pure Rich
Blood; to enrich
the blood is like
putting money out at interest,
Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver ON -
and Hypophosphites
posseses blood enriching properties in
a remarkable degree. Are you all run
down? Take Scott's Emulsion. Almost
as Palatable as Milk. Be sure and
get the genuine.
Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Belleville.
.rvw.iw� rrrvw••
1 had for dinner
was the best I ever ate.
Thanks to COTTOLENE, the
new and successful shortening.
' Made only by
Wellington and Ann Streets,
A;ufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility
anti"Lost Vigor, was restored to health In such a
remarkable manner, after all else had failed that he
will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf-
ferers. Address, with stamp,
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure /mpossibie.
Many so-called diseases aro
simply symptoms of Catarrh,
such as headache, losing sense
of smell, foul breath, hawking
and spitting, general feeling
of debility etc, If you are
'roubles with any of those or
dndrod symptoms, you have
Catarrh, and should lose no
time procuring- a bottle of
amen BAnaf. Be warned in
time neglected cold in head
results in Catarrh, followed
by consumption and death.
sold by all druggists, or soot,
0 cents paid,
) by addressing
ULEORO & CO. Brookville,Opt.
Pleo'a Remedy for Ciatanh is the
Beilt, rested to tkie,,atid Cheeped.
, .
104:1 a smritial
Wei bat dfnegist• fir tett oy inef1r
sod, Ft, `ir't arriti, Sa,
CLINTON N EVii 411.14.
,1i... igiVia
... I..V /..N.__ I.! 6 , u_: .-.��. I��'r ...
DOT Qt./Marrak d li totheirinterests. El* I'i � ! TQ RET
Nlt u Mr itor, w ere ore w the tine
t d+Gana file .Clinton ,, ate X'ra, g ed t4 ligan _ fling!ng p The undershoot] o ere he lite• -hall o the rpociitllt ozi the °
eonalitie Bao at Olt) other, N.H. 1e andel; a canveui tdoUb br o at
wheat zeal to imeeor the .Afflicted anti redrafts) in :argument, and therefore deals laviehlY in is f61mo•t new: an laaw; evert' acpvot#ion06, niil `'.Graduate of the New York 'Orls d Ear I3op ilei" ..
f th d lad l i 1 t mis F9 4"
WONDERFUL EN ()11N . w. a an a vo u areata.
iT `lI1G vllvll�ill l+ "
Ent, lEd' , r % . ... D (' L 1, UPJ
h. f i bh of
BR1C( l iOlrrs7H7 TO RENT l !
rotraating lila dipnuaelon, farther, .It haft ., .
o enerat iu a in for fila in fir 497albut Ot,.13
DIS.40 131It I find ?nYaelf somewhat in the e , h It nd ell le Velum of it tenbury :.. lie ' NO F.+
inane Ar4dtoainonG as poor aid Aon Ouixoto the impression that -vituperation's and
plana Bt, to.rent.etver reaMopabloterw , Tile.. Dude ,--.li RA, , ' TII OAT
O r t. 1 e the wronl�o o p Dae@ ; ) both; and I too 6ylri tine forced to pay him '18s8, Poat, Graduate Caurpp at the Now orifi
felting a tivindmiu tar a �eniislit.enaasod in
- Po (� a
Bost Graduate e M i Shoo andi o
a t Medical f o I a tel
e 'e a i
u]so x
th s 1 -. an i1
coon fo a o t
m rna h w w
� r k
E 1a
N Threat 8 E
armor Uooted, spurred and rrlountgd like him. iR . HOUSI 1, TO RpNls ye, Bar, Nose and. 2, ye., Vested
U re o to those of oa ib aer i a with t to W.I
R nes unrv, a windm l (I:refer r o 0 4 n p a 1 to anew his last oft vie , F. atopk of ,Artificial 1fives,, f3liIsetae ep arrd lied .
,times such as we eemetimeg see in pictures in the old r9und,. Anything whish it non•. The house on llaptenbur , streeb ow actin >ted - aey+ sYitl be at filo
'mahjong on and -like. arrpe ;to which are $ g b Mrs T r fir is: Offered n` n , 1
gg y lain d,in the ha o .of: an ar ument T .had y . 1n ow. , o e . dt ,rent, it. confess
salla, thio i groan and Droop and 01 alternate- e 1, .- large din4?igxoo parlor'1,71:41:17113 a d, kiteben R#L .tC1 »U1" : House t1X1, .'Q
1y, as they; are filled or °nintl4d et wind) is no already, answered, it. #lad previously been dew felts, with threo'b arostair ,. o f
mean, antagonist to be engaged with in sin le, disouseed ro.ana eon.. Moregver the long cede , Oni a rnir4otq ae the bus nest 7`110, First, ERIDA X In Eaolt .
oombat, dor, owing to the power by which it is n e P a a6t m t o i ho t wn 1 ? oRxi4, "
driven it is very erratic in its movements and - @ lX,o . .8 , svns 4lip y at 141 iW 1114 office
wipast' n aro a yah d w x tmg Id hen a leas - . _. Thi 1 Viaib ,717NF, nd n8xt. Aare:
o ileo u awax ... P r 2 �
is liable to change its tootles at an moment, .s P , and g tie an ,
and an attaelr, h4truth o s e proven 1`ir B. in his vain oonoeib ;nay think that
thus rendering it e t oMely dildo dint t ie
r re 16 I).ow a trait, *
n Aon. aft 0 r Case, Yotr tiaqugh as
• - - • COTTAGE TO. RENT • IAA m to 4 p m Charges Moderate
va lama. the reason Of me dieoontiuuia the d dons- The eottego and ppreniieea of lifrp A., Pedpwortit
knight as ever drew sword on dragon, he bit onTsaav Street, Dunton, oonslsting of a oomfor• ti
o n quantity a a w a of
fruit see currant s
Y.. '�•�
tr au an us grape c1 e o
, r bushes , vitt s &
p nv
Loan 1 et• p *�y
Terme easy. 'Apply to MANNING & SCOTT,-.RJ�%' � tJa�Q �Y�4 V0 -
the ductal tie first ..swoop of its ` ponderous
New itlsiust about as difficult ' to fight an
antagonist like N.1-3, as itis to it ht a windmill,
for the latter cannot change ite tactics any
quicker than can the former, you Peep him es
A peer man when profit°, ohango, the wind has'
veered, and behold he faces you as a compare-
tively. rich one, He complains 'about not
dealt with In the Mat fight; says s
misropresonted, and all the while 1Se is doing
his level best to strike you below the belt, deal
lug in all manner of quirks and .quibbles and
hair-splitting arguments makes you acoount-
able for. sentiments whloh you never even
thought or dreamed of, much less expressed.
One momett he agrees with you as to the ads
vantages which the farmer. would Possess if he
had free trade, the next • he , is fighting veli -
aptly in defence of her rival" the National
Polioy. In elle sentence ho tells us of the• evils
of the N. P., in tho next he tells us that farmers
have five dollars "in direst farm improvement"
to the one which they had before its advent. -
And all the while that he is fighting thus he
ever and anon gives voice to sentimehts which
one to believe that ho Was the
of a Master who utterly forbids this mode
of warfare. •
Yee, it is extremely difficult to vanquish an
enemy of N. B.'s stamp, because in adaition to
the above. he is like Goldsmith's village school-
master, '^•E'en though vanquished he can argue
. Ho tells you in his last epistle "that thorn was
no misunderstanding on his part,that it is I who
do not understand myself." I would tell him
that ho is altogether mistaken, that I have not
the least dithculty in understanding myself, but
that I have exceedingly • groat difficulty in un-
deresanding him.
How am 1 to understand a man who tells us
that "the unequal bestowment of wealth upon
the human family is a boon and a blessing,"
and who will yet deliberately vote against a
os moreto brill
whose policydo
government g
about and preserve this condition of things than
anything also that can be conceived of. How
am I to understand a man who enumerates so
many causes which tend to make the farmer
poor, and who yet tells us that they have five
stoners in direct farm improvement. to the one
which they had before these causes existed,
and who, when taken to task upon this state-
ment tries to escape by saying that ho simply
asserted that their indebtedness was greater
and that they wore not so flush of cash. I suppose
if I had taken him to task for asserting that the
farmer was poorer he would have trotted out
the other part of the sentence in disproof of it,
viz the "five dollars to one"and the "home com-
forts vastly to the front." It would be char-
dgteristio of the man to do this, it would osly be
of a piooe with many of the arguments which
ho has introduced into the discussion..
How am I to understand or argue with a man
who, notwithstanding that he makes the admis-
sion that I did not iu my first letter compare the
farmers' condition with the manufacturers', yet
quotes statements from that letter to prove that
1 blame the N.P. for all the evils that the farmer
ie heir to, and who, notwithstanding the trouble
I took to make those statements which he quoted
perfectly plain to him, still insists upon making
me responsible for the assertion. How am Ito
understand or argue with a man who, attar re-
linquishing the position which he tool. upon my
first letter, takes up a likewise weak position up-
on my second. Will he.kindly and candidly go
to his library (by the way. a library is a luxury
that .few farmers can afford these hard times,
paradoxical as it may seam, they find it "mighty
inconvenient") and look up my second letter, and
quota from it a statement which will prove that
I blame the tariff' wall for being the sole cause of
the difference between the farmers condition as
compared with ether more lavorod classes of
people. If he can, I would ask him why `uo did
not quote from that letter at first, ihstead of
from my ilrst and third'? Oh, yes, Itis both hard
to understand and to argue wilt an antagonist
such as N.B.; he id as difit!;;;1�'io understand as a
man who tglka to his_ sleep, and as hard to argue
ottt,pf_it f:onceit,as a.dog.outof..a tone.--However,-
he' has lucid intervals, when he gives utterance
10 sentiments winch we can perfect'y understand,
such as when he tells us thorn aro times when be
is "decidedly sleepy," and the longer howrites
the less he seems to say, t.fo of course refers
here to sense. We could scarcely give him credit
for sanity, if ho had reference to nonsense) and
particularly when he tells us that he should have
a Beat in one of the wards of the lunatic asylum.
These same remarks of his prove that his case is
not quite hopeless, and if he only had the seat
whish he thinks he should have, and thus get
proper care and treatment, he might, in the
course of time, possiblrecover.
N.B., in one of his lettere, paid me the com-
pliment of saying that I should nave a seat
among the Dominion officers at Ottawa. I will
return the compliment -by saying that bete°has
mis -ed his calling; Ire certainly could have been
a preacher; it is a shams that a man possessed of
so much Bible knowledge, who on,. furnish a
text on every occasion, should bo wasting his
time and talents upon a farm. 'Tie true that the
construction whish he puts upon certain pass- and the great west. The new trains on
ages of Scripture is not quits orthodox, for in-
stance, his interpretation of the parable of the the Wabash are absolutely the finest in the
e;Qn IS t,c83,ltiBA I hsye +'wilt 10 Well, lee
him have dile ppleasure; but I think that
those who. have impartially read the lettere
Will Wee with me that I had never 000aSiou
to wilt,
Thanking you kindlyy, Jr Editor, for em
mush space in your valuable paper. 1 am,
Yours truly, GonEslos Towxsaxr FAaiuni
The United States oorntains 194,000
square miles of coal fields.
In battle at least a man's weight in lead
is shot for every man killed,
Frank Ettrd had his left arm sawed cff
in a mill at Parry Sound Thursday.
One out of every 180 inhabitants of the
United States owns or rides a bicycle.
In 1890 there were 101,645 deaths from
"6onsnmptiou, more than • flora any whet
one cane.
Minard's Liniment is i"e Best
The pulsation of an infant is from 1E0 to
140 beats a minute; of an old man, 75 i o 80-
Of 1,000 deaths in Bo Pope 16 are by
violence; in the United Si;ates, 41.
The Cuckoo never makes a nest, but lays
a solitary egg in the nest of some otder
Sixteen ounces of gold ar•e sufficient
to gild a wire that would encircl,s bile
There is a man in Griffin, Ga.; who is
hoarding a million dolls..a at Confederate
money, in the hope titat it will become val-
able some day.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The mommies of the high priests of Am-
mon, now in possession of the Egyptiar
Government, are soon to be raffled on.
They will be divided into Biz lots and
drawn for by the museums of London,
Paris, Rome, Berlin, Vienna and St. Pe-
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and t3lem-
ishes' from horses, Blood Spavin, Crrbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs.
etc,. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug-
Out of the 25,000,000 acres of land grant-
ed by the Parliament to Ole Canadian.
Pacific, the company has still unsold
864,251 acres, iu addition to 17,162,296
acres of tbe Ma�:dSh, 'south Western land
grant still unsold. The L,,,'!uauy arld last
v?a'r "392,469 acres at an averag. price of
$3.45 per acre.
Mr J. J. McLaren, the legal authority \2
temperance questions, says, he is sal ;elect - .
with the stand taken by the Mowat Govern-,
on the prohibition question, and
does not sees. whet..spore-th,e..ieiripa.�anee_ _._ _ Day .$_I_�.10T 1
people can as. To an interviewer he said: -IRE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST COl1+PLE4
"Sir Oliver is responsible for the legislation an and furniahed his new Pinning Mill will
and its enforcement, and he has stated machinery of the 1 areal improved patterns is
frankly that he does not think toe local prepared to attend to all orders io his line in
most prompt and satisfactory manner attd at
legislature has power to pass a prohibitory sonable rates. Ho would alto return thanks to
law. However, to test the matter he has who patronized the old mill before they were burn
promised to at once submit a case to the gd nut and now icing in a bettor position
courts for decision and if the decision is to uto ordorsexpeditiously and feels confident he
vo satisfaction to all.
the effect that a provincial proh'bitncy !aw.
would be valid he will at once introdaoe
prohibitory law. I don'tsee what more
anyone could ask."
Does it ever strike yon that the new
Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago,
just completed, forms part of the shortest
line from Canada to the World Fair City
table cottage with kitchen and woodshed, hard end soft w ter i acro f land with ti
This Oompany is Loataiiii .lifottey on Farm
$eeurity at Dottiest ,Rates o/' ftiterest,
Those C�gq�nvenientpremises next doortoLeslie's MORTGAGES PURCHASED
arriage Workp, imitable for a handy mento apart � �,.,_ •
a se/iced-hand furniture ware room or bueinese SAVINGS BANK BRANCH
Applsimilar 89,h q T,NTcAsTL&house attached. 8,+
4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed so
Deposita, according toamount and time left.
OFFICE—Corner of Market Square and North 8t
A largo commodious' and comfortable house,
on Townsend street, containing accommodation Statues ordinary family, with all conveniences, is of- bt 1885
fered to rent on reasonable terms. Good garden
attached. Howie is in excellent repair. Apply
to either C. WILSON or JAMES HOWE.
Lot S1, Don. 2, Goderioh Townehip,situated on
Gravel Road, 4 miles from Bayfield and 8 miles
from Goderioh comprising 80 aores, of whish 10
acres are good hardwood bush. Soil, clay loan.
foundation; also good bank ba n
Good frame house with ten Tints, on atone
, On the pre-
mises are two acres young bear! g orchard; also
DANIEL J od creek
NAFTEL,Goderioh, well. Apply to
For particulars apply to
Barristers, &e., Clinton
For sale, two excellent lots, being Nos. 606
on the corner of Rattenbury and North Streets,
and 507, on the 'corner of North and Princess Sts.
They are both adapted for building purposes and
are both offered for sale on reasonable. terms.
Apply to T. M. CARLING.
Lata 7lend 8, Dinsley Terrace, containing S}
acres of land, dwelling House, Barn and Orchard.
The property adjoins the corporation of Clinton.
Also a two story brink building suitable for store
and dwelling house, cellar 54x24, about 1 1-5 acres,
corner lot, opposite Queen's Hotel, Victoria 8t.,
Clinton. Also village lots 7, 8 and 9 in Blyth.
The abov property well be Bold at a bargain to
settle up estate. Apply to W. J. BIGOINS Clin-
ton, pro Executors, or to MANNING & SCOTT,
Solis or T. M. CARLING, Clinton.
Par.ttB h.ningClothes of any k'.nd which they
desire to save oleened or dyed, shoe'd leave
I93..r with the undersigred, wLo is rigout for
All work entrusted to him will be promptly at
tended to and, guaranteed satisfactory. Prises
mederate. JA JIBS HOW SON, Albert 8t. Cliuton.
Planing • Mill
talents is contrary. to accepted opinion -.yet every
sect has had a leader, and I suppose that he too
could gather a few followers. However, 1 am of
the opinion that they would be very few who
would believe his doctrine. They would have to
believe that God Almiguty has designed a plaoe
in this world for the wealth thereof; he has ap-
pointed stewards to dole out this wealth. These
stewards can literally roll and revel in this
wealth, buying with it every luxury that can be
conceived of, and wastingwhat they cannot use;
puzzling their brains to ink of deltcaoies which
will tickle their appetite, while there are hun-
dreds around them actually starving and dying
for the waut of the bare necessarles of life. They The richness, color, and beauty of the
will hay. to believe that the conditions of ex- hair,the greatest care is necessary,
and established, and are absolutely necessary to much harm being done by the use of
the advancement and happiness of the human worthless dressings. To be sure of
having a first-class article, ask your
druggist or perfumer for Ayer's Hair
Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any
other preparation of the kind. It
restores the original color and fullness
to hair which has become thin, faded,
or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist,
and free from.dandruff. It heals itching
humors, prevents baldness, and imparts
World; not half the advantages of this
Railway pan be outlined here, any R R.
t'cket agent will tell yon the rest, write or
call at our new office, N. E. Co. King &
Yonge Rtreet Tomato. J. B. Richardson
Canadian Passenger agent.
To Preserve
race." They will have to believe that those
wholesale fruit dealers in New York, who Darted
loads upon loads of cherries out of tho city, and
dumped them into the river, lest there should be
a glut in the market, and tnoy would not be able
to keep up the price to 20e a quart, at which price
the rich could buv them, butter the poor they
were literally aforoidden fruit,whilo, if they had
dropped to 8 or 10 cents, man v of those poor peo-
ple in that noted hot city, wino huddled within
their tenement houses, many of them tossing
upon their' pallets of straw, ranked with burning
fever, and to whom a handful of cool, luscious
sherries would be Elysium,were deprived of this
pleasure by the wanton greed of these stewards,
were but fulfilling God's decree. Those
who would believe N.B's dootrine would be
forced to believe that every man born into
this world was destined for some particular
avocation, and if he gets there, 99 oases out
of a hundred he will be a success;. but if he
does not get there, and far the larger ma.
jority do not, for they have not got the
choosing of the particular work that they
shall follow, then his life will be a failure,
"according to the measure whereby God
'measures a man."
Snoh doctrine as the above (and it is N.
B's., so far as I can understand him) is
rank blasphemy. To make a Holy and
Just God responsible for the callousness,
selfishness and greed of a corrupt and fal-
len humanity, is blasphemy in the extreme,
and yet thin is what people would be forded
to believe if they would become followers
of N. 13.
N. B. has insinuated on more than one
occasion that I am wanting an equal divi-
sion made of the_ wealth of the country.
Permit me to tell him he is entirely wrong.
I do not want the money of a man made Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is
by industry. honesty and in direst competi• growing rapidly and is restored to..its
tion with his follow mon. I do not envy original color.' —Mrs. Annie Collins,
men the pursuits they are engaged in, for Dighton, Mass.
there are but very few of those pursuits for " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
which I would exchange agrioult+ire, provi- nearly five years, and my hair is moist,
ded there was a fair remuneration for the glossy, and in an excellent state of
labor upended._ What I want is a fair field preservation. I am forty years old, and
do not want to be taxed Fo have ridden ;the plains for twenty-five
a silken texture and lasting fragrance.
No toilet can be considered complete
without this most- popular and elegant
of all hair -dressings.
"My hair began turning gray and
falling out when I was about es years of
age. I have lately been using Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and it is causing a new
growth of hair of the natural color."—
R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas.
"Over a year ago I, had a severe
fever, and when I recovered, my hair
began to fall out, and what little remain•
ed turned gray. I tried various remedies,
but without success, till at last I began
and no favor.
help keep up t
want him to be
enabled to raise
from him bey 'n their legitimate value,
e manufacturer; I do not years." --Wm. Henry Otl, alias Mus -
0 a position in which he is tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo.
the price of the goods I buy •
while I am n �t in a position to rein the " Ayer's
the eatne dee ee. Ana I do want the farm. Hair igor
rice of thoI'ejthin s whioh I sell to him in • :
era to anibn;t wake up olid ba alive to their 4 i)y Dr, � fir &Ott,.t.beveli; tdpisk
interelfts, an her aiA8rii3gV1ro utlitHdi wfdo Sold by Drufit • livolnhere. V,
to exe
FACTORY --Near the Grand Trunk
Railway, Clinton.
Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Pins
'KM Dog in nae. Agent for the sale and appli-
cation of the menet/se PATENT Autos er,O BOILER
CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app
ed on abort notice.
Sutlers. Engines. and all kinds of
Machinery repaired expeditionsly
and In a satisfactory manner
Farm implements manufactured' and repaired
Steam and water pumps furnished and put in
positipo.. Dry Kilns fitted up on application
Charges moderate.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to as
enable rates. A trial solicaed.
The n9w model o cckford Watef,, whin
placed in a screw bs &! aaie, with till a ion fait
want among farmers, as it :P not dos pros'
only, but very strong. Tee ,.ate which ,the
wheels work between, nos being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plata being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger left of tbe
top plate to rest on; It also being pendant or level
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak.
ing In all a good rong watch
For a Farmer
House Paiuig add Paper Hallo �I��
Tho undersigned is prepared to L-Omp•:y exe-
cute all orders for PAINTING, It.ALSOMIN1N,. .
PAPER -HANGING, &o. Ho is a practice t man of
long experience, ;and go Iran sees to do all work
in a manner that shall be satisfactory, wbi'e
pricoe will bo exceedingly (moderate. Orders re-
spectfully solicited.
GIGO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton
A First-class Step or Long1Ladder ?
A Handy Wheelbarrow ?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of 1i
nature? Then pall or1W. SMITHEON, a
shop, No.7 Frederick 8t„ or E. Dine'
Will be at Dinsley's corner ivory Satan to
ti. C, SrEvENS0N,
ThebestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
_i__ _s Y4 W ...►
The aboye ornamental trees and shrubbery will by
sold at very low prices, and those wanting any __
thing • in this- connection 'WUV»s6'5 Mee e
purchasing hero,
Orders by Mail will be promptly at.tenae
to. Address,
JW!M «TEWART. — Benmll!er.
Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000
G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada.
Electricity, as applied by the
Owen Electric Belt,
Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered
to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the
place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic
troubles, and will affect cures in seemingly
hopeless oases where every other known means
has failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its
steady, soothing (current that is readily felt,
Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness,
Sciatica, Female Complaints
General Debility, Imppotency9,
Lumbago Kidney Diseases
Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint.
Dyspepsia. Lame Back.
Varicocele, Urinary Diseases.
It is a well known fact that medical science
has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic
cases. We venture the assertion that although
Electricity has only been in use as a remedial
agent for a few years, it has cured more eases
of Rheumatism than all other means com-
bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog-
nizing this fact, aro availing thornselvcs of this
most potent of nature's forces.
Thousands of people suffer from a variety of
nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness,
Impotency, Lost MM�a,nhood, Weak Back, etc.,
that the old modes�bf treatment fail to pure.
There is a loss of Mr
orvo force or power that
cannot be restored by medical treatment, and
any doctor who would try to accomplish this
by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous
form of charlatanism. Properly treated
Electricity as applied by the Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do
so. It Is the only known remedial agent that
will supply what is lacking, namely, nerve
force or power, impart tons and vigor to the
organs and arouse to healthy action tho whole
nervous system.
And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric
Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled
through the country. Tlioy are electric in
name only, worthless as a curative power, and
dear at anyrice.
Wo Challenge the World to show au
BIeotido Belt where the currant fa under con-
trol of the patient as completely as this.
Our Trade Mark 10 the portrait of Dr.
Owen embossed in gold upon every. 11011 and
appliance mannfnetured by us.
Selid for Catalogue --Mailed (Soale4) Free 1 I
49 Klny eL IAN - flto. , h