HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-05-19, Page 1�,.•
in boil for the.
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This in i► cheaper say
keg your friends
r' • T�rwriting' to -them
4lclney. ar latainfe
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13,0138RT HOLMES , Editor aid i!roprietor.
' fear. In' adiranee, OM when
J 141%11 DHlGBT]�
o? Mallory, M lite on, •—Will those i to •
S. , T. Oil Mallory, I. Gll�Phlr. l�'4%4z'1r,�i�.s in reRt�d iii .
l 'J t cGclo�n .tom o Grivad C ratty football
t, a A ho+, missy
qF•I T R1 S' l<if NEWS ashy
Og y x'gan
ran a Dainonshration to bo'held here Ize appoint` offices, ate,, for 'the • pre
Frdm gall parts of the Oourty-rbY wide awake o Jbly 12th. These gentleMa are 'lent season
.. A liver florrpspon ants see, ding otit' invitations by' t11.0bO , PtiStaVaitst �-,+ r.. Ge.F'.avis has �a#-
dreds. and are leaVi�ng nothin uncdene changed a , . petty ere fora muse
d, , • , ,'Sullen' g 12 'Aged 'his 'prA .. h
. � . that,shogl�l lac do o t4 inaka the 12th ,; �. of in Cl ton lorineis'1y.telQn .1ng,
C y lel to 3.}O. Ell► tt,• and lutende ro g....
a:• a.• 9alil7a>4, I;.eatiat;' plidtpa'will pistb Be ' _ . l?'A.ienz Qan�ra�,,-•.Mr,$, I�awaon� lzas; a alae dey,an• Blyth.,, •,
p g �`
11o11 prorggaionutly oe th 2nd• e.nd 41h: MVPs , leased the north halt' of the Carter • (70NcERT. -A c&ntata, ' ontttled, Bri- noxa eek. QHe Po doubts tb'inks t'wii4:
D tY;of every 1 ontb. untiil curt iqr coupe, at thio' farm, onthe Huron.road, fora term of tannic and her daµ Mere,, will be lar'- be A. more.,. central:1174°:4,:
location fox+ bis in
River Eotel. two years; to liar an industrious. young! etn, in Industr�p hail,. on Wedne y , creasing agency,'
T�0TEs -Last Tuesday Miss::Elliiott elan, and will bea good tenant. .next, under ,the iii wedhato-nage-• bas
• paeaed windy:away; ,. she had been ..NoTEs. --:A_ correspoldent : sayys :-- • miens : of #'rot', " l3cott, ,of;: fi...g -fid;, GtediN + • 'Pea�r, ltif' '1,'hoe,
feta ea, ever fornsany years,, and her ,, c Littl wen ' . wise a. smile; lie p rented #ls. blaclre.t;zitliing. busiaees to
g Ja k Britanp�n�ia will be. re resented b 14lise
'death was net •entirei unexpected. a ? • e y SKii entie•C ada,MissA,Ohieholra• .W, Mulholland, k, distends rgacioving
* y would hati*e1au lied rz ht oris xfit 1#a4 . bl • a 1 • B i�is . A uilib . neict
at went visiting, her parents+ Mr Moss; Australia Mies . (.31' ns Nevr g'
,., not row; an more an .Saturday • 'he: th
•1l , t ate �J'llt C1r�k has beeniiayixig his house rano thou�ht he did' for that boy whic�i ar-' 2ealatti3, Mias. weson an_ o W1tig 4
8W , li�lf�• �' 4 (late
�� �: m'th , .. g i •`d sb - will mita him
lI On$' i#lf] Of Aterfect ori; . two
tha. efir it icnic e
sex two Babbaths. 2'he„first picnic of Ppy NoTEs,—sbe members. o f, the cricket . COtn*T rIss he entertahnment ivet1
• •'the seasox, �,was'.fro�xi Zurich, last Thurs. Soolni;,--A serial will be helcl.at - the ; ,club were out collecting this . week; we in the, toWxi -hall, 'by tk►e �ioyal. emg-
01�tS .Q 1iced a eord1Il .understand they halm now in the laxs,• on Monday. night, was a grand
p ( g day; the:dayy was : very fine and the residence o£ Mr John Mills, lot �, 14th
' ' ours eo .le' enjo .ed themselves un- con. of Hullett, on the evening of the treasur
0 , t jl4 ; ° uall,ty o� material �' $' P y q' a . goodly. . euijn. with snore •to enecess, By,� the time the program was '
q inensely, o wander., among leafless 24th of May, tea is to be served at 5 .follow; the, outfit will arrive this Week, to. begin, the hall: WAS packed .;to the
slid),: but ,011 Qlle li lnd of
trees and recline on sgarce own grass u clock. An interesting program will which, is said to-bea dandy, Miss Mil door, and "nota font of standing room
and to overcome . difficulties incl-
iArkllla> hl• - e the hest •dent to the yet yours spring, clearly
;.', ,Mrs,•C, Gemeinhardt, from Kansas, is g .v India, Mzae• . Gordon; Africa, Mise H? s f mi y to r h A 1 lit
aye eti a bo nd if Joghn Hai a did ta_d_y
k xl s of Styles(that be A y a h ed�
�d � W �gd �
�h A
1 . f position ere, at pigs,. wages: We
voted and re aired, It v
rived at hie house made him quite a 11"3‘ m, Fa fe cry success
s e a s h recur s e
e . Mr ,S i e nds in ei a the
. Pre r very much,. but wish him
lou Sunday School. - v... •
iia dad,
' indicates that as a summer resort Bay-
field will be more largely patronized
ilality lorkmanship,~Style, this season than ever ,before, The
agent of. the Singer Sewing Machine
'it'and•.Price "are right, Co. was in town all week exhibiting
machines and' otherwise: looking after
the interests of that company. ,One'of
slur fishermen was up before magis-
trate Woods, on Tuesday, for using
threatening, language to a health of-
ficer. There never was such a clearing
up of back yards and cellars as this
spring; the people have, as a general
rule, co -Operated with the Health of-
ficers in their endeavors to make this
the 'cleanest and healthiest place in
Huron. Mr Eason has returned to
Bayfleld once more, and intends re-
maining foi a few weeks, or possibly
all summer. J: C. Richards was in
Bayfield last week. •
iTe sell a °Eine Tweed Suit at
$15 and a Black Worsted at
$21, that quality and work-
• manship considered are un-
eqTlalled' for value. Of
'course we have cheaper and
better suits if you want{them
Cash and One Brice
Jititt Joh:, Bakal
• •.Tuckeirsmith.
k NOTES.—We are pleased to hear that
Elcoat. sr.,' is ;much improved.
One:Of.the industrious young farmers
of the West End entered into a matri-
monial engagement on Monday, Mr
Geo. H. White being married atSea-
forth',to 'Miss Willis, an estimable
young lady of that place; we extend
congratulations'. and best wishes. Mr
J Rapson, of Hullett, spent afew days
visiting friends here.. Mrs N. Cuning-
h m of Colborne is visiting relatives
be rendered. The admission will lie ler, of Wroxeter, is the gueet of Miss could be had anywhere. Many .came
15 cents. Proceeds to go towards the Moffatt. Mr Geo. King, who met with and could not get in, but these inside
funds of Jackson Church. This . will
be a good chance for old friends to an accident by a run -away team last were treated to a first class program,week, is doing as well as can be ex- consistingof vocal and instrumental
meet and have a good time. pccted. Miss Lusty Jameson, who has music, recitations, -speeches anddia-
been on an extended visit with friends logues. The mouth organ band fur-
P in Linden, returned to town last week. niched some excellent music, also the
FARM CuANGE.--Mz• W. Elliott, who Miss McFarlane, of Preston, is giving violin, byy Mr'Thos. McDonald and•sis-
is living on the Proctor farm, 14th con. art lessons to pupils in this district.. ,ter, and Mr Arthur Currie and brother.
of Goderich township, has bought the Mr H. Ernest, of Brantford, was in The chair was taken by the Rev W.
old Wiggington homestead—owned by town on Tuesday.. Mr Geo. Powell has Ayers, and as is the rule with Holmes -
Mr Jos. Izzard—for the . sum of $2,500, recovered from his recent illness. Mr ville audiences, the very beet of order
It. contains 77 acres, with fairly good Frank Tanner returned from visiting^ was maintained throughout. The pro -
buildings. Ile gets possession in the friends in Watford this week. Wm. ceeds amounted to over $32. It is a
fall. Begley, shoemaker, heretofore with pity that when building, the hall was
Toox A SHORT Ro>rrE.—sane day T. W. Scott, has ,left for. Detroit in not made larger, as the crowd on Mon -
search of a situation; it is said that day night proves that the village has.
last week, while Ernest West was tak-
Mr Scott will not carry on the custom need of a much larger building for
ing a horse out of the barn of Mr John
Elliott, it accidentally got - into a tra work, as it does not pay; no more rips such purposes.
done free of charge. Mr John Wilford
hale, which no one on seeing wool is slowly recaverzng from hie recent NoTxa.=-Miss Minnie Cantelon, . of
ever believe it' was possible for a horse Illness, as is also Virtu. areightS 1 Mr Clinton,, and cousin, Miss C. Cantelon,
to go through. Alexsaw that the only W. H. McElroy has.recovered from is of Brantford, were visiting friends in
wa was to 1 t her go and so they did the villa a on Friday. Mrs Jiles Jen -
The horse fell a distance of 12 feet, and recent illness. Mr W. Sheleon of gins, of Blyth, has been stopping with.
Varna Sutton, is Mr McElro s new Cooper.
PRE6ENTATION.—On Tuesday even apparently did not seem to be the Mr D.B. McKinnon has returned from her mother-in-law,. who is very. ill,
in , May18th, the Methodist. con e- worse for its strange experience. a purchasing tour. It is rumored - Mm Whittingham is improving very
g. congre- —We are ] to be that H. Scarlet i n slow' ; Mrs A. Whittingham,;of Clin-
able t intends pini T. W
gation met at the Rev. Mr Walker's IMPROVING.—We gad j g ton hoe staying with her. Mrs
residence; they presented Mrs Walker to announce that the wife of Mr Thos. Scott in business. 8 Lavie, sr., been st turned to the village,
with a beautiful and handsome present severe and ason, of the illness, who has had
MEN Mr Frank Metcalf—One sof the after baling at heir daughter's, Mrs J.
as a small token of the high esteem prolonged W. Hill, Clinton, for sometime. Mr
and respect in which she is held by ail.. much better, with good prospects of best representatives of the watch mak- T C. Pickard is still unable to leave
They spent a very sociable; and enjoy -
Mrcomplete restoration to health. ars and jewellers, in Huron county, is the house, owing to illness.. Those
Mr Mason wishes to express his gratis Mr F. Metcalf. His store is tastily fit=
abNOTES. mg ask Keyes has undertak- tude to his many neighbors and friends ted up, reflecting much credit on the rubbers have not yet returned; perhaps
F`r for the reatkindnesa they have shown taste and skill of the proprietor. Fine it would be the wiser plan for the
en to remove the refuse from the old him. an his family in so man ways, p guilty person to return them before
evaporator at the rate of 30 loads per y y Y , gold and silver watches of f an n thinfurther is done. The frame
d the past f months. and European make and rich elegant y f
day; he is a hustler. Monday evening urine a few m -gold 'ewe le of every'description are work o Wm. Murch's house is about
Jack Wanless and Will Hall went to NOTES.—Mr W. Tiplady, of the base toj r'y coin hated, and by the time the bout
Bayfield to fish; they caught one cat- line, is just recoveringfrom what be found in the handsome show P
fish; great luck, wasn't it? Mr Jos. might hve been a serious accident; cases, while a fine stock of silver and plas-
terers and painters are through, it will
Morrow has sold one ot his ponies to recently, while tearing down a barn, a Plated -ware is constantly kept in add
considerably to the appearance of
Frank Keyes. . Mrs John Hall has had falling board struck him on the head, stock. Mr Metcalf has had a prosper -village'
a vary severe illness last week, but is .inflicting a nasty cut. Butt's sawmill, ons career since embarking, in the THE RAEOM .—On Sunday we were
Where., Mr. "J. Young, Colborne, spent able to go about again. Mr Secorcl:is on the baseline, is now in good work- jewellerybusiness, and enjoys the es- somewhat surprised to hear that a
Su valent:our midst. 'Measles are still very low. ing order, and everything in full blast. teem and regard of a large class of the purse and contents had been stolen
•prevalent among the West;.:End`de — Mr Hiram Hill and men have been en- ,community.. He • has,_acgnired si safe. from •Miss--Edith-Holdsworth..-•.d;he-
The'farmer:and his son are wondering Sippers . gaged for several days, putting in a and reliable business, and as he makes story of the theft is as follows : On
where ng young spend the townshibettep CHVRcH.—The Methodist Church foundation for a barn on Mr Wm. Tip- it his with aim whom al fairly and business trans-llooked tobebe evening
10 young
are olbboarri at
,fishing young men. This Trustee Board reorganized last,Thurs- lady's place, base line. A number ofg eating
is pow kPa We the
noticedafbirths rindnumber of day; there had been no meeting for the young people on the 14th, intend acti ns' him among he has
ol d men n in the
e villas e, and fter t first bite
o youn,ppen are carrying sticks; no. some years, and meantime all the picnicing on the 24th; we have not P , g g P
trustees but three had died or moved learned where they intend going. Sun- this town. he had since morning) he asked per-
doubtthey:arbZiyyiiare,that it as danger away;.Mr Wm. Cudmore, J. B. Dins -• day School has again started in No. 9 JEssoP & MCELROT.—In a statistical mission of Mrs Holdsworth to stop
ons tq be out in the spring.. It is rum dale, Jones and H. Dayman were school house, and will be held during history of Blyth and its business en- over night. saying that he and his mo -
0 our citizens t 10 a m terprises, we find a few houses promi- ther had been attending his grand -mo -
to go to the Worlds Fair. a agents on Thursday night to sheet Secretary
of the Chatham Fanning Mill Co. -have and Treasurer and do other business.
disposed of a few mills here. Our celebrated Camp Meeting is likely
LONDON .Roan NoTEs.—The vacant g H
Granton h Irvine leaving in.June, f hisnext
ore d that a few f tizens
' Th t elected trustees; the board. met again
the summer commencing a sent in their articular line which ther's funeral at Clinton, the da be- •
Mr W. McRoberts, formerly of No. 9 y success.
have made themselves1 d � k fore ,but as he was busy fishing when
°a eo 414,'::
Of a Pound
the weir ht •
of a
straw. : Hat:
Sells at
-; $i.2�► ••
Boys .Straws
1Oc to 75c -
Clothiers, Furnishers & Furriers
appearance of the mill. The ground
was getting very:; hard and baked,
therefore the beautiful showers of the
ast few days will be a great boon.
There will be a great demand for shin-
gles, on account of the unroofing of so
many buildings.
NOTES.—Our friend, Mr -Budge, is
not improving very fast, but we hope
the warm weather will help him. An
adjourned quarterlymeeting of Bel -
grave circuit was held last Monday
evening; each., appointment has raised
its .amount, and the-connexional funds
are well in advance. of last year; Wni.
Bengough was elected delegate to the
district meeting, to be held in Wing -
ham. on the 19th inst. Owing to Rev.
J. H. Dyke being at Brussels last
bath, his work here was supplied by
Mr Smith, of Brussels, . a young man
who is just entering the work; he
makes a good start and we wish him
to drop for this year, owin to Rev.
house near ran n corners is eine or -cep y
fitted up,and such work leads people field of labor. church last Sabbath. Mr Keys an$ his and Grocery establishment of Jessop good breakfast, he started off for Gode
to wonder who will be the occupant; Acof labor. Mr Wm. Horton had sister, of Stanley, spent Sunday at Mr & McElroy, who are dealers ine the rich a iaoo railway track. Sometime
the frequent visits of ayoung man to • Wm. Rathwell's. Mr Jas,. Currie has above lines.. Mr Jessop has been in before noon Miss tfoldsworth happen -
a residence in the neighborhood makes `what might have been a serious run- bought the house in connection with business here for some years, while his ed to look in her shopping bag, and
the people.have strong :suspicions about away last Thursday. He had just left the blacksmith shop, and has moved Partner, Mr McElroy, has only been found that her.purse had disappeared.
the matter; no doubt a number are Kippers for his home in Exeter, when, it on to his own farm, a distance of associated with him for the past two Inquiries were instantly made, and Mr
still in darkness, an as, a name, ith thebolting of his on he nearly two miles. Mrs months The are of those business Hurley, section boss, said he had seen
to -state. Although this was thrown over the back of his cart, returned •sed home from Lucknow on Sat- men who are highly regarded for their the boy pass with a.purse in his hand,
but now of Holmesville, made a flying an marks
visit to some friends on Friday last. the business history ot the town. — his mother had to take the train, he
Mr Armstrong,of Goderich, very ac- Apropos of the aboveJremarks we wish was left. ;and was now walking home
tabl filled thepulpit in Cole's to make mention of the Boot, Shoe to Goderich. In the morning, after a
d k d' to th throw o i g pony, I 1 Wm Perdue y '
is not for us to s e ur+ business into and also a season ticket belonging to
has been called a late spring, the: spring and was slightly stunned by the fall. rnile or twd beforeurday after spending a very • g- $ g
grain has made remarkable headway,- beinThe g caught.aced a serious damage -was
time. W Perdue have his saw rity, e 8 d h lied
as Mr A. D. Wiltse has a field of gram g
'which covers the ground. We notice done.
an ill -trained canine is in the habit of NOTES.—Mr R. Holmes filled the
chasing all the vehicles who pass its pulpit of the Methodist Church last
owners:. gateway, and if the owner Sunday afternoon; he had a forty mile
would ' look'• after it, it would save a drive,- three sermons and two class
great deal of annoyance. meetings; a pretty heavy day's work
for the reward a local preacher gets in
Peter Rnmbaeh, of Scranton, Pa., is said this world. Mr Elia$ Butt had a slight
to have confessed that • he set fire to the relapse last week; his recovery is still
Methodist•ohuroh•in that' place when it was uncertain.
binned, a•little over a year ago. The ohproh
was rebuilt and when. nearly completed was Colborne. .
again bud a few weeks agog Hnmbaoh NoTEs.—We are sorry to learn that
'has confessed that he 'employed another HenryFisher, of Benmiher, had his
party to start the second fire. He was
caretaker of the church, hand badly cut, while running the saw
in the mill at Summerhill; _ one finger
' had to be cut off, and two others were
badly cut. Messrs Ed. Walters and
Bert Thibadeau left on Tuesday for
Sault Ste Marie. A certain young man
from Westfield was down last Sunday,
on a fishing expedition, but it was not
suckers he was after; be careful, Jim?
do not try to catch too many•fideer you
may lose them all. Mr and Mrs T.
McMichael spent Sunday with friends
in this vicinity. Mss Hours who has worked J T p Presbyterian u fl” on since the members of the Oddfellows
enjoyablemany sterlin qualtzes
willand well worthyof the large
mill running in a few days again. i'nss measure of succese that their own ef-
Lucy Call, who left here for Detroit, - forts have achieved. They have built
we hear. is going to be married • to a upan immense fabric upon the imper-
young man over there; guess his name. ishable basis of honor and equitable
Mrs John Stewart, of Lucknow, is ° dealings, and are justly regarded as
visiting at Wm. Perdue's and other being in the foremost rank of the suc-
friends. cessful business men of Blyth. .
, THE BEET. LIVERY. — The above
Cents Cash will pay for the livery is thoroughly equipped with ex-
cellent conveyances, good horses and
when required, careful driver, and
charges are always moderate. It is
en's and
oys' Suits
Our Ciothix g.. department has
had a btis time of it during
'the few hot days we had._
5, 9, 10.5
$12.50 had an especial-
The �
�1 5a 2.5Q► 9, 9.50 and
At . ,f . f R
4 ,bein rioes'within the
everyreaph of ..• ne
vin • out splendidly..
they .last.
�n1Yle, w'hilo.t�
ro W .eJ
. NEW ERA, for new subscrib-
ers, till the end of the year.
Londesboro, under the management of Wm. Beel,
who is a good horseman and prudent
NOTES.—We are sorry to learn that business man, and it is due to his care
Mrs Wm. Watson, of this village, in and attention that the stable enjoys
very sick. Mr George Garret, of West- ,the enviable reputation it does. Mr
field was out here last week. Rev Jae, Beel is a popular and enterprising
Ferguson, of Granton, is expected to business man. New stables are to be
preach a sermon to the Sons of Eng- erected this season.
land here, about the third Sunday in
June. Efforts are being put forth to Lucknow.
get' Rev Mr Salton here, .to preach a NoTEs.-=The Anniversary services of
sermon to the Sabbath School before the .Presbyterian church were held on
long. Mrs Robt.Crawford, MissSusan Sunday last; Rev. E. A. Sawyer, of
Lyon and Miss Lizzie Spuhl wore ap- Westminster, preached morning and
pointed a committee to visit the absent evening, and gave' a lecture entitled
members of the Monday night class. — "A night on Foreign Mission, in the
O' 'e forsome months past, withhas re-
-turned to Fergus. J. T. O'Brien was
London, n Monday,on a business
trip. "tea. W. W. Leech and Wm..
Stevens areIn in a attending
the district meeting. P. J. Conroy
was n e village i .
Miss Holdsworth. The boy , said that
he was a fries ofhers, andshe a
given him an old ticket that was no
use now. Shortly after dinner, J.
Hurley, E. Lavis and W. Pickard
started for Goderich on the hand car, .
to look for the boy, and were returning
home in the evening wben they found
him attempting to trade' off the purse
and all that was left in it, 20cts., for
his supper. These were taken away
from him, but as for the ticket and
other articles, he did not know where
they had gone. He was then let go,
but they afterwards tried to catch him,
but could not, as he ran into a swamp
and hid. It was not long ago a young
boy—from Goderich too—stole a horse
and rig in this vicinity, and got five.
years. This fellow, wino •called himself
Earnest Raymond, ought to be sent up
for awhile too. The boy was alone for
only two or three minutes in the room
where the shopping bag was hanging,
and no doubt he took the purse then.
PRn9ENTATTON. -- A few evenings
Panco nc Monday Lodge here tendered Dr Elliott afare-
Bri n p , evenin Lucknow offers great' at -
tractions for pleasure seekers on th well supper. The Dr. had been associ-
dayated with pp rheThe herea everbe since he
NoTEs.--Farmers in this vicinity are in o Queen'sbirthday. Mr Frank Greeran has been a resident of our village, and
now finished their ace fou On Mon- family have returned to Lucknow; n
Mr Geo, ng a stoneieed his barn, and W' gh m ttendi g from Calgary', evidently preferring On- while everybody. its 'er B ill he
intendsitMrp�os. a foundation un- y .t ' t theNorth Wet M's `Flo s' while a they are glad S
der it. Jos. Stephens is also plac- i the v Ila this s weak li
ing a stone foundation under his house.
Mr John Watt, accompanidd by his
two nieces, Misses Janet and Maggie
Fairservice, intend leaving for Kansas
on Tuesdayofnext week, to visit roles
tines' there, before arriving at their
destination the' purpose spending a
short tine in hh o
Ci ictt rtFriday
last week Mr James Reid left for To-
ronto,where he has secured a lucrative
position; his employers will find they
have secured the, services of one ° of
worth and Viability. Miss Stew+�rt, who
h for some i i To-
ronto .donee' ,...ata o Mti�c lies . re
Iry . �' t.....: + ., ..,.
sn a her
m d 'arbrkhere, .having.4orined n,•
large Mese. Orta day��lastweek Mr Jas.
Tasker had th misfortune to lose a
'Valuable bolt, ithdvini : died front the
of eets"qf injuries reiseivgedfrota horse
a e i
i in old. We are leased
n.n ad ti fi
d. ,: gP
to learnthat Mrs Solomon ero
.. at f ti of ... "ill Rog iaoni.
who was,in .i verb• • critical condition,
has taken •a turn for the better; . we
hope e ear of her Speedy repo, er ,'
Otitis '(lash 'Will pa `• for' 60,
W IRA, fol'•new° suhscrib-,
till the pend of'the year,
• CzzuRCrt.-The, adjourned quarterly
meeting was held on Tuesday evening;
Londesboro' and Ebenezer were repro-
rented, but on account of the wet
n`igh't, there was no representative
from Kinburl. T.onaerboro and Eben
ezer finances are allup, andKinburn' is'
expected to •balance up:well. •,An in
vitatitin was given the astor, . Rev.
W.W. Leech, at the regular Quarterly
Board meeting ,' ,which, afterdue con-•
sideration and consultation with naedi-
cal pleb lid has declined to accept, as
doctors advise hint that ',he is not• able
to sthhd. the work, and will have. to get
a station where there is,no drivin r
superanuate. The Board is sorry, tat.
he s at of hie health would not per-
t zBirk esti. flare t file inv tetiiin to ro-
P .
� .W.M J n Wheeler,. ofh
iVt1T er r oi .. e., ,
4th con. of Morris, intends finishing off
his:ho lse this initialer; snecess .John.
Mia Emerson Littlefair raised, a 'new
b:arra on his fitrni,t�n the dth eon,, t>n
Tuesday' lett,
ario o or West.. Miss s ie an as a means of bettherind ' imsel .
Hamilton has returned home from g
visiting friends in Clinton. made the recipient of a g
During the evening e
odor was
old -headed
cane; a gift that he acknowledged in
auvnort 'MASS. - Rev. H. Irvine peers also elven by v. J H. Simpson,
a neat appropriate speech..: Addresses
ba tizedMiss ,Annie.(lil an at the close ndesborou h, J Murdock,. T.
$' .. J lis g
of the Prayer meetin in the MethodistFraser and James Armstrong. Varna.
q �, ..
pY Y
Church, on Tuesdaynight.In the
► . , 6 . Na�Es,•-�-A ltitilor �ocnety ,of Gfirist-
,atiove Church a reception service,is ,to Endeavor has been organized in
ld h las
in w n
be 'e d next 'tin, a morning,
m r
S , eh nd
h y g . cons:scthon ,with i)znio'Ei Shur , , a
the converts of last winter will be re- be senior Soci
atnder ,he caxe.,of, t, sty,
ceived into full membership with the e . kyr Simpson,; the earnest
.. i Gvr . i. ,. i
Church. On Monday evening the w rker takes chare °of the whole,
1 of • tli E rthwet
• t'he're ivae quite a atlierzn_�gof menu
i i t i' 'the C roll
g ye an eaterta saran • n h , §. the 'W,F.M. of
.. . bek�s and friends, o .
and:r. S.l enclerson,,, of Kansan, and l
nasi et►.. Cirr,tnc , e - '
i a
lirleg, tyf the fa* Eft- tneaclte in OT i s • ar
the. Meth dist`Chur+ch last Sunda through *Pith ;their.. seeding n the
• a ' e fail wheat.
q v k" ra
it w � p
NCT e. ` '• lis ' fG}ilga'n , and
:frith y rid s e
l)a o •to
sttta ted for .Gilbpi. North '� , . - � it] " weather will
_beautiful vowing'
on her :1111r'haa'd last. "4'i7'e nes ay,tho 1?ean i(, .„ weather . ,
g rig
i r owe
Y. i e a trlx
r funic
ho g
shortly aftertYooti.: Mrs, Rohl starts'are li.,, '�. •
!rota, iti weeit tii' took : taking, in. t'he- got a be! .smoke stack, en'his steain
naw m 1, hi h adds reatly" to .the
Doke vet" Pate Y.
in 'seine ilaces, 'kids
v4 rood's Fair on her war. •
DEATH.—We this week chronicle the
death of a well-known of
of this
vicinity, in the person of Mrd D. Wil-
son, nee Miss Elder. She ' had been
ailing for some time with cancer in the
stomach, but on the llth inst. death
relieved her of her sufferings. She was
respected and beloved by all who had
her acquaintance, and it was with re- -' s
gret that her friends learned of her
early demise. Rev F. Swann: delivered
the funeral sermon, on. Sunday even- '
ing, taking for his text, "And the in-
habitants shall not say I am sick." The -
bereaved father and son have the sym-
pathy of the community.
NoTEs.—Mr A. Askwith's child is
slowly recovering. So great was the
crowd out on Sunday evening, tha
one friend could not find another. M
M. and Miss E. Sprung, of Kinburr
are at present visiting in the coals,
pity. Master Oliver Thompson, whit
whittling with a knife, cut himse"lf..
badly he had to have four stitches pi
in. Mr W. Youngblut paid Meaford
fling_visit. on Monday. Miss A. Zino
Miss L. Wilson and Mr A. Knox a
tended the District Lodge at Lucknow
on Tuesday, and report having sli�e_ntis
pleasant as well as profitable time. r
The reason why Mr W. Symington
and Mr M. Lockart go round• loo ing
very much pleased this week, is t Noir
wives presented them with fine boys.. .1
Mr and Mrs C. Hoare, of .Clinton; were
the g�u{iests of the former's,brot-her, Mr.
J. Hoare, last, week. Mr J. P. Brown
will represent the Methodist church at'
the District Meeting and at Conference
Mr W. Dobie, of Northern. , inneapolis,
is visiting the old .homestead, Mr ',
Oliver Clark is building a new house,in
the village. The temperance sermolnt
delivered by the Rev It, Henderson.
last Sunday, was an excellent One, and - --
was listened to by a large audience.
East 'Vawanotsh
NOTES. --Jamas ' Nicol ie home tuna,.
Owen Sound,where Ire has been at id-
n the Northern Business° Clone e.
frame .Henry Edwards has the ;fro of ,ia..,.
new house raised, andhops to soeu
e ed." Peter Wilson has"
have it coin ' t , .,.
s re iden'ce:wetl. e
a hi s n i"
' l'an.�
the additi ,. .
way. The board; of arbitration re'the
el a e `site on Fri'
an school 'at B r• at ,,
day next,,yat 11 a.m., itr•the viila�gec
y ' question Will beset- .'
When this vexed q
Harrison!Sb a.
sled for tt time. Jas. Harrison n ,,«..„
are makin g rea"netiPxovezi5etlts on,`tho.
Stewalrt `farm recently purchased . by'
them;'Bob is a hustior fmonx' the.wordi• :a
o and�will soon dou,bib up.
mo•CYozzrbttrsnN'Ri;�*lt will'; iibligo n If ;
cor'respbndenta, would,:'fur iisalb
t+bek, mail, ',
thtlr iidpy on T,iohilti :iafternoo"n,;00 accbuizii
of "Vf'eaneallay beins a ];olidilq; Who tilt*
ossbette tldtit;aaleantlydojio, ealletfi asuat Cit,
any tenant, do;aol, inisstendln6 ussom+mt s,,
simplybooattse 030614 a holiday. in thio weal;;