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I Foch's Three
Fortress Cities in The Rhine
I District to Insure Good
. Faith.
4-4 47•44-++44-4,44+4 +++4- +444-4-• •
When Marshal Foch demanded the
eurrender to the Allies of the German
fortressee of Metz, Cobienz and Stras-
burg as a, guarantee of good faith by
the Huns peirding any peace proceed -
Inge, he demanded:the meaue of hold-
ing the.faithiess lien in the hollow er
bis hand. Tbeee teed (ems ere the
Iteye to the entire Rhine ‘,,cilleY, and
properly garrieonee tine deaeeted bY
the powertul, torces avallabie by the
Allies wound not wily confine the Mi-
nims to the et bank of Lite Rhine,
but would menace sucli great centre
ae Cologne, lerankture Mayo:lee,
eianalieile and other toe ne, contain -
lug the munition meats eupplying the
tierman arinies.
'With Mete as the central apex, theY
would form a grent triangle, with
Straeburg 105 mild to the southeliet,
and eoleenz 115 Miles to the north-
east, With Metz Wised by the French
fortresse,s of. Verdun on the west, 23
miles away, and leeliney to the eouth,
n mites distant. The base' of tele tri-
angle would be tile Rhine, on which
between Coblenz and Strasburg lie the
reties pf Maine, Worms, LudiVigshafen,
learlsrulle and Spires • cn the west
bank, and Wiesbaden and 'Mannheim
on the eteet bank, with Frankfort on
the Main, and 'Heidelberg on the Nee-
kar but a. few miles from the Rhine.
In thie. triangle would be numeroue
important tewns, including Treves,
Which is On the Moselle, about half
way between Metz and Cobleaz. This
territory includes all of old Alsace and
Lorraine; and the Rhineland Which
vonstituted the province oE the Rhine
.dreated by theerench during the great
All three cities.dte back to :Roman
thud and were etrategic cutpoets a
the Ramat Empire. All three are
neavily fortified and absolutely ne-
cessety for ;the defence of GermanY.
Igether, and disagreeable rulnors began
to circulate. 'Then, by Beetle elle*,
Idained means, the opinion of Nahall
became known regarding bia opinion
that Caprice had atoleu the t.liamonde
herself. Here Wilii enether InyeterY.
WhY on earth eleoula ahe steal her
own jowele? One theory was that
she required MOUSY and had gold them
for this purpose, pretending that they
Were stolen in order ; to satiety the
lovers who gave them to ben This
was clearly abeurd, as Caprice cared
nothing for the opinion of her lovers,
and, moreover, the donors of the dia.
sir o monds were long since dead or ruin --
"I'm certain I know tete thief," ciaid 1 "Yu—you suspect •ircY guests, - ' ed, so the idea of the detective was
Fenton quietly. "I told you that the cried Kitty angrily,
unanimously laughed at. But then
man Villiers was seen about the place "Certainly not," said the detective
the fact reemined, she would not al -
on the night a the robbery." quietly; "but I suspect Villiers."
"By whom?" "Villiers!" low an investigation to be made; and
how was this to be accounted tor?
"Myself and Caprice." "Yes: lir. Fenton tells Me you saw
Who saw him last'."'
One idea was mooted, teat Villers had
bim on that night."
stolen the diamonds, and she would
Kitty nestled a look of anger on the
American, who bore it unmoved. not prosecute him because he wee the
"Oh, said Naball ihiperturbablY, husband of the woman Who had been
"then she's the best person to see on "Yes, he was outside, and wanted to
the subject." see me. I saw him give hire some kind to her. In this case, however,
she would bave easily got back her
money, and he left."
"He's a bad lot," said Fenton; "he
"Then' I tell you he overheard you jewels by a threat of prosecution,
was mixed up in that poisoning ease
eight years ago." say where ,you kept the diamonds, be- whereas they were etill naissing. Other
"The Midas case?" cause he was hiding outside the wine solutions of the problene were offered,
_ but they were unsatisfactory, and Mel-
dow; so, after seeing YOU, he coni , .
"Yes, Caprice, or rather ICitty Mar-
e mitted the robbery." bourne settled itself down to the opin-
churst, was conceened in It also
"So I telieve," replied Nabalie :,eyThat,',s, wihat I think," said Fenton. ion that the whole affair was a rays-
ou. er ed Kitty. "What have you tory which would never he solved
"every one was innocent except Jar-
aot to do with it? I don't believe he Keith and gzra, had both been puz-
per and Vandeloup—one was hanged, - . '
e:ene them, and, whether he did or not, OA over the,' affair, and offered Kitty
the other committed .suicide. I don't I m not goieg to continue this case." their services to unravel the mysterf,
see what it has to do with the pres-
ent case," Fenton.
"You'll lose your diamonds," cried but she curtly dismissed them with
the remark that she wished the affair
"Simply this," said Fenton sharp- "That's my business," she returned, left alone, so they had to obey her and
ly, annoyed at the other's tone, "VII- rising haughtily; "at all events, I have remain in ignorance like the rest of
lers is a scoundrel, and wouldn't stop decided to let the matter rest, So M. the public. Affairs thus went an as
at robbery If he could make some Naball will have all bis trouble for usual, and the weeks 'flipped by with
money over it." nothing, Should I desire to eeopen the iso further information being f °rat -
"He knew Caprice had diamonds affair, I will let you both. know. At ceming,
worth five thousand?" present, good morning," an, with a Meenwbile, "Prince Carnival" was
knew that."
"Of course; every one in Melbourne
the room. Kitty appeared nightly, being now a
sweeping bow, she turned .and left still running to crowded houses, and
"Did he know where they were Fenton stared after her iti blank still greater attraetion on account of
kept?" the robbery of whtch ahe was the her-
"There's a safe in the room, and a - "Good God; 'what a fool!" he cried, oine. She had fulfilled her promise
thief, of course—" ; risNinatall reethVrhuagtg'esdtohibeeeVeledenroew?" to •Keith, in seeing 'Mortimer about
the chances. of production for "Faust
"Would go' there first—precisely—
but you forgot the diamonds were tak- "Nothing,' he plied, "since she de- Tbsetee. The nianager was doubtful
en out of the drawer of her looLing- clines to give me power to investigate. about the experlittent of trying colon-
glass—a most unlikely place for a thief I must throw the affair up. "But." ial work, MI told Kitty Plainly he
to examine. The man who stole the also rising, and putting on his hat, could not afford to lose money on saeh
jewels must have known where they "I'd like to have a look at the ro d a speculation,
beneath the window," e .. g un
"It's all stuff," he said to her when
were kept."
"Oh, said Fenton, and looked as- ! she urged him to give the young men
They both went out, Naball silent,
tonished, as he wear quite unable to ex- . and Fenton in.great wrath, talking of a chance. I can gel „ operas from
Plain. He was about to reply, when
sured, end I don't see why I should
. Kitty's conduct. London whose success is aiready as -
the train haying arrived at its des- "What an idiot she is!" he cried.
tination, they got out, and walked
of two unknown colonials."
to "What is she going on in this Way' waste money on the crude production
Kitty's house. for?"
"That's all very true," retorted Ca -
Singe it became part of the German She was in the drawing-roorad Wbrigt:
price, "and from a business point of
"I don't know."
at 1 Ing letters and looking pale an at._
"Women don't require a ntotive for
"She must have some motive."
Empire .when, -.stolen be the Hun view, correct; but considering you
le70, Metz. bee been surrounded with gard, her eyes having dark cire.es lb
anything," said Naball, imperturbably make your money out of colonial tied -
22 great .forte, the outworks reaching I neath them, which told of a sleep cede
iences, I don't see why you shouldn't
to inc battlefield of Gravelotte on the : night. .When. the twp men entere proceeding to .exainine the ground un -
give at least one chance to. see what
west, ana ThionVille (Teutonized to the room she welcomed them grtace- der the window, through which the
colonial- brains can do. As to crud-
Diedenhofen) gin the north, The Am- fully, and then resumed her sea as
y, waits -and see. I. don't went you
thief had made his exit. The flower-
erican force e 'are now within striking they began to talk. bed was filled With tall hollyhocks, it
of both those . points and "I have brought you Mr. Naball to .
and some of these were broken as if to take the opera if it is bad, but if
Foch may shortly get Metz in spite of look after this affair," said Fenton,
some heavy body had fallen fromy In
atphper oevned of i eIt,t igmi veer iptreatecilleaend
the Hun. When he does, the entire looking at her.
euetry will fall to tbe Al- "You are very kind," she 'rep „
He clambered down by the ivy," if he approved of the libretto and
lies ad Strasburg would be endan- coldly; "but the feet is I have not yet
murmured Nebel' to himself, as he music, he would try the piece at the
gered feoin 'tbe north, as well as from dedided about placing it in the hands
bent dawn. "The ivory is breken end of the run of "Prince Carnival,"
Naney on the, west. of the police." here and here; the flowers are also but put Eblis in rehearsal, in case his
With aletz• in the hands of the Al- "But the diamonds?"—began Fen -
broken, so he fell on them in a heap— forebodings of failure should be justi-
lies,,Coblenz would. also be endanger- ton, in amazement. , probably having missed his footing. fled. When, however, the first act
ed -and- Treve,s would undoubtedly be "Were mine," finished Kitty, coo,- . was finished and shown to him,he was
eaptured, ly; "and as the loss is mine, not Tours, Hump! Clever man, as he did not
eeebeeitz Wits originally a pbsting I will act as I think fit in the mat -
step again on the flower -bed, but graciously pleased to say there was
tsiation of thejumped from where he fell on to the good stuff in it, and began to be a Romans. It occupies a ter." dry rass. . Humph! grass hard and rath- -ittle more hopeful as to its success.
So Keith evotked hard all day at his
Rhineland at. the .corifluence of the comfited Fenton, she addressed her- __1' c ance of footmarks.
ger em,ployment, and at night on his lib-
retto, to which Ezra put bright, tune -
And has Or lied`..aseletipnlation of about "I should like your opinion on the "By the gate, of course,' said Fen- tut music. With the usual sanguine
5e 000 tthd a gairlson befOre the war subject," she. said, graciously, "and. ton impatiently. - expectations of youth, they hever
detective walked across the lawn d t f f il e a d Keith wrote the
of a PritaSiatl ttiVASIOli. The neighbor-
ing heights ,areergill 'strongly fortified,
there bekig, theeeageeat fOrts and the
famous citadel of Ehrenbreetzteln,
toeveret ozt an eleVation 3e5 feet
-then I will see If the case can be gone
in with," to the gate, but could find no traceOf
Naball, who had been keeping -1 is footmarks, as the lawn was dry, and
keen eyes on her face the whole time, the footpath leading out into the pave -
bowed. , ment of the street was asphalted.
" • '
" h did. not o by the gate as a
Above the two steers, and affords a "Tell me all the details of the rob- No; e g . ,
vieW -fee tellies in every direction. bery," he observed, cautiously. min in -such rags as Villiers Would
It :lute. auryieree, nubaerous seiges and "They are- simple enough," replied ha-Ve been sure to be seen coming but
Was in the poteseetilon of the French ICitty, foldhig her hands. "I bring ofa private house. That - would be
f tom 17e9ld fOrtrto'Ul5e,'7•72'.• aaylum them home, from the theatre every suspicious; besides, he would have
'kings and mediaeval I
1 night, and, Usually put them In the -been afraid."
This Oese., Vas .an for eine**, during. ' e
safe, which as ie. my room. On Sat- _"Of' the police?"
troubles, and although Coblenz was a . urday nightahowever, I was tired, and "Exitetly; he's been in prison two or
free ' ePiscopli eItyeeeio important waa . I must confess,'rather careless and three times since his connection evith
the fortreee that eiti commandments as the case wason my dressing -table, the Midas case, and has got a whele-
'Were teefaired.toalitke the. oath of fi- I placed ft in the drawer of my look-
delity to the Emperors' as well as to 1 ing_glese, to save me the trouble a
thelet own eirincese ...- I going to the • safe I gave a supper
the original ',Kurt )3aedeker, whose ' e
:party- on Sunday nigne, and - when ev-
guide books", a re in such demand- by ery one of the party had gone away,
. the PerthineCreseders now on their I went upstairs to bed, and found the
way on a pilgrimage'eto the Rhine,. is window open; reccollecting where I
buried here, ell a' Gjneral Von Gee- had ut the. diamonds I opened the
ten, On of the eongtierore of Metz in 1 drawer and found them gone. My sea-,
le70. I round beneath
The heroie French General Marceau, vents examined the &. -
the windoW and found foot -marks in
who was killed at the battle of Alt- 1 the mould of the flower -bed so I sup-
kirchen, bee a Montrinent there, it the pose the thief must have e'ntered by
Hems_ ' havo•not destroyed ft. and it '
was here that thgrandmother oall- , the wind,ow,
with stolen the jewels:, and
e f •
highest: Itved in heemad
du'pelace ring tne ,
e'ranco-Cterenali war e.nd 'vliera ald Wi eff withem.'
she hadem"ned silent for a minute, but justfinished, Naball re -
William' I. sent her his Sammie report ' as Fenton was about to speak, he in -
of the battle of Sedat which lias been terpetted. ;
anglicized •to read: "I Will ask you a few questions, ma -
"Glorious( news, my dear Auguste; . -,
dame, ' he said, thoughtfully: "When
We've fought. and won another buster. did you see the diamonds last?"
Ten- thouttind Frenehtnen sent below!
"About six o'clock on Sunday night.
PreeteeflGowod, from wham :, 1 blest -An -1'e:
I opened the drawer to get somothing,
One- weilitlets if that was all -high-
and saw the ease."
.tstes Gott to whem Old nri .iam re-
"Not the diamonds?"
f erred.
"They were in the case."
Strasburg, only 30 miles from "Are you sure?" the .
French frontier, had been a French here else would they be?"
. city. fOrenearly e20le Years when all. "Some hne might have stolen them
higliestak geanelfathee, the ebeve-men-
previously and left the case the to
toned Old Williani, forcibly stole it in :
"KeritttyBUIPODicil°rIllier head.
18/0 -after - a. hereto. defence by the
'Impossible.' The case is ale°
-Freitelineral -BlIrich. - gone, besides, 1 locked the case en
Surrounaed by great fortifications
', extending five miles from the city, it Saturday night, and had the key with
,is juete3e4 mile, emu Berlin, and is me. No other, key could have opened
it, and had the case been forcee, I
'-consideteethe oath:western bastien ot
Would have seen it at once. See,"
the litinaletilPire, It is the capital of
AlsaceeLorraine and has a population e lifting up her arm, "1 always wear
of 200,000. it- is ieltuatd en the riVer thle bracelet and the key' is attached
III, rather a significant ,name at this to it by a chain."
time, and is connected with tin:Rhine, Naball glanced earelessly at it, and
three Miles away,by the Rhine- Went on 'Withhis nueetions.
Warne Opal. It is elk') connected with "You generally kept the -diamonds
the Rhine-It:Irene. Canal, in the safe?" .
From, the Aitne of the Ronsans it "Yee'
"And it Was
has beet P;•iirlace Of-etrategleal 1Mper- ratite an oversight not
tanee. It Was here that Julian the placing them in there on Saturday?"
Apostlis won his great vietcry Over the "QUite."
'Altmann', which made him Emperor "No one knew they were in the
Of Rome. drawer of your looking -glass on that
particular night?"
TOO MUCH. 50. "No otte."
eA police court teen ale grhn and "You get along tfast," he said
tord- , Here Fenton interposed.
ked Judge White
- day. "Sometimes something really funny euickly. "Everyone at the :upper
Id," remarthe other oo
happens, Not so very long ago a cheett- table knew you kept them thet:e; you
-four WS ,b11,011,Sht In atter having run eaid it VS them yoarself."
siown a man,
,you knoW that If you struek Naball glanced itherply at Kitty.
this pederAraln he...would be setiously "1 keow I did," oho replied quietly;
urett?" I !isked.
"Then Why didn't you zigzag your car always kept there, which they 'were
and n'
; „guessed • Honor . drawer Ort that particular night."
nteour was the an
• .yes, sir, replied the chauffeur. "hilt I smoke 118 if the diamonds were
miss hir?
-*Re waa zliftzagging hiTself, am]: cet- not. I did not say they were, in the
eevete—Los 'Angeles TimeA, I "Y'ou mentioned it generally?" said
- _
, Po3OrovArtificittl, • 1 Naball, tranquilly.
said the detective slowly. with the Midas poisoning cafie, and of produetion were first eompiled in
1601 and to whom fell the posthumous , prepared to 11 the industry late Steedily in -
"No, nene; and the other Wes 'the public were quite
boner of leaditig off flomuti .Tolnizon's . hear rim evil of her, particularly to 1c9reased, tied the output for 1916 of
"Live*, of the, Poets." Johnson ranked 1 cl°041." 1,066,876 short tons, valued at e1,146,.
Nebel' patteed a Moment. her career since then had been anr-
him *thong those he called the, "mete- I thing but pure.
phyoc,ar. roeto and .noreosei a 41s,.. "I tell you what, he said sloWly, , 582, represents a gain of 512 per cent.
eithe diamonds were stein between nix 'Ihe name or Villiers WaS mentioned in quantity and 460 per cent. iti valet,
like far his far.fetcheel conceits arith I
&dock and the tune you went 0 bed." and then it transpired that Vil-
whisb. fne present tlay-readur would 1 "AbOut thte3 o'clock.° said Kitty. Hers had been iseen ottteide her for the six years.
Iv artily coincidet- ....... -..---4.4.41...
I "Precisely. You saw the diamonds hedge on the night of the robbery. Illobbs—He Intim% much of a ropu-
Yet 1 dotibt not etbrottgh the ageg 0110 'last at six, they were gone by three; It was curious that another tation in political life, has he? Slobbii
inorMeing PnrOso tans, and the You mentioned where you keet them Crime thould haVe happened where .--Wele, he 'boasts that he has never
tholsghts of melt are widened he' the at the elinriemahle; now, the thief these two, formerly implicated in a bean bribed. Illobbe I'll het he'S
procese of the stins.--Tennyson. IAllat have overheard Yon." ,.. murder case, *tumid have come to- Itoging tie luck may Change.
ream o a ur ,
most enthusiastic letters to his be -
teethed, announcing the gratifying
fact that he had got his -foot on the
lowest rung of the ladder of fame.
As to his uncongenial employment
at the pawnshop, he stroVe to conquer
his repugnance to it, and succeeded
111 winning the approval, of old Lazarus
by his assiduous attention to busi-
ness. He attended ta the books, and,
as time went on, the pawnbroker ac-
tually let him pay ' money . into the
bank, so great had his cenfidence in
the young man become. He increased
some 'dread of the law. No; he did Keith's salary, and oven then chuck -
not go lei the gate, but by the river."' led to himself over his cleverness in
"The river!" repeated Fenton, in retaining such a clever servant at so
low a pric.e.
Naball did not answer, but walked Though bis business was ostensibly
back to the window, then along the that of a pawnbroker, he was in the
side of the house, turned the corner, habit of conducting very much more
an,d went down the sloping - green delicate transactions. In 'his dingy
bank which led to - the river little den at the back of the shop he
Still he could see no footmarks. The sat like a great spider waiting for
grass ended at an. iron fence, and be- flies, and the 'flies generally came in
Yond Was the uncultivated vegetation, at a little door which led from the
room into a dirty yard, and there was
the banks of the river. Between thie
rank and unwholesome, that clothed
gartykeineadomfitntannrreoew terigthht-iosfayeearyd evfhreicnht
and the grass, however, there was a
the street. By this humble way many
strip of black earth, and this Nebel'
well-known people came, particularly
examined carefully, but could find
at night—the fast young man who had
nothing. If Villiers had come this
backed the wrong horse, the seeculat-
way, he could only have climbed the
ive share -broker, and the spendthrift
fence by first standing on this earth
sobiety lady, all came here in quest of
parently he had not done so.
In order to get near ,enough, but ap-- ea
their security was good, and, of
tnoney, which they always got, provid-
said, as they Walked back.
centage. Lazarus had dealings with
course, they paid an exorbitant per:
"But how could he have left the
all -sorts and conditions of . men and
place?" asked Fenton..
women, but he was as silent as the
"By the gate."
"The gate? You said he Would he
knew what secrets that dirty old He -
grave over their affairs, and no one
iehea'd he been doing brew carried in his breast. Of these
afri.asiod obfe twheoupiodl:
anything wrong. Had he stolen the nocturnal vistiors Keith saw nothing,
diamonds, he Would have gone deem as he left at six o'clock, after which
by the bank of the river rather than Isaiah Shut up the shop, and the front
chance Meeting a policeman on the doterittnheeseh,o‘upshellewhasneilneefete in enprtofeenunind
street." the little back room,
"But whet does this prove?"
"That, had he met a policeman, be,.. It was now a fortnight since -the
could have explained everything, and robbery, and the nine days' wonder
referred him to C,apriee as to hie In- having ceased to amuse, people were
terview, and right to con ie nut of the
sbteglinnlivnegdtoinforEgeeettallitteblhoeunt 0. 'ee withit l i
Ezra, and on going home one night
Melbourne house. In a word, it proves he did not
w.as sUrPriSed to find a letter from
steal the diamonds."
the manager of the Hibernian Bank
"Then who, in HeaVen'a name,
'which informed h'm that the eium of
"I don't give an opinion unlels I In fl
hied credit. Stewart Went: next day
Ve. hundred pounds had been placed
certain," said Naball deliberatelY; "
bo fin out the mine of his unknown
"bat I'll tell you what I think You
enefaetor, but the manager refused
heard Caprice mg she won't go with t
to tell him, as he had been pledged to
the case?"
secrecy. So Keith returned to Ezra In
"Yes; I can't understand her rea-
a state of great perplexity to talk over
"I can; the stole the diamonds her -
room and discuesed the matter late
the affair. They sat in E '
zra s sitting -
CHAPTER IX. at night with great aasiduity, but Were
EVeryone was greatly excited over Unable to come to any conclusion.
the great jewel robbery, especially as "You don't knove anyone who Would
it had taken piece at the house of do you a good turn?" asked Lazarus,
sa celebrated a person as Capriee, end when he heard this news.
numerous Were the conjecturea as tet "No—no oee," replied Keith. "1
the discovery of the thieves. . When, haven't a single relative in the Col -
h iwever, it beeame known that the onies, and no friend rich enough to
aely in qeestioa declined to allow an give me so much money—unless it
be "tee, end was tee. Were your father," with a. sudden in -
invest igation to spiration.
parently contented to lose five thou -
(To 'be continued.)
sand pounds, worth of diamonds, the
oxeitement grew intense. What was
Limestone Continues in Favor.
"Yes. All the people present were her motive for acting in ouch a strange
Pulverized limestone continues to be
To the ,eatte yew. siq Lovelace, or IILIY gleittS," and I hardly thitik any of Way? All Melbourne leaked itself WS
In favor as a soil sweetener or fertil-
them would rob MO Of MY diainonde." question, but withoUt Obtaining a Sat-
izer, aecording to the United States
' And three centerieff ago, was born
"Were any of the servants in the isfaetory answer. Reference was made
Abrahafte Cowley, who published hie 1 geo ogical stirvey. Since the figures
room when you nutde the remark?' to Ki t ' t I t 1 i
t y s an eceten a n conned on I
first book of poeme at the age of fif-
Economy !
is not only the most economical on account of
its great strength but you have the refreshing
and deliciols qualities as well.
Ask your (roceri In Sealed Metal Packets.
General Ouster's War Horses,
Frog Town was one of General Cuss
ter's war horses. He was the fineet
specimen eaf the thoroughbred I ever
saw, standing 16 hands, well balanced
and of excellent proportions, writes a
(correspondent of the Washington)
Poet. Ia motion he was superb, a
perfect model for the sculptor's art.
The favorite war horse of General,
Custer on the plains was a brown
horse called Dandy. He was 151,ea
hands, a compact, muscular horse,
fine head and neck. He marched in
tho ranks of Cueter's little army of
daring troopers on June 25, 1876,
against the confederated Sioux tribes,
that terrible day of the massacre of
Custer and his men, in the Valley of
Little Big Horn, and was shot through
the teeulder. He lived, however, to
return te Fort Lincoln, whence, after
a partial raeovery, he was sent to
General Custer's father at Monroe,
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
A Queer Building.
01 the many strange buildings heel
temples in the Far East, says a writer
in 'the Wide World Magazine, there
are none more wonderful than the
four hundred and fifty temples of
law at Mandalay, in Upper Burma,
known as the, Rutholdaw, or "Royal
Merit." The group consists of it
large central pagoda surrounded by
Ain-shap-min, who asceaded the
throne on the death of his brother
In 1867. The latter was cruelly mur-
dered by his two nepliewe, and it
appears that this very much affected
the new king. Not only did he de-
vote his energies to peace, but erected
this strange group of temples, each
one of which contained a slab on
which ie engraved a portion of the
Buddhist Bible. The holy tablets
are made of eoft marble or alabaster,
each slab being about the size of a
large, old-fashioned upright tomb-
stone. On both sides are engraved
chapters from the, Buddhist scrip-
tures. Oververy slab is erected a
canopy shrniounted by a gilded
framework of metal with small tink-
ling bells. The temples are situated
In a beautiful woode,d valley, and
seen from the surrounding hills they
present a fascinating picture.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. '
found nothing equal to it; sure
Hawkshaw, N.B., Sept.
1st, 1805.
Standin' up here on the fire -step,
Lookin' anead in the miet,
With a tin 'hat over your ivory
And a rifle clutched in your fist!
Wallin' and watchin' and wond'rite
If the Hun's comite over to-night—
Say, are,n't the things you think cse
Enough to give you a tright?
Things you ain't even thought of
For a couple o' months or more;
Thinge that 'ull set you laughin',
Things that 'all make you sore;
Things that you saw in the movies,
Things that you saw in the street,
Things that you're really proud of,
Things that are--xiot so sweet.
Faces of pals in Homeburg,
Voices of women folk,
Verses you learnt in ,school days
Pop up in the rdiet and smoke,
'As you stand there, grippin' that rifle,
A-starine and chilled to the bone,
Wonderin' and wonderin' and won-
, derine
Just thinkin' therd—all elate!
When will the war be over?
When will the gang breakthrough?
What will the U. S. look like?
What will there be to do?
Where will the Boches be then?.
Who will have married Nell?
When's the relief a-comin' up?
Gosh! But this thinkin's hull!
—Private Hudson Hawley-
- - -
Minard's ,Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
How Sugar Became a Necessity.
Man's enormous need for eugar is
the result of the evolution of his di-
gestive system. Our remote ancestors
in the European forests of the ice age
were able to digest cellulose and get
the sugar out of it, as a goat or a
camel cloos now. The organ which dld
this work was the fermiform appen-
dix. Later, Man began to get enough
sugar by converting the starch in
grains and fruits. Then he discovered
the process of cooking, which makes
this convers'oe of etarehes into sugar
much eaeler, and even in some (mete
performs the conversion. When sia
gar wag discovered, it was
at first regarded as it euriceity,
then eerved as a luxury, and finally,
became the necessity which it now ie,
as men's etornechs became aecustom-
ed to its use. It is, then, it partially
digeeted food, and a highly carmen-
trated form of energy. The sugar -eat-
ing man has survived because he took
great burden off his digestive tract
and thereby had more energy for oth-
er work. Hence man lute beconhe
confirmed sugar eater.
Vegetable Sheep.
"Some of the most singular plants
in the world," says a writer in Wide
World, "are the vegetable sheep of
New' Zealand. These are known to
science as Raoulia eximia, and at -
though they are of such a strange
habit of growth they are members of
the daisy tribe. The vegetable sheep
grown at high altitudes, usually on
some bleak mountain slope, which
which may be 5,000 feet above sea -
level. The whole plant is a com-
pact mass of stems densely covered
with small woolly leaves. So closely
do the raoulias resemble sheep that ex-
perienced shepherds will often climb
a long way up the mountain thinking
that they see some missing member
of their flock huddled against a rook,
only to diseover that they have been
deceived by a plant! During a re-
cent exhibition at Christ Church in
New Zealand, some specimens of the
veeetable sheep were collected for the
"show The plants are often large and
heavy, 6.2.4 0It requires the efforts of
half a dozea strong men to secure
some fine exaerples of the raoulias,
AGENTS TohoSlecill HAorviscle-
of Real Merit
. Every woman wants it and buys
. it on sight. 100 per cent. profit.
. Sample 25e. Write to -day for par-
Box 404, Parry Sound, Ont.
Worth Rem.erabering
For a coal saver, dissolve one pound
of washing soda in one gallon of water
and pour it on the coal' and let coal
dry. Coal treated in this way will
burn much longer than tho original
Don't put aside your carpet sweeper
because the wheels sae worn out. In-
stead, bind the wheele with adhesive
plaster the desired thickhess and the
sweeper will again run smoothly and
dolts work.
Common alum melted in an old iron
epoon will mend broken chine.
The old trunk tray covered with
white- oilcloth makes a handy kitchen
tray for dishes.
A garbage can will not rust, and so
wear much longer, if given one or two
coats of, good paint in the inside when
it is new.
To remove spots from wash goods,
rub then when the yolk of an egg be-
fore washing.
When making ginger cookies
cold coffee, if milk is scarce.
Rub the nickel stove trimmings and
plated door handles and hinges with
kerosene and whiting and polish with
a dry cloth.
Catarrh Cannot Be , Cured
Rather a Jolt.
Apropos of the pro-Oerman Props.-
ganda which he bas been carrying on
In his own country, a stater is being
told concerning the son of tbe groat
Norwegian Writer, Bjornsterne
gpartwPrioeenh atshea Pbenieint elleaenrdned",ieist
worth preserving. Young Rjornsoll,
in the course of a voyage on an oceau
steamship, had the temerity to intrude
himself on Use bridge. The captain
was scandalized, as au captains would
be, and requested the intruder to ree
turn at once to the deck. "Are you
aware," Held Bjornson, hotly, "to
whem you aer tweaking'," and when
the captain professed complete 'gum.,
twee, added, "To the eon of Norway's
greatest poet." "I cannot help it,"
said. the captain, with the ON! et Man
Who performs an unpleasaat duty.
"You Must, none the lase, leave the
bridge."—Mr. Ibsen,
1 ; 1
Without Military Honors.
The Sunday sehool teacher hed
read tho 73rd Psalm. "Whet do you
think," she asked a little boy, "the
words mean 'I 'saw the prosperity of
the wicked, For there are no,bands
In their death:" The boy paused, and
then replied, "Why, teacher, it means
that wicked men mustn't have mili-
tary funerals."
Canadian, fall weather is extremely
hard on little ones. One day it is
warm and bright and the next wet
and' cold. These sadden changes
bring on colds, cramps and colic, and
unless baby's little atomach is kept
right the rata may be serious. There
is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets In keeping the little ones well.
They sweeten the stomach, regulat2
the bowels, break up colds and make
baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. William&
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Helpful Hints.
To clean a topper boiler, moisten a
cloth with kerosene, and rub it over
the outside while the 'boiler is hot.
The stains and smoke will disappear'
like magic, leaving a clean surface
which may be •polished, if desired.
Instead of chipping a block of ice to
°bale ice for freezing cream or for the
table, apfey a heated bread,knife or
poker. This e'..S) cause the ice to sep-
arate easily without tee annoyance of
chips all over the room etal else with •11. v chine shop; low price for immediate
less waste to the ice. I purchase. Apply to the Tillsonburg Pone-
eobnart.& Machine Co„ Limited, Tillsonburg,
Try using your Vaceum cleaner for
drying the feathers in your pillows
after washing. Remove the bag from
the cleaner and after ripping the end
of pillow, apply it tightly to the clean-
er and turn on the current. The air
thus created will dry. the feathers in a
surprisingly short time and they will
be as light and fluffy as when new.
M inard'sLiniment for sate erywhere
ISSUE O. 45, 1918
Bele Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
putsr..ol,,Ass OstaleleNTER8 WANT.
• ed for inside and outtsido WOrki Also
ahop work; winter's work for cOMOetont
mechanics. Apply W, J. eliceey, general
contretor, Welland.
ee work at tinsmithing, stea.fly 30
S. B. McClung es Ca., Trenton, Ont.
4-4 Order for five dollars cOsts
Cents, '
• car lots. Selling cheap. Apply Thos.
Myles' Bons, 1ion-111ton, Ont,
A class running shape; now earning
R5 Pet' day; consisting of Waterloo en-
gine, 18 x 20 h.p.• Waterloo separator,
33 ,cylinder, 42 body; Victor clover huller;
water tank, drive belt; new LH. C. corn
cutter; complete outfit, twenty-five hun-
dred; worth three thousand; terms ar-
ranged, 'Apply Fred. Gould; IlingWooci
s1P1c2cdAsid0en,Brogr —3511‘51;°oRnnthOeRpreBraisSes 1,40:
trooll trio; e ChOuA ese:,81u°pn- t o 2- dEa trearrib 49:1: barnnesr:
good stables, with water; closed in shed.
Silo, piggery; hennery, sheep pen, never
failing well, windmill, goed orcnard;
farm In good state of cultivation well
fenced, well watered; flve miles'from
arwneoacigdU: Swri, 0.teRenl:uNfIr.cooh.me3s, Gocuinoetal.pen tby.scAhopopli-yhouot
Premises, Mrs. Lena Leybourne, Rock-
1-4 LOCK OF LAND, 926 - ACRS. 9
• Farms of 160 acres each. All in the
Province of Ontario. 1 Farm of 160 acres
in Manitoba. 6 Private De/clangs In
North Bay, Ont., will be sold cheap for
LOANS WANTED on North Bay Pro -
Potties gilt edge, one of $7000, and one
$800. Particulars will be furnished on
aPPIlesaion. Apply to 'William Martin &
Son, North Bay, Ont. Box a26, Phone 42.
store,in a live Ontario town of at
least 5,000 population ; must be a good
live business. Address R. S. Brown, St.
Chrysostome, Province Quebec.
LJ al, merchant, in village of Mori -es -
ton, if miles from Guelph, 1 mile from
Puslinch station, C.P. Railway; easy
terms; immediate possession can be giv-
en. Apply M. W. Hinkley, Drumbo.
1 -
In Topsy Turvy Japan.
Jinrikishaw men draw lots for pros-
pective passengers rather than over-
whelm him with attentioe.
To.call a Japanese child by beckon-
ing, the gesture should be made ‘with
the back of the hand uppermost end
the fingers bent together downward,
the motion being siightly downward.
Although the Japanese school chil-
dren leave their wooden clogs or san-
dals outside the school house, no Mis-
chievous school boy eVer mixes them
Temple bells in Japan are rung by
being struck on the outside with a
swinging wooden beam.
Swallows build their nests in the
eaouses of people of the rural districts
In Japan, even in the best rooms, a
she or a tray being placed under the
nest to prevent the floor from being
Most Japanese are indifferent .to
rain. Children with small babies on
their backs are often seen wet to the
-Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in- when one jinrikishaw overtakes
cannot reach the seat or the disease. —
internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi-
tanisce aLnInd and passes another on the country
Ifnlueonrcdeedi. b tyo c co Inns. et t ttt I oynoatil cnol nu ds t
cine Is taken internally and acts through
the blood on the mucous surface of the
system, Hall's 'Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the beat physicians
In this country for years. It Is composed
of some of the best blood purifiers. The
perfect combination of the Ingiedienta
in Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what pro-
duces such wonderful results In catarrhal
conditions. Send for testimonials, free.
F. ,7. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
All Druggist, 75c,
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Worth Knowing.
To make a delicious picnic sandwich
spread thin slices of bread with a mix-
ture of mayonnaise dressing, chopped
olives and celery. Finely chopped
nuts are also added sometimes, but the
flavor of the celery is so much more
prominent than that of the nuts that
the latter is apt to be lost.
A cook who is famous for her clear
soups says that a secret of her season-
ing is that she always adds it lump of
sugar to the soups before serving.
If after washing lace you wish to
have it it little stiff, do not use
starch, but rinse it again in water in
which a little gum arable has been
Stuffed eggs are particularly suitable
for a picnic luncheon and the flavor
of the filling may be varied in many
Nitric Add From the Air,
French chemists have given very
Close study to the Serpek method of
manufacture of nitric acid from the
air. Tti this process bauxite is Used.
If Ole proeaes can be worked out ou
eatisfaetory basis it will connncet
the nitrate industry with the very im-
portant aluminum industry.
The greatest of faults, I should say,
is to be conscious of none, -Carlyle.
Mat be prepared agaInskattacks tierchenthetismi lumbago, neuralgia,
" war,enegmieore ktrarialtauttilltipaveinfalialgartesi,_1(11.1over 8w4grjeUt
Vrttln 'to • tat buy Dirsete-alWaya letee pottle in
ratan/ len un 060" -lei
the hon.*. tte wait r ‘US625.
At &aide* or write toal. man EttlignYCO„ Mantuan. Canada,
road, the man always apologizes and
says, "By your permission, if you
When boards are cut at a saw -mill
In Japan, they are put together in the
order they were cut so that in build-
ing the carpenter may get the seine
color and grain of wood.
Children buy grasshoppers, feed
them on sugar and keep them as we
keep canary birds The tiny cages
are tastefully made in a variety of
forms—for instance in the shape of a
fan, each compartment housing an in-
- "
Chronic Skin Disorders
Now Diercome Quickly
There is no hope of getting rid of
disfiguring akin blemishes until the
blood is purged of every trace of un-
clean matter.
Wonderful results follow the use of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills which provide
the blood with the elements it needs
to become rich and red.
Quickly indeed the blood is brought
to normal strength, is filled with nu-
trition, is given power to drive oat of
the system the humors that caused
rashes, pimples, pasty complexion and
kindred ills. Don't delay. Get Ham-
ilton's Pills to -day; they go to work
at once, and give prompt results. 'Mild,
efficient, safe for men and women or
children. Get a 25e box to -day frotn
any dealer.
The Silence of the Doers.
Friends who had been arid seen and
Who had come home again had gone off
blithely and unselfishly, to drive anibu-
lances, to nurse the wounded, to know
the storm centre for themselves; and
they had cattle back sobered' which was
intelligible, and Silent, whielt was ute.
Intelligible. That they should speak mod-
estly of their deeds was natural, but
that they should be so strangely ret,.
Icent in speaking' of the grim total fact
and of their inner reactions was unnat.
ural, They had boon willing to commun-
icate it few items frotn their adventure,'
hut of their total experience they would
not speak. The cleverest raconteur
broke doWn. The Most discerning
oh))ter found himself beyond Ids depth.
A touch of the ineffable aeeinel to have
entered Into the lives -of all such Wha
had seen and shared, hOwever briefly
and humbly, In the strain and *tress of
the storm centre.—"Atlentle."
Sweet Young Thing—But how clo
you stop an airplane when it is 11P in
the sky? Earieg Aviator—Oh, We use
airbrakeis, e'.,1 course. --Cornell Witte%
". gine. Muir Bros, Dry' Dock Co, Port
Dalhousie, Ont,
in Canada to sell the Wonderful
Cabson Funnel Dampers; positively saves
from one-quarter to one-half the fuel, and
gives more heat for stoves, furnaces, hot
water or steam boilers. Apply to pat-
entee, A. Gibson, 391 Yonge street, To-
. LET a woman ease your suffering. I want
gyou to write, and let me tell you of
n.'y simple method of home treatment, 4
send you ten days' free trial. Post-
paid, and Oa you in touch with
women in Canada who wil
mthl 0
gladly tell what my eod
has done for them.
If you are troubled triW sena_
with weak, tired lb tions, blad-
. feelings, h ea d•
der Weakness,
ache, b a c lc- constipation,ca-
tarrhl conditiens.
ache, bear -
lea down e), pain in the sides, teat -
misplacement os; of
lib gait,. nervousness, desire to cry,
palpitation, hot flashes, dark. rings
1 under the eyes, or a loss of interest
In life, write to Inc to.clav.* Address:
firs. IL Somers, Cox 8 Wisdtsr; 111.
Callahaaa's Error.
Two Irishmen in Maryland decided
that they would enjoy a bit of sport
on the occasion of the "opening of the
:reed -bird season." They were pro-
vided with tremendous game -bags,
*and, as it was their first experience,
they were very enthusiastic.
Suddenly Callahan spotted a bill,
and, taking very careful aim, prepar-
ed to fire the fatal shot. But Casey
seized him by the arm, crying, franti-
"Don't fire, Callahan, don't fire!
Ye've forgotten to load your gun!"—
"Harper's efonthly."
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Not His Loss.
A dusky soldier was standing guard
after taps and a civilian attempted to
pass his post—ono of those fresh wa-
ter civilians. The challenge rang out
and the mufti gentleman attempted to
give back talk. The negro guards-
man became serious, leveled his gun,
and approached. "Aw, g'wate" chided
the challenged person. "You would-
n't shoot that gun!" Back -it came,
- quick: "Ah wants to tell you all right
heah and now, this heah am'niehun
didn't cost me a cent."—Buffalo
laily $irs5 r et trY,
Use for Rheumatism.
Old Farmer Horkins always would
spring eurprises on the village, and
one day he bought a barometer. He
was singing its praises to one of the
village dude and explaining:
"I bought that barometer to tell
when it's glen' to rain, ye see."
"To tell When it's agoin' to rain!"
echoed the chid in surprise. "Why I
never heerd of such extravagance!
What d'ye suppose the good Lord
have given ye the theumatiz for?"—
The bugle call, at any rate, never
comes Out at the end of the horn,
Mir, DAM otoll4mr2LtelvOt....