HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-04-28, Page 7. 11. ik 1.1
4 Imperial 4LLO15I
About equivalent .to 6 American Gallons for
Water WhiteAmerican Oil 25c. a Gallon
These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged
or delivered 22c per gallon extra.
Johnson's Kalsomin 3 .andlPure Mixed Paints.
'Churches Alabastine,
John A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds
Hardware, Stoves and" Tinware, Clinton
TableLinens, Towelings
Table Covers, Prints,
Sheetings 1 Flannelettes
LACE CURTAINS at all prices
Ask to see our 8c SHEETING
Anything advertised in this space is worth your attention
b per cent off for Cash
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton,
Special Notice
As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead-
ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Piotures by well-known masters,
all framed and finished in first-class style, and suitable for the beet class of resi-
dence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures
free when their cash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business
is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices.
SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per pent.
we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at
the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are
on show at our store.
TEAS—Our stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas
including best grades in Black, Green and Japans.- Try our Russian Blend and
Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
CHINAWARE—Examine the quality and prides of our Combination Dinner and
Tea Sete, and be convinced that Bargain Day with us is every business day
. tnroughout the year.
N. ROBSON, -.. Clinton
Business Continued
Owing 'o the liberal patronage received we have decided to continue tb
And have purchased direct from the manufacturer a fine and t -elect steel(
That we will sell cheaper than any otl.er house in the trade. We will
continue to sell our present stock AT AND BELOW COST
BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange at market price.
Jackson Block Huron Street Clinton
Another Woman Made Happy
DEAR SIRS,—I feel it a duty to my sex to make public the benefit I have derived
7<� .ro1n a °purse of your treatment, hoping that if any suffering sister sees these lines she
ay go and do likewise. For years I have snffered with diesatisfaotion, and got no
1p, though I spent much money with those who promiaed to cure. It was after I had
despaired of ever getting relief that one of your advertisements met my eye, and hoping
against hope I resolved to give you a trial, My first visit to you gave nie much encour-
agement, you seemed to understand my onse, and I left you better satisfied than with
ny other person I had trio Eaoh visit to you has increased my &infidentes as it has de-
inislled my disease. To -day I am cured of all dissatisfaction and would say to all "if
y u want to be perfectly satisfied go to JESSUP & McILROY'S." I shall go to no ono
el O. I bave found with you the best treatment and daily help. You can make what
ns you eboose of this letter for the benefit of suffering humanity. • Yours gratefnlly,
• GVe guarantee Is cure for every ease of dissatisfaction. Good Goode, Lowest Prices,
r est Valdes giden td alar Cash for Butterl and Egge.
SOP &..ItteILUOY, Cash Merolla
1 .,., ,,,ri slur ... rr
QIJ d4U$T',t i<t'QR
Avor's P1 I
Are better known and more Keller"
ally used th,aa any outer cathaartio
Sugar-coated, purely vegetable:
and free *QM mercury or any other
injurious drug, this- is the -ideal
family medicine. Though prom r+
and energetic in their action, the
use of th'e pills is attended with
only the best results. Their effect
is to strengthen and regulate the
organic functions, being especially
beneficial in the various clerat}ge-
ments of the stomach, liver, and
• Ayer's Pills
are recommended by all the leading
physicians, and druggists, as the
most prompt and effective remedy
for biliousness, nausea, costive-
ness, indigestion, sluggishness of
the liver, jaundice, drowsiness,
pain in the side, and sick headache;
also, to relieve colds, fevers, neu-
ralgia, and rheumatism. They
are taken with great benefit in
chills and the diseases peculiar to
the South. For travelers, whether
by land or sea,
are the best, and should never be
omitted in the outfit. To preserve
their medicinal integrity in all
climates, they are put up in bottles
as well as boxes.
" I have used Ayer's Pills in my
family for several years, and always
found them to be a mild and excel-
lent purgative, having a good
effect on the liver. It is the best
pill used."—Frank Spillman, Sul-
phur, Ky.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists everywhere. -
Every Dose Effective
Fourteen men were drowned at Milwan
kee, Wis., on Thursday. A waterworks
crib, upon whioh they were working, was
washed away by the gale.
Nelson Chambers, whose family lives in
Amheretbarg, and C. Jones, residence un-
known, were killed by an explosion on the
steamer Choctaw on Lake St. Clair Wed-
nesday. Two other members o! the crew
were badly injured.
The finest, completed and latest line of Elec
Weal appliances in the world. They havt• never
failed to euro. We are so positive of 1t that we
will back our belief and send you any Electrical
Appliance now in the market and you can try it
for Three Months. Last list of tertlmonirla
on earth. Send for book and journal Freo.
W. T. Baer it Co., Wtntleor, Ont.
Notice to Creditors.
• Notice le hereby given, gureuant to R. 8. 0.,
1887, Cap. 110, dec. 36, that all creditors and
other persons having claims or demands against
the estate of William G. Murphy, of the town-
ship of Hallett. farmer, who died on or about
the 12th day of November, A. D. 1890, are requir-
ed to deliver or send by post prepaid, to W. W.
Ferran, Clinton, for the undersigned Exaseters.
-of -the-will-of-the-said -wifllatti G. Murphy. oo.
ceased, on or before the 22nd Say of May, A. D.
1893, a statement in writing containing their
names, addresses and descriptions, and full ' par-
ticulars of their elating and aoeounte, with
vouchers (if any) verified by statutory deckles -
tions. Aud notice is further given, that after
the 22nd day May, A. D.1893, the said Execu •
tors will proceed to administer the assets of the
said estate, having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have had notice aesboce
required; and teat the said,Executors will not be
liable for said assets c r any part thereof, to any
person or persona of whose alaim or claims they
shall not have notice at the time of such dietri-
April 20th, 1893.
If temperance .peopled ,se a. rola aide with
the Iowat•(iovernlnent, they vote that way
' bsuauae as a rule itis btegipiattive an portere
are• known in their respective iogalitiea as
...better temperance Men than the candidates.
of the ()pposition, ' where are exoe tions to
this rule, G. 'F. Viavter, of Muekokii, is
ono of them,. to Muskoka temperance igen I
probably do not as a role' support, the Gov-
ernment. Ll North York they are with the
Government bee^u,se its ,eaedidate, .. .
Davis, is a better temperance man than his
opponent. Tn East Wellington, where a
Liberal who has been strong against the
Scott Act ran, temperance people deserted
lgim for a blowatite and a prohibitionist.
A secondary cause for a preponderance of
the temperance vote in favor of the Govern-
ment is the feat that Sir Oliver Mowat has
given the province a good license law well
administered. The Government's. record is
but a Secondary pause, for primarily the
temperance men are for the Government
because the Uo ernment'a candidates iu
most localities are known as better temper-
ance men than the Government's oppon-
ents.—Tvrouto Telegram.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 36,
Chapter 110, K.B.U. 1887, that all persona having
claims against the Estate of Addison Worthing-
ton, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, Medical Doctor deeeasod, who died on
or about the 7th day ct February, t. D., 1893, aro
to send by registered letter or to deliver to Man-
ning & Scott, Clinton, Out., Solicitors for Louisa
Worthington Ella J. Worthington and Jas, Scott.
the Executors of the loot will of the said de-
ceased, on or before the 1st day of May, A.D.1893,
a stat•ou.ent containing their names and address-
es, full particulars of their claims, and the securi-
ties, if any, held by them, and that after said lst
day of b•ay,•1893; tbe-sald EYeonters will proceed
to distribute the tweets of the said deceased
among the parties entit'ed thereto, having re-
gard only to the claim; of which notice shall
have been received as above required. and that
the said Executors will not be liable for said as-
sets, or any part thereof, to any person or per-
sons, notice of whose claim has not been reeoived
at the time ;of distribution. And all persons in-
debted to the said deceased are requested to pay
er settle the amount of their debts, to or with
the said Exocutore, previous to the said lst clay
of May next.
Solicitors for the said Executors
Dated at Clinton, this 8th day of March, 1893
C. 0. RICHARDS & Co.
GENTS.—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some years
and believe it the best medicine in the
market as it does all it it recommended to do
Oannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIEnsTEsD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us
that he was oured of a very severe attack
of rheumatism by useing MINARD'S
The first shipment this season of
Canadian cattle for the English mar-
ket will be made on April 29th
News has been received at Bow-
manville of the death, in Liberia, Afri-
ca, of Rev. H. Garwood, a former
resident of Clarke township, county
Durham. He was engaged in gather-
ing oysters, slipped from a rock and
fell into the river. Not being able to
swim he was drowned.
A sad aooident happened last Saturday
night at Hawkeetone, about eight miles
oat of Barrie. Mr John Williamson, J.P.,
went out to his mill dam, and whilst rais-
ing the flood -gate a lever struck him, stun-
ning him and knooking him into the flume,
where his body was found about three
hours afterwards. He was 72 years of age
and father of Councillor Williamson, of
A straight party contest on the issues of
tariff reform will, it is said, be fought in
Vancouver, B. C., in the by-election for
that conatitnenoy,necessieted by the death
of the late member, Mr Gordon. It will
be interesting, though there can be little
doubt that the Government, supporter will
win. The politics of British Columbiana
omelet for the most part in supporting the
Government of the day, a policy which is
pursued by all the new territories, which
have much to loose by opposing a Govern-
ment which boasts of rewarding its sup-
porters. Hitherto, therefore, though the
British Columbian contests half a dozen
so-oalled Conservative and Liberal candi-
dates have occasionally run for one constit-
uency, the elected member has always
proved a supporter of the . government.
This time a pledged Liberal supporter of
Mr Laurier is to enter the contest. De-
pendent as Vancouver is upon the Cana -
died' Pacific Railway and upon Govern.
ment favors, it is hardly likely that it will
return an opponent in the middle of a Par-
liamentary_ term for. which_ the Govern-
ment is firmly establ.shed.
Separate W-O-R-L•D-S F_A-I-R and use the
letters to spell as many words as you can by us-
ing the letters as many times as you wish, eith-
er backward or forwards, but not use the same
letter in making any ono word more times than
it appears in "World's Fair."
It is said 75 small English words can bo spell-
ed correctly from the ton letters contained in
"World's Fair." Example:—Wad, waif, soar,
idol, etc. If von are good at word -making you
can secures h'REE trip to the World's Fair and
return, as Tho Scott Seed Company will pay all
expenses, including R. R. fare, hotel bills, ad-
mission to the Columbian Exposition, and $50
in cash for incidental expenses, to the first per•
son able to make 70 words from the letters con-
tained in "World's Fair" as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the World's Fair
and return with $25 for incidental expenses, to
the firstporeon sending 60 words as above. They
will also give a FREE TRIP to the World's
Fair and return (without Dash for incidental ex-
penses) to the first person sending 55 words.
To the first person seeding 50 words will bo
given 850 in cash towards paying expenses to
the World's Fair; to the first sending 40 words
will be given 825 in cash towards paying expen-
ses to the World's Fair, to each of the first five
persons sending t35 words will bo given 810 in
cash and to each of the first ten sending 30
words will be given 55 itt cash.
Only one prize will be awarded to the same
person. Write your name on 114 of words
(numbered) and enclose the same post-paid with
ton '3•d; stamps fora largo package of our
Cholco En lish Cottage Garden Flower Seeds
This combination includes the latest and most
popular En lish flowers of endless varieties
(same as will be contalnod in the olabornte ex-
hibit of English flowers at the World's Fair
This "World's Fair" Contest will be carefully
and oonsciontiously conducted solely for the
purpose of in trodttcing our business. You will
receive the BIGGEST value In flower seeds
evorof'ored, and if you are ab to makoa good
list of words and answer promp ly yen will halto
a fir t•e] se
e a Opportunity to so uro a Eros trip
We 10 epondtng a largo Amet t of money to
start tr trario this teasel), a cl want your
et, ,•r.Yon-will he mere thtt ratified
the a Settddrte$ ..
Peds, Jan. 21, ?e...
Messrs Isaac Wil?iame Co,:
Detirdirs.—I was troubled with rheumatism for
severe' years. A friend induced me to try your
"Royal Crown Remedy,"which I did. After taking
two bottles I felt great relief. At the present roy
health le better than it has been tor a long time.
I can confidently assure you your medicine was
the means of prolonging my life. The above
testimony you have my permission tf usi,g as
you see fit.
I am, yours respectifuliy, MRS. JACKSON.
Hundreds of others could tell, and will to fu-
ure tell how Royal Crown Remedy has prolonged
heir life.
wll t\atn's Royal Cr' n n P t.tn 3y isthe greatest
Remedy on cat.o fcr gent. -1.1 d'b•!ity.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The Empire and other papers effect to
believe that Vaudreuil was won from the
Conservatives on the Manitoba school issue,
and not on tariff reform issue. Mr Har-
wood, the successful candidate, on the other
hand, attributes his victory to the people's
desire, to get rid, of protection. To a Mon-
treal Star reporter he said:
The whole campaign was made on the
tariff reform issue. At one o1 two meet-
ings a little was said on the Manitoba
school question, bnt tariff reform was the
great issue. You see the population of
Vaudrenil county ie ertirely a farming one,
the only approach to a factory from one
end to another being a little carding mill at
Hudson. Now in former times the farmers
had been aeouatomed to do a brisk business
with the States, shipping thither horses,
horned oattle, sheep, hay, straw and other
products. They naturally feel the want of
the American market a great deal. The
result of last week, is all the more signifi-
oent when it is borne in mind that Vaud-
reuil has always been a Conservative, coun-
ty, and in fact ie strongly Conservative still.
We owe our success to the fact that a num-
ber of Conservatives supported the Liberal
candidate because they have discovered
that the present policy of the Government
is ruining them. Why, according to the
census of 1581, the population of the conn-
ty has-dimished by 700 in 10 years.
is oftentimes absolutely
cured in its earliest stages
by the use of that won-
Rad Medicines
which is now in high
repute the world o er.'
414...a t'Tas. 0.•.tismdt'�'!ii'tiu' flame
F3hglstno ,4o did bt u71 0 gal Saar
4•41 28, 1$0811.
a Y...
100' Sale r)41a
QIES, Stationery
In order to clear out the entire stook of W. H. SIMPSON, it htig been"•decided
to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at moll
.figures that will make it of interest for purchaeere to come here.
This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired
to clear the whole out in 30 days.
One Car Steel Nails. Spades, Rakes
and Shovels, Daisy Churns, Royal
Canadian Wringers, 45; -old. Medal
Carpet Sweepers, Barbed & Barb-
less Wire
The celebrated Palmetto BRUSHES which will last three
times longer than auy other made—try them.
ROCK OIL egtsaEg
Buying for cash and in large quantities enables us to sell at
low prices. Give us a call. Goods delivered free of chhrge
to any part of town.
New Store Cld Stand
fiackayBlock H A R LAN D R R 0 S 1, Brick Block
First car Dow arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal
Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots.
Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty
J. W. Irwin, Grocer
Huron Street, Cl intoe
We have ori hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship.
I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
Restaurant and
The subscribers having bought out the Restaurant business of JAS
ANDERSON, and the Bakery business of R. McLFNNAN, desire to in-
timate that they will continue the same, and will devote their personal at-
tention to the various branches. The Restaurant will be as attractive as
possible, and those favoring us with their patronage will receive courteous,
careful and prompt attention.
together with a choice stock of Candies and Refreshments.
The services of MR. MoLENNAN, who is known as a thoroughly comps:
tent and upright Baker, have been retained.
be r P tly filled. Bread or Cakes can be procured at the NOVelty'
Itestnlirant Albert Street, or will bo deliver:., to any p,�rt of ' t e . fwn
Orders respectfully solidi s ilii