HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-04-28, Page 6T {.F .fw , I NT N NM ER A i . Two men were killed by an explosion of NEItVOU$ WESTERN CUL ' i;MHt b><OWA ` ANP TEMPERANCE, SHOPS nitro•.tyrrlgowrine at' 0, Magazine•twp tulles ' from y(tp9, 011191 Slkop smulrEi B .UCK, in 'furl Pon oLFIQI , ouNTON undersigned having opened out in tiro Buser, clearer, to state that be will keep ozr tee vety. ob'loest Meats, Having no ex- oesside o1 tiimsolt. he Is iu a positiee to Bell eery closest prices, i will at qU times be prepared to pay the; et urarkpt price for Exhort Cattle, >i1 ROOS always wanted for export. Give VHICAOO THE B1.76 i HOME OF THE GREAT WORLD% EAIR. Ou r '1,31.04ft3r ft delegation of Royal Four people were killed end much props _ °Cemplars waited upon Mr Mowat to Mi;y Assuaged in Qatige pity, Esneaa,'by a ( reply, Oliver. expressed'his The wen were killed land pine injured , pleasure at receiving the deputation. by nil explosion of dynamite At 7.'owe',noar They were frank, ,and so would he be, Minneapelie, t t' s fo m ki g the rid better; It was lmposaible'to feel too strongly in regard to the consumption of intoxi- cating liquors, which has caused pro- bably three-fourths of the crime and poverty in this and other countries. Judges, magistrates and person con- nected with ai;baritable institutions have so affirmed. He had no doubt • ROBT. FITZSIMONS hi h fill th t h th y that if there was real prohibition it Chicago is the'Mecca for all classes nConditions o society. The philunthroprst looking upon the seething masses, sees wonderfuloppor- nnl ie r making wo the clergyman, of whatever creed or nationality, labors zealously to enlarge the borders of his particular portion of the spiritual(kingdom; the fivancies' be- - oo nesiabsorbeditiwarking outthemigh- typrobfernsupon thisigigantic state; til speculator revels i in the numberless risks and the delightful uncertainties w C e a mos ere e a vot- aries of the fashiona, le world live in a charmed microcosm, upon which out- siders can onlygaze as they pass hur- riedly by to te dally or nightly task; the theatrical troupes of every grade write their autographs in every avail- able place, and draw their crowds, the architects banish the night in order to have time to work out the herculean buildings which rise skyward as they take tangible form from the charts and plans; all workers in iron, stone, brick mortar, tin, wood and glass flock to this vast arena for the working man; clerical experts swarm the city, while as vast an army of "dilettante" amateurs live and flourish within her borders; the orator is drawn towards the masses of humanity, who listen good t,aturedly to his eloquence, while they contentedly enjoy the beauty and 1 halls or their luxuryof their ample matcless auditorium; the lecturer, the schemer, the hobbyist, the crank, all find sympathizing followers, while the blackleg, thief and ravisher consider this city as one of their paradises. The distinguishing characteristic of Chicagoans is their good-natured sang froid, or rather, their stoical tolerance bf aggravating delays and detentions. To an unaccustomed eye the throngs of teams and pedestrians seem inextri- cable. The great thoroughfares lead- ing to the draw -bridges will be swarm- ing with activity, the teams passing within decimated inches of each other, when, presto, a bell rings violently and men and horse:; work desperately to make certain points before a chain is drawn across the thoroughfare, and the bridge swings noiselessly and rap- idly to admit some mammoth craft drawn by a smoky, noisy tug. The crowd which a moment before was intense in its activity is as motion- less as if posing for a group to adorn the art halls of the World's Fair. The little Italian boys and girls spring up- on the platforms of the cars and car- ettes, thrum their accordions. .dance their quaint steps, and as the bridge swiftly revolves to its usual position, they pass their rough, dirty little hands for pennies, nearly always gain- ing favor with some good natured per- sons. The busy, hurried man who a few minues before was nervously consult- ing his watch, now settles back and pulls out the last edition of the®news- paper to read. Jokes pass among the drivers, while pedestrians crowd to the water's edge, and seem absorbed in the new -corner on the. river highway. As soon as the bridge begins to revolve every reign is firmly drawn. and for half an hour the congested tide of traf- fic and humanity is veering, deftly dodging, and executing marvellous feats of agility in avoiding, meeting and passing one another. In the centre of business, where the sky -scrapers hold dominant sway, and each one contains a small army of em- ployers and employees, the burly po- liceman stands in the street centres, and directs the ahnost innumerable throng of foot passengers and teams of every description. He raises his baton and the teams stop,while serried ranks cross from opposite sidewalks. Many ambitious persons, reckoning on sav- ing the sixteenth fractional part of a minute, make rapid and brilliant de- tours among the writhing teams, the swift and obdurate street cars, and the ever -varying crowds. Often there is a general flurry, a rush to avoid a long detention, and gray-haired men and women do not disdain a dog -trot, or even a lively run, to board a car, or make a sidewalk. 1 Wiry news boys dart i\ri and out of the masses like swallows, and their shrill cries are heard above the myste- rious, wordless roar of the disturbed air, the harsh noises of the teams, the sound of hundreds of footsteps, the constant ringing of the alarm bells of the cars, and the indistinguisable sound of human voices. Not content with surface plans, the monopolist, the syndicate, the million- aire or the speculator does not hesitate to disembowel the principal thorough- fares, blocking the wdy'to an alarming extent, and causing revelations of na- tural and acquired skill in gymnastics by the busy throngs who find their way so obstructed. i There is always an air of hustling I preparation or of hurrying to complete some cherished project in that great city. sec what could be done towards seem, in prohibition, oyolonew s a d f in rel ,Sir RRQN.ST BUTCHER SHOP • We;iesire reestlpordially to thank all those, who twit ^ Layered uB with their patronage since wo r> menoed in business and'to assure them and etpitblig generally that wo are in better shape than ever to cattier to their wants, having added ani itnprovodretrigoratorand other convenieneee itb cur shop. IIEA.TLEY & FINCH Ql nton MEAT Market rewrw+-� SINESS : !CHANGE. tt!41he'underetgned desires to intimate that he 3tpe bought out the interest of Mr Oyuoh, in the • Yj itohezing business lately carried on under the le of FORD &ICOUGH. Hes,4il1 continuo the a atilt he old stand, and ` ste by giving the and most cameotentfou to the bnsi- rsi_httorw "It'd' courteous treatment g only choice meat, tomerit tlrlartt61ege, All pr0aefUlynd pomply1d JAMES A. FORD . it tral Butcher Shop rtmg t. ,stat tl'J Silber desires to thank the public general- ox^•`the patronago bestowed upon hien; and the Saute time to say that he is now in a bet er' oSition than ever to supply the wants of all. he gives personal attention to all the details on their nr;eg business opt1ya�scan satisfactorily filled orders, toiIs good t Y His Motto is 'good meat at reasonable prices " IlS ,, :,Nolte Sausage, • Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hideo, Skins, &c. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. our and Feed Si ores our, Feed &;Seed Store :The undersigned having purchased the busi- etls o1 Masers Walker d; Hanley, desires to Inti - ate that bo will keep ou hand the vary best • FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy Sc Small Seeds, *blob will be Bold at close margins for cash, ;:+&LT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS, which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL, HURON; IST., CLINTON. ''COOK'S OUR, FEED & SEED STORE ave in stock a choice assortment of Seeds, such as VER, TIMOORTHY, MILLET, d all seeds required for Farm or Garden use. 'Flour and Feed of all kinds COOK, CLINTON. RINKS he Molsons Bank. incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J H. R. MOLSON. ...Pros. ' '4) F,RSTA231 THOIIAS, General Manager Notes f' 3counted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. s., interest allowed on deposits. FAR vtERtst- th ~ UO ao or more endorsors. No moreir own note l mortgage required ae pcurity. H. C.BREWER, Manager anuary GEO. 11 McTAGGART, BANKER, LBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business tl ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed on deposits. I+`ARRAN & '1 k4t'DALL tBAPI KERS, CLI 4'.11 Advanoeu male to farmers on their own • notes at low rates of intereet. • A general tanking Realness traneaotee Into s et allowed on deposits, lie Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage R' V B Y3ANS 'S ora t- "Vo , ecxses of you Bile Remedy ., r ,:Ilblttte sake: r`t0 Most obstinate pesos when au otbe: 1iAS,dkN,,H l>as'5IOitO4 0500(0 lellova sold oydru[t - •:', tti�e, of (b o7 Ot 66th mall on yt et'Dtice jly addrt4 ing TRI?,FAMES Ml ti:Clie$ ? OtaAi'; {1fF Write ter pamph1Ct. field ink NERVE BEANS aro a new dltt covert' that euro the worst oaeee of Nervous Debility Loet Vigor and Falling Manhood • restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over-aork or the amore or eL • a r. i. « ' could be enforced, but t ere is no use C•;MW> DUla.0aoipi,Croup,Sore lfae s , sold yi,i� ail Dr�up�l,�,�esp on a Guarantee. ir•la$t use jive pest Bookna tafacei y cents. sr.Y. erkine, gbet*tas 'refifo '•itigek's~ta/r•*ATM? Am L.T�6'U,�e�',t I Ia tta fol 801'rQ 07 trouble itY; extt+le. Prlco 0 A 4®I:.. J _ 14t111 �,.• .X ?'-I. f ..,0 t+Y xe r .'i o'• ave you er 7 trythis Redy.Itvan pos't vely relieve a:td t,iuye y.,1i. r . tcee as :•t�. LI; Injector for . !--,i sun foe fia1 t'fs?.CSrotsaa :1 1ftrnlebedfr'ee lie',n".&irilohalwr-:,die: are sold on a amass—. . . _ , : ae::ed •ileo. HONEST HELP FOO? Ibi EN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO OUAC'S. A sufferer from En -ors of Youth, Nervous Dcbtaty and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed that he will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf- ferers. Address, with stamp, (i R. EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) 501143. DETROIT, MICH. Are a BLOOD BUILDER and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and td rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a certain and speedy care for all *Mimeses arisin from impoverished blood, and shattered nerves, such as par- alysis, spinal dis- eases, rheumatism, sciatioa,loss of mem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of the heart, sarofula,ehlorosisor green sickness, that tired fooling that affect s eo many, eto. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor, WEAK MEN vd old cs, mental oerwork.insomna, excesses, or self-abuse, should take those PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains, weak back, ulcerations, etc., will find those pills an unfailing eure. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, These Pills aro sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be soot by mail, post paid, on receipt of price -60 Dents a box or 6 for $2.5e. THE DR. WILLIAMS MGD. CO., Brockville, Out., or 14lorristown, N.Y. a w a a 0 11 .I� 0 Cd Cd k 1 ^ lC CD pcl E4 P'•I O 0 cdce 0 0 rCD U I2 for the sum of 65 cents cash. Q� OUR vim 1893 TLOWSE CUD MEL ""d"" FLOWER SEEDS Collection of varlReties, FREE! A,tt r npnrelicgled Offer by an Old•E.lnbllshed and Reit. able 1 ubllbbing House! Tue.Lentse' onto h e largo 20. page 80 -column Illnetroted Maga- eine for Indlon and the family circle, It Le devoted to etoriee, poems, ladled fancy . work, artistic needework, home decor& ti on, housekeeping, fashions, hyglenovenni reading, etiquette, ate. T, 10 introduce thle ebarmipg !action' paper into 100,000 homes where ft le not already taken, we now make the following caloeeal � t/pon re- cet a of my 12 Centra in effreror Bampe, we will . d Tho Ladled world for Throe sold III5 4yMontFree anti postpaid s, and to a large aber ore will Wee nd magnificent vol. lection of Choice Flower postpaid, two hundred varieties, btcluding Pansies, Verbenas, Chrysanthemum' Asters, Phlos Drummondll, Balsam, Cypress Vine, Btooke, Digitalis, Double Zinnia, Pinks, etc„ etc. Remember, twelve cents pays for the mnga- In. thiee menthe and Ode entire magnificent Collection of Choice Flrwer Seeds put up by a And -class Seed House and warranted fresh and reliable. No Indy can afford to nibs; this wonderful opportunity. We guarantee every subscriber many limes the valve of Tonoey sant, and will refund your money and make you n present of b,•th seeds and Mnggnalne If you aro not tiotle0ed. Gore i& an old nod reliable publishing noon endorsed by all the leading news- pa,ers. Wo have received hundreds of testimonial. from pleaee01 e uN ui Gen front had ba past five sore: "!I I� apatrons Aurin the y ne .red. gnu as odn,ao ,a ." ago and f.o C. p)3oy n o, 1Dano, WI,e are exactly as dole hare senaro. C. Daya g. Dart w6, .lfu an and friends Aa. emu e eely a things adaertM. br V., and nvt ions.! farm to be HenryWard d tB�Ieech ry. (— M.J. Davis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. ry Ward Ifenoker (e regular mbseriber), and Orn. Greenwood, each - ord,•red our ,redo last lemon. Do not eon. found this offer with the catchpenny schemes of a mlouti persons. Write to-day— don't put it offI Sin subscription. ,nd nix Beed Collections tient for 00 cents. SPECIAL OFFER! To any lady send- ing es 19 cents for above offer, and naming the paper in which the mu this atf erfteemtnt, a Will send II u, to addition to all the above, one pocket of the cele - heated Eokford Sweet Pens, embracing the newest anrioa.. Including Ilnronttenr Ism Eskimo, Splendor, 'ilia queen, Orange Prince, Apple Monson', ate. Sweet Peas aro the most, popular and and Ecktoed fashionable bouquet a etfer cultivated, largest, Anent and most celebrated known. 'they grow to ■ height oft feet and produce for three month. h continuous pre.. f n of lent bionme of the most brilliant colerinO•. foe GREAT OFFER ! Upon recant of birty Ave con urldafinee o cubacrtptton pile.) we gAll Bond aThe LndlC w Bear, together wit aurerele. ncen/ Cetl.elt a of Choles Flower Seed. above describe , ted &s. or Sptin tot the esten,Hely Myer Used and 5,,tl cel rated Eekf.rd Stint Pete. Ad,INM qe 11. DIVE' da O0.s AT Park rlaaot Now Yortl. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT" PICTURE. Send 25"Snnlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- per bearing the Words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER Enos., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive b3 post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you loave the ends open. Write your address carefully. In putting prohibition on the statute book, unless the people are ready and able to enforce it, If the law is not enforced, we would be better without it. It would be most disastrous to the temperance cause if Mr Marter's hill were passed while the Province has no power to pass it. Sir Oliver showed the demoralization that resulted from the Dominion Government attempting to pees the McCarthy Act, the validity of which was assailed, and which for a long time preventedroper enforce- ment of either law. He could not sup- port Mr 'Marter's bill at the present, though he would go further as soon as the law is settled by the courts. Mr Marter's bill provides for the preven- tion of the sale by retail, but the Brit- ish Privy Council has said in dealing with the matter we cannot separate re- tail from wholesale. "If we had the power," said Sir Oliver, "to pass and enforce a prohibitory law, I am posi- tively prepared to go for it, but I can- not assume that we have power to pass and enforce such a law as the delegates assume and as Mr Marter assumes. I must be sure of it. The question of our right to pass the Local Opinion Law we have passed has been taken into the courts, and one of the judges of the Court of Appeal, while favoring prohibition, has already told us that the Privy Council decision does not give us power to prohibit. There are thus grave doubts about our powers, and before I act I must know that I have a law that is legal and constitu- tional. It would require the strongest possible power to enforce a prohibitory law, and it certainly could not be en- forced if any doubt remained as to its validity. It would be hopeless to try it. Dr. McKay—May Iask does your Government intend to test the validity of the laws as to the proper way for future action? Sir Oliver replied that he could not at present reply for his colleagues, but he thought that a way could be found to forward a final decision on the sub- ject. A tired woman, just as much as a sick and ailing one, needs Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, That builds up, strengthens, and invigorates the entire female system. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions of womanhood, improvesdigestion, enriches the blood, dispels aohes and pains, melancholy and nervoueness, brings re- freshing sleep,' and restores health and strength. It's a powerful restorative tonic an.d soothing nervine, made especially for wo- man's needs, and the only guaranteed re- medy forwoman'e weaknesses and ailments. In all "female complaints" and irregulari- ties, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, yon have your money back. A great many medicines "relieve" Ca- tarrh in the Head. That means that it's driven from the head into the throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleans- ing and healing propertiers, Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy perfectly and permanently cures. CRISP AND CASUAL. The German army will soon comprise 5,000,000 men. The ice at Port Arthur harbor ,is still solid. Minard's Liniment is the Beet Hamdem, Conn., has offered a bounty of $1 for eaoh mad dog killed. dinard's Liniment lamberman'e friend The United States have about 1,700 differ- ent and distinct railways. It would be worth while for the ladies to bear in mind that if they take a gentle course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the spring, they will have no trouble with "prickly heat," "sties," "boils," or "black heads," when summer comes. Prevention is better than cure. The roll of paper, as need in the news- paper printing preee, ie from four to six miles long. Minards Linament is used by physicians Wine made by the Zulus and Dutch col- onies of South Africa will be exhibited at the World's Fair. RHEUMATISM GORED IN A DAY.—South American Rheumatio Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia rsdically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediate - y disappears. The first dose greatly been- flt 75 cents. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. There are no less than twenty-two well well known jonrnale in this world devoted to epiritnaliem and ghost lore. The largest bell in the world is in the Kremlin, Moscow. Its height is 21 feet 4i inches; its ciacumforence 67 feet 4 inches; its weight is estimated at 443,772 hundred- weight. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on Inman or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. The first locomotive ever seen in Bankos, Slam. was started on the Karat Railway. The native population took immense inter- est in the trial run over the half mile of railway now laid. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by nee of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. A British soientost recently stated that If a man weighing 140 ponnda were placed - under a 'hydranlio prose and squeezed flat, the result would bo 105 pounds of water and 85 lbs. of dry residue, ''-`ten Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla yen abs was a Child, she cried for Castorla. -,Viler he became Miss, she clung to Castoria. TTeu She had elbildren, she gave them Castoritk, • 3 0.- I., 0 What filly the, housewife with delight. And makes her biscuit crisp and light, Her bread to tempt the appetite? COTTOI.EN IE What is it makes be; pastry such A treat, her hatband eats so much, Though pies he never used to touch? COTTOLENE What is it shortens cake so nice, Better than hili, while less in price, And does the cooking in a trice ? COTTOLENE 'What is it that fries oysters, fish, Croquettes, or eggs, or such like dish, As nice and quickly as you'd wish ? COTTOLENE What is it saves the time and care And patience of our women fair, And helps them make tbeir cake so rare? COTTO LE N E Who is it earns the gratitude Of every lover of pure food By making "COTTOLENE" an good? Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streeta, MONTREAL McLeod's System REIN OVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For trpure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pal ,a- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loos of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERIGH, OiIIT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton THE RIGHT The new model o ookford Watch, when placed in a screw boa ease, will fill a ion felt want among farmers, as it is not dus proof only, but very strong, The plata which the wheels work between, not being separated by piliare as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plata to rest on; it also being pendant or lover set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer - JOS. BIDDLECOMBE House PaitII and Paper Hooking The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, HALBOMINING, PAPER -HANGING, &o. He is a practical man of long experience, ;and guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall bo eatisfaotury, while prices will be exceedingly !moderate. Orders ro- epeotfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton DO YOU WANT A First-class Stop or Long3Ladder ? - A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of li nature? Then oall onlW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley Will be a5Dineley's corner every Saturday afternoon. ROBERT -:- DOWNS, °LINTON , Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Elvin Artl l Dog In use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the 4iirFISIDIR PATENT AOTOMArIO l3oiLSB otrasen. STEAM FITTINGS furnished end app ed on short notice, !tellers Engines, and all hinds of Maolilnery repaired expeditiously and -in a satisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Stearn and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilos fitted up on application Charges moderate. The earliest library was that of Nebu- chadnezzar. Every book was a brick en- graved with cuneiform characters. At this season the effects of catarrh and cold in the head are most seriously felt, and endanger life and health if not prompt- ly treated. For this purpose there ie no remedy equals Nasal Balm. Prompt in giving relief and hover fails to onre. Sold by all dealers.. 600 a bottle, by mail, post • paid. Address G. T. Fulford & Co., Brock- ville, Ont. , The romaine of a race of liliputians, be- lieved to be the ancestors of the Mexican Aztecs, have been unearthed in East - Tennessee. The visit of Mr E. E. Sheppard, of Sat- urday Night, late editor of the News, and. Mr R. L. Patterson, type founder, to Win- nipeg it is reported, in, connection with the establishment of a new Conservative paper there. It ie understood Mr Sheppard has been offered the management of the news paper and that his visit there is to nonsuit tit° promoters, CLaINrl'ON Planing • dill DRY KILN! DR, IeLELLO, LOBO 4 OIT 497 Talbot at., opodzolo oq the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1389. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School end Hospital or Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1602. Eyes Tasted. Full stock of Artificial E ee, Spootoolee and Len sett. Will be at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON The First FRIDAY in Each Month. Second Visit MAY 6th next. Hours a.m. to 4 p.m, Chargee Moderato, • HURON AND BRUCE lima & Investment Co'y This Oortml'any is Loaning Money or Farm Security Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE—Corner of Market Square and North 8t dORAOE HORTON, MANAGB a• rIHESUBSURIBEiIFIAVINUJt18TC051PLE7 J- so and furnished his now Planing 51i11 witb machineryy of the I atest improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all orders in his lino in th moat prompt and satisfactory manner and at ma sonablo rates. Ho would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they were burn gd out and now being in a bettor position to core uta orders ers expeditiously and fools confident bo can ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY—Near the Grand Trunci Railway, Clinton. THOMAS McKENZIE JINN' AKI POWDE• THECOOK'S BEST FR,END t tr•+r_fr;V dial C I trii Cn..A NI' Da. 1 5t 1885 J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. - A FULL LINE OF GOODS nth in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL • 0,10.0.,,. ,,.,01»., II• BENMILLER NURSERY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN,.,PTrNE,__,,,....._ TRa LATTER OF WHIOH WE aARP a 6e601ALT`' LARGE STOCK ON FHANI) Tho aboyo ornamental trees and shrubbery w,11 be sold at very low prices and those wantit g any thing in this connection will save moue purchasing hare. Orders by Mail will be promptly attevde to. Address, JOHN STEWART. — Beniltllier. Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000 NE: WC11 Or* 4111112 ELECTR BEDS AND APPLIANCE CO. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the . Owen Electric. Belt, is now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles, and will effect cures In seemingly hopeless cases whoroevery other known means has failed. It Is nature's remedy, and by its steady, soothing [current that 1s readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES Rhenmatiem. Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility. Innpotency, Lumbago, Kidney Diseases. Nervone Diseases, Livor aoinplalnt, Dyspepsia, Laino Back, Varicocele, Urinary'Diseases. RHEUMATISM It 1s n. well known fact that medical science has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic cases. We venture the assorilon that although Electricity has only been 111 use as a remedial agent 1'or It few years, it has cured more caves of Rheumatism than all other means com- bined. Some of our lending physicians, t•ecog- nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this most potent of nature's Poises. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, host Manhood, Weak Back, eta., that the old modes 01 treatment fail to cure Thorn is a loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs 15 practising a dangerous form of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Electricity as applied by the Owen Electric Bolt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. ItIs the only known remedial 1 a eII }; that o Y will supply what Is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the w,lole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, ,so -celled Eleel •i^ Belts advertised by soma concern and neddied through the country. They aro electric it, name only, worthless as a curative power, and clear at any price, Wo Challenge the World to show an Electric Bolt where the currant Is under con- trol of the patient as completely as this. Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr. Owen embossed In gold upon ovary Bolt and appliance manufactured by us. Send for Catalogue--Malled (Sealed) Free. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., 49 Kind St. W., TorOnto. e t ilientfou this paper, • ?i 44