HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-04-28, Page 5AAy.t1161,10/,., An,.l a Ar .,'A. 11 ,-11 na\,n,. L8DIF8 & 4EpT8 SOLIB G0NATCNES We have QVQ1 2Q beAutifui signs in Ladies' Solid Gold Watches. You cannot do bet- ter than Call and inspect, our took. are right The prices ;the duality is right, the workmanship is perfect We have Ladies' Watches from $5 to $W We have Gents' Watches from $8 to $Iii Call and see us and we will try to please .you. J. B. RU M I ALL Noted Reliable Jewel e,y Store and Bell Telephone Exchange Stand Every Kind Of Criticism Some people think that ready-to-wear BOUTS and SHOES can not t as well be and in ully made se shoes that can made to hen it . Do you . know that we sell the best 32 inoh SOFT CLOTH DELAIN That may be true in some few oases, but not many. Bat then it is well to remember that a firm like ours with a reputation is jeal- ous of it, and cannot afford to turn out goods that won't stand .,. every kind .of criticism. Our stock of BOOTS and SHOES are of the very best quality. PATTERNS PRINTS worth 12c or 15c for 11c, boiling colors. Also T)4 C .I ; TQ 1441/1/ ERA, 7F717"""' 8 lel, k .1 Jill ..ill..I.,, IA.!r..,,.1. iJ L.d II. Special- Sale for thaiTay OIL (CA•RPETS SPECIAL SALE INCURTAIS MANTLES Boys' & Men's Colored O /O it Goods are in fashion just now, and we have them in 1 (, correct styles. , W e are doing business on a strictly cash basis, and our customers are all delighted with the change, for it means lower prices than when bought and sold on credit terms Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. ARE FEMALE CO PLAINTS INCURABLE Sonic are incurable, but others and a great number are curable, and we guarantee to cure every complaint of poor quality, high prices, inattention to customers thattroubles any woman in this district. One trial will re- lieve you of any doubt upon the question as to our ability to do all we say. Have you a tired feeling after paying two prices and padded profits? Are you sick of being roped in by calculating cheap Johns? Are you weary of the same old styles everlastingly turned up? The same old excuses and ex- planations to account for lack of styles and stook. If you are thoroughly tired of all this yon can be cured by coming to fair and square dealers. JESSOP & 1VlcILROY, Cash Merchants, BLYTH COTTAGE TO RENT A very comfortable cottage to let on Dunlop Street. Good water, Or will be sold cheap,Ap- ply -ply to J. 0. ELLIOTT or at NEW ERA (Moe .1 COTTAGE TO RENT The cottage and premises of Mrs A. Dodsworth on Isaac Street, Clinton, consisting of a comfor- table cottage with kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft water, § acre of land with quantity of fruit trees, currant bushes, grape vines, &c.— Terms easy. Apply to MANNING & SCCTT, Clinton. EGGS FOR HAT.CIIING FROM Pure bred Black alinorcas and 'White Leg - borne, from Thos. Rice's best strain. 81 for 13, 75e each additional setting. Will guarantee Eggs to be fresh and true to name. Correspon- dence cheerfully answered. Inquire at Brown- 1ee's Store. WM. HARTRY. Seaforth FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale that desirable farm, being lot 37, on the 14th con. of Goderich township, containing 80 acres, more or less, with frame dwelling- and barn With stone`foundation, now occupied by Mr Jos, Izzard. Possession given lst,October next. For al] particulars ap-, JOS. ROWELL )-Execntore. late R. PHILIPS. ply to • J. H. COMBS GOLDEN GIANT OATS. These oats have been well tested, and have given good satisfaction as to quality and quanti- ty. Yield at Agricultural College after two years test, 89 bushels per acre. R. B. McGowan has a limited supply at Lot 39, Con. 3, East Wawa - nosh. Yrioe 50ots. per bushel R. B. McGOWAN. Box 81 Blyth. Snaps in PIANOS 2 Second -Hand Pianos,. an Upright Heintzman & Co., and a Williams Square, only slightly used, will be sold ac a bargain. No reasonable offer refused. Can be examined at any time. 02. EMERSON, Clinton l*HOWitoDM #N vA t booth BLOC DRESS MAKING. Miss DICKsoN, who is a practical dressmaker of considerable experience, is prepared to do dressmaking by the day. Good work and perfect fit. Reeidence at Er Fosters, corner Queen and Princess Street. BULBS : and : PLANTS DAHLIAS—Named, Mixed Varieties. GLADIOLUS—Fine Collection, all Colors, CALADIUMS—Fancy Leaf or Plaih. TUBEROSE BEGONIAS—Single and Double, very fine collection; have taken prizes wher- ever shown. FLORAL DESIGNS of all kinds, for weddings, parties or funerals, got up on short notice. REEDING PLANTS—A beautiful collection, and parties desiring such should give us a call. CREEPING VINES—Several varieties, suitable either for indoors or out, Parties desiring Rose Bushes, Shrubs or Trees can be promptly supplied. Prices Reasonable. T. COTTLE, Joseph St., Clinton NEW SEED OATS JAS. STEEP has in a limited supply of EARLY GOTHLAND OATS. These oats have been tried by J. Jenkins. W. Weir, D. Lansing and Mr White, all of whom claim them to be the finest oats that can be grown. They are white, with strong stiff stalk and sidling oats. Price, 90 Cents per Bushel A limited quantity of BLACK OENNETT OATS only 81 a bnehel, JAMES STEEP, - CLINTON SEED and FEEDING GRAIN PRICES I am selling both Seed and Feeding Grain at the following prices:— American Banner Seed Oats at 350. Common Seed Oats at 33 cents. Feeding Oats 32 cents. Have also a few Early Gothland Oats. Good Seed PEAS at from 60e to 65c. Feeding Peas 580. Also plenty of good 6 rowed BARLEY for Seed. The above prides are for lots of not less than 10 bushels, and aro liable to change if the wholesale market changes. As I sell at small profits and the business not my own, I sell for cash or ex- change for any other kinds of grain. All good farmer, will understand the importance of ex- changing seed. W. H. PERRIN, Clinton, SEEDS, BULBS & PLANTS —AT— JOHN CUNINGHAME'S All kinds of Garden and Flower Seeds. A very fine assortment of Flower Seeds, Sweet Peas fine largo mixed, Asters, fine double mixed in {sulk; BULKS:—Gladioli, Single and Double' Be- gonia, Dahlias, Tuberoses. VINES, something new:—Madeire and Cinna- mon Vines. ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS. --Onion Setts, White and Red Dutch Setts. FOR GARDENERS—Wholesale violist on ap• plleation, Plant Baskets a1 per hundred. New Onion Seed Prize Taker; you should try it. - . JOHN CUNINGHAME, OLIN 'ON, a fast Colored PRINT good quality only 5 cents. 20 pieces fast Colored Gingham s worth easily 10c for only 5c 100 pieces just received of beautiful Navy Gauntlette worth easily 8c., [only 5c These are only a few of the many advantages this store offers to people who buy here. Won't you come and make one of the number.l CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, April 27, 1893. , , Wheat fall 0 63 a 0 66 Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 63 Oats 030a031 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 55 a 0 57 Flour per bal a 4 30 Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs per doz , 0 10 a 0 10 Potatoes per bushel 0 50 a 0 50 Pork 7 50 a 7 50 Hay, new 6.03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 8 00 a 4 00 Hides, rough 2 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75 Wood shortt 2 25 a 2 50 Wood, short green 2 00 a 2 00 Wood long 3 50 a 3 75 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were 475 head of butcher's cattle, 100 calves and 60 sheep and lamb offered at the East End abattoir Monday. There was quite a drop in the prices of cattle since Thursday and they were rather lower than on last Monday. The best beeves sold at about 4,1c per ]b., very few going at more than 4io, pretty good stock sold at from 3o to 4o and rough leanlsh beasts at from 3io to h c per lb. There was a brisk demand for calves and prices were higher all round, common veals sold at-from=$2 50 toIlteacb, and good ones at from 85 to $8 each. • Mut- ton critters are advancing in price at froth 44o to 5i per lb.; lambs sell at from $3 to $5 each. Mr Charters bought a lot of prime sheep Monday at $8 each or 5,ic per lb. Fat hogs are scarce and advancing in price at about 80 per lb.; 350 head of cattle are to shipped to Britain Monday night, by way of Halifax. BORN PICKETT.—In Clinton, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr John Pickett, of a daughter. WOODS.—Ip West \Vawanosh, 12th con., the wife of Mr Alex, Woods, of a daughter. MARRIED. BEATTIE—SKENE.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Mitchell, Frank S. Beattie, V. S., of Sea - forth, to Miss Maggie Skene, of Detroit. CURTIN—MCQUADE.—In St James' church, Seaforth, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Father Kennedy, Mr Martin Curtin to Miss Mary McQuade, eldest daughter of Mr Michael Mc- Quade, of Tucicorsmith. DIED. HORTON.—In Seaforth, on the 22nd inst. Alfred J. Horton, aged 22 years. SIMS,—In Blyth, on tho 22nd inst., Mr Wm, Sims Sr. aged 93ears, WILLFORD.—In Blyth, on the 22nd inst., Mrs John Willford, Sr., aged 73 years. EWINGS.—In Clinton, on the 26th inst.,Joseph Ewin s aged 62 years and 9 months. Funeral will take place from the residence, Friday, April 28th, at 2m. KIRKPATRICK —In Goderich township, on tho lith inst., Sarah Kirkpatrick, daughter of John Kirpatrick aged 28 years. COLEMAN—In Tuckersmith, on Friday, 14th inst., Mr Robert Coleman, aged' 71 years add 6 months. COtJTTS.-On the 6t youngest daughter of J of Noopawa Manitoba, MCREGOR,—In Hu Elizabeth, wife of Mr J years, 9 months and 7 da Mary, wife of Geo. Bow h ins.„ Jessie Gertio, ohn and Agggie Coutts, formerly of East Wa- wanoah, Ont.]lett, on the 21st Inst., John MoOregor, aged 45 days. BOWERS.—In Helen a, on the 16th Inst., ere, of Clinton, aged 45 years. DURST.—In Buffalo, on the 21st inst., Mrs burst, relict of the late Adam Durst, aged 71 years. FELKER.—In Hullett, on the 26th inst., Louie Felker, formerlyof Colborne. MOS. --In Glasston Dak., on the 24th init., Olive wife of Mr C. Moo, and daughter of Mr W. Bingham, Hnllett) aged 23 years. CLINTON BOLLS FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERVICE. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, lot 34, con. 9, Hnllett, a Thoro-bred Durham Bull of good pedigree. Terms 81, with privilege of re- turning, WILLIAM T. MAIR. DURHAM BULL for SERVICE Subscriber keeps for service, on lot 19, con. 9 Hullerttt, a Thoro-bred Durham Bull 01 registered pggOHNee.HTerms $1(11 with calf) or 50c i1 not.§41 DURHAM BULL for SERVICE Subscriber fot7service west half l2, Con. 13Hulet, athorobred Durham Bull of first class pedigree. Terms 51 to insure, and if not withJAMES V81BSTER. BULL FOR SERVICE. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises lot 26, con 3rd., Mullett, a thoro-bred Durham Bullv of first-class the pedigree. Teems 81, at time of service, with the privilege of returning, or 51,60 to insure. B. CHURCHILL. HORSES FOR SALE. For sale five good horses, four of them roadsters and one a working horse, all sound and young; will be sold cheap. They may been seen at the Queen's Hotel, J. CONNELL, Clinton. HOUSE TO RENT The house on Rattenbury street now occupied by Mrs Thrower, is offered to rent. It contains large dining room, parlor, bedroom and kitchen downstairs, with three bedrooms upstairs. Good cellar. Only a minute's walk from the business portion of the town. Apply at NEW ERA Office CARETAKER WANTED. The time for receiving sealed tenders (asked for up to a previous date has been extended) and will be received by the Secretary, up to 6 o'clock, p, m. on the 1st of May for the position of Caretaker of the Rattenbury St. Me- thodist Church, for one year: All particulars as to the duties to be 'performed, can also be pro- cured from the secretary, The lowest or any ten- dernotnecessarilyaccepted.- J. C. STEVENSON, Secretary. Auction Sale of Real Estate m The undersigned will sell by auction, on SATURDAY, MAY 6th, at 3 o'clock p. m. at KENNEDY'S Central Hotel, that desirable Cot- tage on Albert Street belonging to Miss Trewar- tha, and being on lot 384. The lot is an eighth of an acre, and the cottage has accommodation for smyall family. Terms easy and n application known an Mr JOHN BEANe. oParticulars CARLING, Anctto THE IMPORTED DRAUGHT STALLION ANDREU LAMMIE No. 6993, B. C. B., Vol. 11, will stand for the improvement of Stock hs follows:—Monday, May let, will leave hia own stable, Londesboro, and proceed to Joseph Webster's 13th con. Hullett, for noon; thence to Manchester Hotel for the night. Tuesday, will proceed by way of Westfield to Alive] Carr's for noon; thou to Belgrave Hotel for the night. Wednesday, will prccded by way of Sunshine to John Hagan's, Morris, for noon; than to Emigh's Hotel, Blyth, for the night. Thursday, will proceed by way of the 9th con of Morris to Neil McDonald's for no=n; then to Wm. Herringtou's, 13th1 eon. Mullett,for the night. Friday, will proceed by way oHar]ock, then down to the 8th and 9th cone, of Hullett to Allen Farnham's for noon; Mon to bis own stable. Saturday, prooeode 1 to Thomas Oarb art's, Gravel road. for noon ; then to his own stable. The, above Route will be continued duri ng the Season health and weatherpremitting. J. & E. BELL, Proprietors. Mr M. R. Corby, a well known old resi. dent of Hamilton, wab stricken down and died on the street on Saturday while going hafne from Dr Ridley'soffice, where he had been for treatment. • Be was 74 years old FOSTER Go to FOSTER For your PHOTOS=., ON us For Braided Barbless Fence Wire. Galvanized Fence Wire. - Black Annealed Fence Wire, Wire Pullers and Staples. Manure Forks. Garden Spades, Long Handled Shovels, Garden Rakes Raw and Boiled Paint Oils, Turpentine, Pure White Leads and Ready Mixed Paints Buying and selling for Cash enables us to quote you low prices. L. OUIMETT CASH DEALER, LONDES$oRO.