HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-04-21, Page 6"ti w :i:OP$:. uteiter �xSbop tr y. I31:4) e , TS` O111 PAST QpF.PPgi ole4NTQN eadderetgned lx y ng! opened .out in rho etlog!1t, desires to eeete that be will keep on ee 'ere. eueleem: dente, Having po ex. fiDISIghtl himself lreieit) a position to sell very closest Belef s will at MI them he prepared to pay the eeee.eptroeVket POOP tot 414eeri Slattie• /40,06 alway„Il'tyanted for export. Give ji l `'EiTz IMONS UNOHt ST, BUTCHER' SHOP e.ire Pieetleerdiallp to thank all those who lltto fa,Yorn(1 1t wlttt :their patronage since we reMenea 1p leucines •, and to ensure them and •tlteariat+ to eeelly that we are in better shape t,hrbtt•ewee teer.to their wante, having added �pr� rlfrigerator and other conveniences fBATLEY . Lit FINCH x�A T Market 1TFSS : CHANGE. 1p{ie undersigned desires to intimate that he has uopght opt the interest of Air Couch, in the `3iutohei;inft busineee lately carried on under the ole of P_ ia? dq ()OUCH. He will Continue the ant, at the old 'stand., and trusts by giving the ololfest ani post Careful attention to the bust- ' Male; , eteaigl�tforward and courteous treatment •taloa 1, and addling only ehoioe meat, to merit en4 .011M A: fair share of publio patronage. Alt erders oarelnlly. and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . ttral Butcher Shop ]l, pbseriberdesiree to thank the publio general - 1y,, for Mee patronage bestowed upon him; and at ,the galas' bPe to say that he ie now in a bet terposition than ever to supply the -wants of all. 1E" gives personal attention to all the details t the btia;uess customers can rely on their Were` being promptly and satisfactorily filled. Le motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." ° Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. sh paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON Albert St., Clinton. Ur and Feed Stores r,Veed &Seed Store ddersigned having purchased the buei- essrs Walker & Hanley, desiree to inti - at he will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds, Which will be sold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS, which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. 7Ortat711Nbrarra‘trwl7a:Crr -t Qui$ UansUmptlon, Pang*g)ronp, Borer Throat. Soldbgy all Urn is On a Gu it tee. Fora Lame tilde, Back or C ere Shiloh'% Parch Plaster yip, give great aatisfaotioni--ld cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER./ Mrs: T.8. Hawkins,Chattanooga, lean. eaygi "Skiloh'e Monter 'RAY= 1tsY Li�eva. /Mongidee r ed ForD sPsp a,Liv� waned' trouble It=We.. bice beta, 11.MOH'S ' ATU REMEDY faveyouCatarr'b? TrytbfeEemedy. It win ppoositively relieve and Cn;e.you. Priooe 60 cis. This Injector for its auocotaful treatment la f urnliihed )rine. liemember, dhf lob's Remedies Lara sold on a guarantee to sive eatis:action. Had the woman who gave the two mites been trying to have seen how many tickets she could eell for a oonoert in the temple to help repair the roof, it may be that she would not have attracted the Lord's atten- tion. At the Sons of Temperance District Convention, at Welland, it was moved by Bro. Gilchriese, seconded by Bro. Purdy, "That this district division memorialize the Ontario Legislature to extend the franchise to woman, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the local mem- ber, Mr McCleary, and to Mr Richard Har- court, the member for Monok." Ye3, but feed it with Scott's Emulsion. Fending the cold kills it, and no one , can afford 1 , have a cough or cold,acute = and leadine to consumption, lurking around hin.. S C r t10 01 pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypopliosplaites - strengthens Weak. Lungs, checks all = Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable - Flesh Producer. Almost as Palatable as M i I k, Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. ®NEST HELP FOI MEN Car.: —rra-............... .y PAY NOMOREMONEY TO COACxa. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Deb,•tty and Lust Vigor, was restun.d to health is such a remarkable manner, after LII cls' had fa.h,l that be will send the.means of,.ore FREE to all fellow sat. terers. Address, with stat::p, Mn. EOWARr MARTIN, (TCACHER) BOX 143, DCTR'.; T. MICH. CTOOK'S �' O DU FEED ,& SEED STORE ;., in stock a choice assortment of Seeds, snoh as TER, TIMOTHY, MILLET, CORN And all seeds required for Farm or Garden use. Flour an Feed of all kinds 000 , CLINTON. 4ANKS Molsons . Bank. fnoorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, $2,000,000. EST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON .. Pres. r. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager tea rr'9counted, Collections made, Draft 1 issued, Sterling and American ex- c4ange..botught and sold at lowest ' current rates. l Interest allowed on deposits. FARMERS. eyadvanced to farmers on their own note wi r more endorsors. No mortgage requi d ity. H. C. BREWER, Manager D. McTAGGART, BANKER, BERT ST, - CLINTON. general Banking Business tl ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. ,ir r RAN & r,; A LL •;� BAIVKE s male to farmers on their owe les at low rates of interest. 'oral tanking Business transactor] Inte"eat allowed on deposits. Ale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage VERVE $131ANs area now dirt emery that Cure Wofltoalee of NOHOW Debility :iLolt, Vigor and BaWnB Manhood WOOS weakmode of pody•or inla'd OVUM ria by oertscrk r theenora Ore*. oseeesfyou _fhey tt elatlent0 whets alt (cher i tlreet�')� ate, ,.►o'brumesfl:l cytiiri . t rtT7... et salt oi'' plug 5,, seta J4 sum of 65 qiaq Fear to die Until you'havo done 00410 pad that will ,always live. ' The man who worship$ a golden calf is burning incense to himself. The strongest man in the world is the one who man beet control himself. One of the largest islands on the Au- stralian coast disappeared recently. There is nailing easier to believe than a pleasing lie about ourselves. We sometimes think we need wore grater when all we need is more rest. No man believes the Bible to be true who is not trying to be true to the Bible. Over 2,000 houses in Kawagoyecho, near Tokio, Japan, have been destroyed by fire. Mrs Theodore DeLong committed suicide - by drowning at Tileonburg on Wednesday, Mr John Youngs, one of the best known residents of Oxford county, died Friday. Mr Andrew Pattallo bas been elected . president of the Woodstook board of trade. Fire in Veszprim, Htlni,ary, has de at royed 141. houses and rend( red 1,C00 per sons homeless. A toast given at a meeting of a woman's club in Springfield, Mo., was, "T'ie Men 1 We Left Behind Us," An old lady in Beverly, Mo., is said to have slept in the same corded bed bvery • night for ninety years. California boasts of having shipped no i lees than 25,326 carloads of fruit outside the State during the past year. • Of the $12,000,000,000 of life insurance written in the world, $5,500,000,000 is plan- ed in the United States. Dr. Stewart's house at Palmerston was struck by)ightning Wednesday night and ooneiderably damaged. Mrs John Boyd, wife of a farmer living seven miles from Ottawa. committed eui- oide on Wednesday by shooting himself in the breast. John Madill, farmer, of Virden, Man., dropped dead on Wednesday. He leaves a wife and family in Floss, county of Simooe, Ont. - Geologists consider kerosene to be ani- mal oil. Hence what we burn in lamps is the remains of long extinct monsters of the earth. In the town of Flint, Mich., a man and his wife are candidates for school traatee on opposing tickets, the man a Republican and the wi.e a Democrat. At Windsor on Friday Anderson Veney, of Amherstburg,was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of his wife in September last. John Anderson, aged 52, was arrested at Toronto, Friday night, charged with fraud by cleaning postage stamps and Belling them again as new. A forest fire in Warren county, N. C., has swept over four miles of the country, destroying over 200 farm buildings and much other property. Mat Bitner, a Bohemian, living at Clin- ton, Wis., shot his wile and Mrs Arthur ifurne, the wife of a prominent farmer, threw their bodies in the cellar and burned the house. Ben Jeans has been a passenger conductor on the Great Western • Railway of England for fifty years, has traveled in that time 3,494,452 miles and has never met with an accident. A New York State editor the other day wrote a headline, •"Alleged Tresson in China," and was horrified to see it run through the paper, "Alfred Tennyson in China." • At a large meeting held in Shelbourne..on • •.-Friday .night,..end„optl4ea,,inetbe, gtgrestt•of.. annexation, a resolution' was passed by an almost unanimous vote favoring tariff re- form and denouncing annexation. The Young Men's Conservative club held their annual meeting last Thursday night. Mr Meredith and almost the entire body of the provincial opposition were present and an enthusiastic evening was spent. A demonstration was held by the Macdon- ald club of Kingston last Thursday night. Among the speakers were Hon. M. Bowel, Sir Adolphe Caron, Hon. Mr Costigan, Hon. Mr Daly and the controller of inland revenue. William Dunn, one of the pioneer settlers of Downie, died the other dayat the great age of 84. He settled in Downie in 1835. Mr Dunn was for many years an elder in Knox Church, Stratford, and was a staunch Reformer. • EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE And :f persevered in the Worst Cases WAN'T'ED! A Reliable Person in Every Town to take the Exclusive Agency of the "World's Columbian Exposition Illustrated," AUTHENTIC ORGAN OF THE FAIR. Established 1890. Great Opportunity to make money for the next year. One Chance in a Lifetime. Enclose 15 cents in stamps for Sample Copy and full particulars. J, B. CAMPBELL, PRES., 159 Adams Street, Chicago, 111. We Want MONEY Not became it is money but for the comforts it will bring. :n order to get momey we sell . Not fcr the sake of the pleasure our customers will derive from them, but for profits we get from our sales. We are on the Zook -out for future as well as present sales. We recognise the "that our reputation ie at stake, and prefer to se only Standard makes—therefore We pin our f th to THE GERHARD HEINTZMAN —AND THE— WORLDRENRWNED WILLIAMS But we can procure for you any other Make you. may desire and sell at aloe figures. We ale se11 •the CLINTON ORGANS and COMET BIOYOL lS Give no a call or write for catalogues before mak- Ing glpur. selection,. GY. EVI 5O . Clinton . •.:. A33tipVVilbf1M IiV7ek`llly (l11t)1s,$u`otO7J)t' For Slue :)!i .ill Druggists And Wholesale by la. ''DON DRUG 00. London. Ont. ""E..""='—‘'..,THE 2CHIEF I c� EACH BLOOIV, • LIi CHARM r"a ¢ +� :ar 4/ , n OF A • d, `'� �lE�,f`` •jiEF'INED ¢,. v cVd WO1AN II I, ,I II 11 I II II u tY� II til II is her complexion. Why have Pimples Freckles spots or any blemish when Peach Bloom Skin Food will remove them all, and leave SKIN FOOD the Skin traand bebear- a out, soft au- iful? PEACH BLOOM contains nothing that can injure the skin. It is clear •as water, and leaves no tree of the application one minute after use. PEAOH BLOOM differs from any known preparation, in that it oleanses the pores of the skin from injurious aooumnlatione, im- parts health to the inner as well as to the outer outiold, dissolving and removing Pimples, Blackheads, Liver Spots and Blemishes, and gradually brings about that transpftrent state of the skin that makes a perfect complexion. - PEACH BLOOM is in demand ahead of all cheap preparations, because it has merit, and because it produces the r sults we claim for It, Sold by Druggists, price $1.00,.or sent en l: receipt Of prise by a • 3roeeing. 'Ghfe Ott 9nEstloia, Co,,. 186 Adolade St , West TofOntb. 00110311, Billiton, Oi*,. 'w What ? elttal . clnee!teterfaltiee lheelcal Treat urea 1'teyeal, 4 dry eye means ti k,ard heart, , 1lrowe eye* ere the most kindly.. Voltaire had a typicill foxy face. A platting upper hp indicates timidity, i,talleus have the best mouths and L'iaclt eyes are the most rash and im• pet acuse. Like countenances indioate like charao- fere. An insignificant nose means an insignifi Cans mall. An open mouth is a sure sign of an empty head, Very large thick lips are a sign of senen slily. Large ears are found on the heads of Coarse people. Coarse uair always indicates coarse or• gautzation. Very full oheeks indicate great digestive powers. A projecting under lip shows malignity and avarice. A double chin is invariably a sign of a lover of the table. Pointed noses generally belong to med- dlesome people. Blue eyes belong to people of an enthuse emu: turn of mind. Large eyes in a small face always betoken m aliciousness. There are types of faces among men as among animals. Narrow, thin nostrils indicate small lungs and low vitality. Power of language is indicated by fulness beneath the eyes. A retreating ohin is always bad ; it shows a lack of resolution. If the forehead$be shorter: than the nose, the sign is of stupidity. Oblique eyes are unfavourable ; they show cunning and deceit. An oblique mouth is a bad sign; it indi- cates a crooked character. English-speaking people have the best foreheads and eyebrows. A steely blue eye is often the sign of a merciless disposition. The most prominent French characteris- tic is the prominent nose. Fine hair generally betokens native good taste and intelligence. Double lips are unfavorable, indicating a tendency to grossness. Large wide -spreading nostrils show ample lunge and good health. Short, thiok, curly hair is an indication of great natural, Strength. Very tightly closed lips are usually found in secretive characters. Irregular teeth generally indicate lack of culture and refinement. Freckles, like red hair, are an indication of an ardent temperament. A loug forehead indicates intelligence ; a short forehead, activity. The upper lip, when projecting, shows arrogange and want of shame. A dimple in the chin is pretty, but indi• Dates weak mental erganization. The ridge of the perfect nose should be broad and almost straight.—St. Louis Globe -Democrat. Japanese Dentistry. "The Japanese use no instrument for ex- tracting teeth, but lift them nut with the thumb and force n.;er," said Ile ury Daker to a guest of the southern who was wearing his jaw in a sling as the result , • ti I: it of forceps slipping and getting more utau they were sent for. "While jolly Dick Hubbard was Minister to Japan I visited that country and spent a. pleasant,vyeek with_ ...Une day. I. was troubled with toothache, and Mr. Hubbard took me to a dentist and explained to the saddle -colored operator that I wanted the grinder extracted. I was- placed in a bam- boo chair and tilted slightly back. The dentist examined my teeth, talking volubly meanwhile to Uncle Sam's repre- sentative. Suddenly his thumb and forefinger closed on the • troublesome tooth, and before I had the faintest idea of what was going to happen, he lifted it out and held it up before me, smiling at the same time that vacant smile peculiar to the children of the Orient. 'You were waiting for the forceps; were you?' said Minister Hubbard, with a laugh. 'They don't use 'em here. Look at this. Here is a young Jap taking his first lesson in dentistry.' A 12 -year-old Japanese boy sat on the floor, having before him a board in which were a number of holes into which pegs had been tightly driven. He was at- tempting to extract the pegs with his thumb and forefinger. Mr. Hubbard ex- plained that as the strength of this natural pair of forceps developed by practice, the pegs would be driven in tighter. After a couple of years of peg pulling the young dentist would graduate and be able to lift the most refractory molar in the same man- ner that he now lifted wooden pegs."—St. Louie Gldbe-Democrat. - Hunting For an Old man. In the biography of Dr. Norman McLeod there is an amusing account given of a visit he paid to ono of the Western Islands to see a man who was celebrated in the dis- trict for his great age. The doctor found an old man (we can only quote from mem- ory) sitting on a bench outside the house, and give him the usual greeting : "I heard that you were a very wonderful old man, and I've come to see you." "lt'll be my father you want to see," said the old man of the bench. So the visitor went inside, and there, sitting over the heats, was a very old man indeed, bent and doubled up, but still for all that with all his wits about him. "Good day to you," said the good doctor ; "I have heard about you, a very wonderful old man, and I've come to see you." Then he, too, declined the imputa- tion and pointed with his stick to the "ben" of the house. "It'll be 'my father you want to see," said this old man of the fireside. So there, in the "ben," the origi. nal Simon Pure was discovered at last, a very, very ancient old man indeed, as may well bo imagined. --Macmillan's Magazine. Black One Year and White the Next. A woman appeared on the streets of Canton, Miss., recently who attracted much attention. She has a perfectly white face and hands and short kinky hair, with the features of a negro, says the New Orleans Times -Democrat. The woman said that she was born black and remained so until she was 15 years old,when she suddenly turned white, remaining so for one year, when she turned black again. Since that time she is alternately white and blank, not only in spots, but changes color entirely. Sho is fairly intelligent, and sage she has never had a spell of sickness and has never taken a dose of medicine. . She lives near Sallie station, on the Canton and Aberdeen road. She says she cannot stand the sun at all, and wears a double veil and heavy gloves. She says if the sun shines on her skin for one minute it pantos ip to blister at once. She has been etatnined by phyBiolanh,who are unable to aeoOunt for the change hi her dolor. eeireet �I�� V.�H■pp �POPUL.AR ViG IFO LARD,. 00 ot Sold by Grocers Everywhere. !!lade only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. Wellington and Ann Sts., MONTREAL. MoLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested -Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For apnre, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, ,Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitic, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Hid. ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton THE RIGHT The new model o oelk, ord Watch. when placed in a screw bat61 teas, willjir a lon felt waut among farmora, as it is not. dna proof only, but very strong. The prate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH Bnt by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a goodrong watch For • a Farmer .TOS. BIDDLECOIVIBE House Painting and Paper Having The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING, PAPER-HANGINO, &o. Ho is a practical man of long experience, :and guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly !moderate. • Orders re- spectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton DO YOU WANT A First-class Stop or Long;'Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of 11 nature? Then call onlW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dtneley Will be at Dineley's corner every Saturday afternoon ROBERT -:- CLINTON , : CLINTON, •Macretacturer and Proprietor for the best Nitta Mir Dog in use. Agent for Ehe Bale .:ud appll- iation Of theelTFtefEA PATENT A trITIn "r•c BOYLES CLEARER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on short notice. Boilers. Engines, and all kinds of O1laohinery repaired expeditiously and in a eatlefaetory manner Farm implements manufactured' and repaired Stearn and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Hilus fitted up on application Charges moderate. CLINTON Planing —AND— Mill DRY KILN! mile SUBSCRIBER HA VINO JUST COM'LET ED and furnished his new Planing Mill with machinery of the latest improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line 1n th most prompt and satisfactory manner and at ren sonable rates. He would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they were burn gd out and now being 1n a better position to exe uto orders expeditiously and feels confident he can ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY—Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Clinton . THOMAS MoKYINZT '50.0 Parties on reoeivingtheir photos from my gallery are heard to exclaim, "How nine? I am well pleased! They are just lovely! What a one finish," etc. Aa.I have a first class gaper with 200 sq. ft. of glass, good professional mac nory, modern Improvements and furniture, aa soen- ory in great variety, I can make good photos on dark or bright days; instantaneous pro ss for children also. Ae I have studied the a tbor- oughl5i, and taken profeee1oital inetrneti from' some of the boat sooureee iti'Canada, an use the° yttrium% and bles thitable i hetograp c mate• tial "t CMI porohese, I feel able to in nth Work ��Itfttt i• .tat dart a moderate. ttiee .1 �r Co i IO'ARE ' "f ,!y!:.,:01t,0fl"i`It DN IfOOLELLAN, LONDON, O,T 497 Talbot 1St., Specialt@t on the EYE, EAR,, NOsp THRQAT 1$ 9 1'gsof iraadttiiatQ qou mO eat bheaNeew or Peet Graduate btedieal school and $gppitaj o Rye, Bar Nose and Theeat 1892, Eyes Tested,. Pull stock of Artifiolai E es, 9 eotaoles and Len see, Will bo al life Ratteubury Hous,. OL.INTON The First FRIDAY in Each )Iiionth. Second Visit MAX 5th next. ''Hours a.m. to 4 p.m. Charges' Moderate, HURON AND BRUCE Loact Investment Co'y' This Oonej'uny is Loaning Money or Farm. Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES PUROHASEI SAVINGS BANK. BRANCH. S, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according to amount and time left. ! OFFICE—Corner of Market declare and North Et LIORACE HORTON, ULNAS' 6t 1885. J. C. STEVENSO, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. GOODS KEPI in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused .� 1 ■ Sphindid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL a ,,,. :di..11 W .0 e , , .. ..''i BENMLLLER NURSERY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE. SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE. MB LATTER CP REICn WE MARS A SPECIALTY LARGE STOC.Z Or HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be Bold at very low prices and those wantirg any. thing in this connection will save mow y by purchasing herr. 'irdera by Mail will be promptly attended - to. Address', ;. v._.. • JUN STEWART. — Rsnmlllsr. Incorporated 4887, with Cash Capital of $60,000 AND APPLIANCE CO. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT, G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, is -now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place df drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles, and will effect cures in sgemmgly hopeless eases whore every other knowh means has failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its steady, soothing !current that is readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility, impotency, Lumbago, Kidney Diseases, Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lasmo Back, Varic000lo, Urinary Diseases. RHEUMATISM It Is a well known fact that medical science has utterly Palled to afford relief in rheumatic cases. We venture the assertion that although Electriclty has only been In use as a remedial elft for a fete years, it has cured more cases of Rheumatism tt,in all other means corn - lined. Some of our leading physicians, recog hlzing this faot,•are availing themselves of this Most potent of naturo's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotedcy, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, ere., that the old modes of treatment fail to cure. There is a loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous form of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Electriotty, as applied by the Owen Electric Bolt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do ' so, It is tho only known remedial agent that will supply what is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country. They are electric In name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any price. We Challenge the World to show an Electric: Bolt whore the current is under con- trol of the patient as completely as this. Our Trade Mark is tho portrait of Dr. Owen embossed in gold upon overy Bolt and appliance manufttet red by us. Send for Catalog d -•Malted (Sealed) Free, Tile OWEN a EO111I0- R,ELT 00,, -' `~9- icing • t, W., Toronto. c this vo •