Clinton New Era, 1893-04-14, Page 8:1 tasx. tsligw , : a+rt.�wx Hwr+q°'?i+TN R. 1 vre nviayi,nes t eI ' yds, a. It0P00§M+Pnlwa1,1FOKTn7! R 7e`sIn47'r 1#, soad zoa NOTIOEB '•iy s'I�IMI 0104014. etGOA '. •, 11 E0051rODS044^•tt ? QA O �, sazd 4fas+f elwt- s'tri'p :net 400xl to 'iM►s?glt�nllil3flaxR, , .:., 1•41„Aulba tor' ,alle, 4e, e!li0h.. Otr lrb . 1 1'.4;04 , ler tefle Ahheap. w°rd. it for • Barr' ::Dire works, 5eaforth. >) wp0$. bale 9r9a39U* 040nde4. 4o. JAMBs, ia'9B.• Ba 141$01 so and go Twitobeli'r Pow As gum for 8prug end Sommer wear. ro..p4r oslaiort tali . ' lsur'eandteeJOHNSON dt4alionfrs Stook etROO IXorse•etot1400 andl}o11x,baiorebu-• ae elsswwsre. PIANO +. UI`11N4},24r 8taWart. yidno Tuner. we t b.'in town for %few dare. ai ' ,voq iaa to haus your Elam nand or megrim; . , lea a your oraer.v nikG.Ar >d QoN: )J4 Tri D4iclisr1 BLS—Tbeelltertainmont? g vep by ;the 25 olub . le4At ] hh�uraday^ evening, was probably the best of its kind ever Seen in town. and we Judge from the crowd assembled was also, a financial success. There was nothing to• beseen or heard displeasethat 'coulci,' the Most. sensitiv morst. , very:wt�s BO wall ta�eprl that it would be pp�s4 .r i#d•-cult to select; any one for .speelal, The c . tumee of the .ld cetl. qrY, were as seen, f;'oM, a distance, ow' wok. `Tho. stage was tasiteafully draw and the orchestra (a local QUO) one of the besttllat hasplayed in thehallforaortae time, Scene. the _grab represented Mr ,Spaulding all 'a king surrounded by bis •courtiernic'Alusieiara and jesters, and rigght kings be, looked. he jesters. (> thiopiags) were of the finer'race than we usually see at such an entertain- ment; one, especially; havin acapaoity. for swallowing that duet have beejn a'arnlingg to,allm who approached him; he and those. of his color,: ke t the au- d epee i ars. o lau liter. du n the first scene; their jokes hers ail Aral hits, TlelrsiP i>� �Messts�&t'lalad , • i n rA f g ri EttbibrEaf, a elOriTiN'UFlp,,.•T. E, .Monosson h to , e l rs n fish, hi �� or and $en mines; they ra rent usual Sty e, and cads no mmen. are both new can behad in all shades, and make a oberattied said theft t bas pu heeeed pQ r There are many'attractiona ..01 our counters in seasonable Go s There's hardly an make a kind or Dress ad ? h@1' bgx y � � abide that's fashionable this season blit we have it, Suri .. --eve .• o the .newest trimmings to. Match them all, annen4000inthieweek019Ble tha4,owing o ,4u1- n a g. ] titer was in:two.,Our best Se a are ' .4 g liberal, pstronaga>recelved, ilio bueiasees w 11 be us di n 0. .e co 1ropsi 1 e' znanufaetur`pra, a ani and ael� Stock wnlle the; songs o the jesters .broug or near 13xrtng• Goods, that be will yell o caper for}thpearls of Ianhter. The last part, than any other houeo in the trade. nutter and consd' of scenes freta old 'slaver talonin°sioha pe atmarkeppripeer'EAU,istey D NQUGH;Jaokeen-e Moak,' . ock, gum dt., Platen. 'times, "rising in interest to the end of • the entertainment, which was conclude 7gnn 4gpxi e bythe representation ,of a log cabin aad a good old plantation hoe down, the most laughable part. of the whole . • PassED.--The report of :the recent performance. We like to see people examinations at Trinity Medical 001- have .a good time, and can enjoy a lege;'.'Toronto, had the:. following re- laugh . with the jolliest of them; •but fetence to a , pojn lar and well-known while on the subject of enterta nments Bayfleld ' boy First year, R. B. d. we must say for the sake of the' stand- Stanbury, first class honors and'certi• -in of our town and our desire to draw ' ftcate,of •honor, in the best and•most. intelligent settlers, STOOK , ...EDERt3 ' ' ITEM--lYIrRicharard we would like to see as large and en- thusiastic a crowd as that of Thursday very stylish and inexpensive: dress. In higher priced goods we show a fine range of Suit- infs,, . very npbbythings, only one dress. of • a shade or pattern. It you.. want'' something extra nice, that you will have the only dress of the kind, why these"are just the thing for you. • • , Fine Dress Goods sell here' at very ordinary prices. A dollar does better duty here than in most places.. Ullbson, of Delaware, ]'redden . of a night, whenever there is a lecture. or Dornimon Short 'nom Breeders assn- any wore solid entertainment in the a40 you aeon that All Wool Double Town Hall. We do not wish to have the reputation of our friends in the rem, .,.e11�"�.Btta Serge circulartown, when itis saideneeringly,. _. .. "Nothing'butaminstrelshowwilldraw 25 cents par yard? o d."—Co cistron, was In this vrcinuyy, ;last week selecting stock for the Colgmbian Ea- �' we are selling at hibition in Chicago. $e wee4'a. visitor at Elmhurst Wednesday evening. FA1 CHA}�TGEB.—Mr W. H. Brown- - crowd.' M. lee, e, a very steady' and industrious NoTEs. Mr Hall, . a ne , he attn nian: of town, and one of the p w of Mrs ge've• got it in . Fawn a Cray, most, zealous adherents of the Salva W. H. Beesley, died at Orangeville tion ,Army, has rented .the farm of his last week. Inspector Tom, of Gode- father-u -law; Mr .Pugsley, in East rich, has been appointed one of the of- $rovcrn,1Tavy and Black Waawanosh, andmoved'back to it this $cera As- sociation. Misses Hallie Combe an of.the Ontario Educational d Week,. Mrs'Badour, of town, has rent- ed her farm in Ashfield, near Port Emma Doan Went to Toronto on Mon- Wei Stunning Value Albert', to the same party who had it day. On Thursday night one of the* last year, W. Bickle; it contains 100 Electric Light - wires broke, and a acres, and he secures it at $100 a year, Strong current being on, made it in- %Wlth taxes and roadwork; -"this is a low terestrn at 'the works for a short rel i:buut'be..iCa goad, reliable:,tena:14._ _time. Mayor McTaggart paid a visit to Toronto on Monda . Mra, T. Jack- ' Meir t M OE MAT rERe.-From there- son sr. has been s er, , n ufg 1 g with con- port of the Inssppector of Insurance gestion of the brain, but is now some- ompanies, for 1892, we gather the fol- what better. Mr Joyner, who recent - lowing particulars concerning the 1�y purchased the Grant property, on Mutual Insurance companies in Huron: Dfnsley terrace, took possession of it $&wick, total assets, including premi- last week. Mr Geo. Cox shipped a car um notes in .circulation, $187,071; liabili- of horses from Seaforth, on Mondapp, ties 12,833, risksin force, 2,722. McKil- for Detroit. Miss Hattie Rumball, lop, assets, $83,537; liabilities, $5,500; who was looking after the telephone risksrnforce,1783. W. Wawanosh, as- exchange during her brother's illness, setB,'$87,514; liabilities, $500, risks in is now released from•her duties by his force, 1938. Usborne and Hibbert, as- recovery. Mr Charlie Howson, of . sets, $62,624 liabilities, $500; risks, Regina, is down on a visit; he is look-' 1,78& Hay, assets, $81•,522; liabilities, ing well and reports the westprogress- $1,310; risks, 1432. - ing, but a little quiet: Mr Seale has rented and moved into 'the house own- CYOLuvt.—On Monday Messrs Emer- ed by. Mr.Calbick and lately occupied son and Kitt took their cycles by train by • Mrs Saunders; ' houses are in de - to Repeal,: and from that point cover- mand at present and difficult to get; ed about forty miles, during the day, the NEW ERA had two other apphca- 'selling two•, wheels in the meantime, .tions for this house on Monday, and one to A. X. Denny, Drysdale, the Mr Quigley, ar., of Hullett, who wishes other to Jonas Hartleib, Dashwood. to retire, was around enquiring for a ' They found, the roads dry, but a little house. Mr D. Shanahan is already ,rough;in a few days cyclists will be making material improvements to the ,flyin all over the country roads. •It house he recently 'bought from the will ne 7. "to caution all wheels- Andrews estate: On Friday a woman .eto , use extreme caution in ap- from the neighborhood of Rlyth, was �,.. preaching horses, an& drivers must taken down to the.Asyum at Londwpn,,•.„,.-.,_•,,, - themselves-be-on-theirguard; foreyeles—MrGea: Stewart-Ka'1e' dfd a %"lep`lione will be more generally used than ever. to his Grocery. Mr Will Holloway will WEDDED.—The follbwin refers to take part in the Cantata "Tinder the g a Palms"to be given in Seaforth on Wed - lady well known in Clinton, sister of nesday next, his part being the mani- Miss Minnie Douglas :—At Su- nyside, pulation of a cello. .Messrs Israel and - - Woodstock, Wednesday afernoon, Jacob Taylor have, we understand, dis- Miss Helen Marion, secbnd daughter posed of the half -acre lot owned by of Mr John Douglas, was married to them in Gibbings serving, to Mr Felix Mr J. B. Torrance, of Toronto, son of Hanlon; he has got a splendid lot at a Prof. Torrance formerly of Wood- low price. A brother-in-law of Mr . stook college. 'the guests were limited Thos. Stevenson died at Brampton last to a few intimate friends, but notwith- week. Mr D. Cantelon shipped a car standing that the event was kept as load of potatoes to. Lucan this week. quiet as possible the marriagecreated Miss M. White returned to Philadelphia r muchin erestamongaverywidecircle last week; Miss Lon White purposes of friends. The groom was supported residing here for the present at any by Mr Will McTaggart, of Toronto, rate. Mr E. Turner, of Tuckersmith (late of Clinton) cousin of the bride. has, we understand, made an offer on a ' The bride received an unusually large property in town which is under con - list of costly presents.' ' sideration. Mr town, Gibbings has Covxcll,.—A special meeting of the taken up his residence in town again. town council was held on Saturday. On Tuesday afternoon a little girl evening. Mr Oulverwell, representing named trellis fell over the banisters at the Automatic Telephone Co., was the Public School, and broke her arm; it was her firs} I present and asked that the council give H. Ransford, the company permission to erect its r u .. to - telant•in • town, and also- pass a by-law. nevi d --a ratify the right for 20 years; the on Wedn company that he represented, so he is home f claimed, asked for no exclusive privi- leges; simply to be allowed to come terially improve his house and has let here and transact business. The coun- cilCooper.Jas. declined to as the by-law, but in- tell went to Woodstock Wednes- That passed the following motion: " y, as a judge on horses, at the spring "That this council, while viewing the veruntil the next meeting of the proposition favorably, leave the matter show. Mr Crewes, of Petrolia, has tak- oen , a situation with Mr Biddlecombe. over aGouncill" Mr J. Ransford leaves New York Satur- ay for Liverpool, by theUmbria of the Tmor..ns.—Spring fair at Brumfield punard Line, being ticketed throughby to-day—Friday. The streets are now 'Mr Will Jackson. Miss Maggie Mc - nice and clean. All kinds of sport are Kenzie, who has been visiting in Strat- being indulged in by the boys. Get fora for several weeks has returned ready to plant your gardens. Son, e - home. Tuesday, the '18th inst., is the people would like to take their fences date of the regular meeting of the down if they felt sure cows would r Home Circle. Mr Geo. A. McKay, of sometime be 'allowed to run at large Winnipeg. formerly Scott Act magi - and thus injure their lawns; they lead strata for Huron, was in town this better take the fences down and run week; he thinks the prospects are good chances on the outer. Gilroy & Wise- there this summer, although business man are going to decorate and tetter is a little slow yet. Mrs W. Doherty the side of their building so that liter- , expects to leave on a visit to Claude ally "he who rups may read.' The next week.. The family of Mr Thomp- • . odor of burning refuse fills the oar now. son Oluff move to Godericb next week. Schools reopened last Monde- What Mr J. B. Kennedy went to London, :is going; to be done on the ` ' ' 8f May. yesterday, for the purpose of bringing ".'Vho can prophecy aboe ithe apple home a team of fine matched black ci,p..this year.? If your • Are is house• drivers that have been purchased for "eleining don't let her ta'.all thestoves the livery. Mrs Thrower has rented a down yet. • . _ house in Toronto, and moves to that Mountoz-► BY T11O9:WHO $NEW HIM city in -a few days. Mr J. L. Doherty, BEST:—Toronto'Satcrdav�+ Night, uncle: who has been in Detroit the past two its headingof "tli;[ver ity Chat," thus weeks, and engaged with George H. Hammond, has returned on the sick alludes to the death o the late James list Mr John Beacom, for a number Landsb h "Wh it •consider- Cardinal, Dress & Mantle Making We take second place to none in this department; un- der Miss Mickle's supervision we can guarantee per- fect satisfaction. Our styles are the newest. Our pro- ducts are finished' in the best style. Our prices are the lowest consistent with good work. tay at school. Master in of Mr J. Ransford, rr_o�1ege .at Toronto, .on. • Miss Rye left for Toronto Lay. Mr C. Spooner, jr., :gym the West. Mr George Armour intends to overhaul and ma - Y' EST. �. CDGENS CLINTON 1M4tl!f.�MI1MnT'# 9YiVARA 9MY.1,0k917k ARA4#T!4.,-,bh.iBiBAw!.Y 0AAV.A!R''Afr wb4l1111AA1010014 M.![�io,gi�p 9ihn. S 'LAZES • G 'IN hare, ; The to it 1 to ow a11d ;durabl , the ogler, will net fad ; the :foliar that.welive is said to be, the eat, t pu 1, bre ketoand euro... a ., are, ale ivea with. each shade�and; the price ,te only 40e; 'Otis' OOP tolners fro Se pleased with thou.that they ere having them put away • till t`hey'ere required. If you, want any at taut rico;, florae 0oon., p 'Gve have tlgr`oat'.variety of,Hand Pe&lntod Stades, the beauty, gaa1lty'and Drina lfell.theme Beautiful 'l'�; oAN;avta� ; �dti�RTAI POLES 2 Poles, 4 Brackets,20 'Onto, 8, ,$.crews, 20 pins, all for 450. Or abetter quality of pole and; trouraings ray for Use, 25o each. Book. Store and News Depot, Mackay Block, - Clinton. - Our Millinery opening will be on SATURDAY, APRIL 1st. We expect to b able to show the finest goods in French, English and American Styles ever brought t0 Clinton. If you want a Stylish HAT or BONNET at a reasonable price, come and see our stook. Mies Davis can suit you every time-. sheunderstands the business thorough- ly and leads the list for Clinton. MANTLES—See our stook of -Spring Mantles, German made, the best fitting goods in the world. • .DRESS GOODS—We have this year went into the Drees Goode much more ex. tensively, andhave a fine assortment of all kinds and Styles. Don't buy before seeing ours STAPLES—In Staples we are fully' assorted—everything required for a good business Date, (Jape. Shirts, Cuffs, Ties, Gents Furnishings—Collars, handkerchief's. Avery large stook of Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Suitings, Tweedy, Over - Coatings, full stook of Ohoioe Goods. Tailoring done in- first-class style and a fit guaranteed every time. All Cloths and Twee}s bought from us will be out free DRESS and MANTLE MAKING — This department ie in charge of Mis • Shipley, who never fails to give a good At and satisfaction in every respect Lower prices than usually charged by others. BOOTS and SHOES—Fall lines in all different makes. Remember we sell Boots and Shoes cheaper than anyone olse in the trade—don't forget this. Carpets, Curtains House Furnishings, &c. We have so many lines and such a large stook that we can't have space to more than say a few words about each department, but we ask yon to come and sea the goods and judge for yourselves. N. B.—We want it distinctly understood that we will not allow anyone in the trade to undersell ns; we shall adhere strictly to this, no matter whether they sell on Credit or for Cash, 6 per cent off for Cash. Plumsteel 8z Gibbings, Clinton W� HIT THE 1VIARK5E���Ey_,� —EeEVERYt0 on. Saasonabla :STYLE Boys' Clothing It took a lot of hard work and practice to make the $1.50 hit but we did it and will continue to do so. Great value. AI -fin -ger and no doubt! We consider it the best value we have ever shown in Jackson BroS., Clothiers,: Furnishers ' and Hatters croup : en is of years a resident of town and for- The mark we make by the ;ed that our students are all of an age marl of Hullett, died on �ednesday � at which ilia Should be in the prime even lig; he was a member a the: Of health Sac Strength, the death :rill a sco . church; a Conservative oft• this rear' haS been a Badly large one. ticall p and his wife survives im. The rear' addition to it is the name of George Graham, of Cioderichtowtishipp, Mt Jau'nes Landsborough, an under- sold a, span of horses .last week, • , of Knox to 1►fr; :McMann rt l e last ; Mr 'initiate of ,tlniverai ' chaser of ollege. , Laat Oetabee b agent to T W zbn, Lon ot►csf road', sold c approbation of every pur ifdth datrblina, in the lidpe of benefit- br'edi g g Mare to Mr John Stewart, of ng his •'health, but finding himself 'boder • h township. up. T. 0. Bruce roving worse he retur+nei1to his. home goes Guelph Sgt wee ; as:s 'repre. - Seltforth wllete h ' 'd3ied He was ��nnp -ants i thA S Soil ltd to ti able dude t aria Mart OX kindly, ,with ;• ltlori, .an when the rrewfl exhibition of this suit brings, forth.- the appreciation and disport death •reaah5d • °Metier., canny 'takes e pax l egret were (FFi o�f# rom ons c a ,. rhe Grand Damp. Tile funeral atiS Mrs Granger . of none% e Atte. Clinton - _ - thine this Boys' Clothing c.J The most Stylish and News Novelties for spring—from us all the latest styles may be had. There is no denying that we have just what every lady wants this season, and :you will be ready to admit it when you see our complete assort- ment of bright new Styles. Come in and see: the ' newest and best fashion ',has to offer in our magnificient choice of HATS and BONNE TS In our capious showroom, and at the same time get the lowest prices made on good quality anywhere.i a. ' Dress Goods CLINTON We are showing something very choice in Bengalines, AND - in Cords, and Stripes in Black and Colors—excep- tional value. SEAFOR,TH AND PRINTS DELAINES We have everything you could desire in our assortment of new stylish patterns and variety. They are setlin fast and the reason is they are cheap and bought ne this season. • ' LADIES' WHITEWEAN--our stock of .Ladies White wear» iscomplete, and remember our store -is the head quarters for.''hitewear, and that for Style, Quali . and Price it 15 unsurpassed. Ottr whole stock is her tsinty worth the -consideration of careful buyers. Como•' in and look it over, b., Leith's favorer Estabiishmink. i,9; zi `t took