Clinton New Era, 1893-04-14, Page 7e•,• , tbaut b 'eirtaient t#. Ineilean, Gallons a�lo..,S fQT TUE CLINTON' - 14 E1 A chicago. despatch sere there is no , OTOST' AND CASUAL prospect i1 ' grow de be foie the middle of; lune, 1'ini►rd'e Iinimsnt • is he Seat Elgin Myers and. S, R. Olarke gibe anue Cal on a -oetieer, bed a' large meet, ing in the o ere, bougie at Belleville. last Thursday ggh, , hilt the meetingg��wvae o ed up• :time other gray. XI". '�", p lit f a_rt.y guppy of pure lake ,. „ water at the Q$4 loaded. ad . Valkinert presidentbf the West,uas- tinge Conservative Aseooiation, moved aresollutipti,, seeoridedbgMrJnoTay'lot, t'epudiating the sentiments ; of - the speakers, and declaring "as Brmwne we would live,:, and. as Briton 'we would die," The resolution -passed almost nnenirecusly -"eta Save the Queens' wee. dung end Mr Falkinercheered, T. e 13ierican Oil 2 -a..gttilon> e.Se. , ric. Are t es o Gash at'our store , Chaxgod e delivered 21e per gallon extra. • neon's Kalsomjna. andiPure Nixed Paints. klurclies , ;Alabastine, rohn A Bruees Field and Garden, Seeds J!, 4r ROWLAND, rTS & Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton SPECIAL VALUES IN TableLinens,Towelin s Table Covers, Prints, Sheetings 1 Flannelettes LACE CURTAINS at all prices IarflIa Is snperiitir to Ali otl>yer prepara- tionsclaimingto beblood puri$ers, First of all, because the principal , ingredient used In it is the extract of-genuineHanduras: sarsaparilla' root, the variety richest in medi- cinal properties. Also,. because Cures Catarrh the ye llgw dobein raised expressly for the Cckom,panyg, is always fresh and of the very best kind. • With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the other ingredients are selectedand com- pounded. Itis THE, Superior Medicine because it is always the same in appearance, flavor, and effect, and, being highly concentrated, only small doses are needed, It is, therefore, the most economical blood -purifier in existence. It Cures make's food nour- ishing, work SCROFULA pleasant, sleep refreshing, and_ life enjoyable. It searches otic all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by_'the natural channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla I4,, 18 lav w n,.,, .10p tendon has 00 000 telephones. The two bridges of .Xerxes fled and 814 boats reepeetively, A, religious eegt lin, Rueeia holds that wearing hair ma ailiful, Seventy million people in Europe wear wooded shoes, •'•The lhimreh _of Euglai}cl ordained 'One Cal r ail* 0 ;ad1 X,473 in sisters last yearn k �s xtierei are an' "'atop r e ina ids a atilAtl,o►ely',a ,. ' '014:410/400, �h ila'ti11B" from:1,,000, B,C. i• �" -+�*�N+��'',1��, aotthe P�441$y1 eclat dw9etb ,hokiem shave cva y, A bootless attempt -To gat u p';stairs . arpet Sweeper, imovweE 0,14; at*lb► without• being Kheai d by your wife, Abridge should never bo condemnned , 1 iSl 'Wire until it has been tried by.itspiers •Ar A man is not alwa ys popular simop1y�- 8.118 which; will last tlZraq' because to playa 1m 1> wit sumway," t} ce a fisted Pallnettq `P►RIT • However well bread a Baker MAY het Aces, generally a loafer or a White papit jTher-e is :said to be invested in Amer.,. can breweries- about ' $91,000,000 of F,nglish capital. - " Bostonlays claim to the oldest post, al clerk in the service. Isis name is Charles Bblglmam. • The monkey goes to the sunny side 'of the tree when- he wants a warmer climb. - "The 'charge of the light brigade," said the man when he received his gas bill. The man with a boil on his neck never borrows trouble. He has enough of it. The great auk is an extinct bird. Undoubtedly its great auk-wardness proved fatal. The man who would fish successful- ly must bait his hook, even if he has to hook his bait. "These are .stirring times," as the cook said when she was making the melted butter. Shirts embroidered by hand and costing $50 each,came in fashion in the reign of Elizabeth. The girlwith a six foot sweetheart said she wouldn't tell a story, but she couldn't help but "draw a long beau." The reason why negroes live to such an extreme old age is that they don't know exactly when they were born. It requires but littlefaith for a mail to believe he is made of dust after he has asked for credit and found that his name is mud. An electrical expert says that it gives elasticity to the step, and)would be dangerous for a woman wear - imparts to the aged and infirm, tracks. >noline to cross electric car renewed health, strength, and . A copy of the first edition of "Tom vitality. Jones" has just been sold in London for $315. It was uncut and in the original 'boards. AS/ER' Ask to see our 8c SHEETING soSarsaparilla by all Druggists 'Price $, , six bottles, $5. Anything advertised in this space is worth your attention . Cures ethers, will cure you 5 per cent off.for Cash FobtOoats&SoflC11fltofl, Special Notce! As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead- ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters, all framed and finished in first-olasiestyle, and suitable for the best class of resi- dence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their oash purchasea.,aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my onstbmers withgood reliable Goode at Bottom Prices. SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prides 80 per cent.we )r.a Electric Soaps noted Sunlight Sprprise Sipthe old figures. Call see those beautiful Works ofrtsampeof which are on show at our store. TEAS—Our stook is replete and well seleoted. We, offer excellent values in fine Teas' including beat grades in Blaok, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. CHINAWARE—Examine the quality and prices bf our Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with ns is every business day throughout the year. N. 1 OBSON, Clinton Business- Continued Owing to the liberal patronage received we have decided to continue the BOOT and SHOE BUSINESS And have purchased direct from the manufacturer a fine and select stook NEW SPRING- GOODS That we will sell cheaper than any other house in the trade, We will continue to sell our present stock AT AND BELOW COST BUT ] mil and BOGS taken in exchange at market price. • A T1 E. McOONOUGH, Jackson Block Huron Street Clinton IL CUy be Rtroubled with E GUARANTEED wh, r . TERNAL OR INTERNAL, FISSURES - ULCER, ATION,-ITCHING OR BLEEDING o 'L pT�i q��ANme,a en„ , CL4RK! E O rwri isAr mmediate relief? the hands of 0 $AND$ it has proved perfeotlyiavalnable. t Never fails even in oases of long standing. PRICE $1.00 at Druggists Sent by man on receipt of price byaddressing CLARK CHEMICAL 00., I811AoEiaoi 8T .EST, /0R0HTIL 'Complete Manhcod ■u■■■■■suaauusuw,R AND I' OW TO ATTAIN IT. A Medical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes the Effects. Points the Reniedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever published; 98 pages, every page bearing abalf-tone illustration in tints. Subjects treated :— Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The Husband, Those Intending Marriage, etc. - Every man who would know the Grand Truths, the Plain Facts, the Old Secrets and New Discov- - eries of Medical Science as applied to Married Life, who would atone for past follies and ?avoid future pitfalls should write for this WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOK. 3 It will be sent free, under seal, while the edition =lasts. Address the publishers, :ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo,N.Y. Have You ATARRH 65 The oldest tree on earth is said to be the the Boo tree in the sacred city of Amarapoora,Burmah. It was planted in the year 288 B.C. It is said that the people of Tokio recover quickly from surgical opera- tions because they consume but little alcohol and eat but little meat. Alexander the Great is the only cele- brated man of history of whom it may be truthfully said: He was born in Europe, died in Asia - and is buried in Africa. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAT.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to $ days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at ,odce�the•canse-and4he•rrlisease•immediete y disappears. The first dose greatly been - fit 75 cents. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. The salaries paid to persons in the civil service of the United States amount to 590,000,000 annually. This amount pays the wages of 180,000 per -- sons. The average is $500 a year. Mr Languish. "Tired! Oh, so tired all the time!" Mrs Smart. "Well, so I used to be until I began to take Ayer's Sarsap- `itfiilla as a sprirg medicine, and now I don't know what it is to have that tired feeling. Try it, my dear; only pe sure you get Ayer's." The, silver mine at Przibram, in Bohemia, is more than 3,0C3 feet deep, and the temperature at that great depth was found to be about seventy-six degrees Fahrenheit, a Tittle lower than the temperature at the surface. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat•, Coughs, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War. ranted the most wonderfnl Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. In all probability the greatest mo- narch, as far as size goes, veho rules in the world is the King of the Gilbert Islands, Telburimon, who weighs 800 pounds. His son, the Crown Prince, is still heavier. A daughter of his Majesty, only 8 years old, weighs 110 pounds. r so, USE Di:CLARk'S CATARRH CURE. It 0 lever fails. IT CURES CATARRH IN THE HEAD Gratifying' TESTIMONIAL. Another Woman Made liaRpy DEAR SIRS, --I feel it a ditty to my set to mako' public the benefit, I have derived from. a course of. yOur treatment, hopingthat if any suffering sister sees these lines she , ina go and do likewise. For years T have suffered with de:Satisfac i tion, and got no help, though I spent much money with those who promised to cure. It was atter I had despaired of ever getting relief that one of your advertisements met my eye, and hoping against hope !resolved to give you a trial. My first visit to yon gave me much encoou - •agement, you seemed to, understand m wise, and I left you better satisfied than with • any other ersbmi I had trig, soh vigil; to do has inor . it .. y , 1�,..... , To -day E y ;rtasec� my confidence as llas de: .mnitiished my disease I. ani mired of all dissatisfaction and. would say' to ali "if • you want to be ,erfooti satis$ed go tl JEuuOP & IIso LR0 ' ," 1 e' p y treatment � hall go to no one I have fetind• With ou the else, . �l .. . y be ;tret�tment. and daily•help. YOU can make •wTtat, y this letter fortha ettedt.of suffering humanity. Yoursgratefully, urea yen cheese of tk► �' "as ailing d eurt3 for every rim of `digs ti faatl LYDIALANOlost tri s on.: q•cod OoodstLotvesl Prises lisigest valueggiven f All. fS;'. for' Butter and Egg$• i chtinAiLlitnio. Cents Cash will pay for the NEW ERA, for new. subscrib- ers, till the end of the year. THROATE ND NOSE, O E COLPALpD IN THE HEAAmu D, SHreY E Capt. Henry Jenkins, aged 08, an old stores the sone of ernell, and wives awe, the resident of Walkerville, was found �UL Lhe.One QH experienced rHrby ail whorn aye dead in his door yard on Wednesday See. at Druggists, sen, by mak il on reoeipt of night. Heart disease. price by addressing . The Beaver Line Steamship Company CLARK' CHEMICAL 00..180 MIME $T.WEST, TORONTO has secured a contract from the Manitoba Government to bring out 1,500 Iceland im- migrants during the coming summer. They are to settle near Lake Winnipeg. Of 272 passengers Who arrived at Halifax on Thursday on the State of, Nebraska, only 18 were for Canada, the remaining 254 being ticketed for the United Stated. l • Hutcheson & Power of:Halifax, have received 180 tubs of creamery butter from Liverpool. This is part of 600 aF • ebrum% S. D.,18K are tubs shinned frotn Guelph, Ont,, hi sing & Scott, Clinton Ont, senators"' Worthington Elia d'.Wortbiri on Jr Lades, 1 he owners decided t g ae,Si a- tl the .Ereoutors of the, hist will oz be said de- have this lot returned to Canadli,. The oaased, On or before the 1et:day of 6lay, A'.D.1s98 balance •11 b landed d d EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. IN TEE ESTATE. Or ADDISON WO'RTI3IMG- TON, LATE 0P THE TOWN OF CLINTON, IN TEE COUNTY, OF HURON, MEDICAL DOCTOR, DECEASED. Notice is hereby, given parsgant tb Sootion 86, Chapter 116, R.S.O. 1887, that. all persons having claims against • the Estate of Addison Northing - toe. Late Of the Town of Clinton, in the Couny of Enron Medical Doctor deoeMed,'who died on or about the 7th d to gond by registered letter or to deliver to Man. S'anuary, tit, owing to large receipts of Austtrtt fan t e, statement containing their unman and address will a an a next week. ea, tilt pariieulars of their claims, and the eeouri - tie if any; held 11 them, and'that lifter' Said let . BOW TO G4E'Lt A"SUNLIGHT" among the partieha :entitled therete, having re- mend 25." unli ht" `Soa vvra e tLard oSrly t0• the b184nib nf,.tvhioh r,otioa, than . . , . .. g ., pp rs tivrap Have bebnraoeived a"l ab par ovi'revered. the a+ords ph Dos arta that p QV o tt 'iVom day of May,1898, t o geld llaedutera Wni �zooeed. • to distribute the asset df ilia Kass deceased . PICTURE. the y hr Settle the Iib Of their debts, to es tvithv ;nq This is art deity Waylo . "secants year tliq� bald Exeautora. vk "vioum tb the,edid lgt day' e "laid Exeoittore will net be 1 ble for'sald OA- an Look O d Sooner Than a lYl an")to I+i4vsii BBets, our ally P44-01'00(4,10 any' Orson:; or par- Boos, Ltd.,48 Scott" t. o , , otice of'Whea ol� rn b5 i,notbeen roe'eived $ r •` ,,f'onto, and at the Umo 10? dl"lt , bunco Andy all persons il. on wit) reoivo • b5 post 5 pretty ioture debted oto the Bala eceasec3 aro': regsestod to ra" red froth advert sing and ol worth iram of aynext �llome Ilio s pis the best i the Market ". IktA NI$ib BCI T r, i anti it gill or ' cost lit peat a to send,ld' aolioi titer the "lala R.-..- -rs he wrappers tis soil Nave t is ends opelt, Imtitiaitteanion. sib Asti erttrWnA:taea w►.... times • longer than any other . mad ' eer--try:': thew. 1• Q Ctf� �i.! Big Buying for <cash : and in large-"' nantities enables 'us to sell, ll,. low prices. Give us a call. Goods delivered free of chars to any part of town. New Store wraokayBldck HAA O LA N D BROS Cld Stad,: Brick Bloc First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refiner j,Montreal.�` Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest; Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED J. W . Irwin. Grocjer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. RUMOALL' S ailRLGZ FACTOR Huron Street, Clinton tk We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES ■ CARRI-AGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see ns. JE . R,TJM$.41,1A, fei„fl -4.1':::16,. v -,,__.._v ..„..mi,•.-opti4 �c ���,/ iA ,� { _ ;;..:�,�„ tall � " -° The subsoribers having bought out the Restaurant business of JAS • ANDERSON, and the Bakery business, of R. MCLENNAN, desire to in- • •.,4 timate that they will continue the same, and will devote their personal at- tention to the various branches. The Restaurant will be as attractive as possible, and those favoring us with their patronage will receive courteous, - careful and prompt attention. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON, together with a choice stock of Candies and Refreshments. The services of'MR. McLENNAic who is known as a thoroughly conipe- t rt and upright Baker, have been retained. ALL ORDERS 1R BREAD, CAKES OR PASTRY OFANY KIND, will be promptly led. Bread or Cakes can be procured at the Novelty Restaurant, A1ber treet, or willbe delivered to any part of the Town.• ; rders respectfully solicited. WIL ON & H0127133 -- CLINTON • . NO VELTY - -y Restaurant and - Bakery BR.WILLIAMS' LLS pNK OR E PLE Are B U ►DER 'send NERVE TONY/,T ly ib h condensed ;orm km the 'sub- stances needed to ,enrich the Blo.'+d and to rebuild the Nerves, thusmakin, them a certain ane rs eedy ours for all sasses ; ariefnxR am impoverished blood, and shattered • nerves, such as par• alysis, spinal eases, rheumatism, soiatioa,loesofmem, orryy, erysippelas, pal- pitattonoftheheart, soroftlla,ohloroeis or ,,oet.ytire. feeiinathat afeo a so many, h have a specific action on the Bernal system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (youngand 01d), suffering from mental worry, excesses, or Self-abuse, should take those Pirrs. They will testae, logit energies, both physical and mental. • SUFFERINC WOMEN . ailiioted with the weaknesses peculiar to their. eex, such as supproasion of the periods, bearing down pains weak back ulcerations, etc., win find these pills an unfailing etre, PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS r t rr ethea h'S oses tb the oh cks anblood, Dor- rent t111 irregularities. BntvAitn oil IMrrATicrle, T ese rills ere told by all dealers. only in box, s beating_ our trade Mark or 'will be edit by all post paid, Orildoolptbf ride 50obntee.b Or6for$2.60.' THE DR,. WIL(.11tiMis. D. Co, w - -_, 'w.L k2klk91i19, dzll :, i r 111 StoWn, l,T,T. When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pitts Cure Backache, Dropsy, ), Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all `ether forms of Kidney 11.74Qubles, we are'.040$041 by qle testimony of 'all. who Dave used therrt Mete t0'rlirt it0 e' Kivratiusai.. By all dru gr,.tbrll.' fait onreempt of pest, secants. Dt. L. A. Smith & Cd, Toronto,