Clinton New Era, 1893-03-31, Page 2'
rio'""'""e"'" .40"0"... • '
trader" wets spoiled to 1 Wife , Of $0... eer
•• 40r 00; 919 WIA*94 tO OA 112 00r lot
f,g; • v v
atiaricob40 .4.190 OM wh4002 the sante
. cent. wined ter-thiak *ilata tiajuitet beam lies the laud of, imartigiion 4g. 4, itg. otryoq comoritettint
.wanted to Mike, the 111141,0009 MUT the tnin range, • *
,',..was; too frun4 r OPY0101141044 w *4 ado. widt 0•141'9* hativ0ea taPun^ nd landB. of Wnlela Veit 104#000.0.004
AT' ..111,11),AX A1041sr*N.G'.ing "40 .jeagm t r rk-otbia - OnsiMlinbt ta. RI en. ebs slieceSsieti ,ot• • 0410“..1,....124.0**(1_44 tolt_ere' k__Pate440. and
- eylf • . t
. Olt r 9 • dale and unven, level •delda and ridre, •orlitt— Ifeit "°""Y °I
4..4-m4.44TVert3s2010$1t or tattil Iblo• The
cktal' ol tie/ Welt eXcitee the' Wen*
early leende with regard to he
lukef edesitetlen of the traveller mere
' tar 110494K aU 0°Ont`ri° °I 44° inhabitant* LPL ,this fatrplike lringem voiva n 400*(1 ror 046 umpu* 00)?91.00.
XI1W 14" Ste1
r4 °M°Gt "rth Ware 4241144 444" oe g"4112fi are bY nn *aaara °°44'eet 4°4 48tS ieriu twofer et milt*" The oddeit of
° 018100r • .4' 04°4°°' °144 me°14 °Alt g° °4"enli IS/A1 XB 11.1ftsri • ""Telt 'Tr°411t oarstbatialltig nroltiteetarel Wender* wets Oniehecl in the
, ,, . ,; ,.,. • ; . .. 1,,,,s.„,,...- , _ .;,,' .,:., . . : ,, . •.., _. woivt.ii high ae. , the . ,Biff 970r_ ,,. ,. 1,_r_ti, ., eXis ', fiVO. gi3nerat otis 9 0 .. 7.• . vior Itary who aa.expeacitture of nineteen, -
Tree% ow finnoutetio*04904 0011M pa lett a olnet thepOordent t1144 Other ,PAPigaar "ay. ,gods rUl04 oyer by a Chief, who is 00U". ' " f 41)0 k • c• on " .usi to -
Rell 141°Ince' .1"441?" Yelv "54' 1/141'941a• st tariff otonot.effeet tbe rplo ash.* 814044 .0*e ancestor Of 'the. tresent , Lel" 4 . Z' 44 '4 "14 ° 14- er" d -
datote winch. evarr euineription is, pa, 4 ,ie. 01 W . . . , ,...:. . . , _., ... „____. .. , ., , , ,, _ t 0 _ _ onoort 44 tr.1„,..4 State.
ourz„.0_, ....
deneteilbY 44044060a tile tuiPlaal 10014 ,eerth. And ItgOn Pia px4nop 9r 912 Ilrlir. sovereign. TO bellOY0 V200 ue 1*. the . 00;;F:,. Q3,74,0607,174,Pt;c1.^„, qurA.4..;14., ..
.03,0810010 urif4,-.Trvildept, adyorti40. , and tb°' nwr° '`eV°S944°"'." ''' 'erlglPs'. Of the. Japanese PeOPlep,19. 'OUP tessee,,..nntit 1000,., the most -.Marrelons ..
, rnenengt.eentlflar 1104Para11 nue tor 410132.4orti. 9433214ot tile leas hard.entICtine will n We" Minds, Is eobeUrdA'neVertheleeei..P9 that , buildihg ever erectedbY humeu halide., ' As
til9liBefinbilpar Ono for eeek oinhee4u0a* TIA.7P-- • teetiva teilif be Se the..iliheettects 1,hereel: : As, .0,...lriay, ti precise tiesinnings 00; deeeribed-hy the Philadelphio.•Press 'it ws
. , . . !, . . . .
icerknae04,Tite.74.+Tho,atbliiiiinit table Nit_swg ' andforthie ;Anton,: if Clittier.,b, aa °OP,: thittl'ace are by nitx inearia 'easy to de- eetegeolia keno, ...ggq, foot ,. bight, divided 111:0NIO . zorficrsr.s.,
ourmt.e.4.1Qr thR ingertc% of 0.0v.ert111AM1141ts for 'rnercio1011,1910Yitk the Tfraweu 'eu,eseei .ePre tegmine. . • It it better to iOOK Up011 440 nine stories, ..eaelt 'of, w111011. was PrO". -
Ve°,1fie.Pe41414.4.". ' ':' .. r.' " •'-« -r 'ellt W011a rel"" ill thent -10,11.4 alvalg,ainatiOn of • vicled with ti, corolee ..r.holfe and a galipry - both,. tile rcjet1.10(1 Alla malts' when
,,,,,,,....R..fomptprq wfflfflil!*11.111,1400.0$14,0fi R.VALO$
erA074.' ' I 1 IB,s.' °".*°' a m•c'i 1; w° ;bating Unreetiiotedirede With ft entry adifferOntraces, who,. leaving ttieir °WA ni3low, The name nESsisseliiiu TOwer" Was • $ of ttuateavke'tbe vatted; Stotes would, far, -t b. ado 01. th 1 4 f, rtp 14,16(48 takeo. it is,pieaaant,
ons column/ ... ,; ens os pa Le . inn' ts 47 .co =
u. .t.4 IA t i , 0 . .. ., , 1 . avsng .eo o 4 ieapoes the By4.
. ;011' All' tetilmitieruksectoitC4oxitohibanott 04.0PbearoilltpxYais0994-ti nug"; 7tItot:hheerrc°13iutuitrildet,hTerh:14' tellgli 911 .tp:rite 949 1714114 !ciao§ of- otu. dwo 46otilttx", loOlt uP.un every Cue of. the nine etpriee the nroJeeting ' teria.'effectuOII 0:118001$ 90142i, head! •
g Jelled:0d refitted; Nur 'Wolxid.• the °Wer of varloue *Sizes, shape% and color. 44 iver and OVre .; 9.
lv. Trinsdent acisertisensente.milet he - the number other'PeePle410-1"00 to 81'04'4 theM with'env-r. ThelltsilSea are con- roof of the galleriee wee c d with
eQ140 rYx lye An le e .° anplied to tide uniqUe StrnOture on socount
neu,aebenn re • '4/. q4) owed tho dieadvantages of be,vinghertarill their abode, • of the fact of the outside of the e ' ti
Sue#7111144"*" 65 50 2 00 00 roised AO per cent anainet the trade of. the taste emd apts
Their Manner ufe is not meet 1391- n • ne finished with p rcelain elobka aillultryei;t4 jorapp,on' tUeL4icliieys,
For lIftelvisTrANu1arsNYto
ilitrriatere. Ofmn.
•obuss Axti zoT von
One iitd "half story tuntcee, on
Poseession any. olio Poop q
etenle, etbrt4 contsdne ft toms ic
whioh -would is sold eepiratelylgnslwr
MAO TH0.0 COOPS*, Minton, •
Per 'selects a nd on easy terms', Own
OR 7414;113 rf winch Mere ereOted A
medinue e dwelling bourse vdth When,
vfooeSned in, seed repair, hard and sok w
also a frame stable, 7harroPerts of A. u
' Set further particelare apply to MAN
SCOTT, Barrister's °Anton,
rOtt$0X0n41 a84 ottler Oat
Barristers, Solicitors,
oorrvEY4120ERS, 45‘q.
,edveace, - a little world h,erself,' and with 'Canada's
h b* al
4StrUcteds almOste entiret of wooden, green tiles, each, ei the projecting eight: .04C. ,00 fal .0Ver0 • ,
. .
posts, beftme ,and, planks. the rob% corners• being Provided with a large bell, 00710Pagon' BYrtiP or 71* 11'1 t'ici° Cl9inliern. 14111i4trril..Plo4ornk w000n;itaigegasnAd. oMusiiinr.iottion. a -
11120 generally, tiled.' - •The • floor. is making a grand total of eighty-one corner only relnedir Qi. its kind. evercr rO.+
a4d, a half .in thicknesa. no Oellings' ' tere ran the nuMberlip to 15, tbeinialleat eeptable to the stoMaC11, in : ,T. B. MoPONOUGH
beams/aid over them at intervals. All : , uud the larger eke about . on even: Lew: effects, prerredenlir from: the most
floor, mier which the 'roof protrudes,. were regalarly lighted: every:ixig t in the 1121.1.141kieXe4.1114.1.../444411148C91°14elldit' Meney psi Loan on arm inid Town Property in
The. very rftlality of their houses, as a year. • The apex of the tower *an a gigans W. A °Au 4-frave m°4-40 it the 333°Bt largo "144°24 8"1"4 464 41e 19wF8t "'rent rt-.
4 ,
OFFICE -000P Sit BLOCK, CnixTon• '
general rule, evidences the fact that tic pine -apple, Whose base. etarted at the popular remedy known. .
the people are nc* too Well ..stooked 250 -foot level and extended upward for ten syrul. of Fin ia for „sale In 750
is • . luro),Ty TO .0A24; ' -111OR'PG-A44)-rS
with this world's treatsures. • Their very feet, this in turn being surmerited by
.0.s.nought. Private Pundit 0 Brno
fOckl and clothing being meagre in the copper globe two feet in dimmer, it'A. bottles II all leading druggists,
fretniently, being occasioned, by had base to swam t and WAS whOUy construoted itNi'e
VOCAA NoTroce44,,,it the, hee,d of loCal
, 4?Olu,tan ' territoryand POPtslatien added, they would
14) cents psr line or portion tnereor, esonilleerr409 -, in a grail* rneaeore be enabled to li've within
Artie)e)0 lost or tcUud, .siiii wanted, 40-4 net ' thenkee1y44,•4and tho. adVantAgee' w/lieh: a
eiCeeulPfir. three IMO, aa,oents each Insertion, ixOtrOtry Eitnated like .Canedo' would thee.
PiveSinee OS 'cents ono, insertion, and Se cents for - • -1 - be t i 4 d •
, .00w,,,heetp,sexciusertiou, Reuses to lot or for 1:002110P0, -would - great
thil °CI ;adieus; as a
610;1%ms torentror for Bole, stray cattle our" oll - Aathings are now, a a .., i •
aiMileradVertisements not exsceding aiSlit lines role, are fOreed to pay the ditty betn, ways.
, „
or ror one month and 50 centS, for .etion eu-ofie• A great many people, 44 Know, are ready. to
.120ent DlOot144 4 . ,
"Oluttigde for contract adVeitteeniclits mutt be ' tides* thie idea; tney.etiy, "it ia, Otani:"
n tnn omoo by bobo 04 woono,dayo, , that "it is a poor rnle.thet don't work both
- wisp. Immo, • ways:" that "if we pay the 40,00 what ra
• .. , . . , . _ buy from them, they, mint pay the duty on
'' - Whet they bay from us." Well, it all "de-
a,DyNTALI-Es - TO CANA,Pik, OR Rends on qiroumetanoes, whether a rule'
F,EtE,DE WITH • THE . works both ways or not, and ,the oircnins
, uNiT.r.n? eTATns.. . stances in this case are altogether againat
..-=• . it. For a country like Canada, to Imo • . 0
ro 470 zw;kr of e d.-.14.ton .1t7rw Era. . that she can play a genie of .'iiinff w n
country like the United fltateie oolish
- (intended for last week.) in the extreme; ond tbe owner: S 0 'find
Dmin Sin,—It N. B. does not want -to be tine out, the better for all oonoer ed. It
misrepresented, he must be a little more will be g.ame "pitch and toss," he con-
• explicit in: .his,etatements. would t
n°- ditions being that heads, Thiele Jonathan
wiUfly ralOrciiresent anything he says, wine; tail, moo -osoode, loses. uncle
•and, yet, it is ahnost impossible to avoid jonathanputs on a, tariff and oriee "Ileads;"
-•doing this sometimes, dwing to the diffinul- heads itis, end he sweeps in the winnings,
what he reallfdoes mean. "Tail's," tails it is, and she in turn reaohes --Edneati°14 who bite charge over all the 'reaping' rebels destroyed it in the year
mentioned in the opening.
Mise Caned% puts on a tariff as °pea
affairs connected with the education of
the country. The system 18 not very
complete. It includes, elementary,
middles normal, agricultural, industri-
al, consmercial, professional and spe-
cial schocils, together with one Univer-
sity. Attendanoe is compulsory. The
entrance of foreign missionaries has
had a very beneficial effect upon this
department, inasmuch as many schools
have been founded by them.
Not only is the origin of the people a
mysterious affair, but even the source
of their language is looked upon as
being by no means clear. .gt. certain
• resemblance is said to exist between it
and the 'Aryan family, but the evidence
•is very slight, and the differences ex-
• ceedingly great. It is generally con-
sidered under two distinct heads, tile
spoken and the written. language, the
latter being the more refined. The
grammar, to a certain extent, is some-
what similar to our own.
But of all the things, by means of
which we obtain a clear insight into
the life of a race, its literature is the
most important. • Of late the literatnre
of Japan has received far more atten-
tion and"careful study than in ancient
times: The different divisions of the
literary art are represented, even
•though. it be a scanty showing. The
drama does not hold in Japan the po-
sition it enjoys in European countries.
Novels are no ;scarce article, and lack
• little of being equal to those of other
nations. Unfortunately very few of
these works would bear translation Swellings, and every kindred
into a foreign language. ailment, are corn letely and • Apply to RIDIYARD IRWIN, Executor of Estate
or Jonn Williams. •
Let us now, in conclusion compare
ty of following him, or • of underetanding
• If N. 13, really does mean what he states out for the coins, but jonathan interposes
:in his last,letter, that the unequal bestow- and Bas," not Se fast, Mee Canada, you
ment of.y,Otaltli.lip.on the human family is seem to have forgotten the rules of this
a 1)0014104a bleating, and that it is to this game, Utile you lose," and he again sweeps
' 'state of, thinge we owe the building up of in the winnings. Canada tosday: is bet in
' our, industries' end the founding of our the position of a little girl, yet in leading
different syeterns of trade and commerce, strings, who has been deserted by her
then I' 'BAT that he should . net 13° an ad- mother in a foreign land. Her nearest
herent of the Liberal party; he should cast neighbor is a big overgrown youth, who,
in his lot with the Liberal Conservatives— having himself only recently broken away
for I suppose that the word liberal in its from parental restraint, must needs strut,
. applicotion here, means ultra, and a Liber- and swagger, and swear, and threaten to
al Conservative is one who is extremely slier anything and everything which
words, all extrense Conservative. He should
liberal with his conservatism—or in other comes his way. He takes a special delight
in teasing and'bullying little Miss Canada;
be,consistent and practice what he preach- enatohes her cake and oandies, and tries to
es, and vote f ar the National Folksy; for coerce her into being bis wife; but Miss
I know of nothing else which will better Canada refuses this, however, and proves
OconserVe this state of tbings as it is now her youth and innocence by refusing . to be
established,filian this self-same"old polioy" even a sister to him; edges herself into a
which Nebirohafinezzar the king hath set
. corner, and tries to fight !Dim with his own
up," an one..which t e poor Liberal weapons, but finding this "no good," she
stk....Re atives llow,1n.-. abject submission, ories for ma, cries for Imperial Federation
not bee use Ms their god, but because it is and a discriminative tariff. Her mother,
. ,
ro eed Ti certain 'distance above the liens •
ground, ond coverockwith mate inch otber bells on top and ineide the strob. &Wed, PleaS rig to the testo a.e..
are of thin boards, with slender cross of which is. Said to have weighed 009 poenda liteeditethtiyananan:rArlieealib beesnoebaotoial'elenstlittsa tittle:1ER. satnadte, f.oan awl hitiuntince
itronn&the house runs a narrow w0ed4; pounds. Ranged in reset between the bella. LIVE INSURANCE
eu vera,Ilditlk of the same height a •
s the were 12$ Brow and silver louts, which
Any Telia le drugfist who may not Office overT Jaokson/ 4$torei Ointon4
extreme,. agrarian OAS happen mit in- 'spiral stairwar of over,3(10 steps, le from h .
t bun will ooure it
causes. The consequences . are some- The building 'was originally oonstructed as
times very disastrous, the peasants, a gift to an empress and on, that account tO try it. 111941110,Etured only by the moderaterate Oleo -
"'when once excited, being prone to was always kept in repair at government
born. and pillage the residericee. of the °rose. In 181)1 lightning struck and tore
,ms, 01
The educational interests of the own- the injurf was repaired as soon as possible Loulavuz,B, 1,7Ew
moDin >, To
harvest% or scarOgYarieing froln other of pelished Merhlei brass and porcelain. promptly for any Oe who WiShee entail stuns oleg od " 411 11'
posite English Ohm
lootti officials or headMen of the village. o the pine apple and three top stories, but BAN FRANCISCO. CAL.
e ot ne lected The de artment afterwar ond the building would doubtless
.11 -/Edinburgh, L, R.
uncier the gontrol of the ,Musister of have survived for centuries longer had not
the deer of their mas er, &Dace sequently •three thousand miles away, tells her that
must be obeyed. I am afraid sir, that N.B. she oan do nothing for her; she has her own
and myself, like wanton' boys who swim on interests to look after, and those interests
bladder's, are in danger of venturing too demand that she shall give the earns &a-
far beyond our depth, I am strongly of vantages of the trade to this mischief-1ov-
the:opinion that N. B. us already struggling Ing, preo °Moue youngeter, As she gives to
in deep waters, and I am afraid to follow her own little daughter.
him; lest I too should be swamped. I shall . Under existing circumstances, when
have to rest satisfied with recommending •to Great Britain is unable to hely Canada out
him a little•book called"Looking Backward" of the disagreeable situation in whioh she
• written by Edward Bellamy, and sold • by is placed, I do not think tnat she • should
all booksellers. If he reads this book, he have any objection to Canada securing un -
will learn of a system. of things altogether restricted 'trade with the United States;
t from the present, in which pover- no matter upon -what terms, whether the
oncomitant evils is a thing un- terms be commercial union- oreven annexe -
et industriesdo not suffer, and tion; and I do not think that the people of
•,tracirehlari languish because of it. . And Canada should allow a sentiment to stand
the ways and eang by _which the ;Miter. between- them -and -closet' trade- telTaidiffi
14-"-bgralitiii .,,.hirrlitlitirrirtnings, does not with a country whose people—after all is
seem—to me at, least—to be impossible or said and done—are blood relations of our
o =meal. The condition of the people own, offspring of the same parent stook.
as Bellamy found it in the twentieth cm- But,sir, this is a subject upon wbich the
Wry, "is a ConSummation devoutly to be people—a majorityotthem at least—are ex-
• .wished;" but should this utopian system of
• government ever be perfeoted, it certainly
will not be in our day and generation. But
•• while we may not have the power at the
' the present time to utterly banish poverty,
we can, by united and concerted action,
• lessen it considerably; we oan bring the two
extremes of poverty and wealth within
• closer bonnds. And surely N. B., nor any-
one else, however extreme their oonservat,
ism, will Object to such a mild and reason-
able innovation as this.
., ,, Now, sir, I contend that one of the strong-
- "f est of many factors whioh at the present
• time i0 tending to make the poor poorer
;and the rich richer, is this proteotive tariff
tremely sensitive; and so I will say nothing
more upon it. I will only add that it was
a sad day for Canada, when England ao- The railway can now act as substitute of Dr. Sage's . Catarrh Remedy
knowledged the independence of the Unit- for "Cooley" and his four -handled pal- 1 say this: " If we can't Cure it,
anquin. But of all the changes which
ed States.
. I am afraid I have again transgreseed i have occurred, none can be compared Perfectly and permanently, we'll
upon your space to an alarming extent, and 4 to the introduction of that religion pay yon
(4500 in oash." Sold by
which raises man to such a heigil2it of
Skin and Scalp Diseases, the
worst forms of - Scrofula, all
blood- taints and poisons of
every name and nature, are
utterly rooted out by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery. For every disease
caused by a torpid liver or
impure blood, it is the only
remedy so certain and effec-
tive that it can be guaranteed.
If it fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back. ,
Eczema, Tetter, Salterheum,
Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles,
Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and
tiate of the Midwifer
IN THE ESTATE OF' ADDISON WORTEutdo- Brusoterneeeltd, a. few a(
GUNN, R. J. Gli
Notice is herebt given pursuant to Section 86, DB. 3. W. 61
tie ar gla1 ein, aRt. re .E1a9t8a7t,et VAadldl i spoenrs own so rhtabviim
ton, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County Rattenbury St. '
el Huron, Medical Doctor. deceased, wbo died on Clinton Ont.
or about the 7th day cf February, A. D., 1893, are
to send by rog;stered letter or to deliver to Man- .
Ding & Scott, Ciinton. Ont.,.Solicitors for Louisa DR sTANlitri
Worthington Elia J.Worthington and Jas. Scott, medical D -
the Executors of the last will of the said de- say, Toronto o
ceased, on or before the lot day of May, A.D.1871%, Dispensaries. New
a statement conteining their names and address- County of ron, lia
es, fun parlioulars of their claims, and the seouri- ..---• -
ties, if any, held by them, and that after said 1st MONEY! AI
day of May, 189J, the said Executers will proceed
We can make a few
to distribute the assets of the said deceased
amoog the partied entitled thereto, hating re-
gord only to the claims of which notice shall Is fuNnigdismaot ejsiv Sreatoev.
Terms mad•
have been reoeived as above required, and that
the bald Exeouttn will not be liable for eaid C. -
sets, or any park thereof, to any pereon or per -
sone, notice at whose &aim has riot been reeeived • HonoraryGraduate of
debted to the trid deceased. R.N1 reqrested to oav
or settle the amormt of their debts, to or vi'iu 1
'Pei:. gi )2/ f i The eree-aEll3BCel immediatelyeale1E 1
at the timetiot distribution. And ali persons 1c -
the Bald Erectibors, previous to the said 1st day
nig,ht or day attendedtoPro
Bice. Residence - Albert
of May next.
Solieltors for the said Executors
MRS. WH ITT M• g : M.
Dated at Clinton, this Sib day of Maroh, 1893
TEACHER OF 811.113IC,.. .
Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will euro Corns, Warts,
Bunsions, Moles,
Plano, Organ and Teohnicon,or•illusel deveiope
- for nee of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Molt'
Albert Street, Clinton.
R..AG NEW, •• •
Licentiate of Dental Surger3t, Honor Graduate of the
• Toronto &heel of Dentistry.
Lot 814 past side JUDOS street on the eouth
ontle catholic payroll condt :or.% t tore of Nitrous Oxide Gas admhdstered for the painlE, :
land, on which is erected R good 6.10SP7',181 extraction of tooth, : _ Ws: ;
.4Milee in Smith's
fra ne Cottage.of fiverooms, Eischea ald Wood', Block over Emerton's Battier •
shed, Cena" ander the wholeth %TO and soft water. Shop, Clinton. p'
of the past. From being a wide, thick GOOD HOUSE TO RENT
forest, wherein the savage might leis- - -
urely wander with bow and arrow in To every sufferer from Catarrh,
hand, we find it now a well opened -up •
country-. No halls of learning at one no matter how bad the case or of,
-time adorned the islands, beautified how long standing, the proprietors
I' with their• t* buildings
my only excuse is that the subject at the
present time is an important one, one upon randeur and purity, upon whic the all drtiggis.tfit
whioh tee much cannot be said. It is be-
cause of this reason -and not because of
the dose of nusvomios, which N.B. mixed,
for I have swallowed but very little of it—
that I have written at suoh length.
Yours truly,
LWith which we Oan.adtane are saddled. TO
agrietiltural country, situated as Canada
,. filtrated, with a sperm population and 8: A PLEAS914 SENSE
Ittnited olinuttch„ a protective tariff must. Of health and atrength renewed aisd of
neeSsearily be a burden to the mass of the - ease and comfort, follows the use of Syrup
neonle. And it is to the proving of this, of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature
„thttsUrtenddevoting this letter. • to effectually cleanse the system when cos -
i ne of N. B's favorite statements, and tive or bilious. For saie in 75o bottles by
"he thinks it cannot be gainsayed, is thia, arleading druggiets. '
. that there are very few countries where so
little povertyle known, and where (10 muoh
tentfort and happiness is enjoyed, as in NEWS NOTES
this fair Canada of ours. Well, supposing
Otis tO be true, it does not prove that the
Canadian iabOrer and agrioulturalist is
good, it only .proves that the position of
these classes is as bad or worse in other
cOuntri.08. Whether -the oirottmetances of
the Canadian farmer are as good,. or better,
than' the farmers of other countries, I have
net traVelled extensively enough to be in a
position to know, and the reports which we
,read about it are so congioting that it is
, very difficult to form a correct opinion.
• lint thie I dcrkncrw, that if the position of
the- einadiafi farmer is better than the
farmers 'Anther countries, it is in spite of
the Governitent, and not because of it.
.If the United States farmer has equal
'adrintagee in regard to soil and climate
as the Cauxidain. t bid position must be
120 A great deat. otter. If there is any
00untry un 'sat where the burden
planed up°
ta iff a
Mr. John D. Hood, town treasurer of
Woodstock, died somewhat suddenly last
Rev. John Gray, of St. Andrew's church,
Windsor, has acceptlid a L Al to a church in
Ealame.zoo, Mich.
Wm. Boyes,a mill hand,was assaulted and
robbed of 090 and a gold watoh near Com-
ber Wednesday night. His assailants es-
A cylone swept over Northern Mississip-
pi and Western Tennessee Thursday, des-
troying several small towns and killing sev-
eral people.
John Weir, bookeeper for the Windsor
Truck Ce., Windsor, has disappeared and
his friends fear that he has committed sui-
cide, , •
eople by e, protective The" -
four months -old baby of and
re equally borne, and Mrs Charles Stewart, of Sandwieho was
ish scour from it are found dead in its cradle Wednesday thorn -
Whom, then that ing. Death resulted from suffOoation.
Stites' of America. The trouble with mord ociagli medicines
o map and note is that they spoil the appetite, weaken
tl.her geOgra. digestion, and create bile. Ayer'S Merry
"Stand this. Peotoral, on the contrary, while it gives
in the iminediate relief, assist's rather than un-
south- pairs the assintilatiVe prOtierui.
Tho At Newburg, N. t, Irving A, a
,A wealthy manufaettircir,, stvallowed half an
;711 ounce of carbolic mid in mittake for cough
medicine and died in a few minutes,
ed. libose tvbdkeep their blood in A pure and
ree healehY condition yea have no fear Of any
410. disease attacking theta. It is tbeenfeehled,
gett, ode:down otatem upon width dime° fee-
*. WS its fano. r. rink Pint
di0 have no equal as h100cibrulderinotve ten.
IS ie, , twa weventi tot Of dideases. Thous,
ands Of grateful soft testiffto won.
O- dead power of
lititnte or imita
for 82.40,4 Dr.
le remedy, . Take o deb.
; Baer% bet ?Jilt britie
HOMO' Mod. rookt
§eroes of this world look with envy.
We desire to inform the publio that Dr.
Pitcher's CastOria is made and put up in
the Laboratory of the Centaur Co.NewYork,
in bat One size bottle, and on the outside
wrapper the formula is printed and the
Foo -Si mile Signature of "Chas. H. Fletoh.
er, New 'York.' No other preparation offe--
ed as Castoria is genuine. To counterfeit
or imitate either in the name or signature
is a oriraimil offence. Dr. Pitcher Cas-
toria has become a valuable standard fatal-
ly medicine with the indorsement of some
of the best Physicians in America. Don't
allow any One to sell you anythin g else on
tne plea that 181a "just as good," and will
answer every purpose, eta., eto. Castoria is
sold by all respectable druggists and dealere
in medioine.
Do not be deceived when you buy it, but
look well at the wrapper and see if it has
the signature of Chas. Et. Fletoher, New
• York. No other can:be genuine. Castoria
without this Signature is a Base Fraud.
Indian John, the once famous chief of
the Columbia river Indians, who has reaoh-
ed the age of 125 years, and has outlived the
last of his tribe, was committed to the poor.
house at Portland, Thursday. John was
altyar friend of the white man. He sav-
ed the al:mesh/VS of many prominent citi-
zens from massacre.
BRANTFORD, March 27th. Archie Rymal,
who was discharged from the hcapit4 here
sorne time ago, as incurable, suffering from
a complioatfon of disease% resulting hem
&sassed kidneys, has been cured by Dodd'a
Itidney Pills. His cage is the current talk
of theitown. So far was he run down that he
lost the, power of hie &rine and legs, also the
musoles of hit deck* end was as helpless as
a child, Ile is note a etrong healthy num
again, and never tires talking of that won-
derful remedy Whieh saved his life.
A life in donipationShip God
shall Stand the test of eternity, •
The perfect Christian life is a reinilt
of edneation in the true Sento of the
' 11414i4801411 AttlitES, .
ilordosithat Oh -sightly piniplet
Or oillott opaque Bitin. 'de treys the' attritot. •
ivetieet. ilatideOtee f094 tireti. ell sneh
Eltaliion build r1P' the
•'ayitelit rind freSh est andtbeauty.•
We are going to Chippewa
Co., Michigan, near Sault Ste
Why do you go there ?
Well, we have five boys,
we have sold the farm for $5,-
000. We can buy 640 acres
between Pickford and the Rail-
road Station at Rudyard, and
have a good farm for each of
the boys and have money left.
What can a renter do there?
He can buy a farm on five
years time, and pay for it with
one fourth of the money he
would pay for rents in that,
time, and own his own home.
• is it good land?-
As good as any in Huron Co. Ex-
cellent for Oats, Peas, Wheat, Clover,
Timothy', Potatoes and all kinds of
roots. 13riees are as good as any on
the lakes, owing to the nearness of
the mines and lumber woods to the
What class of people live there
They tire nearly all from lauron
Cio. :Yon meet there so *many okt
tieighbors that you tan hardly be.
lieve you, have left h me.
05 see that and., , Who has
it for aale?
•Sttluilt Ste PO 00, Moho
J. L. Turnbull, rd. B., Toronto Dnivereity, MD.
A large commodious and norcfortable house, 0.6! . Victoria Univereity, M. 0. P & S., 'Agri°
on Townsead street, containing acmes mode Von Fellow of the Obstetrical Society o dinburgh -
for ordinary family, with all conyeniences. is of- late of London. Eng., and Edinburgh °spite's. •
fend to rent on ressanable tercoii. Good ge-.•den Oflice•-Dr. Dowsely's old office Ratte Et ••
attached. House 18 in excellent iepair. Apply Minton Nigbt • lie answered at the este place, •
to either C. WILSON or JAMES HOVVE.
FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 1., Auctioneer still in- the field, able and
Ing to conduct any soles entrusted to hire
Subsor:ber offers either for sale or to rent, the te.kee this opportunity of thanking his •po
first-class farm of about 80 acres, situate on the for poet favors. Also Chattel Mortgagee 43
Huton Road, Goderich Township, and lately oc• and rents collected. Charges moderate
copied by Mr. El. Phipps. Sixty-five acres Droirtsson, Licensed Auctioneer for the Co
ed, small house, good barn, beering orchard, of Huron. Residence Albert Street. Winto
plenty of water. Vv ill either be sold or rented on
reesonable terms. JOS. WHITELY, °ode! Leh "
etore. Teeth extracted without &min 13y the tnie
furiousness nor ill effeeta accompaniring the usin
Lei 81, con. 2, Goderloh Township,situated on
G.:eval Road, 4 miles from Bayfield and 8
from Gaeeriob comprising 80 acres, of which 10 -
acres are gcod nardwood bush. Soli, olay loam.
Good frame house with ten MOTU, on stone
forindatioo; a1e0 good bang barn. �u the pre-
mises ems two sone young bearing orchard; also
a geed creek and never -failing well. Apply to
'Lots 7 land 8, Diusley Terrace, containing
acres of land, dwelling House, Barn and Orchard.
The property adjoine the corporation of Clinton.
Also a two story brick building suitable for store
and dwelling house, cellar 64x24, about -11-5 acres,
(tomer lot °pp -mite Queen's Hotel, Viotoria St,
Clinton. Also viliage lots V, 8 and 9 in Blyth.
The abov property will be sold a bargain to
settle up estate. Apply to W. J. BillIGINS. Win-
E4.elau.tgrli MAelliNnTtgl. dt SCOT T,
be Tel:litooreglateljniiiIrtIth °1St el:81112i.
1114.%13e.V geciudr cbe riondgilgt and 1;g?Pe4,117,1111°,
ai;ru: 4=1! faltolg V.;. 01 011nton 11"a 14
to OBT. RIeHARDSON, OlinptiL A0.810 11FP
That com;ortable Sad convenient new dwel-
ling on Viotoria St., belonging to Mr Jae Turn-
bAup111,1 rtopfraliissii:173do ohryr.lidrs Crtrickshank.
11.011SE TO RENT.
The Comfo•-tab-e House lately ocoupied by Mr
41. Calback, is cffered to rent, on very reesonoble
terme. Aopl" at NEW ERA. oPPION or D. D.
One hundred acne, being east half of 1012, con
8, Eastern Division, itehfield. Good frame born,
house and outbuildings, geed orchard, plenty of
well and spring water; all cleared °adept eight
acres. Well fenced. Will be rented on reasou-
able tams. MRS FRANZ BADORE, Clinton,"
Stiiseribet bag now a large Stock of north
ehore oedatshingles, on hand at. each of the
following places, end thoy may be procured
either froM himself or froth the pirties named
Beigratte, Mr. Watson ; myth, D. Cowan,
Brtteeffeld, at the atitiee Or from It. Stollve___,Ile
Staltleyi and at LOladetilicite, frOni
0. warrEty, LondoshcrouXhi
Itiovslo volt katit. .
-MI the Ceti:10 ,Of •
-bffered 'totting°
' ,ttOtnie dental
With dinning
31 .
vinodeihed, w
Mitt Atifiliei
. Coats' Block, Clinton over Taylor's sho
of a newly discovered local antes ego, no uncon
of this remedy. It is perfectly Mt .3 and harm-
less, and is highly spoken of by many in Clinton
and vicinity who speak from experience. Refer.
ewes may be had by inquiry at my office.
A. O. U. W.
The Clinton LOdge, No. 144, meet in Biddle.
combe Hall on the 1st and 8rd Fridays in eaoh
month. Visitors hordially invited.
R. STONEHAM. M. W. J. BEAN ,B000rdeV.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establienment is in full operation ad at
orders filled in the most eatisfaotoary way Come.
rices se
traYsoannalrartiltrOsnfkan etirlgi giant
, SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lm
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Oa._
D., Rose, Prtsident, Clinton; M. Murdie, Vi430
Pres. Seafortb,• W. J. Shannon Secy-Treasi
See,forth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager', Beaforth,
Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott,
Winton; Geo. Watt, Harlook; Joseph Lynne.
Beechwood; Thos. Oarbot. Clinton ,'Alex, Gar.
diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Eleaforth.
Thos, Nellane, Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sea..
forth; 13 Carnochan, Seafotth; John 0 Sullive
nd Goo. Murdie, auditors.
Parties dolmas to effect Insurances or eon.
soot other business Will be promptly attended
to on applicetion to any of the abet% alone
dill -posed to their reareeltve °glees.
Repiilring of all kWh; promptly attend to cut
mime rates. A trial (ladled.
Ilavp Yokt
eient neat:aided: atibSotiliet •rlittiwr Ann HOSE. OOLD itlyHOI HIRAM ,
tititairt Eat . by sin who
• _wee h 6,41 0
eda , Z OrialLe
tilof atte,0eg, res bit) sense o sine .:an vee awattheV