Clinton New Era, 1893-03-24, Page 8r1: 7•417Y.,"‘... ''i'**174 T771'`A/• 'A'� P"IS�iM9i':i.3AdrFn.+F},1+.'r'r*iiAliRFF+fwTd'+m.il:.i.wart•t••.e.,� ,ynx.•,:,-e�mti:�PP.3 or.IMmN, ', Mr J. T. •Farrow repelved aetter le a'lgeutientan, in the old con , >It nein a claim for.eoine allege .� '1ative+i of the' late Alines Stavely, who, it Was stated ""Waldo eke to share Tri Rthe division of•propert .. Lek all the 140174Z,NQx',ICRS rest of the claiman , these. Will left, 'R A. , KOOK 24, 1115►$, ,rrrr'/lal 'aL+p>ctcr y . ZOOM at $i ea at tae -1n the cold ,as, the estatehaa ppractically. • t fwd bh ,toro,n4rOn $t, 04140.13, 1 R44004 to the pcesoasio4 of file grown: sem, aaiasiro TdfNSON !t 4.1040171i'$'.tock ; *403',t40 .-,r 3y' tha 0141E410 it 1e but a • IlTT �,.-Higbeet tach rise paid.Sor n wearing stray!_'ha t . , tween their' tar .Brat salsa nut at 4,a,Pre.4OII heeds and the sunaiii a of May, The a V.liut°u. •81st, ins ., being Good Frfday`, :will. be snow P. 000,voticyu's'Ailve 1iohlent„; observe a holiday>r..,except by those talaction �pri tp• the New Jsoo and &lite woo 'seen the , dal" 'cleanitig up ;the , ,x. , nrhu S, as oa' back • yard ..or tearriag 'through the �t e:'1 WOOmatiti' wilt ex4hwge netts aa4 bush a ter game,, get the..sidewalko' hoM, Qrernlhaee Felt. Bootti, itobae ee Boras , cleaned off as soon as convenient, The ieckete tar Wood or will give. IRs, on the l for Tier Monthly Fair will be .held oasis for the nort ¢o aa�pe,• ! Clinton, - on the 5th of April" a num,• . FARMERS TTENTION inythls weok'e hese tier of horsebuy ers will'be present, anal: T. ?'.. lion ontita, advertises. One ,hundred:' a tictioneere(vvill be. on band, Who will ThpOoUSSUd • 8 neap's hto Xamin go farnt,TCt. tpr oPertY "fvee . of " cost,, .sell any Atte* that ,the: 'a Juaited amount of. Private tun.4q To :lo ata :owners',, wish to • dispose, of., .: There P@r scent .on ;Cly .o see, .bounty.,. A43.00- ,,sok, will be; no sitting of the Dtviaion'Oaur •sun's nioek, Duron St ; v,Uutee, her s this. month The si,si w: is gettir►gt' pretty thin on : the' town roads, hitt kk• XrtoDyTS OF' $zi MncosnimEs,.-=The open meeting of this order, was held last Friday, evening, when the Su' remo Cit wander the o .: P - . ar 'e 'm ., e ]� kixA. ,A� kpp Was present. He arrived here at 0. 40,1 beingg met• by a: large number .of Sir Knights; who accompanied him to the ltettenbury House, where they .had the pleasure of making hie acguainit- mice. As there ' was no procession all gathered in the town hall. The pro- gram was. commenced by a duet by Messrs May and Holloway; Dr. Shaw, the chairman, made a. few appropriate remarks, welcoming the visiting Sir Knights, and also read an address` of welcome to the committee. The Su- preme Commander was then introduc- ed, to the audience, who gave an address for over au hour,as: only he with his eloquence coulhave done. As he stepped to the platform he was greeted with loud applause. Sir Knight Mar-, key was formerly a Speaker of the house of. representatives of the State of Michigan, and it is needless to state that he made many friends' in Clinton, not only among the Sir Knights, but amore the other orders and with man flows Olotping, and villa, belora. buy few:da a ., ►;tt by our feellangs it will be' bsr$. several :years, Ore this potpie will be }Io3xE new merhbers were added to the Rome .Circle, at its Pieeting on, Tuesday eveni g.,g ;last, It 'oyes` ecided'to hold: ant iier'of their, opu er `"At kIo net'",ams time ill Aprill, �t'obxix o.TO Tow.. -Mr Edward tot. Der, of "Tnrkersmith,'has decided to, give'up farming ,in the course of a coupple of months, and will take u pp his residence in'Ciin,•ten.., He was looking ua house on, Tuesday. •J'harei**G. 'Complaints;' have been 140,41„"t9,06 thatatneeyera, sales which e,r cently taken ae la e, •there has bbelt ;',considerable•"; ?Pilfering of small tees, that can.,•he ,picked •up and eted in:a:pocket This `should not e, and, if continued farmers will have to put,a watch " on their, property at sales'.' • Fon, Tun WEST. -..The following assengerswere bookedwest this week . Jackson, Town Agent G. T. R. rs lI. Thornton Winnipeg; Jas. n, so'vancouver;J"as,McClennan, Grand Forks; A. W. Webster, Lisbon, Dak,; Parker, Milton, Dak.; W. Johnson, Inkster;-Dak:;, Geo. Stewarh--•Brandon.outside of• orders--altogether.-Tlie-e dress was followed by a song by Mr W. Harland, which was followed by a duet by Messrs Taylor and Emerton. The closing ode of the order was then sung by the 25 club quartette, and the Meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. hero is yet plenty in the. country. .• �IiT�C{ 4y9.(v;1 in domarxd .arid WO 'base, thQ1160n' ' of rolle at all pprico/. op, 5l" pA !+a aro very pretty. Our Ingrain papers and, is 140 fiowoat ares beat- to, ballad.!' for. the volley. Toa OOP buy the l*int thing 'both Qa12441.44 044 Amorioaa Rapeto f.onl.us, and Raids Do `Aro wanted, and boa they aro,-,--Now FringoS, Now Dad008, Now Ckiloi� . `T an xti..tI41•lIA �ty'ear's patte14to at a q?< t otlolr, 12e:�,I iii► Leda re Are-require4,-now is, the tuna to buy. Wo give a .ilettor,..to with all the'Trinimin s for Sao than evor, bef. re,, : Wo Sell the; old hied naT ,at two for 45c.' We want your trade and it wilt bo to your adventa80 to Bee. ns. Thla.spring we are makingan extra effort in t..his department and:have a'stock that'Over ' Book 'Store and N ws Depot, ac a Bloc; 1s away ahead of aqy, .evex shown � � � � �' . by us. We've got better ,nd finer gods, we've. got more ' of them,, we've got them at lower prices than ever; before. ent of the Newest Designsarings fog See our assortment and dol Our Millinery Opening will be on SATURDAY I .. , A .: ,IitIii 1sf. We -eat cot e ' able to show the finest goods in French, English and Amgriioan Styles ever Drought to Clinton. If you want a Stylish HAT or BONNET at a reasonable pplops, oozne,and see our stook. Miss Davis oan suit you every time -she understands `the business thorough• ly and leads the list for Clinton- Unron rrATE.-,--Last week Mr J. C. •• Stevenson repaired the injury done his - hearse while getting out to the ceme- tery. On : Friday, while attending a funeral, the rigbehind the hearse carne up 'so close that the pole was shoved 'through the glass door at therear, thus `breaking it for the second time within few, days.' • DEATH . -After " a protracted illness, Mrs Ross, mother of Mrs Jas. Beattie, Clinton, died at the residence of her ' brother, Mr Robert Charters, Tucker - smith, on Monday last. She was a inember.of Willis church, Clinton, and was frequently visited by. her pastor, who found her well prepared for the en& She was the relict of the late d'atnes,Ross, of Tuckersmith. Sxomg.-Mr H. ,Plumsteel's businecs' interests do not prevent hien taking an active personal interest in good live stock,as he is the owner of seven head --*--of frne-Shorthorn eattle,--and-iis-a tion''thereto° a beautiful 'and highly - bred Jersey cow,' recently purchased from •the famous herd of Mr Jones, Broek:ville. Among other animals is a brood mare that weighs 1800 Ibs. INspEOTIQN. - Mr A4insley, county ad commissioner, was up inspecting the bridge near Holmesville, on Fri- day` last. The heavy ice that came rdown the river at the thaw recently, emitted at the bridge and dislodged it. ,Ainsley gave instructions to have the bridge repaired as far as possible, butte is afraid that when the spring comes the ice from further up the river will cause another jam worse than before." Thebridgels now perfectly safe. 'USE T/11631:; -Wood ashes are being shipped from this section to parties in the States. If farmers were only as Wide-awake, as they might be, they woulctn t allow another bushel of as les to leave the country. They are-o;ie of ' the best things that peen be used for „eft,. -.+bt Chard ; aiid if it pays American farmers • to buy them for fertilizing purposes at 20'cents a bushel, surely it would ••pay Canadians to use them, when they can be secured so much cheaper. Egridaka ro r. -In our issue of last week was an . item relating to Lien notes, arising from a suit between Front & Wood. v, conch, wherein the 4 following occurs:- "It wail shown that the deft. was a bona fide purchaser for value, without notice of the phis. claim., in Decetsber, Stanley, without stating the fact of hist engenoy,. without showing any authority !maids principals, and without see - ink the horse in question, demanded it from the def., who refusied to deliver the same up With- out Proof in Court as to ownership, whereuppoon action was brought in the name of the plus Claiming $60 dainages for wrongful conversion sof the horde:" The representive of Frost & Wood, Mr W:.Stanley, states that this is in- correct in the first sentence, for the reason that defendant, ()ouch, did know of the plaintiff's claim, and in the second, that he did state his agency, the note held being shown at the tinie. This places a different cbn- struetion on the` matter _entirely, and shows that so far as Mr Stanley was concerned, the transaction was perfect- ' ly open and above -board. PUBLIb SCHOOL BOARD, --The .regu- , ter leave shortly for Spokane Falls, lar meeting of the board was held on where other members of the family are Monday evening. The truant officer residing. The friends of Mr John Ju - was inStrueted to take proceedings nor Will regret to learn that he is now against Howard Dempsey, for non -at- confined to his room. Mr Kaiser, who tendance at school (the bap being past has been visiting relatives here, left on the rohibited age, the authorities have Monday on his return to South Africa, no, dower , wto act.) The report of the which place he expects to reach by the Inspector as read, in which special first of May; he does not purpose re - attention was direcded to the closets, ;mining in that country, however, that of the boys in particular being longer than is necessary to settle up anything but clean,anshould be look- his business. Mrs Meadows, of Michi- • ed rafter to prevent disease. The schoolan, is here visiting her brother, Mr B. I he found clean and well kept, the tea- Kaiser. Mr Al. May wort a three Mile thers assisting the caretaker,.. by not race at Rensall, in eleven minutes, on allowin waste�paper,:&c. to be scatter- Monday. Messrs Keehn and Couch ed about. The Inspector gives a de- shipped "a car load'of'bogs on Wednes- tatled report of the work done" by each day. Mr W. O. Searle was out prank 'teacher, the discipline,. &c., and cow ing the other day, when the knife cltidee' his report in these words:- dropped from his hand, and fell, point "The dntire star is doing good work downward, on his boot; the blade went and deserves. 'the confidence of the through into his foot, inflicting _a pain - Board, The premises; as a whole, are ful wound. The sale of Mr. McAllis- iri ekcellent shaper, -internally, the teed Win stook, conducted by T. M. eChool' house is the; neatest in the Carling, yesterday afternoon, was well division: ertternally, it'is only•surpasii attended. and generally good prices Bd by tfie Wingham' Pe lt School were realized Mr. Lu Carter and his ealding.' ; The report +G Prince pal mother have removed front town. - Lough. gave the scholar's enrolled for Mr. D. Dickinson will Offer soma town, February as, boye,: 288; iris;. 210; arere p_r opert . bye auction today, Friday.. e :attendance 0 increase . bier' 1 esgre . and P.i er,Jnines Eagleson, January, 28;over February', 1802, 02. and their *Wee, Were at Bayfild, `ort Several eut geetions are made• concern- Wean' y, attending the wedding. 9f the, be ter , hecting,of• the Schooli j' a'relat e. • Noxus. Horse Fair Wednesday, April 5th. Mr Wm. Sellers moved his milt'" to Mr Couch's farm, near Chin- n, last week, he having been engag- ed to look after it. Dr. Gibson left town on Saturday for Chapleau, he having accepted the appointment of- fered him by the°. P. R., as medical superintendent at that point. We are sorry to learn that Mrs Bowers, who some time ago went to Helena for the benefit of her health, is no better, but rather worse. Mr S. F. Booth left here, on Tuesday, for Manitoba, taking a car of settlers effects with him; he has been a resident of town for a con- siderable time, and we regret to see young men'like him leaving. Mr Thos nffibail; of-the-'fY."fi: iZ.; "iis`ftllftl'g`�I` Hammond's place at Blyth, the latter beiEg ill. Mr Harry Cowan, of Sea - forth, spent , Sunday 'in town; there's special attraction for.him here, Mr John Horton, of Lumley, left for Win- nipeg, on Saturday, and was booked - through by A. O. Pattison, G. T. R. agent. Mr Woodward, of Stratroy, has been engage Holmes, Huron road. In response to the request of the Town Council, the Dominion Government has intimated its intention of in fu- ture paying rent for it's Collector of Customs; this is as it should •be, and will relieve the town of the payment of about $75 a year. Mr James Sibley left for New York on Tuesday. The wife of Inspecor Robb, who has been very ill with pleurisy, is now some- what better. Mr Will White, of Winnipeg, left here on Tuesday for Philadelphia, where he goes to wind up the affairs of bis mother's estate; from there he will proceed to Winni- m throughr Mill Neil Yellowleesan eted wentm to Newtonville, on Tuesday, to help a friend through a wedding ceremony; he will one of these days be the princi- pal in a similar circumstance. Mr, Harry Hunt. has just purchased one of the very best pianos -cased Doherty or- gans, through Mr Jas. Eagleson. Mr Raeffel, of Montreal. a prominent com- mission merchant, was this week the guest of Mr Jas. Fair. Mr W. Foster and wife of Orangeville, are here on a visit. Mr Cox, of Detroit, the well known horse -buyer, is here on business. Master Harold Ransford, (son of Mr J. Ransford) who has been laid up with inflammation of the bowels, is now much better. Mr Chas. M. Bezzo, who for several years very ably filled the position as polisher in the Doherty organ factory, but now of,Ohicagot has abandoned finishing, and is taking a course in the Metropolitan Business College of that city; Mr Bezzo is a young man possessing considerable executive ability, and his friends of town feel confident that he will succeed. Mr George Armour is preparing to put a stone foundation under his dwelling. Miss orpha Miller has taken a position at Listowel. We ' are credibly in- formed that Mrs Grant and dau h- r. s linton,•;fl the spring in Brussels, Ta esti .. - Wool and Union Carpets. We offer E) IOIOE PAT MANTLES -See our stook of Spring Mantles, German made, the best fitting good in the world. ICES r TEMPTING- DRESS GOODS -We have this year went into the Dross Goods much rgore,.ez V tensively, and have a fine assortment of all kinds and Styles. Don't buy before seeing ours' STAPLES -In Staples we are fully assorted -everything required for a good business, BRUSSELS 950., $1, $1.12,} and $1.25. ' TAPESTRY 87i, 45, 50, 60 and 70 cents per yard. WOOL, 75, 80, 92icts and $1 UNION, 40, 45, 50 and 60 tens per yard.. • The Union at 45c and the Wool at $1 are very fine goods of American manufacture, come in nice patterns and are far superior to anything we have been able to show' at these prices. For a medium carpet we would re- commend the Union at 45c., and if you want something really good why you cannot beat our All Wool at $1. If you want the biggest variety and best values you'll buy here ]T. .JODGEN6 CLINTON Cents Furnishin�r'S-$std' Caps, Shirts, Cuffs, Ties; lar stook of Ready Made_CI a Collars'' H ings rchiefe• A' very d othipg,-Oloths, auitings, 'Tweed Over- • tToatings, full stook of Ohoice Goods. Tailoring done in first-olaaa style and a fit guaranteed every time. All Cloths and Tweeds bought from us will be out free. DRESS and MANTLE MAKING - This department is in charge of Mis Shipley, who never fails to give a good fit and satisfaction in every reapeot ' Lower prices than usually charged by others. • BOOTS and SHOES -Full lines in all different makes. Remember we eel! Boots and Shoes oheaper than anyone olse in the trade -don't forget this. " ' Carpets, Curtains House Furnishings, &c. a have so many line's and such a large stook that we can't have space to more' than say a few words about each department, but we ask yon to. Dome and see the goods and judge for yourselves. N. B. -We want it distinctly understood that we will not allow anyone in the trade to undersell as; we shall adhere strictly to this, no matter whether they sell on Credit or for Cash. 6 per vent off for Cash. • ' - Plumsteel & Gibbings, Clin.tn .Nearly Iwo Hundred a Year and not 1V ewspaper Circulation . . , . . There has been a phrase form of advertisement going the rounds of advertisers , in nearly every branch of , trade which has been used to a very great extent very inde- finitely; the phrase being "Keeping Everlastingly at it Brings Success.” Left in this state it might be interpreted to mean that keeping everlastingly at anything brings success, which is not by any means the case, else a man could reason that by continually defaming his neighbor's charaeter he will ultimately bring success and honor to himself, but the reverse is the case. Keeping everlastingly at stating a case to the public and backing the case up by genuine solid facts will no doubt bring success. f For seven years we have successfully advertised and sold . $2 $3 TztOWSERS As the best value in the market for every day wearing Trow sers, We will continue to state the same'; The best proof of the genuine worth of these lines is the Man- ner in which the line has been received—about an average of 200 (Two Hundred) Pairs being now sold'. yearly. When your everyday Trowsers are done for, "see our $2 and $fi line -=perfect fitting." .j C)IIKSO,ISTJ TEEES Clothiers ' 'urni here and Hatters' CZI TON, and s .• VORT.a. ,• LACE CURTAIN Our New Nottingham Lace Curtains have been received, and for pattern, exquisite design and range of assortment, cannot fail to please you. New Embroideries In fine narrow widths. Our store is noted for this line of goods, and when we tell you that part of them have already arrived, yon know,for sure that we have some- thing choice to offer you. PRINTS Another lot added to our already large stock, which will be found complete with the very newest goods. Spring Millinery Is here and our Miss B. McDonald is busy at work, assisted by her efficient staff getting ready for our spring open- ing, but in the meantime if you are in want of a Hat or Bonnet, she will be pleased to receive your order, which will receive her careful attention, and will be trimmed up in the newest and most becoming style possible -,- 4,---000-.-.-w CASH FCR FRESH• EGGS Mir Ladlss Fsvorfto Estsiblishnh Nt BEAVER nobs, O UN1 ON