HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-03-24, Page 7{ J 1197 T l sxa> « •r 7 e have already received And opened Gases and It? 1)41(0 of neWv, goods '• 0 S 12 G8. .S '29 11 c11 heavy , fast . col r . '. � �hxrt��tgs� � �' to •' ,• i Bane ' • ' a ed Indigo� 121 sen Cords t New �'eron� oveiings special line 4 yards for 25e NV* Flannelettes, Sc.. esti or, 25o ,ins;' �59c o $ per pair •.I ,. New Dedble at,osections of ,O,ntatie and . fauebec, rlthe n 4 a p �WO Special'lines .% ERA. . t s fix a.. f ,werf mg! 1. ..0 ��d.l,Fdr Fi�EW0.Fl,RF2`fl,.. .'F.i a '" ,1 F S3'kFFt,Fiiil4'�'N�SMw •_ ——.-Y'£.i FM"'=n��I -� — Y ;, SIi"' suuUTI OF' gosival tBr,r , 1'f 4 P' DPS tTkf PT S *CT, 1 To filar, pf `ilia Clintaii 1Yttaa Arai t+4+g alatli a 1 gnaw but.fl 'gra lona telrlo . i ills—Knowin that fa+rmere geirier- >Mbout w, ye«1r• .;S, Laic over #100,RQ11 bga g aaarued to> tb. Proripora, atlthiugh only i; ail acre much interested. -In the above shout 4,uOO of tbat'ftu cunt hay been aid . yOUr ]'tet Pent me tel .Pleee before in., The leer give" the executora eighteen t Your readerd tee follttivitlg'►"" - nlor!tbs in :Wbion to. ay over the Govern- SEED 'TEST,1lCl, , : Mont', share of thee@1egnoies end it ie more ' ° Tho wortCr,of testing the gernaitaat•'ingg prpfltabla: to take the money in. tl�iebank at �rT •power of grain eine :other atgricllltural mtere.ta�a ongag.vo��ible than rochina it. e n.ti o a ress,atthe .f•:thePro,ince at -*meet Theta ell duan, se t is ow in Vic.. y x g . e Ottawa,00Min in from• any, ou . sour9a aye gist from Central over carves the Acbert estate et ()WINO amounting, VP tQ the, • present 1,�RQGI samples ► :; have :been tested and reported- On ;this to nearly 126,OOO. season« and on the whole With.xerr "That acme a satisfaetQ revenue for one r '� t re a ed Assistant t g of v tel tyy There are,how. l't.ovineal Treasurer Can,eren, ever sortie districts in the I:lclr4inxGn ft .bow 1~ t ,P �. The sttoeeirion tlex io pceed by Lias gratifying resulte, showing., a good.per., yea ? .. the News m rk. toA can a a i.., i . o rt'}I Il s stb t lie rind leof•the = from which .'sam les; have. been receiv- eot is .all right, aud'.capalble,, of ellcnsion," 1't d fl}, 0111. list way?" ��.,��lIA?I;,A�F,II 'mins Cani oat A•T'S MOOT•,, Thea, why. in tile. dark who • can, get the Celebrated ed o1 very oar qua i y.anui e. un . ,b e, ,t S ad n,t1.8,91:11:1,04 as t4 e o ri f , m a 1' �. s.. the sweet sea on of9'vei `y unfavorable'' and considerable gnapti- tiesaofgrain were,, left oat;, in stookor stack "a i ,winter . and threshed' in the s ring of 189. A number of 'samples of A such "grain have been ,tested wnd they:how a- ver low Percentage;. of vitalityp, many el .thein ranging groin 15 to;40'perr ,pent. ,only, and are quite unfit :dor seed. In Settle Other parts of is ,i i' t . 1 � eh/largo ' e - tax , . wlx 1e >; no ti ial a r t x is,not o>k � n 1 sh h I n be kr tel a v c 41 � y I e ., ,eg,? s; ohcn n ar S + able wilful theymight bee so, Then : ich is 'equaltO American at the same prICe as or • llna> be.e . , g A. the rin i pie ,r;4glit;. edva�mta eolisiyho eX- ; ii, w h&�e 'ust"'•x�celved another car of thio �'am�fi«us QiJ tended to; other, things,')- Toronto I cws, O e • you eau. get '.1t eitil.er: at our: new' store in the Mackay^ and, ?s a el t e d at'e n� r eroe's Block or -at our old store in the Brick Block, y n•fe . be, goo th done by A , >?i , >i.pM Ii:EAD • To FOOT. golden Medical ,Iliseoverv, It parities, the, blood. And throughlthe blood, it oleanees, Try . it and " be- convinced. the Dominion p 1+ old 2a. I , recover, n fr' " "L•Gri • e.' or -1n oonveleeence,fr'om pnellnionia,, overs, or•_ other wasting, diseases, nothing can equal it as an agpetizirag, restorative tonin to' bulbi up necdcd. $esti and strength. It rouses. every organ into natural action, promotes; all the bodily .funictione, and ro- g g p stores health and vigor, -�' If sown as seal will be likely to. result For every disease. that comes from a in poor crops, ' torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, Any fanner desiring to send further. Indigestion. Biliousness, and the meet samples for test should_ forward them stubborn Skin, $calp, or Scrofulous Oleo - without delay; the packages should'- ions, the "Discovery" is. the only remedy so contain about one, ounce each, and they , certain that it can be guaranteed. 1f it can be sent to the Experimental Farm doesn't benefit or cure, in'every case, you free through the mail. The samples have your money back. are tested and• reports can usually be furnished in about ten days after the For a perfect and permanent cure for grain is received. Catarrh, take Dr; Sage's Catarrh Remedy. in - SEED DISTRIBUTION Its pfoprietors.offer 3500 reward for an in- curable ease of Catarrh. Last year 16,905 sample bags of pro- mising sorts of grain, weighing 3 lbs. ' PARISLAN SHOPLIb'TERS First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Mon.treai each; were sent free through the mail an es t dally lit some repairs, and invigorates the whole system. r ' ase of these all wool fine 'Blankets a In�e�s .another e • 50 'gez> ts. per pounfi • piln)�are. oYi(c l 'ricegwaith others 5 per cent off for Cash weather; duriiig_the last harvest, period t was very wet, and the grain • in, . the • stook was subject to repeated wettings before it could be housed, ''arid in the meantime some,.ofit sprouted, A large proportion of such samples also show a - low degree of ermfnatin ower, and Coats. & Son, Clitton... TS and SHQ REDUCTION in PRICES hide received instructions to make still greater reduction in prices. have no bargain counter of unsaleable stock, nor a set day upon which 'offer bargains. Every day with us will be bargain day until this stock disposed of. Come and:get bargains at the New Boot and Shoe Store M CD-ONOU•.._...-. J ,okson Block, Huron Street, Clinton art ?I mini Notice! • • LAND B. STOVES• AND -HA DWAHE - AI 33J11 , ` s'r,, CLINTO1 to 9,114 farmers residing in different= 64The Bon Marche, Paris, the largest retail J A arge shop in the world, employs 100 men who do parts of the Dowinion. This 1 nothingbut watch for shoplifters. This one establishment alone arrests on an average from 12,000 to 15,000 women an- • nually, wbo have been caught stealing. quantity of grain, over 25 tons, was all p the most promising sorts which have Special Cuts in s. Or arra OtS., been tested on the several experiment- al farms. 'By instruction of the Hon. Every article from a 2 -son spool of thread 'Minister of Agriculture, a similar dis- to a 10,000.frano pattern of Oriental tapes- Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty tribution is now in progress 'for this. try, is labeled. Every purchaser is con. year, and already over 3,000 samples ducted by the selling clerk to pay at one -of BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED have been sent out, and a large num- the oabhiers' desks (there is no oasn boy -or berme being mailed daily. The object elevator change system), where the artiole of this distribution is to place in the bought is wrapped up and its price paid for hands of good farmers in allb parts i- only a veryiar• leEveryol clerk mu has a num- the country samples of the best veil- her and every article sold must bear upon + � ety of oats, barley, wheat, peas, etc., its label the private mark of the salesman. uality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. of first class quality, and consisted of Alb Barrel 1 so that they may shortly be available This system is not known to the world at for seed in every district in the country, large, and it serves in the double purpose and eventually result in the displacing of tracing an artiole, and also finding by of poor, mixed and enfeebled sorts, whom it was 'sold, in case of any dispute wit varieties possessed of greater vig- afterward. our and fertility.. The number of sem, pies sent to one applicant is limited to - NINETEEN BOXES two in . each case, and on this basis a BRANTFORD, March 20th. The Expositt,r very large number can still be supplied• last week published e,n article on the case With careful and judicious' handling of Archie Rymal of this city, which hap tjl�ese 31b. samples well genera lv ra eaused-considerable:-exeitentexte.-in-Brant-- —duce from one to three EusfilelF e ford and district. • It appears Mr Ryma first year, and at the end of the second has had more than his share of suffering season the grower usually has seed during the past few years, so far was he enough for a large field. The advan- run down from kidney disease that hehad twee usually resulting from this large lost the power of his limbs and back. Ee distribution of the best sorts of, grain obtainable will no doubt in a few years be generally manifest in an improve- ment in the quality and an increase in the quantity of the average grain crops of the Dominion. A circular is sent with each sample, which the re- cipients are expected to fill up and re - As an, extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangementh with a lead- turn at the close of the season, with ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pioturee by well-known masters, t particulars as to the character and all teamed and finished in first-olase style, and suitable for the best glass of resi- growth of the grain. The request is demo. Eaoh customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures also made that a sample of not less free when their oash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business than one pound of the product be re - is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. turned to the Central Experimental Farm, so that information may be had q(�A.p—Although the prinoipal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. as the -measure of success attending its '' wewill supply all Eleotrio Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at growth. Samples are sent to appli- giutition, etc., certain muscles are the old figures. Call and see those -beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are cants as long as the supply lasts. Let- brought into active play, and the exer- on show at. our store. ' ters can be sent to the Experimental cise of any muscle necessitatea tempo - Farm at Ottawa free of postage. rary waste of its tissues, and a certain -TEAS--Our stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Tess, WM. SAUNDERS, amount of carbon is eliminated and including best grades in Blank, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Director Experimental Farms. passed off during the course of the grown Blend, the finest in the market. r Ottawa, March 9th, 1893. meal. This loss, however, is trifling as Combination Dinner and "I have ustdAyer'sHairVigor for, a num• compared with' that due to respiration, us is every business day her of years,and it has always given me sat- both of which are increased during;the isfaotion. Itis an excellent dressing, pre- various operations of making a meal. vents the hair from turning gray, insures, The length of time one takes to con- te vigorous growth and keeps the scalp sume a pound of food makes but little Janauschek la ed in "Macbeth" before eaten leisurely there is but slight in - P Y crease of respiration or perspiration, a packed house in Charlotte the other ' whereas if it is hurried through both night. She bad just got along to the point are abnormally /accelerated. Hence, where she says that a whole ocean could by the tune the pound , is eaten, the not wash away her stain, when the roof consumer has lost appreciably in•mois- sprang a leak and a ton or so of rain water ture and carbonic acid. poured in on the house, causing the actors to spatter. After some delay the damage was repaired and the performance went on. could only get around with the aid of . two crutches, or when assisted by kind hands. His death was daily expected On the - advice of his wife he tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and took in all nineteen boxe. His improvement was marked from the second. box. He is now comyletely cured and a living testimony of the ourative powers of that wonderful remedy. Why does not a man weigh a pound _ more immediately after eating a pound weight of food ? 4 little reflection will readily explain this apparent mystery. During the process of mastication, de- CHINAWARE—Examine the quality and prices of our Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with throughout the year. N. ROBSON, Clinton 1 i PartyFree. Open. the Public g T Eveybody -ie iiiviied to the Hub Grocery to try our NEW TEAS. We have now the best value in TEAS we have been able to offer; our HYSON and OONGOU are extra good value. We have a new uncolored Japan that cannot be excelled for Value, Strength and Player. Hillnattia, a package Tea, needs only to be tried to appreciate it. We have a great variety of Teas and give a big reduc- tionin 5, 10 and 20 pound lots. All we ask is a trial of our teas and you will be well pleased. Remember vie sell pure Coffee and grind it fresh for you. CaO S TALLOW — CLINTON iring •:.• Arrivals i difference to these losses, for if it is white and clean. Mary(A. Jackson, Mass. We are now. busy unpaeki to and marking 15 Cases of new - Spring BOOTS and SHOES. .We are booed oto lead in styles this season. .. aSt�P 1VMcILROY Cash Merchants SIXTH W C7 PAINTEB X13 Plt,gA1ttl$. TO DO' ALL ZI1 DS o lit ithe n`r` ldfaaildioaa'-at 10W00 prloes aiaa On 'rhe ehatnotice; op ankt iter ifiett , o i ,Btkttettlbutt St , Oflrntot Millions of . ' Women use It for all purposes Laundry and ' Household and find It a groat Comfort and saver of Labor ,unfit OA P s r', s • --1 •i r " Has no equal for purity,' nor 'roe elca,nlng'and IIWeetoa'lin;g t norJ • preserving• the, 010thes and hE ndI frOn1 if+±. nor foe._.. alhretaflid° sumo .,. ,} aro nn01011,l usr>err. ; IRONSE IAP I�NIw`r`Nt When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!,. when she was a Child, she cried for Castor's. When. hed'became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When ripe had Children, she gave them Caetorla. Fifteen years ago a young man nam- ed Muller, livingat Sandwich, bade WS farewell to s wife to go to England to receive a fortune which had been bequeathed to him. Re !could not re- turn as soon as he expected, and his correspondence with his wife ceased after two years. She wenthometo her parents in Montreal, and only a short time agoaccidentally met her husband there. He explained that hearing she was dead he had married again The second wife was dead, however, and he re -married the first one. - INTERESTING TESTI1V ANY TO THE AFFLICTED, sour LIC@S •CURED BY ROYAL CROWN/ REIMDDY AFTEROLEVEREST DOCTORS IN CANADA I,'A1LED. LosDON,June 201h,1880,. Dear Sir, ivas:a great sufferer fcr!�ears with Ono' leer 01. the worst kind of bore le, I dootored a, groat deal with sortie of the cleverest doctors til cantata. They relied iri itialting a cure. I was • recontmendod to try 'our medicineas; I got two bottles of year 110111 Crown•'eetnody tend out, boa. of your ea vo ; 1 tined it accorili g to direr, tions., Irl two weeks after I donate` ked to sae it 1 was able t0 go to Work again, feel ranch; • better in health, and the leg± seen), t baasound item the borro. x' out 1otrgnnhle a 1t o, tits world at large. Sz 116Mi8ON 50a ork 3t, the greatest • Wlliiare's Ito'ga1 Orewn nom dr.i Remedy on oath for keb¢ral dlbiti Children Cy, for PItcher's,Castoii MACKAY BLOCK,, • - - CLINTON. • RUMBALL'SCIRR1dGE FACTORY We have on hand an assortment ofLsplendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be;'of first-class material and woi kmanship. I you want a good articlelatitbe price of a poor one, call and see us. F. 1R,TJMB.4L1–•. -- CL.TN'T(VN-' HAIR GOODS PROF. DORENWEND. of Toronto, the leading Hair Goods Manufacturer, begs to announce that his represent. • , tative will be at the Rattenbury House, Clinton —QN-` Thursday, March 30th With a full line of his celebrated "iier; _Goods for both Ladies and Gentlemen oomptlsift WIGS, TOUPEES; SWITCHES, BANGS, WAVES, See. These goods are made on scientific principles and so closely is nature copied that their de- tection is impossible. Call and see them and be'convinoed. It costs nothing to try them. Remember, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, on Thursday, March 30th Ott huradfxy tight :t"be high, r Tool i i Newmarket'' Wad completely destrveal ley- Ate, 'plle'ldtstt It 'estimated at about 7;904, partly ootibre bja ilnsttranhia; I •r ;OOTHINO, CLEANSING, HEALING. infant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility etc. If you are troubled with any of these or sindred byml,tores, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of NASAL Bw1, Be warned in time neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption' and death. field by all druggists, or sent, [ 0 c paid, and $receipt ) by addressing ULFORO&CO Crockvllle Ont. Pst +�trr I r Salaryo' on iss to total from start.. Lilr v end commisslal part-time agents. rormpriont position, Good ehaileo roe nev sets es eluetde territory. I bCeneth ca andda oral.rowers of ,d a erS sery steels ltatos. Cfcz i, hnrd7ltOOk -- trio to name, aal:d rate treattne,it., guars* bed, ua an- b'ed, No oubstir • anon In our- orders No:' cotapblt- non `i� I,±> hea btr IibUsed, on. account of ]a v prices and ro>• 14r advents- , pee siessa Ititereat tiy OM, miming $7b er mouth es b us es bonahest bces-oor pro. i vtous failures in tins or other.; Obrfiea, ( utnt rrree.Adrets fonerttlnre, 1a0WN nis,,000tinontat Nutserio1 'Whetted ierell*F,tO.) onorp, N'y._ ' 1'lao'd'heIedy ter Catarrh Is tits ddt.ltariresttn.ilbe, arta rhea, At t< � CompleteManhood AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. g f' 1.1 A Medical Work that TellstheCauses, Describes the Effects, , Points the Remedy. : Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever :published; " 90 pages, every page bearing abalf tone Illustration in tints: Subjects treated ;— Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, C • Varicocele,' The Husband, g Those Intending Marriage, etc. E - • Every man who would know the drandTruths, ▪ the Plain Facts, the Old Secrets and New Discov. r, encs of Medical Science as applied to Married Life, who would atone for past follies and , avoid future pitfalls, should write for this 1 ▪ WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOk. It will be sent free, under seal, while the edition: :lasts. Address the publishers, :ERIE MEDICAL atw� Co., Buffalo, N,Y, nltntnw 1u11stintttlonaiullfi• ' When we assert that Dlodd's -Kidney .Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's 'b s- case, Rhe trnati'sth and all other friths of kidne Gy T?oubleS, we are backed by the testimony of all Wha• have used them. THtif oullM 1'6 i'tt`4V` ounkb. fly t1 t d " •, e attnalf ilirprelpt o p rcent r, , ]3• L.,t1 Smith • -gym ,45old by dailyei8tl or r itat p,.