HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-03-17, Page 8A'
1Comili7t i89a
i `, ` Too SLOW.—The East Huron reach.nto . ,�N ers' AQeQaiation. Feld it9 lneetiug lir
�� \Yingham on the 2nd and $rd of March,
Reporters were appointed to see that
the local papers received it summary
of the work transacted, but the Nsaw
L00A:n NOTTOBB Eita's copy of this report came to
hand on the 13th, ten days after the,
MEN'S LONG FELT BOOTS at 01.150 at the meeting. We are always glad to pub -
Mow Boot and shoe storo, Huron St., OlintP 0 fish reports of any meeting that takes
Be, sure and see JOHNSON & ARMor7R's stook : place, but we don't care to Wit ten
o BobesridoraePalling. and Bells, before buy- OBY.8 fpr them. However, the NEw
ng elsewhere. Erta, knowing from past e1rperienee
BUTTER.—Hlghestr Cash price raid for an that its official report' would, likely
uantity of First class Batter at AANTRI.0 - travel b stage coach, had a e ecial re
PROS.. Clinton, port of its own last week, and was the
SEE' T, E. MoDONOUGH'S Advertisement— only 'paper in the riding which had.
HedEOtiou in• prices at the Naw Boot an4 shoo If the teachewish the public to take
store, uurcn t., Clinton. an interest in their work they should
see to it that their reports are publish -
AID '.t #t, oil; 17, 180a,
rAs. TW TCHELL wilrexohange Boots and ed while fresh.
shoes, gver§hoee, Felt Boots, Rohe§ and Horse
Blankets for wood or will give 100. oft the 0 for_ '
cash for the neat 60 days. To TER WRST.—On Tuesday quite
a number left for the West, the follow-
ing being booked by W. Jackson,
Town Agent: -4. Laithwait and wife,
Park River, Dak.; Jacob and Charles
Connell, Grafton, Dak.; J. Trewartba
and Arthur Whittingham, Victoria,
British Columbia; R. Johnson and wife,
Griswold; Jos. Riter, Winnipeg; Jas.
Roberts, Brandon; T. J. Lobb. Winne-
bago, Minn.; Wm. Bingham, Glasston,
Dak ; Geo, Simpson, Aberdeen, Dak.
The following also went west:—W.
Murphy, ofGoderich township; W, and
A. Herbison, Mrs J.J. Taylor, J.J. Mc-
Laughlin, of Summerhill, accompanied
four stallions and a brood mare to Pit-
cairn, Manitoba; Mr J. J. Weir, of town
also went with some horses; Kepple
Disney took a car of horses to Oxbow,
Manitoba, and Mr J. R. Holmes took a
car to Killarney.
NOTES.—Mr Kennedy is gradually
replacing the horses that were suffo-
cated, and has secured several good
ones. The engine of the late train to
Goderich, Friday night, was slightly
disabled by breaking one of its shafts;
it reached Goderich an hour after the
regular time. We were in error in
stating that Mr Ralph White, of Phil-
adelphia, only left one child; he leaves
eight. Miss Nina Buchanan resumed
her situation at Parkhill last week. It
is reported that Mr Watson, formerly.
of the Commercial, has rented the
Manchester hotel. Mr Jas. Cornish, of
the base line, last week sold a span of
two-year old colts to Mr Thos. Mc-
Millan, of Hullett, for the sum of $240;
this is a fine price, but they were colts
from the best of stock. Tne next
meeting of the. Morris arbitration will
be held on the 28th inst. On Satur-
day, just as Mr N. Robson was enter-
ing his house, an immense block of ice
slid from the roof and came within an
ace of crushing him beneath its weight.
Several young men, members of
the Temperance Lodge drove to Blyth
on Friday evening; they found the
roads splend--well hardly. Pdiss
Mickle has been visiting friends in
London. Mr A. M. Todd is this week
attending the meeting of the Orange
Grand Lodge, at Orangeville. The
License Commissioners met at Gode-
rich on Wednesday. The friends.,,,pf Mr
Jas. Turnbull, now of Toronto, will be
sorry to hear that he recently sprained
his foot so sevetely as to necessitate
the use of crutches, and is hardly able
to move about even with the use of
these. Mr T. Jackson, jr., of Jackson
Bros., spent a few of days in Toronto
FARMERS' ATTENTION—In this week's isene
T. 11. ISaDONOUGH advertises One Hundred
Thousand 'Dollars to Moan on farm property at
5.} per Gent. Straight loan,nocornrnission. Also
a limited amount of Private (nada To :loan at5
per oent on Ant -Wass security,. Otflce--Jaok-
son'§ Block, Huron st., Clinton.
;own P•OPI C .
FINED.—At the instance of Inspector
Paisley, Mr W. Watson, of Blyth, ap-
peared before Messrs McGarva and
Steep, J. P's., on Saturday last, on a
charge, of violating the License Act.
The charge was sustained and a fine of
$20 and cost imposed.
FINANCIAL,—The auditors' report of
the town for the year 1892, show the
receipts from all sources to have been
$13206.69, while the expenditure was
$13582.84. This is omitting the balance
on hand at the beginning and end of the
year. The assets of the town are nearly
WELL SUPPLIED.--Clintonians will
be well supplied with meat this year,
having four first-class butcher shops
and all conducted by enterprising and
efficient business men. When the
stalls were in the old market building,
there were no less than six in the busi-
ness at one time.
SHOOTING,—Below is the score of
those contesting in the third cup shoot
of the Clinton Gun Club;—Wm, Grigg
20, J. McMurray 19, G, Iiinchley 18, C.
Overbury 14, E. Hovey 8, J. Powell 13,
W. Foster 18, J. Johnston 8, E. Can-
telon 18, Hunter 7, Wm. Doherty 13,
T. C. Doherty 7, J. Lee 13, J. Spooner
11, C. Hale 7.
has bong, bt out the flour and feed busi-
ness of Messrs Welker & Hanley, and
took possession • on Tuesday; he is
pushing and energetic, and should re-
ceive a fair amount of patronage.
Messrs Walker & Hanley do not pur-
pose leaving town, but will likely en-
gage in something else.
MAY LEAVE.—Dr. Gibson went to
Montreal on Monday to confer with
the officials of the C. P. R. concerning
the appointment of medical superin-
tendent at Chapleau, which the com-
pany has offered to him. He is a clev-
er young man, and should he accept
the position, the company will secure
the services of a good man.
ers of stallions t omplain that they
never found it so hard making their
collections as they do this year. One
person informs us that after travelling
the whole of one week he only sur- last week, and returned on Monday,
ceedeuin dbraini r$1u out of n tn- wit rordeis farlotlsrnir td tt 'vaki —
debtedness of $400, and two other
horsemen, (who are among the most
prominent in Huron) are so disheart-
ened that they are endeavoring to sell
their stallions and will get out of the
Prkit .141N140' , NEWZEt m.
•r-•�.+!.n.•�k,.er-Tt�r+„w..�. .,.. ,.,.,.te[ar*+f+YNM'.eFf:Ar.•wrNr++.e:w�5rr,:�r,�1,.�srpxMl.+.rw+•n,tn�RA1�. !Y95�,_.
Our stock of Spring Dress -Goods is now. complete. This de-
partment shows this season, Goods that are unsurpass-
ed for Beauty, Quality . or Style. There's hardly a
make or kind of Dress Goods we do not show, scarcely
a style or effect, a color or shade, not a price but we
have it. If there's anything new, anything good in
Dress Goods you'll find it on our counters. Among
the new materials shown are Bengalines and English
Whipcords, they come in beautiful shades, both Plain
and Shot drape gracefully, wear well, and are moder-
ate in price.
42 inch All Wool Dress Goode, 25 cents.
A special line of Fancy Brocades, 80 cents.
Would be good value at 40 cents.
All Wool Bedford Cords 40 cents.
46 inch Cashmere Serges in all colors, 45 Dents.
Fine Henriettas, Whipcords and Bengalines, 45, 50, 55 and 60 cents.
Better Goods, 70, 75, 85o.,and 01 per yard.
Each of the above prices are considerably lower than they
would or could be if we were not > selling for cash or
produce only.
LADIES WHITE WEAR -We expect to show on
SATURDAY the finest range of Ladies Fine Whitewear
ever shown in Clinton. Come in and look over what
we have, we will be glad to show it to you, and quote
you lower prices than you can buy the material and
make it yourself.
of nearly $1000. A boy named Nim-
mons had the misfortune to get sever-
al fingers badly cut while working at
the flax mill, on Monday. A son of
Mr W. 11. Cook fell from the roof of
the house the other day, and carries a
GOING TO CHICAGO.—Mrs Tuffts, of severely sprained arm as a result. On
rave, (a well-known Clintoan wassingStevenson's
n's furniture
has rented a large house in Chicago, sp evening, just a small boy
e, thepassing
ngwind blew him
against the window, smashing a large
pane. Miss Hodgens, of the Palace,
has returned to town. Chas. D. Ma-
theson, (a Clintonian by birth) young-
est son of Mr Robt. Matheson, editor
of Mida's Criterion, Chicago, left for
Denver, Wednesday evening, to ac-
cept a position as telegraph operator
in one of the big offices out West.
Mrs C: C. Rance, late of Ra Portage,
is here on a visit to het rents; Mr
Rance has removed to Chicago. Mr
Kendall, of Stratford, who has been in
poor health, has been visiting his
daughter for a short time, and expects
to go back as noon as his health will
warrant. Mr F. E. Hodgens, of the
Dry Goods Palace, and Mr A. J. Hollo-
way, are in Toronto on business this
week. Mr John Macwhirter, formerly
of the firm of Craib & Macwhirter, is
now travelling for the McFarlane win-
dow blinds. Mr A. J. Taylor, the
popular representative of the C. M.
and St. Paul R. R., was in town this
week. Mr Hoover has rented the
large house of Mr Bowers'. on Huron
St., and moved thereto; he is a member
of the firm of Seale, Hoover & Co.,
and will shortly go there to look after
it. The house is only two miles from
the World's Fair buildings, and will be
fitted up as a boarding house, where
no doubt, many Huronians will find
the accommodation they need during
their visit to the fair. She has taken
a lease of the house till the first of
November. If we were to mention the
rent that she is to pay it would startle
people here. r
SoNs of ENGLAND.—The hall where
Lodge Sheffield, Sons of England, hold
their meetings was tastily decorated
with union jacks, on Thursday even-
ing last, the occasion of an At Home
given by the members of the order.
The hall was packed to its utmost
capacity. Mr Swaffield presided. The
program was a very happy one, and
was well executed throughout, em-
bracing songs by Messrs Spalding, Fos-
ter, Harland, T. Jackson, sr., N. Fair,
and Miss Jackson; and readings by
Miss Mountcastle and Messrs H. R.
Walker, H. Joyner and T. Murch;
recitation by Mr H. C. Brewer. The
singing was excellent, that of Mr N.
Fair, in particular, being a genuine
surprise to all, while the recitations who find their business increasing so
were all such as to excite laughter. muchastodemandadditionalattention.
Refreshments were served during am Miss Hagan, of Hills Green, has come
intermission. A vote of thanks was to town to reside. Mr John Beacom,
tendered those who had contributed to of Ontario St., who is one of the earl -
the evening's entertainment, and with iest settlers of Hullett, but has resided
a few words from Messrs T. Jackson in town for a considerable time, is very-
and Swaffleld, a very pleasant occasion low, and no hopes are entertained of
was brought to a close. his recovery. Mr G. F. Emerson sold
DEATHS—Monday morningMr Chas: a cycle last week to Mr C. Fritz, of
Y Dashwood, and Mr S.E,Kitt has placed
Wilson had to mourn the loss of a an order with Mr Emerson for a Comet
bright little boy, who had gone to bed road scorcher; it seems pretty early
the previous evening in moderately in the season to order cycles. but the
good health; it was troubled with boys are evidently going to be ready
mumps and was teething and took for spring—when it gets here. The
convulsions during the night, which Clinton Organ Co.Ore this week put -
resulted in its death. ting in some new rilachinery to facili-
Mrs Palliser, whoseson died in Phil- tate their work; they have now got the
adelphia last week, was unable to stand factory equipped with some of the very
the shock, as she sustained a paralytic ; best to be had, and are fast coming into
stroke, which resulted in her death on prominence among the Organ men of
Sunday. Deceased has resided here the province. On Tuesday Rev. W.
for a number of years. but latterly has Shilton received a telegram informing
not been very strong, though there him of the death of an uncle. Messrs
was not the slightest expectation of S. Pike and T. M. Carling attended the
her death a week ago. She was the funeral of Mrs J. Govier, on Sunday;
widow of the late S. Palliser, who died the roads were sobad that several rigs
nine months ago, and was a person of were broken. Mr E. Floody, formerly
the kindest and most amiable disposi- of town, was= aspirant for the officeof
tion possible. She has for years been Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge
a member of the Methodist church, of Ontario. Mr T. Jackson er., is re -
and her life was one of simple, abiding presenting Court Sheffield Sons of
trust in the Saviour, She leaves two England, at the Grand Lodge meeting.
daughters unmarried, and two sons— Theregular meeting of the Home Circle
Mr Thos. White, of Philadelphia, for- takes place nextTuesday evening, 21st
merly of town, and Mr W. White, of inst. Miss Etta Andrews, who has
Winnipeg, late of town. The latter been confined to her room for a couple
arrived here on Monday evening of weeks, by a severe cold, is improv -
Miss Jessie Rye (twin daughter of in� Mr Ben Cole has taken a position
the late Joseph Rye) died at the home v+ith Mr John Leslie. Mr H. B. leer
of her mother, Huron St., on Wednes- has rented one of Mr Worsell's houses,
day morning, after a somewhat severe on R;attenbury St., and Mr J. W. Hill
illness, contracted through a cold. She has rented the other. Rev. W. Smyth
had been living in Toronto, where she went to Goderich yesterday to officiate
. took ill. Her old acquaintances and at the christening of an infant; when
associates speak of her in the very stationed in Goderich some 20 odd
kindest terms, and express the deepest years ago, her performed a like service
regret for her death. She was a mem- for the child's mother. Mr W. Weir,
her of the Episcopal church. The this week represented Clinton .Lodge
funeral takes place this (Friday) after- of Chosen Friends t the meeting of-
ti0011. the Grand Lodge in Guelph. a
The $ I.50 Blue Serge Suit is
a marvel at the price
Is in demand and,we have thousands of rolis.lftulijorices. Our 5o, Paper
are. very pretty, Onr Ingrain ,Papers load Gilts .are ilio nowest and
best to be had :for the money. You -eau buy the, latest ttiwg is
both Canadian' and American Papers from us, and P1uozs Aall Dont,
(le E des � .
'Are wanted, and here they aro--New Fringes, New 'Moos'
NOW Cololrs.
The PRIOR xs kii a r.. Lao year's patterns ata great reduction.
The Suit tin Tweed Patterns sells where nothing
else will
The1$2.50 Suit is a Hard, Twisted,
and is a wearer
At $3 A very Stylish Suit is exhibited
e$4 Buys a Suit that for General
Fit has no superior
Wiry Material,
Wear, Finish and
The Largest Assortment, the Best Quality and Perfect
Fit, always to be found in out Clothing..
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters
Are required --.now is the time to buy We give a better pole with
all the Trimmings for 25c than ever before. We sell the old bind t
two for 45o. We want your trade and it will be to your advantage
to see us. -
Book Store and News Depot, Mackay Block, ',Clint.
Thereis much being said and done about business. The
question is whether it is better to do a strictly cash
business, or as usually done, Cash and Credit. Some
are taking the stand for cash or ready pay only. We
are not doing so, as we consider it better not, as there
are times when the best customers have not cash to
pay, as is frequently the case with farmers, as their re-
turns come in the fall. We are prepared to furnish
customers with all the goods they may require for
Cash or Credit. We will allow six per cent off for
Cash, as money is worth that percentage in business,
and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any one in the °'g° -
trade. We will not be undersold by anyone.
Spring Stock coming in freely—are now ready for busi-
ness. Come and see our stock.
Plumsteel - & - Gibbings,
Our New Nottingham Lace Curtains have been received, and
for pattern, exquisite design and range of assortment,
cannot fail to please you.
New Embroideries
In fine narrow widths. Our store is noted for this line of
goods, and when we tell you that part of them have
already arrived, you know;for sure that we have some-
thing choice to offer you.
PRIlV J..•5
Another lot added to our already large stock, which will be
found complete with the very newest goods.
Spring Millinery
Is here and our Miss B. McDonald is busy at work, assiste
by her efficient staff getting ready for our spring ope
ing, but in the meantime if you are in want of a
or Bonnet, she will be pleased to receive your or
which will receive her careful attention, and will
trimmed up in the newest and most becoming s
• --.coo---
I + The Ladles Favorite Estab
BEa,V3 , BLpOg