HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-03-17, Page 7We have already received and opened 8 cases and 6 bales of new goods re w Shlrtings, 29 inch, heavy, fast colors, 12i Gents 'eat rianneiettes, 6c,, 9c., 1Oo'12ic Ow Prints, Crum's Celebrated Indigo Blue, 122 cents W Teale Cloths, New Verona Cords 8c. few' Toweiings, special line 4 yards for 25c Ladies' Vests, 3 for 250 ace. Curtains, 50c to $6 per pair Dress Goods—Two special lines New Double Fold at 25c Blankets --Another case of those all wool fine Blankets at 50 Dents per pound. eoinpare our Prices with others -• 5 per cent off for Cash obt. Coats&& Son, Clinton, OOTS and SHOES REDUCTION in PRICES I have received instructions to make still greater reduction in prices. We have no bargain counter of unsaleable stock, nor a set day upon which to offer bargains. Every day with us will be bargain day until this stock is disposed of. Come' and:get bargains at the New Boot and Shoe Store T. E. McDONOI ASH, Jackson Block, Huron Street, Clinton Special Notice! THE CLINTON N II v,:...A„!M!MN✓f,l,#N,M!r1M�CF�It+w+6FKFW4T.--.a -r:. T 1QRSEMAN. ' A. I3RA l'D11.4701,30.1 F]30M 'T.l E I • DITAIitlii ltc ie cowing the tune of yew, we should be selecting horses to breed The man wore the regulation dress, to, greed to the best, if youhlave is of the Salvation Army, the blue unit pay $5 or 4#.0 more. You will snare fermi with bressbuttoes and red letters than get your Inoney baulk when you across the breast, /pie walked elow,ly, comet() sell, besides * avis aouiotiting with his head, bowed, as if in deep. on, .can. sell at any time; a aura yyou thou ht or shiny, and mere then Once hyave the best horse, and then bree, he ra�i sed his. eyes only just in trine to he fee i� $25, The draft horse is the avail a collision with some pedestrian because the horse. is. imported he is And so it was that when a WUUIail— eau get. the celebrated better -than a native bred horse with a flashy, tawdc thing, arrayed in. the same blood, for he is not, The cheap finery, which w'as soiled and native -bred should be preferred. Too stained and drag led—accosted hila Many importer§ have sacrificed every- thing for a little beef. For all derangements of the throat and lungs, Ayer'♦ Cherry Pectoral is the speedi- est and most reliable remedy, Even in the advanced stages of Consumption, this wonderful preparation affords great relief, obeoke coughing, and induces sleep. As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead- ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters, all framed and finished in firstrolaes style, and suitable for the beat class of resi- dence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures ' free when their oaeh purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goode at Bottom Prices. SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our store. TEAS—Oar stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. CHINAWARE—Examine the quality and prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with us is every business day throughout the year. N. ROBSON, Clinton spring Goocs We have just passed into stock a large consignment of DRY GOODS for the Spring trade. We cannot begin to tell about their beauty, dilrability and cheapness, at the present time, but we would kindly ask all to pay us a visit and examine the good*. We have procured a very fine line of Rubber Coats, Circulars,Boots & shoes A large stock at the very lowest possible prices to clear. We have also several accounts not balanced, and we would like to have them at- tended to at once ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS. and lore if Fos$Thle! t ) T LAJI.'$ BIGHT, Then why sit in the' dark where .yo% hest the tarsier Can raise, Don't think QQliiing toward )41m, Here is an Old remedy for heaves, which is highly recommended by prac- tical horsemen. Do not expect, how- ever, that it will entirely cure the dis- ease. It will, however, greatly relieve the animal, even in the very worst cases : Beat three eggs into one quart of pure white vinegar, and after about three days, or when the mixture is well together, add one pound of strain- ed honey. In tablespoonful doses it can be given with the food twice a day, or placed on the tongue of the horse. It is equally as good for human beings as horses, and a great palliative for chronic coughs. Sunshine Domes, no matter how dark the clouds are, when the woman's trouble turns to Dr. pierce's Favorite Prescription. If her life is made .gloomy by the ohronio weaknesses, delicate derangements, and painful disorders that afflict her sex, they are completely cured. If she's overworked, nervous, or "rundown," she. has new life and strength. "Favorite Prescription" is a powerful, invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervine purely vegetable, perfeotly harmless. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions of woman- hood, improves digestion, enriches theblood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. For every "female complaint" and;disturbanoe, it is the only remedy so sure and unfailing that it can be guaranteed. if it doesn't benefit or onre, you have your money back. it you nave a .... .,y—barn-yard-"zell- littered with straw and coarse manure, turn the mares that are in foal out on this every pleasant day for a few hours while the cattle are in the stable. They won't hurt each other. The di- gestive organs must be kept in good condition. In the absence of roots, bran and oil -meal are the two great laxative foods that have been found the most efficient. Fed together, about two quarts of the former to one of the latter, three times a week, they will have the desired effect. For rough feed, bright corn fodder is better than timothy ha , but clover hay is almost she spoke twice be ore he looked up. When he saw the flushed face, girl- ish even in its wrecklessabandonment, an expression of sorrow came into his eyes, and her own fell beneath his ear- nestGare. "Why, sissy t" He said this reproachfully, as though she were no wicked woman at all, but a naughty, wayward child. The girl's oheeks showed a deeper crimson through their coat of paint, and- she stood irresolute, as though undecided whether to turn and run away or to stay "Where's your ma?" the man .asked at length. "1 dunno." "Ain't you got no folks ?" "It's none o your business," the wo- man answered defiantly, tossing her head as if ashamed of her momentary humility. "Yes, 'tie. That's wot I'm wearing these here regimentals for. It's my business to help poor sufferin' people wherever I find 'em. An' you're sick at heart an' sufferin' this very minute in spite o' all that there red paint an' that laugh." For there was a look of anguish in the girl's eyes which gave the lie to her forced smile and air of gaiety. "Yes, you're ashamed, an' sick, an' tired o' the whole business, an' you'd quit it if you could, only you dassent start in tryin'. Come, now, ain't that so?" ' The head bowed until the flimsy plumes on the showy hat fell forward as if trying to peep under the rim to see whence came the crops which were splashing down on the red chapped hands. "There ain't no use," the girl began. "Tut, tut 1" interrupted the man; "ain't you never heaad o' Mary Mag- daleen? she was"— he hesitated, em- . apiassed—"wt r, p t i be." he finally said; "an' our Lord forgave her all her sins 1800 years ago, an' you needn't tell me He's been lookin' down on this earth all the time sence without gettin' sadder an' sorrier for them that goes wrong There wantno shop girls gettin $2 an' $3 a week, an' tryin' to live decent on that, when He was here, else He'd probably have forgave more than what He did." "There, there, now; don't take on so. Corrie along to our barracks. It's nice and warm there," for the poor creature was sobbing and shivering now. "The iris they'll talk to you better than wot indispensable to insure success. What T can, for I'm only a rough sort of a they want is a well-balanced variety, chap at best." as their appetites are sometimes ca- Together the two passed down the pricious and should be gratified. And street and disappeared through the you want the old hair off before they drop their colts in the spring if possible, because if the vitality of the mare be- comes reduced through foaling and suckling her offspring, the hair some- times takes a notion to stick. tN TVIRSISTING""".TESTTMONY • TO THE AFFLICTED. SORE LEGS CURED RV ROYAL CROWN REMEDY AFTER CLEVEREST DOCTORS IN CANADA FAILED. LONDON, June 20th, 1880, Dear Sir,—I was a great sufferer far years with one of the worst kind of sore lege, I doctored a great deal with some of the cleverest doctors in Canada. They failed in makinga cure. I was recommended to try your medcines; I got two bottles of your Royal Crown Remedy and one box of your salve ; I used it according to direr tions. In two weeks after I commenced to use it I was able to go to work again. I feel much better in health, and the legs seem to bo a sound from the bone. I can recommend it to tno world at large. J. THOIiPSON. 535 York St. A most instructive and important return was brought before the House on Monday. It is a statement of the Dost of the Gover- nor-General and his office since Confeder. ation. Since 1868 the money paid by Can- ada on behalf of. the Governor -General's office is as follows: Salary 51,216,666; tra- velling expenses, 5145,903:- Governor -Gen• oral's secretary's office, 5270,350; contin- gencies of secretary's $217,426, total, 51,- 860,645. On Rideau Hall, the Governor - General's' residence, and grounds, the ex- penses were: rent of domain, $7,854; altera- tions, repairs and maintenance, $547,143; furniture, $118,853; gardens and grounds, $94,349; fuel and light, 5151,371; total, $1,001,571, or nearly $3,000,000altogethtr, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, SOAP M4KERS If you wish your Linen to be White as Snow, ig T Party Free. Open Public uu1ight Soap t'rybody is invited to the Hub Grocery to try our NFrW TEAS. We have now the best valve in TEAS we have been able to offer; our HYSON and CONGOU are extra • good value. We have a new uncolored Japan that cannot be excelled for Value, Strength and Flavor. Hillnattia, a package Tea, needs only to be tried to appreciate it. We have areat variety of Teas and give a big reduc- tion in 5, 10 and 20 pound lots. All we ask is a trial of our teas and yon will be *ell pleased. Remember we sell pure Coffee and grind it fresh for yon. SW.A.L►LOW -- 'CLINTON Will do it. TO E ER MAJESTY T73E QUEEN • • • • • • • Why, Becanee SUNLIGHT SOAP is perfeotly pure, and contains no Injuri- ous Ohomiaals to injure either your clothes or care is hands. Greatest its manufacture, anti its quality is so appreciated by the public that it has the Largest Sale of any Soap in the World. How Can you test this? If you have never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask those who use it what they think of it, then try itfor yourself. The re- sult will please you and your clothes will be washed in far less time, with Lees Labour Greater comfort, and will be whiter than they have ever been before, when you used ordinary soap. Is That not tho beet way to de- cide the matter ? First by enquiring what the experience is of those who already use it. Secondly, by a fair trial yourself. Yon are net committed in any way to use the soap; all we ask le : Don't Delay, try it the next washing day. • • • • • • doorway of the big low building of the Salvation Army head -quarters. There was a moment's hush in the great room, then a sound of weeping, and suddenly the air was smote with a crash of cymbals, drums and tambo- rines, and there was borne out on the chilly-air-ieafeningelam•el.-the•ough•.' which ran the thread of gospel tune, There were Ninety and Nine.—Chicago Tribune. BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike you that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, just completed, forms part of the shortest line from.Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the finest in the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R. R. ticket agent will tell you the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. King & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. A MOTHER'S SAD STORY. There are sad mothers the world over from one common cause. The follow- ing story comes from the office of the chief of police in Montreal, and de - seri bes a scene between a woman visitor and the officer in charge. "Tell me about it," said the sergeant kindly, to the distressed little mother, as she haltedlopposite the dread wicket where the prisoners are searched and their names taken down. "I don't want my boy arrested; only frightened." "Yes?" How the button near the *throat troubled the little body! Time and again she •unbuttoned and buttoned it again. It must have been very tight to have distressed her so? "A year ago," she continued, "my boy took to drinking. He was sorry the first time he came home drunk. For days after he hardly spoke a word. I didn't scold -him; he felt bad enough. "It was over three months before he cane home that way again. I talked with him that time but he only looked sullen." Again the nervous fingers worked at the button. "Almost every week he came home drunk after this," she went on, pre- tending to brush back her hair with her handkerchief, which in some un- accountable way touched her eyes. "I am losing all hopes. He was such a good son, and I relied upon him so. Last night he did what he never did before; that is why I am here." Again the handkerchief brushed back the hair, and again perversely hid the tear -stained eyes. "He was completely wild last night and broke half the furniture in our little house." It was no use. The tears would not be kept back. Covering her .face with her hands she wept bitterly. Between the thin fingers the large tears stream- ed and fell on the wicket. After this weakness she was too ashamed to look up again. The sergeant asked her where she lived. She told him. "I will send a policeman and scare that boy nearly to death," exclaimed the sergeant, bringing his fist down heavily on his desk, as the door closed behind the little mother. If the men who sell liquor to the boy could be scared, the officer's indignation would have greater results. Minard's Liniment is the Beet The total cost of the Prohibition Com• mission will he about $80,000. The Mu- m issioners tfm-miesioners were paid $17 per day each during sittings. K ,= O 1 L� Which is equal to American at the same price as ordinary oil. We have just received another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it either at our new store in the Mackay Block or at our old store in the Brick Block. Try it and be convinced. - HARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, .A.LB RT ST,, CLINTON SUGAR .1! First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. _--- Ted*,Spices—a-Speei lty BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED W . Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. RUMBALL' S RL�E FACT Huron Street, Clinton We have on band an assortment ofLsplendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS _. grhi�h._xve guaran eetabe." „6rakelass,mate_rtaIaad woxkxila liip�.. m �_. I you want a good articlelatjthe price of a poor one, call and see us. F. T UM13 &L4L, -- CLINT' 40 NT RWILLIAMS' NK LLS ALE FOR EOPLE Are ['BLOOD BUILDER. and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the eub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a certain and speedy pure for all diseases arising from impoverished blood, and shattered nerves, such as par- alysis, spinal dis- eases, rheumatism, eeiatica,loss of mem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of theheart, ecrofula,chloroaisor tire, feelingg_that after 0 green etc. kness,They have a epeoidc notion on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK' MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should take these PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing Sndd-these pills weak back, one, etc., will PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to tho oheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. BIEwsnB or IxrrATioxs. - These Pills are Bold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price -50 cents a box or 6 for 82,50. THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Brockville, Ont„ a Mon3stown, N.Y. u °CompleteManhood AND MOW TO ATTAIN IT. A Medical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes the Effects, Points the Remedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ev r published; 96 pages, every page bearing a halftone illustration in tints. Subjects treated :— Nervone Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The Husband, Those Intending Marriage, etc. Every man who ,.Dein knew the flrawl T-n•hs, the Plain 1',, m, :1 •. ti:d Secrc;a,.••1 5c::• 1 •s...• ,ries of Fcicnce as app l' -d to Marri '1 ". 1 ;fe, who would stone for past follies nn 15 n -.old f pitralls, should write for this,^. woNn1.RrUL 1.1'ITL.!•: fic)OK, „ It wi'l 1•- sent f: -e, i nr!er seal, whlie the cclitinn : Q lasts. ,.dress th puu.ishcrs, r ERIC ItIED1CAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y.! me'r[reusires eeeuueeeseeueeeuo'eu"utm: vi PISO'S CURE ,FOR 0 8 S WHERE ' L LSE FAIL'. Best Cough syrup. Tastes Cllood. Use p time. 8osd by druggists. itJ Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $80,000 ZECTRb BE`j AND APPLIANCE COf 49 KING ST. W,, TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, Is now recognized as the greatest boon offend to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs In all nervous and rheumatic troubles, iced will effect cures in seemingly hopeless cases where every other known moans has -failed. It is natures remedy, and by its steady, soothing [current that Is roaulily bolt. POSITIVELY oURES Rheumatism. Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility, Impotency, Lumbago, KidneyDiseases, Nervous Diseases, Livor omplaint, Dyspepsia, Lamo Back, Varieocele, Urinary Diseases. __RHEUMATISM It Is a well known fact that medical science has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic cases. We venturetlte assertion that although Electricity has only been in use as a remedial agent for a few years, It has cured more ewes of Rheumatism than all other means com- bined. Some of our leading physieb.ny, recog- nizing this fact, are availing themselves of tills most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a varlet.y of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, ole., that the old modes of-trentment fail 10 cure There is a loss of nerve force or power that cannot bo restored by medical- treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any ]rind of drugs is practising a dangerous form of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Electricity as applied by the Owen Electric Bolt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known remedial agent that will supply what Is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, imppart tono and vigor to the organe and arouse•to healthy aotiou the whole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric dolts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country. They are oleotrk' in name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at anyrico. Wo Challenge the World tit show an Electric Dolt where the current is under con- trol of the patient as completely ars this. Our Trade Mark is the- portrait of .1),. Owon embossed in gold upon every Belt and appliance manufactured by us. Send for Catalogue --Mailed (Sealed) Free. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., 49 King St. W., Toronto. hontlon this na-,67. .J