HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-03-17, Page 5We have au elegant, stook of high grade Gold and Silver matches of the very best makes in the world, and will sell them at close prices. In- spect our stock. It is with pleasure that we are this week able to tell you that our Spring Stock is complete. in every respect. The arrivals on Monday finished the long list of New Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which go to make up our present lines of Dress Materials such as J. B. RlIMBALL Silks, w ool DressG�ods,Delajnes&prjnts It's Neither Winter_ Nor Spring It is still between the seasons, and being too early yet to talk about Summer Boots and Shoes we wish to say a few words to you about goods suitable for the present. We have an excellent assortment—in fact we pride ourselves on being able to select just what the people want, and we have just what they desire. Our Goods aro always "GOOD GOODS." We don't buy articles be- cause they are cheap, but the first consideration is quality—and we make the price a cheap one always. Buying for Prompt CASd, and selling only in the same way, we can offer inducements in prices that it would be impossible to give under the credit system. Our customers tell us they can see the decided advantages of this system of doing business. We have BOOTS and SHOES to sell. You want to buy some. Don't be afraid to come and see the quality and prices we offer Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. . TAYLOR -& SONS CHASU WILSON, We are confident that never before has there been brought to this town such a variety of new, stylish and serviceable goods as are to be found displayed in the shelves and on the counters of this store at the present time. _In the Cotton staple lines, such as Tickings, Cottonades, Gray and White Cottons, Towelings, ecc The values we have to offer are -something phenomenal, in viewof the reoent raise in Cotton Goods. The secret:of the values we are offering you is the vigilant research in every market, and our purchasing advantages represented by the word "Cash." The Gray Cottof are selling for 8c you will not find Burpaicsed, it equalled anywhere for 1.0c a yard. We p .r,s give you a Tioking for 20c that would be cheap at 25o. The line of Cottonades for 20o, cannot be beaten for 25e anywhere. Remember we do not quote these prices as advertising catches. We mean just what we say, and are prepared to substantiate every assertion by the actual facts. Among the many new lines just to hand are the stock of 'BLACK, CREAM and WHITE LACES The Black Silk ones are in very pretty designs, while the Cream and white Fancy 'Laces are very new. They will be used very much this season. The stock of LINEN TORCHONS we imported direct from the Irish manufacturers. Con- sequently there is saved to you in buying them the wholesalers profit. The celebrated EVERFAST STAINLESS COTTON HOSIERY is to hand, You cannot get this brand from any other house ; being of German manufacture they are controlled by one wholesale house in Canada, and that house sells to only one firm in each town, so this is the only store from which you can get the genuine "Everfast Stainless" Cotton Hose. Do not be imposed upon with Hose that are "warranted just as good" PAINTER GIY..ROY 8c 1'A/ ISEMAN —IS PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF— Painting, Paper -Hanging] Kaisomining ._-_..To_snit-the. most .faatidiana at_lowest.prices=and-onthe-shortest`not-ids`"""' Shop and Residence on Rattenbury St , Clinton 'HAIR HAIR GOODS PROF. DORENWEND, of Toronto, the leading Hair Goods Manufacturer, begs to announce that his represen- tative will be at the Rattenbury House, Clinton —ON— Thursday, March 30th With a full line of hie celebrated Hair Goode for both Ladies and Gentlemen comprising WIGS, TOUPEES, SWITCHES, BANGS, WAVES, &c. These goodb are made on scientific principles and so closely is nature copied that their de- tection is impossible. Call and see them and be convinced. It costs nothing to try them. Remember, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, on Thursday, March 30th Spring •s• arrivals We are now busy unpacking and marking 15 Cases of new Spring BOOTS and SHOES. We are bound to lead in styles this season. JESSOP & McILROY, Cash Merchants, BLYTH MONEY WANTED We have a very heavy stook of DRY GOODS, &o. for the spring trade, and find ourselves very ranch crowded for room. We have special bargains in Prepared Paints, qts. and 4 gals. Special Bar- - gains in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, &c. Hats, Caps and Ties, a large assortment Cheap and Stylish. Top Shirts in endless variety and price MILLINERY—Something extra line for this year. We want to exchange these goods for Cash, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Potatoes, &o. Quick, don't delay, as first choice is always beat. Everybody invited and well used. We have bargains all over [the store, not in one line simply. All accounts of last year must be settled at once, as we are not millionaires and we need the money. • ADAMS' EMPORIUM, KORO or* R. ADAMS. 1301tN GRUMMETT.—In Clinton, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr M. Grummett, of a daughter. STEWART.—In Clinton, on the 13th inst., the wifo of Mr Geo. J. Stewart, of a son. CHURCHILL.—In Hullett, on the 14th inst., the wifo of Mr B. Churchill, of a daughter. TAYLOR.—In Toronto, on the 10th inst., the wifo of Mr Jos. Taylor, (son of Mr W. Taylor, Clinton) of a son. FERGUSON.—In Blyth, on the 9th inst., the wife of Dr. Ferguson, of a son. SWAItTS.—In Wingham, on Feb. 24th, tho wifo of Mr Ed. Swarts, of a son. SLEETH.—In Seaforth, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr James Sleeth, of a son. COLEMAN.—Iu Tuckcrsmith, on the 4th inst., the wifo of Mr Wm. Coleman, of a daughter. CARRIERE.—At the Manse,Grand Bend, Lambton County, on Feb. 3rd, te wifo of Rov. S. A. Corriere, of a son. MARRIED. BOWER—KILTY.—At the residence of the bride's father Lucknow, by the Rev. 9R- Mc- Kay Mr W. bower, to Miss Susan Kilty of Lucknow, and sister of Mrs John Tedford, of Clinton. CURRIE—COUTES—On the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. H. Dyke, at the Methodist Parsonage Belgravo, Mr. J. J. Currie, of Ayr, to Miss M. J. C. Coutes, of East Wawanosh. HANLEY—MCDONALD. —At the manse, Clinton, on the 15th inst., by the Rov. A. Stow- art,Mr Chas H. Hanley, of Clinton, to Miss Jessie, daughter of Capt. McDonald, of Porter's Hill. THOM—CONN.-0n March 7th at the resid- ence of the bride's father, by Rev.' W. H. Geddes, Mr John Thom, of West Wawanosh to Miss Irena, youngest daughter of Mr Robt. Conn, East_W.awanosh.-_ G00CH—FERGUSON.--At the residence of the bride, Godorich, on March 8th, by Rov. J. E. Howell, M. A., Mr Fred Gooch electri- cian, of Toronto to Mrs Nellie Ferguson. MAGUIRE—F'YFE.—At Wingham, on the 8th inst., by Rev.•H. McQuarrie, Mr Robt. G. Maguire, of Boissovain, Manitoba, to Miss An- nie Laurie Fyyfo Turnberry. BROADEoO'l—DAVIDSON.—At the red. deuce of the bride's father on the 8th inst., by Rov. A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr Alex. Broad - foot, to Miss Clementine fifth daughter of Mr Alex. Davidson, both of Seaforth. DIED. BROADFOOT.—In Tuokersmith, on the 0th !net., Marion Broadfoot, relict of the late .Alex. Broadfoot, agod 74 years. PALLISER.—In Clinton, Elizabeth Palliser, relict of the late S. Palliser, aged 81 years. GOVIER.—In Hullett, on tho 10th inst., Sophia, wifo of Mr John govier, aged 59 years. WILSON.—In Clinton, on the 13th inst., Chas, A., infant son of Mr Chas. Wilson. RYE—In Clinton, on the 15th inst., Jessie Ryo. daughter of the lata Joseph Rye, aged 39 years, Funeral will take place from the residence, Huron street, to -day, (Friday) at 2.30 p. m. CAMPBELL.—In Philadelphia, on the 7th inst., John Milton, son of Dr. Campbell, Sea - forth, aged 20 years and 23 days. PARROTT—In Detroit, on Saturday, March llth, very suddenly, of heart failure George Parrott, second son of Mrs. Parrott, Blyth. Manitoba - Excursions Commence Feb 28th, 1893 Through trains for Manitoba commending on the above date, and will run every Tues- day during the months of March and April. Tbrongh Coupon Tickets issued from Olin. ton and Baggage Checked Through to destination. Apply to W. JACKSON, TOWN AGENT G. T. R., CLINTON MONEY TO LOAN Interest 81 per cent, payable yearly. The bor. rower to have the privilege of paying the whole or any part of the principal, at any time, without giving notice. For par. Ionian apply to C. A. HARTT, McKay Bloch, Clinton. CLINTON —CLINTON 141At0ir/l5 Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March 16, 1893. Wheat fall 0 63 a 0 66 Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 63 Oats 0 30 a 0 31 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 55 a 0 57 Flour per bal a 4 30 Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs per doz 0 12 a0 12i) Potatoes per bushel 0 50 a 0 5U Pork 7 50 a 7 50 Hay, new 6 00 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 Hides, rough 2 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75 Wood short 2 25 a 2 50 Wood, short green 2 00 a 2 00 Wood long 3 50 a 3 75 LONDON MARKETS Thursday, March 16 Wheat per bushel ....05 to 0 67 Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs 'FOSTER 6. Go to FOSTER For your PHOTOS - G 0 35 to 0 36 063 to 066 New ARRIVAL$ 0 40ito 0 43 025 to 025 0 16 to 0 20 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There wore about 475 head of butchers' cattle, 15 calves, 10 sheep and 2 spring lambs offered at the east end abattoir. - The_best beeves soldat from 3I to 41 o. per lb, but they were of better quality than those sold at similar rates Thurs- day. Pretty good stock sold at from 33 to nearly 4# o per Ib, with rough and half -fatted beasts at about 310 and the leaner beasts at about 3c.— Milkmen's strippers sold at from 3} to 3$c, and bulls at from 3 to 31o. per Ib. SALE REGISTER. Farm Stock &c of Mr Aroh.MOAllister, Huron Road, Goderioi. township, nearClinton, on Thurs. day, March 23rd, at 1 p. m. T. M. Carling, snot, Valuable town property, lot 150 on Townsend street, and lot 161 on Ontario street, Clinton, on Friday, March, 24th, D. Dickinson, snot. TO FARMERS. Good Six Rowed Barley Wanted. Also Seed Grain 'of all kinds for sale. I want all the six rowed Barley I can got this month, both for Malt- ing and Sed; will pay good fair price for clean sample. 1 want it quickly as the malting season will soon be over. Must have it this month— (March) quicker the better. Seed drain for kale. I have Seed Oats, Peas and good Olean Six Rowed Barley, Farmers should sow none but six rowed barley this season,ae undoubtedly the Americana will reduce duty on Barley from 30 to 10 cents per bushel, in time for next season's crop W. H. PERRIN, Clinton THE BEST WAY TO GO TO MANITOBA From Clinton Station, on March 21, or any Tuesday during March or April, is to buy your Ticket from the • Cd9dDl�l ?AIlCdgand so that you make good connections at lhivuno (20 miles below Stratford) and secure Berths in oars going through tolvinnipeg without change Should passengers prefer it, they can got these through cars at LONDON or.WINGHAM, This ie a great inducement for Clinton passengers. Por further information call at COOPER'S BOOK STORE 0 We have just passed into stock 40 pieces of TWEED in lengths of 1 suit each. 30 pieces TROUSERINGS ; fine goods. Black Worsted Coatings, Black and Blue Serges We have marked these at close prices and hope to have the pleasure of showing them to you. We use first-ciass Trimmings in all suits made to order and guarantee a satisfactory fit. A few pieces of early spring DRESS GOODS in Serges, Navy, Brown, Fawn, Whipcords, Fawn and Seal. BARGAIN TABLE Hundreds of dollars worth of goods have been sold from our Bargain Table. this week, and still it is loaded. Wo cannot here give a list of what is on it, but ask you• to come and see. We can save you money. Men's Blue Serge Coats and Men's Serge Pants at 50c each are certainly not expensive. What think you of Art Muslins 45in. wide for 10c a yd Bring in your BUTTER and EGGS and we will pay you the highest price in Cash. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO