HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-03-17, Page 1N W gRAV IS WiltBUST , if A 'YEAR Paper THP POI,TXTX CRY ' 1''OI A ' »EA.4 4913 E i R r Editor 4 rioprietor. Wk1 RANT -4 ZUST.PABt3k7D INTO MTQQ • A QANSIGNM$ !IT AF dine • a catch 'weed uitin f►s • • o • There are some very nobby and ' tasty patterns. We would like too Have you see them before the as- sortment is broken. Don't you think it would pay you to try us for your Spring Suit. We make good Clothing, sell it at close prices, and the demand for it increases day by day Cash and One Brice Tih:mg John Hokin CLINTON Hay Coaxed.—Council met, pursuant to adjourn- ment, on Saturday Marsh llth; all the members present. The clerk was advisd to write to F. W. Farncomb, engineer for a description of survey of side road 15 and 16, L.R.E. concession. The auditors report, as finally revised was passed, and the clerk ordered to have the re- quired number printed for distribution. The clerk was ordered to correspond with the Coun- cil of Stephen, in reference to the payment of their share of the Hay swamp drain, and with the Provincial Treasurer, drawing his attention to the amount of interest doe on the H. S. D. debentures. The pathmasters for 1893 were ap- pointed as follows:—Adam Case John Short J Patterson, Wm Moir, J Gilchrist, RR MoMordie, I McMann Wm O'Brien, W Chapman, J Bon- CgL1NTON, ONT., 1 ULR 1'7, 1893.p Si a year In a :Mance,; $1,i5O when aotteo'pald Our -Weekly Budget -OI'' INTERESTING NEWS • From all parts of the County—by wide-awake and lively Correspondents Baytteld Hensall CourroIL.—The council met on the 8th inst., members all present. The clerk was instructed to collect the yearly fees of scales up to March 15th, and make arrangements for re -letting the same for the current year. The clerk was also instructed to get a stub book for the use of scales. Council adjourned to meet on April 3rd, at 8 p,m. NOTES.—Mr Harry PeekEhas gone to Dakota. Miss Lily Morgan left for Detroit this week. Messrs Tom King and Dan Harrison have returned home from Wingham. Mise Mary Walwin and Mrs Parks went to Dakota this week. Miss Rachel Wilds . went to" Dakota this week. Mr John Beattie is visiting in Brussels. Mies Jessie Nic- holson, who has been very ill for the last two weeks, is considered out of danger. Rev. Mr Haigh, from Toron- to, preached in St. Andrews church last Sabbath. TEA MEETING.—The long looked for tea meeting, under the auspices of the Young Britions, came off on the 7th inst,.with great eclat. Rev. MrOlivant occupied the chair with a great deal of tact, Rev. Messrs Walker and Gilpin addressed the meeting. The Goderich Orchestra, under the leadership of Mt Halls, discoursed sweet music, both vocal and instrumental. Mr Geo. L. Money, of Kirkton, showed a great deal of talent and versitality in the way he rendered his comic songs. There was a large audience, the pro- ceeds amounting to about $40. Constance. (From an oocesional orrespondent.) NOTES.—Mr Cole expecte to start to saw soon. The doctor has got a steed to take him over the rough roads, and likes him too. Wm. Posinn is talking of renting his farm and attending to a garden; it might pay well, Billy. Our school teacher is keeping well an this winter, but it is rumored he will be out soon. Mr Smith, assessor, has been round again; the people of Hallett could not do without their pet assessor; heis well known. ands jollygoodfellow. Sorrow is manifested here for Jim, because his best girl has moved farther away; they say hewaa looking at a set of furniture lately. CHuacn.—Very interesting revival cervices are being held in the Methodist church, by Revs. H. Fair and G. Mc- Kinley, B.D.; they received very vain - able assistance last week from Revs. McDonagh and Russel, of Exeter; Revs. Galloway,. of Seaforth, and Walker, of Varna, are helping this week; there is prosect of a good meeting, and it is needed. Revs J. E. Howell, of Gode- rich,and, H. Irvine, of Kippen circuit, preached the missionary sermons on the Hensall circuit, last Sunday; the day was very unfavorable. Luoknow. PERSONALE.—After having spent a few months among his many friends in this place, Mr John Cuthbertson in- tends leaving on Tuesday for his home in Ripow, Dakota. Al. V. Murdoch returned from Toledo, Ohio, looking hearty. Mrs Brown and her daughtet, Mrs Wm. Cameron, of Cranbrook, are at present visiting friends here. WEDDING BELLE.—On Tuesday even- ing, 14th inst., a good number gathered at the residence of Mr and Mrs Kilty, Lough street, to witness the marriage of . their daughter, Susan, to Mr Wm. Bower. Rev. Mr. McKay, of Knox church, performed the ceremony, and a , pleasant evening was spent. We wish the young couple every happi- ness in their wedded life, BUBINEBB CHANGES.—Mr R. Hughes has given up the grocery business, and will carry on the business of boots and shoes. Mr G. W. Berry has purchased the stock of furniture of W W Little; .Hullett. Londesboro, FA1tM RENTIID:—Messrs• R. and T. NOTES.—�•A meeting of the directors McMillan have rented the farm of Mrs of the Londesboro Butter and Cheese Thompson, neat' their own, for a term manufacturing Co. will be held in Bell's of years; and. purpose using it for hall, on the 2pths inet., at 10 a. m„ to grazing purposes, arrange Por tale season's business MTs A Fun FILL -,---This week Mr. Jas. Jn h fr ends in f tbiv v aini Ohio, is visit. Reynolds, who is justly regarded as one g t at present. of. the best -horsemen in Huron, pur- The Rev. -Mr Ayers of Holmesville, chased a three year old filly from Mr. exchanged with the Rev, W. Leech on Root. Scott, reeve of Hullett. It was SabbatEwa nd also addres@ed the Sunday sired b the imported horse Baron school the afternoon, on account Scott, and Mr. Reynolds regards it as of the bad roads he was not able to get one of the very best fillies in the coun- ty; he paid a high price for it. A soc:nu m.—A four-year-old son of Mr. Johh Bailey who resides near the to Kinburn. Mr Amos Watson eft Tuesday morning for Mount Brydges. Mr L. Wettlaufer has gone north of of Harriston on a business tour. Jas. cemetery,met with an accident Monday Southcombe received a car of Manitoba which, it is feared, may result fatal_lyy wheat here last Saturday. M. W. The child was in the stable, and Mr. Whitley was in Goderich Tuesday, as SPRING Bailey told him to run into the house as was also Mr J. 0. Adams. Mr R. J. he was going to turn the horses loose; Askwith is now rushing the sale of supposing the child gone, . though in the Oxbridge & Karn Organs and FIATS • reality it had not, the horses were. turn- is a hustler at it. Wm.Days daughter ed loose, when one of them tramped on Emma is very ill and not expected to • • him, cutting its head and severely in. recover. E. Best has been appointed juring his chest. The child is under agent for the Temperance andGeneral medical treatment, but is veru low. Life Assurance Co. and is now solicit- DEATH.—After a comparatively brief ing business for that Co. Mr John Hill but severe illness, the wife of Mr John of Wingham is visiting friends here Govier, of the base line, peacefully this week. passed away an Saturday morning last. (From an oocasional correspondent.) Up to within a recent period she en- NOTES.—George Snell Jr. has pur- joyed general good health, but lately chased the brick house and lot belong - her system seemed to give out, and al- ing to the Estate of the late Wm. though everything possible was .done Hiles for about $1000; this is a very for her, it was of no avail. She was good sale and it is hoped that a fresh not an old person, being only 59 years boom will strike our village. There of age, yet she was one of the pioneers are several other properties for sale of this section, and was justlyheld in here on reasonable terms; several that the very highest esteem, and a great would suit retired farmers. Wanted deal of sympathy goes out to her hus- in Londesborough a Hardware store, band in his heavy bereavement, She Drug store, Harness shop, Tin shop, leaves three sons and three daughters, and about 2000 people then we could the latter being�Mrs A. Jackson, of have electric lights, and an extra mail Auburn; Mrs J3. McBrien, of Hallett, service, a public school and street and one at home. The remains were preaching in the summer. interred in Bali's cemetery, on Sunday. CoUNOIL.—The Council met at Londesboro on Morris Monda last, pursuant to motion; the time Mr Berry' now has nearly full •control was oh oily occupied in appointingpathmasters, SUICIDE.—Charles Mitchell, a well - of D id B.Churchill, R. Carter John Fow• O orris, C mini s y fenceviewers and ound eepers. The fence- to-do farmer on lot 13, con. 6, of the retail furniture trade here, and viewers for 1893 will be W m, Shipley, Angus f M o t 13, suicide township Sunda does a large business. Mr D. Campbell c arm urc e has started a new grocery in the Camp ler, George att, Henry Allen, John Govier evening by cutting his throat with a bell block Mr I Murdoch has par d Henry Farrow. Poundkeepers, Daniel Mo- sickle. The act was committed half reser Jae. Reynolds, J. E. Taylor, Geo. sol- waybetween the house and barn. .A- ar and J. Bell. Tho gum of was chased the handsome stone dwe ing 1•eon -" Govi from W. N. Little, on Ross street. CHURCH AND SOCIETIES. — Revival and who is expected shortly to open a branch asylum, but recovered. He leaves a 1 ton was a ointed Townahi Y ' bout threeyears ago he showed s refunded to W. Mair for dog tax wrongtu Iq as. 6' YmP- sassed. F. W. Farncomb, P.L.S. o London, toms of insanity, and was sent to the services are still being held in the office in Cin pP p wife and family. Methodist church here, with good effect. Engineer, under the provisions of Ditches an g Watercourses Act. Rev Mr Connors, of St. Peter's church, When you purchase a Hat or Cap, in justice to yourself see the stock we display and the moderate prices quoted. Regular; Fedoras SpuareCrown Fe- doras, the Wide Brim Crush. the Knockabout. The Derby and Silk HAT N BROS., Chiselh are JA 01(80 NoTE$.—The roads are almost im- urst. has, we believe, tendered his resigna- tion to that congregation, and intends SALE.—Mr George Stewart, on the passable since the thaw set in; some leaving town. A parlor social, under gravel road, being in ill health, is ad- farms look like lakes. Mr Robt. Dob - the auspices of the Presbyterian Sun- vertising his farm of 200 acres, located son has gone to Manitoba, where he day school,will be held at the residence two miles from Blytb, for sale, and intends to spend the summer with his of Mr Alex. Ross, Victoria street, on will have an auction sale of farm stock brothers. Mr Philip Ryckman is get - Thursday next. The W.C.T.U. met thron, N Shirrs, R McArthur, Alex McMurtie, Monda afternoon at the home of Mrs and implements on the 27th inst., and ting quite well again. Revival meet- -,YP.mNortheott,..OAldsworth,.GAXBrion,.D.Bo1),: __ _ ti},--�_ 1i pot previously sold, the farm will Ings are still continued ,in the Metho- Wna Mnlho d,, F Haters J Howard, ,w,ru, W te•;"10:tere"ia b'er_q_`.'Ifist1'udtive—also be put-up.on-this-day- This•. will ..,dist:-and-hr--and largecrowds_attend,. Caldwell IMY1oCherry,. G Reichert J leu, Zurich. parlor meeting was held; we believe be an extensive sale, there being 34 notwithstanding the bad roads. hale, ° smith, R Dignan C Forest, E'Troyer, , DEATH.—We are sorry to have to he Society intend holding a. parlor head of cattle, 25 ewes, 20 pigs, etc. A Foster, J Decker jr., J Decker, sr., H Bender, chronicle the death of Mr Shilby, who meeting monthly, separate from their Mr Stewart intends spending a few Bel rave. Wm Schwalm, J Rumford, J England, D Lei P g B•elgrave. good, J welds, OFieher, J Gallivan, H Gies died last Tuesday forenoon at his home other meetings, for purpose of dis- years in Scotland. J Grabfel, E Bxtein, W Rub A Searcher I/ on the 14th con., after a brief illness of cussing temperance measures. The I. NOTES.—The Phonographic concert Schwartzentruber, JErb, Jy onntz, C Miller about five days. He leaves a widow O.G.T. have purchased a new set of ELECTRIC LIGHT. — The people of was an excellent entertainment, but W Stalk w Beaver, J Hartman, 11 Albricht,w and one chil to mourn his loss. The graphernalia, ata cost of over $300; Blyth have become enlightened, that bad roads prevented a full hall; Mr C. Keuler H Kalbaeisoh A Murray, S Jacoby, Pis, our burgh has recently been light- McLelland San a verse of "The En t, Jamieson G Tnrnbul sorely bete friends have the s m- this Societ is advancing rapidly, g' 3 Dinsmore,') Mom • NicholsonA Thomsix candle power arc lights, and hone ra h, evidentlyto the deli ht y p severe affliction.P g eon W Ching, H isaao D Haug, J Reynolds_ Pthe stores, hotels and t pgg Beaver, C4 adi ger, t, e P of the audience it was an enjoyable g DEBATE.—There was a large crowd o ere owns p houses use 10 and candle power in- Mrs Stonehouse leaves for lett, jr., J Kennings, J Stacey T Brintinell, D evening. . Robertson J Blatchford sr McFarlane A in the town hall, last Mgnday evening, NOTES.—Miss Routledge of the Soo, candescent lights. The Standard of Dakota in a week or so. We under - vs Turk, F O'Brien, ](i, J e 1, ed b electricity. On the streets are lishman,"which was repeated bythe W Tur buU3 Jerrot J Chambers,BC Troyer,pathy of the entire community in their ing several to their number weekly. P li f Did C WUl rt J )Usome private Goderich hi 32 ' Rennie S'Humeston J Beek E Bossenbeiry, to hear the debate the subject has been visiting at r 'John She - last week says we have one of the stand Miss Julia Coutes was married F. Kibler, J Williams, LHahn b Sara The "Resolved that the cow is a more use herd's. The missionary meeting held best' lighted towns in Ontario. The to Mr J. Currie, of Ayr village, Water- followin accounts were paid :—Mrs House: ful animal than the horse." The side i o 'e church last eek an con lent was set ti. by Mr Lee Brown, of loo Co. on Monday. D Lei ergood, refund of statute labor, $1; J upholding the resolution was attained Scott San. Inc p., 5; J White & Son, $47.76. Walker, was fairly well attended, con- y g - Tuekersmith. A petition from D Spencer and others, to have against it by Mr Moses' Geiger after a 1 shall Morrish of Clinton and in the charity, $5 J HUderbrand care of Currey, $24. n C le 11 w p , b p d .ducted by Revs. Messrs 011ivant and Clinton, and reflects credit on has abili- b Mr Geo. Schoellin and the side t . The wiring was done b Mr Marm. - lots 18 to 25, including L.R E. and W., 6, 7, 86 meet on Saturday, April p' NOTES.—Mr in g + sidermg the weather, and the ague PERSONAL.—Mise Rachel Code, of con. 17, and 6 7 8 91n con. 16 taken from .s. very spirited discussion by some able amount of money was raised. What's private houses is nearly all concealed, No. 5 and added to S. S. No. 11, was laid over speakers, the judges decided in favor the matter with the bell ? was the a work seldom seen outside the cities. Trowbridge, is visiting her sister, Mrs till next meeting, at which eetineg""said peti- of the negative side. r qc�uestion asked b the ratepa ere of The street lights are giving a beautiful E. Turner. Mr Wm. Townsend, hay - again twill idere o nail acCon$ end J No. 9 school and upon investigation it light, while the Incandesent system ing spent thewinter here, return- No. as been ill for some time as has wee found that the bel Hill's Green. again resumed his position in the poet frost,eand is now useless; theetrustees NOTES.—Mrs Taylor, who has been Walters for the summer months. Mr NOTES.—The roads prevent much nffitownMthelatter Emerson, art'-Cflnton, was last ek should not delay in replacing it. The visitin friends her e, left for her home and �Mr onr Tuesday. ch visited friends Crawford, Con - work beingdone here at resent. Rev P late rains have lowered the snow con- in Dakota on Tuesday. Jessop andy selling bicycles and or aria, under- McElroy are putt g In ice it is said H J. Fair preached to a fair sized con unfit for traffic. Auction sales are the severe Emanuel Faust who ' 1 had been seems to be giving satisfaction In the a toe en the summer a home. r h m [ e past, stores Thos. Britton has engaged with Mr E. in of McKillop,is visitingher sister here. Ming Mr siderably, but have rendered the roads rt pplan order of the day. Rev Mr Olivant was cased organ; he thinks it ie tale finest , ig mn. M oftweekfor erne, met byMr Wm. Yeo, who veryably a handsome team of grays lately. Mr filled the lace. Mre Harry Carter has D. S. Faust was in London last week. but is reeov sickin Mise Sarah Cour- someriding seems to be the go with g• some people this winter; this must be tice has been indisposed for a short the latest. Some of the young lads of time, but is able to be around again. our village are attending school very irregular of late, this sort of thing ought to be looked after for the school law requires children to attend school • regularly during the full term. Miss That is one of the- Fee, one of our Public school junor qualities embod- teachers, was sick a few days last week, fed in the and some of the school children enjoy- ed a holiday. Mr Fred Sepgnor has en- gaged a new blacksmith for the sun, - Boys mer. Mr D. Gottsohalk's big barggin . , sale has been postponed till next Sat urday owing to the bad weather. ClothingThere was no service in the Methodist " church last Sunday morningg, owing to th to stand a was succesefu in David.Gottschalk a handso that. they will give those in need of re- NOTES. The auction sale at Mr A. pastorion, last Sunday, at 11 a.m.; the freshments something unusual during Cosens', on Wednesday, was fairly at - pastor preaches at the same hour next yy g Sunday. Mr H. J. Smith is making one in town. Mr Henry Rupp left unexpedtedlyabsentfromColeechurch Fair will bthe e held here on Tuesday, y realizedcwereerioodheOwin and price es preparations for going to Dakota again Friday last B last Sabbath, but the emergency wasg this spring. Mr Jas. Jarrott is recov- Michigan. an Mr lengthen Merner a orfs b21st inst.; it is to be hoped a large num- state of the roads, there was no preach- this nicely from his recent illness. p p her will turn out as many buyers have ing service at Turner's appointment, been on the est fora few weeks promised to attend. Robins made on Sunday. Mr A. Crich has got set - their first appearance here this week. tled on his farm here. Mr Tom O'Brien Mr Wm. Drummond is shipping coal has let the contract of a dwelling house oil barrels to Baden. Our esteemed to Mr Peter Campbell, of Stanley. poet, R. Sellers, is under the weather; we hope to see him out again before Auburn. • the first lines of spring poetry are NOTES.—Mr J. Knox Will Straghan left for Baden TTLI!I e pas r, v. ale , sing called to Crediton to preach a mission- ary sermon. Mr E. J. Hardy was in Sold by this store, along with this Goderich Thursday and Friday of last unlit is another ofgreat impor. week. Mr W. Cameron Smith, bar - quality P rister, of Hensall, was in town on Fri- day of last week. Some of our mer- chants are getting in a large supply of spring stook is larger than we ever spring goods; they must be expecting a very large spring trade. Mr Peter bought before. The reason is that Beaver intends moving into Mr D. we need not now be cautions in Steinbach's house, opposite G. Holtz - man's undertaking shop, next week. f' buying a large stock, because we M$itinegon n f London, paid Zurich ch a had been have proved the fact that we can ing visit on his way home last Monday. make a success of it. You have Varna showed your appreciation of our ef- NOTES.—We are lad to see J. W. forts to give you good, stylish our village aggro; they resumed their duties on Tuesday. Jas. Keys, who . Boy-.' Wear at moderate prices, has su een lm idfor the withasintflammatory rhis and 1 eoause of the patronage you able to be around again. Wm. Tayor .r' Kaye so `f,1•cely . given US, Boys' is spending en Miss Harlton re urrned etto he Clothing has been placed on the L. Duncan, home at who has beMonday. n sc k forthe 11st of our spools' departments. past two weeks, is able to be around again. Wilson Cook and Wm. Hall sawed split and d piled seven cords of wooden Sve hours; who can beat this? � + A. Q.Bobier,•of Exeter paid our. town a visit do Tuesday, Mr Morrow, of 11r0 '" - 1se an the Post Office store, hits secured the services of Mr�W. 13, Mcl3rayne, 11, OLTNTTON first-class tartar. . Harrison and Miss pad back to Leeburn A RAG BEE.—Quite a number of lassies met at the residence of James Horton (it being the birthday of his daughter Maggie) and assisted her in sewing a good quantity of carpet rags. We tell you they are the girls when there's work to be done. NOTES.—Mr William Cook and his sister Bella took a trip to Holmesville last week; they brought home with them their aunt Mise Emma Potter. Miss Rachel Gordon of She ardtcn,who has been residing in Stratford for some time,waslvisiting friends here last week. Mr J. O. Stewart is sending a young entire horse out to his son William, in Dakota this week. Mr Hugh Thurlow intends giving up farming and try some other occupation; he expects to have a sale of stock and implements some time this month. TEMPERANCE. —On the 1st March, a public meeting was held in the temper- ance hall here to discuss the non -license subject. It was decided to petition the commissioners to withold the li- cense from Dunlop hotel as it was not necessary, six men were chosen through this polling division to canvas for names for said petition. It is expected that a good deal of opposition will be met but if they feel they are doing their duty they will not fear but hope for took lace at Detroit last Saturday. results. A meeting will be held re the MrsOwen Hitchcox,themowned hall Wednesday of this week,to report Tem- perance Iecturer, addressed crowded results of canvass. meetings on Sunday evening. in the SIC!{ riORBE.—One night last week Methodist church, and on Monday and as one of Mr R. Carnet's teams which Tuesday evenings, in the Presbyterian was driven by his son, was returning church; Mrs Hitoheox is a forcible home from Goderich after delivering a spB�aker and a beautiful singer; about load of wood, one of the horses took 250 signed the pledge. g sick and lay down on the road; some of the neighbors helped to `get hire up gippen and into a stable for the night,leaving Hayfield road delivered to Mr White, the other horse standilg by the sleigh. NOTES. --Rev, H. J. Fair reached 1 of Hensall, a Morse at the good pries When Mr Carney son's returned to the acceptablyin the Methodist church i of $180. Heavy horses pay. 1 Sunday, and Rev 'WBirks,f intinifites th t ;nay put g needed.yand Mr J. El - last week, where he has secured a good lerload left ohorseslytfor Brandon, with a alsocar Johnon with Jn & J. Livingston. Mr Mr J. Marshall ;with a car load of buLivingston, f Baden, was doing ingimplements and six horses, with farm - business here the latter partooflastwhichheintends starting farming. week. Eggs have W. E ped McElroy 12 cents Miss Tena Scott and her little sister per dozen. Mrs are nel Is ill. Millie,, left Goderich, Tuesday, for The Lock ie familypsnearly all ill Salina, tltah; it is a long trip for two with the nixes, wagonsWe are safe l be letn say- such small girls. Mr W. Caldwell and ing that boxes, era willtbe let daughter, of Bolton, are at present the alone after last week'. racket. It is g whispered that the Dinsley St. black- guests of Mrs Caldwell. Mr E. Rowed smith will shortly join the benedicts. has returned from Bolton, and looks Mr Wm. Sims is slowly recovering well. ss Mas Bertha er Lawson at Youngblut and present on from Willhlrecent illness. Messrs onb. the sick list. Mr Erratt has started and edHvisit withon, who havebeen on sugar -making, but we think sapmust an extended visit their sister, Mrs be scarce as Set. W. McElroy, left for Auburn, Dakota, on Wednesday. A largely signed Brussels. petition has been presented to the 1i- NOTES.—R.M. Dickson, R.L. Taylor, cense commiseioners asking that John Mason, of the Central hotel, be given W. M. Sinclair, Peter Scott, J.T. Ross, a license for the ensuing year. Miss Dr. McNaughton, J.Bamerand severa Carson•4s the guest of Miss Annie others are at Goderich this week. Kelly. We regret to learn that our Jas. Thomson, of Wroxeter, was home genial jeweller, Mr A. M. Babb, Cor- for a couple of days this week. A templates leaving our growing town. millinery store will be opened out in We are pleased to learn that Mg Grain- ger, one of the stores in the Stretton block. ger, of Hullett, late of Blyth, is almost Mrs J. S. Smith is visiting in Kincar- recovered from .her recent illness. dine. Geo. Roger', of the Confedera• People bore were very sorry to hear life, London, was home for a few days of the death of Mr Geo. Parrot, which last week. Robt. Ross, who has been workin in the finishing department of the Ronald foundry for some time, has secured a good situation in a simi- lar shop in St. Catharines; he went to his new position on Monday; we wish him success. • Stanley No'ts.--Mrs John Butehart return- ed, onPriday last, from her visit to Detroit. Mr Alex. Thomson, of the sleigh to take the other horse home lie est un ay, 4tn ev m. o was not there and after looking fob Woodham, a week ago l st Sunday ( SttpEn, core.—The News Record eonletirnecotrcludedhehitd one home, £he .Presbyterian church h ells a ain i e it met utln a as en - However he was not to he found there on Sunday, March 26th, but was found the next morning in s. services. Rev It Irvine p •Ohisholm's barn yard, ; his own pulpit next Sunday i 1th t roe! gin Orr devil states that such caches in : machine would be superfluous, as there fternbon, IS too much gas hi the concern now►' Clothiers, Furnishers & Furriers Holmesville. TEMPERANCE,—The 1#,. T. of T. coun- cil meet on Monday evening next. All the, members: are. kindly_rxquested...to..._ be present, if possible, as different matters of business will•be transacted, and the first entertainment in the con- test will be given by one side. WORKED WELL.—On Tuesday after- noon a number of girls assembling at Mrs Holdsworth'§, engaged in sewingg; there was also a few of the boys gaV'h ered for the purpose of splitting a pile of wood. The boys worked well, and finished their work, (girls too, for that matter) after which a very 'sociable evening was spent by the members of both inside and outside workers. SICK LIST. -Mr Ira Pickard has been laid up for several days, -and is still far from well. Mrs Jos, Holdsworth is suffering from a severe cold. -Miss Mary Evans has also been laid up for a few days. Mr Fred Stanley has just recovered from an attack of quinsy. Mrs H. Elford. is improving. Mrs M. Mugford, who has been dangerously ill, is, we are glad to state, recovering. NoTEs:•q-W. McRoberts spent Satur- day and Sunday at his home, Granton. Mrs E. C. Potter,who has been visiting at Kippen for a week, returnedthome Tuesday. Miss Minnie Rnmball, who has been visiting in London and St Thomas, returned home Saturday last. Miss Eunice Ivison returned home to Kippen Wednesday. Owing to the storm the W.M.S. were unable to hold their monthly meeting Wednesday, GONE WEST.—On Tuesday Mr J. R. Holmes left for Manitoba with a car load of horses. Mr Thos. Lobb, who has been engaged with Geo. Holland for the past while, left for Minnesota, on Tuesday, where he has secured a good situation. Mr Albert Herbison also returned home to Auburn, Dak., on Tuesday; no doubt a number of the young ladies will miss -Ab., as he seem- ed to be very fond of the society of several around here. CHURCH.—On Sunday the Rev Mr Leech, of Londesboro, preached here in the morning, from the text, Eph. 3, 15, "Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named;" and in the evening from 1 Cor. 15, 58, 'Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abound - in the work of the Lord." This is the first time we have had the pleasure of listening to Mr Leech, but if we are to judge from the clear, forcible manner in which he spoke. both morning and evening,we would consider him a pow- erful as well as eloquent preacher. Owing to the impassable roads, he was unable to get to Ebenezer appointment in the afternoon. Rev W. Ayers oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist church, Londesboro. GONE wins THE TIDE.—On Tuesday afternoon the river broke, and caused such a flood of ice and snow, that part of the llolmesville bridge was unable to stand, and moved some distance out of its place. If you want to know whether it is impassable for teams, ask Mr A. Allan, as he has had experience on the subject. Hs came out to the village Tuesday, after dinner, and just got back to the river, on .his way home, in time to see he could not cross, and he within -a mile from home had to go around by Benmiller bridge, a distance of about twelve miles, in order to get there. A poem, "Sleigh hiding," will appear next week, CIIANGZI:D HANDS, --Mr George D. Connell, of town, has bought from his brother Jacob, 40 aci es of laud in (lnde- rich township, being pitrt of lot 80, on the, 12th con. The consideration is , SLOW.