HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-03-03, Page 7• We have already received and °opened 8 cases and 6 bales of new goods New Shirtings, 29 inch, heavy, fast colors, 122 cents New Flannelettes) 5c., 9c., 10c 12ic New Prints, Crum's Celebrated Indigo Blue, 122 New Teazle Cloths, New Verona Cords Sc. New Towelings, special line 4 yards for 25c cents Ladies' Vests, 3 for 25c Lace Curtains, 50c to $6 per pair Dress Goods—Two special lines New Double Fold at 25c Blankets—Another case of those all wool fine Blankets at 50 cents per pound. Compare our Prices with others 5 per cent off for Cash Robt, Coats & Son, Clinton, BOOTS and SHOES REDUCTION in PRICES I have received instructions to make still greater reduction in prices. We have no bargain counter of unsaleable stock, nor a set day upon which to offer bargains. Every day with us will be bargain day until this stock is disposed of. Come and get bargains at the New Boot and Shoe Store A, T. E. McDONOUGH, Jackson Brock, Huron Street, Clinton Special Notice! As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangemente with a lead- ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters, all framed and finished in first-class style, and suitable for the best class of resi- dence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. • SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. we will supply all Eleotrio Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our store. TEAS—Oar stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. CHINAWARE—Examine the'quality and prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Sete, and be convinced that Bargain Day with us is every business day throughout the year. N. ROBSON, - Clinton RUMBALL' 5 CIIILIE FACTORY .[Karon Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment ofLsplendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be7of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good articlelat the price of a poor one, call and see us. -- CLINTON CLI1 TO1N NM& ERA AVOID TAKING (;QI,D. SEASONABLE ADVICE ON THE SUB. JECT B'Y AN EXPERT. Au Ounoe of Prevention Bettor Tlhau a Pound of Cure—.Open•Alr Exercise, _ Plenty of Wholesome Food, Cleanlinesl and Warm Clothing. Dr. Chase makes the following tecom. mendations in regard to preventive meas. ores First—Those wbo want to avoid taking cold must keep in vigorous health, take plenty of open air exercise, take Dare to keep their skin perfectly clean, take propel rest, and adequate recreation, while the value of wholesome food should not be underrated. Living in overheated and poorly -ventilated rooms predisposes the oo. oupants to colds. It renders the . nervouh system weak and lowers the power of vita) resistance. inadequate clothing and toe much clothing are both important factors in depressing the bodily health. In this eon. nection may be mentioned the fashion, which prevails this fall, of ladies wearing fur boas about .he throat. If the fashion be- comes established the leaving off of the neok covering when the fashion changes will surely result in many cases of sore throat or pulmonary difficuli- ties. To avoid colds always keep the cutaneous surface of the body and the extremities warm. Always wear pure woolen underclothing, varying the thickness with the seasons of the year. Bo sure that money thus expended will be saved over and over again. in doctor's bills, not to mention loss of time and bodily suffering. The markets of to -day offer textures of such softness, finish, and fineness of tex- ture that the most sensitive is not irritated by them. Avoid sudden pooling of the body atter perspiring, and. don't sit in a draught of air. A cold sponge bath in the morning, if followed by healthy recreation, is a valuable safeguard against taking cold. Probably more people take cold by indis- creet changes of clothing, by leauing off an overcoat or wrap because the day promises' to be fair,,for instance, than in any other way." It occurred to the writer that the young men who are interested in the various gym- nasiums of the city must be liable to take cold, from the fact that they exercise vio- lently and were then obliged to face all sorts of weather in going to their homes. It was wiih the idea of ascertaining what special precautions were taken to avoid colds by the gymnasts that Dr. Howe, the head of the Brooklyn Young Men's Chris- tian Association gymnasium, was consulted. "A cold," said the doctor, "is caused by a lack of resistance in the body and an accumulation of impurities in the body. Men who exercise regularly are in such a condition that they resist the effects of violent atmospheric changes ; in other words, they are less likely to take cold than those who pay no atten- tion to physical training. Those who exer- ciss regularly in this gymnasium do not know what it is to have a cold. They generally exercise for an hour, ending with a run of a greater or less distance, then they come down, take a warm shower bath, and then a plunge into the tank which is at a temperature of 70 degrees. Then rub themselves down and take a moderate time in dressing, and they find that they not only do not take cold at the gymnasium, but that this course of physical training prevents them from taking cold elsewhere. Men wino loaf about the gymnasium floor after exercising are apt to, take cold: "Excesses of various kinds put the body in a receptive condition for taking cold. The loss of sleep, overwork, excessive men- tal anxiety are some of the things to be avoided if possible. Breathing impure air in public gatherings is another practice which is responsible in a very large meas- ( ure for the great prevalence of colds. When people find that they have a cold after hav- ing been in a crowded and poorly ventilat- ed room they are apt to conclude that they became chilled in coming out of a warm room into cold air, but the real reason that they were attacked is more likely to be thatthey breathed so much im- pure air while in the crowded assembly that they were thus predisposed to cold when they came out. Many colds are not caused by chill,but rather by the accumula- tion of refuse matters in the body which nature wishes to throw off." Dr. Howe suggested as preventives for colds: "Vigorous exercise, wholesome food, regular hours, freedom from anxiety, and • the frequent cleansing of the skin." Dr. Pettit, who is at the head of Department of Physical Training of the Adelphi Academy, said that the young men and women under his care very rarely had colds, and when they did they were due to the non -observance of the rules of the gymnasium, which require that students shall take a bath immediate- ly following their practice in the gymna- sium, moderating the temperature by de- grees until it gets almost cold. By this means, Dr. Pettit said, colds were avoided, and it was a very rare thing indeed to hear the pupils complain of them. He thought that if people would keep their bodies in good trim by exercise and observe the fam- iliar laws of health there would not be near so many people suffering from colds.— Brooklyn Eagle. Big T Party Free. Open L Public Evrybody is invited to the Hub Grocery to try our NEW TEAS. We have now the best valve in TEAS we have been able to offer; our HYSON and CONGOU are extra good value. We have a new uncolored Japan that cannot be excelled for Value, Strength and Flavor. Hillnattia, a package Tea, needs only to be tried to appreciate it. We have a great variety of Teas and give a big reduc- tion in 5, 10 and 20 pound lots. All we ask is a trial of our teas and you will be well pleased. Remember we sell pure Coffee and grihd it fresh for you. Iii D;�"V�T.A.]ol °LOW ' — CLINTON Kahn's Perfection Wafers A RAPID AND POSITIVE REMEDY FOR THE ABSOLUTE CURE OF Nervous Disorders and Debility, Spinal Exhaustion, Bad Oomplexion, Indigestion, ;Dyspepsia, ?hyoids], Decay and General Weakness. Also - KAHN'S PENNYROYAL WAFERS for sale by No aiarriage'in the royal family of Eng. land will attract so much kuod feeling arrd POW) sympathy as will that the Duke of ork to princess May, of ¶Leek, as every- body lilies the girl, who was bereaved when she was preparing fur the altar, and will now find solace in the affection of the brother of her dead lover. Both Dodged. "It has been said that all men are cow.; ards in the dark," remarked Peyton Tru- itt, when called upon '.y the Story Tellers' club of the Laclede to "do his turn." "I am half inclined to believe the saying true. "I was in the British army when a young man, and was stationed for some, time in India. Our colonel, an old cam-' Feigner, who had won his spurs in the Crimea, became involved in a difficulty, with a fellow.o'Ificer, who was 'well-nigh damned in a fair wife,' and a duel was the result. "The colonel, being the challenged party, selected pistols as the weapons and elects' that the affair should occur in a dark room. We secured a room twenty feet square closed every crevice thatwould admit light, placed our men in corners diagonally oppoi site and withdrew. "Each man was provided with threo charges, and when these were exhausted wd rushed in to gather up the mutilated re -I mains. Each man stood ereet and soldier. like in his corner untouched, but directly behind the head of the aggrieved husband) wore the three bullet -holes made by thq colonel's pistol. " 'How is this ?" said a grizzled old major. 'Had you been standing here when those shots were fired you would havd. been killed.' The culprit was compelled to admit, that he had dropped to ono knee.( 'You are a coward, sir, and unfit for the company of soldiers and gentleman,' snorted the major. "'Hold on, major," said the colonel "Its i stand-off, . While he was on his. knew i in ono darner, 1 *u on my atom - soh in the other,' "—St. V°otifd G1dbe.Ilar�no � . Brat. , ' 1 Sarsaparilla. Is superior to all other prepara- tionsclaiming to be blood -purifiers. First of all, because the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the variety richest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh the yellow dock, being raised expressly for the Company, is ahs ays fresh and of the very best kind. With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the other ingredients are selectetnd com- pounded. It is THE Superior `. edIclrle because it is always the same in appearance, flavor, and effect, and, being highly concentrated, only small doses are needed. It is, therefore, the most economical blood -purifier in existence. It makes food nour- ishing, work SCROFULA pleasant, sleep , life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the natural channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step, and imparts to the aged and infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. Cures Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. `Mass. Sold by all Druggists ; Prke $1; ei:: b.,tiLs, Cures others, avis! cure yo. ntm,r,r1N ECOTTOLENE-A •—ef♦ -�I SP— MP• — r tom' N• o— ' • -Itis the new shortening—AV the place of lard ▪ '— or cooking butter, or --4111. • both. Costs less, goes '--farther, and is easily • digested by anyone. ,..op • AT ALL GROCERS. dP— Made only by ••—•46. dpradl . N. K. FAIBBANK & CO., —gip '' Wellington and Ann Sts., '—nil. �� MONTREAL. What is it Are re BLOOD BUII.DER and NERVE TONIC. They supply in onndonaed form ALL the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus m eking thein a certain and speedy cure for all diseases arisingg from impoverisbed blood, and shattered nervus, such as par• clysis, spinal Ells - eases, rheumatism, sciatica,loes of mem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of the heart, scrofula,chlorosis or green sickness, that tired feeling that affects so many, etc. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abueo, should take those PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sox, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains weak back ulcerations, etc„ will And those pills an unfailing euro. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pille. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. BEWAnd or IMrTAmIONS. These Pills aro sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sunt by mail, poet paid, on receipt of prion -50 cents a box or 6 for $2,&Q. THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Brookville, Ont., or Morristown, N.Y. Piso's Remedj fur Catarrh Is the hest, Easiest to Use, and Cheapestt. erch 3, 1493,. Save a _Dollar Mohr -on Can and More f Fossible ft2r RIGHT. Then Why sit is the Clark when you can get the celebrated OCK ✓ 4 OIL Which is equal to American at the same price as ordinary - oil. We have just received another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it either at our new store in the Mackay Block or at our old store in the Brick Block. Try it and be convinced. }LARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, ALBLR,T ST., CLINTON' Ohidley's Furniture & UNDERTAKING WAREROOMS TURN/TURF : • UNDERTAKING Have you seen our $13 Bedroom Suit tyet. If not, call and see them. The Beautiful Chromos in a heavy Gilt Frame that we are offering at $1, beats anything ever offered in the picture line This branch is under the management of J. W.Chidley, jr. Night call's answered at his residence, King Sreet, op- posite. foundry. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON -,5„ Spring Gooc_ We have just passed into stock a large consignment of DRY GOODS for the Spring trade. We cannot begin to tell about their beauty, durability - and cheapness, at the present time, but we would kindly ask all to pay us a visit and examine the moods. We have procured a very fine line of Rubber Goats, Circulars, Boots & shoes A large stock at the very lowest possible prices to clear. We have also several accounts not balanced, and we would like to have them at • tended to at once ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS. A. II I'n A PRIZE PORTRAIT PUZZLE. r 3 %/; tri - Find The Grandmother, The young lady in the above cut has a grandmother whose picture is combined in the above portrait. If you can And the Grandmother in the above Portrait you may r a reward which will pay you many times over for your trnuble. The Proprietors of the LADIES' Roans Morrnrr offer either a first -plass Upright Plano or cheque for Three Hundred Dollars to the person who can first find the grandmother. A reward of a pair of Diamond Ear -Rings to the second pereon who can find the grandmother. Acomplete BusinessEducationataCommercial College to the third parson who cab find the grandmother. A Gold Watch for each of the next two who can find the grandmother. An elegant Gold Brooch (Solid Gold) for each of the next flve who can And the grandmother. Each Contestant must cut out the Portrait Puzzle and make it cross with a lead -pencil or ins on the grandmother's eye and mouth. Everyone sending an answer must enclose with the same Ten three -cent stamps Or 80 cents in silver) for three months' subscription to the LAn Es' Homs Morrl•HLT, Canada's most popular journal. The date of post -mark on letters isgiven precedence, so that persons living at a distance have just as good an opportunity of securing a valuable pries. Per the person who can find the grandmother that is received last is offered a Sim- plex Typewriter. For the next to the last will be given a Solid Silver Watoh. To the third, fourth fifth and sixth from the last received with cornet answers will receive each a Solid Gold Brooch. If there should be aa many as two hundred persons sending correct answer& each will bo awarded with a valuable prize. Names of those receiving loading prizes will be b. lishad in our next issue. Extra premiums will be offered to all wbo are willing to in increasing the subscription list of this popular journal. The object in offering thio rias Puzzle is to attract attention, and to introduce our publication. Perfect imp le guaranteed in giving the rewards. The following names are winners of the leading prizes in our lelet PRIZE PUZZLE t ' T. E. Shipley, 27 Elm 8t., Toronto, Piano ; Miss Bancroft, 167 Lippincott 85. Toronto, Bicycle ; Miss Barns, Ridgetown Ont., Bedroom Sot • Glady McPherson 50 Henry 8t.; Toronto, Gokl Watch t L. 1, Southam, 86 Maple St., London, Ont., Gold Watch ; Mre. J. S. McAdam, 442 Bank St„ Ottawa, Ont., $lo in Gold - M. Hampton, 800 N. Y. Life Bid. Kansas City, Mo.• $10 to Gold ; Emilyl iley, 85 Alexander St. F,,, Winnipeg Man., Banquet Lamp ; Jean Taylor, 104 Mackay St. Ottawa Ont„ Banquet Lamp ; John Armour, 191 Main W. Hamilton, Ont.,Banquet Lam W. E. Gilroy,Mould Forest. Ont., Banquet St. W. J. L. Forest •31) Visitation St., Montreal, Quo., Bangueet amp W. E. yiamsay, 270 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont., Banquet Lamp ; Florence h o,125 Scott ILtq. new; City. Banquet Lamp ; Era. L E. Thompson 60 St. Laois 8t., Lovi Que., Bapgne M. T. Goodwin, Lakeview Houiie, Bowmanville, Ont., Banquet 'Lamp; Mr& G. vapid d5 Carmarthen 8t., 8t. John, N. B., Banquet Lamp. Answer to-dey, and enciose 80 cents and you may win one of the leading pWWeei. Adams, (D) LADIES' HOME MONTHiLY, 102 King St, West, Yorastry Csemestei V.1.6 • III!Ij!�I(flltltlHl►IIIltllii 111111.,