HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-02-17, Page 7rW 2*. ant �: f Our Stock of Furs is now Complete for the com ing season. Everybody knows that no two Set. of Furs are exactly alike, consequently the first Q choice is of importance to buyers. BLANKETS. Having made arrangements with a large i\'Ianufac turer for our supply of Blankets this season, we are in a position to offer better value than ever before. Our Customers will save the Wholesale Merchants' profit. Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton, --THE-- ow Boot & Shoo Store I have just received a large consignment of BOOTS and SHOES With instructions to sell regardless of cost. This stock must be sold in order to make room for another consignment. This is a genuine sale and the goods will be sold at and below cost. Remember the place. T. E. McDONOUGH, Jackson_ Block, _Huron Street, Clinton Adams' Emporiarn TH1 CLXlkTON ISTEW ERA irebrnary i ,, 893.,: '. • NEWS MOTES Bev Mr Powis, for many years 41,. Congregational pastor in Toroutp, has, at the age .et 73, assumed a new charge in Yorkshire, Eng, - Minerd'y Iainimen;t lnmbermatl'e friend In the House of Commons, on Thurs- day, the government announced that they intended to haven, revision of the voters' het this year, This means an election soon after, Minard'a Liniment is the Best So strong is the Ontario Government on its own merits, reinforced by the weakness of the Opposition, that the man does not live who can even make Sir Oliver Mowat's sidewalk slippery. —Toronto Telegram (Cons.) With pure, vigorous blood coursing throngh the veins and animating every fibre of the body, cold weather is not only endurable but pleasant and agreeable. No other blood medicine is so certain in its re- sults as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. What is does for others will do for you. At Chapel Cove, 50 miles from St. John's. Nfld., Patrick Sullivan, while trying to rescue his eleven children from a burnin • dwelling, perished in the flalnes, with four of his children. Minard'sLinament is nsedforhorsee&cattle. Live stock importers at Montreal have received definite word from Washington that Canadian cattle will not be permitted to be sent direct through the United States for export to Great Britain. As a cure for cold in the head and catarrh Nasal Balm is endorsed by prominent men everywhere. D. Derbyshire, President of the Ontario Creamery Association, says: "Nasal Balm beats the world for catarrh and cold in the head. In my own case it effected relief from the first application." Sold by dealers or Bent by mail on receipt of price -60o. and 61 a bottle. Fulford Co., Brookville, Out Warden Lavell, of Kingston Penitenti- ary, announces that a complete plant for the manufacture of binder twine will be introduced into the institution at an early date. Thus the Dominion Government followed Mr Mowat's example. English spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumpa and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Bore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Care ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. TO MY PATRONS—I desire to thaik you for the liberal support you have given us the past years. Our business has increased over the previous year, and hope that this year, by fair dealing and kind and strict attention to business to outstrip all former years. In order to better accommodate our customers and also ourselves, we have de- termined to enlarge our premises this summer. We have still a large supply of WII fT 9R GOODS Which we wish to dispose of at reasonable prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAM LONDESBORO RUMBALL' S OElldL�E FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have on hand at assortment ofLsplendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be'of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good articleiat the price of a poor ono, call and see us. F. RYJM$ 4LL, CLIN'TOW Chidley's Furniture & UNDERTAKINC WAREROOMS II THE gREA''.. WILI44 Ok' CHINA. The, epeuery from the great wall is very tine. The wall is here- a dividing line between the high, rugged hills of China, which tower above us on the one band, and the great sandypiains I of Mongolia on the other, with dim mountain summits beyond in the far distance. Over these barren, rocky spurs and acclivities, ascending to their verysummits,winding about in irregu- lar curves and zigzags, its serried bat- tlements clear cut against the sky on the topmost ridges, descending into dark gullies to appear again rising on the other side, the endless line of mas- sive stone and brick rune on and on until lost to sight behind the farthest range. And so it goes for miles and miles, eastward to the Pechili Gulf, and westward, mostly in two great., rambling lines, along the border of the" Gobi Desert and Kansu, until it ends among the foothills of the Nan -Shan Range. However we may regard it, whether as tt grand conception for the defense of an empire, as an engineering feat, or merely as a result of the per- sistent application of human labor, it is a stupendous work. No achieve- ment of the present time compares with it in magnitude. But it has outlived its usefulness. The powerful Tartar and Mongol hordes, whose sudden raids and inva- sions it was built to resist, are no more to be feared. The great Genghis and Kublai could not lead their people to gory conquest now as they did centu- ries ago. The Chinese civilization has endured, while the once conquering Mongols, ' the people who in their brightest days established an empire from the Black Sea to the China coast, and a court at Pekin of such luxury and splendor as Marco Polo described, are now doomed to pass away, leaving nothing behind them but the traditions and records and ruins of a brilliant past. The wall stands as a sharp line of division between the north and the Chinese. The latter, though repeated- ly subdued and forced to bear a foreign. yoke, have shown an irresistible vi- tality to rise like a phoenix and to re- assert their supremacy and the superi- ority of their civilization.—Century. The free trade agitation will not down. The Winnipeg Young Conservative Club will discuss the following next Monday evening: "That while giving the Domin- ion Government our loyal and enthusiastic support, this association will hail with de- light'suoh a reduction in the tariff as would tend to lighten the burned upon the farmers and residents of this country, and There's Nothing also introduce stringent legislation to dis- solve combines and trusts, declaring them illegal. Rebecca Wilkinson, ofBrownsvalley, ind. says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I nought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my lifo. ,I would advise every weakly person to use - this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. FURNITURE : : UNDERTAKING : Have you seen onr $13 Bedroom Suit yet, If not, call and see them. The Beautiful Chromos in a heavy Gilt Frame that we aro offering at $1, beats anything ever offered in the piotnre line BY SPE AL RO A APPOINTMENT This branch is under the management of 3. W.Chidley, jr. Night calls answered at his residence, King Sreet, op- posite foundry. J S PH tH I DLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON 1 • C. C. RIcaAlins & Co. GENTS.—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIEIisTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by nseing MINARD'S LINMENT. M. D. Carder, Grand Recorder of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, has completed his annual report for the year 1892. On December 31st, 1892, the members numbered 25,850, nowithetand- ing the formation of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba took 1,214 memters from the Ontario jurisdiction. The increase for the year was 2,303. The cash received amount- ed to $445,603, and out of this beneficiarieb were paid $400,115. The certificates issued numbered 3,542. The total insurance in force is $53,298,000, There were 16 assess- ments, the second year in the history of the Order that they have ever reached that number. The average assessment for thirteen years has been $13.86, or $6.98 per $1,000 of insurance. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. when the became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, eke gave them Castoria. .d, At the meeting of St. George's soci- ety, London, a resolution was adopted endorsing the action of St' George's society of Toronto in removing the name of Prof. Goldwin Smith from its roll of life members on account of his connection with the Continental Union association. Royal Crown Remedy. Its marvellous action on the Bile, Foulnses in tho Stomach. It acts in a peculiar manner to other medicines to use, removing !rote the system worn out matters, by opening the pereppiratory organs ,causing a natural perspiration, in order to help nature to throw off the secretion from the blood, which causes disease. As this preparation is double the strength of all similar medicines, therefore, if you find it to effect or nauseate tho stomach, it will be best to stop its use for a day or two, or until the physic has had time to carry off the bile, then return to tho medicines again until the cause is removed and health restored, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, James Stevens, of Thorold, who acci. dentally shot and killed John G. Walker, of Merriton, was committed for trial at Welland, Thursday, on a charge of man• slaughter. ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. The finest, complotest and latest line of Elec- trical acestrical appliances in the world. Thov have never failed to cure. We aro so positive of tt that we will back our belief and send you any Bieettieal ApPliance now in the markot'lsiid yott can tt$i'it for Throe»floiitiier. Largest list of teatIMOnllfs on earth. Send for book end journal )Vies. W. T. liner at Co., Windsor, Olnt. IT DOES AWAY WITH BOILING SHARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS Don't LET ANOTHER WASH- DAY GO BY WITHOUT TRYING 'Wight REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS • Save a Dollar TY hen Can A and More if Possible! 1111-THAT'S RIGHT. Then why sit i.l the dark when you can get the celebrated OCK :' OIL Which is equal to American at the same price as ordinary oil. We have just received another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it either at our new\ store in the Mackay Block or at our old store in the Brick Black. Try it and be convincer. HARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, A I_AE1 T1?T ST,, C:LINTON GROCERIES, RoADs.—The county roads are in a bad state. With over two feet of snow on the level, travel is now a difficulty and teaming pretty hard, Pitch holes and •`slides'abound, and manya load is dumped in the effort to haul it. Is coming and all good housewives will want the very best material for the holiday cooking. N. ROBSON. * CHINA HALL Will Lead the trade this season, having a special consignment of goods opened out, suitable for the Christmas trade, comprising a full line of' Choice New FRUITS—Figs, Dates. RAISINS—New Valencias off Stalk,.New Sultana, Layer, Blk, Basket. -New Prime CURRANTS Bbls., Half Bbls. and Cases. Fresh PEELS—Citron, Lemon and Orange. Pure SPICES, EXTRACTS and ESSENCES Try our Fragrant and full Flavored New Season's TEAS. Special Values in Sifted Moyune, Congow and Japans. One trial will convince of the folly of buying the so- called Tea sold by transient tea peddlars. CHINA, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE—We have an immense assort- ment and are making special drives in these lines. The low prices are selling them fast UE ROC RY We are now talking Christmas Goode and we think we have something fine. In LAMP goods we have Flanging Lamps for the dining room, parlor and library. We have some of the finest Parlor Lamps in town. CHINAWARE in all varieties of style; Tea Sets Toilet Sets with Slop Jar. You want to see our Fancy Goods to appreciate them—Very tw,„ L-„ suitable for Christmas Presents. GR 0 C E H I S { ur new FRUIT hoe arrd aye Raiss Fhavegolneciusterionro:1rsalzcyers:e ewFs,aye,VladfflkVlCUS we have the Vostoro in cases, very fine; Patras in bbls. In FIGS we have the Crown in lib and 201b boxes and the natural Figs for cooking. PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron. We think we can supply the wants of the most particular customer at prides to suit the holiday trade. . G- E O SW..&LIJOW — CLINTON Kahn's Perfection Wafers A RAPID AND POSITIVE REMEDY FOR THE ABSOLUTE CURE OF Nervous Disorders and Debility, Spinal Exhaustion, Bad Complexion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Physical Decay and General Weakness. Also KAHN'S PENNYROYAL WAFERS for sale by J.A MJ JS z1. 00MBE A PRIZE PORTRAIT PUZZLE. a• Application painless and easy. Relief imme- diate, Tbis preparation fills a great and long - felt want n.niorg those who suffer from piles. It is a remedy of the highest merit, effective and reliable, and bas more than met theanticipa- tions of those physicians wbo have used it in their practice. 1'ILEKONE IS A POSITIVE CU]iE when other treatments fail to relieve. Testimonials furnished. Price 51, For Sale by all Druggists And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO„ London, 0 Are n BLOOD BU11DER. and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild tho Norvee,thus making them a certain and speedy euro for all diseases arising from impoverished blood,ar.. shattered nerves, such as par- alysis, spinal dis- eases, rheumatism, sciatica,loSs of mem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of the heart, sorofula,chlorosisor groan sickness, that tired fooling that affects so many, etc. They have f both mon and women, ecific action on lost loual st m of . WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuso, should talro these Pii,Ls, They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with tho weaknesses peculiar to their sex, snob as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains weak back ulcerations, oto., will And these pills an unfailing euro. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pills. They enrich tho blood, restorct e health's roes to tho cheeks and cor- Pswintn os IttrTATIONs. Thoso Pills aro Told by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will bo sent by ,mail, frost paid, on receipt of ptioe—SO Dents a box er 86ler 4,60. 'THE OR. WILLIAM9'MaNT, • Brookville, Ont., or Mortliliot11P; dib Find The Grandmother. The young Lsdy in tho above cut has a grandmother whose picture is combined in the above portrait If you can find the Grandmother in the above Portrait you may receive a reward which will pay yon many times over for your trouble. The Proprietors of the LADIES' HOME MONTHLY offer either a first-class Upright Piano or cheque for Three I•rundred Dol lear , to the person Who can best And the grandmother. A reward of a pair of Diet nionci Ear -121 nge to the second person who can find the grandmother. A complete Duel nese Education at 5 Commercial College to the third person who can find the grandmother. A 0 -old SAlatoh for each of tho next two who can find tbo grandmother. An elegant Gold Brooch (Solid Gold) for each of the next five who can find the grandmother. Eaeh Contestant must cut out the Portrait Puzzle and make a cross with a lead -pencil or inn on the grandmother's eye and mouth. Everyone sending an answer must enclose with the same Ten three cent stamps (or 80 coma In silver) for three mor hs' subscription to the LADES' RoxE MONTHLY, Canada's most popular journal. The data of post -mark on letters is given precedence, so that persona living at a distance have Just as good an opportunity of securing a valuable prize. For the person who can find tho grandmother that is received last Is offered a Sim- plex Typewriter. For the next to the laat will be given a Solid Silver Watch. To the third, fourth fifth and sixth from the last , eceived with correct answers will nieces each a Solid Qoid Brooch. , If there Should be as many ad two hundred persons sending correct answers, each will be awarded with a valuable prize. Names of those receiving loading prizes wi.B bo pub- lished In oar next issue. Extra premiums will be offered to an who are willing to assist in tnoreaaing the subscription list of this popular journal. The object in offering this Prize Ptiazle fe to attract attention, and to introduce our publication. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed to giving the rewards. The following names aro mei nneret of the leading prizes in our last PRIZE PUZZLE I T. E. Shipley, 17 Elm St., Toronto, Piano ; Mies Bancroft, 187 Lippincott 8t. Toronto, Bicyolo ; Mies Barns, Ridgaetown Ont, Bedroom Set ; ()lady McPherson 60 St., Toronto, Gold Watch ' L. B. Southam, ea Maple St., London, Ont., Gold Watch ; Mrs. J. 8. McAdam, 441 Bank St, Ottawa Ont., 110 in Gold • M. Hampton, 800 N. Y. Life 131d. Kansas City, Mo.; 110 in Gold ; Emify)B.iley, 65 Alexander St. E„ Winnipeg, Man, Banquet Lampp; Jean Taylor, 104 Mackay St. Ottawa Ont., Banquet Lamp ; John Armour, 155 Main St. W., Hamilton, Ont., Banquet Lamp_; W. it. Gilroy, Mount Forest. Ont., Banquet Lamp • J. L. Forst 811 Visitation St., Montreal, Que., Banquet amp ; W. E. Ramsay, 970 Bathurst et., Toronto, Ont., Banquet Lamp; Florence Wh e, ]96 Scott St., Quebec Cit Banquet Lamnp • Mrs. L. E. Thompson 61 StLouie St, Levi Que., Banquet Lamp ; M. Goodwin, Lakeview House Bowmanville, Ont., Banquet Lamp ; Mrs. G. Cunningham, 46 Carmarthen St., St. John, N. 3., Banquet Lamp. Answer to -day, and onetime 86 ante and you may win one of the leading prizes. Address. (0) LADIES' HOME MONTHLY, 192 King St. West, Toronto, Canada.