Clinton New Era, 1893-02-17, Page 6IgM
elori 17: ts9o.
a4 QiC
Cu h.s
erscfs afflicted with
411.. throat or lung troubles
09ti4,cl resort to that
labt Excellent Remedy,
Of Pure Cod .Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites of Lime and
Soda. No other preparation
effects such cures.
alomuTION "-Boware of substitutes.
Genuine prepared by Soott Bowne,
Belleville!Sold by all druggists,
lipo,and SI .00. -...,
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Money to Loan on Farm and Town Propertyin
large or small' mums at the lowest current rites.
OeaS 4 --�—
Planing .• Mill
'r ,4�^t 1, t _. n 711.871r1P7T
it is oowernwh c that divingay the past says
aar 100000 men,
money gives that the millionaire of to- women- anchildren were evicted in
day will be weighed in the balance and Ne* York for the non-payment of rent,
found wanting. It is not so much the --turned ;into the street to stiller Burn.
sins of commission as those of omission mer's heat or winter's cold, to beg, o}�••
which lie piled athi
his oor. T tvea1th steal,' 1 or starve. as they
of such men as ,Tay Gould is a sceptre 3,000 children are debarredfrom school
of power. The failure to exert that in the city of Chicago, because of a leek
power in the promotion of the great of sufficient clothing to cover their
causes which mark the progress of hu- nakedness; that 10,000 of these little
manity is an offence which cannot be • ones, such as Christ blessed, perished
atoned. for by any amount of the tith- in New York for lack of food. Yet the
ing of mint, anise and cumin. Private value property in those
beneficence, even on the most lavish cities mounts well up into the millions.
scale, and conducted in the most secret People attired in purple and fine linen,
way, can no more compensate for the and blazing with precious stones, kneel
failure to exert the authority and in• Sabbath after Sabbath at -costly shrines
fluence that a millionaire .possesses in erected to him who had not where to
stemming "the tide of vice, ignorance lay His head. I would like to nail.
and savagery, and in promoting the these statistics to the door of every
advent of a higher and nobler life. The oostlytemplein New York and Chicago.
regular attendance at a parish church I would like to blazon them on the
does not justify a monarch in allowing grand organ, and paste them on the
bis frontier to lie open to the incur- immaculate shirt front of the $10,000
Mons of the foe. Of the millionaire, minister. I have often wondered what
more than of other men, may it be Christ would do, should He revisit the
said, in "getting and spending we lay earth in the garb of the Hebrew car -
waste our powers ;" but in the case of penter, and drop into one of those grand
the millionaire it should be "getting cathedrals - resplendent in stained -
and hoarding we lay waste our powers. glass windows and costly .frescoes -
It was computed that around the bier now existing in His name. I believe
of JayOould were gathered some dozen that he would sell the entire outfit,
men whose united fortunes amounted feed the hungry, clothe the naked, then
to one hundred millions sterling. take the congregation of pious pluto-
crats out to some grove, plant it on
the grass and preach it a sermon that
he preached before, during his public
life on earth.
BD and furnished hie new Platiiiig 6ti,1 wilt
machinery the I atest Improved patterns is now
prepared t' attend to all orders In his line in th -
most prompt and satisfactory manner and at roe
aonabte rates. He would also return thanks to al
who patronized the old mill before they were burn
gd out, and now being in a setter position to exe
ute ordersexpedltiously and feels confident he oar
ve satisfaction to all. .
Ir 4 O'TOR P -Near the Grand Trunk
.ftaiituay, Clinton.
LHOMA' aTcu x:N7.1
Manufacturer and Proprietor for the host Su',
MIlI flog in use. Agent for the -tale ..nil appli-
cation nt rho ay�'FtsEER PATENT AUTOMAT 0 000.6P
OLEANKR STEAM FITTINGS furntsh,d sod app'
emu ed on short notice,
igniters. Enirtues. and ail kirde 01
Maeledmery repaired ea ps•dltiousty
and In a satisfactory manner
Farm implements manufactured and repaired
Steam and water pumps furnished and put in
positipu. Dry Kilns fitted up on application
Charges moderate.
A FIrst-class Step or LoLg Ladder ?
A Handy Wheelbarrow? •
A Splendid Churn, or anything of li
nature? Then call on W. SMITHSON, a
shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley
Will be tit Dinaley's corner every Saturday
Parties on receiving their Photos from
my gallery are heard to say "0 they are
just fine l'' how nice ,l" "I am well pleased"
eto. As I have a first class gallery, 200 sq.
feet of glass, I can make good photos on
dark or bright days. Scenery in great va-
riety. My policy is first quality et lowest
Clinton MEAT Market
The undersigned desires to intimate that he
has bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the
butchering business lately carried on under the
style of FORD & COUCH. He will continue the
same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the
closest and most careful attention to the busi-
ness, straightforward and courteous treatment
to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit
and receive a fair share of public patronage. All
orders caretuily and promptly filled
Central Butcher Shop
Subscriber desires to thank the public general-
ly for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and
at the same time to say that be is now in a bet
ter position than ever to supply the wants of all
As ho gives personal attention to all the details
of the business customers can rely on their
.erders being promptly and satisfactorily filled.
MB motto is "good moat at reasonable prices "
Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c.,
in season.
Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o.
Albert St., Clinton.
IlA)IILTON Feb. 13th.-MrsEllenBrown of
Toronto, who was so marvellously cured of
Bright's Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills, is
well known in Hamilton, having been in
the Hospital here where the authorities,
like those of the Toronto Institutions,
pronouncedlherloase incurable. People who
knew her here are surprised to learn that
she is cured, as they thought she was in
the Home for Incurables in Toronto, and
never expected to see her outside that place
again. Mr Geo. Parke, the popular drug- •
gist of this city says that the sales of Dodd's
Kidney Pills are very large and increasing,
as all other kidney remedies is owing to the
fact that they never failed when ueed for
Bright's Disease. Dropsy,Backache,Rheu-
matism, and all diseases of the Kidneys
and blood.
The tales that are told by sportsmen af-
ter they have returned from the pursuit of
game are often almost too wonderful to be
true, and yet it is difficult when listening
to the good fellows who nbrratethem to be-
lieve that there is any intention on the
hunters' part to deceive.
One of the most marvellous stories of the
hunting -field of late comes from Paris, artd
is: as follows: A banter, a resideut of a
email town in the south of France, who had
spent a considerable part of the day in an
unsuccessful quest for gauge, and had dis-
charged his shot gun many times without
result, caught sight, on the way home, of a
superb g geon well up in an oak tree which
grew on'a very steep hill -side. The hunter's
gun was charged with powder, but he was
entirely out of shot. In this emergency,
and resolving firmly that he would have the
pigeon, he sat down on the ground, took out
his pocket-knife, and with it pulled out sev•
eral nails out of the soles of his shoe.
_With these beistedert his gun Tia pigeon_
satin its place. The hunter aimed, fired,
and the pigeon was nailed to a branch of
the oak tree with the shoe nails. The hunter
was almost in despair, seeing the game fast-
ened apparently beyond his reach. But he
climbed the tree, ascended with difficulty
to the place where the pigeon hung, and
had just taken the bird off, when he lost
footing and fell through the air.
As chance would have it, the hunter
landed in the midst of a hare's nest. He
began to roll rapidly down the steep and
slippery hill -side; but before he did so he
sized a large hare firmly by the hind legs.
Thou rolling forward, he slid plump into
a covey of partridges, and striking about
him with the hare, be succeeded in killing
nine of these admirable birds.
He then picked himself up, and took
hiuisel: homeward with his pigeon, bis
hare, and his partridges(I well satisfied wt.h
the results of the day's sport.
This is almost as wonderful, really, as
that old, old story of Baron Munchausen,
who, when hunting for deer upon one oc-
casion, encountered a magnificent animal,
but like the Frenchman above, found him-
self without shot. Speedily gathering to-
gether a handful of cherry stones, he load-
ed his gun with them, and tired at the deer,
hitting him squarely between the eyes, not
killing him, however. The deer managed
to escape, but some time later the Baron
encountered him again, and was surprised
to see a beautiful cherry tree growing out
of the animal's forehead, covered with blo„-
soms and fruit. It is suspected that the
Baron Munchausen story is not true, but
the other is claimed to be so, although we
may all have our private opinion on tha
We have opened out f.'r business on HURON
STREET, CLINTON, and will bo pleased to sup-
ply the wants of all. Highest cash price paid
for Hides, Sheepskins, &c. Patronage respect-
fully solicited.
Barkw, II•s Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns,.Warts,
Bunstons, Moles. '-1-y
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (the
large wrapper) to LEVER Biros., Ltd., 43
Scott St., Torontto, and you will receive b3
post a pretty picture, free from advertising
and well worth framing. This is an easy
way to decorate your home. The soap is
the best in the market, and it will only cost
1c postage to sent in the wrappers, if you
leave the ends open. Write your address
All claims not consistent with the high
character of Syrup of Figs are purposely
avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup company.
It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, oleansing' the system effectually,
but it is not a cure-all, and makes no pre-
tensions that every bottle will not
It is asserted that the 800 men who
work in t hi! Paris sewer's are as healthy
as any other SOO Parisian t, and that
they are especially free from infectious
Itch, Mange and Hcratchos of every kind
on human nranirrlals, cured -in 30 minutes
by Weolford's Sanitary Lotion. • This never
fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist.
A Mrs J. H. Pilkington, of London,
Eng., has written informing the city
solicitor that by virtue of a grant made
by George III. she is entitled to ground
rent, for the whole of Toronto.
Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp free
from dandruff, prevents the hair from be-
coming dry and harsh, and makes it flexi-
ble and glossy. All the elements that
nature requires, to make the hair abundant )
andlbeautiful, t are supplied by this admin- r•a T• TCC � S S
able preparation.�Y/ U
North and South Dakota and Western
That AX'r`R'S Sarsaparilla CIJIMs
crrn4RS ref' Scrofulous Diseases,
Pas, �
cze a
and 'Oxley Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh should
be convincing that the same course
of treatment WILL CURB YQu, 11i
that has been said of the wonder-
ful cures effected by the use of
during the past fifty years, truth-
fully applies to-day.Medicine. isin every
sense, The Superior
Its curative properties, strength,
effect, and flavor are always the
samei and for whatever blood
diseases AYER; ,,,Sarsaparilla is
taken, they yield to this treatment.
When you ask for
don't be induced to purchase any
of the worthless substitutes, which
are mostly mixtures of the cheap-
est ingredients, contain no sarsa-
parilla, have no uniform standard
of appearance, flavor, or effect,
are blood -purifiers in name only,
and are offered to you because
there is more profit in selling
them. Take
Sarsa : arl l is
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists ; Price $r ; six bottles, $g.
Cures others, wiii curo you
Minnesota are experiencing the worst bliz-
zard of the winter.
Six points, out of many,where Dr.Pieroe's
Pleaea.nt Pellets are better than other pills:
1. They're the smallest, and easiest to
take -little sugar coated granules that every
child takes readily.
2. They're perfectly easy in their action
-no griping, no disturbance.
3. Their effect lasts. There's r o
reaction afterwards. They regulate or
cleanse the system, according to the size of
4. They're the cheapest, for they're
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your
money is returned. You i,ay only for the
good you get.
5. Put up in glass -are always fresh.
ft. They -sure ceinsiimpttoii, Indigcstion,
Bilious Attacks, Sick cr Bilious Headache,
and all derangements of the liver, stomach
and bowels.
It is a strange fact that while paper
is being used for dozens of purposes
formerly tnonopolized by wood, or
even a harder material, Ruch as car
wheels, boxes, barrels, tiiht,,saiIs, et.c.,
wood is rapidly driving other Ingredi-
ents to the wall in the manufacture of
• nearly all the cheaper. grades of paper.
There was a resting spell with the
auctioneer, and the reporter standing
by his box looked at hint.
"Gone?" inquired the reporter, as the
auctioneer sat down, tired.
"Well, I've been gtsinlg all the morn-
ing, and I ought tobe,"responded-the
"You ought to be a funny roan, a
great American humorist. or something
ofsthat sort," suggested the reporter:
"Josh Billings was one, and he got
his start at the block," said the auc-
tioneer reflectively, "and some auction-
eers are given to that sort of thing yet.
I was that. way myself when I first be-
gan, but I had an experience that cured
me of that habit before it had fixed
itself permanently."
The reporter turned a face full of in-
terrogation points on the auctioneer,
and he kept on.
I was called on once to sell by auc-
tion a lot of household furniture he -
longing to a man and his wife, who
had been married four or five years.
All I knew about it was that a death
somewhere necessitated their removal
front my town, and, as ,they had no
money, they were compelled to sell
their effects to get enough to move on.
Well, I was having a picnic in my
young and foolish way, guying and
bantering, and making brilliant and
witty side remarks on the at•ticles as
they came under the hammer, so to
speak, though I don't remember ever
]laving used a hammer or seeing any
other auctioneer use one. After I had
disposed of a lot of stuff, a cradle was
put up. There were several young
men of my a.cquai.ttance in the crowd,
and I smiled at there as I turned the
cradle round and began to rock it,
humming a lullaby as 1 did so. 'Emp-
ty is the cradle, baby's gone,' I said,
and was going on to say something
else to get a laugh,when I happened to
look down into the face of a woman
close to the platform I was standing
on. She was dressed in faded black,
evidently given her by some woman
larger than she was, and 1 here was a
look in her eyes, and a tension of the
lines across her forehead and a pitiful
weakness about her quiveringlips
that made me stop. She stood cose to
the platform, and the crowd was all at
her hack, so they had not noticed her.
She didn't speak, but as I stopped, she
looked up at ale with the tears starting,
and lifting her hands in a mute appeal
of remonstrance no words could de-
scribe, rihe gave a great soh of agony
and turned away. 'I -I didn't know'
was all i could stammer in apology.
And 1 didn't know that it was her
baby's cradle I was selling, and because
the cradle was empty her heart was
broken, and she could no longer live
in the house that, the baby -had left."
The auetioneer was feeling his story
"Nn, my boy." he went on, "I didn't
know, nor did the crowd, but they all
dill pretty soot', and I told them a story
that had no fun in it, for any heart
there, hut it took just the same, and I
ot $150 for that, cradle before I was
McKhlop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. RHEuiurtslx Comb IN A DAv.—Sonth
American Rheumatic Cure for Mamma -
FARM k ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY tism and Neuralgia radically cam in 1 to
INSURED 3 days. Its action upon the system is re-
or•Irrcens. markable and mysterious. It removes at
D.. Ross, Pr,sidont, Clinton; M. Mu die, Vice once the cause and the disease immediate.
Pres. yeefortb; W. J. Shannon, Secy.- frees• y disappears. The first don greatly boen-
Soafcrth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth, tits 75 Ceuta. Warranted byWatts &
Jas. Itroadfoot, Seaford' • Gabriel Elliott Co. Dru,;;,'ist.
Clinton; Geo, watt. Harto It • Joseph ii;vane.
' Beecliwood; Thos. Carbet, 'Minton • Alei<. Gttr• Theaters in Spain have no programs.
diner,Leadbur ; M. Murdie Seaford:. bill in the lobo sometimesgivesone with it, And then gave ib back to
A th
yAopNTa: cast,but most of th :actor e the poor young n mother 1n the faded.
d'hda. 14eitans, f tt 1ttalc' tiobt. MdSllllsn, r4e•a known byname, The curtain, Ode. black dress," g `°"rte' °�'
fotob• S OOitocbah, :tertito th; ,faith 1) $itllivs.n , lila i trite ll..
IA14r ,Mturditt,,tn,ditnl'd, where in ]rurope, is dedoted to'adv'et- lbeatiictfiltie' rrelttcltitited'th,e biter.,
1'ditndt si., uttru4 to, lttt,Ulft)1 td or trap ' 4%t1d,.,tilCi, re OI10r, mowing his Hoye
. � ,; r1 ,,. r ,r ,,,; ,, ,tit+etlletats, erne] in tired] id;ttergt.Ttl�� . • p g
tri''tit ,other Nairn:ea ri .li •dO 1 rail tr ettdn , ,i, le1a st- ; ambled nffaftet' some news.
alt; ~h plitatiulx to t;tia• bil tlrt; strovb'titlllutrlra yerG1t71b(l dilydlf lite Ytfl#'tCl�il tv?il` the v u c
il<d,lra,tllatdta their .t;stl OIlittO �s4 'itllxtillttel oto the ottOty -s a t, • W- e't i t l+lei: P►'ess.
of i d
,fit ra, -; ••�1�.,i( ''s tai''
i, ^ s ,,1i!'l���r11 I!"S
' ill '-tN
1.. _
"TUE Elle that through
la's Uailil
Now sounds no ]loom-de-ayY"
(It IS in the room with the musicians). If so.
ION; or 0 month ,14 to LADIES AT HOME; or
1'1 months, to OUR BOYS AND GIRLS, to lyse
King street, west, Toronto, Canada
No. 1 --Ladles' Companion Premium List.
To first subscriber finding httrp as above, we
to the third °l' '� ;for th of urtto Gold Watch;
the fifth a Silk i•ess Pattern: the sixth a Silver
Watch; the seventh a Gold Brooch: the eighth
a Banquet Lamp; the ninth a Sliver Five O'Clock
Tea Sett; to the next ten, each a Crayon Portrait
of sender or any friend, in massive frame, valued
at .1 ; to the middle. and ten following sub-
seribors each a lovely Silk Plush Casket contain-
ing fruit -knife, roll(' silver thimble, etc., valued
at t9. Subscriber sending letter bearing latest
postmark previous to April ibth will receive a
Gold.. a.tch; the next to last, a Silver Watch •
the five preceding each a crayon portrait, valuers
at 810. ,.
No. 2 --Ladies at Home Premium List.
To first subscriber finding harp, as above, we
will award (45O in Cash ,• to the next 8489; to
the third a Coin Silver Watch ; to the fourth
a Silk Forma Pattern; fifth a tf:roi.'l Brooch;
to•the next seven, each a Crayon Portrala,
splendidly framed, of sender or any friend. Sub-
scriber mailing last letter prior to April 16th will
receive 1610 in cash. Every subscriber will be
awarded a premium of value.
No. B. --Our Boys and Girls Premium List.
To first toy or girl finding harp as above will
be given a boy's or girl's Gold Watch; to the
second, a 510 Gold Coin; to the third, n
Coin;rtoWthe fifth to• full sizedtCrayon Por-
trait; to tbe sixth, a girl's diver Watch;
to each of the next ten a Gold Brooch. To the
middle sender
ail handsome 'Toilet tCase
and to the five following the middle each a Gold
Brooch. To the last mailed previous to April
15th will bevon a Swiss Music Box ; and to the
nine preceding the last, a Gold Brooch each.
Club hates. -To every boy or girl excepting
the first . three received, sending l� s 10 yearly
crayobpoor�ait, valued at 56. each we wEiach�club sub-
scriber also has an opportunity of obtaining one
of the above mentioned valuable nrenziuma.
The Slat cf January closed our first financial
year to the Piano business, and we feel please,]
to report success. We have concluded there is'
room in our town for a showroom, where, if on'y
fast-olass goods are kept it will materially assist
in the sale of Pianos. We believe the proper
place to test pianos is side by side with different
makers; We will open up iu a few days in the
COOPER BLOCK, one door north of Cooper lir
Co's Fancy Goods Store, with a select stock of the
Now Justly
Celebrated 1
Gerhard o The World .
I'IEINTZMAN m Renowned
Pianos. The >, R. S.
reetlgulzed. ° WiLLIAMS
Ca.TtrMli}L11 SN.
We will also parry a stock of OEGANS made by
the Ceinton Organ Co , fitted with lilatahtord
Patent Resonant Chamber Action which is claim -
,..1 In expertsSoilewfthnutan equal, Weexl.eiei
a wnrtn invitation to in'ending purchasers to iu-
speet our stook before making a selection.
catalogues furnished on application. .
G.F. EMERSON, Clinton
Blacksmith' ug liorseshoeing
Subscriber desires to thank the people of this
viuLtity fir the p,aatronage bestowed •,u hien since
he started iu business. At the same time 1,,,
would intimate the t he is prepared t., dr, all kinds
of lllackstuithing in the beat manner and at low
rat, s. Horveshoeiug .tone at following prices:—
Now shoe 2•5o a tab or 3,c if clarged.He has al+„
a quantity of Hoof Oil which he will sell cheap.
WAL rER BEATON, Downs' Stand, High Street,
Clinton 4t
S. la I, d�►'�'.
tni"t�Ei dtl. DEALER IN TlriWARI
Repairing .n .II khtde promptly attend to ea
,,,r1.1..nta'. A iris' anTi- it i
Desire to intimate that they have openened out
a first-class Flour and Feed Store in the above
stand, and will be pleased to promptly fill all
orders in their line.
Oil Calle, and Flour and Feed
of all kind kept in stock.
We will take any kind of coarse grains in ex-
change for goods.
rices as Low as the Lowest. Orders solicited.
We are going to Chippewa
Co., Michigan, near Sault.Ste
\Vhy do you go there?
Wel], we have five boys,
we have sold the farm for $5,-
000. We ca.n buy 640 acres
between Pickford and the Rail-
road Station at Ruilyard, and
have a good farm for each of
the boys and have money left.
What can a renter do there:?
He can buy a farm on five
years time, fend pay for it with
one fourth of the money he
would pay for rents in that
time, and own his own home.
Is it good land?
As soon as any in 1i neon Co. Ex-
cellent for Oats, Peas, Wheat, Clover,
Timothy, Potatoes and all kinds of
roots. Prices are as good as any on
the lakes, owing to The nearness ot
the miner+ and lumber woods to the
What class of' people live there 1
They are nearly all from Huron
Co. You meet there so many old
neighbors that you can hardly be-
lieve you have lett home.
I went to see thataland. Wno has
it for sale? Inquire of '
Sault Ste Marie,C
P1so'S Remedy for Catarrh fb the
ffdst. Earnest VI ,Use, and Chrapsst`
A Il' 0
.geld is oauggistt dt ett uy ,Wait,
1112 3.'F" :YPs1'11tne V9o'•:"5o
ws I..•...,aeol.,.i11.Y .4
C00K''� 1'L OUR. ir�� iD Sr
1i1,nt•i;t Value in ;til lines.
Don't pass this established and reliable ,torn
when) ou want
('fl:,il�t� .Nally F' 'idll•.:f eiliw
(r;ii:i•, tie' t lal"t'll b;,-ltIs
Quality A 1 and prices as 1pw , s any in toren. We
give ism ars. of elm, tcu rut, .m ",tr • cea flu ,•ttshal
of eats. Call and see u'. G ,,ds de,tverc•, t:; all
.pelts of the 10ivu.
1?.• C(.)c) Ii, c , l i 1 NT()
The undersigned desire to thank the people
of Clinton for the very generous pod r
has been bestowed on the West End live r; At
the same time we wish to intimate :tat the
business will be conducted in the futur, , under
the firm name of Davis& Son. We have rented
tho livery stable near the Commercial lintel,
recently occupied by Mr. Reynol,'.. a,id with
new rigs, etc., will be in a hotter lr •,tion thou
ever to acecmcdatettaveller�.-I -.VI. & bON
DR. Iffi LELLAN, 1'0'' DON, ONT
497 Talbot St., Specialist en the
EYE, EAR, N()1I:. 11IiOAT
Graduate or the `:r.. Tors E), end L• sr ti.,apital
1009. Plc- liruotoite 1', toso IA ;iw ?:, •, York
P, At rit':ulnrtc \i•••, Icttl S,•Ln „"d I 5,4 item on
Ey 0. Ra - •:.l Throat intr.!. Kies, r, ='ed.
Full stock of •trtiticial i(.ce, t,pectaeles and Len-
ses. Will he at the
Rattenl)Irry Hous'', CLINTON,
The First FRIDAY in Each Month.
First Visit MARCH 3rd next. Flours 10
a.m. to 4 p,ut. Charges \;oderate,
i4t1,?.)1.11 AND BRUCE.
•ot.._ {' �li-i'i' i
III via. 4 o'3-
CL-. :Any 1, Luut;rrr;. .tlwreybor Farre
i,'r,Lrtt,l .0' Lotr'ee7 /brim— r„ ln.trresf.
1,,,,1')(1a.e;H:>• i'i'Ht,HAtiF,1
V i N t;S° li:t ' k ft I't.A NfH .
•?. 4 en r r per r'01rt. interest :1 //on,,,d
%)e, n,ai'r, ,tCr;nr'lirnt tr .art 01177 5 marl 'livae 7,ft.
Ul'r'FIJt-., ,.ru. r of Ma!)•,.ry, ar. ,. , North ; t
.r ,a t19. I{URTOiv,
h Si
When we assert that
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who : have sectrr]
t he.
f FlkeY'CAME fIO O'1'Ait CUitED-
By all ' llrurtgists o'r alai