Clinton New Era, 1893-02-17, Page 2V+ `r'ua r ' 17p 1803
ITA late for'lastw lr,l
intI+IPTR17,-r• dr G. Hf11 Ie at resent;
laying in '#lis Supply of lee for the sum -
Mer asalso isMr Fauch. Weare glad to.
P1Hr,r$U -^--- report that Rev. J. H, Simpps�on a able removed to L@>sdbary last weals,
to be around again Mr N'. Clark,
Nei Mos Around ' • Cott'
Mr A, M. Rose, who haq carried on black-
smithing at Egmondville for sable years'
the stage driver; had the misfortune ' Mr Richard Clegg, Corrie broke one of i
to Daye ij, ryxlaws, and a small smash• the. small bones in his wrisE
lately, while
SAT rem-�-
New Fra Steam Printing Office, having hittchedd G. up a sunad g h rse that chopping.
Sunday, while returning from
L$AA.R STREET, - - CLINTON, ONT bad having
been driven single before, church, Jobn McIntosh, 12th out, Grey,
Titxus,ey $unscnWTroN-One dollar ,per year and striking, its heel against the shaft, i was thrown but of a sleigh and had two
` -if maid in advepssoe, $1.50 per year if not sopaid: causedit to kiek Image, and a general ribs broken.
The date to wtfioh eves subscription is paid is e smash-up was the result. The R. T, of Mr W. Bawden, of Exeter, lutepurchased.
denoted bsettie date on the addrees label. T. are at present baying lively times the bush farm from Thomas and Danl.
Anvearisrxa RATES - Transient advertise- at their meetings; the initiated nine Neftel, on the 8rd oon., Goderioh township,
ments,10 vents per Nonpareil line for first inset- g y
tion,3Rentepero neforeaoheubeequentinsertion new members and hada lengthypro- and intends selling the wood.
OoNra oT RATES•^Tho following table shows gram .after, on Monday evening; we Mr Isaac Wade, 12th consHowiok, bad
our rates for the insertion of advertiaamente ter wish them every success. Mr J. Ash- !his right arm broken on Friday. The ac -
specific periods:- ton, of Varna, has opened out a livery oident immured while rolling a log in the
Brae% 1 TR. 16 mo. 1 8 ism info 'stable here, something that was need- woods on his farm.
One column Oso 00 ass 00 $20 00 87 00 ed very badly; we wish you' success, Mr Angus Gordon, of the 4th concession
Half -column 35 00 20 00 12 00 s 00 John. Dame rumor states that one of Tuokeremith, has rented his farm to
uartercolumn20 00 12 00 7 00 2 50 of Brucefteld's fair ladies is going to Mr Henry Carter, and himself and son, in -
one inch 6 00 8 50 2 00 1 00 change her name from Miss to Mre tend spending the simmer with friends in
Advertisements, without specific diraations, next week. Manitoba. •
will be inserted till forbid and charged according- Messrs Jos. Gulley and Wm. Johne, two
ly. Transient advertisements must be paid in _ Tuokersmith. of the Councillors declared elected for No.
Ladvance. COUNCIL. -The council met at Kyle's 1 Ward, Wingham, handed in their resig-
o e is per line o o the head of local column nations to the Town Clerk, on Monday
0 Dente par line °',,portion tnaraof, each insertion hotel, on Feb. 7th. The members were
Axtloles lost or found, girls wanted, &c., not all present. A communication was evening.
h lines 25 cents each insertion. read from the local board of health re- The directors of the Tuokersmith Branch
Agricultural Society, at their last meeting,
decided that their Fall Show this year will
be held on Thursday and Friday, Septem-
ber 28 and 29.
9/weeding three ,
eaohl ubsequent50 ts insertion. Houseas to ficents for
let or for
sale, farms to rent or for sale, stray cattle and all
similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines
$1 for one month and 60 cents for each subse-
quent month.
Changes for contract advertisements most be
in the office by noon on Wednesdays.
Is the geographical oontre'"of the splendid
oonnty of Huron; the London, Huron & Bruce
Railway runs through it north and south, and
the Grand Trunk Railway also rune through it
easunction here. It has
a Collegiate and teti ute that stands among the
bigghost in the Prevince, and a Model School
svfth a large and efficient staff. There are two
]Methodist ohurohes,Presbyterlan, Episcopalian,
Baptist and Roman Catholio,while theBrethren
have a meeting room. There aro two extensive
organ factories, threshing machine faotory, tan-
nery, three planing factories, flax factory, tann-
ing mill factory, large flour mill, grain elevator,
two carriage factories two salt wells, the head-
quarters for the Canada Salt Association, and a
Urge nunrbor of other industries. It has one
chartered and two private banks, custom's of-
fice, eight mails daily, first class business
houses of all kinds. Masons Oddfellowe Work-
men Orangemen, Sons ofs Scotland lions ofof
$gn�gqlend, Protestant Benevolent, Independent
and Canadian Foresters Canadian Home Circle
and Tempters have lodges here. Population
about 3000. Steam fire service and incandes-
ly healthy, butitllylooais
shade trees, and is one of the most desirable
places of business or residence in Ontario.
„ Where the Stuff Goes to.
Those who oppose better trade rela-
tions with the United States are under
the impression that since the McKinley
Act has been in force, our trade with
the United States has almost entirely
ceased, and that with Great Britain
should show a corresponding increase -
It is quite true that in some respects
our trade with Britain has increased,
and so it should, seeing that it is a free
commending the appointment of a
medical health officer. The council,
acting on this recommendation ap-
pointed Dr Scott as such officer. A
communication was read from the Do-
minionAlliance askingithe co-operation
of the council in petitioning the Legis-
lature to submit to a plebiscite the pro-
hibition question. The reeve and clerk
were ordered to sign petition on behalf
of council. Mr W. Chesney was reap-
pointed assessor for 1893, at a salary of
$80. Tenders for the supply of lumber
for township ;purposes were opened
and the contract awarded to P.D. Bell,
Hensall, for cedar, 810.50, and elm $9
per M. The offer of Mr Allan, of Cro-
marty, to supply quarry stone deliver-
ed at the aide of Sproat's bridge on the
Kippen road, at 14 cents per cubic foot
was accepted; about 650 feet will be ne-
cessary for abutments. After passing
oevera1 accounts and voting $371 to the
needy, the council adjourned to meet
at Weber's hotel, March 22, to appoint
pathmasters, pound keepers, &c.. S.
(Too late for last week)
NOTES. -The regular quarterly ser-
vices in connection wit Londesboro
circuit Methodist churcl
Kinburn, but owing to t
the weather very few f
pointment were able to
attendance at the Sabb
seems to have been �
since Christmas; we can
this, as few Sabbath schools 'have a
more efficient staff of officers and
teachers. Rev W. W. Leech occupied
the pulpit in the Methodist church, on
Sunday evening, and preabhed an ex-
ceptionally good sermon from 1 Cor.
15, 58, dealing particularly with the
clause, "Always abounding in the
work of the Lord;" he seemed to enter
into the spirit of the text while utter-
ing these words. Quite a number in
Londesboro and vicinity are at present
laid up with the mumps -adults as
we as children. O n Reid, ofthe
were held at
ie severity of
om this am -
attend. The
th school here
etting smaller
ot account for
The South Huron County Orange Socie-
ty held their annual county meeting at
Exeter on Tuesday last, when a large num-
ber of Orangemen attended. The next an-
nual celebration will be held at Exeter on
the 12th of July next.
On Monday morning, Wm. Campbell, of
the 3rd line of Grey, rose as usual in good
health and called the family. Shortly
afterwards he was taken sick and died in
his son's arms. He resided in Stanley at
one time.
At the meeting of North Huron County
Orange Lodge, last week, it was decided
to hold the county celebration at Blyth,
on the 12th of July next. The annual
meeting is to be held in Wingham on the
second Tuesday in February, 1894.
Mr John Shepherd, the worthy Reeve of
Tuokersmith, and well-known cattle deal-
er, has ,purchased from Mr A. Weeloh, of
Herman, one of his fine lots, Mr Shepherd,
in the course of a year or s3, intends erect-
ing a dwelling and becoming one of the
On Wednesday morning, the daughters
of Mr Henry Willert, Zurich, were horri-
fied to find their father dead in his bed.
He had not been feeling well for some
time, but on the previous evening bad
seemed quite well and cheerful, entertain-
ing some of the neighbors who had oalled.
Mr. Bok on Literary Successes Made Out-
side of New York.
The greatest literary successes have been
made outside of New York City, writes Ed-
ward W. Bok in an article on "Literary
Chances in New York" in the January
Ladies' Home Journal. The most success-
ful backs of the past ten years,, with two or
three exceptions, have neither been written
in New York nor published within its bor-
ders ; the literary men and women of fore -
market, but it is not true that our, 11 J h R 'd most reputation do not all, by any means,
10th con., son of Mrs Reid, of Clinton, live in New York ; although New York
_ _lemma with the States has altogether is, we understand, Can erously ill.- publishes the balk of the best-known
h�t.. Mr Jos d' els the two American periodicals
ceased. The following of 1I�& I11igures` -P eating was
Yaryer-H] �1er10 iC , t
ter the fiscal ear of 1892. show that in Lyons', sr., on Friday evening, as he having achieved the largest Innis mo
Y has been unable to get out to any merited circulations aro both published in
theface of the McKinley tariff our ex- church services lately. On Friday other cities than New York, and that the
port Business with the States was con- - morning, as Mr M. Braithwaite was three poets conceded now to be the truest
driving his children to schocl, when representatives of American poetry are not
siderable : opposite Mr Willis' place, a gust of one of them residents of New York. I do
Gt. Britain U. States wind blew down an unhinged gate, not say that all this may not be changed in
Horses 8214,785 $1,094,461 causing the horse to bolt and throw the future; in fact, I think it very probable
Horned cattle 7,481,613 21,327 the occupants of the cutter out; the that it will, but these are potent facts as
579 driver hung on to the lines, and'brought they now exist. In no sense do they quer.
1,073,200 the horse to a standstill, but not be- tion New York's supremacy. I cite these
44,537 fore the harness and cutter had been facts merely to let them testify to the ua-
71,654 i considerably damaged. The regular doubted truth that a literary success can be
6,038 ' quarterly board meeting of the Metho- made outside of New York just as well as
39,558 dist church of this circuit met here on from it. "Charles Egbert Craddock," did
494,409 February 9th, and reported the finan- not go to New York to win literary fame,
470,718 - cial returns ds not duite up to former nor did she even choose a New York pub -
112,360 years, but in other respects things are Helier, and the same is true of Edward
Bellamy. Nor did Eugene Field or James
. Whitcomb Riley feel that they needed to go
to New York to reach eminence as writers.
Mr. Howells made his success years be-
fore he went to New York. Joel Chandler
Harris and Thomas Nelson Page spoke from
the south and were heard in New York.
Lew Wallace did not find it necessary to
go to New York to write "Ben Hur."
And thus one might go on indefinitely.
But these men and women had something
to say that the rest of the world had not
said, and the man who can do this will be
heard from, whether he writes from the
moat obscure of western towns, or from
21 the moat central point in Now York City.
It is not so much the place as it is the man.
Cream will rise to the surface whether the
Sheep �, i45
Poultry 3,349
Bones 90
' Butter 877,455
Cheese 11,593,690
Eggs . 592,218
Hides, etc 650
Flax .... ,
Apples, green .... 1,405,527
Berries, all kinds .. 151
Canned fruits ....23,679
Barley 2,x,884.3
Oats 1,075,485
Peas 2,332,307
Rye 56,308
Wheat 5,726,505
Hay 167,604
Maple sugar 448
Clover & grass seeds 393,898
Other seeds- - 112
Potatoes 1,810
Trees and plants
This little town in which we�fve
Is known both far and near
To be the only place on earth,
Where Satan docs not appear.
They used to keep the best of grog,
Rightg in this little town,
But Satan failed to show his face,
So they burnt the hotel down.
We have two smithies in our midst,
Who work both day and night,
But all we'll say about them is,
They're never known to
There are two merchants in the town,
Two honest men are they,
Who aro patronized by everyone
. That passes by this way.
We have a photo gallery
And a feed store both combined,
Just inside the corporation,
But they're mighty hard to find.
We have a waggon -maker too,
So honest and so strong;
He'll fix your rigs and make them new,
And it does'nt take him long.
And we have a dandy farmer near,
Who carne here long ago,
He built a house, he raised a barn,
And now has a big silo.
We bavc but one shoemaker now,
To make and mend for all,
Since poor old harry took his flight,
As he received another call.
We have two churches in this town,
Two preachers we support,
And some lovely damsels in our midst,
Whom the boys delight to court.
Especially at vacation time
When the trees are all in time,
You'll nee the prodigals return;
They're seeking for a home.
Our head push built a temperance hall,
With everythipg complete,
And this is just exactly whore
The township council meet.
This hamlet is a healthy place,
And always was, they say
Since poor old Noah built the ark,
And started out this way.
We have a noted agent too,
Who sells most mighty oheap,
Just let me toll you something else,
He's never known to cheat.
The Royal Tomplars of this town
Have ht boon started long,
Just listen .till I whisper this,
TIe'q're 40;000 strong.
Tho Ramsay' house is largo and clean
Enetigit for any man,
Whore you can got free!' oysters raw,
Qrdtetyod or in the tan.
Tis said to be a temperance house,
Where you can neither buy, gy electric motors. It is very probably
Nor sell nor drink at any price, Y may in time, electric railway lines
Old whiskey or Scotch rye. exist
A neat school house on the corner stands, over the best agricultural regions, fur-
Whore pupils young and gay, nishing communication between the differ -
Como every day to learn to read, , ent farms, as well as small tramways on
And while their time away.
Now when you come our town to see,
Remember you've been told,
The station's half tho size the place,
And nearly twice as old.
tions, and
only remedy
g yaranteed.
or cure, you .
lr IMAM;
you're, a suffering
woman.. The arm -
le weaknesses, :pain -
Ail disorders, and
delioate derange-
ments that come to
woman only have a
positive remedy.. in
Dr. Theme's Favor-
ite Prescription, If
you will faithfully
use it, every disturb-
ance and irregular-
ity can be perma-
nently cured.
It's a legitimate
medicine for woman,
carefully' adapted to
her delicate organi-
zation. It builds up
and invigorates the
entire system, regu-
lates and promotes
all the proper funo-
restores health and
Prescription " is the
for woman's ills that's
If it fails to benefit
have your money back.
Which is the best to tzy,
if you have Catarrh -a medi-
cine that claims to have cured
others, or a medicine that is
backed by money to cure you?
The proprietors of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy agree to cure
your Catarrh, perfectly and per-
manently, or they'll pay you
$50o in cash.
TDkI l''AVQ U VE 4. reit j'FiOT.
Diamond Dye'Blaeks are th great favor,
We in Canada and the Veltec .Sates, For
dying silk, weed, cotton and feathers tbeY
ale simply perfection. The three noted
Blanks are; h•'ast, Blaok for Wool, Fast
Black for silk and feathers, and Fast Cot -
1 ton or Stocking Bleck, each one warranted
as perfect. Time and money can only be
saved when the Diamond Blanks are used;
other makes of Blank Dye result in tenure,
loss of time, money and temper.
Capt. John MacKay, one of the oldest
residents of Hamiltom, died on Thursday.
Thomas Kenny, a convict from Guelph,
suioided in Kingston penitentiary Thurs-
day by cutting his throat.
The county insane asylum, four miles
from Dover, N. H., was burned Thursday
night and 44 lives were lost.
The Central Farmers' Institute brought
its proceedings to a close at Toronto, on
Friday, after passing resolutions favoring
free trade with Great Britain and the
teaching of agriculture in the schools, and
asserting that it believed there was no
pleuro pneumonia in Canada,that the duty
on corn should be abolished, and that a
uniform duty should be placed on
all pork coming from the United States..
So good a Conservative as Lord Sal-
isbury has sat down on those who talk
about Great Britain imposing 'prefer-
ential duties," and says that "a tariff
was absolutely outside of the dreams
of any politician," Still there will be
people here who think that "preferen-
tial duties" are yet possible.
(Too late for last week.)
NOTES --At the social held on Wed-
nesday, after 'the Orange tea, there
was the largest number of musical in-
struments ever at a meeting of any
kind here, there being five besides the
band; all spent a pleasant and enjoy-
able evening, the proceeds of the tea
and social amounting to $87 The
house of Mr J. Lawson had a narrow es-
, cape from being destroyed by fire Sab-
bath afternoon; the fire was caused by
a defective chimney, a spark having
fallen on a bed, which was completely
destroyed, before"the inmates were
aware of the fact. Mr J. Bell is suffer-
ing from inflammation.
COUNCIL. -Council met on Feb. Oth,
in the town hall. it was decided that
the auditors each receive $4 for 1803,
and that the report he adopted. The
council will act as a Board of health,
'with Dr. Stanhury as medical health
officer. The constable and clerk were
appointed as inspectors. John King
Was appal nted poundkeeper• Abel Mar-
tin, 6Vm. King and Wm. Harrison are
the fence viewers ,for 1893. An order
of $20 was granted to Chas. Tippet, as
salary for collector of taxes for 1892.
The clerk was authorized to draft a
by-law confirming the appointment of
the following officers for 1893 :-John
Day, clerk, salary, $40; John Whaddon,
treasurer, $10; B. Higgins, assessor,
$20; Chas. Tippet collector, $20; Wm.
hiddlsn, constable and truant officer,
830.�..�. Council attiontnealo files;: on,
xona't,r, Murch 0# at 8 ,tY1l'W '
Mr O'Malley, a Conservative member of
the Manitoba legislature, said the other
day that the farmers of that province were
far from prosperous; many of them were
"starving themselves to pay their debts."
He said he knew of farmers who, in order
to provide the bare necessaries of life for
their families, were driving nine or ten
miles to the woods to cut wood, for which
they received $1 per cord, not in cash, but
in trade at a store. Even this wood they
-hart to takeTf, our Dorinien-elands,-and-if-
caught hauling it they were liable to a fine
of 50c per cord. "This •state of things ex -
lets not in my district alone, but all over
the province."
Mrs Archibald McFarland, of London
township, is dead, aged ea yore.
William V. Wright, a returned mission-
ary from Japan,.whose parents reside at
Pickering, Ont., has just died at Denser,
Minards Linament is used by physicians
Two negro boys, who confessed to hav-
ing robbed and burned a store at Diokey,
Anita county, miss., were hanged by a
mob of citizens Wednesday night. Five
other negroes implioated in the affair were
rescued' by a sheriff's posse.
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Cronp, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee,
For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. --a5 cents.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Ci ttanoossa Tenn, says:
•carts h hslV(ai&er 14AVED 1F�'Y' LINE
f for• a debattatedesp1taate:»
ttrouble er it =WIS. "L" For Mee ae .5 otsIdvar or Kidney
rf=,;4F': EMEDY.
Have you atarx, ? Try this Remedy. It will
positively relieve and Cure you. Price 60 cts.
This Injector for its sue000a�s9apful treatment is
furnished free. B.member,Shlloh'sltemedies
aro sold on a giiarttntee to give satisfaction.
A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility
and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a
remarkable manner, after all else had fo.i d that he
will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf-
ferers. Address, with stamp,
During 1893 THE SUN will be
of surpassing excellence and will
print more news and more pure
literature than ever before in
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world
Price 5c. a copy. By mail $2 a yr
Daily by mail, -. - - $f3 a year
Daily & Sunday, by mail, $8 a yr
Address THE SUN, NewYork
cow is milked in New York orin the back-
woods of the wildest and farthest western
mining town.
About a hundred farmers were shown
over the new Parliament buildings at To-
ronto on Thursday, by Mr J. Dryden. Sir
Oliver, Mr Hardy, Mr Gibson and Mr Har-
court accompanied them. The Premier in-
formed the deputation that New York
gentlemen who had visited the buildings
declared that it would cost four times the
money to build such a structure in the
States. - Mr Gibson said he had driven
oxen and many a time got stuck with the A
harrow. Sir Oliver said that Mr Gibson
was not the only one who had worked on
a farm. All the members of the Cabinet
were from good agricultural stook. Mr T.
Lloyd -Jones, the President-elect of the
Central Farmers' Institute, on behalf of all
present thanked the Government for its
kind reception of the farmers, who were all
pleased in being shown through the build-
ing, which was a credit to the city, the
Province and the Dominion.
Everything Done by the Motor Except the
Lifting of the Mortgage,
A vast field for electricity is opening up
in its practical application to farm work,
and the discussions of this subject in vari-
ous engineering journals has created con-
siderable interest. The Electrical World
has begun the publication of a series of
articles upon the practical application of
electricity to the various farm operations
and implements, with illustrations of a
plant which is situated in one of the finest
agricultural states ot the west, and which
shows in detail how the electric motor can
be made to perform most of the work which
the horse or the steam engine is now called
upon to do.
There are tour classes of farmwork to
which electricity is applicable : First,_ for
power purposes ; second, lighting ; third,
heating, and fourth, for the operation of
telephones, signals, alarms, etc. Examples
under these various heads are numerous.
For instance, hay, grain, and other products
• can be hoisted by electric power, which can
. be also applied to ordinary elevators. An
electric motor may run pumping ap-
paratus, which will furnish water for the
drinking troughs, for fire purposes, or fol
watering the garden, use in dairy houses,
All euoh miscellaneous machines as
threshers, grinders, shelters, bay presses,
rindatones, etc., can be readily operated
That man you see with big fur coat,
That nearly weighs a ton,
Is station agent, baggage man,
And mail boy -all in One.
1 think I've teild_gon Ovorythiiip
About:this llttsi tanks:
Where Satit$'9 ne'?i3rsli Wed els Wei
400000010 Will*Rtdolait..
James Magda, Q.C., has been appointed
County Crown Attorney of Middlesex, vine
Charles Hutchinson, deceased.
Mrs Jasperson, wife of Lewis Jasperson,
of Kingsville, Ont., was killed by her horse
running away.
separate farms, connecting the different
buildings, while electric ,ploughs and
vehicles of all sorts are atliiohg the polder
Both the methal and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellentqualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75t3
bottle by all leading. druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
on a i
bilines. have it h an w ll °cure i
rod? iptly fol' any olx(` vh 'W18
t 1�nly by th$
...... - .. ... ia t 11t.11fatltiif��tulred, .
'Children try for CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.,
Pitcher's Castoria. 1.0trISVtr.L'L^,IC1r, r:plw'S.'OUS,
i3AN P1tANOI8tlO, tut:
9!vottost�onol. an. h or axis
M4)ali `G & err,,' -
Barristers, SolicitQrs,,
�OavmaosNnsxaDOO Outs*
Rea, and O x qs
Bought, Private Funds, d Rl OUT,
Office over .T Jackson's Store, Olinton,
1U. Small some on good wortgage security,.
moderaterate of interest. H HALE. Clinton,
DENOE on Ontario street, Clinton, op.
posite English Church. Entrance by side
DR. H. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. 0. P.,
Edinburgh L, R. 0. S.. Edinburgh Liiea-
tiate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. 3moe at
Street a few doors East o Albert Street. W.
One hundred acres, being east half of lot 2 con
3, Eastern Division, Ashfleld, Good frame {darn,
house and outouildings, good orchard, plenty of
well and spring water; all cleared except eight
acres. Well fenced. Will be rented on reason-
able terms. MRS FRANK BADORE, C inton •
Accoucheur, etc., office in the Palace Block
Rattenbury St. ;formerly 000upied by Dr. Reeve
Clinton Out. l
Medical De .rtment of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries. New Yoru, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
We can make a few good loans from private
funds at ow rates and modiste expenseer.
Terms made to suit borrowers.
M NNING & 13COTT _bonen.
• HonoraryGrailuate of theOntarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseaBes of domesticated ani-
mals on the most modern and scientific princi-
ples. Office- immediately south of the New Era
Office. Residence - Albert 8t., Clinton. Calls
night orday attended to promptly.
Piano, Organ and Teohnicon,or-Musol developer
for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Gook's
Albert Street, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the
Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless
extraction of teeth.
Office in Smith's Blook over Emerton's Barber
Shop, Clinton.
garNight bell answered.
J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronto University M D.
O.M., Victoria University, M. C. P & 3., Ontario
' Fellow of the Obstetrioal.Society of Edinburgh
late of London, Eng and Edinburgh Hospitals.
Otlloe•-Dr. Dowsely's old office Rattenbury St.
Clinton Night • tis answered at the same place
Subscriber has now a large stock of north
shorn cedar shingles on band at each of the
following places, and they may be procured A. O. U. W.
either from himself or from the parties named :
Belgrave, Nir. Watson ; Blyth, D. Cowan, -
Brucefleld, at the station or from R. Mcllveen, The Clinton Lodge, No, 144, meet in Biddle -
Stanley and at Londesboro, from himself. -W oombeHall on the lst and 3rd Fridays in each
H. WHITELY, Londosborough. month. Visitors cordially invited,
R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder,
Auctioneer still in the field, able and will-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
DroirixsoN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
• Coats' Block, Clinton, over Taylor's shoe
store. Teeth extracted without pain by the use
of a newly discovered local aniosthetic, no uncon-
sciousness nor 111 effects accompanying the using
of this remedy. It is perfectly safe and harm-
less, and is highly spoken of by many in Clinten
and vicinity who speak from experience. Refer-
ences may be had by inquiry at my office.
R WORTHINGTON,-PHYSIOIAN SUR11 "rex A eonttoher,Lteentiatm the College -
of Physicians, and Surgeons of Lower Canada,
and Provinoia Licentiate and Coroner for the
County of Huron. Office and residence. -Tire
building formerly occpuicd by Mr Thwaltea
Huron Street. Conten. Jan 11. 1870,
J. T.
HoldstheexolnsiveriRht for the county for th
Hurd process of administering chemically
pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest
and best system yet discovered for the pain-
less extraction of teeth. Charges moderate
satistaotion guaranteed. Office and Residence
Rattenbury St., 2 doors east of Molsons Bank
The"house on Ontario St, formerly occupied
by Mr T. Tipling,is offered to rent; there ie every
convenience and ood stable. Also house on Rat-
tenbury St, west, with stable, will be rented
reasonable. Apply to JAMES SHEPPARD,
Mary Street. pd
Thehouse at present occupied by subscriber,
on the corner of Frederick and Dunlop Streets, is
offered for sale. The lot is one-fifth of an acre.
House contains 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 downstairs
with dinning -zoom, setting room, kitchen and
woodshed. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
W. McIVOR, Clinton, dr to HECTOR JUNOR, 295
East Avenue, North Hamilton. pdlm
For particulars apply to
Barristers, &c., Clinton
Farm containing 150 acres 110 cleared: good
barn and house; 32 acres seeded down 20 acres
of fall wheat in; 4 acres of orchard, good' bearing
fruit trees and 3 acres of young trees. Two never
failing streams run through the farm. The farm
ie ono mile north of Bayfield, on the Goderioh
road. Apply on the premises to MRS JAMES
MACLEOD, or by letter -to Bayfleld:•P,O.
One and a half story cottage, on Albert Street
Stable, Sheds, &c., contains 9 rooms good water.
Possession Immediatly, also three adjoining lots
which would be sold separately if required.
First-class Brick Store to rent, with good cel-
lar suitable for any business. now occupied by
Mr,J. W. Irwin, as a grocery. Favorable terms.
For Sale or to Rent.
The residence and grounds at theeorner!of John
and Queen Streets in the town, of Clinton com-
prising lots 534 and: 535;the property Is beautifully
situated and well improved, the house is a story
and a half frame in good state of repair, 8 rooms
besides bails pantry and kitchen, thorf�'ig also a
good stable. Bard and soft water with ot1ler con-
veniences. For pgarticulars apl,ly to, MANNING
& SCOTT, Solioltors, Clinton,
For sale oheap and on easy terms, town lot 85,
on Mary 8t., upon which thorn is erected aoom-
modious frame dwelling' house with kitohen,and
woodshed in good repair, hard and soft water,
also a frame stable. The property of A Cadsow.
For further particulars apply to MANNING &
SOOTY, Barristers Clinton.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation nd al
orders filled in the most' satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work a specialty. Prices as
reasonable as those of any establishc.ent
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lm
CUntof taletheoccupied lots on Victoria tSel
Thoywill be told on reasonable terms. Apply
t0 W. Butler, or. NEW Mu awe. •
eMemarremes. sr
A. general Banking Business
tl ansacted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
Advenoee made to farmers on their own
notes at low rates of interest.
A general tanking Business transacted
Into"- st allowed on deposits.
ale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager
The Molsons Bank.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1856.
CAPITAL, - 0,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
J. H. R. MOLSON.....,.....Pros.
F. WOLFERSTAN 'THOMAS,., Gonoral Manager
Notes ruxounted, Collections made, Dra1fta
issued, Sterling and American ex-
change bought and sold at lowest
current rates.
interest allowed on deposits.
F'Aumicits •
Money advanced to farmer* on their owe net. with
one or more endoreere. No mortgage regal, d at
H. ()AMMOR, Manager