HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-02-03, Page 87 'ebniarir 4 180 lit V4104 '1,, 'E sRUARY •8 1808. 1 z,0a,4 'SQTIfES .S00uspa eo-- collo iiog item in the Cil0 a of ' reoday ;�- 0 h111111 life-saver, Capt..A ndreive, Vrebenfed with a VA0401 from the reneh. Society of Life Savers Qt the Mn '1titn .Alpe. ITewad introduced by Mr Atiguf3to. zoite, the French Vi0e ettINT 1)0V r n lsiT tic oat ,iiia row Bot..04 t er)01; , '4-T10 Vaycly, . befttr0, Sri sling, V eeirk.U0r001 x. imt,on, ,tbo.440421al nzt ti10 •captain a breast. px-, _ lil►o@ ,tp►,letisop l , t .oa blob - .. ad�aGa� e:.: a too: far.al+�ad.tahakn is Via,, :• reseed'the hope that: nada, ! ' Bb *stalked (lea OBNeON dC AXIOM'S. utoek, et Ron* florae cletbingi errs Bella, berere 00Y. rig eixewirere. 1 UTTE$. Ut bg4t Oath 1+14o0, pall'tor '•au! veru it9 of lfIxo0 -90!4 Rutter et, g0Tax4Q4 F, b11N7a.- ;iflgaci6 • eii sing, a . Preft.Iterian Hym}jat.. Owner, eaaliave the same on ,00ffbig & i rwe 44 cowled g.ed Capt, An, = fished and we are setts down o prepare for an. • exr drewe' servicee,''would do rte yet. Irl. a 'brief response oa t,'AndreWs thankecl - ceptiQflal. display Of :mow goods,.: It seems a litt10 Oust Y; the society for• the *MO done: i>,ini - of .lace to talk of $rin Goods wit ~snow oA the AO c ted a.. gena a .m osed fur the " every ::ht 1CClb 1 us near rbei<". 1f A ix .on �Qa This aifall is u ,.d >rt theyare ,.�. , � occasion.. is R1 i? mods � � � trs hig&miat and .scoundrel, and . . l�'-(i' nOw and WQ Ri,tiSt 'tp�,� '(T}t?1i ab'�ut tllelrl . y C T 'ed . x _ &,cabs ;Wilt flRe C oo. should Do pu ;shed. a mar i u. blind nits .in this town, �ylsile still hay- ba 3t s mum o Poets and sba a at the ng Iter Ing, SC/ .1$ is el giz'l h, *wife /wing its W GOODS are laced . sale baro as soon 'A8 receiv cI, iwitsRb.Plolg, Hum st„ Qllaton. Ter049. The girl he married in this t h n outs pa place is still here, being deserted by the are coiling as quickly as steam can bring them- •. AS,.T'w1TOligil.e tall dexo a sail e him shortly after the aetemony was Shoot, overahoos;"Volt Sooto, Rave and Horse an you aro welcome' to come'and loos, at them as .ear- erformed The attention of the At - thing you would like; that. a little later in .the' season • OSTAL. .The letter -box has been T'RIs'r ns. --Business has been good in would be gone. Among the new arrivals are Ienketa tote wood or will give IQs. aft the a for 06(311 for the mart 8Q days, orney Cleneral should be directed to ,iy and as often as you please. You may see some-. this matter. placed, in position at the station, and materialized this year, contrary to gen- nodoubt viii prove to be quite acon- e Y expectation. Send along any per- venienee to travellers and the public sa to item, DRESS GOODS, generally, who wish to save time by } . The New Era always wet- acmes these. These are thedays when Clinton.—The usual "January thaw" mailingletters there; more than the wicked stand in slippery Accu nNT.—A short time since, Mr places. The demand for good dry wood. David Welsh, who isresidingin Michi- .seams to be almost unlimited, notwith- Dan, (brother, of Mr Robt. Welsh, standing the large amount that has linton) met with an accident that al- been brought in. Regular meeting of most resulted fatally. He slipped from Council next Monday evening. Mr. a load of straw and fell on his head, al- John Mooney was in town last week. most dislocating his neck. After in- Do you take the New Era? for if you tense suffering he is now on a fair way don't you are missing the best paper of recovery for the money, . published in Herron: TEMPLA.RS.—At the last meeting of less than 2 cents_ a week paysfor it. the Clinton Temperance Lodge, the The grip is here again; we sincerely following officers were elected for the trust it will not become epidemic. ,. ensuing tern;—H. B. Chant, re-elected Farmers who sold their pork last C: T.; Mrs Choweu, elected V. T. week, felt sorry they had not sold it a Robt. Ohoweu, P.O.P. Jas. Young, re- week earlier; as the price was $1 a hun- elected Chap.; Frank Boles, Rec. Sec.; dred higher. An eftort should be made Miss S. Moore, re-elected Fin. Sec.; 1 again this year to establish a market Alf: Barge, Marshall; Miss Beadle, day. If the Council could provide an Guard; Neil Yellowlees, Sentinel; Miss office on the ground floor for the Cus- Lindsay; organist. tom's Collector, it would be much more convenient for the public. The New Era has on its lista 66 subscribers in Manitoba, 32 in Dakota, 39' in .Michi- gan, and 115 in other parts of the American Union. PROPERTY CHANGE.—The 12 acre lot on the gravel road, a short distance from, town owned by Mr Hill of Brus- sels, has been purchased. by, Mr. John Shobbrook of Hullett, for the sum of $1825 cash. There is a frame house and outbuildings on the place, and while the property is by no means high, a very good sale has been made. Mr. Shobbrook will move on it in the spring. TnsirEn nom—The evening of the 9th inst.,' is the anniversary of the Temperance Lodge here, and it will be observed by a sgeial gathering in the lodge rooms., in which members from Seaforth, Kinburn, Londesboro and the Summerhill lodges will also par- NOTES.—Mrs J. W. Green and child- ren, .of Gorrie, are visiting Mr Oroll, Mrs Green's father, here. -Mrs Dark, of Goderich, has been for several days the guest of her daughter,MrsJos.Rat- tenbury, of the well-known Ratten- bury House. Nearly 50 commercial travellers stopped at the Rattenbury House in one day last week. Mr B. Kaiser has lately sold the house and lot in Hensall, owned by him. Mr T. Jackson, jr., has returned home from Toronto, and is enjoying his ual ticspate. A good time is expected, health. The fates seem to be ainst and the Clinton members intend that the Electric light, for a numbe of un - no pains on their part will be spared avoidable accidents have ha d to to make it such. the pplant at different time on Sun the wind ACCIDENTALLY DROWNED. —A San S y blew over t oke- . 11 Francisco paper of a recent date con- stack, and thus prevented the use of tains an account of the accidental the lights until it was erected again. drowning of an aged man who fell in- Mr John B. Rttrnball is progressing as to Alameda bay. He was at the time well as could be desired, though it will unknown, but the inquest developed be some time before he is out again. 4hc„fact that his name was Page. It Nellie Walker, who has been home on turns out that he was an old Clinton- a visit, returned to Detroit this week. fan, having resided for years on the Master Harry Sheppard, who was lot on Huron street, where Mr Ewing's home on a visit, has returned to Shel- house now stands. The family are living in California. ACCIDENT.—The B. & L. H. train, coming west, met with an accident on Monday that delayed it for a consid- erable length of time. When near Drumbo, the axle of one of the driving wheels broke, the wheel spinning off, and going some distance into a field near by. Tne engineer promptly ap- plied the air brakes and brought the train to a stop before it could turn over, although partly off the track. Rev. A. Stewart was a passenger on board the train; no particular harm was done. A FARMER'S LETTER.—We have a letter from a farmer, dealing with the recently published letters of Mr J. Kernighan, of Cotborne, and Mr Fee, of Lindsay. It is written in a calm and fair manner, dealing minutely and exhaustively with the question of the farmer's position, but being somewhat long, is held over until next week. We shall be glad to publish letters from any farmer who wishes to venti- late his views on the matter, either for or against the question under dis- cussion. THE CASH SYSTEM.—"Oen the cash system be made a success in busineso?" is the question asked by many a mer- chant, who get tired of long credit ' and bad debts. It is a success in some places, and as our readers already know, two business houses here, the Estate John Hodgens and W. Taylor & Sons, introduced it on the let of the present month. They express their determination to abide by it, believing that it is in the interest of both buyer and sellkr, as goods will be sold at a much lower rate, and the success or otherwise of their effort will be watch- ed closely by other business mei Every eifoFEt to do business on cash principles should be warmly encour- aged by the public, for they are the gainers, as well as the business men, and there is not a business man in burne, where he is employed. Mr W. Coats, who is one of the county audi- tor, will go to Goderich next week in connection with his duties; by -the - way, County Treasurer Holmes states that the best -executed and most legible reports he receives are those of Town Clerk Coats. Dr. Ogden, of Toronto, the Liberal candidate for the Local, is a cousin of Mrs Mrs W. McKeown, of town. We are pleased to see Mr W. Harland out again as usual. Mr and Mrs Hill, of Brussels, and Mr P. Fer- guson and wife, of Dakota, are visiting • with Mr J. W. Hill, of town. The many friends of Dr. Worthington, will deeply regret to hear that he lies almost at the point of death, with very little prospect of recovery. Mr Bur- ley R. Streets, of Helena, Montana, was in town last week, visiting his brother, Harry Streets; he has met quite a number of Clintonians in He- lena, and all are doing well. Mr T. E. McDonough has opened a boot and shoe store in the Jackson block, Huron street, and for the present his office will be -located in connection with that business. Mr W. McDonald, of Sun- set, W. T., son of Mr Hugh McDonald, of town, has recently met with a sad bereavement by the loss c. two pro- mising boys by scarlet fever. In a recent letter from Mr T. C. Calbick, now of Moodysville, B. C., he speaks of the people there as "running their lawn mowers and taking life easy; well, theyare taking life easy here, but they aven't started to run their lawn mowers. Town Clerk Coats in- forms us that so far he has received no replies to the advertisements offering inducements to industries to locate here. We are sorry to hear that Mr John Junor continues in very poor health. Mr Smith Kilty is now able to sit up; he has had a _pretty long siege. Messrs. Forrester, Ransford and Fair are each stall -feeding about sixty head of cattle. Mr. Geo. F. Emerson has opened a piano wareroom next to Coo- per's book store. Mr. Jos. Chambers, ofs;ondon, is visiting here. Mr. Thos. STA] WHITE COTTONS, FACTORY COTTONS, SHAKER FLANNELS, - PRINTS Throughout the entire list the benefit cif Cash Buying and ,Cash Selling is quite noticeable in its effect on the prices. Just a word about the Prints and Shaker Flannels. The Prints are away ahead of any previous season, we have shown nothing like them ever before; neat, tast y pat- terns on fine soft cloth and, colors that will stand the wash. The Shaker Flannels you will not see any place else; they are English goods, far superior to the Cana- dian makes in every way; they are heavy weights, good patterns and fast colors. 27 inches wide 10 cts. 33 inches wide 122 cts The 10c quality equals any 12i cts one we ever sold. Come and see the new goods --=five minutes Iooking will give you a better idea of what they are like than a whole column of newspaper'talk. Winter Goods moving out at cut prices. One Price, Cash or . Produce Canada but would "rejoice and he ex- Seale, of Browning, Missouri, is visit- ceeding glaif he could d put his books ing his• cousin here, of the Clinton in the stove and sell for cash or its Marble Works. The wife of Mr Levi • equivalent only. Wiltse, of the London road, has been IN BRITISH COLUMBIA.—Mr A. D. seriously i11 for several days, but is now Aikenhead, formerly of town, writes improving. We understand that Mr. as follows from Nelson, B. C.: --Think- C. Avery, of the London road, having ing you might want to hear something rented his own farm, will shortly go to about this place, will say a few words Seaforth, to superintend the manage - about it. It is in a great mining dis- went of Dr. Scott's farm; he is a steady 1' trict.- Nelson is in a hole or valley and thoroughly competent man, and surrounded with high mountains, and will be much missed from the section T at present the sun only shines on us a where he has resided so long. Mr. P.. .%/i short time in the day. The population O'Neill, of Merrickville, was last week IF YOU SEE IT D N OUR AJJ IT'S TRUE Est, J, Hodgons .0°,7'40 ,wb. wattle Sky so each at the hundr,ot ii of 0n reat% 140 Jatj .zsice our Siin'iotmiiatrude.so ostiefaotor ,. 'We wish you 000 and k4.4. X Y. y *a For your sulci or boya;.we lnit'y alt J'kN Y � The Cheapest in :tows -the 'children coil have fan with the small Sheveis-rtha • •?nen dart do solid work with. thebig'ones ' ready to go for, very little ruoo � i QA our' ;_ 8 • V . For Fancy. China,-Fancy,'Gl'bocls ,, Toys, Games,-Books,News Papers,. Berlin and other Wools, ,Purses, Pocket •Books, Window Shades, Curtain Pales and hundreds of other things,,,,, go where you getthe bat ;value for' your- Mooney --hat is toi IR/033ENI �. Book Store' and: News Depot, Mackay "Block, Clinton.. ,. _ • Bair • Some give a bargain dip each week, others once a month, but we have decided to give ` r 30 Continuous Bargain Days. This giving occasional bargain •days we consider is' of • very Iittle use to the public generally. Parties coming a distance and requiring different" lines of goods, expecting to get them at big reductions, find that they are generally mire' taken, as only odds and ends, here and there a piece of goods reduced, other goods full price, very likely the goods they want, at usual prices, no reduction whatever; they ars .: dissatisfied and go away disgusted with business generally. Now what we prop se, to d' is to give the public the benefitlof what profit there may be on our goods andkth8' W hole Stock at Co TO CLEAR OUT AND MAKE ROOM FOR Our Large Spring Purchase Thousands of Dollars worth to go. They must be sold , and prices must do it It is not now what we shall make but what will the loss be. Profit not to be:eonsifiered in this sale—the only object is to Clear out the stook. We quote no prices, neither do we mark goods away up to double price and then make sweeping reductions, (en paper) but we 'say get prices from others and Alen come and see our stook before buying. We mean business every time. - Press Goods, Millinery, Hats, Caps, Furs, Carpets and Staples at Cost. Tweeds, Furnishings, Clothing—Rook Botto . 2,500 Pairs BOOTS and SHOES at Less than Cost. The Sale will last to Feb. let. r ft THE DRY GOMIS PALACE Plumsteel - & - Gibbings,��': CLINTON. i MONTREAL HOUSE, A/�.. II I JACKSON BROS., BEESLEY THE FAMOUS DAY CL�TH1ERS,BARG_oN_ FURNISHERS' Thursday, Feb.9 and 1 is about 800; we have four c arches, on a visit to his son here. Dr. Gunn HATTERS Stlpecial Prices for t" a ane day school two banks Montreal - was at Brussels on Wednesday, in and British Ooinnibia quite�a number connection with' a surgical operation of attires and eleven hotels; as a gen- that was being performed atthat_place. eral thing the hotels are better attend- At a recent medting. of the Public ed than the churches. The climate is School board, Mr W. J. Oooper was very fine, no extreme cold and not appointedcaretaker at asalary of $235. much rain since' I came here. The r Scott, barrister, visited his home in ' ter and the boats are still running. river,cwhich flows by the side of Nel . Oxford this week. Mr Jas. Beattie eon, as not frozen over yet this win- had a horse badly injured the other day, by the shaft of a farmer's cutter We have about enough snow to make catching it as they were passing on the sleighing in the town, but a few miles the road. Next sitting f the Division back or up from here the snow is very Court here, 24th inst. Mr Dixon, who deep. Two miles out the fall of now has-been book-keeper, here for Peterson SOfar has been seven feet six inches, & Co., of Colborne, apple dealers, leaves •'. about eight miles on Toad Mountain, this week for home; during the time " where the great Silver King mine is they were here about $200,000 have been and other valuable mines, the snow is laid out: Mr Dixon is a young man. of '- very deep; I believe this is a very sterling integrityeand honor, and It ie Wealthy` district, richer than anyfarm not unlikely that he inay, come back, , lands in the Doiininlon, and it, only .A Carnival will be held on Wednesday wants the people to And that out. and evenitf next,"A late addition to the it will Htlfit3 develop, Do away with' wholesale cOnumission Ni,,Nut of To the N. P. for thisdistrletand •ewwould, ,rent*, is •the firm of A1101311ead '& 1e belrotod. - Mom) both Huron boyo. INTONst�- ,ir it V V o days for'aG S5 only Ladles FavorIt. E$t040MM 01 ,111"01,411 TOII