HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-02-03, Page 6t, t geOPI*417*. 1411 r CLINTON �^"p'�" 71�797A-•- • .- fir, .... •. ,r1..77±,,•kTyyM�,,W,}}FyNy'',,.�w/M'-.*M'rrM��!yyg-++•��M�!?R�+,s •i EB:TJIiiONILLS.," pabliitled.on bebalt of Bood'it Sttreepltrilla i+ret e4. r.lteble and IstwQrtlay your oanfid• enoe, ai bt they came .from you best and, mot trnuted neighbor. They state: only.: the temple tans in regard to wbat;lr'poiits GOlwll DRIQII S , eve ea Met41 is *tweet late, 170114 tom, IjR,tateM �r ilaK. �Aboiitr gine 4 cloak `la the atornin 'two' e h 44811. Onterigtthe Mitchell building in Third St., lode, awl" ,gottin into the:.ele- " voter mounted t4 t ..iXtb . , o .t+ .n4 went Weightto' the. . of be . tea t _•l Stake, y Mine, goo of them gargried is his band s biundls. the Size of a thin brick: gat ekn fa- vnfisc wa'l1Ppo4 it► pp�.t�ir, t '1A laid it down os, the . counter in theodioe and elowl�^ unwrapped the bundle, :Ik:was a gold, brio*. The South« clerk took tke°bullion and stepping cornu Gums,- the'tioor plfoed it in one of thene of .A a rnto large' pair Of ttegleq. Then he dosed the is re, office windows and placed some weights 44 uvea air tho other, When it balltuoed..'uiooly bo ediate• wentto•.hiq desk, took out, a blank form been - Atte dG: oint,'P hursday peniten. 1r Irian , has ,been for the Place of 1!� 1foniet'liare fns' in' 'the eiidedtodo 3litfiirnis us N RD'§ T. Wood, ' OngKthe In- irtto .tivaT , both (a In Christmas ,Saul,'.he. lost 6114.. tosle$p` ollt Tlie cold me frozen. a o nd by some tin n.:1 hut, where Un, to the peg. it is oth feet. XCELLENOE. Diamond Dye acknowledged. oarpets,ruga pirpraioes of the eciwhye obtained. -Iso.noted for their t `ere pproof to etin lorppf the inferior 1. ales,.aannot *iv,,,A ied to be lois. None tbv' aa'clo e `F`bominion prohibition Iii Dia ri- SOth, •1887. , Dyering tion for •the re- whioh I have Vs; And for the die= ariasng fromenc:, doctoring. Being edi sines and real - l''.. to .rhp means it' was not 'yvithont iatfier seeking Divine to.give your Royal en ening my then r, did so, and am ppoind. In a few Pm, at'time,July, VAC ttacked' with bed* an medioing fid when last April I. on,thoypronounoed recommended the many, and shall ii,every success in THERINGALE edyy is the greatest itiuity.. e temperance severe stroke e amable to ful- ' and wrote to the effect Blatt 400 ounces gold, bullion bad been received from the at. Louis Smelting and Refining, Work* et tho United States Aesey Office, to be. at - Rayed." This was signed by E. Q.'aewett, the arrayor ie;,01904 and the, men went away. 'mull is the first step -the Goverlu. trent takes toward obtaining precious Metal for coining pgrpob. op. • :at, le extremely intiereeting to alio* vela.' process of aeeaying through all the steps until the value,of the go is determined and,the, Government's cheque given for it. j1P� ile Clerk -Rex was filling out the re- oeippt Mr. Jewett explained the marvellous •;delioaoy of the scales. • Their weighing capacity is 5,000 ouil°ee, and it is poseiblo to indicate by thein a difference in weight 4#.'Lone gram..••'Toa illustrate, so that fpsm. t be .es�il d` heavy'. oat id be plaoed inee .of .two the pans, nd y moving a pia from the coat of one of them the balanoe't would, be ^ changed. Still' it wouldhe difcultto obtain the exact weight of the men's 'bodies by perspiration and Other malleo. • After the bullion's weight was deter. minerd, on,these, soglee, it was taken to the , furnace -room and placed in a black -lead crucible. This was set on a fire -brick rest- ing on a grate and a fire built around it. The fuel used is a mixture of anthracite coal and charcoal. After an hour's melt- ing, during which time it was frequenting stirred with a plumbago poker, towhich gold`does not °ling, a sample of the metal was dipped out with an ordinary Olay pipe and poured into a small mould. The assay is made from . this, as it takes so much longer for Phe larger • quantity to cool. A' piece of the sample wpAi out off, pounded and then rolled through a; roller of tool steel, looking somethtrzor like a clothes wringer, to make iteixfin. When this was done, Herman ,1h°e German who aide the assayer ir, fie work, handed the thin golden strip Mi him, and then went back to the fut'daoe-room to pour out the molten thon- sands into the big mould. Mr. Jewett cutthestrip into small pieces, and then, forming little lead cornucopias of uniform weight, dropped into two of them 600 milligrams (one -sixteenth of an ounce) of aoourately-weighted gold to be assayed: Into two others he put the same quality of absolutely pure gold. Enough silver was then added to make the proportion of silver to gold two to one, as this proportion is necessary in order that the gold should separate from the silver when boiled in nitric acid. There is in all gold a certain amount of silver, and it is owing to its presence and certain other foreign substances that the color, of gold varies. The idea that gold found in California or Australia is of such a Dolor because found there is a mistaken one. After the silver had been added the leaden cornucopias were squeezed up and each one placed an what is called a cupeL -A cupel is-aiittle-cup niade of sheep bones - burned to ashes, ground fine, moistened, and moulded into a mould an inch long, an inch in diameter, with a cup -shaped depres- sion at one end. The cupola were placed in a small furnace with a temperature of about 1,100 degrees centigrade, and when heated to a white heat the little metal chunks were •laid by the aid of tongs, one in each cupeL They melted, sputtered, and bubbled, and then began to grow smaller. In about ten minutes they were taken out and all the lead and foreign substances had been ab- sorbed by the oupel, leaving only the noble metals in little round balls.. When these were boiled in nitric acid the silver passed into nitrate of silver and the gold was left in its pure state. By this was found the ratio of pure gold in the bullion. TheOweighings of pure gold are used as a ohebk to any peculiar conditions of heat, etc. The assayer knows the constitution, weight, and specific gravity of the pure gold used. When it is weighed after the heating process, if it has changed its weight it is fair to suppose that it is owing to the conditions of heat or,strength of acid, and that the same influences have been at work on the assay gold. By allowing for this in the assay gold a true result is reached. The next step was to find the weight of the gold and silver together. The lead cornucopias were again filled with certain weights of pure and assay gold, but no silver added. When melted in the cupids the baser metals disappeared as before, and the gold and silver were left tegether. By subtracting from the weight of gold and silver the weight of the gold, the exact weight of the silver was obtained. Of course the proportion is usually very small. If the amount is not sufficient to pay for extracting, the Government does not pay for it, and charges nothing for extraction. The entire amount of gold in the bullion is found by multiplying its weight by the proportion of the gold. This is reduced to standard or coin gold by multiplying this amount by ten and dividing by nine, as standard gold is only 90 per cent. fine, and the depositor is paid by the Government $8.80 per ounce of standard metal, equal to $20.67 for fine gold. The assay fee is one- eighth of 1 per pent. of the total value of fine gold, the melting fee is $1, and the alloy charge about 1 cent on $100, and after this is deducted the assayer hands a cheque to the owner of the gold. The entire time occupied by this complicated operation was from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., only four hours. - St. Louis Republic. hers • true statement of 'S Sarsaparilla, es originating in i!e,t11is assertion 'Sarsaparilla; as a cannot be truth- a- parationstwhich W'$1 recommend, you, as "just as . ke Ayer's• Sarsa- "., if you. need a ultt be benefited i dicirle, for nearly - yd': a' reputation, Ir cures, that has ,by:other prepare- aliarilla eradicates tory scrofula and NIX' from the •.system, zrdly, the confidence jriHa silo express my joy obtained from the tlaparilta. I was •troubles for about 1t greatly With pains -ck.. In addition to I- covered with pimply wetnedies prescribed I then began to take la, and, ina.� Short tussis the pimples idea 'every young. case of sickness ,blood„ no> Matter . ' may to' "+•�ak •w York Ctj. Dutch Simplicity • Kempen, a town in Holland on the lower Rhine (the birthplace of Thomas a Kemple), is a favorite residence of people with small incomes. The imagination of these Dutch- ' men must be.as limited as their incomes, judging from the droll stories that are tole of them. ' At one time a fire broke out, and much damage was done because the engines were out of repair. The council met, and after • much argument it was voted that on the , eve preceding every fire in towlt `officers should carefully examine the angines,pumpe, One of the greatest profits of the town was the toll exacted at the gates. The council wished to increase the income; and instead/Of increasing the toll, it voted to ,rloub1e the Sit inner of Antos 1 This same oounoil alto ordered' the dial to be ta`kon from the court hours the Mon , and planed under 6064 where it riould be prefectediiwif11 bbs weather, Rix ; f,eli the ' nest , , i Rei , 1 Sareaparillt has doue,ilw#aya within;"trU.t aadrerylpn. • Conettpatioht find sU ropblos with the digestive Organs and the liver, are oared by Hood's ' lla, Unequalled as a,dinner dill, The climax of the revival m tillgs conducted :lly #tev, B. Pay Millet at Des' Moines, Is,., which have been in pr, o ss there for ten day41,wns reached on. ihur'sday when the bu8laaese houses of -the city, closed their .doors and the people, united in: a settee. of monster. n ' religiousMeetings. t was like iSun- dray, except ths. at no Sunday ever saw so many attendantnpon divine wet'. ship. ,It le estimated that 30,000. people attended the meetingls. The number of conversions reported for the day c uns well up into tike hunc eds, .. Rev. J. ]i;. • Lancely, pastor of Sf. Paulre Methodist church', A.vhnue road Toronto, has recelved•a flattering. call from one of the largest and most in- fluential churches in Baltimore Md., which be is now considering,'tnd} may, accept.: A Winnipeg__telegram of . the 26th says: -Wm. ohn, who came west from near London, in November last. hanged himself on Sunday, at his farm at•:Cloverbar, near . Edmonton. Coroner McInnes was called from Ed- monton and au inquest was held. No cause is assigned for the rash act. An explosion from a cause still un- ascertained took place in a coal mine at Tokod,near Grau, Friday morning. Fire broke out immediately after th explosion and is still burning. About 160 men were in the mine at the time of the explosion, and none were resecued. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER, if you're a weak or ailing womon:--that there's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can be guaranteed. It'o Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In build- ing up over- worked, feeble, delicate women, or in any "female complaint" or weakness, if it ever fails to benefit or ours, you have your money back. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthen- ing nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for woman's ills and ailments. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, im- proves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches .and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strenl,.h. Nothing else oan be as cheap. With this you pad only for the good you get. A mad dog 'dashed through Stover - straw, a village southwest of York. Nearly every canine in the place was bitten, and a number of cows also felt the brute's teeth. The villagers mount- ed horses and armed with shotguns gave chase. The animal was finally shot. All. the dogs bitten, some 30 or more, have been killed and the cows quarantined. OR TRIAL -FOR oo QAys. Alm finest, completest and latcit.linga of Llan. telcal apnliancesiathe world.- Tber has:• never failed to cure. we are so positive of it that we will back our belief and send ycu any f-icc'rica Appliance now in the market and you can try 1t for Three Months. Largest list of res:i:.rer.1-is os, earth. Send for book and joura:.1 Fr„ W. T. Baer & co., !!udsor, On v. • RAILROAD TI HE TA tiLE Issued Ootober 2nd, 1892. The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last offioial time card : CLIC TJN Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West. 10.05 a.m. 1.28 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.17 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division 7.43 a.m. 2.41 p.m. 4.55 p.m. Going North Going ' a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 7.50 Belgrave-..10.42 7.26 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Clinton 10,10 6.45 Brimfield. 10.00 6.17 Nippon 9.55 6.07. Henaall9.42 6.00 Exeter .. , 9.31. 5.46 London8.05. 4.30 a.m. 6.45 7.00 7.14 7.21 7.55 8.15 8.24 8.32 8.50 10.16 South p.m 8.50 4.11 4.25 4.32 4.50 6.12 5.21 5.30 5.46. 6.55 A PERFECT REMEDY -FOR ALL -- Diseases ofthe Stomach For Sale by all Druggists And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO,. London, 0 Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Warts, Bunslons, Moles. •-1-v Central Butcher Shop Subsoriberdesires to thank the public general- ly for tho patronage bestowed upon him; and at •the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As be gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled, Bis motto is "good meat at reasonable prices" Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season, Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SSORUTONert St., �An NEW BUTCHER SHOP vIIRATLEir & �Gve have oppeened Ont for btisltieits on IItJEON STREET, OLINTON, and will bo ploaeed to envv f�tli, the *Atte- Of all. Highest Cash' prise.. paid. Or Rides,.Sheepakitiitr to. Pattenager rApeet- li>r eolidted �it WfDA.TD 1f: & PINOS. ,Tohn Watson, the celebrated Englt ;horse breeder, is:dead. ` ttlry: YI)u11 , Pf �reutoftt {JbL., :tvl►'� , '� N ie til. lilt tin s,4 tt1' Qf. 1'so Ilde AN yo N a:Fl confession, .Impliseaatt.ingg Geo. A.Booth and Terence ,Berney,• who arealso jail The, chni'gn hrzs reference to the lila in.the. Saylor block at iehton, last :N'avetnher ,ia'Wilk%All �oldlady.namei} 1111' (, D, iik)s re •teas,burtled, to.+death, s , rl.1' 4.1.'T1.FMW++r-1MMro'4,, 0 1 A THEKt`,1 ,I curer Conieimptltns,,13o11glw,CrOUP, Rory Throat. Soldbi all Prem{.is on s•Guarantee. Por s line•wide, Park crChai tiitiloh'o Porow PluytuwU1givsgrestatIsfactlao f.s! wote, $HILOW.8' VITALIZER. • . ` Bd pit/ Vealiver A a►".t'a dra ,Ietlertf�W1 r , • v4rW....., y trent"iteXCelb: ae 5.•� LO :D RIM REMEDY, ppoor�ii you t %Tr Eesnedy. Itwill wits �eecttoy rmf its rano esssful trreeattmca ent is furTlfsbedrree. Remembor,ShiIoh'.Remediea are gild ***guarantee to give satlsfnation. a ' HONEST BEIM FOR IGEN PAY NO MORE MONLY TO (MAGIC.. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility and Lot Vigor, was restored to health Jn such a remarkable manner, after all else had fails', that he will send the means of cure FREE to an fellow suf- ferers: Address, with stamp, Ma. COWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) SOX 143, DETROIT. MICH. 01111111111 Are a BLOOD BUILDER and NERVE TONIC. They supply In condensed form ALL the sub- stance(' needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a certain end speedy cure for all diseases arising from impoveriehed blood, and shattered nerves, such ae por- --alysis, spinal die - eases, rheumatism, sciatloa,lossofmom- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of the heart, scrofula,ohloroataor green sickness,_that tir = • feeling that affeo a so many, etc. 1They have a epeeiflo action on the serual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. RWILLIAMS' NK LLS FOR ALE EOPLE WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should take these PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both phyiftoal and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains weak back ulcerations, etc., will find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS Should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect ali irregularities. Bxwena or ILrrrAT'Iois. • These Pills are sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will, be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price--60conto a box or 6 for $2.60. .-THE DR. WILLIAMS MED_ c0.., Brockville, Ont., or Morristown, N.Y. iWhen we assert that Dodd's Kidney rills wvv�nnn,+ 0 Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, R_ heumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE.TO STAY CURED - By alhdruggists or mail or receipt of price, so cents, Dr, L. A. Smith & Co.; Toronto. iL Blacksmithing 8c Horseshoeing Subscriber desires to thank the people of this vicinity for the patronage bestowed on him since he started in business. At the same time he would intimate that he is prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing in tho beet manner and at low rates. Horseehoeing done at following prices: - New shoo 25e cash or 30c if charged. Ho has also a quantity of Hoof Oil which he will sell cheap. WALTER BEATON, Downs' Stand, High Street, Clinton: --4i PHOTOS C. HOARE'S fine new Photograph Gallery being naw ready for operation, he is furnishing First Class Cabinets at $2.25 per Dozen. Other sizes in proportion. • All wanting each come and try him. Samples of photos may be seen in 3.0. Steven - son's shop window. - Ca HOARE - - - CLINTON HUMOR AND BRUCE Lott,., !1G Investment (;o'y This Oenn any is Loaning Money of Farm Security at Lowest..Rages of Interest. . �+ MORTGAGES - : - PURCHASE' SAVINGS BANK BRANCE. $, ,sand •5 ,pets Oehl. 7nterlferl 411444 ON Depo:itd, according toanrouf'itand Hai..lift, oleJrtbl t)Smet o? MadbelitOEROdTIoMIt 'at6 01, >flek *Rosin *•n t'r of "TJIE HARP thwt••through an'. Ra11N' Nov*01;144011* 'ano Boo .de.ayt" (It is. 1n the, room with the musielans)i If so, • mark HARP and sendtide:icture with 80 cents fors g Menthesubseriptlontol,ADIE$'COMPAN. - HIOinN; street, west, Toronto, Canada. . ore months to LADIES AT ROME ; or 1E months, to.017R PAYS AND OIRLs, to106 No; f,-Ladles',Compandou Premium List, To first subscriber findingq+ harp, as above, we - will award 0100 In CODS; to the next 030; to the third f180'; to the fourth a GoldWateh; the fifth a Silk Drees Pattern the sixth a Silver Watch; the:soventh 4 Gold' Brooch • the elq $til a Banquet Lamp; the ninths Silver /lye O'clock 'Rea Sett; to the next ten, each a Crayon Portrait - of sender or any,friend, in massive frame, valued At 110; to the. ;piddle and ten following aub• scribers each; glia Plush Casket contain- - ing _trait•knife; solid silver, thimble, eta, valued • OP. 15 Subsorl'ber sending letter bearing latest postmark previoustoA rll pith will receive a Sold Watch; the next to lest, a Silver Watch' the five preceding each a crayon portrait, valued etpa;;- No.1_j�LL1 dies et ibm, Premium List. To first llubicriber flndtiig,lnarp, u above, We will award 1150 Cash to the next 1180; to he h a n i Watch ; to the fourth t third Coin Silver , aI4ilkDress Pattern; fifth a Gold Brooch; to the next seven, each a Crayon Portrait, splendidly' framed, of sender or any friend. Sub- scriber mailing last letterprlor,to April.lSth will receive 810 In 'cash. Every dubscriber will be awarded a premium 0f value. No. 8. -Our Boys and Girls Premium List. To first boy or girl ending sharp _ as above will G be given a ho 'e or g�iirl's o Watch; to the second, a 1110 Gold Cola; to the third, a Silver Watch- to the fourth a SS Gold Coin; to the fifth a full sized Crayon Por- trait ; to the sixth, a girl's Silver Watch; to each of the next ten a Gold Brooch. To the middle sender a Silver Watch ; sad to the five preceding, each a handsome Toilet Case; and to the five following the middle each a Sola Brooch. To the last mailed pprevloue to April 18th will be given a Swiee MusfeBox ; and to the nine preceding the last, it Gold Brooch each. Club Bated. -To every boy or girl excepting the drat three received, sending us 10 yearly subscribers at 25 cents each we will give a fine. crayon portrait, valued at $fl. Each club sub• scriber also has an opportunity of obtaining one of the above mentioned valuable nwamiume. NEW FEED STORE HURON ST.. CLINTON. IIANLEY & WALKER Desire to intimate that they have opononod out a first-class Flour and Feed Store in the above stand, and will be pleased to promptly 11],1 all orders in their line. Oil Cake, and Flour and Feed of all kind kept in stock. We will take any kind of coarse grains in ea - change for good& rices as Low as the Lowest. Orders solicited. HANLEY Sb WALKER COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE Honest Value in all lines. • Don't pees this established and reliable store when you want ChoiceFamily Flour, Meals Grains, or Cured Meats. Quality A 1 and prices as low'as any in town. We give 10 lbs. of ahoioe rolled Oatmeal for a bushel of oats. Call and, see us. Goods delivered to all parte of the town. D. COOK, CLINTON. DAVIS' LIVERY. The undersigned desire to thank the people of Clinton for the very generous patronage that has been bestowed on the West Itnd livery. At the same time we wish to intimate that the business will be conducted in the future, under the firm name of Davis & Son. We have rented the Livery Stable near the Commercial Hotel, recently occupied by Mr. Reynolds, and with new rigs, ate., will be in a better position than ever to accomodate travellers.-DAVIS & SON CAPP'S WALL - PAPER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian Wail Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five oent rolls to the finest gilt. Having boughtimy Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- perience justify me in saying that all wanting'to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me a Off -call Shop, south Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley residence. JOSEPH COPP /Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. ROBERT -:- DOWNS, ()LINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best awls 14111 Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the 4Flensa PATENT AUTOMATIC BouLes OLnAiesa. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on shot notice. Boilers. Engines, and all kinds of Baehinery repaired expeditiously and In a satisfactory manner Farm implements manufaeturod and repaired Steam and water pumps furnlobed and put in poeitipn. DryRana � ttoodd up 0 application yotl are interested in Advertising you. ought to be a 3obscrib- cr subscrib- erto 1liill!IR•ERS' INK .? a journal for ,advertisers, • P f kt*ters' i iso: sued weekly...and it4 filled ' with contrib,ulttons and helpful su>gestions from the brightest minds is, the advertising business, , Printers' Ink; costa' only a dollar a year. A T sample copy will `be sent on receipt of five cents. ono. P. ROWELL & CO., to Spruce St.; !• New York. J. C. STEVENSON, -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER -AND- , EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPLiu STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse, ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residenoe over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL BEN MILLER NU1ISRY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, THE LATTER Or WHICH WE MARE A SPECIALTY LARGE STOCK ON HAND• The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices and those wanting any- thing in this connection will cave money by purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to. Address, JONN•STEWART. - Bonmlller. • • DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of 11 nature? Then call onr W. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E, Dinsley Will be at Dineley'e corner every Saturday afternoon OLINTON Planing e e -AND-. Mill DRY KILN! rpm: SUBSORIBEEHAVING JUST CO?PLET ED and furnished his new Planing ]till with machinery of the l atest improved patterns Is now prepared to attend to all orders In bis line in th most prompt and satisfactory 'manner and at ren sonable rates. He would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they were burn gd out, and now being in a better position to exe rte orders expeditiousiy and feels confident he can ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY -Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Clinton. THOMAS Iiaa/NEI THE • RIGHT The new model o ockford Watch, when placed in a screw bits) ease, will fill' a 1011 felt want among farmers, as it is not due proof only, but very strong. Tho plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or'lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE: For/ repine, Weak and Impover had Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, palpbr, tation of the Heart, Liver Compl¢fnt, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitir, Consulpt:ion, Gall Stones, aaundioe, Kid• nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Donee, Feiliale Irregularities and Genera) Debility: LABORAtOHYJ O0DERIAN, , ONS': .lid. IIIc ';EDD, .Prolix and Manidaotarer. ,Sold b • Ir 1 .Combo. Clizteh Se Sit