HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-02-03, Page 1THE vaw ERA, T40 10 -05T $1 ,A,4, TE Paper :IN TUE EOUNTX lity,w,,r0B A, YEAR, ;l;tiQBEET 1IQi Es, Editor and Proprietor. WE ARE CLEARING OUT OUR READY - L ;MADE OVERCOATS T EXACTLY HALF ?RICE $12 COATS for $6 00 $10 COATS for $5 00 $S COATS for $4 00 $7 COATS for $3 50 $5 COATS for $2 50 'BOYS' $4 COATS for $2 BOYS' $3 COATS 1'or $1.50 Cash and One Price The Zitati 3hft • CLINTON Lontlesboro. NOTES.—Mr J. H. Lowery has been laid up for some time witha severe •attack of mumps, and was, of course, unable to attend to his usual duties. It is noised around that there is short- ly to be another wedding in this vicini- ty; Welty may think that he is very .etanninn, but it is no longer a ricket to the majority of people. Mr Stickles has ta1en charge of the Bible Class in the Methodist church. Mr Robert Scott, Reeve of Hullett, was away at Goderich last week attending the meet- ing of the County Council; he is a good man in the right place. The young people spent a very enjoyable time at, •- the residence of Mrs McVittie on F ri- dayievening,the 20th ult. A young lady who went to the party with a ['Tolliver did not return with liiui, but she id the beet thing that could be done under the circumstances. The annual ball, •. given by Mr and Mrs Bell, in their hall on Friday evening, was largely attend- ed, and was a decided success in every respect; the music was furnished by the Best brothers and Messrs Carter Wand Bailey, while Mr B. Herrington .assisted by Mr J. Carbert, performed the duties of floor managers to the •entire satisfaction of all. The Home 'Circle is increasing in membership Tepidly, six new members being added at the last meeting. Mr € eo. Lyon, of Guelph, nephew of Mr Jos. Lyon, near'here, is expected up this week to pay a visit to friends here. Owing to the bad state of the road, on Sunday, Rev. Mr Leach was unable to preach :at his Kinburn appointment; he there- fore paid a visit to the Sabbath School, and we were very much pleased with the address he .gave us. Mr George Lyon, .of Clinton, paid a visit to his friends here last week. We are sorry to learn that Miss Mary Hiles, who has been dangerously ill for some time, is no better. Mrs Emma Grantham returned tp her home in Clinton this week. Some of our friends are at- tending the revival -services held in Blyth this week; all being well the Rev. Mr Leach will be there on Friday night of this week. Hensall "CONCERT.—The concert, given in Coxworth's hall on Wednesday even- ing, under . the auspices of the Me- chanics' Institute, was a decided suc- cess. The hall was well filled. The program was given by Sara Lord Bai' ley, elocutionist, and was excellently , Tendered end highly appreciated bythe audience, is was evinced by the hearty and frequent applause. Mr J. Mur- dock, with the violin, and Miss Amy Murdock. on the organ, gave several well rendered instrumentals. 1 ;so tiz CLINTON, ONT., FEBRUARY . 3, 1893. 1111 z 1111 • Our Weekly Budget OF. INTEREST1"NG NEWS From all parts of the County—by wide-awake and lively Correspondents Bayfield ( • Goderich Township NOTES,=Miss Aldsworth has pur- ! NOTES. — The Member of Cole's chased a very handsome arid fine -toned church drove to Bayfield last week Williams piano from his agent, Mr and presented their pastor, Rev. Mr George Emerson, of Cligton, Mr Jas. Olivant, with a load of oats, as a slight McLeod and family, of est con., Gode- token of repaying him for his value. le rich township, left bet week for services among them. Miss Tena Dakota. Cooper, of Clinton, spent a few days pleasant among friends in this vicinity. Mr WEDDING.—One of those events which cause a ripple pleasant social and Mrs Johnston, of Goderich, have ppp been visiting at the home of her fath- circles, occurred, when Miss Fiances er, Mr Geo. A. Cooper. Nr Albert Wild, four daughter of Mr Jos, Wild, Herbison, of Dakota, has been visiting was married to Mr Henry Young, of in this vicinity. The friends of Mr Porter's Hill, on the 17th Jan. 'We IV. Cole, of Sanilac, Mich., will regret extend the young couple our hearty to learn of the death of his six -months' congratulations. old child, which occurred the other - HOusE WARMING. — There was a day, from brain fever. Mr Geo. Levis, very pleasant house warming at the who has been appointed assessor for house of Mr Joseph Wild on Friday this township, will start out in a few evening of last week, when a large days; we venture to say that he will member of young people froth the perform the work in a manner highly village and surrounding country, as- satisfactory to all parties. selnbled and tripped the fantastic toe DEATH.—Another old settler passed 4 to the wee Rua' hours. On the Sa1110 away on Saturday, , in the person of evening Master Jack Jowett gave a Mrs Patton, relict of the late James party to his young friends, where they Patton. Deceased has enjoyed good spent a very enjoyable eveni ig in !health generally, but about a year ago -games and other amusements. 1 underwent a surgical operation, which ANXIETY.—Last Friday the wind left her in- an enfeebled condition, _ blew from the east and broke the ice it since which time she has gradually mile front the shore, which caused a failed. She was born in Ayrshire, great commotion among the fisher- Scotland, and spent her girlhood in men, who anxiously went to the office Goderich. In 1350 she was married to to inquire the wetyther probabilities, James Patton, and has resided since in fearing the wind Would suddenly ' the township with her late husband change, and rush back and break up for a good many years. A woman of the fishing grounds, but on Saturday sterling qualities, she was highly es - and Sunday the wind blew from the teemed and her funeral on Monday west and brought the ice in slowly was largely attended. She was a zeal - and majestically. It was a grand ous member of the Episcopal church. sight to see the blue line gradually Four children survive her, these being' narrowing till the two fields of ice Mrs T. Cox, of Goderich township; met. Mrs Seaman, of Preston;. Mrs Durst, of Sanilac, Mich.; and Mr W. J. Pat- ton, who resides on the homestead. The late Mrs Paisley, of Clinton, was also a daughter of hers. Asleep in Jesus: far from thee— Thy kindred and their graves may be I1ut thine is still'a blessed sloop From which none ever wake to weep. From an Occasional Correspondent. NOTES—It is currently reported that Mrs Beacom (mother of the deputy. reeve) and her two daughters, will shortly take up their residence in Clinton. Mies Lizzie Elliott ie visiting friends aragnd Lucknow. Part of the Bayfield concession has been almost impassable the last few weeks with pitch heles, right under the roadmaster's eyes, who censured the old pathmaster a year ago, when they were not one-quarter so bad ; it appears to be a matter of great importance to some people whose ox is to be gored. Mr Robert Marshall is confined to the house by quinsey. The query is, who was the man that bought a few articles - at a sale, and hauled away nearly a cart load. Thos Wigginton has sold a number of turnip cutters and pulpers; he is an en- ergetic pusher. Mr Jennings is suffering with kidney trouble; several doctors held a consultation the other evening concerning his case. NOTES.—•Miss Sadie Morrison, of 6eaforth, fot•inerly of this place, is the guest of Mr J, McCarthur, banker. iss L. Cook has returned home after several weeks visiting among friends 'n Detroit. Messrs• A. Weseloh, C. yel•s, J. C. Stoneman and Rev. J. S. enderson attended the Huron Corinty Convention in Blyth last week. eo. McEwen, reeve of Hay,. at- ded the County' t;ouncil .last week. , lacy"&Wiseman CLINTON Varna ACCIDENT. — Mr James Armstrong met with a very painful accident on Thursday evening. He bad been turn- ing neck yokes, when one flew out, striking him in the face, making a bash in :his forehead and blackening oth eyes. STOCK.—Mr Wm. McAllister, we think, well deserves the name of the champion hog dealer of this township. He has sold since last October $2(1(1 worth of porkers,and has not diminish- ed his stock very much, he having 50 left yet, they are of the improved Berkshire breed. Billy says it pays better than at wheat O0cts. a bushel. We wish him every success in his en- terprise. NOTES. —Wm. Lang lost a vaivable horse by hanging itself last Friday. Mr McMurchie, of Dakota, is over visiting his sisters, Mrs J. Morrow and Mrs J. Dennison, of this place. Miss Lizzie Wanless left here last week to visit friends in Stratford and Barrington. J. Harrison spent Satur- day and Sunday with friends in Exeter, Sam Moffatt was in London on Mon- day. John Hall and wife were in Sea - forth on Saturday. A certain resident Tuckersmith. of the village is said to have left his NOTES.—Our January thaw is over. A. wife, and took all the loose property number of weddings are expected to take he could get hold of; he is living all place this spring. Wood cutting is all the alone on Kimball street. Mac. Mc- rage. On Saturday morning a couple of Naughton was breaking in his Shet- young men were seen carrying part of a land pony the other day; it is only twb sleigh box along the road, and as a case of years old. John Ashton and wife are this kind is rare in this section, it created visiting at Whalen. Miss Kate Mc- some anxiety; it seems that the team had Naughton is visiting relatives and been left standing on the road, and had friends at Ripley. Mr R. McIntyre, gone home, leaving the driver a little in the of Exeter, is visiting among friends in rear, and the driver says tney went better this lo-•ality. Mr R. H. Johnston, • than he could drive them; however, no wife and family, returned last week to damage was done, and Torn says he will their home in Southern Manitoba. see that his head saves his legs in the future. Court Varna, C.O.T. intend holding a Mies Dick, of Morris, is visiting her sister grand concert here in the near future, here. Miss E. Willis, of Seaforth, spent of which due notice will be given. Sunday with Mrs F. Crioh. Miss E. Crich bae returned home. Mr E. Crioh of Wal - 1 ton, is visiting his parents here. Miss Hattie Dodd visited friends here on Friday. Mr David Landeborough, who went to Columbia, to see his brother, who is ill, writes home, we regret to say, that there is no prospect of recovery; an effort will be at once made to bring him home, as the doc- tors advise it, though the trip is a trying one. ENTERTAINMENT.—The entertainment un- der the auspices of the K.O.T,M„ held last Friday evening, was favored with a full house, which shows that considerable in- terest is taken in the society. Mr A. M. Tadd, of Clinton, a newly elected candidate, acted as chairman, and also gave a short Watkins; Sec., R. J. Draper; Treas. address on behalf of the Order. The 'pro• gram,which was very lengthy,was rendered Jas. Rapson; Fin. Sec., W. Tebbutt; without a failure, and from what can be_ 'Chap., Thos. Watkins; M., Jas. Wale., d hear kins;Guard.D.Barr;Sentinel, H. Wood heard was thought very good. The pro - yard; S.J.T., Addie Wright; Organist, Deeds amounted to over $17, Nesbitt. SALE.—The auction sale of Mr R. Fair- Lenabairn was largely attended, and everything Kippen brought good prices. The live stook, ex- cepting the horses, went almost beyond NOTES. — The religious quarterly their value, cows gping as high as 559. Mr meetingof Kippen circuit Will be held Fairbairn intends going to Manitoba in the at Chiselhurst next 'Sunday morning, spring, taking a car load of holies. His The Board meets the previous day at farm has been purchased by 11fr Jo sh.White. 2 p.m., in Kippen. - CONCERT.—The directors of the.Kip- Morris ppen Public Hall company intend' to NoTEs.—John Bowman, jr , is visiting hav'e another of their popular concerts friends near Caledonia, We week. Wm. in their hall here, on Friday evening, Bray was laid up for two days, last week, the 3rd inst. While addresses will be with an attack of grip Miss Ramsay, let delivered by Messrs R. W. Collins, con, has gone on an extended visitto friends Exeter; J. C. Smith, of Hensall; and near New Hamburg,rs D. Lamont and Mr T. McMillan, of Hullett. Mr W. daughter, ,from Michigan, are visiting at McLeod, of Seaforth, will sing the Win. Shedden's thie week. Mr Wm. Bray latest cbmic songs and dance the most has been very grievously afflicted with popular dances, and Mr Mooney, the •'Jobe Plague" biles for the past few weeks. celebrated comedian, of Kirkton, will Mrs Wm. Brown is lying close to death's also be present and take part in the door at present; for theast two weeks she program. The services of Mr Mc- has hardly spoken. MrsgJohn Budd is Vittle, of.Londesboro, 'bvho is a well onoe more able to attend to her household known elocutionist, have been secured, duties; she was severely stricken with in- ' and Miss Hotham,of Staffa, whose fine flammation -a fdw weeks ago. Emanuel sentimental songs require, 23n1 to be Oliver" is- in .Lery poor health at present; heard to be' appreciated, and Mt Mur- we are sorry to announce that his medical dock, of Hensall, will su ply music on attendant bays that it is cancer of -the the violin. The chair wif be taken on stomaoh, with very slight hopes of relief. this occasion by the president of the Fred 13rewar has bought the Olivar farm, company, Mr Robt. McMordie. on the Siff, o4ntaining 160 sores, for. the Bill's Green. sum of $5600;' Mr Glitter *mild not hate sold at such a low figure had it nob been NOTES.—Rev, J. Ferguson, ofiGran• that he is in very poor health. The Scott ton, preached in the Methodist church farm, South half lot 18, con. 4, containing last Sunday morning. Kippen Circuit 100 acres, bas been sold to Mateolm Black, Quarterly meeting is held at Chisel- teaober, for the sum of 62000; our woe by hurst next Sunday at 10 a.M. The friend has now got a cage and we would of I quarterly board meets in Rippen next be surprised if he caught a "bird" o'0 Saturday at 2 pan.long, Summerhill NOTES.—Mr B. Grainger ran a rusty nail into his foot a few days ago, but is getting around again- There was a magic lantern entertainment in the hall on Friday evening last, but was poorly attended. Miss Annie Mc - Brien is visiting relatives in Wood- stock. Miss Flora Miller attended the meeting of the Women's Auxiliary at London, as a delegate of the society here. TEMPLARS.—The following officer's were elected for• the ensuing quarter: C. T., John gTebbutt; V. T., Mary A. Mullett, NOTES. ---One day last week Messrs W. Hearn and A. Nellians split and 1 piled a cord of wood inside of forty P minutes. Mr Geo. Dale, who has been ill for some time, is now able to be out. t Dame rumor states that one of these days a certain amiable young lady will • become the beet lady in the township. •o The four Dale boys• in this township a is a pretty large amount of land for one family. Mr. Janes Shobbroolehas lately purchased a fine Durham bujll.- 14TIr LINE NOTEs.-Sanderson Bros. - ar•e getting along with the threshing of MAaiiraoE.-1Ve are pleas, d to learn that their big puts nicely; they have had Miss Susie Jenkins arrived at her destine - quite a siege of it --26 tures—they are tioi, at 13 o'clock, Jan. 20th, and at 6 p.m. threshing them by hand; the straw was a pleasant wedding took place at the resi- very heavy, but the grain somewhat dente of Mr 1'. Gorrell, Mr Eli McLauch- light; a number of the farriers around lin and Susie Jenkins being united in the hero intend to raise 1 he large peas, its bonds of matrimony. It is needless to say they pay the best. Building seems all that the many warm friends that Susie the rage, Mr. Tour Young is preparing left in Holmesville wish her much joy and to•raise his barn and sheds and put a prosperity. stone wall under there, and two or t,IAARTEiiLY SERVICES. — Next Sunday three new houses are projected. quarterly services will be held in the Meth- PARTY.—On Friday evening about 50 odist church, beginning at 10 a.m. After invitedguests assembled ill the s!!>acious the preaci>ing, by the pastor, the usual residence of Mr. (leo. Knox, let h con., and spent a very enjoyable evening in "the merry hazes of the dance," and various other amusements. Sweet strains of music were supplied on the violin by Messrs. Watt, Taylor, Mc- Gregor, and Miss R. E. Cochrane. We noticed among those from a distance, John Mason and W. Wrath, East Wa- wanosh; Miss Ada Townsend. Hayfield; Messrs. Alex and Win. Mason, Misses Mason, A. H. and Miss Cochrane, of Brussels. Long may our worthy host and hostess live to enjoy the blessings of this world, so- that at some future time we may all have the privilege of assembling there again. WEDDING.—The residence of Mr. Parsons, 13th con. of Hullett, was the scene of a pleasant anilinteresting event • $1 `a4ear in advance, $1.60 when not so paid • Holmesville. BUSINESS OoLr.EoE,—Mr Oscar Forster eft on Monday for Toronto, where he pur- oses attending the Business College. He will board with friends in Markham and ake the train in and out every clay. We wish Oscar success in his college course. BEES. --On Tuesday afternoon a number f the boys were invited by Mr Ramsay to woodbee in W. Ford's bush. A nice lot f wood was cut, and after supper they were invited to stay and enjoy' the evening with the.otlier sex, who had been engaged at another bee indoors. A very enjoyable time was spent. own nearly 1800 acres of land, whit 1 o quarterly lovefeast and sacament of the Lord's Supper will be held, to which all are invited. The quarterly business meet will take place on the folloin Mon- day � Mon- day 3 p,m TEMPERANCE.—At the meeting of the R. T. of T., held Monday evening, their mem- bers were increased to 60, and, judging from reports, the number in two more weeps will be twice the number. The re- election of officers will take place on Tues- day evening next, when all members and those wishing to be initiated are requested to be on time, 7.30 p.m, On Monday night it is the intention of the council to visit the Eureka c3unoil at Goderich. All going to be at the hall by 6 p.m. Don't forget the grand lecture to be delivered in the Methodist church by the pastor, on Sunday evening, entitled "Dollars and on Wednesday of last week, when his Dimes." daughter Ida, was married to Mr.James NOTES.—A certain person around Watt, eldest son of Mr. Geo. IVatt. here, if he cannot a(f)ford a horse and Miss Parsons is a most amiable young rig of his own had better leave other lady, and even so steady and'industrt- people's alone. Miss Sarah Acheson, one a young man as "Jim Watt" is to of Goderich, is spending a few days at he congratulated on securing her as his home. Miss Addie Stephenson has partner through life. They dispensed been visiting in Tuckersmith. Mr R. with the usual bride's maidsandgbooms- Wade, of Dakota, was in the village men and were married by Rev.J.11amil- calling on friends the other day. Miss ilton in thepreseuceof a large company Minnie R.umball intends leaving next of guests. A number of costly presents Monday for a month's visit to friends testified theappreciation in which the in London and Ingersoll. Mr Staple - bride is held. the young couple at once ton, of Hamilton, who has been visit - settled down to life's stern duty. on the ingat Mr B. Foster's, left for home farm owned by the groom, on the 1-ith last week. We are glad to see that con. of Hallett, and have the good Mr Ed. Levis is again on the section, wishes of their many friends in this he being off only a few days. Mrs H. section. Acheson gave a pleasant afternoon to COUNCIL—Council mot on Tuesday last, pur- a few friends on Tuesday last. Miss sunnt to motion, members all present. The ac- Minnie Kernighan, of Colborne, has c•c•pted tenders for supplying• elm plank were been visiting at Mr W. J. Marquis'. as follows:—At 8prun supplying. 1500fL, $8.75, Mil - b � t L ic•boro 2txlofc Slo �lil [A clever poem concerning this village urn ['rung; a Dui burn Sprung; ac ,1.1lrigham'A,'1500ft.. $10.25, Mil- is unavoi ably left over ti next week.] burn Sprung; at J. Shell's, 1,50 0ftt., $IQ, Milburn Sprung; at Kinburn, 21NNift., $11, Andrew Reid. The otter of W. Whiteley was accepted for a car load of cedar for township purposes at $12 per M. The sum of $400 was granted for repair- rng roads and bridges denting 1893, $80 in each road division, under the direction of the respec- tive Councillors. The Auditors statement and abstract of the Trdit urer's accounts for the year 1892 were examined by the Council and pas- sed, and a copy thereof was ordered to bo for- warded to the Bureau of Industries in the form now submitted to the, Cooped. A letter was goon to see him around again. read from thti Town Council of Clinton, askipng�,,F' I.O.G.T.—The officers of the Leo - for aid for an indigent family in Clinton, bot former residents in Mullett, was laid over. The burn lodge were re-elected by acclam- petition of Thos.- Cole and others asking the alien at the last meeting. They are council to hold their meetings in some public as follows:—C. T„ J. P. Linfield; P. C. hall, was granted, and the offer of John Bell V. E. Linfield; the use of his large hall for council meetings, T., E. S. Horton; T., was accepted. Council adjourned until Mon- M., S. R. Williams; Sec., 'H. Horton; day, March 13th, at to a. m. Fin. Sec., Hy. Horton; Tres., J. G. ,LAMES C'AMPBSLL., Clerk. Clutton; I. G:, Wm. Gordon. Stanley NOTES.—Miss Mary Cook, who has been residing in Clinton for some time, RETURNED.—Mr. D. F. McGregor is spending a couple of weeks with her and Miss M. A. McGregor have return- parents here. Miss Tena Gordon, of ed from their visit to friends and rela- Sheppardton, spent Saturday and Sun- tives in Kent Co. They were accom- day with cousins here. Miss C. Teves - i d b Miss Westcott of that Co.Lp n eley was the guest of her cousin, Miss who will spend some time among Maggie Horton, last week. The friends here. School Inspector, Mr Tom, paid a visit SOCIAL—An exceedinly pleasant and to No. 9 school on Tuesday; he ap- enjoyable social gathering, was that peared to be much pleased with order held at the house of Mr. Jno. Gilmour, and progress of the school under their 2nd con. of Stanley, on Wednesday new teacher. A great many are af- flicted around the neighborhood with the mumps; although not very com- fortable, we have not heard of any one having them seriously. Leeburn ACCIDENT.—Mr Jas. Strachan met with a painful accident on Monday. He was carrying in a pail of water, and the path being very slippy, he fell, striking his side across the pail. As he is quite an old man, he will likely have to lay up;a few days, bet we hope JACKSON BROS., CLOTHIERS, FU RNISHERS, HATTERS JACKSON BROS., Clothiers, Furnishers & Furriers evening, the occasion being the annual social of Rising Sun Grange. This as- sociation has been maintained more for the intellectual than pecuniary ad- vantage of its members, and one bene- fit of this is seen in the fact that all the farmers along the line are kept well and thoroughly informed on the vari- ous economic and social questions of the day. There was a large crowd pre- sent, and they seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Mr. D. Ross was chairmen, and made a fewhappyre- marks in opening. The program em- braced singing by a class of girls, led by Mr. G. Baird; singing by Mr. Jame- son, of Brucefield, assisted by his two daughters and Mr. A. Ross; singing by J. Halliday, Tuckersmith; and Thos. Baird; dialogues; recitations by James Foote; reading, Geo. Baird; addresses by R. McMordie, Hay; M. Y. McLean, Seaforth; T. Fraser, Stanley; and D.A. Forrester and R. Holmes, Clinton.— Refreshments were served during the evening. Votes of thanks to all con- cerned, closed the most successful an- niversary of this Grange. • Westfield. (From an occasional correspondent,( NOTES.—Who ever the party rs that furnished the NEW ERA with items from Westfield two weeks ago, he was hard up for news, when there was scarcely a truthful statement in the whole budget, but mere imaginations of his fertile brain. I would advise him in the future to write nothing but facts or he will have to borrow Newton's crutches for a time. Mr Andrew Auld has pnrchaeed the old ohuroh and remodelled it into a dwelling. Mrs H. Campbell is spending a few days with her daughter at Kirkton. Mrs W. Harrison is visiting Minds at Luoknow. Miss Smith and Mise Henry were the guests of Miss Clinton & Seaforth St. Helens. DEATn,—Mr Alex. Stewart, • Reeve of West Wawanosh, and his mother, left for Illinois on receiving the intelligence that his brother, Dr. Farquhar Stewart, had been seriously injured in a railway acci- dent, but further word was received to the effect that he had succumbed to his injur- ies before his friends reached their destina- tion. Dr. Stewart is a brother of Mrs John McCrostie, and was well known in this district. NOTES.—Mr R. ir1cGowan and his sister, Mies Rebecca, of Blyth, are the guests of their uncle, Mr John Webb. Mr and Miss McAllister, of Crief, who have been visit- ing friends in', this vicinity, have returned home. The Misses Bowers, of Dungannon, were visiting at Mr David Todd's. Mr A. Gordon and bride have returned from their trip down East. Mr Curran and family, of Crewe, paid a flying visit to hie father last week. Miss Maggie McDonald is vis- iting friends in Guelph and vicinity. Mr Rose and the Misses Ross of Kinloss, were the guests of their cousin, Miss Mc- Pherson, this week. Miss Salkeld, of Goderich, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs R. K. Miller. Mr Willie and Miss Jennie Todd have returned home after spending several days with friends at Tees - water. Mrs Cameron and Mrs Jas. Mc- Donald left on Saturday for Guelph, hav- ing gone to see their brother who is poorly. The Misses Wall, of Port Elgin, are visit- ing their sister, Mrs John Miller, of this place. Mr Robt. Woods and wife were visiting friends in Stanley last week. Chiselliurst. NOTES.—Mr Jas. Horton has been in Lockport attending to business con- nected with his uncle's death. Our roads are splendid since the rain of Saturday. Rev. J. Ferguson, of Gran- ton, preachd in the Methodist church, on Sunday evening to it packed house. Rev. J. H. Fair preached for the pas- tor in the revival meeting, Monday evening; these meetings are well at- tended, and over a score have bowed at the penitent form seeking religion. Religions quarterly meeting is to be held in the Methodist church next Sunday at 10.30 a.m. Brucefield. ANNIVERSARY.—The Y.P.S.C.E. of Union church intend holding their an- niversary services on Sunday and Mon- day, Feb, 26th and 27th. Rev. Dr. Dickson, of Galt, is to conduct them. They are inviting all the neighboring societies; excellent meetings are ex- pected. NOTES.—The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Union church, on the 19th inst.; service next Sabbath at 2.30 to be taken the pastor. Many are busy laying in it supply of ice. Miss B. Jameson is home on a visit, and also Miss R. Jarneson; glad to see you both. Brussels. NOTES.—Mies Downey spent Sunday with friends at Listowel. Mr J. H. Cameron was visiting his parents at Luoknow last SateFday. Alfred Town, of Winnipeg, who has-been visiting friends here for the past two weeks has returned to the Weet. Miss Jennie Forsyth of Riverside Cal., ie visiting in town. Several of the members of Sons of Soot land of Brussels, attended a concert at Atwood last week under the auspices of S. 0. S. of that village, Jas. Ballantyne, D. Stewart and T. Ballantyne took part in the programa. John Somerset, an old resident, of Brussels, died last Saturday evening after a short illness of a few days; he was buried on Monday afternoon, service was held in the church of England at 2.80 p.m. DEATH.—On Sunday Jan. 29th, James W. Ross, of Ayr, formerly of Brussels, and nephew of Wm. Ross of this plane, died at his residence in 'Kincardine after a brief Edith Cainpbell last week. I wonder what illness of 8 or 4 days, of stop age of the b wale. He was 80 d['G months takes,3imnslie, away from church so often., o years an Westfield ie noted fr its store hooses, and old and leaves a wife, who is a daughter of still that% is anothetr in' lao>ttomplation. Mr Hay, the light•hoase keeper, and 5 child - There was a basket social et the reddened ren, the eldest of'Whioh is abort 10 years. oaff Mrss Anderson, non the Oth coon.,llaaet Week, Ile left' Brussels Imome 10 or 11 years ago Very i oa s spent. slid removed to Kincardine, Where he has There le to be a new bridge heroes the river been engaged at baking' Wet of the tittle on the Oth eon., the cowing summer, The He was buried on Tuesday at t1p nY., Mrs young ladies wonder abiob way the' roan 1 W. ]toss auk Robert Home, of Brulisels will take Davie after ehutcla ilii Q....1 .. I attended the Itii}e.al ..tussa { - , -ere • Blyth NOTES.—H. Crust, of Brantford, was do- ing business here on Tuesday Mr. W. J. Roberts, of Brantford, was visiting in town this week. Mr. A. Dey, who has been in Calgary, is visiting his friends in this vic- inity. Mr, "Bob" Evans, late of Uncle Sam's domain, is now employedrwith Mr. H. Scarlet; Mr. D. B. McKinnon paid a flying visit to Goderioh on Saturday. The revival meetings in the Methodist church are being largely attended. Mr. Jameson, Constable Davie and several others, attend- ed on the Calder Case at Goderich, on Sat- urday. The following business men are having their store's lighted by eleotrioity: A. Taylor, J. T. Huckstep, Caiter and McKenzie, Turner Bros., Dr. Milne, D. B. McKinnon, W. Kelly, W.H. McBride. John Bell, C. Hamilton jeweller, J. MoCullipgs, I. H. Ohellew, J. M. Hamilton, H. W. Jes- sop, S. H. Gidley and the four hotels. The Blyth Football Juniors journeyed to An - burn on Saturday, where they played with the Auburn club; the match resulted in a victory for the Blyth boys by 3 goals to 0. We regret to learn that Mrs. James Dodds is seriously indisposed, Mr. John Brown- lee, of Toronto, was here on Wednesday. • Miss Annie Drummond is on the sick list. What has become of the night school. We learn that Mr. R. Howard intends putting in a Photo Gallery in his new building. John Mason has recovered from his recent Illness. The•C.O.F. and I.O. F. are flour- ishing, many new names have been added during the past couple of weeks. Many are pleased to learn that Alex Calder is free again. The only time when a man is gen- erous in drawing the line between his own and his neighbor's property, is when the snow has to be cleared off the sidewalk, a surveyor's instruments are not then nooess- ary. The horse and cattle fair, on Tuesday, the 7th Inst, should be largely attended by both buyers and sellers. Lawyer Cooke. who bas made l3lythbis home for some time, will shortly take up his resldence in Sega - mc, Michigan. A few of the upper ten at- tended a seleot party at,.Belgrave on Fri. day evening while returning keine ham had the bad fortnnp to get npoet inttlio.birnw, tine of the'party"(fominlno gender)' gettilrge; bed shaking tip..