HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-27, Page 11•
3040#7 irt. 1 114
t l intdtt�•thaa, Tait be* • :been bona
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ekvi) connection herewith +w1dn for- an '
:04.101411010414...o; the estate by the
> !DA7', JANQARv 0r,1093, P o et.o chart *ai? tk}aQ,r;Ite 'io ttovprn.,
l -. usTE1 Iea.'..111O ,d1NEW ERA's tre«
I,Q,C1& L NOTICh1e marios concerning the late Mre White -
Pon lr, 43 00, Two bo u r�nted a1 the 1't '&.,were co.pird by the.,.TAndoq•Fce
. gess and era thle week reproduced in.
�l1iw, EM o11Io4, this colunnns of our Inca} . cotem,., Tlibt
. FR SH bob. HADDInr ,Ste .6aTmon .'QqA may be .enterprise, • '
13s l ue an dh41NT. ICxi(I�IT8 o •
r 0Aa�E1? 8. � `lie
no ante apo Mee 4001 Ori' dl rola ilXt, d "oak!'
mg neves, •rieClottihing. ananel1s. baton buy« .foliowin were ips�ta tt at the'. meet
• ra el!ewbsre..: in last Friday evening:.- P. ,. U .. ,Ira.
But #IC:-°Ibshe0R flail! Pr!co ,paid It; env W Sohns; (�, T. Kearne; L. 0.Lf leo,.
quantity et Eirst class Better at, OANTTEL'.Q1M, ton; R. K,i'P' D~&ytoil* F. R.., F: W.
., ° Orich; O., T. Briton., 9., iii. White;
,TAB. TwproUELL,� wilt exebadgeBeate and. M. A,,, Landeebdro• 11it.M. G., -.JA, M.
Bbt+n>iet°. ler wQod* orlvrtlioove Acib o$ tbeR4 me Told&, 2nd Mr O,, 0., ,!'sheer; S., 3','
v$lash. or thnext 6O dole. C1h Qi• •
. '• A. NEw O en. The Tmv,,ERA ex.
QVQWU 4001rC .. peels to ,entei upon another new era. Qi'
Is .o r• seri io Pad tills ear?.. its;exis_tenca this year by the erection
3'.,1� s11b. • 1?t. ri pa. . Y of a brick building that will be better
' adop ed-te its growing irements
°Q1P77 C° 'T'Qn" The - Cfoynty, b the',One ch ng o long render,
Connell, i thi ''w k i0 but an on �� has s Q g enidefi
Doti . t s s ce in
seas, n, ed cad service We will admit. that
we ante a surplus•of other •sBatters, �tiie riu;ldin we are in does not owe us
we. are not. able to give gvetn a syuopsie.g
1:4101.14 belt i't hop answered its p yr ose
of the business tr.nsact d until next p l'
es. ea
►1' E VValzDzt seta En. 1T. G}rifiin, of ing of the Executive Copzmittee of
was - ulha the New EIn S a &mase East liuron Teach'er's assoctatioti met
suss . unanilnpusly chosen , �Vafideit P. : at,,$eiii'grth, in Public school, on Jan.
the Meeting of the erespectounty Counil', nn 21st, . to prepare a prog.rani for the
Tuesday. H is in every well coming convention to be held in Wing -
qualified for the position. ham, March 2nd and 3rd. There were
BVRNT arm—Last week the St. Present Messrs Black, LoughH, Scott,
Louis hotel at Duluth,. was burned out, H
ogg, Doig, and Misses elyar and
the guests and others losing everything K •
exce t,what they had' on their backs. OItoaN NOTES. --The Clinton Organ
The fire occurred during the morning, Factory has just put in a handsome
and a couple of the employees were sochurch organ for the Glencoe Method -
unfortunate as to lose their lives. The ist church, with pipe top; several renal -
Clerk of the house was Robt. Gardner, clans .of- note who have seen the in -
son of Mr David Gardner, of town,and strumentspeaks very highly of it. The
he loot all his efiects,worth about $200. company has just closed a contract for
SLIGHTLY UrTEVEN. — On Tuesday the delivery of forty organs. Con-
siderable new machinery has lately
evening three double sleigh loads of
Sunday School workers drove up to been added to this factory, the increas-
Blyth to attendthe Convention. They .ing requirements of business making
counted on an enjoyable sleigh, ride,
but all complained next day of. a kink
in the back, on account of the number*
of pitch holes which, they aver, are as
close together as the teeth of a comb,
and soihe almostas deep as a well. One
of the rigs got to Blyth just fifteen
minutes before the meeting was dis-
former of.last week makes the follow-
ing reference to a former Clintonian:
Intelligence has been received of the
death in Los Angeles; California, on
the 2nd inst, of Mr Frank Paltridge,
jr, Deceased had been ailing for some
time, having contracted disease of the
lungs while engaged in business con-
nected with mines in California.. He
was a bright and promising young man
and his early deathwill be much re-
THE REASON Way. -- Elsewhere a
correspondent asks the question how
it is, if municipalities not having a
population of 500 are not entitled to a
licensed hotel, how it comes that such
places as Benmiller. Brucefield, etc.,
have„ hotels. .Che reason is:that,,they
_arglin a municipality having the re- thanlfour carloads of'dles were
,guired population. Benmiller. for in- rieda P
stance, is not an incorporated munici- shipped from this place to New York
parity (nor are the other small places last week, by Mr T. M. Carling. Rev.
but Benmiller is in the township o W. W. Sperling and J. Galloway, form -
Colborne, a municipality having the er pastors of Ontario Street Church,
requisite number of ratepayers, were present at the funeral • of Mrs
Whitehead last week, as was also Mr
Tem HURON CENTRAL.—The mem- Ross, of Whitemouth, Man, (son-in-
bership of the Huron Agricultural lawof Mr Whitehead.) Master Charles
Society last year was 351, which is a Biggar& carries his arm in a sling, the
larger number than that possessed by result of getting it hurt while skating.,
any other single society in the Riding. Miss Minnie Joy, who has been visitin
The West Huron Assocation only has friends in Bruce, has returned ho
a membership of 335, while the other Messrs Forrester, Coats and Hol
agricultural societies that are in. the were delegates to the Liberal Co
Riding have barely half as many each. tion in Toronto, on Tuesday.
We predict that the membership of ductor McKenzie, who has r
the Huron Central will run up to 500. Morning freight from Stratfo
The Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario ctkuple of years, has been pro
has consented to formally open the the position of passenger
fall show held unde the auspices of the between Stratford and Lo
Huron Central, and the date thereof
will be fixed tit suit his convenience.
1t necessary. While one of the ma
chines was being put in the other
an employee named Taylor got one o
his fingers •'smashed.
"On Feb.'lst we, make:that change in' the method of conduct-
in :'.10 .'business that. We have been 1Wxertisiug for the
last few weeks,. namely: 'from a cash'. and credit o'I a
Strictly Cash basis.
circular sent- to. all °Ur cuStomers, we {r.omiged.to'have a
markd w ; df our stock and . mos down t
general p a4 • s�-, �. get gr a . t4
.a cash <leve1. �On,,vthe first .ofthe month �� intend to
from that date Will'quote you lower prices
than �ever ,beiore.,. `We sire aware' that' it will be of no
use attem ,.ting to do business on the 'liies ' laid down
unless we can convince you it will be to your own in-
terest to: pay -for your goods when you get them, in-
stead of running, a bill, We believe it is to your in-
terest for youto buythere you can buy the cheapest,.
provided of course quality is not sacrificed to lowness
of pride. Selling ler cash we will sell cheaper but at
the same time will not allow the quality of our goods
to be lowered in the least, and' will always endeavor -to
give you the best goods at the closest prices. Selling
for cash we solicit your trade, not with promises of
your own time to pay in, not saying, take this home
with you, you . can pay for ` it when, you ,.like, but by
always having the newest,. the best, the most -desirable
goods to be had, those that will give you satisfaction,
and by selling them at lower prices than we would tads-
sibly do if. sold on credit.
yf We appeal for
your trade with the irresistible
logic ``of low
` Deal with a cash house and you won't hath to pay other
people's -debts
NOTES.—A boy named Hugh Robson
fell near the heels of a horse on Mo
day while catching on sleighs, and go
a severe kick on the face; this shoul
be a warning to others catching
sleighs. Ex -mayor Doherty was ct� Detroit on Monday, by the death
Mrs GeorgeDepew, his brother-in-law
wife; the funeral service was particu
larly impressive, being made addition
ally so by the rendering of two 0
Sankey's soul -stirring hymns by Prof.
Is Whet we. with, tq sey•10 ..tick of'tbe
XngkA:' qq eigieituas,irenti sli eagets00
l P X ,+l :
,For your girlo of tgyr,,t i'4 hiy
The Qbeapeee in towo--the lc>iildre s Alin bliVe 'tai with•
men ',ran da *Qua stork **ph :tire btg,cn
For Fancy China, 'ancy Goods. Toys, Oanie, .•
Papers, Berl'n and Other Wools, Purses de do
Window Sha es;' Curtain Poles acid liund'cs+ of other thiel;,
go where you,., et -the best :value 'for your money—•that lis
BoorStore and News Depot,, Mackay .1316..e
Borne give a bargain day each week, others once a month, but we have decidadt tori
30 Continuous Bargain Days• This giving 000aeional. bargain days.we oonsirler is'Qi<
very littleruse to the linbli0g5nerally. Parties Doming a dietanae au5l eq>;iring. diff�r ti
lines of goods, expeotw$ toget them at big reductions, find that they6 Rte generally` n *t
taken, as only odds end vas, here and there a piece of geode redneeil„ tither gopdq at
price, very likely tbegoddds they want, at nsnai.prioea, no red otion•tyr!t'attever;' the E
dissatisfied and go p!(ov disgusted with business generallyc i iww WbOt.W.kProPese.
is to give the Pa he the benefit(of what profit there i1pkg;p#; oxr gdoidertitrd thi
Thursday, Feb 2ndMis our Monthlyargain Days
Whole:Stock at
we will have many other lines not mentioned in large
ny of these will be picked up' early in the day. .
customer gets first c1oicf. Come expecting
Jarvis, who sang with wonderful me . !LIN nd you will not be cliyPpointed.
thos. Mr W. S. arland has been on
the sick list, but is somewhat better.
Miss Nellie Walker, who has been fill- ONE P
ing a position in Detroit, is home on a
visit. Dr. Turnbull, who is attending
the New York Hospitals writes:—"I
like the work very much; the weather
has been fine and bright, very cold they
say' for this city, with about six inches
of snow." The sale of stock belonging
to Mr John Govier, base line, was quite
successful last Wednesday, the storm
notPithstanding; the auctioneers were
Mrs's rs Hamilton -and Carling. --No lees
TEMPERANCE.—On Tuesday evening,
at the regular meeting of the Y.Y.S. of
Ontario street church, there was an
unusually, large attendance, and the
program for the evening was rendered
by members of the Temperance lodge.
After the opening exercises by the
President, Mr 3. Taylor, he called Mr
s. Young to the chair. The program
aced a paper on work, by Mrs H.
ws; quartette by Misses And -
d Miller and Messrs Yellowlees
collo . ; duet by Mrsehown and sister Mits Thorn, of Mitchell; in-
, ce,t umental by Mr Yellowlees; solo, R.
Foster, practical addresses from Rev.
W. Smyth, Mr G. Swallow and Mr Jas.
Young. ,
TRIFLES.—Tuesday and Friday last
were the first real fine days enjoyed for
two weeks. Good Friday- falls on
March 31st this year. There is a trem-
endone wight of snow on some of the
roofs in town. Nearly forty of the
. ounty Councillers passed through
Clinton on Tuesday; there only being
about 51 altogether. The present
Winter resembles that of 50 years ago;
in the Winter of 1842-3 there was
sleighing from November the 24th till
April the 15th, and it -was continously
cold, with the exception of a slight
thaw in January. Business was very
good in town on Saturday particularly,
there being a large number of people
in. Mr Jas. Flynn has been nursing
one of Job's comforters on his neck and
has found itanything•but comfortable.
GUN CLUB NOTES.—At Parkhil Gan
Club contest, on Thursday, Messrs
Johnston, Greg, and Hovey, of the
Clinton Gun Gregg,
were among the house on his farm in the spring; and
Tournament, last Wednesday, when will like)
prize winners. At Hamilton Pigeon y p g'
rent a house somewhere in
the best marksmen, of America attend- town, so as to allow Mr McAllister to
ed, Dock Blackall killed 20 birds out of move as soon as he wishes to. Mr
.. apossible 21' and therefore received a Thos. Cole, of Goderich township, who
division of the second prize his share is building an addition to his house, has
being $71.2; he killed all the birds, but engaged Mr S. S. Cooper to do the
the 218t One fell outside the boundary work, We understand that! Mrs C.
and bons counted against him. The Cruckshank will shortlyleavefor Lex -
one who killed everybird-21—in the ing• she hy�is where shen in business ss there.
limithas got a hosenof ass a00. Mrb Br of Miss Gilchrist, late with the. North -
int retold-
Chosen tea as member of the western Tel. Co. has accepted a situa-
onetnatiogal thank, which is nosmall tion at East Sagenaw, Mich. Miss
Outsr. Among Mt Biackalll oppon- :. Schutz, leaves for home in Hamilton
eats in the contest were no less than the latter part of this week. Mr Thos.
nothing crackAmerican handlean shots, who one
Jackson, jr,. is laid up sick in Toronto;
else but - the gun, inwe hope it may be°of short duration.
rota bt sin the ex -champion ae wing Miss F. Thayer, late of, Port' Huron
of them b
honor for a man livingis business college is visiting friends in
shot of the '�nited States, andit is
iri 11 town., `when busiiness enggg town previous to goingto Toronto' to
o allow Elm to RI e anytblli take a ,e(tuation in the office, of the
1Yhis time to practise. to beat the •Supe erne Sectrotary of Canadian ordoTr
0 orf cine Ciireleil Tlie 1?'ostiihaster-
on -
for a
ted to
on, and
his place on this branch is t- • en by Mr
Huslaion. Mr F. Uhlricb, lof Pennsyl-
vania, bought several horses here last ,
week, *nd Mr T. Tiplipg was over from
Detroit; looking up a,few. Mrs Mat-•
thews h gono..on a Visit to friends in
Wingha A. few days since Mr Ed.
Wise pres�
each with a
mats; what
they were
Thorne, of Mi
her sister, Mil
weeks. Mr Pet
Ohio, a brother o
iced a few of his friends
@@et of very neat wool table
adds to their value is that
ade by himself. Miss
hell, has been visiting
Chowen, for a few
O'Neill, of Sandusky,
W. O'Neill, has been
Our Large Spg • Purch
Thousands of Dollars worth to go.`, They mut be sold
and prices must do:it
It is not now what we shall make but wbatpwili the loss be. Profit not to be.�"
in this sale—the only object is. to clear o'ut'the stook. We quote no prices, neil
mark goods away up to double price and then make sweeping rednotions, (on
r -- we say get prices from others and then come and see pr stook before buying. .,
i business every thus!
Dress Goods, Millinery, Hate, Caps, Furs,'Uarpe>ts.._,s8nt .,yt
Cost. Tweeds, Furnishings, Clothing—Rook Botto
2,500 Pairs BOOTS and SHOES at Less than Cost. .
- LL .The- Bale will last to Feb. let.
Plumsteel - & - Gibbii
Our first and last word to 1,211.31 is BARE .INS, and,.. #'rorrci
now to the 15th of is a very 1 \po119,n ` :tae to
remember and the reason is- from nowto that at:'.we
• are determined to give our customers, cheap go ds,. • nd
we are willing to count profits out on all Wiiitei Go '
Bargains in Men's Top Shirts «:
• Bargains in Men's !Shirts and Drawers --See ori
the Season all wool line at 35e, cheap at 50c. ' ` •
Bargains in Boys' Shirts and Drawers�-3ee lit!
here on a visit ftit\several days, and
knew nothing of his rothers death in
Manitoba recently, u til he got here.—
Mr Joshua Hill, of t e base line, has n• • `
let the contract.for t e erection of a •Greatest
Chancenew house to Mr I� S vons, who is Of
also etting out stun fof' a new house
for Mr W. Weymouth, Htiiliett. There
is no indication of theianuary thaw
yet. Mr J. B. Rumball underwent an
opertion yesterday, for the removal of
an abscess; it is hoped anal -expected
that this will hasten his reoovery;
"Jack's" many warm-Fr•iends are eager
to see him out again. Mr Alex. Gorrell
has been confined to` the house by a
bad cold, but is out again. The Sons
of Scotland gave "a night at home" on
Wednesday evening; a number of la-
dies were present and all had an en-
joyable time. Clinton business men
are pushing trade stronger than ever,
and people have excellentopportunities
of supplying their wants at the clos-
est prices. Miss Libbie Gauley, now of
Brussels, is suffering from acute peri-
tonetis. We have not heard yet the
name of the individual who will start a
Pork Factory •here, but surely some
enterprising citizen will do so. Mr
Forrester is getting ready to build a
to tv, nor ca. ,. ecieg `lug; General, ball authorized the !chit bf.
�rr�of ,fb ;�t7ttn sn���� utt w n , ;t,heiifAttnit ' or'1)r 1io
oil Wi% .i. F
Bed'eitLl prizes in the tlilcfal yy Y ri et
List of Prices
.rO Children's Suits at exactly a pride
Boys' KneePante 45e., reg.price 85c
l)ur $1
Our $i3
Our $10 Su
an s for $$1.25
Regular pric
The above prices rep
made on reliable good
will get some of the abov
ment that will pay over 100
cash only. No foods exchange
Offered for one day.,l
�7 /
9 .50 q- M Y
at 25c, good value at 35c; nothing ta compare t 4th it,.
Dress Goods and Mantle Clot;
Great Bargains in Serges, Henriettas, )ns
Black and Colored.
ele s ever
—"to; ; who
ig for
We have,=,just opened �up some more
Esrey+Flannel at,15gcents'per yard, �l�i'ew,.�
iii stripes and checks— —heavy cold weatheat ' gl
It seller. ' '
ods; it
At a considerable loss to. o�
_ ;1.Y fer`' you the choice' o.l o
trimmed Felt Data in our show:' room for 50 e
ailikr.0140. Esti