HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-27, Page 10ruin» +� 1$y>atr !t lt, .>aae, website theeWitla:11iltlpfle , old year hell gond lash *wU4iy a en, errAwu,: hilt carol: gud tyle " >«pa you"ll do.tet6er, .W Q P W4 All ^the woe ay be gonee with,, the old year ItWs , return' no more to the heart that is' dors, t bring na scale, ennehine: to stay. have with friends loved and dear,. e old year with its Weide out down, d,. Isid them away in the mouldering. clay, ibaying ,many a heart dreary and Ione,: QQme New Year, . come, with thy aweeb The sweet balm of Gilead to heal, And lift up our hearts after draining our Cups, The love et our Saviour revealed. I`iow'tisa Q1d, year'has fled and also ie dead, It is lost is eternity's stream, 4 the days of the new'll be Boon added We'll pass away in a dream. find the years, the smiles e erthe past, e ! His beauti• ye shell 1coto ll eternally -1 , ,41; WELLS. B*ALL AGENCIES, BUT. 47iAND SUCCESSES. Through email agencies, grand sue e ;ire' 'frequently achieved whish benefit the.. masses. This is particularly true oFDi* mond Dyea. There is no other article cost lug 'ten.qents whish has given such grand, res RS, and added so mush to the happi- nesd'of the home and family. To secure the v ay; -best results for ten cents, you must Oa the . Diamond Dyes ; take no other akethat dealers may offer ; they are de- ptive and misleading. ,K,Li ra0 Grp To myrir, tho police of Wales . with all his itpparent Indi#feree to serious life, aliown thylft innrrthe reatagement of fatnily affairs. He bas exacted of ,King Charles of 'Roumania a written agrooMent to the effect that should carmen Sylva, the fugiative cinema, die, illy ling will not remarry, the object Of the pledge being to secure the crown the pledge for the daughter of the prince, who, it is now understood, will marry the " heir of the' Roumanian throne.. In this bargain much more regard is being bad to Royal humbug than to the social or personal welfare of the princess. Ferdinand is a combi- nation of milksop and adventurer,with few of the qualities that commend to either men or women. The princess is being sacrificed for the sake of keeping up the ostentation of Royal connec- tions. in Europe, with little substance to atone for the barter of everything that a woman values. In his alliance with the Fife family of -Scotland the prince socrificed royal pretensions for cash; in the Roumanian -bargain every thing is sacrificed for a pretension.— But the prince justifies himself in the eyes of his royal mother in the Rou- manian bargain for, he loss of family dignity of which slf omplained in the Scotch dicker. P` obablp the next move after the marriage will be a Rus- sian intrigue to compel King Charles to abdicate in order that the influence of Russian count may more success- fully exerted through the young queen than it can be at present, without in- curring the hostility of Germany, to which King Charles owes his tenure of a rickety throne. it seems necessary to constantly advise the public to be on their guard against substitutes and imitations of popular reme- ;dies. And yet, notwithstanding these re - Boated warnings, the business of selling tiglietitntes and imitations flourishes to a greater or less extent in many parte of the country: There is no remedy in Canada to -day rat .wildly advertised as Dr. Wil- liam's PinkTille for Pale People,•andnone, judging from the very strong endorsatione appearing from time to time, more worthy of public confidence. It is a remedy like this that the counterfeiters and imitators attack, in the hope of reaping a benefit from the extensive advertising of the'genn- ine medicine. It may perhaps be well to caution our readers again, and remind them, that the substitute or imitation can never take the plane of the original remedy and that the dealer who gives a customer some- thing else than what is eeked for, either rep- resenting it as the original, ar as something "just as good," is gu ty of an notion very closely akin to fra ' , We learn that the Dr. Williams M icine Oo., with a view to protecting the' interests and those of the public and onest dealers contemplate se- curing t service of aI clever detective whose b iness it will be to ferret oat frauds of thj ind and bring the perpetrators to jgstioe. t, is 'probably not the coldest weather It evor'knew in your life; but that is how fool: just now, because past sufferings dotin iorgotten, and because your blood do the enriching, invigorating influence I'1 &yer'a Sarsaparilla — the Superior to ioine. ]'agent of the Colombian Exposition lOn niieeiopera will leave Chicago next Week : for England to invite Albert Edward, ince of Wales, to visit Chicago during the Oliva Fair. He will parry six handsome tber-of-pearl oases, in each being a parch - tit elaborately inscribed. The invitation beprasented to the Prince personally. WHIMS. iildrenare supposed to be the most 1n ,;cal creatures in the world, and re; have been grown men who lite as much so as any child r lived. .The writer knows a 1 who cannot go to sleep unless iece of rubber held between f,xforefingep; which some Tsidero Se whimsical in the V. but what have these to say aydn, one of the greatest compos - of music, who could not put two. otos"together until he had dressed imself in his hest suit and had his flair powdered, and who declared that ;tbout a certain diamond ring, the i tof Frederick II. of Prussia, on his .lger, he could not begin to work, nee he could not summon a single ea into his head? Other composers have been equally iimsleal. Of Gluck it is said that en he felt himself in a humor to pose he had his piano -forte carried a beautiful meadow, where,with a o tle of champagne on either side of t ; he was able to do justice to his eAntherwriter of music, Sarti, could i>fiapose only in a dark room, lit by a Singgle candle. This peculiarity showed Itself in his work, for most of it indi- gates that he was . a man of gloomy mag'nation. \ e best work of Paisiello was com- sed.^while that genius was in bed; "nd:`Sacchini declared that he never ,,Itad any moments of inspiration except when his two favorite cats were sitting' oneT' upon, each shoulder. — Harper's 1 • YER'S rry Pectoral ztoequa1 for the prompt relief eyeqcureofColds,Coughs, ollgh!'Hoarseness, Loss of tqp, Preacher's Sore Throat,' Stilta'1ri.Bronchitis, LaGrippe, d" Quiet derangements of the zbat . td lungs. The best- zits'W,ta ough-cure in the world, 3s 41cornmended by eminent ysicttns, and is the favorite, 4)1'041'400n with sin'k'ers, actors, fcachhrs and teachers. It soothes tit inflamed membrane, loosens ' tl cliff;gym, stops coughing, and 111duCeS;repl1�e. :SYR,ER'S try pectoral tit 1 i oY'.Ci7hSumption, in its early alt eecks,'hrther progress of tine d%$ahei and even in the later ste,geti lit eases the di tressing l'cough ti promotes.` refreshing sleep,..1 is agreeabl to the taste, gedt ;b'a small doses, and does tinted ,re with digestion or any :.,the re' alar organic functions. yet} :Agency Medicine, every tOld should be provided with µs Ch :rry Pectoral. IIIavitig used Ayer's Cherry Pec - in My family for many years, I bnfl. tly' recommend it for "all Tits it is claimed to cure, increasing yearly with me,. x*fliers think this prepa- aas no equal as a cough cure. '— ent, 'Queensbury, N.13. rry Pectoral r , C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass. Negate. Price er ; six betties Se Mrs Elizabeth Coates,- of Philadelphia, was burned to death from her clothes taking fire; and her five-year-old son, who bravely tried to beat the fire oat with his little hands, was badly burned. BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike you that the new. Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, just completed, forms part Of the shortest line from Canada to the World. Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the finest in. the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R R. ticket agent will tell you the rest, write 'or call et our new .office, N. E.. Co. King & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. • At Thursday's session of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association at Kings- ton a resolution was unanimously adopted in fayor of free trade relations, and -con- demning the present` fiscal policy of Can- ada. C. 0. RICHARDS & CO: GE,,NTs.—I have used your -11INARD'S LINIMENT in my „family for some years and believe it file best medicine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Canaan Forks, N. B., D. KIERBTE8D. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cured of a fiery 'severe attack pf rheumatism by nseing MINARD'S LINMENT• NEWS NOTES There are over seventy miles of tun- nels cut in the solid rock of Gibraltar. ldinard's Linament is usedfor horses &cattle. David Cummings,an old resident of Lon- don, is dead. He was born in Dundee, Ont.,; 7p years ago. -.Mrs- Rachel Colvin, an inmate of the Protestant Orphans' Home at Ottawa, is 14,years old. -Several schools in the northern part of 'Peterborough county are closed on account of a severe epidemio of diphtheria. Rnausua su Orme Is A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Care for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at once the.cause- and the disease immediate- ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits 76 cents. Warranted by Watts & Droggist. The congregation of Paris Presbyterian church have decided to erect a new church at once, to cost $24,000. Petroleum has. been discovered at Han- over. ' A local firm, while boreing for water has found marked indications of the exist- ence of oil.. - Mre Samuel K. Langrell of Denton, Md., and her -three children were buried in one grave Thursday. The mother and little ones were taken down witli measles a week ago and all died Tuesday morning, It is now about as Safe to go oti°a railway journey as it is to stay at Home. Last`gb'ar only one passenger in every 2,000,000 o"ar- ried by the railways of this continent were killed. The traveler by rail enjoys greater immunity from accident than did his fore- fathers who journeyed by the tedious• stage coach. NOT THAT KIND. Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate the stomach as other cough medicines do; but on the contrary, it improves digestion and strengthens the stomach.. Its effects ere immediate and pronounced.. Children Cry for, act, sure to ours s, Pitcher's a8torIati ..' NEW ,' Z Our Stock of Furs is now Complete for the cpm ing season. Everybody knows that no two Sets of Furs are exactly alike, consequently the first choice is of importance to buyers. BLANKETS. Having made arrangements with a large Manufac turer for our supply of Blankets this season, we are in 1, position to offer better value than ever before. Our Customers will save the Wholesale Merchants' profit. obt. Coats & Son, Clinton, SIV$ CROCLRY We are now talking Christmas Goods and we think we have something find. In LAMP goods we have Hanging Lamps for the dining room, parlor and library. We have some of the finest Parlor Lampe in town. CHINAWARE in all varieties of style; Tea Sets Toilet Sete with Slop Jar. Yon want to see our Fancy Goods to appreciate them—very suitable for Christmas Presents. ' Oar new FRUIT has arrived—in Raisins we have Connoisseur Clusters, London layers, Valencia layers, and fine off stalk Valenoias. In CURRANTS we y fine; Patras in bbls. In FIGS we have the Crown in tural Figs for cooking. PEELS—Lemon, Orange and y the wants of the most particular customer at prices to snit the holiday trade. ROCE have the Vostsre in car lib and 201b boxes an Citron. We think we GI -333O S BRU T.ozow - CEly'T WE HAVE HAD 0 And Have already sold three times ou To do so We bought hea NOW'S Yot-R 077,wY have atill a large stock on haim and inst gem until the, vitae, lier is over,,when you cannot nqt them. P THEM ONCE to slaughter prices. A store,.of N 4 NG BOOTS to c!eared out at once at pra,s tha onish you. ON January 27,, 1893, Save a Dollar H henYbu eittn and More 2f Possibk itgr THAT'S RIGHT. Then why sit in the dark when you can get the celebrated ROCK / OIL Which is equal to American at the same price as ordinary oil. We have just received another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it either at our new store in the Mackay Block or at our old store in the Brick Block. Try it and' be convinced. HARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, ALBERT SP,, CT,I.NTON GROCERIES, Is coming -and all good housewives will want the very best material for the Holiday cooking. N. ROBSON. - CHINA 'HALL Will lead the trade this season, having a special consignment of goods .opened out, suitable for the Christmas trade, comprising a full line of Choice New FRUITS—Figs, Dates. RAISINS—New Valencias ofr Stalk, New Sultana, Layer, Blk, Basket. New Prime CURRANTS, Bbls., Half Bbls. and Cases. Fresh PEELS—Citron, Lemon and Orange. Pure SPICES, EXTRACTS and ESSENCES Try our Fragrant and full Flavored New Season's TEAS. Special Valves in Sifted Moyne, Congow and Japans. One trial will convince of the folly of buying the so- called Tea sold by transient tea peddlers. CHINA, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE—We have an immense assort-, went and are making special drives in these lines. The low prices are selling them fast L D Kahn's Perfection Wafers U' TY oolle sods. MINTOSH. `°" STORE, BRUCE FIELD Adams' Emporium TO MYPATRONS=I desire to thank you for the liberal support you have given us the past years. Our business has increased over the previous year, and tope that this year, bt fair dealing and kind and strict attention to business to outstrip alliformer years. In order to better accommodate our customers and also ourselves, we have de- termined to enlarge our premises this summer. We have still a large supply of WIN''313E1R► GOODS Which we wish to dispose of at reasonable prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R, ADAMS. LONDESBORO Cures Oonenmptton, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shilob's Porous Plaster will •'re great satisfaction. -25 can SHIL Mrs. V " conslderuthe I ever used." trouble itex ILO Have you Cata positively relieve This Infector for furnished free. R etre sold on agu Poor Charley Roes is again dragged out. This time he lives in Charleston, Ill., and his long whiskers. The young man in question knows nothing of his parents. He has long wondered if he was really themuoh sought for boy. The frequent newspaper items he saw about the lo: Charley Rose finally led him to write e!E to Poet- mastee Fiel of Phil: asking that gentle, • • et' ' y about the lost .r he was the is known in ars of age. That Charley would be iderable credence is n'e story. Postmaster 1phia, bas written the arleston asking informa- he so-called Charley Ross, pmemts in the case will be hea. louts Rescue From Ovari- Tumor and Peritonitis. MITCHELL, January 20tb, 1887. Isaac Williams Co.; Dear Sirs—I am at present relovering from a most sueceesful surgical operation for the re- moval of an Ovarian Tumor, from whish I have suffered for a number ofears, and for the dis- orders and general debility arising from euob growths, I was continually doctoring. Being strongly opposed to patent medicines and real- izing the need of being earetnl as to the means I used for obtaining relief, it was not without very mush persuasion, and after seeking Divine Cuidanoo, that I consented to give your Royal rown Remedya trial for strengthening my then run down sysem. However, I did so, and am thankful to say, wasinot disappointed. In a few days I began to mend, and from that time, Jul 1886, until last July• when I was attacked with Peritonitis, I did not fent in need of any medicine of the doctor's prescribing and wbon last April I met two doctors in consultation, they pronounced tlutritfon excellent. I have recommended the use df Royal Crown Remedy to many, and shall continuo to de so. Wishing you every success in its sale, I remain, Yours truly, FANNY SMIT1It5RINGAL11 tvilltam'e itoyaiTCrown Remedy is the greatest Remedy ou earth for general dibility. 5 DANGERS 0 There was a oapta who was palled onto officer to see a snpp "Sir," said the ca man who saw one, document to that tain, too, and whe his employers dis said they could& so.drank to th the press for a put liitn down Drake's stet), uinedhtni, X fiord to see se narder once age by his first a serpent. "I once knew a t his name to a b. no was a cap - came into harbor . him because they a skipper who got e was the sport of h, rind hie Mende, all s bi tt Mar g .1 as Cl: pt. ndfather. The t :ing .)ing below. 1001 u't af- )oYltt,'' A RAPID AND POSITIVE REMEDY FOR THE ABSOLUTE CURE OF [vNervons Disorders and Debility, Spinal Exhaustion, Bad Complexion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Physical Decay and General Weakness. Also KAHN'S PENNYROYAL WAFERS for sale by JA- -E3S :E OOMBJal RUMBALL' S CIIZ FACTORY .Eliirori Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment oil splendid GGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be? f first-class material and workmanship, I ou want a good article ,at the price of a poor one, call and see as. F- UMB.4L•L.. CLINT4N THE BE IRING SEA (111 STION John Bull on one side of the wall, Uncle Jonathan on @ other, Findon's face in the above cut. Tho publishers of ir a The Caohn nadian Music Folio" will give 850 in Cash to first person sending in a correct answer to the above puzzle (by having the face marked thus : X); 828 in cash to the second correct answer ; 815 to the third correct answer ; *10 to the fourth correct answer, and 85 in cash to every tenth correct answer to the close. These prizes are not large, but we award every dollar just as adver- tised. See the list of prize -winners in our last contest at the bottom of this advertisement. If you are in doubt concerning the merit we claim for this beautiful publication, write to some friend here or any Toronto papers, who can easily vouch for what we say. YOU want latest and most popular music, and you want 1t attthe lowest prices. Send us 3o cents, and afterou receive the Folio if you are not satisfied, write us, and we will cheerfully return yopr money. The most prominent musical people in Canada are ' among our subscribers. CONDITIONS.—Every person sending an answer must enclose with same ten three -cent stamps (30 cents) for one month's trial subscription to thea Folio, Which contains this `A a� '$ Wattles. Wattle month "OVER THE WAVES', Waltzes. "HEART OP MY HEART'" Vocal. "BRAN' NEW LITTLE 00011 " Vocal, and also In Schottische and Polka. "MY MOTHER'S NNW, Vocal. "PAOts," Oomlo. ',ANDALUCIA" Waltzed. Containing In all 50 pagoe. -timesNrite overt to-day ayou and trout eou �y You receive willanottlosethat anything, for youe musimany alone cannot be bought elsewhere for five times the amount of your remittance. List of prize -winners in our last competition: MIgo Olara Morton, 5 Melbourne Place, Toronto, $25 cash; Miss Mary Strantre, Hamilton, $15 cash; Mrs. W. Vanaletlne, 6o Oak st., City, IMO cash Miss Iva Bonner, cor. Yonge and Queen sts., city, $5 cash; Miss Carrie Davies, cor. Sherbourne and Carlton, $5 ; E. W. Email. 6o Pembroke et., $5 ; Mrs. H. L. Aylmer, 141 Alexander st., Montreal, $5 ; Mrs. P. Mackelcan, tea Calhemie st., Hamilton, $5 ; Mrs. Dr. Gauvieau, 5t. Isidore, Que., $5 ; Geo. Moirisette, Three Rivers, Que., $5 : Vincent Green, Prof. of Music Trinity _College, Port Hope, $5; Gertrude L. Young, care of Dr. Young, Virden, Man., $5 ; Mrs. Rev. G. Lockhart, Alexander, Man., $5 ; Miss Crawford, Brandon, Man., '$5 : James Leckie, 323 Alfred 't., Winnipeg, Man., $5; Chas. Becker, lniperial Hotel, Vancouver, B. C., `55 ; Miss Susie Extence, Mount Pleasant, Vancouver, B, C., $5, Von are missing a big snap if you miss this mon 's number. Address : CANADIAN MUSIC PO lib; Viotoria, . t., Toronto, Can