HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-27, Page 9• t.' d"anuary. 27x I3s $4. THIS XS A,WP'UL. 'EarAy yesterday Morning the angel of 'death acting� under the devil's os- tlers, took him (Ben Butler) from earth and landed him in hell. In all this southern country there are no tears, no sighs and no regrets. He Lived only too long. We are glad he has at last WI. TO -DAY, Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head In the medicine world, admired in prosper. ity and envied in merit by thousands of would-be competitors. It has a larger sale Ithan any otherenemaedioine. Such enema could not be won without positive merit. • 1.44.44444.4,414 been removed from earth, and even Hood's Pins care constipation by reetor- pity the devil the possession he has se- ing the peristaltic notion of the alimentary cured. He was a demagogue; whose canal. They are the best family oathatio selfishness amounted to pollution; he was an autocrat who used power to wreak persona). vengeance, he was a malignant hangman from prejudice, the insulter of women, a braggadocio, a trickster,and a, scoundrel whose heart was as black as the smoke from the coals that are now scorching his soul. -Nashville, Tenn., American. COM MENDABLE. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, bat it is not a cure-all, and makes no pre- teneione that every bottle will not substantiate. CRISP AND CASUAL. COMING BACK TO THE FARM. Yes, Neighbor 'Lige, I'm baok again, back to the same old place, I've been huntin' wealth and ease of late, but now give up the ohase. In future to the plough I'll stick, like cob- bler to his last, For a farmer, of all men, should stay just where his lot is oast. I don't exaotly know what happened to my wife and me To fill our empty heads with such a crazy loon's idee. For here our folke have lived an' died since George III. was king, Since father's gran'ther got a grant of land for soldiering. The one that first commenced it was our Sasie's oity bean, Physicians are now able to wash out He got ns all dissatisfied, he talked so big, the system through the natural chan- nels of circulation by means of injected fluid. The STAR Almanac of Montreal is the cry of all over the continent. It is in tremendous demand, and on wonder. It is said that Christian missionaries in foreign countries have more trouble to convert Mohammedans than any other class of people. The great value of Hood's Sarsaparilia as a remedy for catarrh is vouched for by thousands of people whom it has cured. On the bank of the river Naha, be- tween Bingen and Coblentz, there is an echo capable of repeating a sentence seventeen different times. All who are troubled with Constipation will find a safe, sure, and speedy relief in Ayer's Pills. Unlike most other cathartic, these pills strengthen the stomach, liver, and bowels, and restore the organs to normal and regular action. InFrance there is an uwritten but im- mutable law that a painting shall not be exhibited without the artist's con- sent, no matter what the wishes of the owner may be. Why go about hawking and spitting when Nasal Balm will remove every vestige of your catarrh,and thus relieve you of this disagreeable habit? In oases of cold in the head, Nasal Balm gives instead relief and effects a permament cure,,From 'dealers or by mail, post paid, 50c.small or $1 large size bottle. Pulford & Co., Brockville, Out. M. Francis Coppe, in making an ad- dress before a scientific school, said that he knew no language but his own, no higher mathematics, chemistry or philosophy, and, in comparison with the youths before him, felt humiliated at his own ignorance. when Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. when tike had Children, she gave them Castoria. By placing two iron bars at seven or eight yards distance from each other and putting them in communication on one side by an insulated wire and on the other side with a telephone, it is said that a storm can be predicted 12 hours ahead through a certain dead sound heard in the receiver. A DISTURBANCE isn't what you want , if your stomach and bowels are irregular. That's about all yon get, though, with the ordinary pill. It may relieve you for a moment, but you're usually in a worse state afterward than before. This is just where Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pelleta do most good. They act in an easy and natural way, very different from the .page, old-fashioned pills. They're not only pleasanter, but there's no reaction after- wards, and their help lasts. •One little sugar-coated pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective --three for a cathartic. Consti- pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Diz- It ziness, 'Sink and Bilious Headaches, are promptly relieved and cared. They're the smallest, the easiest to take, and the cheapest pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. Yon pay only for tno good yon get. you know, Of schemes an' speoulations with a mint o' ooin in reach, An' nothin' could be finer than the figures of his speech. He said it was a shame for me to slave the hull year through, When I could make ten times as much with scarce a rap to do, An' own a fanny house in town, an' live in fancy style, An' every day add dollars by the dozen to my pile. An' then he charmed the women folk with tales of life in town, No milkin', churnin', butter-makin' in un- tidy gown, No toilln' late an' early 000kin' for the hired men, Nowt but dressin' np for parties .need to occupy them then. So I raised a mortgage on the farm, an' let it out to rent, Because I couldn't sell it, this good for- tune did prevent, An' I bought the stock an' fixin's of a 99 - cent store, An' moved my family to town, an' thought to work no more. An' with Susie's bean for partner we just rushed things for awhile, Our trade was boomin' lively, an' we seem- ed to have struck ile. Then he an' Susie married an' left us pretty soon, An' took a trip to Boston to spend their honeymoon. I hJin't a knack at keepin' books, that was his part, yon see, But I thought to wrestle through with them till he came back to me. - An' I found 'em crammed with figures re- presentin, many a debt, But not a hill in bank or till whereby they could be met. He had raised on everythin' he could, ail' of the stock an' store, Left me the liabilities an' name, but no - thin' more. So I, wound np everythin' as well as I could get it wound, An' a wiser, sadder, poorer man, once more I till the ground. And Susie, she has come back, too, as quickly as sbe could, For she wa'n't long a-findin' out the mar- riage wa'n't no good. Hehad another wife out there, who came an' claimed her own, An' Susie let her hey' him, an' travelled back alone. An' so the hall of us are back same as we never went, 'Cept that the land is mortgaged eo the interest is big rent. But if I kin make ends meet now I'll stick to the old spot Till I'm toted to the graveyard in the oor- ner of the lot. Jerusalem is still supplied with water from Solomon's pools through an aque- duct built by the crusaders. The whole number of ,Hales in the United States is 32,067,880, and the whole number of females 30,554,880. Within thirty years oyer twenty thousand lives have been lost by ship- wreck and drowning on the coast of England. English society is raising a national la- ment because men no longer dance. Host- esses have for a long time been at their wit's endto secure partners for young women at balls and danoing parties. Now the situa- tion ie worse than ever, and remedies are eagerly sought. The suggestion is pub- licly discussed that a dancing agency be es- tablished similar to such institutes in Paris and Berlin. Hired guests armed with guarantees of fitness and reapectibility would appear at the proper hour, warrant. ed to dance every number on the card and not give more than three dances to one young woman. Some such plan seems be the only hope of saving the art of dancing in Bngland. The Wealth of Health Is in Pure Rich Blood; to enrich the blood is like putting money out at interest, SOOTT'S ULSION Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphite&; enriching properties in ree, Are you at run is Emulsion. Almost Milk. he sure and ).rite, Tiellotille.. A Vermont lumber dealer advertises that he has for sale 60,000 shingles made by "the only Christian shingle maker in the State." OPEN AS DAY It is given to everyphysician.the formula of Scotts Emulsion being no secret; but no successful imitation has everbeen offered to the public. Only years of experience end study ca n produce the beat. RAILROAD TI °E TABLE Issued October 2nd, 1892. The departure of -•trains .at the several stations named, is according to the last official time card : CLINTON Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West. 7.43 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 2.41 p.m. 1.28 p.m. 4.55 p.m. m. 9.176.55 p.mp.. London, Heron and Bruce Division Going North Going South a.m. p.m a.m. p.m Wingham 11.00 7.50 6.45 3.50 Belgrave 10.42 7.26 7.00 4.11 Blyth 10.28 7.12 7.14 4.25 Londesboro 10.19 7.08 7.21 4.32 Clinton 10.10 6.45 7.55 4.50 Brncefield10.00 6.17 8.15 5.12 Kippen 9.55 6.07 8.24 5.21 Heneall9.42 6.00 8.32 6.30 Exeter ... 9.34 5.46 8.50 5.46 London8.06 4.30 10.16 6.55 ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. The unmet, compietest and latest line . f Mee! triealappliances inthe world. They ha e never failed to cure. , We aro so positive of it tbat w. \will back our belief and send you any llectricAl -Appliance now to the market And you 1h try' it ;or Three Months. Largest itat of t Itnleniald I earth. Send for book and lot). i E'tvo. yr 'iv'; slits 'l indt.o r ' t E. CLII4T"raNt Daniel. Coughlin, one of the men sent to Joliet penitentiary in gannet:Mon with the murder of Dr. Cronin, in Chicago, i4 to.. have a new trial, Coughlin protests his innocence and it joyful, as he says be will be a free man if he "gets a fair taut). Minard's Liniment is the) Best .& strange romance has been ended by the death o! Mary Reia, who for 50 years led a lonely life because her parents forbade an early marriage. Her body was found in the little house near Stonersville. When a girl she fell in love with a Young man whom her parenat did not admire, and they forbade a marriage.. This broke Mary's heart, and Ler home had no more ellen . for her. She preferred to live by herself, and she refused to accept the hosyitality of friends or neighbors, saying that all the world was against her. Twenty years ago ebe moved into the little stone house, and after that she.,rarely saw anybody. A day or two agoa friend called and offered to help her in any way,but the aged lady refused aid. The sum of 020 was found in the little house of the recluse. She was T8 years old. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist, Jas. McMahon, who bas been confin- ed in the Lambton jail for robbing the Canadian Express Company of $6,715 on the 20th of December, was brought before Judge McKenzie on the indict- ment of larceny, and to which he plead- ed guilty. His Honor reserved judg- ment. Minards Linament is used by physicians Duncan McNaughton, ex -Warden of Lambton, died the other day at his re- sidence in the township of Enniskillen. Deceased had been for many years a well-known municipal man in that county, and had many friends who regret to hear of his death. The funer- al took place Wednesday to the Me- thodist cemetery in Petrolea. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes -from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 850 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. George Vickers, sewing machine agent, of Mitchell, who disappeared after dis- counting $1,300 of forged paper with Mr. Cull, a private banker of Mitchell, and was captured in Michigan, was up on remand, -when he pleaded guilty to three charges preferred against him. He was remanded for a week fol' sentence. Minard's Liniment lambermai's friend Rev. Sam Small, the evangelist, who spent seven years on the rostrum following his conversion, has returned to journalism. He has accepted a position on the editorial staff of the Atlanta Constitution. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brcwnevalley, ind. says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three yearsfrom Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I' 'had been doctoring constantly with 'no relief. I nought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me moreood than $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to ueo this valuable and lovely reined A trial bottle will ,convince you. W d by Watts & Co. Druggist. At Chesley on Sunday after as the funeral procession of the late Hu ti Kidd, of the 7th concession of Elderslie, ho died suddenly Friday last, was on its ay to the cemetery the horses drawing the arse be- came unmanageable and ran awa , upsett- ing and breaking the hearse. Th, coffin was thrown with such force into a c hh on the roadside that the lid became detached and the corpse was exposed to view. That AYER'S Sarsaparilla CURES OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same course of treatment WILL CURE YOU. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AYE Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to -day. It is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AYER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, are blood -purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists ; Price $t ; six bottles, $5. Cures others, will cure you Mrs Sarah Howard, of Holton,Me., has a pair of muskrats for pets. They came up through the drain into the cellar and soon became so -taste that they invaded the kitchen and made themselves entirely at home, eating out of the cat's saucer. The old cat pays no attention to therats, but the kittens sometimes cuff them. The strange vi. siiors toren a broom, and with the straw made for themselves a nest rat- tler the cupboard. When drinking' milk the dipptheir paws into the eau.. cot, and then llck the Milk from the fdr.a Ittakes then) half' an hour to drink a b"tblall saucer of milts, At. II This world-renowned Soap stands at the bead of all Laundry and Household Soap, both for quality and extent of sales. Used according to directions, It does away with an the old-fashioned drudgery of wash day. Try it; you won't be disappointed. SUNLIGHT SOAP has been in use in Windsor Castle for the past s yearn, and its manufacturers have been specially appointed SOAPMABERS TO THE QUEEN Awarded 11 Gold Medals NEW . FEED STORE HURON ST„ CLLNTON,. HANLEY & WALKER - Desire to intimate that they have openened out a drat -class Flour and Feed Store in the above stand, and will be pleased to promptly 1111 all - orders in their, line. OH Cake, and Flour and Feed of all kind kept in stock. We will take any kind pt coarse Braine in ex. . change for goods. rioes on Low as the Lowest. Orders ?Welted, SANLEY & WALTKER COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE Honest Value in all linos. Don't pass this established and reliable store when you want ChoiceFamily Flour, Meals trains, or Cured Mats. Quality A 1 and prices as lowras any in town, Wo a give 101be. of choice rolled Oatmeal for a bushel of oats. Call and see ue. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. -A- Piano speaks Ito true merits, that is why the Gerhard Heintzman has gained such nnprederented popularity. It costs a little more than other Canadian makesr but it is buUt' o last a life -time. It is the Piano of the cultured. See it before baying. Sold in Clinton by G. F. EMERSON' Write to him for Catalogs+• .00THINO, 9 EANSINO, H EA4NO. Instant Thief, Permanent Cure, future Impossible. Many r i-csllen diseases are eimply+ymptoms of Catarrh, such sat headache, losing sense of er,dn, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling • of debility, eta. If you are troublea with any of these or Kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of NASAL BALM. Bo warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Bold by all druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price 160 cents and $1) byaddreseing FULFORD & CO. Brocltvllle.,Ont. Scientiflo American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc._ For information and free Handbook write to MUNN O CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by tis to brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the cicntific American Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly 143.00 a yyear; 51.60 six months. Address MTJNN & CO.. PonLIsnERS, 361 Broadway, New York Cita; PHOTOS C. HOARE'S fine new Photograph Gallery being now ready for operation, he is furnishing First Class Cabinets at $2.25 per Dozen. Other sizes in proportion. All wanting such come and try him. Samples of photos may be seen in J. O.•Stovon- son's shop window. C. HOARE - - - CLIR1'YONt HURON AND BRUCE Loan Investment Co'y This 007a,,any is Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lou est Rales of Interest. MORTGAGES - . - PUROHABEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. S, 4 and'S per Cent. Interest Allowed ort Deposita, according toamount and time Wt. OFFICE -Corner of Market Square and North Pt ,IORACEHOA?ON, sTAtta�ea 6th ISes Hates and axpanseawoeklyfronlatar6,. Lib+ oral commission to local part.ttma t will .Permanent poattlon, 0006 otunoe for. s oyancemon& Zeslurioa territory, stocpc Staten Cloanjhdr truotonAm ttnd� !n C nalr,, and only_ntgraroory in both Canadaand United. treatment guaran teed. NOsusspe' tutlin eomonp,our 1100tI. o •fr m houses, 0 "account o 10piker an niiar advanta. Apel ttve can interest Aft not darning' Seta , Mouth i. N 18 ryii nit ttngdd oxpvise. 15Lfalieree or *r• auto nieu�rl��fa ture.� ,,,,. linme. We oo m. ffive. Ad ilo lied S, r&Iabl..)' D. COOK, CLINTON. DAVIS' LIVERY. The undersigned desire to thank the people of Clinton for the very generous patronagb that has been bestowed on the West End livery. At the same time we wish to intimate that the business will be conducted in the future, under the firm name of Davis & Son. We have rented the Livery Stable near the Commercial Hotel, recently occupied by Mr. Reynolds, and with now riga, etc., will be in a better position than ever to accomodate travellers.-DAVIS &SON A PRIZE REBUS A Gift for Everybody Answering this •Puzzle Correctly. .$100 IN CASK. Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a pall of In the above well-known Rhyme the word "Water " is tp issin , and is to be found concealed in the above cut of Jack and Gill. The publishers of Oar Young People will give 9100 In Cash to the person who first can find the word "Water " in the above picture. To the second a fine Wtch. To the third a finer Watch. Gold To tthe fourth an elegant Five O'Cilook Silver Tea Service. To the fifth an imported Music Bos- T the nthmailm lesT ewriter A Solid Gold Ring each of m'ne next two correct anewore. A 16 Gold Piece to the next three. A gold brooch to each of the next ten correct answers. A committee consisting of five teachers from the public schools of Toronto will be invited to be present and 0ssistthe judges in the award of prizes. Each contestantls to cut out the Rebus and make a cross with a lesdpencil on the five letters (Water) and send same to me with ten three -cent stamps (or 90 cents in silver) for one years' subscription to Oar Young Poopaiee,which is a (large, beauti- a beautiful 1EngravingillustratedFile rst Kiss" will ge be rent free by return mail to Every answer received. ber that you get the an enttre year ad a This is your chance for one or more of the prizes. opportunity and if you delay you will miss and regret it. we will give to the last 20 correct answers received each a handsome Souvenir Spoon of Columbus. READEa rr 18 FOR YOU TO SAY whether or not you will have Our Young People as a regular visitor at chance of wining oour nefor ot the abovethe nextyprizesnd a. Rearif y you are not perfectly satisfied with invest- ment after receiving the first copy of Our Young People you can have your money bark. Isn't this fair.* The envelope which contains correct answer bearing first post -mark will receive first reward and the balance in order sure and answer to -day and enclose 30 cents and you will receive the best value you ever did for the money. Address 0011 YOUNG PEOPLE, Sing Stree cores WALL - PAPER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian `gal Papas WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought'.my Papers and Painte for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- perience justify me in eayingthat all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find It to their advantage to give mo a call, Si'Sbop, south Oliver Jehneton's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley residence. JOSEPH COPP !Practical Paper Hanger •and Painter. ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the beet attest 11111 Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the OrPISMSR PATNNT AOTOMAT10 BOILED] CIIANSR, STEAM FITTINGS furniah,d and app od on abort notice. Boilers. Engines. and all lands of Machinery repaired expeditiously and in *satisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired positiive andwaterSilos fitted pumps d ppllput tion Chargee moderate. HECOOK'SBEST FR,END iG muton Al.* IN CMG:aA. \ you Ought to be`a subserlb- er t0 PRINTERS' INK ; journal for advertisers. Printers' ink is is - stied weekly and is filled w i t h contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in tate advertising business. Printers' ink costs only a dollar a year. A sample copy will be sent • on receipt of five cents. 0E0. P. ROWELL & CO., so Spruce St., - New York, J. C. STEVENSO -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER -AND- EMBALMER. A FULL LIVE OF GOODS KEPI' i11 STOCK. The bestEmbalming Fluid used Splendid Kearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL EN MILLER NII1ISRY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TR/tS NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOT YR AND ASTRACHAN PINE. TDB LATTHR OP WHICH WE MARS A 5PSOIAL' LARGE STOCK ON HAN The obeys ornamental trees and shrubbery Bold at very low prices? and those want thing in this connection will save purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly tot Address, JOHN STEWART. - Ben DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anyt nature? Then callDnI shop, No. 7 'Frederick St. Will be at,Dinsley's corner afternoon. CLiINTON Planing . -AND- DRY KILN! THESUBSORIBEbHAVING JUST COlt HD ayd furnished his new Planing M machinery of the latest Improved pnti0rds prepared to attend to all order. tn his lino most prompt and satisfactory manner and a ate Boilable rates. He would also return thanks t\ b who patronized the old mill before they were bat gd out, and now being in a better position -to e1e uto orders°xpoditlouely and feels confident hecan , ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY -Near the Grand Trunci Railway, Clinton . THOMAS McRENZI THE RIGHT The new model o planed in a screw bite) want among farmers, only, but very strong wheels work between, pillars as in cckford Wat Daae, will fill a as it is not do Tho plate wh not being separ tho ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned o solid piece of metal, with the edger left o top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or le sot with sunk balance to prevent breaking, m Ing In all a good rong watoh • For, a Farmer JOS. BIDDL.ECOMBE er. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTID For m'pure, Weak and Irnpo Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness tation of the Heart, Liver Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, B Consumption, Gall Stones, Jean ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vita Female Irregularities and General LABORATORY, GODERICH, J. M. MoLEO b, ' Prop. and Manatee Sold by J. H. Combo, Cli*ton it St WILSON, GENERAL DEALER iN TINW HURON STREET, CLINTON. Repairing of all kande promptly Attotti' enable rates. A. trial sollotted,