HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-27, Page 8.L. •.. CLI TON N16/ As every other business in town is giving Bargains just now on account of it being stocktaking time, we are in the swim also and are offering New CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELERY • At rock bottom prices. J. B. RUMBALL CHIDLEY'3 r'u1tNITiTRE 8c IERTAKING WAREROOMS FURNITURE : :U NDERTAH/NG Our Stock is the Largest This branch is under the management of J. W.Chidley, itt the west, and our prices jr. Night calls answered at his residence, High Sreet, op- posite foundry. .are lower than the lowest. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate at No reeocommisnabsileon. rates of interest WILLIAM BOBB, - Clinton. WANTED. A reliable person wanted to rent a good farm, lima to aot as Assistant Postmaster in Post office thereon. For further particulars apply to A. ,CANTELON, Postmaster, Lorlie P.O., N.W.T. ;31 Hon. G. W. Ross has arrived back :.from Europe much benefited by his Itlp At Pittsburg, Pa., 252 oleomargarine dealers, were fined $100 and costs each for yiolatIng the law regarding the sale of that reo .' modity. r Sol. White. M.P.P. proclaimed his ity to Britain during the visit of the nor -General to Windsor, and now the tion gang have bounced him. k Barth, of Brantford, Ont., was in t1 railroad disaster at Alton, Ill., trday, in which 16 persona were rt is said Mr Barth cannot re - W. Ogden was the choice At of the Toronto Reform con- n called to select a carididate to st the vacancy in the local legis - e caused by the death of the late igelow. G_ P_ R On Feburary 28th and every Tuesday during March and April, passengers going from Clinton to Manitoba and the North- west oan make good connections at Drumbo, London or Wingham, and have the great advantage of !securing a car which runs through to Winnipeg without change. The latest folders and full information from A. T. COOPER, Agent for C. P. R., Telegraph and Ticket Departments, Gllntpn, Ont. HONEST HELP FOR MEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer from Errors ofYouth,Nervous Debility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else hd failed that he will send the means of cure FREE'.to-all fellow suf- ferers. Address, with stamp, .++ MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (T[ACHER) BOX 143, DtTROIT, MICH. xtA Jannaxy 2/A 1,89 The interest in this story continues each dad --Prices do it. W e hadgreat success Wednesday • • at our special Sale; crowds constantly. W e thank the people for their attendance. VV e never break faith with the public, but when we say we are going to sell cheap we do it --hence our success. GIY.ROY 8c WISEMA.N CLINTON BANKR,PT! We have placed o1our 50c Shoe Counter some Bankrupt Lies bought at 50c on the $. See this counter, it will put smile on your face as a late breakfast. Lots of Bargains in Groceri `s. H. W. JESSOP, Cash Merchant, BLYTH AT iK_Ni Still OF Now going on at M, TAYLOR & SONS WE TAKE STOOK ON THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, AND FROM NOW TILL THEN WILL GIVE 0oping Reductions for Cash ! 'On the balance of our Winter Stock, and special inducements will be offered on,all lines for THE PRICE TELLS, AND EVERYBODY TELLS THE PRICE And our prices will be of interest to you duffing this sale. dose our financial year on the first day of February, and have decided on and after that date to close our books and carry on our business on a STP,ICT=.iY CAS=3 SYSTEM d lower the price of our goods to a cash basis, which we consider to be to the best rests of both buyer and seller. Try buying for cash, and contrast the saving you will make from the old credit prices. ttEB AND EGGS TAKEN THE SAME AS -CASH W. TAYLOR & SO S CLINTON MARKETS Corrected ovory Thursday afternoon. `Thursday, Jan. 26, 1893. Wheat fall 0 65 a 0 68 Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 63 Oats 0 28 a 0 29 Barley ,..... 0 30 a 0 35 Peas 0 52 a 0 55 Flour per bal a 4 30` Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs per doz 0 16 a 0 17 Potatoes new per bushel 0 35 a 0 40 Tuckeys per lb 0 08 a 0 10 Geese per Ib 0 07 a 0 09 Ducks per pair 0 40 a 0 70 Chickens per pair . 0 25 a 0 40 Pork 800a800 Wool` 016a016 Hay, new 6 03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 Hides, rough 2 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75 Wood short 2 25 a 2 25 Wood long 3 00 a 3 50 Clover 7 00 a 7 50 Timothy 1 50 a 2 00 BALE REGISTER. Farm stock of Thos. Hoard, lot 4th, Barfield Road, Godorich township, on Tuesday, Feb. 7. T. M. Carling, Anot. Mortgage sale of town property, at the Com- mercial -Hotel, Clinton on Saturday, Feb. 25th. David Dickinson, auctioneer. Farm stock of Mr. Rich. Carter lot 27, con. 9 Hullott, on Wednesday, Feb. 15th. T. Brown anot. BORN PICKETT—In Clinton, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Pickett, of a daughter. ' JEWIT—In Morris, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. L. Jowit, of a daughter. CLARKE—In Soafortb, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. J. A. Clarke, late of Clinton, a son. CAMPBELL—In Morrie on the 4th inst., the wife of D. W. Campbell, o a daughter. ELLIOTT—In East Wawanosh, on the let. the wife of Mr. John Elliott, jr., of a son. OKE—In Hullott, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. William Oke, of a son. MARRIED. WATT—PARSONS—At tho residence of the bride's parents on the evening of Jan. 24th by the Rov.J.A. Hamilton, Mr James Watt tol{Iiss Ida Parsons, all of Hallett. CLARK—ROBERTON—At the residence of the bride's father, Hullott, on Jan. 19, bythe Rev. R. Henderson, Mr Oliver Clark Auurn to Mise E. Roberton, daughter of Ivfr. Robert Roberton, Hullott. MOBRIEN—MOCLUSKEY—At the residence of the bride's Lather Goderieh township, by the Rev. Dr. Ure, Mr James Mclrien to Isabella,, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph McCluskey. DIED. GIHIIINGS—In Clinton,on tho 24th inst., Percy John, eon of Mr John Gibbings, aged 21 years and 3 months.. MALVERN—In Hullott, on Jan. 21st, Lottie, wife of Mr. James Mollveon, aged 70 years. BOOTH—In Stanley, on the 20th inst., Sarah J., youngest daughter of Mr. Frances Booth aged 32ycars, and sister of Mr. F. S. Booth, of EIIRR—In McKillop, on Jan. 13th, William Kerr, aged 05 years. MITCHELL—In Soafortb on San. 13, Eveline Plorcoy, wife of Mr. John l ittehell, aged 90 yrs. FOSTER Go to FOSTER For your PHOTOS STOCKTAKIIIG ! We are right in the midst of stocktaking and find many arti- cles that if not sold within a few weeks will have to be carried over till next fall. We endeavor each season to clear out all goods that are bought for that season's trade. As the season advances extra inducements are necessary to effect a clear sweep of Winter Goods. We show Mantle Cloths That were 80 cents now selling for 50c. FUR . SETTS In Gray Opossum, Black Opossum and Coney at at a. reduction of 25 per cent. A full line of OVERCOATS In Worsted, Meltons, Tweeds and Etoffs at prices to please the closest buyers. We will have a good assort- ment of DRESS GOODS Regular price 25c, now selling at 15c. a yard. Odds and ends, remnants selling in many cases at half the regular price. We pay Cash for any quantity of Good Butter' Eggs, Lard Tallow and Dried Apples. W. L. OVIMETT LOlv F6680RC? (,)