HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-20, Page 91!�L,e," r ,nm� v�. �.,, --4
titutted for
be' bele" in
0 1k!ond ayi'
o c eek .:7 i,,' e
g i to elec oUcere
A r .bua noee as ',, �.•
Weary, Me John'
eentatve 'of the
inion Pnrltament .
will deliver an ad � '(;... , s,
8 „
weeting;'wtll be
lig •Tet the, meet,
Monday night, . a
ointeld to devise, if
ter method of e 11ect-
at resettt prevails.
gggeations made waa
might be;; to
ad of one.,:' This, 144W-
practicab'le, as tt, involves
y of th'e •clerk making out
stead of One; The com-
'r fully considering the
ecommend that all'taxes
e 1st of Decetaber, and.
t be added to those not.
xecutive Committee .of
purity Sabbath School
onsisttng of'Messrs Jas.
ter, 1, Taylor, J. C. Stev-
Rimes, :anti Revs. 'J. W,,•
W. Smyth, Clinton; W.
'Seaforth; J. S. McKinnon
gb McQuarr:ie Blyth, met in
riday, arrange a pro -
„for the next annual meeting,
is , to be, held in Clinton.�on
nes ay and Wednesday. Feb. 20-21.
A'eureber of prattical Sabbath School
sub'ects were chosen for the program,
an good practical S. S. workers se-
lected to introduce these.sqbjects. In
order to give additional interest to the
occasion, an effort is being made to
secure the services of Mr S. Hr Blake, article,bnt it's little and often fills the purse, and the few
or Toronto, well-known as one of the of the
best S. S. workers in Canada, acents saved here and the few. cents saved there soon make
convention being held in the best, place the dollars.
in the county for convenience—Clin-
ton—it is expected there will be a large
attendance of all interested in work of
this nature.
Name — It was reported that a
I 'C ange will shortly take place in the may pay when you like; but by having at all times new,
ownership of • the Prince of Wales
hotel, Mr Lee having sold out to a Mr desirable goods, the goods you want andtselling them for less
o Ta lor, but we understand the deal has mons gave credit.
fallen through. ,TheEmmaWellsfome- y than if we
dy Co. has engaged the town hall for
one week, coded o hear
on the 22nd, For the sake of getting a few months time to pay in,
We are pleased to hear that Mrs Hill,
n°last F •d t
is now about 1,2• Months since we announced our in;;
tenticin of changingg our.business to a cash basis,,and we have
had np reason, so. far, to regret the step taken, True, there
were some ''`.of. our • customers who did not look with favor;
upon the change, and did not See that it would be any ad-
vantage to thein to pay chsh instead of running ,the custom=;
ary account; but already several of these have said that they
Were going to•try thecash system this year.
Those who decided to give the new system a fair trial
are well satisfied with it, and now when nearly everybody
is complaining of the scarcity of ready money, they have no
long account to 'settle. As one person put it: "I” have got
all the goods I wanted, I don't feel any poorer, and I ' have
no big bill to pay at the end of the year. The cash system'
is the one Tor me." His experience and opinion ' is that of
many'others4°• , .
Value for value, dollar for dollar, selling for cash =•only
we can and do sell chezth
per an where credit
is given.
The difference in price may not seem much on any single
Selling for -cash, we solicit your trade, not with promises
of your own time to pay in, not saying take this home you
much du ng the past week, and is
now out of danger. Mr and Mrs John
Hardy, of the base line;, returned last
week from a visit • to Mariposa; while
there they experienced;blizzards and
exceedingly cold weathe, although it
— was delightful weather) here at the min
time. Mr Whiting, of lBowmanville,
a former business man r of town, was
• here last "reek. Mr BF il, of the Com-
mercial hotel, has ,kleen laid up for
several days with, acute rheumatism;
and was stopping with his bro- -
ther-inlaw, M J.Lasham, of Londes- '
'boyo ; he is now back in town.•
Inspector Jobkirk, of the Postal The Saturday upon which the Great Semi -Annual
of Grey (mother of Mr J. W. Hill) can you afford to pay 10 or 15 per cent mare for your: goods
who has been seriously ill for some than you can get them for b y paying cash.
time, is improving. Mr P. D. Mc-
Kinnon, Inspector for' the Confedera-
tion Life Insurance Company, Winni-
peg, and a former Clintonian, will be
married- 'in -a few days to a lady of
Toronto. Dr. Gunn was at Wingham
on Saturday, a`s'sisting in the amputa-
tion of the leg Of a Mr Tucker, who
was sulfgring from gangrene. Miss
Sadie Mo%ton, of New York, is the
guest of Mi z Boles. Mrs Ramsay, of
Toronto, is be guest of Mrs T. C.
Bruce., Mr J . Stevens, who was so
seriouslyill last week that his recov-
.ery was doubtful, has improved very
J. Hodgoos
�e have taken the Ageno
of thug Electric Li ht ,Enlarging`
rye ,npr'epared to take rorders': or.,
ts� The work -as ,guaranteed and'' !f
nod not. be *scvepted.
00, order�':we..a
t •IQrf�iiyU
enerally«„,ehArgod $8 and $10,
Argo stock of Mouldings and can
in a first-class manner and ion .tktd
• � i
C en uine Stock
Our business, conducted on a strictly Cash basis, has 'mere
than met our expectations during, the past year, AAS-- -
we have no doubt but our customers are' also well 2at-_
isfied, as they have no heavy ;accountse.to. pay at this
season of the year. • e _ .;
We take stock on the 1st of Februar - !,• nd'° ar
making a genuine tock Taking Sale, an, to clear;;=oi
all the winter goods` that we can b'eforO that dato,offera
them at prices that even cash rgltae4),not considered'
MC ONE PRICE CASH STORE. ,, Biitter'a>t3 Eggs taken
e 27th of JANUARY
official goal
arty, who e removal from Toron-
ormal Schc4'ol several years ago,
bject o `,so much discussion in
to p: 'ers, was at one time
inton Collegiate. We
post card annonn
t Scotland, Dake: • off
, a former resident of
e has lived in Dakota.
of years, and his death
August. Mr Courtice
nephew of Mr John Gar_
c, is here on a visit, 'and may settle
this vicinity's Mrs 'Hodgens has
e. en spending" several days in Gode-
ch, the guest -:of Mrs Geo. Acheson.
ev. David Savage, now of Guelph,
d, one of the most useful, zealous
d. ,faithful of the older Methodist
nisters, is in town this week. Mr J.
'lrov,-after ten days' confinement
-house, is able to be around
ugh yet weak. Mrs E. Mar-
ich, sister • of Mr lames
Mrs L. Manning, ,s\been
is vicinity. At ie d ret
e Ontario Urea ,eries
oh i Hanna 1 ,of•Sea
• as one of abbe 'offic rs.'
",) repairer met vial a
nt at Goderich, on Tuesday,
from the top of a 30 -fool
hting on his shoulders, and
n h' d 'r 1
was through this way
iess last week, Miss K.
_Bargain Day Sale takes. place is being looked
forward to with a great degree of interest on the
part of the BARGAIN SEEKER, who knows
that a Great Saving in Clothing is in store for him.
Also on our part, for we know from the history of
our previous Bargain Days, that large quantities of
Men's and Boys' Clothing,
Overcoats, Suits and Trowsers
Besides smaller articl es, will he clear ed out of the
house, Making room for Spring Goo ds,
• What is wrong with the goods that makes us so anxious to
-� get rid of them?
cc W ),
rig is spire an pa a yzing NOT IN G IS WRO N G
from the effects of whici�jie NOT
r D. B. Osnick, form' rly •
but latterly a traveller for _
(,oXnpany, is about to start Fox theyare this season's goods, beside being our
d` stationery business in ,
an;ha€s.lots of push about ' '
ery likely to succeed, Mr own manufacture.
aggart has bought the
eys awned 'by the late •
li of • Detroit. Master I ut they are
Clearing yup.
Liow E I'iees h
stook less b
mice goods y
price will :`,
it we
t that wsir
• 1
ii. • they
ave s
think' the
Bargains, Me s & Boys' Uiderwear
Gi-et s onk4 of 'our Boys' Shirts
and Drawers; at 25c. Phe r zire
Bargains Fiugeri g aFactoryYarns
B1aeljand Colors
Bargains in Ladies' Wool Vests.
as gone to Peru, Itid.,
chlor S. S. Cooper is • 'r • ,tom
et km -Other out from - odd. Suitt ►f a Brokeln Line, Rar gains- ` t`hdieb Cbi1d sOverho§.•
Mr hby ill d is l odd. t46''c�oalt;s of a, Broken Line cr�
e house by illness. � � • And I�.oi�ie�-_� t Gl�itr;>rinPriceg,
fitting an exteti-
in other tyddi- Odd Pants of a1L flroken” Zine.
Khan saho ongs • % Bargain's iii Grey'`' lantleis. ^p
fount of the
int tis, and All odd Garments of any description will, never acdumulate •
publish here, if price will do it >:. Full particulars • and
chess Ion prices in next veek's.,issue.
d t,'e
'The Voted Furrier
• AND,
l verything 'mentioned' in thi,l
topace is '• 'vv,,orrb -47Q 'iZle onsli(1.ell
ThI LadiesiFavarits Establlsbm
4• BEAVER ur,iOOlr►
�t N?ON4