HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-20, Page 8Beautiful.Obristma T C11.•ti 1 ON NM ERA. . ..0 ...'•R�•'Mw. ,YM° +;rt114!S11!e..s. ul•'n i'IM'!nFrlk4.f 11i�+YmV. 11!4 N.rirn."19F1 .. 1!•Iw4: rclFuy!S.�wJ. SAIF 'O1 .Entre l Olt , A,LB. 'L'A$v INOTIC1 resent i The inlusilal, epei:tacle. of alx°'lUfant fi' rt, f Bal <n a arks: - Spring the yAar the spa ws'�nrye;' yiF X - being a e d, o> e t to Attila was witnessed atllndianapolip, vertisini'MINARD'S. MEN tO JZx Q.I:,t1l.TB, WH1.'f,'i ; ukt40'BIIrOSOltilrt CIa4ZO>L''A'rnrA. , V O1GET` .nrgt,DimIIrop , io4ETTIE Xil �4X► •whery,Mrs Jackman an elderly woman eent*in ezppreaaione a#no uncertain so who bas a stand at the emit from peep speak from personal ee --. offered .to dispose of a 2- 4ftths-olc _ 2 rienee a to the merits , of fhi i est of -babe to her customers • 1$110, said that oraiehold, Remedies. the'°child was born to wryoungwpnman 1 - .. O. Q, BxouARDs' 4 o. 1vho gave ber name as 1t ay LHwie, and;: l't" , e o s lca o who' t tide name of the chlld'ev father Was ., Six youn men, members of the best - e mother aid two e started Fries weeks' board for thehila' and then, yy or to walk miles to Kays-, disappeared, -and Mrs Jackman said eine and back. Not a man took a; that elle Bail brought the babe to the penny with hire and all they get in market in hopes of finding a home for the way of• food or shelter en ;the. way - e tri " fit.. . �.h ria meaCh g,arid h said, at 1 Rothchild. Th m e w 'families of'ellevu , 1(y., to t da Morning #u m 1 These are, the richest goads ever brought into Own, Beautiful Cut Glass Bet- ties put: up Ina satin lined, band painted boX. `We have them at all prices any one of which will. make a handsome Christmas box,. 'H..COMBE, - Chemist. � .aind : - st, ;bnton ' iheteessl tention of the police. When an officer ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six • it., A . large crowd-- -assembled about must be by $!'}uft. the stand and finally. attracted the at- . IN bI* filouas.- • ng..... appeared a woman offered to take the hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN �v babe and care for it, and it was turned OP "0 over to her, but an hour later she re- - turned with the ,babe, saying her hus- band would not let her keep it. Mrs Jackman still has the baby. A BOOMING BUSINESS. For Xmas Trade at the ( orner St o t ;; Block, NEW RAISINS NEW' NEW FIGS NEW FE NEW VALENCIA ALMONDS' Choice Extracts and Pure Ground "; Spices and a full line of Canned Goods HAMS & BACON - HERRINGS & TROUT SCALED HERRINGS FLAKE PEAS ROLLED BARLEY ROLLED) WHEAT Highest price an Trade or Cash for Bait t er and Eggs. rt.Nif. Irwin Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. A SIDEBC?ARD IN EITHER DARK or ANTIQUE OAK FINISH : ` FOR $6.57. REPORTS FROM DIFFERENT POINTS SHOWING 1310 BALES AND GRAND RESULTS Fplj1 DODD'B KID- NEY PILLS—BAMPLES OF THE REPORTS DAILY RECEIVED BY THE MANUFAC- TURERS. TORONTO, Jan. 16.—J. A. MacDonald, a druggist at Whitewood, N. W. T , writes: "Dodd's KidneyPille are meeting with v ni- vereal success in this part of the Domin- ion. My sales of this article are daily in- creasing, and it is well nigh impossible for me to keep them in stook." Frank Brown, druggist, of Shelburne, Ont., writes under a recent date: "Please send me another five groes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sold 18 boxes this afternoon. They are giving grand satisfaction." These pills are man- ufactured by Dr D. A. Smith & Co., Toron- to, and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price; 600. per box, or 6 boxes for 82.60. Our aim is to give our customers First-class Goods for very little money. We mark our goods down to a bare -living profit, and have but one price. We do not advertise any Big Discount Sale in order to draw trade, for every intelligent person knows what that means. When a firm advertises in that way, it is quite easy to understand what they do; they simply add to the regular price the percentage they intend taking off. This is a fact that has been proven in the so-called Great Discount Sales. When buying, don't simply look at the discount offered, but deduct that discount from the regular price, and then compare it with the prices of others. If you call on us -we can show you the best assortment of Furni- ture in the .Cdtlnty, and our prices are as low as the lowest. ;.s t. JOSEPH CH I DLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. ��++�• �iHIDLEY JB.,Fnneral bi'reotor and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. coon; WEATHER is HERE Butyou need not euffpr from the cold, as you can purchase very cheaply at ADAMS' EMPORIUM Und§r Clothes, Top Shirts,Flannels, Flannelettes !ants, Suits, Overcoats, . Caps, Mitts, Socks, / Gloves, Hosiery, and Good Boots & Shoes :Suitable for all classes of people. Special—see our Fur Coats, Goat Robes and Horse Blankets b ADAMS' EM LONDE 30 D:ys MILLONERY of the very finest quality. UM, R. ADAMS. vkticoSaI e tu, 30 Days THE BOOK OF THE FAIR.. The NEW -ERA acknowledges with thanks the receipt of part 9 of the Book of the Fair, edited by Hilbert H. Ban- croft, and published by the Bancroft. Co., of Chicago and San Francisco - This work is developing into a mag nificent history of the Fair. Esery succeeding part adds to the interest and value of the work. The illustra- tions'are beautiful and the descrip- tive writing is well done. To those who visited the fair it is a perfect mir- ror of what they saw, with many things added that they didn't see, and to those who had not the good fortune to attend it is as faithful a representa- tion on paper of the main features of the exhibition as could well be made. The work is being issued in 25 parts of 40 pages each, at the price of $1 per part, and is well worth the money. tionery, WALL PAPER, &c In order to clear out the entire stook of W. H. L. `IPSON, it has:beenldeoided to offer the same at prices away below cost. Ever,,--•.ing will be sold at ouch 'figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy ie a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding, promptness in re• lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and ours this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggist.. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT PRICES ARE MADE)ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing ssJ. i, and it is desired to clear the whpWout, in 30 days. Men's a E. Id. Beardsley, a Methodist preach- er, at Birmingham, pleaded guilty of larceny of a suit of clothes. He had been stationed at Pratt City, where is located the mines in which State con- victs work. He stole the clothes last month from a store in his town and wore them at the trial. He was sen- tenced as a convict. He told the pre- siding elder that he was called by God to act as he did in order that he might have a better opportunity to do good among the convicts. He has been suc- cessful as an evangelist and has a family. - LIFE IS A MISERY To many people who have the taint of Scrofula in the blood. The agcnies caused by the dreadful running sores and other manifestations of this disease are beyond description. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for Scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It is'reasonably sure to benefit all who give it a fair trial Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. TO DOWN SPOOKS. Awealthy bachelor declared that a horrid hag had glared at him through the night. His friends laughed at him but he insisted that the House was haunted. He grew ill, complaining of extreme heavi- ness in the stomach, his appetite failed, he grew sallow, emaciated and despondent, believing: he was going to die, the spook being a warning, and declared he could hear funeral bells ringing in his ears, and liven hinted at suicide. A friend induced him to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and he rapidly grew well, spooks and all his distressing symptoms BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike you that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, ust completed, forms part of the shortest line from Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the finest in the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R. R. ticket agent will tell you the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. King & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. —Mrs JOIriEmmons, of North 3 utlson, Ind., was taken suddenly sick and ap- parently died a week ago. The doc- tors pronounced it a case of brain fev- er, while .,others thought it a possible case of suicide. Her husband desired to keep the body for a few days to make sure of death. It seems that her mother went .into a trance for four days, rallied andlived five years; also that her grandfather on her mother's side, after having been pronounced dead for six days, awoke and lived for 23 years. MrslEmmon'a body was kept until Saturday, when on demand of the physicians and numerous residents it was interred. The corpse looked as life -like at the time of burial as it did on the day of death, although the phy- sicians applied the different death tests and pronounced her dead. Mor- tification did not set in, and she was laid to rest without waiting for that, the surest of all tests, to take place. Many are of the opinion that the wo- man has been buried alive. disappearing. A torpid liver and dyspep- sia caused his sufferings and the medicine oared both. The "Discovery" ie the only remedy for biliousness and indigestion, or dyspepsia, so certain in its curative action as to warrant its sale on trial. A Guaran- tee, in print, wraps every bottle. /. • II-CT:B ca-mocmP,- -. We have made great preparations for the Xmas trade. Extra v" -1'e in Currants, Raisins, Coffee, Cocoa, Orange , Dates,, Figs, Lemons, Candies, Nuts 411 kinds Canned Goods, English Peels, Lemon, Citron Orange. Sage, Savory. Extra value- in Teas au Coffees Wo think we can satisfy the most particular customer, r nd are here to show you the goods. `:;-xo s ;WALLOW, - into 11 HE EARNED IT. , He was a small boy, whose head was about on a level with the grocery counter. He swung a tin pail in one hand and tightly clasped four pennies in the other. "Pleathe, thir, how much ith a pint of milk ?" "Four cents." "Then pleathe give me three thente' worth and a peppermint stick. My mother thaid I could have the change, if thar wath any, for candy, and she mutht have known there wouldn't be any. It wathn't fair." And the young financier walked gaily off with a large striped etiok of candy and a very little milk splashing in the bottom of the pail.—Evening Wisconsin. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 26"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER Baoe., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and yon will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This ie an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. BUSINESS ALWAYS. "Mr Bong," said the secretary of the Fearfnl Accident Insurance Company, "be mire and drop in at old Cnrmndge's as you pass this morning, and express your eym. pathy over the loss of hie brother in the railway accident yesterday. Express mine also to him. "But old Curmndge had no brother in the accident," said the canvasser. "What has that to do with it?" said the secretary cheerily. "All he can do to to tall you so." "But it might unnecessarily alarm him." persisted the oanvaeeer. "That's ,the point ; that's exactly the point," returned the secretary. "Alarm him as mnoh as possible. Hie own policy rune out next month, and it is one of our ditties to remind our patrons that in the midst of life we are surrounded by accidents." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A remarkable case is reported from Chicoutimi County, Que. A man named Leandre. Sproutt is in jail,' awaiting trial on a charge. of murder, but as itis impossible tb•flnd the body of his supposed victim the trial cannot be proceeded with. ,Sproutt is charged With killing an idiot boy named Ray- itnond in October last. Ili,was seen taking the boy ifito. ,the 'C J'dlln for- elit, but the boy did 'ttelt \appear, and Spproutt alleged that, he h ' 1 been ac- cidentally killed itl the woo ,and that he :vas buried tinder a tree Sproutt was arrested, but all efforts tt find the retnains of the boy have fat d, and 1 . the QuebecGlovernmei'it has nog, offer- ed a reward of,$200 for their reek. very. t LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, General and Nervous Debility, Weakness of Body and Mind. Effects of Er- rors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How io en- large and Strengthen W e a k , Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- failing Home Treat- ment—Benefits i n a day. Men testify from 60 State. and Foreign Countries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, 11.Y, HA9*QN AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co') H Just'receivecl a celebrat( SOP" Cheaper fuel tl New StoreHARA ARLA MaokayBlock • This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest MORTGAGES - : - PURCHASED` SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. .f, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed oe Depoeite, according toamounit and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Scuare and North St., Goderiob HORAOE HORTON, Mpnager PUMPS : : • PUMPS If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction send your order to the undersigned. Be will dig clad dean an welts and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FEROUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel - High Street, Clint ROBERT -:- DOWNS,: CLINTON, litittutatituret and Proprietor for the best r. NW Dog in use. •gent torthe sale end ap•11- Litten of the ta"Frsuse PATRNT AVT01uTic Bol 11R OfmatsR, STEAM FITTINGS furnished and a 'p ed on shirt notice Bailors. Engihes, and an ldcinilb ,f: eieoi.f nery, repatlred esrpedit;iOri and in. a+raef,fnnfory mafper' Farm impiomonts manilfantured and repairlet� Steam end water }iumpefurnished and ptittiit peeitipn. Dry Kilns fitted up on 'ppplieatlOp, Charges moderate, n P1PIgqSO'5ic�l'iRF' FuR ��sf�s..'*i'1Gl^.91�i11� r3, ,CO,NSUM PTION r r; LAM I EURALGIA,PI.EURISY,SGI AND RHEUMATISM WSHHENE Alp . • 1 AK.NERYOI Thousands of Foam and xdadle through early indiscretion end later Diseaeee have rukted and wrecked the] any of the followirti Symptoms: New tionLMemory Pooa; Emily Fa • the Pace,_Dreams and Drains at N Throat; Hair, e; Pains in B, Funny and . „ :,• _. th. Our Nevi( +•• and sexually. Chas. Patters Read Why Dr. Moulton. "Some >� disease. kill: i• Car. •'time. O,ur New drains and losses, systems and reek 'We Guava alyphilie " Weak RMa rib EI: rave.y'