HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-20, Page 7'prat CLT''N'rO1' lt,wt..iyJlil� t. . SE's + ,. i+41i47 ti.+r X717 swaM, a!„t^ liTSWO r.4A4Id��140. wa�rlie$ t' x �+ Pnctvl.l The .Itingaton hi �, 0A1 .'t thing :ah4lrt.offree�r&• colts B elt�t�». hl►tit .;fit tli4 ' e>lor *. umitc. 1Mi ttt>td I edpGed tariff paar�nitting oVf elststlPit in tli ' Srpi •,-"' closer 11140thesti relatipnle With. the. �•ltar �ta1�1'liiccolnlbat/vlrlth wifndatti3( ux 't# There is ri iwrkra- _ wave* the ,x loch4�teitiushi . grain t, +wt 'gaited (tt ,Will, c Qr VYe. a$lree',.. '� ' princ+a: name ll ..tt� �11e�`: Xori� ort Oki � 1 • N 'Fir ERA,. eatly used instead 01 Monday wh a 0of a e au e. more a 11(xingehne bIaekieg• startling than An01ing- Olark Rus h stili, 1*mbex(n(rlt's friend ever stared to write, ". lin 3rittishPrince „ ' Gt§me. iron» Die:ltter aniean porta. As ' •W1�►: Tunic*, we gavelioreco ihk, 'tlie.:;,the Z skive, soot, a • she eft .outside.'9 a gltralts ofiVhon:elewits aCh11d,ahe.Cried toe ( totlq.. peed paha as they are Al the tibeitltar h a eececnt�tIy b ills tifirge Men sba became Mi ,13he clung to atsto>.m, • a aria of Enrnpe, pule 11' G lt100 recently ,leen Analciet *meiotic titers by physicians•. siwh hay+ae Qin-the-Norfh 441.440,401.$4: ' Ybap �i>ai1 +uarentrala hx4. to noir' ilanodir. salt works (t not , ,:' lal;g.e tearcer andu r;kn Wo o;havecho1era,small atauigell;andwell found, aheliad a hard' . r• let fever nor intuenza., . time Olt, thew vitvea breaking over her• *, Mange anal. 86ftitolle ttt.evlir kind decks rad pounding.her back,• as she.i There was no uncertain sound air gni* ani>x,t)wl , eeredn d0 minutes strugg1dd to advance. Still, inch by Ilprd'a Sanitary Lotion .This never Sold. by Watt a, do Co; .Druggist.. •eat estiMate•places the aiuount. nding'; :tilnber in the State of ington at 300,000,000,Q0a`feee. rdrs, Liniment is the Best e, motion of the earth around the s 08,d05 iuiles an boor ; over 1,000 s a iuiri its or • 19 •miles a second; • • A " SIINLIO11T" PILLAR VECIAL Rey o Viet 4/ retry/esly BACK AC 11 DDDDS KIDNEY PILLS inch she struggled Ole, until her : 00a1 began to give out and she run Into St. Michaels in the Agoras, for a fresh supply, ` After leaving StMichael's;she met the same hind of weather as be- fore, and had it up to Sandy Rook. About 0 o'clock in the evening as the captain was, eating his supper, and do- ingso with considerablediifcult on ac- count of thee poundingand rolling of the ship, and the secon'officer was on the bridge, a great wave which the first officer says was "like a cliffs" came over the bowii, carrying away everything before it. The Swedish boatswain of the ship, Charles Lastadius, was on what is chilled the "fly bridge," a struc- ture extending out in front of the real bridge. He saw the cliff of water fall- ing on him and grasped a stanchion. Stanchion and man were swept. away like leaves before a hurricane. The second officer saw the boatswain rise on the top of a wave close on the starboard hand. It was bright star- light, so the struggling man could be seen as he was swept along on the great surging billows, and he was shouting for help. teseectefts,..;.',L'••r,VRB�1� Thomas Jones is the second officer's name, and Mr Jones made one of the greatst casts of the kind ever read of•in seafaring titles. He grabbed a life -buoy which was hanging handy on thebridge and threw it out Into the waves with such pprecision that it settled down over the boatswain's head, just as peo- ple at Coney Island throw rings over cheap canes in the booths of the 'fakirs' in summer time. The man pulled it down under his arms, and though the water was so intensely cold that it numbed him, struggling bravely for life. The captain, hearing the cry of "man overboard," ran on deck and or- dered the ship backed down toward where the boatswain could be seen, rising on the top of the giant waves in the starlight, and driving to the north- east. The steamer backed down past the man, trying to get near him, and then a great wave swept him around the bow to the front side of the ship` Then he was swept away into the night and Captain Innis lost sight of him. But the captain heard a loud wry from him, and noting a star in the direction from which the cry carne, he steered by that star and soon saw him again bobbing like a cork on the foaming crests. of the starlit waves. The steam- er ran toward the struggling man and then close to him, until be was just abeam close aboard. A great wave reared itself with the boatswain on its crest and dashed him against the ves- 'sel's rail. Ile grasped it as a drowning mad would, and the wave, receding, left him there. The than was dazed, as well he might be, and clung so tightly g five the rail that ittook of his ship- mates mates to loosen his hold and carry him below. Hot water, hot whiskey and hot clothes soon brought him around all right, and when the British Prince perimental Stations. "Injurious Insects" arrived here he was none the worse for are described by Mr. James Fletcher, Dom - his remarkable adventure.. inion Entomologist. The Poultry; Dairy, Veterinary, have each e. department. We advise those of our readers who are not subscribers to send for a sample Dopy. Address Tee We. WELD Co., London. Ont. Sample copies are free. Subscription price, 81 per year. yl}e1R Spavin illime ,:,',removes all eoft.or calloused, Tatni s and Blem- trom' horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, iii, Ming Done, ti Sweeney, Stifles, ni Solve and Swollen- Throat, Coughs, • Saaire,, 50 by use of one 'bottle. War- the•inost. • wonderful:" Blemish Cure own.': Sold bT Watt!s d: Co. Drug - scent; invention is a cradle which cloekwork<mechanism and at time plays baby tunes. >ELA•' • I$ DANGEROUS. titidneye are MO of order delay is den - . .d eeeee3 may follow and become so .Ii . ed that months of suffering will gelitlo:tonic '.like Dodd'sKidney Pills a•Oeptab`it'tothe kideeye end protects m•disgdio, are•akidney toed. fleeces at ten goats and the of sevi;rai hien for half a year are red to make a genuine cashmere d*ard"and tt half wide. boos lkhison,ofBrownsv,illey, ind• '%Thad been in a distressed condition ,reel oarafrom Nervopsness, Weakness o'1nach,kDyspepsia and Indigestion �,, t)aitll Was gone. I had, been ng cons aticllr with no relief. I ,one:bottle of, South •American Ner- thioh:done me more good than $50 wry weakly person to use abiyand, lovely remedy. A trial '�1XlP-ognvince you. Warranted by fro , ! Druggist. ,_lei....>. of dagtorin. 1 ever id in my life. fl adviga nf,,'Oenis tunnel in Switzer- ier°•the Alps, is seven and a ,lien It was begun in 1857, W:1811 and its total cost was BLACES THAT HAVE A 'NATIONAL REPUTATION. that -unique combination amond:Dyes, are three Blacks which a obtained a.world-wide reputation for it -class work ; they are called, "Fast ackfor 'Wool," "Fast Black for Silk and T4g� t_ her' thr.e' s" and "Fast Stocking Black" Skitdyeshere are titled in thousands of Cana diti homes, and washighly prized for tkeir`'beanty, fastness and great durability. ben,yau puchase Black Dyes for home yeiiig, liesthat your dealer ;fives you the e costliest cigarever exported �?Ilavana Were - quantity made k.yl for the Pr nce of Wales and tat '$1.87tece at the factory, *Ph in New York with QMME± DABLE. e not consistent with the high of Syrup of Figs are purposely the ca. . Fig Syrup company. rtly oh the kidneys, livor and t)leanaing the system effectually, nota cure-all; and makes no pre. Otte: every bottle will not itiste: nuterresting.piece of information light Out `durin the Brussels con- inec. is;'the fact that there are at pre - atm) less than $100,000,000 of counter- eit• silver ,.money in circulation in r°ipe, Belgium, ,,Switzerland, Italy, ;pain and Fortugai.' Aia#nb two months ago Mr. MoLaohlan,e anresident at White lake, near ging- fion,felle in his barn and, had,;one of his ribs eokeit -He never fully recovered, and niti- xrltt+elyr h loatbia season. Doctors adver- #often to Brookwood asylum. re Friday, but his health be- d• Monday afternoon he Illi -8. A, .t.•Witt f arts X ynn, Mu u. or th'e-Goodof Others 340,- 00, lVtUtfititrr ttean•t1Ly Etr- e r` . d or tees' IloodJ,s• S'a►reagtarttrra. We ire. lz'tearcdto present this from A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee i 11 et Christian Church, j y'nn, Mass. : ,ry 1'ec�tlyirylt` Irby a,lerttvriian,;Sore than a Myriam, e:ii know Wheredf he speaks, alloitla itesit:tte to nil>,pi O' t . its Article of 114eylt ti wottli tetift, tvlticii lie or life, tan1Ily boo 1 n ltd • signally'tit+ tetT 1 !While() ti r o ro fitlil , tilt i w 6 ea t kyr• itne , it1 extol ct nlldetibenefits e ht ,wire �` .. ilex o k.. (a. q for tunny yet re•Ifeefi.;i•sitffercifirorni severe .604 FiOttdaehb. tan+iisill+ fr elk rebut d'little Hein;inie ba; ''tried mat proniI't.( '1t'bll but per. li t ,ail a'titolitl`g ivn ht'r abotr apar111a41t 8e'ein.4 surp�rlit- Otte hettleeetillett'atifinid•,ette of haadaehosi ref ed In l their bite* hen team -*1; out Mr. Laurier's lltteraneee last week. His prediction. that "the third nation to adopt freetrade will be Oanada, the seconddaughter of England,."metwith' ringing cheers,' Which old znhe had struck the right chord in the hearts of, his hearts. There are a number of business men in Clinton, who, whenever they want letter orbit' beads, or any Wertz repairing a de- sign, send to some large •• city and place. their order. They do this because they think it is tmpossible to get the work done as they want it at home, .and hence order the whole thing elsewhere. There is another way, however, whioh will give them as good results at less cost, andat the same time keep the greater part of the work in onr own town. The Grip Printing and Publishing Co., of Toronto, makes plates from gpeoial and original designs, which they furnish, suitable for any business, at a small cost. These can be printed from at the New ERA office, and used Jor all subsequent orders until a ohan a is again desired. We can take your order or you can write direct to The Grip Printing and Publishing Co., 201 and 203 Yonge St., Toronto. Speakingof two rowed barleyy,a rain dealer of obourgg said to the Globe re- presentative: "The farmers were told on the hustings not to trouble about the loss of the Ameriean market; the Govelmment was finding them a better one in Britain, where 80 cents a bushel would be an ordinary price. , To -day two -rowed barley is quoted at 25 cents a bushel, and is not wanted at that price except for feed.". Surely the in- telligent agriculturalistcan never again be fooled by monopoly upholders. The January number of the FARMERS' An- voceTR has come to hand, and a handsome one it is: This long established' and ably conducted agrioultural paper deserves the hearty support of every Canadian farmer. The copy now to hand is illustrated by A very handsome engraving of sherd of typical Ayrshire cattle, the property of David Dior - ton and Sons, Hamilton, Ont. The con- tents of the papers are all that . a farmer could desire. The editorials in this thane are devoted to live stook matters. ' The Provin- cial Fat Stock Show, recently held at Guelph, is very ably reported by the editors, and should be of great interest to farmers gener- ally. Another article of more than usual interest is entitled "The Value of Fancy Points in Breeding Stock." A report of a speech recently delivered by the Hon. John Dryden follows.. The Tamwortns; a recent- ly introduced breed of swine, are practically described, after which eoines a series of artioles on the ‘• Winter Care of Sheep" "How Best to Overcome the Present Agrt . cultural Depression " is discussed by James Elder, who handles the subjd'dt in.a fearless manner. Mr. John Hobson writes of "Ag- ricultnralExhibitions" with ungloved hands Other articles are by Professor Craig, of the University of Wisconsin; W. H. Hil- born, late horticulturist of Dominion Ex. A LONG PROCESSIQN. of diseases start from a torpid liver and impure blood. Dr. Pierce'e Golden Medi- cal Discovery aures every one of them. It prevents them, too. Take it, as you ought, when you feel the first symptons (languor, loss of appetite, dullness, depression) and you'll save yourself from something serious. In building up, needed flesh and strength, and to purify and enrich the blood; noth- ing can equal the "Discovery." It invigor- ates the liver and kidneys, promotes all the bodily functions, and' brings back health and vigor. For Dyspepsia, "Liver Complaint," Billiausness, and all Scrofu- lous, Skin, and Scalp Diseases, it is the only remedy that,s guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or the money is re- funded. About Catarrh. No matter what you've tried and found wanting, you can be cured with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. The proprietors of this medicine agree to sure you, or they'll pay you $500 in cash. For the first time since (oolorado'be- came a state, the Republican' party has lost all voice in the control of state offices, and yesterday the victorious Populists •were-- duly installed at the head of the various state departments. To preserve a youthful appearance as possible, it is indispensable that th; hair should retain its natural color and fullness. There is no preparation so effective as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It prevents baldnee and keeps the scalp clean, cool and healthy. tAA Virder (Man.), despatch says: -- "Rev. J. Dyke, a Methodist preacher. while returning from a parochial visit, had both hands badly fr'ozmt. It is not known yet whether amputation will be necessary. Pink Pills for Pale People are the only Scientific and Rational, and therefore the only Perfect Remedy ever discovered for the oure of diseases depending upon a de • prettied and Waterly state of the blood. As they supply in a condensed form, the substances actually needed to enrich the blood and restore the nerves, they remove the cause and so onre the disease. All dealers or by mail, post paid, at docents a box or nix boxes for $2.50. De. Williams' Medicine Co.,• Brookville, Ont. "Canadians should be true to Canada first. last and all the time," sa s Mr. Laurier. Has anybody any better or more patriotic advlce.to give the peo- ple? APhysician's 0pin iou of Disease Frcm a Leading Journal. Over -work does leas injury than over -worry. A leading physician says: "Tho over-working and worry ing of brain aud mind and loss of rest causes most of the. nervous aliments and many other diseases that we have to combat. Itis snaking terrible havoc in the rank and file of our society. and it works in Bush a way that few people properly realise their great danger, and its victims are among our brightest and bes t people, soleoted from the richest to the poorest. Dally I meet with men and with women suffer- ing from nervous prostration, headache, intim- the result of Improper living and diet- ing " This honorable physician's opinion agrees with hundreds of our English, Canadian and American practitioners' opinions. Those dreultulcauses and ravages aro inoreasln as seen by the hundreds of Dames, many of which lead to insanity and death. But we are glad to know that with the increase of the oalamitlee modern science has made even more rapid strides, and the old medicines are being quickly replaced by new and more eeentiflo remedial s agents, s, neo b work isggt'o thoroughly purify the and reliable actions takingnhod a tmore ebit at d system andpernranontly uplifting it. The great and wonderful modern agent for this is known as "Williams' Royal Crown Remedy." It will truly be the wonder of the twentieth century. William's Royal Crown Remedy is the greatest Remedy on earth for general dibtlity. The;Toronto Sir John Macdonald molt ment fund amounts to only $3,186. Ten thousand is wanted, and will apparently be hard to get. • ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be c i:red by the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Cod ver Oil, with - the Hypophos Mites of I,itne -1 and Soda. A •eble stomach ' takes kindly to it, and.. its �Uatarrh in the head is a constitutional . continued use acids flesh, and 1 disease, and requires a constitutional nems- makers '0110 feel strong alsd rly like Hoods Sarhapa►tillet, to ilffe t, a, 3vell. , i.. L•11rlr ai. ,,u,—.,. corp "(7bi19''IO! ,'. Ifswnroot eidbAtitete t (l omen° Pee pitted bySoalit ri tlettne,+ • <<,latilt ttkO +ge.780 >i'letty a Wel-knoWril'. t B6116Rille, to, deb7,,o drdr,!!t., r ` .rind Loa' • ;' ... ofntr'r1 t r *dead, /os, • e --. 1 DN ';,TRIAL FO OAY •� ;` iTanllecf�lrtitlft Toy ie`idy air: t CJta diiia4 ei1tt { sit i iiktri sae futile' ct� eta. • app y . moot • diff ti ab o rii iii to, bei a sal( wtmitilblttiatii, too *,,i) +;'hero• bisvp uavee t ; +'f irtu j • kit ,fit, fa lit , at, tivo01'it • tea tie ogSd4a a,rlr ti �:�tl • LABORSAVING, PURIFYING CLEANSING EXCELI Ei CE PURITY (S.U.NLI HT ��iAw+llI, . NNO JURRI- 1 SOA ) s CHEM L11RCE MERIT iRTR RESULT. LARGEST SALE E ire FOUNDED ON MERIT - Are aBLOOD BUIL DER and 111EBVE TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the sub- stances seeded to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a certain and speedy care for all diseases arising from impoverished blood,andshattered nerves, such as par- alysis, spinal dis- eases, rheumatism, soiatica,loss of mem- oryry, erysi e1as,-pal- pi'tation of the heart, sorofula,chiorosisor green sickness, that tar: v feeling that affeo : so many, etc. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men and woinen, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork; insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should takes these Puns. They win restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN satiated with the weaknesses peculiar their sex, suchen suppression of the periods; bearing down pains weak back, ulcerations, etc., will find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS Should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. BEWARR OF IMrrNrriONB. These Pills are sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price --60 oentsa box or 6/or 82.50. %THE DR. V1ILLIAMS MED. CO., Brockville, Ont., or liorristown, N.Y, Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook_wtite to IIUNN i CO.. 301 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Everzpatent taken ont by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the >crau#cEir Aaraxicau Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. Noeintelligent Year; should51.50 ix months. utA it. Weekly. ,t CO.. i'raLlsuaie, 361 Broadway, New York City - NEW FEED STORE° HURON ST., CLINTON, HANLEY & WALK.ER Desire to intimate that they have openened out a flryt-class Flour and Feed Store in the above stand, and will be pleased to promptly 1111 all orders in theft' lino. • Oil Cake, and Fiour and Feed of all kind kept lit stock. - We will take any kind of -coarse grains in ex- change for goods. riee's as Low as the Lowest. Orders solicited. HANLEY & WALKER COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE Honest Value itt all lines. - Don't pans this established and reliable store when you want ChoiceFainily Flour, Meals Urain s, or Cured Meats. ,Quality A 1 anti pHoes iaa iow'as anyin town. 'We glvo 10Ibo. of chuiee rolled Oatmeal fora bushel of oats. Call and see es. Ododa dellverod to ail parte of the town. D.' COOK, CLINTON'. • FI - H � O T OS 0, HUARL'S fine new Ebketograpb (ti11try being nate teed' for ogierht'ion, lie '.iri Firftp Clat1g yC 11aie�tn itt °sett, at 0 pldtibl'ir*cni ;k S1t .,gi'1111UMg r` y a,o h a o h a the eeeeeegefs" ,,aeons the hide of the eyrtefa, tl.eye «r• - in ,"Oeiay.. 'Pt t tluble. Uodd'a dfxrngaoua, Reg Kl ney Pills ,bus 1 pato(' kidney ,promptrelief-. troubles result. G, per cent. , In Bad Dl'oad, 0] digease is Drape s1a, tiger, rat cat(se�t 6g Complaint, and disordered hint• the moat den(l, nays. • . ggeroue of all,. "Mnyhtas'well Rrighte DtseAse, try to have a. Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer,. ' The abole age, as good diseases cann(it health when, the . exist where kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pills are ysetd-.' Sold by all dealers or sent by mail ea receipt of price so cents. per box or six for $a. e. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for book called Kidney Talk. -e' R ZVE V BEANS you are inter , you AU 14trto a6el*Fl : or t0 F Xl1 X L1�3' rjbl'Ki i 4 journal for advertisers, •nutters' Ink speck Weekly`'and is'filled w i x.h' :eontributians and helpful' suggestions frons the brightest Sands :i11 the adv rtisiaig inline$ Print r&' Tui s ilsts cines' a dellar a • year.' A s�ifnple • copy will. be sent, on, r'eeeipt of five e4btk. Ei 4: F, ROW I,I.,fSc C41�, t 1(t Spruce St., . New iforlc. ' tTm tVE BEANS are a new dia. 1 coven• test cure the worst mese, of Nervous Debility Inst Vigor and Failing of hbooddyy'or mind • stated by over -stork or the errors or ex. • stews; of youth. This Remedy ab- aolutt'y cures the most obstinate cases when a11-otber T1te.ATMrnTa have failed oven to relieve. old by drug. /Ista at 51 per package, or six for 65 or sent by mall on renaipt at price by r,ddreeslue THE .1AStES MEDICINk Cu • Toronto. tint. Writs for pamphlet. Sold in - Clinton by J. H. Combe. A PRIZE REBUS A Gilt for Everybody Answering Puzzle Correctly. z+41.00 IN CASH. 1' -k and .Till went up the hill to get a pail Of In the above t " Water " is missing, and is to be found (*notated itt the above sue ut J aeli and Gill. The publishers •f Our Toting People, will give 191100 in Cash to the in who first van find the word "Water " tit the above picture. To the. second a fine Gold Watch. To the third a fine Silver W atop. To the fourth an elegant Pive O'Olook saver 'feta Servlco. To the lllfh an Imported Engin Box. Tothe ttth a SimplexT y pe write r. A Solid Gold Ring to each of the next two correct answers. A S5 Gold Piece to the next three. A gold brooch to each of the next ten correct, answers- A committee consisting of five teacher from the public schools of Toronto will be inviLr to be present and wile the judges in the award f prises. Each contestant is to cut out the Rebus and make a cross with a.leadpencll on the livedetiers (Water) and send same to us with ten three -cent stamps (or 110 Cents ill silver) for one years' subw ription to Our Young People,which is a (large, beauti- tully illustrated 16page magazIne,) a beautiful Engraving The FirstHiss will he sent free by return nail to every answer received. Remember that yon get the paper for au entire I err and a rhnuee for one or more of the prizes. Thin is your opportunity stud if you delay you will miss and regret it. We will give to the hast eh;:orreet •tr, Wers received each a handsome tionvenir Spoon of Columbus. iiltiAl•Elt 11. 18 FOR 109 TO SAY whether or net visitor at your homhave •Onr e forgthee next yearregular land u you arnce s. perfectly- sat[ tied ot the above tb you ttinvest- ment after receiving the lifet copy of Otir Young People you can have your money back. Inn t this Lair. e The envelope which contains correct antwcr bearing first post -mark will receive, first reward aud the balance In order as received. Ile sure' and answer tc-day and enclose 110 cents -nein you will reeciVe the best value you ever d15 Inc t lie money. Address tE) OUR TOEIN(, PEOPLE, Hing - Street, West, Toronto, Canada. J. C. STEVESU —THE LEADU G. -- UNDERTAKER ' —AND EMBALMER. A FULL inNll OF GOODS KEN' ill STOCK ThabestEmbalming Fluid used Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST., CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL ve11-known Rhyme the word COPP'S BEN MILLER. NIIltSRY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL' UNSkid NORWAY SPRUCE"; SCOTCH ANI) ASTRACHAN PINE. TES LAT?8x OP Enloe WE maxi A in:SALTY LARGE STOCK ON RAND. The aboye ornamental trees ane sbrebbery pill ba sold at very low prices •and those wanting tl� thing in this connection will save mony fry purehaaing bare. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART. - DinmINer, DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ?- A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A eplesdid-'Churn, or anything of kik nature? Then call oaiW. SMITHSON, a shop, 110.7 Frederick 8t., or 11. Dinalley1 Will be atDinaley'h cornerevery8aturriy afternoon CD LsINTCOW Planing : • Mill - �� DB,Y KILN! HESUBBCR!BEI HAVIN411182 CONPLET ED and furnished his nee Menthe 11I1 ebinery of the latest improved pattuncis now prepared to attend to all orders In his line in ilia most prompt and satisfactory manner end at ren aonable rates. Ho would also return thanks to al dot, patronized being in ahe old l better they ion to exe B , Bposition to elto uto orders expeditiously and feels confident he can ve eatietaetion to all. FACTORY --Rear the Grand Trani Railway, Clinton. ' ` TROMAB MaKENEI WALL - PAPER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American, and Canadian Nall Papers WITH BORDERS TO BATOR, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bough Urns, Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex• Cperlenoe justify me in Saying that ail wanting to s= their houses inside or paint them out. side will and it to their advantage to give me e call fl�'Shop, south Oliver'Johnston's blacksmith shop. and directly opposite Mr. J. obidley residence. JOSEPH COPP 'Practical Paper Banger and Painter. ROBE1T -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Maut;Gettirer and Proprietor for the best Awa Don in use. Agent for the sde and apple Gatlan Of Obe nes e.ejra DAVM? JERSO1A110 BOULai Oyt*NIa. STEAM FITTINGS furnishedand app ad' os sheet notes.. SNlifirYt. ra/Fl/aea. Anti ail khlde 01 llu chl*Yery raipnalreal etpedltfo*taly bled in M'atat elnetnry tetoitsnr F,. •: •. ellnly 1,gn¢lainetitll mrra ufaetured ane rebaiirkd Steals and .wMter pumps furbish -ea find put :In est tip Dry Mies Acted tic,o p p Chinges� Berate, appllca• THE RIGHT The new model o ooktord Watch, when placed in a screw bail 398e. willfill a bon tele want among farmers, as it Is not due proof only, but very strong. Tho plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rung watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Pot repose, Weak and Impoverlebed Blood, D s e ia, Sled felyeite'>ta. Fill ration of y the Eeart, ever Conti, " t, Nburalgia, Delis et Memory`, Bron itis, Conemnption, , Mill Stoiiee, ,Tau ii8iob, Elia- toy and Urinary biitte:110 i 8tAritlib' Dan o,..' rionO lltjre%tulttifiea e i Goneral 1)04004 u1eouton gahmmic% : • OMT Ptlip. void litiiuutaet•Vbat, Sold by .3, V. Oinnbe, Olttittott • 1l See t•