HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-20, Page 6We hove inet reoeiveal ai►.9'the0 Cape 01 �Ilhi h we will sell at $1.1$0 eacli and warrant them for one year. It: le only about Ilya months Sinop we get a case of 60 of these elocke; ao Cyon can Bep,h„ow 'fait w0 sell them; we have b9agh! 100 insideof six menthe. eat succe RUMBALL'S at ourSpeeial� Sale; crowds const NOTED RETaTA.HLE JE'WE I,ERX STORF, / W. e thank the peopie for their attendance ,AND- TELEPHONE EgO QE, CLINTON. :IflLEY'S PURNITURE Bc W e never break faith with the TAKING WAREROOMS but when we say we are going cheap we do it --hence our success. URNITURE : : UNDERTAKING : Our Stock is the Largest This branch is under the management of J. W.Chidley, n .the west, and our prices jr. -Night calls answered at his residence, High Sreet, op- posite foundry. are lower than the lowest. JOSEPH CH I DLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON intending -Settlers 3, Eastern Division, FARM TO RENT hundred acres, being soot half of lot 2 non Ashfield. (food frame barn house and outbuilings, good orchard, plenty of Otte hu well and epring water; all cleared except eight acres. Well fended. Will be rented on reason- able terms. MRS FRANK BADORE, Olinton,• In MANITOBA can get a copy (latest issue) of "FREE FARMS" Giving facts concerning rates and condi- tions of shipping, also arrangements as to Colonist Bleepers and special accommoda- tion from 4.. T. COOPER, eritfoi C: -P R., Telegraph and Ticket Departments, Clinton, Ont. STOCK FOR SALE. Four splendid drivers, aged respoottvely 3. 4 and 5 years, all in good condition,well bred, etc„ will be told cheap. Also three stock Steers, and a cow to calve in a mouth. Will exchange for cash or approved joint notes. C. WILLIAMS, Maitland Con., Goderich Township,Holmeeviile Post Office. *� GILR SHINGLES FOR SALID. Subscriber has now a large stook of nor, shore cedar shingles on hand at each of fhe following places, and they may be proonre either from himself or from the parties named : Belgrave, Mr. Watson ; Blytb, De ,Cowan, Bruoofleld, at the station or from R. idofveal Stanley, and at Londesboro, from himself.—vP H. WHITELY, Londoeborough. PROPERTY TO RENT. The house on Ontario bt., formerly occupied by Mr T. Tipling, is offered to rent; there is every convenience and good stable. Mao house on Rat- tenbury St. west, with stable, will be rented reasonable. Apply to JAMES SHEPPARD, Mary Street. pd HOUSE FOR SALE. The house at present occupied by eubsoribor, on the corner of Frederick and Dunlop Streets, is MONEY TO LOAN. offered for sale. The lot is one-fifth of an acre. House contains 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 downstairs On real estate at rosonable rates of interest with dinning-room,setting room, kitchen and No commission. woodshed. Will bo sold on reasonable terms. WILLIAM ROBB, - Clinton. W. MOIVOR, Clinton, or to HECTOR JIINbR, 295 East Avenue, North Hamilton. pdlm to'. se Be WI$EMAN CLINTON BRUCEF IE.LD! WE HAVE HAD OUR OPPORTUNITY And have already Bold three times our usual quantity of Woollen Goods. To do so we bought heavily at close prices. ,NOW'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY We have still a large stock on hand and insteadof`holding them until the;cold weather is over, when you cannot use them. WE DROP THEM AT ONCE to slaughter prices. A stook of NEW LONG BOOTS to be cleared out at outs at prices that will astonish yon. J. MlNTOSH \J}.1.1 1 -1-n n 1 r=1- - 1 �. Jr� V �I S�. J V V V V. J 1 1..1 J l�- O I' CORNER STORE, • . BRUCE FIELD Now going on at IM, TAYLOR & SO N WE TAKE STOCK ON THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, AND FROM NOW TILL THEN WILL GIVE weeping Reductiofts for Cash ,On the balanoe of our Winter Stock, and special inducements will be offered on all lines for THE PRICE TELLS, AND EVERYBODY TELLS THE PRICE And our prices will be of interest to you during this sale. ,,We -close our financial year on the first day -of February, and have decided on and after that date to close our books and carry on our business on a e RICTLY And lower` the Price of our goods to a ,cash basis,which we consider to be,to the best :interests of both buyer and seller. Trybuying for cash, and contrast the saving you will make front the old. credit prices.: RA:eUdosx'A San AS OASO,. BORN Ross.—In Stanley, on the 17th rust., the wife of Mr D. M. Rose, of Denver, of a son. CoLOLoocH.—In Goderioh.township, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr Robb Colclough, of a daughter. AvEnv.—In Stanley, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr C. Avery, of a daughter. CooPER.—In Goderioh township, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr G. A. Cooper, of a son. STEWART.—In Clinton, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr G. Stewart, basket maker, of a daughter. •Foo».—In Clinton, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr Jas. A. Ford, of a son. MARRIED. MASON—SHEPHEBD.—At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on the 186h inst., by the Rev. A. Stewart, Mr C. Mason, to Mary, daughter of Mr Jas. L. Sheppard. CBAwuonn—RonERTON.--At the residence of the brides parents, by the Rev. Jas. A. Hamilton, of Londesboro, on the 18th inst., Edward J. Crawford of. Hallett, to Ellen, daughter. of Mr Jas. Roberton, of Hulled. YOUNo—WILD.—At the R. C. Cnuroh, Hay, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Father Cortin, Mr Henry Young of Porter's Hill, to Mies Francis Wild, fourth daughter of Mr Joseph Wild, of Stanley. MAnnzorT—InVINE.—At the residence of the bride'ebrother, Mr T. Irvine, Wingham, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. S. Sellery, B. D. Mr Alfred Marriott; Chicago, to Mise Adeline N. Irvine -of Toronto. l AWRINe—STRONG.—At the reaidence of Mr Rose, Hinoke street, by the Rev. Mr Torrance, on the llth inst., Mr Thomas Hawkins, to Mise Caroline Strong, all of Goderioh. BAwnEN—ISAAO.—At the residence of the bride's parents on the llth inst., by the Rev. F. Selling Fatt, Mr George Bay/den of Exeter, to Miss Eliza, daughter of Mrs Henry Isaac, Lake Road Hay Township. NELeou—Psion.—At Seaforth, on the Srd inst., by the Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., in the manse, Mr John Nelson, to Miss Bessie Prior, both of Wingham. WifsoN--Pnion.—At theManee, Seaforth, on the Srd inst., by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr John Wilson, sawmiller,'to Mies Bessie Prior, both of Turnborry. DI D. YATES.—In Goderic on the 10th inst., Elizabeth Sneyd, wife f James Yatco. WHxrEnEAD.--In 01 nton, on the 10th inst., Harriet, v ifs of Mr Joseph whitehead, aged 49 years. The Week' in the eour(e of a comment on the Board of Trade dinner, (aid:— "tinder the oiroumstanees, probably" the keenest thing said at the bangaetwat Mr, Laurler'a prophecy that when the Liberal party cordes into power the people will be' (o'proeperori(. that no figure§ Will bo rdqnired to prove it to them, brit theta preaperety will betrioible to the naked. oye. Ib would have bee . difp.& salt , tnalke b AIM bffebtive retort *kis. tent ' • thvtllr anlefiitie• of the obn+wai' • FOSTER Go to FOSTER. For your PHOTO We Wish to be Alive. When string flowers BloomAgain And - so we purpose to keep in good trim by vigorous exercise IN PUSHING TRADE AHEAD OF US THIS NICE COLD ViTEAirmit. Dress Goods Mantle G-oods Underwear Tweeds Overcoats blankets e —000 But speaking of Dry Goods Generally we suggest that yore call in and see just what we are offering. Na' doubt yon will see something that you want, and the prices are such as will please you.