HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-20, Page 541
ERROR. —In referring to the _Ruby
case, in our issue of two weeks ago, the
sentence "in the interestsof a *child'
that is fair to all," should have been
"in the interests of a 'paper' that is fair
to all."—Enrron.
REMOVAL.—Mr Wm. Martin has re-
moved his barber shop to the Meyer
Block, opposites the post office, where
he hopes to do a larger business than
AN ERROR.—Mr Peter Fisher wishes
us to state that he does not claim that
it is owing to Prof. Oustin'ti treatment
he has again the use of his limbs, as
was stated last week.
3.1EAVING THE FARM.—Mt Jas. Hen-
derson, who has lived on the Bluevale
road for the past twenty years, and
who has followed the occupation of
farming, will open a dry goods and
grocery store at Ethel.
been a Mormon preacher holding er-
vices in Richie's hall, the past few
weeks. The attendance has bee small,
owing to other attractions in town,
and the smaller it is the better for the
• LEFT A FORTUNE.—Rev Mr Hughes,
the pastor of St. Paul's church, has
been, we are informed, left a legacy, by
his relatives in England. We congrat-
ulate the reverend gentleman upon his
good fortune, and hope he may long
live to enjoy his wealth.
to the outside, amid the greatest ex-
citement. Trouble at the Salvation
Army meetings has been rare, and no
doubt this young roan can now see hit;
'mistake in treading on this sacred
tinge of Capt. Moore, of the Salvo n
Army, to a Miss Kirk, of th awe
ranks, is announced to take eve in a
few weeks. The captal was at one
time in charge of th ingham corps,
and was one of he most popujar of-
ficers we Rave
HE wlia. Act Musio.—Mr W. H.
Willis, wh has disposed of his boot
and shoe siness, will devote his time
and tad is to teaching music. This
gentle an is considered to be one of
the b t in the line of musical instruct-
ors, nd we hope will be successful in
hi enture.
EW BARBER SHOP.—Mr Alf. Sebes-
tion, who has been in town for the last
five years, will shortly. open a barber
shop. Alf is favorably known in town,
but we think the two tonsorial artists
in Wirigham are fully competent to
meet the wants of the people.
THEY STOLE HIS Woon.—Landlord
Dunnage, of the Brunswick hotel, has
large piles of wood in the rear of his
house, which have been gradually
growing smaller the past few weeks,
owing to the nocturnal visits of his
'neighbors. The cast has been placed
in charge of Chief Bullard, who will,
na doubt, locate the thieves.
OGLEBY CAN SING.—Wingham has
WILL BE A DUEL. —The (Mooney)- a comic singer, in the person of Mr
shine has been looking for "Gore' the ogieby Johnston, who is a. favorite in
past week, owing, it is said, to the Winghaiii. Mr John st on is considered
naughty things said about him by the to he eastri,r in the line of comic singing,
Times editor. We think, if the Tines and has furnished much amusement
man and the Moon(ey)sbine do part- for tho"e who have had the pleasure of
cipate in a duel, it will he a French hearing him. .
one, asneither parties appear to be id
DEATIL—There died in Winghatn,
fighting condition..
on Thursday morning last, Mr George
A COURTEOUS CLERK. —M 1'1. Hann- Macdonald, of heramorhage of tbe
son, ot the Queen's Hotel. is known as lungs. He had been ill only a short
one of the most popular and courteous time, and his death was unlooked for
hotel clerks in the county. Mr Hann -
by his friends. He had been married
son has won many friends during the a few months, and much sympathy is
time he has been in our town, and we
.extended his young wife in her bereave -
t 1 t the proprietor of the
Queens in securing the services of -this ment. His remains were interred in
young and conscientious gentleman. the town cemetery on Saturday last.
NOTES. —Mrs Frank Hogg, who has
WILL THEY COME ?—Gilles & Mar -
been inhalint.the country air for some
tin, proprietors of the foundry at Tees- time, has returned to town. The new
water, have been (Mei ed large induce -
town council met on Monday evening
inents to locate in Whighani, and we
last. Minerva Encampment No. 47,
hope to see this flourishing firm move
then works to town. We want in-
LO.O.E., held their annual social in
the Temperance Hall, Tuesday evening
dustry to give the unemployed work,
and think the Teeswater foundryinen last; the attendance was large, and an
could not do better than comeenjoyanle evening was .spent. Mr W.
. to ‘3. t
think the town council of Winghain
for 1892 a "back number," in allowing
a man to patrol the street :4 all night,
hail or shine, for the large amount of
60 cents a night ($4.20 a week). The
NEW ERA. man is in favor of our town
rulers ecrniornizing, but we,claim a
great injustice is being done in taking
the labor of this man, for which he is
only half paid. We hope the intelli-
gent body elected this year will in-
crease the pay of the night patrolman,
and do away with "hack n neiber"
ideas as to how the affaits of a town
should be managed.
think the editor of the Wingliam
Times is of the Chinese kind. In last
week's issue, in referring to the NEW
ERA man's grist from 'Vtlingliarn, he
says "Chief Bullard is a highly paid of-
ficial, and no one knows it better than
.the Chief." The NEw ERA man has
been making investigations as to the
exact amount of Mr Bullard's salary,
and finds that he receives a trifle over
$1 a day of 12' to 16 hours. This sum
apparently appears large t,o the editor
of the Times, but we think he must be
of the rice eating kind, as we think no
Sane man would call Chief Ballard a
well paid official at $1.13 a day. He
further insinuates the NEW ERA man
4.aittuttri PP, ISO*
TO MY PATRONS—I desire to thank you for the liberal support ou
have, given its the past years. Our business has increased over the
previous year, and hope that this year, by fair dealing -.and kind and
strict attention to business to outstrip all former years. In order to
better accommodate our customers and also ourselves, we have de-
termined to enlarge our premises this summer. We have still a large
supply of
IATIWrilii31:6 GOODS
. c u e eon spent a few boom in
town on Monday last; he had been in
Goderich negotiating for the purchase
of the Albion hotel, and•was en route
for Toronto. Mr John Corn yn, Detroit.
is in town, visiting friends. Station
Agent Beemer, of the C.P.R., is so con-
scientious that no amount of persua-
sion could induce him to give baggage to
a western man on Sunday last. Cards
are cut announcing the marriage of
Miss Lou, daughter of Mr Wm. Stew-
art, of this town, to Mr Fox, druggist,
of Wroxeter,
next week. The license
is to be taken from one of the five
hotels in Winghain, and the hotel men
are anxiously waiting to hear which
will be the one. Mrs John Conover,
formerly of the Exchange, and her
son -in law, Mr Harry Garbut. are keep-
ing hotel in Sarnia. Ben Leary, for-
merly proprietor of the British Hotel
here, who has been farming in the
west, is visiting his many friends here.
Which we wish to dispose of at reasonable prices.
Short Snatches orPolitical In -.1
(Toronto Telegram.)"
Wilfrid Laurier has spent some time
clearing the ground for the greet Liberal
convention that will probably be held next
Some gentlemen who sit in the press gal-
lery and read the future as easily as if it
were a last almanac, declare that the Dom-
inion Government will rush on an eleotion
after the approaching session. They are
away off.
When Lord Stanley goes and Lord Aber-
deen comes the new Sir John may not have
the chance that the old ono had to take the
Opposition unawares. Lori Aberdeen will
provea stickler for British precedents, and
he certainly will not see the Opposition
wronged by the Government's anxiety to
•take it unawares.
014 Sir John left no one in politics as
muck like himself as Wilfrid Laurier. The
Liberal leader excites among his followers
the same fort of personal affection which
the stalwarts cherished for Sir John A.
In a late issue of the New York Sun Mr
Edward Ferrer stigmatises the late Hon.
George Brown as a "Scotch Tory who ima-
gined himself to be a Liberal."
W. T. R. Preston left no one bebind him
who can do the ornamestal platform work
for the party. E. Dickey, &diplomat after
the manner of Robert Birmingham,is doing
the quiet work of organization, and judging
by the result of the Peel election is doing it
, well.
To organize a campaign for all Toronto
1 as one constituency, is a task calculatedto
thin the fattest pocket book. They do say
that Dr. Ryerson stands ready to throw
ll8,000 into hie tight. The Doctor could
easily do it and such a sum could be spent
quite legitimately, but the estimate is pro-
bably far in excess of the real amount.
If Sir Oliver Mowat were in feeble health
a Provincial general election might be bur.
ried on in order that the party might not
lose the advantage of going to the country
under his leadership. But the little Prem-
ier was never better. His hair is still far
from white and those who sit behind him
in St. James' Square church on Sundays,
morning and evening, see many men not
yet fifty who look older than Sir Oliver.
Wilfrid Laurier is leader of the Liberals
ir, fact as well as in name, and he it was
who called off the election petitions against
Conservatives in Ontario. He did this to
save the seats of his own followers in
Quebec. There were eight or ten protests
standing over from the general election.
These would have emptied the seats of
Quebec Liberals. Mr Laurier ordered a
truce in Ontario, and J. C. Patterson agreed
to a truce in- Quebeo. The advantages of
this arrangement were all with the Quebec
Liberals, for, ,according to ite terms they
were freelo preastheir own protests against
Conservative members.
Kind Wordm.front Competent
Before us is No. 1,• volume 28, of the
Clinton NEW ERA, and ou. verdict is
that Bro. Holmes gets out an excellent
local newspaper. The ERA is not only
well filled with current events, but the
paper is well printed and put together
in mechanical style. The clean, neat
appearance of a newspaper is as essen-
"was beyond his depth" rn writing up tial to its side as its contents. You
the Ruby case, but we would say to have our benediction, Holmes, for the
the editor of the Times that we have continued success of the NEW ERA.—
written for some of the largest metro- Atwood Bee.
politan papers in the country, and The Ornton Now ERA, with IDA
been connected with newspapers years week's issue, entered on its twenty -
before he existed, and we know what eighth year. The NEw ERA is getting
we are saying. up in years, but, as a newspaper, It
takes no second place in Western CM -
Sunday afternoon there was t,rouble at bpi?. The people of Clinton and vi -
the Salvation Army Meeting. A
cvy appreciate the NEW ERA'S worth
girl in the act of praying at the peni-
and patronize it accordingly:—Wing-
tent form, was rescued from the salvo- ham
tion shouters by an irritated brother,
P The 22,000 lbs. cheese manufactured in
Who succeeded ill dragging his sister Canada for the World's Fair cost 0,089.
Mr, Arthur Allan,son of the late Sir Hugh
Allan, was suffocated by.emoke in his lodg-
ings at Montreal.
Mr, James Eagleson, sr., of Sandridge.
Ont., was found dead in his bed on Sunday
morning. Heart failure.
William Zeigler, a real estate' man, is
seeking to purchase a controlling interest in
The Brooklyn Eagle. The owners of the
paper want $3,600,000,
The weather throughout Europe is in-
tensely cold. In Russia the mercury ie re-
portedto have fallen to 690 below zero, and
in Siberia to 790 below zero. Wood fires
are kept burning in the streetsjof St.Peters-
ourg for the benefit of wayfarers.
Last year -three hundred and twenty-six
persons were killed at grade crossings in Chi-
cago. Almost one a day.
Mr. John Albraith, living about five
miles from Paisley, came to town Saturday
to do some shopping. He left in the even-
ing on toot for home and was not afterward
seen till this afternoon, when his body was
found frozen inside his Auld and near
Mr. James Masson, Ocnnitervative M. P.
for North Grey, announces that he will
not again be canaidatts for Parliamentary
Sir John Thompson, it is said, will not
reimpose the discribinatory canal tolls a-
gainst the United Bastes, the coming sea -
While R. C. Russel and w ife of St. John's,
Nfld., were attending church service, their
twosand-a-balf year old daughter set fire to
her clothing and was burned to death.
Rev. John Pringle, ex -moderator of the
Manitoba Presbyterian synod, will accept a
call to St. Paul, Minn.
Mr. James &serif, aged 85, and Mr.
Stephen B. Tree, aged 84, two poineer set-
ters of Oxford county. have just died in
Woodsock, The former was a Methodist
and the latter a Baptist. Both were highly
respected and wealthy.
A special cable from the Old Conntry
says there is not meal likelihood of Gen.
Wolseley being the next Canedian Governor-
General. Lord Aberdeen il1 likely be the.
Only two of the newspapers in Toronto
support the N. P., and one of them could
not exist a day if the atonopolists did not
but up a portion of the profits wrung from
the consumers to keep it going.
Wm. Wells, age 22, bpokkeepor for the
Toronto Warehousing Company, was en-
gaged in carpenter work near the elevator
shaft of the offi ;a Monday, when the weight
that runs the elevator became unhooked,
and falling from the third story, struck
the young man on the head; killing, him
instantly. He was a steady, temperate
youug rain and much esteemed.
Come Into subscribers premises, lot 31, eon. 2,
Ooderaih Townsbip, some time age, one Ewe 0.11..dt
two Iambs. Owl er is hereby notified to prove - ••-••-•""
property, pay chargee and take them away.
The Council of the Corporation of the C'ounty'
31 Enron, will meet in the Court House in the
Town of doderloh, on TUESDAY, the 24th inst.,
at 3 o'elock; p m. WM. LANE, County Clerk.
Jan. 6th, 1833.
• T. E. McDONOUG11,-
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Money torLoan on Farm and Town Property in
large or email sums at the lowest current rrtee.
1111111op Motel Fire losoraoce Co
The At1111141 Meeting of the members of the
MolUliop Fire Insurance Company will be held
JAN. 20th, H93, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose
of receiving the Financial Statement and Aud1.
tors' licport, electing (Pruden and the millrace
tion Of other business in the interest of the ooze -
Pros. W. 3. SILSZNON, Seey