HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-01-20, Page 4i 201 .1893 �- o ( L..IN�T./ TN NE Rill ERA M *T �. a1gxtid!l>X,i'tl#$' Molt :& \Vitiemat —Jackson Bros. Dr McLellan Estate J. Iadgens o ..ex'&Co JacksouBros' s -*-Estate John Hodgens rid- *A. T. Cooper ' ins—Beesley & Co and Shoes -J,' Twitchell tore, -Jos ;Ohldley olnitbin g'• J+ Beaton .ed -A. Qantelozlt__: C. Davidson inter Goode - R .tl„danis .), 'irtter. \Vanted-Cantelon Bros. Q-� J X :ou tw- fita FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1893 1leri4. Convention will be held in ''on Tuesday next to arrange relating : to the general well tine party', ,iis going to be Warden? That's ;nation: now. Some people say it McMurchie, reeve of Clin- :'tile 's nonan we would be leased to see receive the hon- . is not in the field we by Joe Griffin; of Ashfield. e town council has started the _witha commendable spirit of en- ise, and the newspapers will most edly second their efforts, which 1 not be labor spent in vain. There q openings here for several indus- i+es, and a little effort may get them tab1ip11 ed, altott ' c0arthy has been almost 00, o:i t of the Conservative party by ;he?;' mei+e, because he advocates a 1;ager the trade policy, and now a i 0' ien, the Conservative repre- 'e of Muskoka, is out strongly ing the removal of all unneces- uties, as the only means of mak- ),a.nada the trading emporium of oritinent. °Additional Local News. Huron Presbytery. 'orelgn Mission $00107 Tower Oouncil, 8olmefivlllo IFuNirRAI. SERMON, -- The funeral REFORM CoxvlNTIAN,—The annual The Women's Foreign Mission Sect- The Council met according to statute, sermon of the late Mrs Forster, whose meeting. of the Reform ,Association of - ety, of Willis Church, held its annual on Monde morning. The committee death was announced in last week's South Buron (Dominion will be held meeting on the 11th, to which the to strike tee Standing Committees for issue, was preached by Rev. W. Ayers, at Dixon's Hall, Bzucef eld, on Mon - ladies from other churches had been in- the ear, selected by ballot,was Messrs taking as bis text "It is appointed un- day, January the 23rd, at 1 o'clock,p.m. McTaggart, McMurchie, Arznstzongg, to men once to die,"Heb, 9, 27. for the purpose of electing officers and Kennedy and Plummer. It then ad- GONE WEST,—Miss Susie Jenkins the transaction of any other business ; journed until the evening, when the left on the afternoon train on Monday, that may come before the meeting, report of this committee, • recommend- for Ox Bow, N,W,T. It is hoped that Mr McMillan. M, P., is expeeted to be ing the following committees,was read it will never be said of her that "she present and deliver an address. It is and adopted : never returned (erucic.)" Susie will hoped that there will be a good at- STREET.—MoMurohie, Chairman; Plummer, be missed in social circles h@re, aS she tendance of Reformers. At the meet - Armstrong. McKenzie, Overbury. was not only ar friend among friends, intend aa delegates are f;be elected to Searle Nile �edy anons.,C mer.an;MoMurehie, -but a ataundh supporter of everything g Free AND WATER. —Kennedy, Chairman; good, All Join in wishing her joy and Held in Toronto' on the 24th, for the Jones, Taylor. comfort in her new home. purpose of forming an association to CHARITY. — McMurray, Chairman; Searle, perfect the Liberal organization in the 0 b ROYAL TE1irPI,ARs The re ular P vited, and quite a number accepted the invitation, It is a good sign to. see the members of various denominations un -1 iting together for the promotion of a common end, Mrs. T. Fair occupied the President's chair. The Secretary, Mrs. R. Irwin, read the annual report, the Mission Band report, and a' report of the. Boy's Mission Band; these re- ports show, theSoclety. and its branches to be doing good work,, and though the amount of money raised was not as lftrge as last year, yet these societies -are rowing The united contributions of the W.F.M.A. and Mission Band, was $227 and the boys send $10 for Home Missions. The address of the retiring president, Mrs. J. W. Irwin, was given; Miss Mountcastle gave an account of the work as done in the Episcopal Church; their numbers are few, but their zeal is great. Mrs Shil- ton gave a report of the work done in Rattenbury St. Methodist Church; this society has latelytaken up work with the Chinese. Ms Smyth spoke about the work as done by the ladies of On- tario St. Methodist Church. The mon- ey which had been raised, was dedicat- ed to God's work, with prayer. by Mrs Lough. Mrs. T. Fair gave an interest- ing account of the Presbyterial meet-� ing at Goderich. Several parties took part in the musical portion of the meet- ing. The .officers elect for this year are:—Mrs.•T. Fair, President. Mrs A. Stewart, 1st vice. Mrs. W. Coats, sr.,, 2nd vice. Mrs. R. Irwin, Sec-Treas.— The society expects to do much better work this year than ever. Church Notes. A full choir is expected to be in at- tendance at the Catholic church nest Sunday. Rev. A. H. Renton has commenced evangelistic services in the First Metho- dist Church, St. Thomas. Rev. Mr Fairlie, of St. Paulo; and Rev. Mr Hodgins, of Seaforth, ex- changed pulpits on Sunday. The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. And- rews, Mary St., on Jan. 26, at 3 p. m. Rev. Mr Dyke, who had the misfor- tune to get both hands frozen in the northwest last week, is a brother of Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Belgrave. The Huron Sunday School Conven- resbytery of Huron met in tion will be held in the Methodist and t>,rch, Goderich, on Tuesday, Presbyterian churches, Blyth, on Tues - The attendance of ministers day and Wednesday, Jan. 2dth and �s ides smaller than usual, and 25th. iortant business was transact- Rev. J. Carmichael, of Brome, Que., f�enderson, of Manchester,was has accepted a call to a church in the ;;d'''Moderator for the ensuing States. If we mistake not he is a na- ths. , The records of several tive of Clinton; being a son of Dean to the effect that this municipality -were examined and attested. Carmichael, of Montreal, well-known of:Anissionary services held as a for mer pastor of St. Paul's. is prepared to gr�etit exemption from em In, and members who had The members of the W.F.M.S. of taxation-, for a term of years, to any able to hold the services as- the Rattenbury St. Methodist church manufacturing establishment or indus- tr• not conflicting. with existing inclus- e them were enjoined to do so purpose holding a Parlor Concert at Y e earliest possible date. Owing the Parsonage on Friday, Feb. 10th; tries, which might be induced ,t '_locate .e absence, through illness, of Mr a pleasant time may be expected. here, said industry to employ not less ,_'Simpson, convener of the Sab- . Silver collection at the door. A good than ten hands for ten months in the ,hSchool Committee, the discussion program will be provided. year. the report on Sabbath Schools was In the Chatham Planet, of last Councillor Armstrong endorsed £erred till next meeting. The con- week, appears an' able paper on "The the motion warmly. Councillor Tay- eration of the question of Presby- Great Conflict between Capital and for would he willing to go even further al oversight of Societies of Chris- Labor," read- before the Ministerial by placing no restrictions on the num- ti Endeavor, was also deferred. Mr Association by Rev. W. H. Butt, pas- ber of men employed; the factory at usgrave obtained leave to moderate tor of the Methodist church, in that Hensall did -not employ ten men the i, `'a call at Fsgmondville. After hear- place. year round, but they brought a Tot of }ng what had been done in the way of At the annual ineetin_g of the officers money into the place that should be Ch distributed in Clinton: Conecillor CEMET RY.—Searle, Chairman; MoMurchio, meeting of Holmesville council was - rovhnce. McKenzie. held on Monday evening in the hall. NOTES.—The large congregation in Union church, which gathered on PROPERTY AND ELEOTRIO LIGHT. — Jones, Chairman; Kennedy, McMurray, Taylor. Four new members were initiated, and Sabbath evenig last, to hear Rev. J.A. Armstrong, s lu,lmmer, Chairman; MoMurchie, quite a number have promised to join McDonald, of 'Varna, were disappoint- rn the near future This looks well Orrmens,—McTaggart, Chairman; MoMur- for the new council, as strength ed, as the Rev. entleman did not ap- means success. Nest meeting will be pear. Rev. J. H. Simpson is improv - held on Monday evening: the 23rd, and ing slowly, and is now able to walk all desirous of becoming chartered , about the house some; owing to his members should make it a point to be I illness the services ofUnion church will present. Messrs W. Pickard and E.C. be next Sabbath at 2.30 p.m., Sabbath Potter attended 'the District Oonven- I School at 1 p. m. and Christian En - tion of the R. T. of T., held at Varna, deavor at 7 p.m. The commercial on Tuesday. ohie, Kennedy, Plummer Armstrong. COURT or REVISION.—idoTaggart, Chairman; MoMnrohie, Kennedy, Plummer, McKenzie. BOARD or HEALTH.—McTaggart, Chidley, Coats, Stevenson and Irwin. JOINT PARK cows! res.—MOTaggart, Fair, Doherty, Paisley—Representatives of Council. D. A. Forrester, S. G. Plummer A. H. Man- ning—Representatives of Agrioultural Society. Mayor MoTaggart ox -of. a member of all Committees to which he is not specially ap- pointed. The Automatic Telephone Co. of Ca- nada, made application for the exclu- ive right to erect and maintain a tele - hone system in town, offering to give the town a percentage of the revenue derived. Mayor McTaggart stated that it would be unjust to grant any company an exclusive privilege of this kind; the Bell Co. had invested its money and given the people a fairly satisfactory service, and if the new company pos- sessed the superior facilities that it claimed, let them erect their lines and they would soon crowd the ether out of business. On motion the matter was referred to the Street Committee. On motion of Coun. Kennedy, sec. by Coun. Armstrong, Mr Doherty was appointed High School Trustee, in place of Mr H. Foster, whose term has expired. On motion of Coun. McMurchie, sec. by Coun. Kennedy. Mr John McGarva was appointed auditor. Mayor Mc- Taggart appointed Mr P. Cantelon, jr., as the second auditor, to receive 10 each for their services. Mayor McTaggart thought that as the vote on the cow question had been so decisive, the By-law Committee should be instructed to prepare a by- law dealing with the question, and submit it at the next meeting of the Council. On motion of Coun. Arm- strong, sec. by Coun. Jones, the com- mittee was so instructed. Moved by Reeve McMurchie, sec. by Deputy -Reeve Kennedy, that the Clerk be instructed to advertise in the Globe Empire and Mail (two insertions each) THOSE WHO VISIT.—Mr and Mrs Whiteman, of Kippen, were the guests of Mrs Holdsworth, on Sunday last. Miss Eunice Ivison, of Kippen, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs F. Potter. Mise Susie Jenkins visited friends on the Base line, on Sunday, prior to her departure for the West. Miss Way, of Colborne, is visiting at the Ramsey House. Miss Eva Lind- say has been sending a few days with her friend, Miss Emily Ford. Mr M. Mugford and wife are visiting relatives in Benmiller. Rev. Ales Birks called upon friends in the village a few days sine. NOTES.—Rev. W. Ayers attended revival services on Kippen circuit last week. Mr Fred Elford is visiting this week in Kippen neighborhood; it is his intention to visit some Royal Templars' meetings and a Farmers' convention, at' Hensall, before return- ing. Andrew Courtice preached here on Sunday evening. We see Mr Stan- ley trying to break a colt in the way it should go. Miss Alice Potter left for Nile on Monday, where she has secured a- situation with Mrs (Rev.) A. Fear. Mr Jas. Phipps returned home on Saturday night from the North West, much to the surprise of his travellers, who statedly visit here, were a week bd(lind their date on ac- count of the great snow storm. Quite a number of Royal Templars attended the district meeting in Varna, last, Tuesday. Mr John Allan is home from Ox Bow for a few weeks ; he looks hale and hearty. The Y.P.S.O.E., -of Union church, have their new topic cards out, they are very neat; they re- flect credit on the committee, and the NEW ERA office. Rev. Jas. Walker conducted the services during the week of prayer,' alternating in the Methodist and Union Presbyterian churches, and the Rev. Mr Acheson gave the annual address at the W.F. M. meeting; Mr B. R. Higgins ably oc- cupied the chair on that evening; the music by the choir, as well as Mr Ache - son's address, was excellent. The ser- vice in the Methodist church will be at 6.30 next Sunday, 22nd, when Rev. Mr Smyth, of Clinton, will preach a Mis- sionary sermon and take up a sub- scription for that fund. Hensall NOTES.—Mr McEwen, of Seaforth, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist ohurch on Sunday morning last,whilst Rev Geo. McKinley was in Seaforth. • Rev Mr Currie, of Glencoe, preached friends. Goderich township council anniversary sermons in the resbyyte- rian church, on Sunday last; on Mon - met here on Monday for transaction of day evening a free social was given to business. He ran hard to the station the other morning, but he might as. the congregation, after which the an- the nual business meeting was held, when well have remained still, for he wa late. George Lavis is the assessor for' the church building and all other funds of the church were declared paid, and this year; he will call on you some of a surplus of some $40 remaining. Rev these days, hide your dog. Has there been a by-law passed in this village J S. Henderson attended the meeting Tues - against cruelty to animals? we imagine of the Presbytery, at Goderich, Tues - that if the poor horse could speak, it inday. Messrs W. Stoneman, Ezra Roed- nd- would be saying "do not lave ua here by edgthe DJ. istrict Council and W. NR.T.of Tevan . on this station even if you have to jump Tuesday last, at Varna. Mr Jas. Dal - after the train has started." rymple, blacksmith, was, on Saturday last, married to Miss Betsy, youngest Westfield. daughter of Mr Robert Fairburn, of Norex.—Mrs John Johnston, from Tuckersmith. The Mechanics' Insti- Stratford,has been visiting with friends tute Board has arranged with Sara in this neighborhood for some time Lord Bailey, dramatic reader, of Bos - past. A little trouble arose in tbis ton, to give an entertainment here, on school with the teacner,'Mr. Morish, February lst. over the punishment of Mr John Black's 'boy; Mr Black summoned the • trustees to sit on the case; they gave West Wawailosh. their verdict that if the boy needs CouxcrL,—Council mot according to statutes another strapping he is toget}t. Miss on Jan. 16th. ,.The following took the declara- tions of qualification and otlice:—Reeve Alex, woo WOO LT. We have sold more Berlin Wool this season than we • have for several years, for why, we cannot say for sure, but we claim it is because the weather has been more severe, and our stock which is large and varied kept as few Fanc y Goods store do. Our lady clerks take pride in keeping it free from eo ure and du and a iia covered by theo re -arrange tcoe n portion congregations of School,d chers ofheld on VWlednesday evening, urch Plummer thought the motion a proper beenhamting with ffrom riends here, return- Stuart; rs,tThosJrodd, Robt.Medd anhJames bThos Council- . i-nin. $e Bethany, b'r g• one, but he was afraid that some ire Gogfl els, Union Church in the following officers vers were appointed. i dnstries spoken of would not employ tin eoofe after many warm making fr the acqu Dr, j h $ officials' rs f or 18 As ess fall ws s- Gloderfch township,and Leehnrn, it ,lames Scott, Supt.; G. Swallow, Asst.; that number of hands. The motion6a Col - Was decided not to pros cute the mat- M.D. McTSecy.; T. art, Jacksons.i.. Asst.; as- was amended by striking out the words reams Clarke HooverR land, Wisconsin, onsinwho has eis then appor day. inted:—R. following rs J c5 Commis - 6 y 1 they at presnt. aid, Secy.,+ "ten men for ten months " and c trried 6 g Ward, �1Proasuror w A Wilson, Assessor; A. v McMurchie. Librarian; obi. Aynew, one on a visit toh' p cuts, he I).acron, Collector, John Webster and J. 13. James Scott J. W. Council then ad,lotn•la�ed.e tends returning shortly. The voices- w a horland Auditors. The members of the n m is ar m - on Presbyterial Society Asst. Auditors, o f Irwin Brussels. pendent to the Blyth Standard made Council wore appointed road Commissioners, Tho Glerk was authorized toe ache, or .i cop - nual to do their utmost when match- ing is required (in wool we mean). A customer said the other day that the cheap yarn is not the most profitable to buy,and will now buy nothing but the Best Yarns, such as Pyramid, Baldwin or Peacock brands. We have not as large a stock as we had the first of the season, but we still have enough to supply the wants of many. Saxony, Andalusian, Gobelin, Saxony 1 and other special makes. rus5e 5. nual meeting of this Society The DTordenMan., Herald alludes NOTES. —TtVm. Roddick has been a slight anistake about the marriage ;robe awards and docu ots n hs posse tilos, thus to a well lino wn HuI'ronian:— Theof Mr J. Stonehouse; he got it a week other than those which his duties require him in Knox Church, Ge most ch,on Rev. M. C. Rnmball arrived ou Wed- ,confined• to the house for sone time ahead, it was not until this week; Joe todo.gratis, ata rate not exceeding dont cents nd was one of interesting yet dThe e tli Bluff; , from his old home in Hurn wagain.. th a Siire Ml$8 i3irdiebut Tioberton iswisilt thought it apretty long .week waiting per hundred words The Treasurers report Blutl; Dina. Rur mall accom anied him showed balance and receipts of $5812.75, and athering of earnest, inter- in at `ieacht'th. We are pleased to for that awful hour to come. Mr New- expenditure $4192,81 leaving $819.91 on hand to most of the Auxiliaries case far as the .junction, an then pro- gton,Cam hell is able to be out again, Januar account. The report was rated. The state tical. Mrs W. B. Dickson's health and ted. An address of wel- On Wednesday enieded on her way to. ng as large social has beengreatly improved in Colors- `din with itchellise of his learn ng tthesbla kr thorMnn�ci alrWorldrw boilorlere i forexamined oe hen by Mrs. Anderson, of lllland acco teed as satisfactory- Seven copies of the reply by Miss Gra- gathering of Knox Church congregtt- ,�°' Mr Dickson is crMiss eI3riend thof , amithing with Mr Ferguson, Munches- Council and officials, The fellowin ,, will coin- ndville. One of the roost tion and friends, took dace in inist r, Seaforth is vision > at P. Scott's. ter. Mr D. Ramsay has again` opened prise tho Board of Health for 1893:—Messrs urea of the occasion, was Hall, to welcome their new minister, The new' school board held its first the old blacksmith doors at the corner, Stuart, as Medical Waal cd GibsonThed Med report address by Mrs. Fletcher, the Rev. M. C. Rum hall. meeting for 189:3 on Wednesday even- and is ready to do work second to none ed having registered 48 births, 14 marriages road. Inc reports from theg y in the County. Mrs Wm. J. Parks and 24 deathsdurin�1892. Tho following checks ingof this week. Miss Campbell, of wore issued:—Municipal World, 7 copes, $0.75; rrt n'East W awanosh. had a severe attack of pluresy a short P ren auxilliaries were very succor- Seaforth, was visiting in town last: S: i{err, it ditch and piping S.B., 7 cop Jas. Don- n , and a deeper interest ivas mani- NARRow ESCAPE.—On the evening week. Our three new teachers, Mr time ago; she is not recovering the way Helly damage removinggravel, $1; It. 1{.Miller, t gin them all. The membership is of Tuesday, 10th inst., the residence of Cameron, Miss Downey and Miss Coop- her friends would like. Mr F Brown -registration foes, $8.60; Alex.Stuart, reports, contributions $1200, value of cloth- ! M. H. Harrison narrowly escaped be- er, were on the sick List this week; the ridge, from Flesherton,paid the friends oto., $6; Downs ion, Clerk, election n lexpellees, p noes, sent to the northwest, $-129. There ing destroyed by fire. The fire origin- school was closed, with the exception of this vicinity a flying visit this week. sorvicos under Ditches and Watercourses Act, a large gathering in the eveningg, ated around the chimney and burned of one room, for a couple of days. $2. Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, V. Dr. Tire, presiding. Rev. R. P, the gabel out of the east end; no other Leslie O'Connor, who has been man- Summerhill Feb. 18th. It. K. MILLER, Clerk. 11lcLean, Sec.FodreignbMissiiodn Cor n - serious damage was done. The loss aging the Electric Light dynamo for- (Intended for last weak.) gavefully d b insurance.thep t twoyears,intends removing —The store owned by Mr G. M. tee an admirable e a cess. a was li recovers y as FIRE, officers elected were'as follows:—Mrs. NOTES.—R. Corley and wife were tote States; Harry Janice will have Kilty, .had a narrow escape from de - le cher Thames Road, President.— away last week visiting friends at charge of the dynamo in the future. struction by fire on Friday evening derson, Goderich, 1st VicePre- Mount Forest. The Misses Owens last, the cause being the explosion of a Mrs. Henderson, Hensall, 2nd attended the wedding of a cousin at Stanley lamp. Mr Kilty was absent in Clinton Mrs. Lyons, Seaforth, Secretary; Orangeville last' Wednesday. Hugh ANNUAL MEETING. — The annual at the time and there was no one near cLean, Seaforth, Treasurer. • McBurney leaves forhis one in meeting -sof the Stanley d Brach q n at the time and there was uite a blaze a g District Lod Michigan this week. The Lt'te Literary Agricultural Society was h elat B ay- Beyond the society on the 6th con. is not a great field on Monday last, when the follow -B success this year; these"sucieties are • ing officers were elected:—Pres., J. when it was discovered. destructioniof candies &c. the damage quarterly meeting of theDistrict getting to be a thing of the past. The I McNaughton; Vice Pres., J. Beacom; was slight. of Good Templars was held atthermometer was as low as 100 below Sec., H. Erwin; Treas., John Morgan; IMPROVEMENT.—, The school -house ve, on the 18th inst., and was zero last week, and the snow is two Lirectors, Jos. Wild. Thos. Harrison, here has for years been the subject of, ttended, considering the weather feet and a half deep on the level. P. E: Snowden, Geo. Erwin, J. Parke, many ridiculous remarks but it has .ads. Reports from various lodges J. Johnston, W. Townsend, W. Bates during the holidays just past been given, showing progress. Mem- R. Penhale; Auditors, Jas. Donaldson thoroughly renovated. The roof has hili reported 789. 10 lodges wereand W. H. Woods. been raised and the ceiling made par - resented arid ,16 not. TheExecutive tially in the form of a cove, and lined v as instructed to make ar- or a month's campaign in by Mrs. Hitchcox. Mrs. nto,Grand Su t.of Juvenile as present andgave the Ju - e to refrain rom either moking, drinking or pro- s members. A motion was sry carried, pledging mem- support only temperance can- oes at dominion and Local elec- s. Votes of thanks were givenMrs At, and the Belgrave Lodge for the orough entertainment and hospitali- -shown the delegates. An entertain - dirt was given in the evening. and a C'ture by Mrs. Scott. The next meet - will be held in Lucknow, on Tues - .,May 16. District Orange Lodge CARD—Dr. McLellan,whose card ap- pears ears elsewhere, has been practising in Middlesex for a number of but ut makes a specialty of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, having at- tended the New York hospitals special- ly for that purpose; his practice rs now largely devoted to cases of this kind; he makes his first visit to Clinton on Friday, March 3. To CORRESPONDENTS. - We thank most cordially all those who help to make the NEW ERA so bright every week by correspondence from various quarters. As soon as supplies are ex- hausted, we shall be pleased to serd more, and if at any time a request is overlooked, as it may be in the rush of business, do not assume that we don't wish to send more, but repeat the re- quest, as we have no desire to lose the services of a solitary one of our valued helpers. Harlock. NOTES.—We are pleased to learn that Mr and Mrs Henry Allen are re- covering from their recent illness, as is also Mrs Arthur Parsons. We wel- come back the genial countenance of Mr Robt Reid, who has been spending the ;past few years 1 in Brandon; he speaks highly of the country and in- tends, we understand, returning in the spring. Our general merchant Mr Samuel Rei has replenished his stock NOTES.—Mr Neil McGregor returned on the 9th, from a two weeks' sojourn among friends and acquaintances in Bruce county. Mr John Gilmour had the misfortune to lose by sickness a fine -two year old colt, on Monday of last week. Miss Janet Grant and Miss Isabella McFarlane left on Monday to attend a session of the Normal School at Ottawa. Master Hugh Gilmour and his sister Janet have stone to visit friends in Turnbury. Rev. Mr Mc- Nabb, of Lucknow, has taken charge of the late Mr Ross' congregation at Brucefield. Mr James Gilmour and sister,of Turnberry, are visiting friends here. Rising Sun Grange will hold its annual supper and social in the house of Mr John Gilmour, 2nd con., on the evening of Feb. 1st. Connor'. —Council mot on Monday ncoording :da A very successful meeting of L.O.L. -District of HnIlett, was held In the hall qf L.O.L. 703, Seaforth, on the 17th .inst. A large representation from the ',district was presspt, and a profitable tihne was spent. Addresses as to the regress of the order were given by Cessrs. A. M. Todd, C,M., Jas.>iorney, J,M., and others, which showed the order to be in a flourishing condition throughout the district. iI" The 'following officers were elected ,fo the entreat year: Jae. Hornet', W. of goods an his many customers will of 1892, was ordered to bo orracod and loft with Dilly' John Ford D.D.M.'P.Cantelon giallo difficulty in having their wants the County Treasurer to collect. Tho collector f:l` M KtrltY' DFS• Robert supplied Notwithstanding the ex- was instructed to remit $247 (being.part , it Di; together with the walls with lumber and then oiled. This will give the re- quired amount of air space. It is now one of the finest buildings for the pur- pose in the township. The work was done by Mr Chris. Beacom,which goes to say that it is done in a manner that will meet the approval of all. NOTES.—Mumps are very- prevalent around here. A few clays ago Mrs Campbell had the Misfortune to get a kick from a colt, breaking her collar bone; she has also been very ill since but is improving. Mr J. N. Sheppard, who was visiting in this vicinity has returned to Chicago to resume his studies in the Veterinary College there; we wish him success. Mr F. McIlveen is making reparation for the erection of a barn • 70; Mr C. Beacom has the to Statute, Mr Torrance absent through illness, contract; the gentleman has also the Deputy Reeve in the chair. Tho following ap- contract of building, one for Mr W. pointments were made: John Tough. Assessor; d John Reid, Treasurer• G. J. Stewart, Clerk; Tiplady. Our goo Temple -re visited Geo. Baird and John Harrison, Auditors; J. B. Londesboro on Tuesday evening and Secord, Nathan Peck, Robt. Mollveon, with Dr. re ort havinghada good time. Elliott, Medical Health °dicer do act with ren ;t Reeve and Clerk as Board of Health. The fol. lowing accounts were ordered to be pal(: Morris Andrew Stinson, $1.65 for wood for hall; Sam. NOTES.—Mrs Frank Bell, 3rd line, is uol Reid 388 keopin 'Wm. Thompson to Doc. 31st., 18911; Ed. Gldh, $2.05 gravel; Mrs Dallas, 80c., gravel; sohoole used for election purposes, $2 each; Deputy Returning officers, including Poll Clerk $5 oaoh; school Section No. 7, $20 balance of back tax on non-resident iota 14 and 15, South boundary. Curtain uncolloetablo tax tho roll of 1891 which was placed on the roll visiting her sisters, Mrs D. Cruick- shanks and Miss Violet Bone, in Toron- to, this week. John Mason, 3rd line, had the misfortune to lose a valuable milk cow on Tuesday of last week; milk fever is supposed to have been the cause. Messrs Itobt. and Andrew Samples of Brussels, have erected a shanty in Rich. '' rmstrong's swamp,• tee. Hatile'e. Il,Cha . - Creme intlemeney Of the . weather, our Vis o/ Vero/Vs tetea to haTreasurere he.baoka audited the, are now ht s felling the' faroet, ettH T, y1' tiror y el f sand les, n the m st r � heautie g y - nntiil ' vdel Vis, Levi Sallthy Bever f lied -w i tupplyin usbttr nden4 ae oarm:4 totceetMondas' yob, 13, t o c o j bachelor'§ halll, • cif lid , G. J; �Tzion T4 Cleric, r 1 1 t' Bhgl its T D ' +Olin' Bullar 'faithful and yal>iable p et -matter, hits ofi•'or bet re the 18th of February. do 1 k { " w 1W-NYt,..u�r CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. 1Thursday, Jan. 19, 1893. Wheat fall • 0 62 a 0 65 Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 63 Oats 0 28 a 0 29 Barley U 30 a 0 35 Peas 0 52 a 0 55 Flour per bal a 4 30 Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs per doz 0 16 a 0 17 Potatoes new per bushel 0 35 a 0 40 Tnakeys per ib 0 08 a 0 10 Geese per lb 0 07 a 0 09 Dnoke per pair 0 40 a 0 70 Chickens per pair 0 25 a 0 40 Pork 8 15 a 8 25 Wool 0 16 a 0 16 Hay, new 6 03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 Hides, rough 2 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75 Wood short 2 25 a 2 25 Wood long 3 00 a 3 50 Clover 7 00 a 7 50 Timothy 1 50 a 2 00 Blacksmithing fit Horseshoeing Subscriber desires to thank the people of this vicinity for the patronage bestowed on him einoe he started in business. At the same time he would intimate that ho is prepared to do all kinds of Blaokemithing in the best manner and at low rates. Horseshoeing done at following prices:— New shoe 25o cash or 300 if charged. He has also aquantity of Hoof Oil which he will sell cheap. WALTER BEATON, Downs' Stand, High Street, Clinton. -'-41 DR IELELLAN, LONDON, ONT 497 Talbot St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the Now York Bye and Bar Hospital 1889. Poet Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medles' School and Hospital on Eye, Bar Nose and Throat 1892. Byes Tested. Full stool's of Artificial s Byeat eetaoles and Len- ses.the RattenbUry House, OLD TON, The First FEIDAY in Bach Month. COOPER C STATIONERS, FANCY GOO DEALERS, &c. CLINTON, ONT. pew Aituer#loeinetttO WANTED. A reliable person wanted to rent a good farm, and to act as Assistant Postmaster in Post office thereon. For further particulars apply to A. CANTELON, Postmaster, Lorlie P.O., N.W.T. 131 Oliarges Mo dera Ae riirat Visit MA�,08rd nett. Hours 10 �o to '4,, d WHERE -ARE YOU MOVING TO? We are going to Chippewa Co., Michigan, near Sault Ste Marie. Why do you go there ? Well, we have five boys, we have sold the farm for $5;- 000. We can buy 640 acres between Pickford and the Rail- road Station at Reedyard, and have a good farm for each of the boys and have money left. What can a renter do there? He can buy a farm on five years time, and pay for it with one fourth of the money he would pay for rents in that time, and own his his home. Is it good 1andi As good as any in Huron Co. Ex- cellent for Oats, Peas, Wheat, Clover, Timothy, Potatoes and all kinds of roots. Prices are as good as any on the lakes, owing to the nearness of the mines and lumber woods to the westward, What class of people live there 1 They are nearly all from Huron Co. You meet there so many old neighbors that you can hardly be- lieve'you have left home. I want to see that land. Who has it for sale? Inquire of E.C. DAVIDSON Sault Ste Marie, Mich. JACKSON'S TICKET AGENCY •n !rr( :py, Ii�►'''iIII II�IIIIIIIIIi� sssseNhs W1 JACKSON, - Tower AGE111J,' G.'t'i tt,ry mums 1 'f s t• ,/